~  Articles by other Authors  ~
!  Gerardus' Grist  !

001 - The Sphinx...
As I sit down to write this I am amazed at how one post can get people from all over the world to come alive. The opening of the Hall of Records at Giza has been prophesied for many years and we are indeed very close to making this event manifest. A truely glorious happening. But as of yet there is no empherical evidence of its opening that has come my way. Since I posted the original mail I have had confirmation of parts...   30 Kb.

002 - Here's Seth...
I come here, as an (humorously) endearing personality, with characteristics to which I hope you can relate. These characteristics are mine, and I am who I say I am, and yet the Seth you know is but a small part of my reality, the one that has been physical, and can relate to your problems...   54 Kb.

003 - About Death...
The truth about who`s really running the show on this planet. The truth about aliens. The truth about the upcoming earth changes, cometary impacts, and the Wave. If you can name it, then chances are, they`ve suppressed something about it. Lightness is truth and knowledge, and darkness is the suppression of truth and knowledge, and what you don`t know, can hurt. So, what was one of the big realizations that I had?   30 Kb.

004 - Crop Circles...
A very well known Crop Circle Website that connects you with what`s happening in the fields Internationally. Most amazing designs seen on this side of the Earth. There still is no conclusive idea of who makes these cropcircles, except for the near impossibility that they could be made by a few people with big shoes or boards. They are most intriguing if not perplexing. Go and have a look here and be amazed if not conked out for a while...

005 - Yada Speaks...
More than twenty years ago, I was reading a book that contained a few pages with Yada's Words. Immediately I established contact with the people who channeled Yada. That was the most blessed move I ever made. Yada is one of the greatest Masters around and he still inspires me when I think about him or go through his lectures. Skip everything but read these Lectures! Great Stuff...

006 - The Datre Files...
This is a special link directly to the Datre Files. I find the Datre Material excellent, however I cannot judge for you. The Datre Groups claims that Seth is an aspect of their group. The same thing has also been claimed by other channelers. The universe is full of contradictions and miracles. Maybe it is up to us to figure them all out our own way in our own time. I have done so on these pages. By the way - Datre has many many Files...

007 - The Lion's Roar...
The Lion`s roar is the great and triumphant cry of enlightenment arising from the un-reasonable happiness of the fully awakened one. To those whose hearts have understood the fruitlessness of dualistic grasping and avoidance, whose hearts are turned towards the rising sun of radical spiritual awakening, this shout of liberation is a great source of profound delight. To those whose hearts are still bound by the...   28 Kb.

008 - Faking Miracles...
One of the most popular files on my pages. Unimaginable how many people want to know about so called miracles. Go for it - you are in the majority! I had heard about this subject over the last few years and read a couple of examples, such as the events of the early 1900`s where the 3 young girls at Fatima Portugal saw the spinning sun and the Virgin Mary in the sky. Thousands of people experienced...   Long - 300 Kb.

009 - About The Jinns...
One of the more curious features of the followers of the various religions is that, being so dogmatically certain that in their own particular little faith they already possess the whole Truth about all things in Heaven and Earth, it almost never occurs to any of them to look elsewhere and find out what the followers of other religions may know or may have discovered. 19 Kb.

010 - All About Aliens...
As far as I am concerned it is time to investigate what our relationship is with Alien Beings. How many different kinds are there... and what kind is friendly and which kind is not friendly at all? Many writings suggest that our world is under Alien Control and has been for thousands of years. Do Aliens live on this very Earth for thousands and thousands of years and is Mankind unaware of this? Do we live in a prison because of them?   About 50 Files Here!

011 - Illusion & Reality...
A perennial topic in metaphysics is What is reality? The question also interests people in many fields, from science to philosophy. Here, we will focus on the belief that the material world is not reality, but an illusion. Your everyday person does not believe this. You will find that mostly New Agers, Buddhists, and some philosophers (professional and otherwise) do. Sensitive people benefit from such a philosophy. As they grow...   16 Kb.

012 - How To Achieve Emotional Control...
In this report, I will present some of the most powerful ways to gain control over your own emotions. For most of us, our emotions seem to take over automatically, influencing how we think and how we behave, and consequently, how we conduct our lives. You can vastly increase your personal power by imposing more and more conscious control over your emotional states. Furthermore, your personal power tends to...  100 Kb.

013 - Eclipse/Changes...
Today begins a very important phase for Mother Earth! Today during the solar eclipse a whole new paradigm begins. The universe has been waiting for this day with bated breath. Whenever there is an eclipse of this nature major consciousness changes take place for this is one of the ways the Universe uses to move her Beingness as a whole into the next stage of life. Movement happens as a matter of course for the Universe is built upon...   9 Kb.

014 - Counterfeit Reality...
This article is a comprehensive overview of what the matrix is, why it exists, how it functions, and who controls it. The matrix is a metaphysical holographic web through which we experience physical reality. It coordinates, regulates, and maintains the common arena by which we, as individualized conscious beings possessing freewill, battle against the will of others and face the consequences of our actions... 75 Kb.

015 - Our Great DNA Changes...
Everyone has one double helix of DNA. What we are finding is that there are other helixes that are being formed. In the double helix there are two strands of DNA coiled into a spiral. It is my understanding that we will be developing twelve helixes. During this time, which seems to have started maybe 5 to 20 years ago, we have been mutating. This is the scientific explanation. It is a mutation of our species into something for...   29 Kb.

016 - Robert Morning Sky...
Robert Morning Sky is a native American Indian with a interesting story, this story is supposedly the hidden history of Earth and man. Robert has connected Babylonian and Greek mythological legend to extraterrestrial intervention that is still part of our planet today. I met Robert after his presentation at a UFO convention a few years ago. His presentation was very entertaining he danced in full Native American...   9 Kb.

017 - David Icke Articles...
All this was told to me on March 29th 1990 and on the second visit about a week later. At the time, I was a BBC television presenter and national spokesman for the Green Party and had no idea what this was all about. Yet ten years later, most of it has happened or is happening. Even down to the five books in three years, which I wrote to the month. I had remembered reading in her book that this can happen when spirits are trying...   16 Kb.

018 - Reality Manipulation...
This article details the workings of synchronicity, time travel, reality creation, and explains the motivation of negatively polarized beings as the alpha draconians. It further shows why the New Age belief that *there are no victims* is incorrect, explains what emotion is and how it is used to manipulate reality, reveals why some beings lack emotion and what they are unable to do as a consequence... 21 Kb.

019 - Drugs, Money, Lies...
One night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying: There is no such thing, at this date of the world`s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.   45 Kb.

020 -Chemtrails Explained...
If you haven't realized it until now . . this whole war that has been raging in this corner of the Universe for eons is over the issue of control-- the power to control the lives and energy of those beings who reside, not only on this planet, but also on all the other planets in this vicinity, and even into the other dimensions. As always, the best allegory I can find for this situation is in the book A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle...   47 Kb.

021 - Live a Miraculous Life......
Once you know everything, you're as good as dead - conceptually speaking. You can't grow. Additionally, knowing How It Is, is tainted with conceit. You understand; the uninformed don't. You can correct and direct them. For example, someone may experience something, and they will interpret it through their reality filters. Because you *know*, however, you can put their experience into a more valuable context...   51 Kb.

022 - Spare...

023 - The Cosmic Hierarchy...
In order for you, the readership, to better understand the process of attaining the State of the Christ, we have asked our channel to give a detailed account of the process known as Cosmic Ascension. The process known as Cosmic Ascension is the road-map of energetic changes that, when complete, allows an embodiment to resonate at the vibration of unconditional love...   Thank you Karen - Thank you Carol...   82 Kb.

024 - Ascension - Life of Joy...
An article channeled by Laurie Gilmore on the Ascension as explained by Metatron. There are many speculations about our Ascension. This version is a most valuable addition to the many possible realities of our graduation. I am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension. Excellent article...   58 Kb

025 - Message From Michael Teachings...
Humanity on planet Earth is divided into five different Soul Levels. There are different functions and responsibilities within these five levels. The schematic below indicates these levels and we all begin our first incarnation at the Baby Soul Level. Slowly we move up to the next level when we are ready. The progress people make in their lifetimes is an individual effort and most people are not even aware that there are different levels...   9 Kb.

026 - The Battle for your Mind...
I'm Dick Sutphen and this tape is a studio-recorded, expanded version of a talk I delivered at Las Vegas World Congress of Professional Hypnotists Convention. Although the tape carries a copyright to protect it from unlawful duplication for sale by other companies, in this case, I invite individuals to make copies and give them to friends or anyone in a position to communicate this information. Although I've been interviewed...   64 Kb.

