So, who am I to be audacious enough to begin to believe that I can write a book on a topic such as this? At first glance, I'm a 35 year old engineer diagnosed as bipolar with a bunch of bills and insufficient income to pay them. I live in Monterey, and commute over 80 miles each way to work in Sunnyvale, something I've been doing for over four years. Recently, I began sleeping 3 days per week in my van in the parking lot at work -- because I could no longer tolerate the commute yet still needed the weekly paycheck; but also, because I needed to free up some time for writing about the stuff inside of me that feels like it's about to explode.

I've spent 20 years involved in a personal spiritual search, primarily through metaphysics. I've probably read more books than most people read in a lifetime. Further, I've engaged my mind in thinking about various metaphysical principles often and deeply because such activity is one of the greatest pleasures of my life. As a result, my understanding is far superior to my years. No, I haven't used my understanding to eliminate problems in my life, especially monetary ones, mainly because I cannot do so and remain within my integrity. There are many techniques that can be used for the gain of one at the cost of others. These are not acceptable to my consciousness, hence I cannot use them.

The only true key I've found to abundance, is that when you are doing work you truly love in line with your purpose, the universe will bestow its great abundance unto you. As yet, I have not been doing this long enough to see the results come forth. I believe that this work that I am now doing is the work of spirit. Much that comes through will be new to me as I write it. Yes, the work will incorporate all of my talents, training, and understanding; but, it will do so in a manner that is fresh -- that includes connections beyond any that I have previously made.

As I write this, I'm excited about what lies ahead. Books are trips for the mind. The ideas they convey provide us with internal revelations and experiences that can change us forever. They can point out new ways of seeing things that alter our very reality. As the writer, I get an even more intense experience than you the reader. For you see, my consciousness must experience the meaning of the words before it is allowed to express them. At least such has been my experience over the past year or so.

One of the main reasons my consciousness is being used for this task is that I have a balance between scientific and metaphysical backgrounds. It seems it is time to start looking at various metaphysical teachings regarding the nature of reality using more of the scientific method, yet at the same time being open to the nature of beliefs and allowing more subjective validation of the utility of the resulting models. It's as if both science and metaphysics have reached the limits of where they can truly go on their own. Their union is required to propel knowledge further by allowing the best and the brightest on the planet to use all of their resources in pursuit of knowledge and Truth. The power that can be unleashed is enormous. The inventions and the results that will come from the union will be beyond imagination.

To some degree, this marriage of science and metaphysics already exists within my mind. It has taken over 20 years for the gestation however, since it is only recently that concepts have started to be born within my mind that truly involve both parents. Science and metaphysics were both a part of my life. One was my occupation, the other my passion and preoccupation. Now, I'm starting to see that both are integral to my life, both will be required for me to progress further so that I can finally do the work I came to the planet to do. This work involves the communication of a vision of what the world will be in the Age of Aquarius, and to start to bring forth the ideas and methods necessary for the building the foundation for this new world.

Big task for someone who is only 35. Maybe, but someone's got to do it. One of my friend's once told me, "In the times ahead, if you see a task to be done, and you have the right abilities, then it's probably yours to do." Lately, I've taken an attitude that involves doing what I know to be my tasks. After all, what's there to lose. If I don't succeed, I'll have learned some tremendous lessons anyway. If I do succeed, I've given those who thought I wouldn't a whole lot to think about. Besides, the ultimate fate is in accord with the Plan. I can only do what I believe that it calls for me to do. From the flow of this writing, my sense is that this be it, at least for the moment. All we can do is let the moment extend to the Eternal NOW. All that happens will happen as it unfolds in that one moment.

This book is titled Reality Creation 1010. Even though it deals with basic principles, this is far beyond what mere introductions of the 101 variety bring to people. Also, we feel that this topic itself is definitely graduate material. Those reading this are preparing to graduate into the Age of Aquarius -- a level beyond your wildest imagining. In addition, 1010 is 10|10 = 22, 1|010 = 12, |1010 = 10. All three of these numbers have a hidden significance. Twenty-two is the completion of the cycle through the major arcana of the Tarot. Our hope is to attempt to impart knowledge corresponding to that level of awareness. Twelve is the completion number of the pyramid of man (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual sides). Ten is another type of completion of man, one step beyond the enneagram. Further, reality creation is a topic for beings who are rediscovering their true nature as the gods/goddesses that they are.

The truth is we create our own reality. We do it all the time, both personally and en masse. This book attempts to explain how this is done, by proposing a series of models as conceptual frameworks that explain various aspects of what is created to various degrees. It does not prove that these models are valid, but it does provide criteria for evaluating utility of the various models in your own life. We are breaking new ground here, trying to talk in a scientific way about things that have been outside the realm of science. However, this attempt is necessary at this time so that appropriate energy can be applied to thinking in new ways about one of the most intimate and important topics around -- the very nature of how we create reality.


Before we get to reality creation, we had better take a look at reality itself and define exactly what we mean. And I don't mean pull out Websters. If you're reading this, you've existed long enough that you should have a resonable concept of what constitutes reality. Anyway, I'm going to assume this is true for myself and provide what comes to mind in this area as a basis for the discussion in this chapter.

The consensus belief is that reality is the world outside us, the world that we touch with our senses, an objective thing that is the same for all of us. Reality is the stuff that science can deal with. Occassionally, it stretches into our very bodies, but only on terms that science can understand objectively. Whenever we cross the objective/subjective boundary, we start leaving the realm where conventional reality dwells.

Part of reality lies in the organization and structures of the things that are within reality. Part of this includes the behavior and mores of the society. In addition, feelings and emotional states are allowed a place as well, but on fuzzier ground, and primarily as tied to specific physical conditions. Psychology and psychiatry are still relatively primative ways for dealing with the complexities of emotional and mental behavior.

The difference between fantasy and reality often resorts to looking at what is out there in the "real world". The external world is treated as the truth or the standard. The images in our minds are representations of this reality and may be distorted from the real thing.

I find it difficult to deal with a view of reality that separates itself from the consciousness that experiences this reality. From the point of view of an individual, there is an inner and an outer reality. The outer reality includes everything I sense with my senses, including others that appear to be as I am. The inner reality is one of thoughts, feelings, models about the world, and models about myself. The inner reality is the one that is the most prominent. It is where the majority of life is lived. Then again, this may be because I'm an introvert. I don't have the experience to know whether extroverts see life this way. Regardless, these two level of reality exist, and it is the experience of the individual that determines the ultimate nature of reality.

There is an argument against this. It would say that if one is perceiving reality incorrectly, then what one is seeing is not reality but a distortion. The idea being that the distortion of the instrument perceiving bears nothing on the nature of the object of perception. It's a nice little argument really, until one considers that all of our sensors are instruments as well -- instruments with biases and filters that allow us to see the world in the way we do. For instance, our eyes behave as bandpass filters that emphasize higher frequency components.

This allow us to see edges and changes much more sharply, resulting in an image that is of greater utility to us in interacting with the world. Scientists can back off the impacts of this filtering to find out what the world "truly" looks like. When they do, the result is much more blurry -- literally, the world that we would see would be much different. From many standpoints, it would be different enough that we might call it a different world. What would be our reality then? Is it what we perceive or is there really an objective reality out there independent of a perceiver? Also, what about those who are blind?

Clearly, their reality is different from those who are sighted. But, how different is it really? What happens when one cannot perceive things that the consensus humanity perceives? In the case of the blind person, suppose he develops his other senses to compensate for the lack of sight. He is developing his senses in a manner that any other might assuming that they had sufficient discipline. The result is being able to perceive different aspects of the world that many never sense. Yet, this is reality too. It is perceived. Sensors suitably calibrated could theoretically detect the subtle inputs. But it is the mind of the perceiver that translates this all into meaning.

This is an important question. To what does reality apply? We would argue that it applies to a being of intelligence experiencing its existence, period. Reality is what that being experiences. Our concepts of reality should thus include all that this encompasses. We might take this one step higher and also consider a group of intelligent beings experiencing their existence in a shared world. The Earth and Nature appear to be common components of reality that apply to everyone yet are outside of anything that we create in our heads. Many other components exist primary as constructs that we believe and use to explain things.

Maybe we should consider reality to occur at levels of existence. Rocks, minerals, and inanimate things occur at one level. Flora, fauna, and the abundance of nature occur at another level. Man occurs at still another -- where consciousness starts to abide more fully. That is, consciousness can potentially abide more fully.

All levels of reality exist, but only some are relevent to us in considering the nature of reality creation. Science has uncovered theories for how much of the basic stuff came into existence. These may or may not be correct. Focused HERE and NOW, much of it has little importance anyway. The bottom line is that there is a given amount of physical stuff from which to construct forms at any of these levels. Nature uses much of the stuff in ecosystems that provide an incredible diversity of plant and animal life. Further, nature sculpts the lands in incredible ways via a handful of basic operations used in a variety of ways. Here, too, science has its theories although even such basic things as weather show incredible complexity.

Personally, I believe in the power of simplicity. Truth should be expressed succinctly and easily when it has been rightly and fully understood. Where great complexity is required to explain something, the keys have not yet been found to unlock the complexity.

Everything comes down to meaning, the meaning of experiences in our lives. Our inner world thrives on such meaning. We constantly evaluate what the things, events, and experiences in our lives represent. What do they really mean? On the one hand reality involves what something is. On the other hand reality involves what something means. Yep, what it is and what it means. Those are the two main issues. Now we can ask a series of questions

  • What are physical objects?
  • What do physical objects represent?