027 - Global Visionary Material...
The Mayans also believed that humanity would be moving into a higher dimension around this time period. They called the end of this calendar cycle the End of Time, stating that humanity would no longer need a calendar depicting linear time, for we would be moving into a higher dimension. This is confirmed by many other teachings and the great rumors are that many of us will be moving into a higher density. Great...   67 Kb.

028 - Don Allen - Star Warriors...
On December 21, 1991, a fragmented video tape would trigger a series of events that would permit these papers to come to life. On the video tape were bits and pieces of information that confirmed what some American Indians have known for some time ... that Alien Life Forms exist and walk amongst us. Due to the release of information on that tape, it is now possible to reveal further information that could not be spoken of before...   69 Kb.

029 - The Farsight Institute Letter...
To the Government of the United States, The information contained in this posting has two purposes. The first is to supply information which is needed immediately to the government of the United States and to international anti terrorist governmental organizations. Information that we have collected indicate that a highly destructive terrorist attack against the United States is imminent. We include all of the information that is available...   15 Kb.

030 - Does the universe exist if we aren't looking...
John Archibald Wheeler, high priest of quantum mysteries, suspects that reality exists not because of physical particles but rather because of the act of observing the universe. Information may not be just what we learn about the world, he says. It may be what makes the world. The world seems to be putting itself together piece by piece on this damp gray morning. Information may not be just what we learn about the world...   22 Kb.

031 - Sonic Weapons of Vladimir Gavreau...
He listened and closed his eyes as the rolling waves of sound poured over and through his being. Thrilling, intoxicating, amazing, the hysteria of heaven, the enthralled and frightening flight of angels. Electrifying. Messaien`s organ music signalled messages of meaning, titanic foghorns ululating among dimly perceived near-worlds. Olivier Messaien, the great master composer of musical expressionism...   33 b.

032 - CNN Larry King / James Van Praagh...
VAN PRAAGH: I thought I was wacko, I`m telling you. What happened was, the moment he said that to me, it started my brain going, I was very interested in this. I thought, you know, this is kind of weird, I`m going to look into this. I researched it, I read up on as many books as I could on the subject. I started developing a psychic level or more sensitivity. I developed my sensitivity more and what do you know - I am weird but it`s fun!   64 Kb.

033 - World Domination by means of Oil...
The American and British ruling circles have been engaged in a policy of military imperialism for several centuries. The American revolution was fought to bring the United States under new, non-British rulers, with the new regime sold to the public as a democracy. In the twentieth century, these American ruling elites have revolved around the Rockefeller, Brown, Harriman, and Morgan family dynasties. The Bush family....   15 Kb.

034 - Self-appreciation and Forgiveness...
If there were nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine subjects upon which we could speak, and if you were to ask us which of all these subjects was the most important, we would say to you, with an absolute knowing, without a shadow of doubt, or the twinkling of a second thought that self appreciation is the most important topic of all. Self appreciation is the key to your spiritual growth, to enlightenment, to all   10 Kb.

035 - Scientific BluePrint for Ascension...
The Great Plan was that at the end, after this entire cycle of universal evolution was complete, all of the parts that had evolved on their own would independently recognize their God Consciousness, renounce separation, embrace unity, and return to the totality of Oneness. The One Creator from that very fact would be highly enhanced, for all of this wonderful creativity transpired in that transition from One to many and back...   20 Kb.

036 - Conversation with Nostradamus...
Summation of several Sources that speak about the famous Photon Belt as our future environment and its many possibilities. This is not to be taken lightly and neither ought this to be taken as truth because it sounds so good. To Be Here Now and to be your Self is my motto. Do not forget to read this one! Nostrademus is always worth while to read... Interpretation by - Goro Adachi.   Thank you Goro!   92 Kb.

037 - Nico's Wisdom and Nonsense...
The following was written by a personality called Nico Nuthouse. Nico is a character all his own and basically - he does not give a saint - he is just himself. People frown at him and wonder. His humor is worthwhile however and that's why I have put Nico's Writing Creations on my pages. It's an honor Nico... Nico and I are so close, sometimes I think I am him. He wants nothing to do with me. Fill your own void he says...   8 Chapters.

038 - The ET Connection - Alex Collier...
If I would take all my Cosmic Cookies and make articles from them - these would be it! There are seven articles here and I definitely recommend that you read them. They are good reading - but as usual - they have to be taken with a pinch of salt maybe. I do not know what will happen in the future, but Alex COlier and his Friends might have a handle on it. Be my Guest...   7 Articles.

039 - Earth Link Mission Newsletters...
During the last month since the Stargate, much realignment of personal and planetary energies has been taking place. We have watched the ELM chat lists as people have discussed in detail the things in their lives which are shifting and perhaps no longer working for them. This time of discernment is one where the energies are shaking down and realigning. As your personal vibrational patterns are accelerating...   51 Kb.

040 - Spiritual Teachings of a Master...
This work and teaching are an important part of my life and have forever changed the way I look at life. This is the first book from this Master that was ever translated from Italian into English. From the article: The basic principle of humanistic parapsychology re-evaluates the inner self and the concept of Soul, considering all the higher activity and creativity of the human species as paranormal and...   283 Kb.

041 - Deepak Chopra and his Work...
Deepak Chopra, New Age Guru--Deepak Chopra, M.D. was on the cover of Newsweek and described as an educator, lecturer, author, endocrinologist, Hollywood guru and scribe of the Playboy essay *Does God Have Orgasms?* Newsweek says: *For people who rebelled against the inconveniences of main-stream religions-thou shalt not; Chopra offers an appealingly well-padded path. Good article for sure...   33 Kb.

042 - Questions About Crop Circles...
So here it is! ... The Crop Circle Connector`s Frequently Asked Questions Page, dedicated to answering many of our readers questions which we have received from over six years of running the site. The Email can exceed 600 in one month from people who have either a passing interest in the phenomenon to individuals who are dedicated researchers or *Croppies*. This is more or less the most mysterious thing going on earth...   30 Kb.

043 - The Branton Files and a lot more...
As I have said, this information may save your life. This file contains the most intricate and intimate details of a global conspiracy which seems to be rooted in an alien-military-industrial collaboration which is intent on bringing all freedom-loving peoples of this world under its control, through the implimentation of a global government which has commonly been referred to as the New World Order. Very important article that...   20 Kb.

044 - Real Life is Conscious Living...
Many people think if they attend enough workshops and talk about spirituality enough, they will automatically become more spiritual. Some think if they develop their psychic abilities that they will automatically become more spiritual. This is partially true, but neither of these things is totally true. There are no instant answers for us. We live in physical bodies, and there is some amount of time and effort required to change our lives....   6 Kb.

045 - What is Unconditional Love?
It is the holding within and the sending out of love, unchanged by what others do or do not do. It is respect for all others. It is understanding that choices and consequences of others peoples actions are their own and based on their own patterns, not yours. The love places no preconceptions no conditions... 1 Kb.

046 - Dimensional Transcendence...
Here are the notes I took when I followed a course in 1980/81. They contain the many changes the Race of Man will go through in the following decades. This includes the Transcendence of Mankind to the Fourth and Fifth Dimension or Density. Very interesting and prophetic! No doubt this wil give you an alternate view of what`s happening on our planet. Funny thing is, these notes are 23 years old but they are still new...   24 Kb.

047 - Edgar Cayce / David Wilcock...
David Wilcock's interest in metaphysical topics goes back almost to the time of his birth. Ever since age 2, Wilcock remembers having dreams of massive, metallic cylinders floating in the sky, along with bizarre psychic synchronicities during the day. At age 5, Wilcock had a spontaneous out-of-body experience that greatly crystallized his quest for the truth behind the question of ESP, metaphysics and consciousness...   3 Kb.

048 - Creating The New Paradigm...
In order to give suggestions and ideas, we first need to speak candidly about what`s going on behind all the cover-ups. It`s clear that there is a relatively small, powerful group of mostly men whose deepest desire is to control all of us. They exert control through psychological manipulation, and by creating a one-world government controlled by huge multinational corporations. Once the mega-corporations...   8 Kb.

049 - Who are the Cassiopaeans...
I made up this display with some of the words from the Cassiopaeans. They are most powerful and absolutely worthwhile to read. Is what they say true? Well, let`s say that some of their words ring true. The rest is up to us to figure out. Click and find an excellent start with the Cassiopaean Material. Be aware - this takes time to download!

050 - The Cassiopaean Material...
If you are really interested in what Life is all about, I suggest you click above and start reading. The Wave series is the best to start with, but do not let me tell you what to read or do. Personally, I have found that what this Group of People brings into the open is of great importance to those who are ready to look infinity in the face and smile. Not a mean feat! So get going and click. Please don`t faint...   Many Many Files... Wow!