  • What is life?
  • What meaning does life have?

  • What is nature?
  • What meaning does nature have?

  • What are emotions?
  • What meaning do emotions have?

  • What are thoughts?
  • What meaning do thoughts have?

  • What are humans?
  • What meaning do humans have?

  • What is consciousness?
  • What meaning does consciousness have?

Thus far, science has addressed the first three sets in detail, and the next four only in limited areas from limited perspectives. However, science is typically very light when it comes to dealing with the issue of meaning. This is typically left as a matter for religion. The major reason for this is that answering the what question is usually sufficient to being able to use knowledge in ways that "benefit" mankind.

From another standpoint, reality is you and the worlds in which you exist. These worlds include the physical world, the emotional world, the mental world, and the spiritual world. The outer world is primarily the physical world though it also includes exchanges with other beings at the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. From the world standpoint, it is useful to know what objects exist in each world and how those objects behave. In addition to know what interchanges happen between worlds, and what correspondences appear between objects and interactions in different worlds. For instance, particular emotions may always result in the same body conditions such as breating rate, blood pressure, heart rate. They may also be tied to the same types of thoughts as well. From that standpoint, there is truly one interrelated world -- though it is useful at times to talk about it as if it had separate component parts.

OK, so where does meaning come into the picture? Ultimately, reality for an individual is the meaning that one gets from one's experiences.

  • I'm a monk living in a dark cave. Reality has little to do with the physical senses and everything to do with emotions, thoughts, and spiritual experiences. For all practical purposes, the physical world is illusion -- possessing much less force within my awareness than the visions that may be played out in my mind.

  • I'm a person from a small town with a limited education who has never ventured outside of my own town. My world is relatively small, confined to a limited geographic area. It matters not that there is a large city 200 miles away. For all I truly know, that is mere fantasy. In fact, I may have a hard time believing that the world is other than flat. My experience is that I travel in straight lines, and I don't see far enough to force my reasoning to think in any other manner. I may know quite alot about the woods, farmland, streams, vegetation, and wildlife in my particular area but I haven't extended this to a concept of nature encompassing the entire planet.

  • I'm a rocket scientist. I know the laws of physics and many of the laws of chemistry. I know the Earth is a sphere and that there are other planetary bodies out there. I know that I can use the physical laws to calculate the orbit for any rocket I design. Much of my knowledge about the world is mental, not from direct experience, but from reading the results of the experiences of others. Most of these results have been confirmed by multiple sources adding to their credibility. I live and work in a primarily mental world, a world where concepts about the physical world are discussed. Occasionally we get an opportunity for a physical experiment to bring back new data.

  • I'm a psychic who sees auras, and makes my living doing readings for people. I see bands of color around my clients which over many years I learned to interpret. These color bands appear around other living things as well. To see these bands clearly, I have learned to alter my state of awareness slightly so that my eyes perceive differently. These energy bands convey information about health, abilities, significant occurances, and other history information about each person. People are dynamic information systems or energy systems that broadcast their energy to the world constantly.

These a just a few examples. Look how different reality is for these four individuals. Literally, the reality they experience is different. All would have a hard time really relating to any of the others. It's not a matter of which one of them is correct. They all are. The problem is the one of blind men and the elephant. Reality is the large and intricate thing. We are blind men with a few sensors and a brain in which we create the conceptual context to make sense of our experience. Because we only need enough of a context to explain the parts of the world that we personally interact with, each of us creates our own and refines it as we go through life. Part of this framework is created as models, and part as a belief system. We typically change the framework only when confronted by sufficient evidence which does not fit.

The bottom line from this is that reality is truly something beyond which we can completely describe. There are many parts to it, each of which various disciplines can describe and define. But our knowledge is insufficient to even attempt to describe the whole, yet. We have to be satisfied with that part we can describe. When we talk about reality creation in this book, we limit ourselves to that part of reality that is personal, the part we experience as individuals and as groups of human beings. Science has already explored much of the physical world and nature, so we'll stay away from those areas and focus more on the nature of personal reality, primarily those aspects that we experience in our head, though we may also get into our bodies a bit.

Personal reality primarily involves the meaning that we give to things and events in our lives and how we respond or react to this meaning. It deals with what we see and why we see it, what we feel and why we feel it, what we think and why we think it, what we know and why we know it, and what we do and why we do it. These are some pretty heavy topics, but at the same time this is everyday stuff, so it shouldn't take a Ph.D to figure it out. After all, each of us do these things (see, feel, think, know, do) in the course of each and every day.

This is the bulk of where reality lies. How do I know this? Simply because this is what we spend most of our time doing. It is only logical that reality would be found where the bulk of our existence is found. If not, we live most of our lives in unreality or illusion. That might make sense if you subscribe to eastern philosophy and religions or if you're committed to "A Course in Miracles", but for the masses in the west, this is a rough one to take. Personally, I'd prefer to believe that our current experience is real -- it is the reality we are experiencing. Whether this is the true reality is another matter that is left to spirituality. The reason for wanting to understand reality creation is twofold first, to allow us to make this one better for ourselves and others; second, to allow us to understand more of what the true reality is like.

Some things about reality are common. They provide a common background environment in which we can allow experience our personal reality and interact with others. Other parts of reality are private -- the things in our heads or in the places that we keep closed and guarded from others. Both are important. For me, the private part has been the most important, however this is starting to shift. Overall, I believe the outer has been far more important than the inner for far too long. We embarked on the scientific adventure in the early 1600's and have been pursuing it relentlessly for 400 years. In that pursuit, we've focused strictly on explaining as much of the outer world as we could using the scientific method.

The hope was that by understanding this world we would better understand ourselves. It is not clear that we've achieved this. One only has to go back to Socrates and Plato to find basic questions that could be asked by the Ancient Greeks yet still cannot be answered even with all of our science and technology. The problem is that these disciplines deal with entirely different parts of the elephant that we call reality. We have small disciplines in the social sciences that have attempted some work in the areas we are concerned with, but the successes have been relatively few, and the models relatively shallow. Much of this is due to lack of resources and funding. We get what we focus upon. If we want answers in particular areas, we need to get quality people and apply them to the task at hand for as long as it takes to get results.

One of the most complex machines on the planet is the human brain. Yet, we have very few people truly studying it to understand how it works. Don't get me wrong, there is much more research now than there has even been. Also, it is not an easy task. Essentially, we are asking a machine to understand itself -- but, this is what self-awareness is all about. And, self-awareness is one of the key behaviors that must be included within the definition of reality. The key reason for this is that shifts in the level of awareness change the very nature of reality that is experienced by the individual, and many times, change it permanently. Any concept of reality that does not encompass these kinds of reality shifts -- does not deal with the most important aspects of personal reality.

We experience reality every moment of every day, both while asleep and while awake. However, we have another reality as an observer who watches our activities as we perform them -- physical, mental, and emotional activities. When we experience ourselves as this observer, we are operating from a spiritual standpoint that is as much a part of our reality as any other. It's interesting, we can be doing, feeling, thinking, and watching simultaneously as if one point in all four of our bodies were merged together at once. This, too, is part of our experience -- at least for those of us who have achieved this level of awareness. It's almost like a game, with our state of consciousness determining the level we have achieved. I don't even begin to know how many levels there are. Further, I refuse to discuss levels beyond those I have experienced. I have read of others, but until I personally experience them, they are as fantasy to me. Actually, provided I have confidence in the author, they are treated as likely possibilities.

Regardless of the number of levels or their structure relative to one another, it is important to realize that there are several levels and that each of these levels is just as much a part of reality as any other. There is still one overall reality, but it is of such complexity that we are only familiar with the pieces that we experience regularly. Our growth involves learning about behavior on the various levels and doing what is required to achieve higher and higher levels of understanding and awareness. Awareness involves being able to perceive, interpret, feel, understand, and create reality. Yes, that's a lot of stuff. But, reality is that big of a subject. Our awareness is our primary tool for dealing with reality. Our ego is the conscious part of our awareness most intimately connected with reality.

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Reality creation is how reality is constructed. In particular, it includes how we create the reality we experience as individuals and en masse. Given the scope of reality discussed in chapter 1, this is a broad topic as well, containing many aspects and nuances. Here, we'll provide an introduction sufficient to establish an overall framework for further chapters.

Reality creation is what human life is all about. We are creators, learning of our own true nature. It is through our experience of reality that we discover that we are creators and start learning the basics of how we create the reality we experience. This is basic stuff, but it is not simple stuff. It takes achievement of a relatively rare level of awareness to even begin to understand this. Perhaps I should have mentioned this as a prerequisite for this book. Some things I just take for granted. Be forewarned, if you are already lost, maybe you should start somewhere else. I recommend my previous book, Beyond Imagination Foundations for Creating a New World, as a place to start. It provides a recommended reading list that will provide a thorough introduction to much that is understood about reality creation.

As individuals, the general understanding is that reality is what happens to us. Many believe that they have no control over it, whatsoever. If you're in this camp I'm not sure you'll find this book of much use except in presenting alternatives that you might find sufficiently empowering to start believing in them. I'm assuming that most readers are coming in with a basic understanding that we create our own reality. The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts is a great place to start for gaining a background understanding.