051 - Why A New Age, Anyway...?
My life companion Ellen found the article among my old stuff. Yes, I remembered and kept it for it was so good!  In any case, here it is. Excellent for people who think they already know everything and other beginners. Yes, this includes me most of all...   9 Kb.

052 - Profound words of Zakairan...
Are you on a spiritual quest to attain enlightenment, to achieve liberation from limitation, self realization or to gain oneness consciousness? Can these things really be gained? Enlightenment is not something that can be obtained, if it can be obtained then it can be lost. If something can be obtained then it is not real, only a model or idea of reality, it is an illusion. That which you truly are is enlightenment... Many Files!

053 - Are there invisible People...?
The two pictures shown here were both taken one after the other. The second picture is not a superimposed photo (overlaid dimension). Also, the Space Needle is NO WHERE to be seen in the location where the photos were taken. Cathy is partly invisible in the second picture. Victoria shows transparency on arms and neck also. This is not too unusual...   4 Kb.

054 - What it really is all About...
Most, if not all, criticisms of the Bush administration's motivation for launching a preemptive war on Iraq focus on a combination of the imperial world views of conservative politicians in power in Washington, D.C., and the corporate interests that drive the political agenda of the Bush administration. This study will provide a radically different political analysis of the Bush administration's motivation for going war...   47 Kb.

055 - Contributions to my Pages...
It is difficult to eliminate the ego as long as you differentiate your own will from the command and will of the Lord. You have doubts and are unable to surrender because you see others and the world as separate from God. It is only when you recognize that God is dwelling in all people everywhere in the form of an ever-luminous light shining in the temple of their hearts...   15 Kb.

056 - The Holographic Universe...
In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect`s name. His discovery may change science forever.   24 Kb.

057 - Credo Mutwa's Interview...
Credo Mutwa is a man whom David Icke describes as *The most amazing and knowledgeable man it has been my privilege and honor to call a friend, a genius.* After speaking with Credo Mutwa, I couldn`t agree more. I would like to comment that Credo Mutwa, while not a man of formal education, was kind enough and conscientious enough to spell the Zulu or African words.... 118 Kb.

058 - Reality Creation 1010...
I`ve spent 20 years involved in a personal spiritual search, primarily through metaphysics. I`ve probably read more books than most people read in a lifetime. Further, I`ve engaged my mind in thinking about various metaphysical principles often and deeply because such activity is one of the greatest pleasures of my life. As a result, my understanding is far superior to my.... 157 Kb.

059 - Lady Kadjina...
As events move forward, more and more huge scandals are going to come forth and a very dark agenda that began in earnest in the 1950s will come forward that will clearly reveal global corruption and power plays and greed and huge manipulations of world economies. And if you believe that the American people will not become angry, think again. One thing that can be counted upon, is if you make the American people angry enough...   5 Kb.

060 - Crystal Skulls...
A Crystal Skull is a piece of quartz crystal shaped in the form (or approximating) of a human skull. There are two types of skulls that exist, those which have been carved in a known process by contemporary craftsmen, thus called contemporary skulls and others which have been discovered in or near ancient ruins, known as ancient crystal skulls. The most interesting of these skulls are the ancients one which are human size or larger.   20 Kb.

061 - The war with Iraq...
War itself is merely one of many dramas played out on the world stage, designed to confuse the minds of those who do not understand the machinations of the powerful elite. And it still works all-too-well, because each generation that passes is fooled by the smoke screen, for the most part. The perpetrators of these grand dramas are always the same; it is the NWO / GPCS / Illuminati and their servants...   7 Kb.

062 - The Great Play...
The full weight of the motives that induce us to present these revelations lies in the absolute necessity of voicing an urgent admonition with regard to the now imminent and inevitable onslaught to which mankind`s blind course of life has led, and of unprecedented events in the near future that are inseparably connected herewith and pose an acute challenge and opportunity, as well as a danger of utmost importance...   29 Kb.

063 - Weird but True...
You will find a collection of wonderful goodies here and other delicious mind Food. No further intro is needed, so go to it and get lost in the weirdness of the world and its wanderers. Wonderful and mysterious stories that reflect the changes of our times to the letter. There are lots and lots of these stories all worth your while. Get going! No doubt the collector had more fun that seven clones at a human laughing orgy... Wow!   218 Kb.

064 - The Tree of Life...
I have this on my Pages but I know very little about this Tree. ( Yes - I like the picture! )

065 - Important Links...
You will find here an enormous amount of important links to what is!  Please do not read it all at once... Wow!

066 - The Ra Material...
Stop looking, searching, scrolling, shuffling, shifting or fooling around. This is it Man! Read it all and forget about Gerardus` Pages. Well, that`s not completely true naturally - but I let you figure it out. Not too many words will impress you as much as the Ra Material. Get going and don`t come back until you have read it all. What are you waiting for? By golly Man, click that mouse and get there! Lots of good reading...   Many Many Files!

067 - The Keys of Life...
Short summation of the most important Keys of Life. Something to remember by heart for the sharp and intelligent. The ones who are not that keen most likely have the Keys of Life written in their Heart already. That`s even better! These Keys are Keys that never will be lost. What a Blessing! These Keys are something to copy and send to all your friends. Excellent representation of what Life is all about. Come and get it...   12 Kb.

068 - Extra-Terrestrials...
In order to gain a deeper understanding of our space brothers and sisters, what they look like, where they live and how they travel, we must understand some basic metaphysical principles. First we must know that in back of the physical manifestation of one or more of the five vibratory elements, behind all material forms, there is a guiding force: a spiritual impulse of super-conscious Intelligence which determines the forms of all...   23 Kb.

069 - The Veil of Tears...
Extremely good article that reflects my views exactly. Please share it with the world of mankind. It`s time for every human being in the world to read this. Boy if this was possible - that would be an enormous step forward. We need to raise mankind from his long sleep and raise his vibration. All of us are needed to make this come about. Please help! David Icke has writen many books and here is one of his articles. Thank you David...   45 Kb.

070 - God Given Talents...
A beautiful rendition of the many different gifts and many talents given to Humanity by God according to the famous Zodiac. Here is an example of the text: Of you Capricorn I ask the toil of your brow, that you might teach men to work. Your task is not an easy one for you will feel all man`s labours on your shoulders; but the yoke of your burdens contains the responsibility of man, which I put into your hands. Author: Anonymous.  9 Kb

071 - Spirit Attachments...
Foreign Energy Interference or Spirit Attachments is a fascinating emerging field. It offers explanations to a phenomenon, which continues to puzzle the scientific and especially the medical establishment. Meanwhile, not only hypno-therapists, but also more and more psychiatrists and psychologists, familiar with techniques of hypnosis, are discovering attached entities in the subconscious realm of patients or clients. 19 Kb.

072 - Words of my Heart...
As I reveal the Divine in myself, it is revealed in everyone around me. I begin to notice kindness in all manner of places during my day: In the gentle and careful walk of a grandfather, in the hands of his daughter who bathes her child, in the eyes of her child who plays with her toy, and even in the splash of water as it greets the air. To an open heart, all kinds of kindnesses are revealed. All beause the universe is kindness disguised...   67 Kb.

073 - The Basics of Light...
Light is remarkable. It is something we take for granted every day, but it's not something we stop and think about very often or even try and define. Let's take a few minutes and try and understand some things about light. Simply stated, light is nature's way of transferring energy through space. We can complicate it by talking about electric and magnetic fields, quantum mechanics, and all of that, remember - it's energy!   15 Kb.

074 - The Indigo Children...
The Indigo Children are the forerunners of what will eventually be the norm for the human collective as we progress in our genetic evolution, through Bio-Instinctual Response to many changing environmental conditions. Challenges presently faced by the Indigo Children will become challenges of the norm, as humanity is now evolving into the genetic acceleration currently exhibited by the Indigo Children...   Many Files.

075 - Ariel Speaking Here...
One of the things that is certainly occurring at this time that is exacerbating, making things more intense, making things more emphatic regarding the mental realm, is certainly what you would call the Solar Maximum Cycle. What we are going to address here are a couple of things which relate to what is happening, not only on the physical level, the biological level, but what is occurring in your Mental body, your Emotional...   29 Kb

076 - Mad Cow Disease 01...
A lot of people would have you believe that Mad-Cow-Disease is an English disease. Hooey! Mad-Cow-Disease has been killing American sheep since the early 70's, U.S. cows since the mid-80's, and U.S. citizens for the last decade. The reason that it hasn't been made public is, that the people who had the facts chose to misinterpret them. They are in udder denial! You better read this. One cow can spoil many a herd...   60 Kb.

077 - Mad Cow Diease 02...
The following discussion is meant to open the door to new research and earnest official scientific scrutiny. CJD, sCJD, nvVJD, vCJD, CWD Mad Deer Disease, BSE Mad Cow Disease, TSE, Alzheimer`s and so on are all names of the SAME basic 100% fatal disease conditions caused by misfolded proteins known as prions. A lot of people would have you believe that Mad-Cow-Disease is an English disease...   53 Kb.

078 - The New World Order...
The most effective way to close down the human mind and to manipulate its sense of self is to program into it some form of dogma. A dogma will always vehemently defend itself from other information and repel any alternative opinion which contradicts its narrow, solidified view. Dogmas become a person`s sense of security and means of retaining power, and humanity tends to cling to both until its knuckles turn white.   17 Kb.

079 - The Immortal Overself...
Just as it has been necessary to purify our ideas about I - just as it will later be necessary to purify our ideas of what is meant by God - so it is now necessary to purify our ideas of what is meant by immortality. We did not deny the I. We shall not deny God. We are not now denying immortality. But we must get rid of fallacious conceptions of it must be gotten rid of. It has already been learnt that personality is a changing...   54 Kb.

080 - The Great Experiment...
Link a planet up by telling innocent people to SEND LOVE (or any sending action), or any other way where the resultant action is to create an effect in others by having others who are aware and those who are NOT AWARE of what is going on receive the beaming (sending) action, is to open us globally up for a fall. AND we are seeing that globally. God help the innocents that were subjected to this violation of spiritual law!   23 Kb.

081 - A Near Death Experience...
I remember waking up one morning at home about 4:30 a.m., and I just knew that this was it. This was the day I was going to die. So I called a few friends and said good-bye. I woke up my hospice caretaker and told her. I had a private agreement with her that she would leave my dead body alone for six hours, since I had read that all kinds of interesting things happen when you die. I went back to sleep. The next thing I remember is...   19 Kb.

082 - The Archons of Destiny...
This writer first became aware of the existence of these Archons by reading the spine-tingling book *The Stellar Man* by John Baines, pseudonym of Chilean Hermeticist Dario Salas Sommer. This distinguished-looking gentleman also wrote a companion book *The Secret Science*, and several other books. His purpose, within the Hermetic Mysteries, was to reveal certain hitherto secret knowledge as an emergency flag....   16 Kb.

083 - Three Worlds To Live In...
We would like to share the insight that parallel worlds converge at specific points, and that these are points of consciousness. It is thereby possible to move from one world to another by shifting the focus of one`s consciousness. The model that we are presenting details three particular parallel worlds. There are, undoubtedly, many more realms, but for what we consider....   19 Kb.

084 - Ego - The False Center...
From the opening notes: The first thing to be understood is what ego is. A child is born. A child is born without any knowledge, any consciousness of his own self. And when a child is born the first thing he becomes aware of is not himself; the first thing he becomes aware of is the other. Excellent article... Thank you Osho!   29 Kb.

085 - A Global Consciousness...
Scientists have been trying to proof the existence of a Global Consciousness. And by golly they are getting somewhere. This is Great! It means that sooner or later this will trickle through to the masses. Let`s hope it happens soon. The proof they have found is quite impressive. Be patient Metaphysical Students - they are trying to proof what we knew already. No doubt humanity is One in action. Wake up Humanity...   10 Kb.

086 - The True Nature of Reality...
We use terms like mind and body and universe, but what really is the exact nature of these things? What is the mind, what is the body, what`s the exact nature of physical reality? As children, we always had questions like - Where was I before I was born? What am I doing here? What happens after death? Am I confined to my physical body? Am I just a skin encapsulated ego in a bag of flesh and bones? Definitely you are...   45 Kb.

087 - Neruda Interviews   01      02      03      04
What follows is a session I recorded of Dr. Neruda on December 27, 1997. He gave permission for me to record his answers to my questions. This was the first of five interviews that I was able to tape-record before he left or disappeared. I have preserved these transcripts precisely as they occurred. No editing was performed, and I've tried my best to include the exact words and grammar used by Dr. Neruda.

088 - Judgments...
In living the life of a Christed Entity, it will be useful to look at the nature of judgments. People on this planet feel quite justified in judging people or things according to standards that they believe to be right or correct. Many have never questioned whence these rules of behavior emerge...

089 - Did Bush authorize the 911 Attacks?
Our case is alleging that Bush and his puppets Rice and Cheney and Mueller and Rumsfeld and so forth, Tenet, were all involved not only in aiding and abetting and allowing 9/11 to happen but in actually ordering it to happen. Bush personally ordered it to happen. We have some very incriminating documents as well as eye-witnesses, that Bush personally ordered this event to happen in order to gain political advantage,

090 - We Are What We Think...
Thought is a great dynamic force with tremendous power. An simple atom radiates an electromagnetic field or EMF. A molecule radiates yet a stronger EMF. A large number of molecules form a cell in which the human brain contains at least 200 million such cells. These atomic waves seem to include the emotions and are thought to be superimposed within the EMF frequencies. These vibrations are sent out into the physical world extending outward into the "non-physical" world.

091 - Breaking Up To Wake Up...
In their transmission entitled "2004: Families of the Heart" - the Recons mentioned that people all over the world are soon to begin liberating themselves from the density and duty that has seems to accompany being in marriage relationships that have run their course. Now is a time when people are beginning to enact what was spoken about last August, when the energy was beginning to percolate on the planet and new activations were in the wind.

092 - The Purpose of Life - The Journey Home...
What is the purpose of your life experiences here? Why did you press yourself into a small human form, and separate yourself from the consciousness of self as an eternal being? Why have we painfully adjusted to an alien reality, to physical sensations, gravity, emotions, survival, life, death, instinct, and the genetics of the animal's body?

093 - Cymatics - The Science of the Future...
Is there a connection between sound, vibrations and physical reality? Do sound and vibrations have the potential to create? In this article we will see what various researchers in this field, which has been given the name of Cymatics, have concluded.

094 - The Founders of Earth History...
Greetings, beloved Creators. Today begins a very special series. Most of you reading this message have attended history courses in grammar school, secondary school and college. This will be unlike any history course you've taken in your so-called traditional Earth schools. Today we will look at the true history of your Earth...

095 - "Cosmic Time Cycles"  by William Hamilton III
Excellent Essay! Even I could follow most of it! Here is the beginning -- First, we will have to ask ourselves, "what is time?" and how does one travel through time at a rate of speed slower or faster than the ticking of a clock. This is not a question that we are going to answer any time soon as some of the greatest minds in philosophy, physics, and psychology have grappled with it. We experience time as one of the fundamental things in our lives, but it is so basic to our experience that it is difficult to define it in physical terms.

096 - For Beginners...
     ... and all those who think they already know.

Now, before we begin, we would once again suggest that there exists for you the opportunity to be involved in what we refer to as the silent communication, a telepathic exchange of information or interaction with another entity, or other entities that would be with us on this afternoon. And as always, the choice to be involved in that communication is yours...

097 - Lifting Your Veil ...
Emotional Release from Negativity...

It is important to share this information in order to eliminate a sense of isolation and fear from a myriad of possible unusual experiences that can result from the integration of our higher light-energy bodies that happens during our Ascension process. My desire to share this information comes from my very personal and frightening physical awakening process that dismantled my entire reality and ego in a very short period of time.  -- Lisa Renee

098 - The Stadium...
A small, yet steady, inner voice says, "I AM within". This voice, which was once UP, is now WITHIN. You may feel your confused ego self on the sidelines of your awareness. It did not die. It was just re-assigned. Ego, who was once YOU, is now IT. It is the mechanic, the chief engineer in charge of biological functions, but it is NOT "you".

099 - What Happens After Death...
The following article reflects my thoughts and philosophy precisely. However, human life on this side of the Veil and on the other side - is a personal reality. So, what your life and afterlife is all about is up to you to create. We are the Creator in Human Form. With sincere thanks to Victor Zammit - I say: Congratulations Victor. Great Article... (Gerardus)

100 - 2012: Ascension / Janae Weinhold...
Mayan timekeepers' records indicate that 2012 marks the close of several large cycles of time: a 26,000 year Mayan Calendar cycle, a 78,000 year Earth cycle, a 26 million year Earth cycle and the 225 million Galactic Year. The simultaneous close of these cycles in 2012 is like the odometer turning over for the entire history of our galaxy, and perhaps the whole cosmos...