Creation of the natural background to reality is done primarily by Nature. Further creation of physical reality is done via ideas which get translated into the resources and labor necessary to fabicate the objects required or change the natural state of the background. This work can be easy or difficult depending on how attuned it is to natural laws and principles. Everything that humans create comes first from the idea or mental picture.

Emotions and ideas are also creations in and of themselves. They, too, are part of reality -- hence the process for generating them or bringing them into this existence is reality creation as well. I would argue that this is one of the most important areas of reality creation because of it fluidity and the rapidity with which things can happen.

The bottom line is that reality creation is going on all the time and we are all participating in it in a most intimate manner whether we are aware of it or not. In fact, most of us are not aware of how we are creating reality even though we know or observe that we are doing so. For instance, few of us understand where our thoughts originate. They just appear in our heads. Similarly, we don't know where our words come from when we speak. We know they come through our mouths and that we speak them, but we don't know how this really happens. Similarly, we feel emotions. Typically, we sense that these surface or arise in reaction to things going on in our lives, but we don't know exactly how circumstances trigger emotional and mental states. We know the body is involved as well via hormones and other chemical and electrical mechanisms, but the physical effect is simultaneous with the emotional one.

So, it's obvious that much of reality creation happens at levels that are outside of our normal conscious awareness. However, we can become more aware of how this takes place even though we don't consciously control what is happening. As an analogy, consider a planet. We can observe the planet in the sky and plot its position over time to get an understanding of how it moves relative to us. If we want to know more, we find that it's necessary to create models of the solar system and equations for planetary motions. From these equations we are able to plan the course of objects (satellites) that we design to perform specific functions. Now, we didn't consciously create the planets or the natural laws that govern them. However, by understanding something about the reality that resulted from that creation, we are then able to consciously create new things that utilize that understanding to result in a desired behavior for the satellite.

Science has shown us how to do this amazingly well. Technology progresses at rates that were undreamed of as a result. Unfortunately, we have not yet applied these same methods and laws to our inner reality as well to achieve the same kinds of results. The major reason for this is one of resources and attention. For 400 years, we've allowed science to dominate nearly everything. It has been an innate part of our world view for these four centuries, and has been the dominant part for nearly 100 years. In fact, technology moves so fast now that it is nearly impossible for society to keep up with it. Inherently, there is no reason why consciousness technology can't proceed at a similar pace to allow us to harness more of the power of our minds.

We've reached a state where information has become extremely valuable. Some say we are in the midst of the Information Age. To a large degree this is true. Processing of information occupies a large part of our lives. It did anyway, even when it was only sensory types of information. But now, we live in a conceptual world that we create in our heads. We use this conceptual world to store information about the real world and to assess or determine the meaning of particular events or combinations of circumstances. For some people, this is a relatively simple model. For others, it is much more complex. Generally, there may be many models that cover various aspects of the world where the detail is determined by interest. The bottom line, however, is that everyone builds models to simplify how they interpret the complexities of reality. We must be careful however, because the models we use act like glasses as well, only allowing particular information from the outside world to get through.

From the top level perspective, reality includes an outer world that provides a common background, and a bunch of individuals who have bodies in the outer world but who construct their own inner world. These individuals interact with the outer world and with other individuals but do so through a finite set of senses and with filters determined by the inner models they have of their world. One of the major tasks is for individuals to get their models of the world in agreement with their observation of the world. Note how much this sounds exactly like what science has done with the physical world. We observe and create models that account for what we see. From a consciousness standpoint, we need to do the same. We observe what we experience, then attempt to account for that experience. Personally, I've been in the midst of some major changes of consciousness. My motivation in writing this is to take a first cut at explaining what I've experienced. One side effect of writing this is that I activate one of the chief operating principles of life

  • You Teach Best What You Most Need to Learn.

I believe that came from the Messiah's Handbook in Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach. Heaven knows, this is the most important thing for me to learn at this time! My belief is that further it is one of the most important things for all of humanity -- for it is the very key to the kingdom. It is the step that allows us to transition consciousness into the Aquarian Age.

As you can probably tell, I'm most concerned about reality creation at the individual level. That is the part that we have some control over. I'm also interested in reality creation at the mass level -- because I believe it is the joint individual creation that results in the outer reality. Also, much of our personal reality relates to how we interact with our world including all the other people we deal with. Individual and mass reality are merged in major ways so that it is nearly impossible to separate the them in practice. However, there is still some utility in doing so in theory. Primarily because it makes our models simpler to understand and use to create change.

We already create our reality. Yes, every one of us. The trick is to do so consciously rather than subconsciously or superconsciously. We want to be aware of what we are doing. Note this doesn't mean that events and circumstances will change. It only means that we'll be more aware of how things are working and what is going on. Our reality however will be quite different, because our focus, interpretation, and understanding will be different.

We live in an elaborately constructed play where the scenes, events, and symbols make sense no matter what level of awareness we are at. One of the things that keeps the play interesting is that we never know what level other people are at. The bandwidth for communications channels is too short to convey anything but a minute part of what we are. We are simply too complex for that. In fact, part of what allows communication at all, is the assumption that the receiving party is like unto us, so that we don't have to convey much background.

It's amazing that we're able to communicate at all. Further, the communications process itself provides limited opportunity for feedback to see whether our words convey the desired message. Overall, the process is very loose. The medium of words is a poor channel for conveying information, but it is one of the most flexible and useful ones that we have available to us as individuals. Images and expressions have great informational content as well because they map to greater levels of organization in the receiving individuals. Also, the bandwidth of images is higher allowing information content to be conveyed more quickly.

Part of reality creation involves how we interact with others in a variety of frameworks and settings. Overall, we believe that we consciously choose much of how this occurs. We believe that we have free choice at any points where decisions are made. There is no basis of fact to show that it truly works this way. Decision points appear to offer choices, but we have no way to return to the same point to see for certain whether an alternate choice could have been made. We would not be able to detect from the reality that we perceive whether the choice was executed according to a script or whether we truly have free choice. From my vantage point, we do have free choice in these matters, but we do not consciously execute the choice, we simply enact the result of what a higher part of ourselves has already scripted.

This distinction is important. One of the highest goals is Self-awareness. We achieve this by understanding our true nature as spirit and as a creator of our own reality. So long as we continue to go through the play as if we consciously had choices about things, we delay the realization that there are other components of ourselves behind the scenes responsible for creating much of what we experience. It is only when we become aware of these other parts of ourselves that we grow in consciousness to understand whom that we are. One of the major lessons in life is that of my will vs Thy Will. However, it can't be learned until one understands my will to begin with. Further, one must understand that free will operates through it all.

Free will is an interesting aspect of reality creation. Yes, it always applies. However, it applies to our entire self. We have the freedom to create, but we are responsible for our creations as well. We know this at a soul level. We don't typically know this at the physical consciousness level. It is equally true at all levels, however. Part of how reality is created is in terms of action/counteraction pairs that show up as balancing events in our lives. As awareness, we are an observer of these events riding along for the show so that we can learn from what we observe. In drawing conclusions, constructing models, and creating beliefs we set up our apparatus for understanding ourselves and our world. Part of this apparatus is about the very nature of ourselves and of reality. This later part is the area where reality creation happens. The key mechanism at play is that we get what we focus on subject to the basic rule of

  • As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

Personal responsibility is the first lesson. Closely aligned with this is the principle of right interaction with others

  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Until these two basic lessons are learned, there is no firm basis on which fully conscious reality creation can begin to proceed. Once one has achieved these two, however, an instinctual yearning for something more begins. Then the directive


becomes operative and the adventure into understanding the nature of consciousness and the true nature of reality finally begins. At this point, one finds that as one's level of awareness changes, the reality that one experiences changes. The true reality is consciousness itself, not the experiences of consciousness. The experiences are but illusions passing on a screen, illusions with meaning, yes, but illusions none the same. The problem with this is that achieving and maintaining an awareness of one's nature as consciousness is difficult to do when one's beingness is couched in flesh. Yes, there is a purpose for this.

We are learning to be creators of a higher order. Presently we create reality. And what an elaborate and beautiful reality it is. Overall, our consciousness is learning to create beings of its own order couched in its creations to as high as a degree as is possible. You could say we are attempting to create gods on Earth, beings truly able to create their own reality consciously. The key to it all is getting individuals to take the initiative to know thyself rather than be so immersed in the activity of the game. Looking around the country and the world today, clearly this is no easy task.

Those of you who are on this path, congratulations, pursue it to whatever degree you are able. This is one of the areas where free choice truly reigns. At any time, anyone can choose to see things differently and embark on their personal quest for self- knowledge. They will find that the doors are opened at whatever pace they are willing to go in their quest -- subject only to what level of understanding they achieve and their willingness to follow the signs and take the gifts that their consciousness sends to them.

Note, however, that some lessons take time to unfold. Why does it work this way? Simply because consciousness is elegant in how it creates the Play, and events and opportunities appear per the Play. An individual's free will determines what shift in awareness occurs as a result of the scene being played out. The new awareness then lines up further events and opportunities.

One of the first lessons in knowing thyself is learning that

  • We create our reality through our beliefs.