101 - A Tentative Model for a Living Universe / The Planetary Genome
By: Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. / Dedicated to Jonas Salk
The ancient Greek word for science was philosophy ­ philos sophias, the love of wisdom. This name intended to set science on a course of searching for wisdom, for practical guidance in human affairs through understanding the natural order of the cosmos to which we belong. Gerardus here: I found these articles most interesting indeed! Enjoy...

102 - Various Kinds of Star Visitors...
Race distinguishes various Star Visitors of decidedly different appearances. More research into exo-biology (the science of Star Visitor life's physical structure and processes), will help us understand better how many races of intelligent species we are dealing with.

103 - The Looniest of all 911 Conspiracy Theories...
Astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will usually be at least one, and often several wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it. 'The CIA killed Hendrix', 'The Pope had John Lennon murdered', 'Hitler was half Werewolf', 'Space aliens replaced Nixon with a clone' etc, etc. The bigger the event, the more ridiculous and more numerous are the fanciful rantings which circulate in relation to it.

104 - Life As Awakening...
In this essay we'll examine how the ordinary mental state of most humans is literally a form of dreaming while asleep. We'll discover precisely what this involves, how humans arrive at this state, and - most important - how we can escape from this delusory dream state and ascend to a higher mode of consciousness. By "ordinary consciousness," we mean the usual state of awareness, including the associated mental and emotional elements.

105 - The Primacy of Consciousness...
Ervin Laszlo has proposed that the virtual energy field known as the quantum vacuum, or zero-point field, corresponds to what Indian teachings have called Akasha - the source of everything that exists, and in which the memory of the cosmos is encoded. I would like to take his reasoning a step further and suggest that the nature of this ultimate source is consciousness itself, nothing more and nothing less...

106 - You do not Exist...
The advent of quantum mechanics and modern physics increasingly imply that our existence as human beings is a kind of persistent illusion. We are under the false assumption that we're people, we only imagine we that we have bodies and brains, and minds functioning inside those brains. This whole article is a very weird non-existing phenomenon...

107 - Benjamin Creme Speaks...
We are really gods in incarnation. We need to recognize our threefold constitution: We are a spark of God; every religion has postulated this and has kept the idea of our divinity before humanity for thousands of years. But it can be seen more scientifically and still correctly. Speaking as an esotericist, I would say that the divine spark is so refined in vibration that it cannot manifest directly on the physical plane...   104 Kb.

108 - Aphorisms of Franklin Merrell Wolff
Something very special here. Makes you think at least 56 times. Wow!
Thank You Franklin...!

109 - Allies of Humanity...
A First Briefing...   -   A Second Briefing...   -   A Third Briefing...
A Fourth Briefing...   -   A Fifth Briefing...   -   A Sixth Briefing...

I just received the above and have not read it all. If you would like to - please let me know what you think of these Briefings.   (Click "OK" and "Yes" to the new windows that popup when you open this .pdf file)

110 - Does the universe exist
            if we're not looking?

The world seems to be putting itself together piece by piece on this damp gray morning along the coast of Maine. First the spruce and white pine trees that cover High Island materialize from the fog, then the rocky headland, and finally the sea, as if the mere act of watching has drawn them all into existence. And that may indeed be the case...

111 - The Largest Biological Experiment Ever...
In 2002, Gro Harlem Brundtland, then head of the World Health Organization, told a Norwegian journalist that cell phones were banned from her office in Geneva because she personally becomes ill if a cell phone is brought within about four meters (13 feet) of her. Mrs. Brundtland is a medical doctor and former Prime Minister of Norway.

112 - How to Survive the Crash and Save the Earth...
The world is the enemy of the Earth. The "world as we know it" is a deadly parasite on the biosphere. Both cannot survive, nor can the world survive without the Earth. Do the logic: the world is doomed. If you stay on the parasite, you die with it. If you move to the Earth, and it survives in something like its recent form, you can survive with it.

113 - Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks...
Please keep in mind when reading this, that the man being interviewed is no two-bit internet conspiracy buff. Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people.

114 - The Shift to the New Reality...
The Shift is the mass awakening of humanity's heart. This transformation of consciousness, the greatest one ever recorded, first became apparent in the mid-1960s and has been building momentum ever since. The Shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each individual's step forward into the New Reality. Each person, in their own time, is moving forward into a new stage of consciousness, one which brings a wider vista and an awareness that springs from the heart.

115 - Quotes from Barbara Marciniak's Book...
Every once in a great, a grand while, in certain locations of time and space, a massive acceleration of cosmic energy occurs. Based on a joint agreement among various forms of intelligence, including stars, planets, and an innumerable host of cosmic players, the acceleration is designed to awaken the various participants to a much greater experience of existence through integrating a huge vibrational change of energy. The gateway to such a time of awakening opened on your world in 1987, initiating 25 years of unprecedented change and exponential transformation. The period from 1987 to 2012 has been foreseen by great sages in many ages as the turning point in a very powerful cycle in human development. ( Gerardus here:  Excellent Quotes!! )

116 - Important Factors to Spiritual Growth...
Self responsibility, Awareness, Detachment and Unconditional Love, are in my opinion the four most important aspects to your spiritual growth. Let us examine them separately...

117 - Huang Po Speaks...
Our original Buddha-Nature is, in highest truth, devoid of any trace of objectivity. It is void, omnipresent, silent, pure; it is glorious and mysterious peaceful joy - and that is all...

118 - The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion...
Since the explosion of the ET/UFO phenomena in 1947, speculation about alien intrusion on planet Earth has been rampant. Half a dozen theories dominate the debate, but there is one theory that has yet to be examined. It did not emerge after 1947, but approximately 1600 years earlier. To be precise, the evidence of this theory came to light through a discovery in Egypt in December, 1945, although the significance of the find was not realized until ­ guess when? 1947.

119 - Eckhart Tolle interview...
For two years, a small man sits quietly on a park bench. People walk by, lost in their thoughts. One day someone asks him a question. In the weeks that follow there are more people and more questions. Word spreads that the man is a "mystic," and has discovered something that brings peace and meaning into our lives. It sounds like fiction, but today that man, Eckhart Tolle, is known worldwide for his teachings on spiritual enlightenment through the power of the present moment...

120 - From: "I Am That" - by Nisargadatta...
I would like to go again into the question of pleasure and pain, desire and fear, I understand that fear is memory and anticipation of pain. It is essential for the preservation of the organism and its living pattern. Needs, when felt, are painful and their anticipation is full of fear; we are rightly afraid of not being able to meet our basis needs. The relief experienced when a need is met, or an anxiety allayed, is entirely due to the ending of pain...

121 - David Icke connecting his work to the Mayan Calendar...
It may seem as if the world is falling apart with all the wars and the gathering extremes of weather, but there is another perspective from which all this can be seen. When I first began to consciously 'wake up' amid some extraordinary experiences in 1990-91, a major theme of my life was of a coming transformation of human perception. There didn't appear to be much sign of that at the time, but as I traveled and met people we would call 'psychics' I was told on many occasions that I was destined to play a role in the coming global awakening when humanity, or large swathes of it, would break free of the amnesia that has held it in servitude...

When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane? It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story...

123 - Living in the 5th Dimension...
The most important difference between Third and Fifth Dimensional reality is a change in the nature of Time and Space and how they are perceived by you. Time and Space were fixed realities in the Third Dimension. In the Fifth Dimension they are fluid and are understood to be largely illusionary...

124 - Super Psychic Children...
We present new information about the Super Psychic Children of China. In their recent book, China's Super Psychics, Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill, recorded the events in as the Chinese government watched the unfoldment of these gifted children from 1974 until about 1990. The authors now share with our readers some of the new discoveries and research facts that have been documented during the last decade...

125 - Something About ETs...
ETs are intricately involved with much of our lives on an unconscious level. Many have been assigned to most humans, and their purpose is to find ways to harvest as much of our life force energy as possible, for purposes of their own races' survival. It is possible for them to do this connection through our own parallel negative thoughtforms, which is what provides the linkage for them to access our field...

126 - Angelic Counsel of 12 on Ascension...
Although C.J. Martes has been knowingly guided by angels since childhood, her contact took on a new face in 1995 when she was visited by guides who called themselves the Angelic Counsel of 12. Wherever CJ is getting her information, she offers wisdom and insight about what concerns so many of us today: How to deal with the huge vibrational challenges, emotions, and changes that are taking place today for those of us who are committed to the Light. "If you want to control something," CJ says, "then learn to control your consciousness."