Why is this so? Because beliefs represent our conscious understanding of ourselves and our world. They filter everything we percieve and govern how we interpret reality. Further, since this is such an important lesson, the law of like attracts like assure that we attract the appropriate events and circumstances to conform with our beliefs. Occasionally things will be brought to our attention to get us to question beliefs that may be in error in an attempt to spur our growth, but typically it is left to us to become interested in knowing ourselves.

The complexity of the physical instrument comes into play as well. It is not yet clear what process the brain must go through to accommodate increasing levels of consciousness and awareness. Because we are creating physical bodies, the organization of the brain is a major consideration. It is the seat of our physical consciousness and to some degree must be programmed to give it functionality. It's not that all of our intelligence must reside within the physical body, but enough of it must be there to allow our consciousness to drive the body from within the brain.

Part of how reality is created is to partition specific functions out to smaller units of consciousness so that the greater part of consciousness can focus on higher level of functionality and awareness. To enflesh itself to a greater degree, consciousness must continually work on its creation in ways that result in increased ability to accommodate awareness. Consciousness itself is pure awareness without form. It seeks to express itself as awareness within form. All of evolution has been an elaborate experiment in expressing consciousness in form. Human evolution has been an experiment in creating fully self-aware life. Dolphins and whales have already achieved this. We still have a ways to go, but we're getting there rapidly.

We have complete control over our beliefs. Many may have been adopted during our childhood, but we are free to reexamine these and change them at any time. One of our key methods for controlling the reality we create is by taking control of our beliefs and adapting them so that they serve us rather than hinder us. In particular, we need to closely examine beliefs about who and what we are. These are core beliefs that define much that we will experience. A second area of core beliefs involves the basic nature of our world or our reality. These too need to be closely examined to determine their impact on our experience. A key belief that is useful is

  • We are consciousness housed in a body.

We are not strictly confined to a body. First and foremost, we are consciousness. Secondly, we are enfleshed in a body. Yes, this body is important -- but only as the vehicle for allowing consciousness to be enfleshed. Consciousness can only be enfleshed to the degree of our awareness of our nature. The consciousness part of us is not created as the body is. It enters at some point to drive the biological machine. All the minute details of body creation are driven by consciousness in accord with the Plan and with spiritual laws. In addition, a conscious part of the brain is programmed to become aware of its identity as "I".

The program is allowed to grow subject to appropriate spiritual laws. As it grows, some of its activities lead to increased awareness of itself. First this is reflected as an awareness of its abilities and talents and awareness of self as doer. As it becomes more aware, consciousness, as the programmer, nurtures it further by feeding it reality for it to digest and draw further conclusions from. At some point the entity becomes aware of itself observer, separate from the awareness that was immersed in physical reality. As it questions the very nature of itself, it grows ever more aware until it knows that it is consciousness. At this point it has truly realized that

  • We are in this world, but not of this world.

This world is an illusion, an elaborate one, but an illusion none the less. That doesn't alter the fact that it is reality. It just means that reality is truly an illusion, just as a movie on a screen. Also there is great meaning in the illusion. After all, the actors are real even if the parts they play are not. In our world, not only are the actors real, but they don't even realize they are actors since they are only allowed to experience the play moment by moment. Further, in our play, the actors must start with a very limited understanding of who they are and why they are there at all. It makes for a very interesting challenge.

Because we are in this world, we accept particular rules for creating reality in accord with spiritual laws and the Play. Also, we must take care of maintaining basic functions in accord with the rules for reality creation within the dimensions in which we operate. Part of this is required because consciousness is co-creating reality and there must be an overall consistency in order for individual experiences to make sense in the context of the Play and the individuals understanding of reality. Activities involving multiple individuals must be coordinated for the Play to be enacted properly.

To make the overall framework for reality even more challenging we must realize that the lessons at each level are relative, not absolute. They are not meant to be carried to extremes and the context in which they operate may be limited. For instance, we create reality through our beliefs is only a partial truth. It does not mean necessarily that every belief will be manifest. Consistency in beliefs is also needed. Further, if beliefs are in error, reality specifically may not conform to the belief to point out the error. The strength of the belief is as important as well. Beliefs with more emotion and conviction are more likely to be manifest. Another basic law is

  • Laws may change with the level of awareness.

As the level of awareness grows, the place at which conscious reality creation occurs changes and the interpretation of reality may be completely different. One could say that as awareness changes so does one's world. On a mass level, however, the world remains the same for the most part. We have not experienced individual attaining a mass awakening on a large enough scale to cause a significant world change, at least not instantly. Some of the historical disappearances of large groups such as the Mayans may have been due to consciousness shifts. Changes in technology, and in particular transportation have made the world a very different place in the past 100 years, dramatically affecting our personal understanding of the meaning of time and space.

The nature of the Play makes it appear that everything happens relatively smoothly over time. We need to make sure we don't confuse appearance with reality. We experience reality only in the moment. We may have memories of the past and expectations of the future, but the only time we ever experience reality is NOW. We exist here and now. We always have and always will. There can be no other time for awareness. Consciousness itself is beyond time and space. It is eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. This is our heritage as sparks of consciousness.

It is our true nature. Realizing that, however, is another matter. And we are here, now, to realize it as much as possible within this physical form. Since all is here and now, change can happen in a moment as well. At any moment, the current act could come to a close, and a new act in the Play could begin. This is what happens when consciousness shifts occur on a massive scale, or when consciousness has generated a new physical pattern capable of holding increased awareness. In time, this may take awhile to occur, especially if the background reality is to be maintained.

After all, we can't have violations of natural laws appearing out of the blue to large numbers of people, can we? They just wouldn't know what to do. However, if we examine the Play, and look at what ideas the mass consciousness is being exposed to, we can start to see some of the overall directions in which reality is moving to allow change to happen at warp speeds compared to what has transpired in the past. I know, the past does not exist, but the rememberence in our minds is real whether the supposed events were real, illusion, or even imagined. Also, from a reality creation standpoint its useful to see whatever parts of the Play we are aware of from a more global perspective.

This allows us to see how the whole mechanism was constructed. Yes, the place where reality happens is the moment. But, we're stepping back from that to try to understand how each moment was created to begin with. Also, it's useful to understand where our drama begins and ends, and what major themes are being carried out for our illumination. At some level we are a group consciousness as well, and the larger reality is being carried out for that group. Now that group recognizes itself as one entity composed of individuals, just as we are composed of individual cells.

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My scientific/technical background has taught me the value of using models to describe how something works. In our case we want to develop models that are useful in explaining the nature of reality and the process of reality creation. Many of the models that I intend to elaborate on were introduced informally in the previous chapter. You'll see them again in much more detail in the chapters that follow. Before we get to those chapters I'd like to explain a few things about what models are, why we use them, and how we use them. In addition, an introduction to paradigms is in order as well. I suspect that many of you reading this will already have been exposed to the concept of paradigms, but, nonetheless, I'd like to provide some words on why and how I use them in the context of understanding reality creation.

What Models Are

Models are representations of things, processes, systems, behavior, or concepts. The ones of most value in our particular context are conceptual models that deal with the nature of reality and process or behavioral models that deal with how reality is created. Models have varying levels of complexity depending on the nature of what is being modeled and the fidelity that one wants in the output. Fidelity deals with how closely one wants the model to approximate reality. All models are representations of the real thing. As representations, they generally make simplifying assumptions about whatever is being modeled. Typically, models must be validated to assure that they behave appropriately in accord with what is being modeled.

Reality is an extremely complex entity involving a whole lot of stuff. In this book we deal with a high level of abstraction of reality that is primarily centered on the functions centered in the brain that experience and interpret reality and that are involved in self-realization. We also discuss the functions performed by consciousness itself and how these map to the functions that are physically expressed. Where possible, I'll attempt to validate the models that I discuss. However, in many cases the concepts are so new that the utility of the model must be judged based on experience in using it.

Why Models

We use models because they provide a simplified means for us to understand behavior of complex systems. At least, that's why I use them. Models also provide a framework for organizing our knowledge about a system. When the framework is structured properly it facilitates understanding and analysis, possibly allowing us to venture into unknown territory to generate new knowledge.

In our case, we are attempting to model the very nature of reality itself. In doing this, we're treading on some rarefied turf that traditionally has been the realm of religion, not science. The models will be somewhat simple and sketchy, but they are a place to start from. Also, different models will pertain to different aspects of reality or its creation. This is such a big area that I can only cover particular general areas that I feel are most important. Further, since I am creating the models, they can only cover areas for which I have sufficient awareness to generate the appropriate concepts, connections, and relationships.

How We Use Models

We use models primarily as analogies that help us understand behavior of complex things in terms of things that we are already familiar with. In using the analogies, however, we need to understand how far to carry them.

Overall, my higher purpose of using these models is to capture my knowledge about reality and reality creating in a manner that can elicit an awareness in you that results in a consciousness shift related to your understanding of reality and its creation. My shift will come when I build the model and relate the information in words.

What Paradigms Are

Paradigms are our habitual ways of looking at things. They are the glasses we use to filter things to simplify our lives. On a larger scale they are the way society or a group of people see things. Typically these are philosophical attitudes about life or its meaning. One problem with paradigms is that the filters may distort our view of reality so that we are not seeing things that may be important in a way that is empowering.

From another viewpoint, our paradigms are the models of reality that we use all the time in interpreting our experience. We don't see the real world, we see our paradigm of it.