127 - A Soul's Journey In Time...
On a hot summer's mid-afternoon... I sat relaxed upon the couch, as on countless other times, thoughts stilled, when some happening in the chemistry of elements was altered and I found myself enveloped in THE LIGHT...!  A soft, golden pulsating Radiance, without glare, yet brighter than any color my senses had ever known. Pulsating movements, formless forms radiating ETERNITY.

128 - His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche...
The everyday practice of dzogchen is simply to develop a complete carefree acceptance, an openness to all situations without limit. We should realize openness as the playground of our emotions and relate to people without artificiality, manipulation or strategy. We should experience everything totally, never withdrawing into ourselves as a marmot hides in its hole. This practice releases tremendous energy which is usually constricted by the process of maintaining fixed reference points. Referentiality is the process by which we retreat from the direct experience of everyday life...

129 - Eckhart Tolle Interview...
Eckhart Tolle was a research scholar at Cambridge University, when at age 29, a spiritual transformation changed the course of his life, marking the start of an intense inward journey that led him first to become a counselor and spiritual teacher and, later, the author of a remarkable book, "The Power of Now".  In a world that desperately needs freedom from suffering and violence, Eckhart Tolle has brought forth a powerful and healing message: Accept the now moment fully. Herein lies the path to peace...

130 - Overview on Ascension...
Archangel Raphael: While ascending is individual for the Light workers before the final ascension it will be a mass event in the future for everyone on Earth who wishes to take part in it and move on to their next level of spiritual development. Ascending is optional and a choice to be made by each person. The Ascension has been predicted by many civilizations throughout history and is known by other names, it has also been called the Second Coming and the Golden Age.

131 - Incredibly Simple...
Look, it's all so incredibly simple. There is no one here. This is not a figure of speech. I mean there is truly no one here, no person, no individual speaking to you. You look at me and think there is a person here talking to you, trying to tell you something. I assure you, there is not. Look at me. If there were not Consciousness streaming through this body, what would be here? What would this body be if Consciousness were not here? A corpse, of course! Dead matter.

132 - Global Dimming...
The nine eleven study showed that if you remove a contributor to Global Dimming, jet contrails, just for a three day period, we see an immediate response of the surface of temperature. Do the same thing globally we might see a large scale increase in global warming...

133 - Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton...
Miraculously, the baseball-sized tumor visible on the sonogram began to shrink as the practitioners surrounding the patient chanted a simple phrase. In just under three minutes, the "inoperable, terminal, incurable" cancer had simply disappeared. A miracle? Or simply a technology we don't yet understand?

. . . The latest files begin below This . . .

134 - Oneness Technology for a New Age...
The Basics of Onenes from www.reconnections.net
--- Ten Excellent Statements To Contemplate NOW!
--- 1. All of life is a dream that is being experienced by the ONESELF.

135 - Cancer Specialist Lothar Hirneise...
A talk with independent Cancer Specialist Lothar Hirneise
I've been talking for an hour when Lothar Hirneise bends over as if to tell me something in confidence. In a dead-serious tone he says: A tumour is the body's solution to a problem. A tumour forms because someone is no longer producing adrenaline, which is needed to break down sugar.

136 - The Twelve Laws of Identity...
You are the consciousness that is left, after your childhood blocks and programs are removed. You Are Soul. You do not have a Soul. When you have cleared your issues, the Energy and Consciousness that is left - is You. Soul is a Happy Entity...

137 - Comparing 3rd and 4th Density Relationships...
A Sociological Comparison of How Relationships can work. Each column is considered a "package deal", in that each relationship usually functions in terms of most of the characteristics of the 3rd dimensional version or the 4th dimensional version, rather than a combination of both versions.

138 - From 3D to 4D to 5D --- A Course in Metaphysics...
The World of Man under the Guidance of the Solar Government...

139 - Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle...
Having access to that formless realm is truly liberating. It frees you from bondage to form and identification with form. It is life in its undifferentiated state prior to its fragmentation into multiplicity. We may call it the Unmanifested, the invisible Source of all things, the Being within all beings...

140 - Eat Well - Be Healthy...
Suggested foods for the different maladies...

141 - Ten Keys to Happiness......
Listen to your body's wisdom, which expresses itself through signals of comfort and discomfort. When choosing a certain behaviour, ask your body, "How do you feel about this?" If your body sends a signal of comfort and eagerness, proceed.

142 - On Spiritual Teachings...
Listen to your body's wisdom, which expresses itself through signals of comfort and discomfort. When choosing a certain behaviour, ask your body, "How do you feel about this?" If your body sends a signal of comfort and eagerness, proceed.

143 - Moving Beyond Self-Esteem...
Eckhart: Yes, self-esteem. Many people seem to have a problem with that - lack of self-esteem. I read a while ago, when the Dalai Lama was younger he was meeting with a group of Westerners and they were talking about lack of self-esteem, and he just couldn't understand that, what that was. And they tried to explain it, and then he went around the group and asked everybody, "do you have that?" And most people said, "Yes." [And the Dalai Lama said,] "Oh, very strange, self-esteem".

144 - The Supreme Master Ching Hai...
A Master is one who has the key for you to become a Master... to help you realize that you are also a Master and that you and God are also One. That's all... that's the only role of the Master."

145 - The Real Powers Behind The Scenes...
The following information is reproduced, with permission, from Val Valerian's massive work MATRIX II [The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology]. This and other highly interesting research reports are available from the LEADING EDGE RESEARCH GROUP; P.O. Box 7530., Yelm, Washington State C.F. 98597 C.F. The following information is not given in any particular chronology or order, but more in a random collection of notes and research generally involving the connections between Aerial, Conspiracy and Subsurface phenomena...

146 - Genetic Changes by Barbara Marciniak...
We understand that those of you who are of light frequencies have drawn us here. Congratulate yourselves on your cleverness. It is not easy to get our vehicle (Barbara Marciniak) to travel around and go places, she has a mind of her own. And that is as it should be, and as it is, and as it will be. Understand that all of you need to have minds of your own, and come into contact and into charge of your own life...

147 - TO BEE OR NOT TO BE...
Over the past couple of months we here at SOTT have been following the Bee crisis with some interest. It caught my eye when I read the first media article about it that was brought to my attention; I knew this was important. As Albert Einstein observed: "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."

148 - Predictions about 2012...
There are striking parallels between a diversity of cultures relating to 2012. There are many world views available to us. Emissaries from many different traditions speak about the beliefs and prophesies of their culture...

149 - Everything comes back to Nothing
Inexplicably it comes. When you least expect it. For a reason you can never know. One moment you are striving, figuring, imagining, and then, in the blink of an eye, it all disappears. The struggle disappears. The striving disappears. The person disappears. The world disappears. Everything disappears, and the person is like a pinpoint of light...

150 - Archangel Raphael's Overview on Ascension...
Archangel Raphael: While ascending is individual for the Light workers before the final ascension it will be a mass event in the future for everyone on Earth who wishes to take part in it and move on to their next level of spiritual development. Ascending is optional and a choice to be made by each person...

151 - Another View of the End Of Time...
The word is spreading about 2012, and is likely to keep spreading in the years to come. In several prophetic traditions that are already well known, and in others that are coming to light, the years 2011 and 2012 appear again and again as the End of Time, when sweeping changes are expected to transform all of human consciousness, lifting and accelerating it into new and "higher"states of spiritual awareness and action.

152 - The Simulation Argument...
The Matrix got many otherwise not-so-philosophical minds ruminating on the nature of reality. But the scenario depicted in the movie is ridiculous: human brains being kept in tanks by intelligent machines just to produce power. There is, however, a related scenario that is more plausible and a serious line of reasoning that leads from the possibility of this scenario to a striking conclusion about the world we live in. Excellent article by Nick Bostrom...

153 - TriLite's Tania says...
Living as a human being, living in society we learn to think in boxes. We are not taught to think on our own - we are taught what society thinks. Making yourself free from what society thinks and starting to think on your own - you free yourself from boxes...

154 - You were never born...
It all comes down to clarifying your identity. You are already present. So there is no need to look for a future state, experience or attainment. What you are seeking to know is not separate or distant, since it is your own self. What you are must be always with you. Anything which appears and disappears cannot, by definition, be what you are...

155 - Benjamin Fulford On Jeff Rense...
It started out as a rather cushy job. They let me investigate a lot of stuff about Japanese organized crime and the seedier side of things in Japan. However, at a certain point I seemed to be getting too close to something they didn't want me to get to, and they started stopping stories. There was a corruption story about GE that didn't make it. Another one about Citibank didn't make it. Then when I finally found out there was an anti-virus software company who was actually making viruses, that was it...

156 - Time Portals...
Joyce Murphy writes in: Let's Talk Montauk - that the Montauk group became interested in programming children and then assimilating them back into society as "sleepers". This was done by a combination of Nazis, US factions and aliens who worked with them. When the secret goverment wanted to activate the sleeper agents, they were answerable on both a psychotronic/hypnotic basis or verbal command. They became highly trained assassins, assignment couriers travelling backward and forward in time via the Montauk Chair and taking their physical body with them as they walk through time portals to carry out assigments...

157 - Star Kids...
As a researcher, behavioral scientist, anthropologist, author, and emeritus university associate professor, Dr. Richard Boylan paves the way in providing a nurturing and exceptional educational environment for these extraordinarily gifted children...

158 - The Takeover Bid... (David Icke)
A very long time ago, an aspect of universal consciousness became highly imbalanced and decided to challenge the laws of Creation. These were not laws written down in a book and administered by a judge. They were, you might say, like the laws of physics. Everything needs a negative-positive and male-female balance if harmony is to reign in its consciousness...

159 - The Tao Te Ching... (Lao Tzu)
I discovered the Tao Te Ching in the mid-60s. It was the first book of its kind to come my way. Everything about it was right. It valued the simple and the spontaneous. It valued wholeness over opposition and contention. And it valued the mystery within and everywhere...

160 - Wei Wu Wei...
Oriental philosophy from the writings of Wei Wu Wei (pseudonym of an Irish nobleman n/o Terence Gray - 1895-1986) (Wei Wu Wei is a Taoist term which translates as action that is non-action)

161 - Abraham Speaks...
I am a divine Being. I naturally allow others to be the divine Being they are. I enjoy the differences, similarities and sameness that I find in everyone. I relish that no two of us are the same. Allowing helps me find peace & joy while others are doing the exact opposite of what you'd do or you want. Fear is clinging. Fearful thoughts lead to not allowing the other's different action/behavior.

162 - Best of Bashar...
You can begin with the understanding of the following issue - and even some of your own medical practitioners are now beginning to realize the following idea - every single thought you have, literally, physically, re-organizes the neurological pathways in your physical brain. Every moment of time you do not have the same brain - literally physically...

163 - What happens after Death...
At the point of death we take our mind with all its experiences, our character and our Etheric Body or Spirit, which is a duplicate of the earth body. It comes out of the physical body at the point of death and is connected to the physical body by a silver chord...

164 - Transformation of Consciousness...
A new phase in the evolution of the Cosmic Time Plan will soon open up; the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld. This phase will begin on the Gregorian date December 4, 2004 and will last until Nov 28, 2005...

165 - Edgar Cayce on Human Origins...
Edgar Cayce revealed volumes of psychic material, much of which was verified to be true to the amazement of doctors and scientists. Cayce discovered at a young age that he could go into hypnosis and travel to other realms to obtain psychic information on any subject. He claimed that anyone could do what he did with the proper training and attunement...

166 - Attaining The State of The Christ...
Lord Metatron, Lord Averil (Sai Baba) and Lord Sananda dedicate this information to those who are in the process of attaining the state of the "Christ" or embodying the frequency of unconditional love. This process has another name known as the "Light-Body" Experiment on Earth...

167 - Daring Discussions with David Icke...
The following is an excerpt of the latest awareness-altering audio interview posted on News for the Soul (dot com) where this UK based author, speaker and journalist who is often billed as "the most controversial speaker in the world" challenges the very core of our collective beliefs about the world in which we live ~ and the limitless true potential lurking just beyond them, awaiting us all...

168 - A Pure Heart and Innocence...
In my travels across the Internet I ran into someone that made sense to me. So, I began asking questions. The first words I read from this party are just below here and since they intrigued me I began to write this person...

169 - Ten Keys to Happiness...
Listen to your body's wisdom, which expresses itself through signals of comfort and discomfort. When choosing a certain behaviour, ask your body, "How do you feel about this?" If your body sends a signal of comfort and eagerness, proceed...

170 - Multi-Dimensionality...
Profound evidence exists supporting the concept that human potentials are not confined to third-dimension realities of height, breadth and depth, or of matter, energy, space and time...

172 - The Basics of Oneness...
As is usually the case in dream interpretations--every person, object, or situation that appears in the dream is an aspect of YOU, the Cosmic Dreamer, and your entire universe is your mirror...

173 - Living The Awakened Way...
While the world is trying to solve its problems and everyone around you is engaged in the same, you're not. While everybody around you is trying to figure it out, trying to arrive, trying to "get there," trying to be worthy, you're not. While everyone thinks that awakening is a grand, noble, halo-enshrouded thing, for you it's not...

174 - Quotes to ponder...
People often view the spiritual path as a search for the light. In truth, spirituality asks us to bring light and darkness together in wholeness. And in fact, this is the only possible solution...

175 - Divine Light...
"If this light bothers you, we can sit somewhere else" - Lee Baumann tells me. We've just settled onto the couch of his suburban living room, and the big picture window is blazing with late-afternoon sunshine...

176 - Aphorisms by Franklin Merrell Wolff...
This is pretty speed material - worth your while...

177 - Dzogchen Practice...
The everyday practice of dzogchen is simply to develop a complete carefree acceptance, an openness to all situations without limit. We should realize openness as the playground of our emotions and relate to people without artificiality, manipulation or strategy.

178 - The Lion's Roar...
There is an ancient saying that to the cubs of a lion, the roar of their mother brings joy and delight, but to a jackal, this great roar brings only fear.

179 - Three Worlds To Live In...
We would like to share the insight that parallel worlds converge at specific points, and that these are "points of consciousness." It is thereby possible to move from one world to another by shifting the focus of one's consciousness. The model that we are presenting details three particular parallel worlds. There are, undoubtedly, many more realms, but for what we consider practical purposes, we'll just be exploring three of them...

180 - David Wilcock on Odyssey Radio...
From a philosophical perspective, ancient mystics have often said that we are interconnected more than just bodies that are separated from each other by the air. There is some sort of energetic field, if you will, that connects us together. Various ancient traditions have had different names for it...

181 - Life As Awakening...
In this essay we'll examine how the ordinary mental state of most humans is literally a form of dreaming while asleep. We'll discover precisely what this involves, how humans arrive at this state, and - most important - how we can escape from this delusory dream state and ascend to a higher mode of consciousness. By "ordinary consciousness" we mean the usual state of awareness, including the associated mental and emotional elements...

182 - The Primacy of Consciousness...
Ervin Laszlo has proposed that the virtual energy field known as the quantum vacuum, or zero-point field, corresponds to what Indian teachings have called Akasha. the source of everything that exists, and in which the memory of the cosmos is encoded. I would like to take his reasoning a step further and suggest that the nature of this ultimate source is consciousness itself, nothing more and nothing less...

183 - The Inner Earth...
I've spoken of the greatest cover-up of all time being the suppression of the fact that extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth from other planets. If that is the biggest cover-up of all time, then the second biggest cover-up of all time is the attempt to keep secret the fact that there is a civilisation of people living in the centre of the Earth.

184 - St. Germain Speaks...
Never lose sight of the fact that absolutely nothing can prevent the coming of the end times. It is an event that has been decreed by the Creator, and it has allowed those who abide by it to actively ensure that the plan works out.

185 - Subterranean Cities -- Interesting Read...
Let me tell you a tale of two continents. One, in the Atlantic, called Atlantis. Another, in the Pacific, called Lemuria or Mu for short. Twenty five thousand years ago, these two continents were battling each other on the ideology of the day. Look at them as the two largest children on the block, and the two highest civilizations.

186 - The Great Shift of November 2007
As you enter into the month of November of 2007, you will feel the powerful energies that are moving the Global Collective Consciousness to a new level. At this time, Jupiter and Pluto are situated right on the Galactic Center in relation to the Earth...

187 - The Mysteries of the Universe...
Two hundred years ago, electricity was still a huge mystery. Back then, a few visionaries uncovered more and more information about the nature of electricity. Once it became possible to generate electricity, it powered the Industrial Revolution and then went on to produce the Electronics Era, which soon morphed into today's Information Revolution...

188 - The Outrageous Myths of Enlightenment...
There is nothing mystical or magical about this. It is simple, logical and applicable to everyone. This is not just for special beings who were able to transcend their earthly fetters and rise above the lowly egoic peasantry through years of self-sacrifice and meditation. That's all nonsense. This is true for anyone and everyone...

189 - The Human Toolbox...
The human experience comes with a secret toolbox preloaded with three exceptional tools for healing and accelerating growth. These tools are user friendly and quite ordinary but are often overlooked as being simplistic and not respectable, especially in the world of science and particularly in the field of Western Psychology...

190 - The Moment of Quantum Awakening...
At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth's gravitational field will be affected in some way. There will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent, though it does have antecedents in the prehistoric events of this and of distant worlds...