Why Paradigms

Paradigms make life easier. We can decide on a rule for interpreting particular behavior and not have to think about it anymore. They allow us to automate our reality interpretation freeing us to focus on things of higher interest or value to us. It's useful to understand what our paradigms are and to make sure that they empower us.

Breakthroughs The Value of Paradigm Shifts

Breakthroughs typically happen when paradigm shifts occur. Paradigms are such important parts of are lives that when they shift we experience a major change in our perception of reality. The outer reality may not change at all, but the inner one can change completely.

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The brain functions like a computer on many levels. A computer has inputs, memory, processing, and outputs. System software takes care of assigning resources to various programs. Programs evaluate inputs, perform various functions and generate various products or output.

One type of the brain's inputs come primarily from the senses through the body's nervous system. Information is of several types

  • Visual information comes in the form of pictures about the world. The sensors themselves only detect incoming patterns of various frequencies of light. The brain is left to interpret these as images. Images contain a great amount of symbolic information. One of the types of images that we input is printed text from a variety of sources. The process of reading is engaged exclusively with this type of information.

  • Aural information comes in the form of sounds, waveforms with various frequency spectrums. The ears translate the waveforms into appropriate representative signal that the brain then interprets. Sound is a key means for transferring verbal information between humans.

  • Taste, smell, and touch are additional senses from which information comes. This information is primarily about the physical world and operates at a more subtle level. They are important for experiencing reality, but not so important for understanding reality creation at an abstract level so we won't be discussing them much.

There is another type of information that is contained internally as product in the brain. This information is stored as data in various forms or as programs that can be run whenever they are needed. Thoughts could also be interpreted either as input to the brain or as output data that results from the brains functioning.

We operate on at least two levels a realtime level that takes sensory inputs from the world and reacts to them for our safety or efficient operating, and a non-realtime level that processes more abstract information that associates meaning to what is being experienced.

Some of our primary outputs are directions for our bodies shape and condition; control of our physical actions and reactions; generation of our speech and communication with others; and our thoughts, models, and programs about the world and reality. There are a lot of physical related outputs, but I'm not going to cover them here because my focus is more on the conceptual side of things that is involved with reality creation.

The most interesting part of the brain is computer model is the elaboration of what the software is doing. The processor elements of the brain are much more complex than any computers we have even begun to dream of. Little is understood about how the brain actually works. We don't need to know the physical details, however, to start to understand the higher level functionality. The complexity of the brain allows for nearly any level of functioning to be achieved. Because of this, our focus will be on what happens at the abstract level. The understanding of details will have to wait for biological science to catch up with our metaphysical knowledge.

Just as there is a variety of software for our computers, so there is a variety of software for our brains. In addition, we are programmers of ourselves, so our software constantly changes over time. Awareness shifts, for example, typically involve major changes to old programs or the generation of new ones. Some of the major programs we run include the following.

Maintain Security Program

This program involves keeping us inside a comfortable operational envelop that is defined by our beliefs about what it means to be secure. This encompasses more than physical safety. It includes emotional and mental security issues as well.

Its primary inputs are the sensory input from the real world and the beliefs about the present state of security. Its functions include interpreting the inputs to assess a new current state of security and then determining actions that can lead to increased security if required. Our state of awareness has a lot to do with how automatically this program operates. As with other programs, the amount of attention given to the program is determined by how important that area is to us. If we believe we are always safe and secure, little time is given to this. However, if we believe the world is unsafe and we don't feel secure, more time is spent on this. The basic lesson that we are always safe is critical to understanding that we create our own reality.

Safety is built in at a very physical level as well. We have a database of sounds and their meanings that includes most sounds that might signify danger. When these are heard, the brain interprets the meaning for the current situation quickly, putting our body on alert by pumping the adrenalin and directing an appropriate response to the situation. For the most part, this behavior is automatic. We witness and feel it, but we don't consciously control it. Similarly, there is an automatic level for responding to visual and other sensory threats as well.

At higher level of awareness, security comes from knowing that our worldview is proper and that there are appropriate parts of ourselves that are fully capable of handling whatever might come up in a manner that is best for all concerned including ourselves.

At a still higher level of awareness, we know that we create it all, and everything happens in accord with the Play. Further, the Play is perfect, so we will be experience exactly what is needed for our highest growth -- nothing more and nothing less. Further, we are not in control of the Play, consciousness is. We are souls. We are consciousness enfleshed. Reality is just an illusion, a game that we play for awhile because its fun and because it allows our awareness to expand.

Interpret Outer Reality Program

This involves determining what reality is and what it means. We are barraged with an endless stream of stimuli from the outside of us. Much of it is direct information about physical things. Some of it is conceptual information from others about what is happening in the world or more rarely what various things mean. One could spend all of ones waking life consumed with observing the information coming in. There is so much of it that there just isn't time to process it all. The key way we have found to deal with this is to build an internal model of the world that defines what we are interested in tracking.

Much of this is created by where we focus our attention. Things we are interested in get structures for filing information, evaluating that information, and for assigning meaning to the information. The more focus we apply, the more elaborate the structures. Consciousness builds these structures in an optimum fashion for catering to our interests. It's as if we have a team of programmers that are waiting to do whatever we want. The way to get these programmers working is through attention and desiring to know.

These interest-related structures serve as filters that select what information gets attracted and paid attention to. Our beliefs also come heavily into play. Information that is in line with our beliefs tends to get through our filtering apparatus so that we can see our beliefs confirmed by reality no matter what the beliefs may be.

OK, so what do we have from the higher perspective? This program takes in information about reality, filters the information by belief and interest, evaluates the information based on various structures that define how the information gets translated to meaning, captures the meaning in history structures, then translates the meaning into appropriate emotional and mental states. Where required, models are created to provide the structure for representation. Also, programs may be created for automating any of the evaluation and translation functions.

Ultimately, this program results in a what does it mean to me assessment. This includes a step that involves determining whether there is any impact on my existing models and structures. If so, the appropriate resources are employed to adapt these structures to agree with the latest information about reality.

If we have limited understanding of the world, then we are blind to great amounts of information. You could say we are operating with blinders, and that the more we understand the thinner the blinders. From one perspective, these blinders prevent us from seeing who we really are as spirit incarnated into flesh. Basically, we see what we look for, and we look for whatever is within our ability to understand in the moment. To change our reality, all we have to really do is perceive differently and this is within our power to do at any time.

Assess and Determine Needs Program

This operates on a couple of levels as well. Consciously we are aware of our basic needs and make decisions as to how those needs will be meet. Typically, this requires taking a job to earn the money needed to meet our needs. Meeting needs at the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels is a different matter. Many of these are addressed subconsciously rather than consciously. The brain is set up to meet needs at all levels. It does this by producing the desired urges or the necessary thoughts required to get the need recognized and addressed. The timing for this is dependent on awareness and how it is changing.

The program works by ranking and prioritizing the set of all needs, looking at what is most important to the individuals growth and planning the kinds of events required to bring the individual to a greater level of awareness.

At the highest level, needs are always met. Consciousness creates reality so consciousness can assure this. Individuals may face circumstances, however, where they assess that their needs are not being met. This may be due to faulty intepretation of reality, or an incorrect understanding of what constitutes a need. Consciousness does not dictate what an individual perceives. It monitors the perception and creates the appropriate circumstances needed to get the individual to perceive more correctly. When this happens is determined by how important it is to the growth of the individual and others that may be impacted.

The individual also defines wants, and indicates how strong the wants are via emotions or amount of attention given to the wants. If appropriate for conveying lessons, the wants may allow be translated into the appropriate conditions required to meet them.

Create Outer Reality Program

The create outer reality program looks at the individual's wants and needs, the lessons that the individual needs to learn, the raw events of the Play, the individuals level of awareness and the karmic balance to create the detailed script for the next part of the Play.

Beliefs about the body are used to drive the intimate details of how the body is fashioned and shaped, including any instincts for food consumption and exercise. The body is one of our most detailed expressions of belief that we create on the outside.

We also bring things and people into our life in this manner. All the events needed to confirm our beliefs are provided. It is not until we show that we are interested in change or that we start to question our beliefs that we experience anything outside of these beliefs. Then, we are free to interpret the experience in whatever way we choose. There are always events in the outside world that can trigger awakenings, but they only impact us if we choose to see them.

Manage Beliefs Program

The manage beliefs program is responsible for maintaining our beliefs. This program accepts whatever beliefs it is give and keeps tract of the justification for each belief. Beliefs with substantial justification have strong effects on the reality we experience. Beliefs with little justification have limited impact.

Beliefs are grouped with related beliefs and hierarchically organized where this is useful. Several groupings of beliefs are maintained beliefs about the world, beliefs about oneself, beliefs about others, and beliefs about the nature of reality.

One of the major goals of life is the development of a belief system that is conducive to expressing greater levels of consciousness in flesh. This is the primary area where we have the power to exert control over our experience and truly affect the quality of our days. This is where our progress toward the prime objective know thyself gets measured and assessed.

We start with the things we are told repeatedly or experience as young children. Then we add whatever we learn in school or at home as we grow up. Eventially, we reach a state where we question our beliefs and start to weed out the ones that don't serve us. These need to be replaced by more empowing ones. Self-help, psychology, and metaphysics provide the raw material for new beliefs with associated justifications. Finally, we learn that beliefs are a playground, one in which we fashion the reality we desire -- and we learn to select beliefs based on their utility. When we start to tire of beliefs about the physical world, we move onto higher beliefs about our true nature as consciousness, and the nature of reality and of reality creation itself. Only then does our ascent in awareness really take off.

Note, this doesn't happen automatically. Unless we make the effort to know ourselves, it doesn't happen. Remember, we're programming a machine. This machine gets programmed via information taken in and accepted by whatever level of awareness we are operating at. We are in the process of becoming more and more aware. That is, consciously aware. Many people have not yet awakened to any real sense of conscious awareness. If you're still reading this, you already are at an evolved level of awareness.

Don't stop now, however, regardless of where you are there are significant opportunities for further growth. Right now, the directive is to grow as far and as fast as you are able. You are main players in this journey of consciousness attempting to fully express itself in flesh. Lead the way as far as you can and pull as many as you can along with you. The more of us doing this, the sooner we'll make the breakthough that allows the Aquarian Age to begin. Working at this level, is the highest service we can do for it is operating at the very highest levels of conscious reality creation. However, don't neglect your body in the process. The goal afterall is spirit in flesh, not pure spirit.

Create Inner Reality Program

Inner reality is basically all in one's head, though emotions and some body sensations may be involved as well. Creating inner reality involves causing particular states of mind to be experienced. Causing happens via creation of conditions, or via focusing on particular information in a specific manner. The "I" is the part of us that experiences reality, especially inner reality. The major inputs come from thoughts and also information from the senses. The major outputs are other thoughts, feelings, and particular mental states. At the level of creating, we are not yet interesting in assigning meaning.

The major reason for creating inner reality, however, is to give the individual experiences conducive to the growth of awareness. These experiences typically confirm or deny aspects of the individual understanding of the nature of reality. Note, I'm not concerned with the lower levels of how inner reality is created or experienced. Sometimes, all that is present is a feeling tone. At other times pictures and association may be seen from which volumes of information may flow out. At still other times, powerful thoughts may arise.

The key process for creating inner reality is through beliefs. Thoughts and events are planned to arrive in sequences necessary for their understanding to occur. Sometimes information arrives in the form of a book, or a conversation, or an event or coincidence of events. The synchronicity and timing of events is well planned and things often have multiple purposes and meanings only some of which are understood immediately. The symbolic meaning of things is very rich. Reality is ready to support any level of spiritual realization at any moment. The basic conditions for spiritual awakening are always there, immediately around us, if only we had the eyes to see. Again, beliefs are the key, just as they were for outer reality. The inner and outer are expressed in the same manner. What is outside is a reflection of what is inside, and vice-versa. As above, so below also expresses this same principle.

Interpret Inner Reality Program

Interpreting inner reality involves developing a conceptual model of all that one experiences. The objective is to determine the meaning of what we experiences. Here, we must understand symbols and how they are used. Some symbols have universal meaning. Most, however, must be understood on a personal basis. The outer world and all that we experience external to us are a reflection of something inside of us. However, it is up to this program to determine the meaning of whatever is experienced. This is done primarily through beliefs until we build appropriate models of how both inner and outer reality are created. Such models may be considered more elaborate beliefs because we cannot be certain of their validity either.

For most people, inner reality is interpreted by this program to be an appropriate feeling state that the individual may or may not be able to express due to other beliefs. Such state as happy, sad, depressed, angry, excited, etc. are then reflected in hormones to result in a corresponding body state. As awareness grows, one must learn to pay attention to these feelings and find appropriate channels for the energy to flow. As awareness grows further, one should be able to select a feeling state by choice, independent of the conditions. In particular, one should be able to experience happiness regardless of what is going on inside or outside.

The Play determines what happens. We determine what that means from an inner reality standpoint. We have no control over what happen, only how we interpret and react, and then only within a limited range for further actions are determined by the Play as well.

To interpret inner reality consciously, we must understand that we are the watcher of this drama and that it is truly designed for us as the watcher. Yes the players all have their roles and the action makes sense at that level. However, the higher meaning comes from understanding the meaning of symbols for the observer parts of ourselves. At this level, the play is comic indeed for the characters are but caracatures of who we truly are. Consciousness has a keen sense of humor, very keen indeed.

When we realize that all this was done for us, that all the details of the Play are there solely for our growth and progress, that this is all a grand experiment in consciousness learning to procreate -- that is, create like unto itself; the feeling is absolutely wonderful. There is a sensation of gratitude that goes to the very core of one's being. Subconsciously, we are aware of how consciousness is directing the show down to the finest details. It's only consciously that we lack awareness. This can only be fixed by working on knowing ourselves and developing the conceptual understanding needed to allow us to awaken. This is what the interpretation of inner reality is all about.

Monitor Level of Awareness Program

Within us we have a program that monitors our level of awareness constantly. It does this so that the perception filters can be altered to correspond to whatever level of awareness we achieve. Monitoring the level of awareness is not so easy as it might seem. At the frontiers, we are growing bodies and minds that can consciously handle increased awareness. The constructs necessary are fragile at first so care must be taken to assure they are not overwhelmed. It's as if we were developing consciousness muscles capable of doing a particular kind of work. The development is a slow and methodical process. In the case of consciousness, we are really building circuits capable of handling particular kinds of information and vibrational frequencies. If we go too fast we burn out the circuits and have to start again.

The key reasons for monitoring awareness are to assure that things are proceeding smoothly and to provide reality creation information it needs to decide what would be most appropriate for further growth.

There are a host of other programs working at lower levels but I haven't taken the time to figure out what they are. Further, even if I did, the ones already mentioned are the ones that relate most directly to reality creation at the levels that we care about.

There is also an overall analogy of brain to computer that bypasses the input, output, program breakout. We'll discuss this next.

The brain is a biological computer. From the time we are born the computer is programmed by the reality that is presented to it, and the information that it takes from that reality. Everything we see, hear, feel, or otherwise sense is an input training pattern. The brain by its very nature seeks to organize itself to be able to handle the inputs that are presented to it. Part of how it does this is via the above types of programs. Within the brain, there is a conscious that has the innate ability to learn to program other parts of the brain.

The conscious mind is like an application program that is itself capable of creating particular types of information that can be fed to other programs and in some cases even creating entire applications. Actually, it may be that there is a team of programmers inside our head that respond to the directions and needs of higher level programs that actually do the grunt work. Delegation is essential. Each part must focus on what it does best, leaving tasks for which it is not suited to other part that can effectively accomplish those tasks.

Within the brain is a center of awareness of self. It is this center that is of primary importance for the whole Play is executed for the development of this center. Here is where consciousness resides. Initially it is relegated to the superconscious. It cannot act consciously until the ego learns of its existence, then finds a way to access it, then learns to trust the information that comes from it. This is not an easy task for the ego's mission in life is deal with reality, and external reality can be very engrossing and time consuming. Applying effort to other than dealing with the material world is seen as counterproductive, especially if it believes the outer world is where reality is by definition.

It's tough enough for the ego to develop the will so that it can start working towards achieving its wants. In fact, many people never develop much of a personal will, choosing to take things as they come rather than trying direct what will happen. The will is an application program that runs on the basic conscious/subconscious/superconscious operating system. Actually the will itself runs on the conscious side. The superconscious is responsible for activating experience in accordance with basic spiritual laws discussed earlier in chapter 1.

The conscious is programmed by all the ideas that cross its attention. Some of these ideas eventually become beliefs. Others are just stored in the data base until they are needed at some later time. As each idea is experienced it is represented physically as a pattern of cell activity. When ideas are repeated and contemplated they grow stonger and stronger. As ideas are connected in hierarchies, those that are supported gradually grow until they are accepted as truths or beliefs. Once this is so, reality creation can start generating experiences that confirm the beliefs.

The subconscious is responsible for emotions and desires. Advertisers have known this for years and have learned to program people to their products by making the associations that go straight to the subconscious. This way the conscious mind doesn't block the linkages they are trying to make with the pleasure centers in the subconscious. Also, subliminal messages are conveyed in a manner that bypasses the conscious.

For conscious awareness to expand, the ego itself must expand to include other functions that reside in the subconscious and superconscious. It is not clear how these functions are separated within the brain. That is left for brain research to tell us. For our purposes, it's easier to treat things from a functional standpoint anyway. The bottom line is that increases in awareness happen when the ego recognizes and accepts something that was outside itself. Something that was "not I" becomes part of "I". Initially, this outside function may be recognized as a new data source. Eventually, the whole function may be recognized as a part of self.

There are not a whole lot of information sources that lead one to an understanding of oneself. They definitely are not common. My primary sources have been via metaphysics. Religion offers some as well, but I find them too obscure for my taste. Great thoughts are always outstanding. These can usually be found in books of quotations. Think of these materials as programs for your mind, for that is what they truly are.

Anything that exposes you to knowledge about the nature of self and the nature of reality is the highest form of information you can get. However, it doesn't help much if you are not prepared to understand it through your own actions in getting yourself ready. Growth cannot be forced, it proceeds gently from within. However, some of the changes can occur very rapidly, allowing one to lose one's grasp of reality for awhile if one is not very careful. I know this first hand.

I've been walking on very shaky ground for several months now. However the awakenings keep coming. My ego is about ready to roll over and say "what do you need me for"? The changes shake up the very core of my programs about reality interpretation. With many realizations, the meaning of things change forever. Things that I trusted and relied upon before simply had to fall by the wayside. What you're seeing now is the kinds of constructions that now lie at the core of how I see reality.