191 - Galactic & Planetary Change - 12 : 12
The call comes sooner than later. It comes BEFORE 2012. It comes for some now. It comes for others soon after. All are called and all see but some hear and some see. Planetary Alignments are in motion that set the stage for transformation.

192 - David Oakford -- A Date With Destiny...
I laid down to use the stability of the earth in an effort to maintain a hold on reality. I knew I had to do that in order to be able to come back down. The next thing I knew I was riding in my friend's car. I thought we went up north, crossed the Mackinaw Bridge and came back again. We rode past my childhood home and I saw my parents sitting on the porch.

193 - A new form of Human Being...
There will be no disease, we will not need to die. We will be able to learn our lessons not through suffering but through joy and love. The old system has to crumble away, and is not doing that without putting up a big fight. So you have all the wars; a lot of the medical type of healing is not working; the government is not working. A lot of the old paradigms can no longer exist, yet are fighting to be maintained, but there is no doubt that it is changing...

194 - What is this?  Mark Krueger at his best maybe...
The Dream is now upwelling 26,000 years worth of encrusted karmic stories and archetypal shadow bits..... like there's no tomorrow. The End Times, and all its variations on extinction, are now in full noise. Oblivion is here. It's Leap Year. Like it or not, you are going to leap. I say be intentional, otherwise push will come to shove and we know what happened to Geronimo....

195 - James Gilliland...
We are fast approaching a grand shift of consciousness and energy aided by streams of higher energies coming in from many sources aiding in the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. Wondrous beings are now getting involved in the process, beings which quite frankly are surprised humanity on Earth is still around...

196 - Love Letter From Deepak Chopra...
We are the only creatures on the planet who can change our biology through our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Our cells are constantly eavesdropping on our thoughts and being changed by them. When we fall in love, positive thoughts and emotions course through our body and strengthen our immune system...

197 - Lance White - Zany Mystic...
We set up our lives from the "other side" for the maximum benefit to self and other, in accordance with many "higher Plans" which are all nested within each other. This is the economy of the Universe. Nothing is lost or wasted. Nothing. And, there are no accidents. None.

198 - Salem New Age Center...
Welcome to the Salem New Age Center's e-mail newsletter. Please assist our efforts by sharing this newsletter in e-mail or print with your friends. This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter a community effort. - Andy Lutts, Editor

199 - Homo Luminous: The New Human...
Many prophesies in the indigenous world speak of this time in human history as a period of great transformation. In the medicine tradition of the Inca, legend tells of a great angel who looked into the future and saw that humanity would face an enormous task at the beginning of the 21st century. Extenuating circumstances in an extremely difficult and challenging time would require extraordinary effort to bring about peace and heal the heart of the world. "Who would like to volunteer?" the angel asked. Knowing we could make a difference, we jumped up and said, "Me!"

200 - Relativity of Reality...
Present day physics regard the Universe as a one whole Energy Field (EF). No matter how we name this energy ­ electro-magnetic, light, sound, gravity, quantum, etc. Therefore, each electron, atom, molecule, bio-cell, tissue, organ is just an EF, too. Our body and brain are an EF with individually specific characteristics - frequency, amplitude, intensity, modulation, etc. But alas, our limited senses cannot perceive this.

201 - Leading Edge Interviews Drunvalo Melchizedek...
The difference is that Melchizedek consciousness is formless in its original state. Christ consciousness was that aspect that began to integrate into the possibility of form and manifestation. From there, there have been many many divisions within Christ consciousness which are seldom talked about that are further levels of existence which penetrate all the way down to where we are here. At this point, at least in terms of human consciousness, there are two directions that humans are moving in...

202 - The Wisdom of SamIAm...
It occurs to me now that God is simply the Master Mathematician, an observation I am sure has been made before, probably by a mathematician, which I am not, nor am I all that well educated or well read - just enough of each to get me in trouble, I suspect. That aside, the little reading and study I have done leads me inescapably to a seemingly clear concept of the universe and therefore of what we call God, Infinite Intelligence, The Infinite Light (TIL), the Universal Mind, or whatever you call it. While it is clear to me, I am not convinced I can make it clear to others, but I'll do my best...

203 - Stairway to Heaven by Owen Waters
If you're ready for a glimpse of how huge human potential really is, and for more than a few metaphysical surprises, read -- "Stairway to Heaven".

204 - UFOs - ETs - Angels - The Higher Evolution...
The term "Higher Evolution" as used in this blog means those positive and highly evolved people who live most or all of their lives at a higher vibrational level than humans like you and me who are currently in physical incarnation here on Earth. Members of The Higher Evolution inhabit the higher dimensions...

205 - Byron Katie Speaks...
Forget everything... but read this!
Yes, every single human being is trying his best. We're all doing the best we can. But when we believe what we think, we have to live out those thoughts. When there's chaos in our heads, there's chaos in our lives. When there's hurt in our thinking, there's hurt in our lives. If I hate someone, I'm mistaking them for me, and solutions remain hidden.

206 - The Rules for being Human  -AND-  Universal Laws...
When you were born, you didn't come with an owner's manual; these guidelines will make your life work better...

207 - The Universe as a Hologram...
Even visions and experiences involving "non-ordinary" reality become explainable under the holographic paradigm. In a holographic universe there are no limits to the extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality. Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe.   For more: Click here...

208 - 2009 New Year Changes...
In time, 2008 will reveal itself to be 'a pivotal point' within our individual, and hence, collective human experience. Like a hinge that swung open a door of possibility – or a fork in the road that presented 'an alternative'. If we have not been in tune with our individual experience, and using what we receive from within it as our point of reference – it is likely our perception of the collective experience throughout 2008 has appeared chaotic, confusing, and filled with fearful possibility... Here is 2009 !!

209 - World Chaos and Our Rise into the 5th Dimension...
Written by Dennis Whitney...
This is quite an exciting time to be alive, though an equally scary and uncertain time, as well, wouldn't you say? With planet-wide geopolitical, financial and climate changes rapidly unfolding at a clip we can hardly keep pace with. And despite the bubble-world views of some still living under a rock somewhere, these dramatic changes are happening now, as anyone can plainly see. I'm sure we can agree on this?

210 - What is Ascension?
Excellent article by Jelaila Starr - there are MANY excellent Articles on that Site... Enjoy...!       Click here for all articles...

211 - The Moment of Quantum Awakening / Ken Carey
At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth's gravitational field will be affected in some way. There will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent, though it does have antecedents in the prehistoric events of this and of distant worlds...

212 - Revelations of an Elite family Insider...
Something fascinating happened on a forum (godlikeproductions.com) in a span of a few days and it has caused quite a stir in certain parts of the Internet. A person by the moniker of Insider claimed he was from a ruling bloodline and gave the people a chance to ask everything they wanted and Insider would answer...

213 - What is it like to live an awakened life...
While the world is trying to solve its problems and everyone around you is engaged in the same, you're not. While everybody around you is trying to figure it out, trying to arrive, trying to "get there", trying to be worthy, you're not. While everyone thinks that awakening is a grand, noble, halo-enshrouded thing, for you it's not. While everybody is running from this life right now, in this moment, trying to get there, you're not...

214 - Interview with a Shaman...
Shamanism, an ancient and enduring practice, was an integral part of life for our ancestors. Urbanisation and science has since put shamans on the backseat, but today, shamans are making a gradual comeback...

215 - 9.9.9. and the Mayan Calendar...
The number nine has been endowed with a special significance in many different spiritual and religious traditions. Nine was the number of muses in Greek mythology and Nine were the number of worlds in the Scandinavian. Nine was the number of doors to the holiest part of the temple in Jerusalem and the month of Ramadan is the Ninth in the Muslim calendar. Excellent Indeed!

216 - Go here and you might never come back to this Site...
In the whole universe and beyond there is either subject or object.... We know what an object is, and of course you are subject, and subject is a no-thing. If 'subject' were a thing, it would be an object, and therefore not subject.

217 - Getting Out of Time - Time...
Most of your time orientation, your aging, is really your focus on it. In a lot of your countries that don't have time clocks like you do, to those people, five minutes could be like ten days in your reckoning. They don't have day planners. If they are going to a place, they get there when they do.

218 - Quantum Philosphy...
Gerardus here: The following is an enormous piece of work and I do not necessarily agree with all that's being said. Meanwhile, no doubt someone will find truth in it somewhere...
(I found this work on my HD somewhere and figured that I should make it available)

More to follow...
When I have time to add more articles...

More to follow...
When I have time to add more articles...

More to follow...
When I have time to add more articles...