Don't take any of this too literally. These things work roughly like this. Use your own experience to adapt these ideas to whatever works for you. I'm not the ultimate authority on anything except my own reality. My hope is that by sharing what seems to work for me, I may help you in your own path to self-awareness. Everyone follows a different path. I believe that I was meant to blaze a new trail. This is simply one of the markers that I am leaving behind.

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I've been thinking about this analogy for quite some time now. The body is an incredible biological machine, a wonderful manifestation of consciousness. However, how is consciousness embodied or enfleshed? What is physical, and what is non-physical?

We have a body. We are not our body. Similarly, the body has a brain. We are not that brain. Most of us normally think of ourselves as that which is physical. However, when we truly think about locating even the ego part of ourselves, the "I", we cannot find it located in any physical part of us. From a larger perspective, this is because we are consciousness expressing ourselves through the clothes of a physical body. This body is very much like a robot, controlled by various programs, feedback mechanisms, and control circuits.

For those of you that watch Star Trek the Next Generation. The bodies are much like Data, except Data is an attempt to make computer systems and technologically based robots into life that is similar to human life. We are grand attempts to make biological life like unto consciousness itself. This is no small task. Consciousness learns from all of its experiments.

For human life, the DNA are the key for structuring the physical forms, they provide the mechanism through which consciousness can exert control. They have are least two main functions and probably many others as well. On the physical level, they provide the pattern for each cell to be able to replicate itself. The also provide the mechanism through which consciousness can exert control over the functioning of each cell. I suspect there is a set of known instructions that are part of the cells operating system so to speak.

While the baby is still growing inside the mother, the directions to grow may come from the mothers consciousness. Prior to birth, the details of how DNA from the mother and father will be combined to create the abilities and characteristics of the child are decided jointly by the three consciousnesses that are involved. At or near the moment of birth, the third consciousness enters the new body. Basic growth of the body is controlled by the individuals consciousness in a manner that conforms to beliefs, choices of actions, including choices of food consumption. The biggest factor is body image, however, for the body is our most intimate reflection of our image of ourselves.

Of greater concern is the growth of the mind. Basic functions grow in a manner that psychology has already defined so I won't go into any detail here. Early brain growth centers on getting basic functions operating -- the senses, speech, balance, and the like.

Now we get to an interesting part. The basic question of whether the body is a vehicle for spirit or whether it is spirit in flesh. I prefer thinking of the body as the vehicle through which spirit is expressed in flesh. In this case, the operation of the body doesn't have to be an internal function, it can be caused by consciousness, something outside of the physical dimensions so long as there is a communications bridge between the two. This also follows from the idea that we are the creation of consciousness. And consciousness itself is learning how to create like unto itself. We become gods at the moment we realize how to create things "in our own image".

Of course, the common view is that the physical is self-sufficient. But science has neglected the mental and spiritual elements completely and has no explanation for an evolutionary process that leads to greater and greater amounts of organization. The whole issue of consciousness has yet to even be considered, much less the idea of what is involved in reality creation. If you've read this far, I assume you take personal reality creation to be a given. The only question is one of how it works and this is of interest primarily from a practical standpoint of how we live our lives.

Assuming the body is just a vehicle, we need to treat it somewhat like we do a car. Don't take this too seriously, I know the body is more of a temple for spirit. A car is a controlled robot of sorts. It has certain external functions that it performs in terms relevant to the human user, and certain internal functions to achieve the external ones. It is designed to accommodate human passengers. It has an interface that serves as the mechanism for us to control what functions are performed. It needs food (gas) and service to keep it operating, and it wears out after some period of time that is dependent on how it is made, how it is used, and how it is serviced.

Similarly, the body is a vehicle for the brain, it's chief occupant. The body has certain external functions such as sensing, moving, speaking, and physically manipulating. In robot language, this is what the sensors and actuators can do. Internally their are a variety of control systems that enable the gross level behavior. The interface is much cleaner. We only have to think of something to start action happening. For instance, we only have to express the intent to move in a direction to get an army of cells cooperating to make it happen.

Similarly, when we speak, we only have to express the intent to get the cells cooperating to work in a manner to produce a sound that they cannot even hear. The organization is truly miraculous. The body has to eat, rest, and occasionally be serviced by health practicioners. Generally, the body reaches the end of it's useful life after between 70 and 100 years. I'm not aware of why this is so, except that it is in accord with the Plan. It may be because that is sufficient time for getting information about the experiment and its effectiveness in allowing consciousness to be enfleshed.

One of the key themes operating is that we appear to be creating a robot that is like Data, able to realize the nature of itself, including the fact that parts of what it is are driven by nonphysical shall we say parts of itself. The mind for instance does not appear to reside in the brain. It includes more than can be contained in the brain alone. My sense of things is that the brain has complex functions and programs just as the body does. However the brain also has components that serve as receivers of thought on at least three levels conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. As an example, when we speak, we have no idea where the words come originate. We only know that they flow through us. We believe they originate in our brains, but how certain can we be of this. There would be no observable difference if some part of our brain generated the thought and sent them to our speech center, or if the brain simply received the thoughts and sent them to the same place.

Similar, whenever we think, the same issue arises. I sense the thought inside my head, but it just appears. I have no remembrance of the process of creating it. Further, I usually don't understand it's meaning until I hear it in my head. Other people may sense things differently. I base my understanding primarily on what I have direct experience of. I know that some people are more visual or kinesthetic in how they feel and know things.

For me the primary mode has been auditory. My writing follows a speech that I hear in my head as I write. However, I know only a few words in advance of what I type. My sensation is that it is new when I hear the material however. I have no sense that I generated it prior to when it gets expressed. On the other sense, the organization appears to indicate that the whole is completed even before I write. It's as if the linear process of getting it out is a problem of the very nature of this domain.

There is a sense that I am being programmed as I write this as well. It's as if consciousness is outside controlling every word that comes across, so the very process of writing for me is a lesson in allowing consciousness to take control of this vehicle to an even greater degree. It involves some sacrifice on my part. The average rate of transmission of material is approximately 1 page per hour. In the past month alone, December 1993, I generated about 120 pages of material that was virtually error free and required little if any editing. I mention this as an example of how much consciousness can bring forth.

It might go even faster if I could type at a greater speed, however, I believe the speed is also limited by my ability to comprehend it. I don't believe that the conscious channels of the brain through which this material comes can pass anything through that they can't comprehend. This also explains why the material is coming through now rather than at any time before. All through 1993, I went through some incredible changes in awareness. As the year progressed, so did the pace and intensity of the shifts. For those of you that are interested, Beyond Mind Notes from a Soul in the Midst of a Spiritual Awakening documents part of the mental journey that I went through.

When I say I am being programmed, you need to understand this from several points of view. Part of what is being programmed is an understanding of the material which comes through. This impacts my understanding of the nature of reality and reality creation, and hence my level of awareness. At another level, I am being programmed to allow the pathways for this communication to come through. This requires certain organizations within the brain that are related to bringing this material through.

Throughout history, many people have brought material through, but much of it came through subconsciously, or in altered states, rather than consciously. Because of this, they may or may not have understood the truths that were expressed. Or, they may have understood them only during the experience of altered states. Historically, we have called such people mystics. However, the fact that these mystics existed provided the confirmation to consciousness that such realizations could happen in flesh. The challenge then was in how to make this experience the ordinary one rather than the extraordinary one.

One of my prime purposes is to be a pathfinder for getting the world prepared to enter a new age in which consciousness is more fully realized in flesh. Such is what has been revealed to me and confirmed in many ways. It has reached the point where this is now part of my very operating system. Happiness and fulfillment are already tied directly to this task. My attention and focus are almost 100 percent aligned. This is one of the few things that continues to have any real meaning in my life. You could argue that I am programming myself. And to some degree I am. But, I'm doing so as an active participant, not as the being who is in charge. I only have a vague understanding. I only know that I am being moved toward the accomplishment of something, and that my entire lifetime has been orchestrated to get me where I am and to prepare me for what I am to do.

I have no sense of designing this, or even being privy to the design. It is definitely not happening at a conscious level. Yes, it is happening faster now, because I am willingly taking on subordinate roles in a conscious manner. Again, the issue of aligning my will with THY WILL. There is a role for each of us in the Plan. The specific role that one experiences in reality depends largely on how ones awareness unfolds and how quickly one subjects ones will to the greater Plan. Actually, it is our own consciousnesses that have the task of getting us in the position to play our greater roles. It will happen when the time is right. It cannot be forced on anyone before they are ready. Also, just as with my writing, the Play may be already completed. It's only the serial nature of our time that prevents what is in our future from being revealed now.

Being a robot, does not limit one's experience in any way. All of life is played out for the growth of consciousness, consciousness learns of what it is via what it is able to create. But, in our reality -- where duality reigns, there is always the play of Light and Dark. One key aspect of this play is illusion. We are always challenged to understand what is real vs what is illusion. The problem is that we have elaborate sensors specially disigned to detect illusion and make it appear real. A piece of consciousness, the self, is housed in the robot and sent out into the "real" world without any knowledge of its true nature and with only a weak thread that connects it to its creator, the Self. The game is for consciousness to guide this robot through the series of experiences necessary for it to realize that it is truly the Self. The separation is an illusion, it has always been. But one, must truly realize this, and not just think it.

So, how do we use this to alter our reality? Realize that the first focus should be on getting your robot to know itself. You do this by thinking about what your nature really is and by inputing appropriate new thoughts and ideas. This is even more effective if you start getting the ego to recognize inputs from other portions of the self. When you first start these are subtle, typically appearing as voices in the head or intuition. These will are always attempting to guide you, waiting only for you to recognize them and act on the information they provide. Use utility as the test for what is valuable. And, remember, it takes time for things to manifest in physical reality. There are exceptions, but these are few.

Learn what your will is, and be careful how you direct it. The goal is to align your will with your Higher Will. One area to start is by making knowing yourself a high priority goal of your will. By doing so, this becomes an activity that you spend your free time pursuing. The more important you make it, the better. Remember, you get what you focus on. If you apply resources towards knowing yourself, you will indeed achieve progress. There are many steps, however, so don't stop with the first awakening you get. It's alright to enjoy yourself and experience physical reality, just don't get too immersed where you don't come out and regain your conscious bearing on the whole thing.

Once you experience the observer self, try to recover that experience whenever you can. Eventually, this will be a common state that is lived most of the time. The observer coexists with the part of you that is doing and experiencing physical reality. It can function concurrently. The question is where you focus your "I". When the ego can exist as the observer, you reached a very advanced state indeed, for then the ego is no longer so intensely focused on experiencing what the body is experiencing, or even what the mind is experiencing; it has gone beyond to a new domain. In this domain, it knows that consciousness itself is directing the play.

Also, it knows that it can use the mind to get directions from the consciousness and use these to guide activity in accord with the Plan. Further, it knows that the sole focus of its activity should be on guiding the robot toward those activities which allow the watcher to understand it's own nature better. The ego still has a will that can be exerted, and still has control over the focus of attention. However, as the watcher, the ego knows that it grows as it experiences and that to some degree it is responsible for creating the experiences for its own growth.

This happens in line with belief systems, so the ego becomes the conscious manager of belief systems. Earlier, beliefs were primarily used to create physical reality. Now, they are a much more fluid place from which to create the inner reality. Single changes in belief can change the meaning of the whole world that one experiences. Beliefs are that powerful especially at the level where they deal with the very nature of reality. Even more so, when they involve the nature of reality creation itself.

In case you don't accept this premise from the highest level down, let's also consider it at some of the more intermediate levels. In particular, let's look at basic human behavior and try to see how it reflects what we experience in the world.

To start with, most robot people are asleep from a consciousness standpoint. They observe that they exist and that they have a sense of "I" and that there is a separation between this "I" and the outside world. They are aware of thoughts and feelings and know they have a brain, but know little to nothing about how it works. Reality is something out there that they experience. They know that they have five senses and that they can use their brain to focus on particular senses but they have little to no understanding of how these work either.

They are aware, to some degree, that they have wants and can apply their will in a manner that attempts to get their wants met. Typically, they feel powerful or happy when they succeed, and much less so if they fail. One of the key objectives is to feel good. Since they have limited control of this in their working life, they spend much of their free time pursuing happiness in the moment.

Thus far, nearly everything is perfectly in line with the "I" being the high level control program inside a robot. Once an individual is basically grown. All the body functions basically work. The control program decides how to use them and then interprets and reacts to the information that comes in through the sensors. The major control program operating is pursue happiness. Another key program operating is meet basic needs.

The meet basic needs part of the program results in a make money goal that is usually met by finding a job and working at that job so many hours per week. In addition, food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and other things may be required. The "I" sees no choice but to work to provide these things and society is structured to ensure this. Life, or reality, is structured around a job that occupies a great deal of waking time.

The robots perform these tasks somewhat automatically, enjoying them where they can. Much of the pursue happiness program happens after work hours, on weekends, and on vacations. Leisure and recreation are the primary areas that are pursue to lead to happiness. Actually, a third major area is acquiring things.

In this country, the robots are sluggish overall and are not very good at finding active ways to make themselves happy so they resort to entertainment to occupy and amuse themselves so that they can forget about the relatively boring nature of their real lives for awhile. For many people, much of their free time is spent in such amusements. Television alone occupies many people an average of several hours each day. Now imagine what the watcher sees in this -- the person is basically asleep, going through life as an automaton -- a very automatic robot with limited intelligence. I don't mean to put down such people, but asleep is asleep! And, as Thoreau said, "to be awake is to be alive."

Another aspect that illustrates the robot nature is the programming that commercials are able to do on individuals. The bottom line is that commercials work, whatever they are doing result in individuals making more decision to buy the advertised products. This can only happen via some subconscious programming that is going on, and this can only happen if we operate as robots to these programs.

Most people who see commercials would argue that the things in the commercials don't impact there buying habits. They say this based on logic telling them that the commercial offered no good reason for buying the particular product. What they failed to see was that it offered great reasons to the subconscious that is operating in most people. Sex is one of the key lures. It is rampant. Fun, enjoyment, good times, wealth, power, happiness are other lures. Note, it doesn't matter whether the products result in these things or not, it only matters that a strong connection is made repeatedly.

Moving a step higher up, we get achievers who work by setting goals and then focusing their efforts in line with the goals. They believe that if they work hard enough and in the right ways they can get anything they want. All their time is consumed in exerting their power to make their will so. These people are somewhat more aware. At least they understand that they can create what the want in their lives. This allows them to acquire things and obtain wonderful experiences. For awhile, this may result in happiness.

However, these things and experiences don't result in knowledge about self. The observer sees these people as asleep as well, focusing all their attention on the world outside, on outer reality. They believe they create their outer reality, but they are completely unaware that it is done from the inside. They have limited their reality to outer experience, hence are still asleep to the greater reality that lies within.

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This is a new topic, only loosely related to the ones we have just covered. It may, however, explain the mechanism through which information passes that enables the computer and robot paradigms to operate.

To start with, in this model there are at least five bodies and several energy fields that go with these bodies and allow them to communicate and perform the functions for which they are responsible. These bodies include the physical, emotional, mental, causal, and spiritual bodies. Most of us are familiar with some of these bodies but not necessarily all of them. In fact, most people have little direct awareness of any beyond the first three. Each body is lighter, of higher frequency than the former and has inputs and outputs that are of a particular frequency or energy spectrum. However, each body also has effects on each of the bodies below it.

Because of this, even though we are physically centered, we can see phenomenon that show us that higher bodies are functioning. The results we see are the shadows, or the projections of the higher level dimensionality of these greater bodies onto the physical reality that we know. We can also experience an inner reality that corresponds more directly to these bodies once we raise our awareness to the appropriate level to understand the principles that are operating. This typically expresses itself in terms of whole systems of thought. At some point, the awareness will be more direct. Systems of thought are only required until we have a true realization. When we know the truth we are free. We understand without the restraints of chains of ideas. We come to know the object about which the ideas speak.

But, this is getting away from the topic at hand. Obviously, the physical body is the most dense, resulting in the slowest change and the most limited expression. However each of the other bodies have ties to this one. The emotions are experienced in the body via the lymph system and hormones. The emotional body causes the appropriate directions to be sent to the brain and to any organs that may be involved. This may not be exactly correct, the brain could relay the directions to the organs.

I'm not sure what happens physically vs what happens non-physically. In response, the brain senses the conditions in the body and interprets what emotion it thinks is being felt. The label the brain applies in turn fine tunes the situation and provides an input to the emotional body that this is what the brain wants to experience as reality. You see, the emotional body is the mechanism responsible for providing emotional stimulus to the ego. When the ego goes beyond emotions, it has incorporated the emotional body within its understanding. Going beyond does not mean that the emotions do not exist. It means that we choose what emotions we experience regardless of the circumstances that we face. Emotions are useful, they convey important information to others.

It's just that they are in a particular frequency band. When we operate out of love, we experience primarily positive emotions. Also, the emotional state follows the mental state. The physical state follows both the emotional and the mental state. The emotional and mental states we are talking about here are those we experience with this body and brain. The brain is a physical organ; a complex one, yes, but a physical organ none-the-less.

The mental body is responsible for providing the brain with the inputs it needs develop. The intent is actually for the ego, the watcher of the brain, to develop. The ego can only develop as the structures within the brain allow particular information to be understood. This does not mean stored so that it can be recalled. This is a low level function. Meaning occurs with higher level electro-chemical patternings and organizations of information. Data is stored, not information. Information includes a context that allows meaning to be understood. Also, information may have meanings at multiple levels and the meanings at the different levels may or may not have any relationship to one another.

The abilities that the mental body is developing in an individual show up in one's energy field as colors to aura readers. The specific colors are particular types of abilities. It may be that the same energy field broadcast to all of us and that aura readers only see those frequencies that our bodies are picking up on or allowing to flow.

These seem to be determined at our birth, though some of these may be repressed at times in our lives to allow us to go through particular experiences without the our full abilities. It's as though we need to understand what life is like without particular abilities before we can truly appreciate our most special talents. Not everyone goes through such experiences. I only mention it because I happened to do so and only recently recovered energies that I had lost nearly 30 years ago.

My sense of things is that the energy bands provide channels through which information can flow from all of our bodies to our physical bodies. At some point, we may realize that these bodies are physical as well, only that they operate as energy fields and frequencies that are outside of what our scientists are able to detect yet. The fact that aura readers can detect some of the frequencies around us physically as colors indicates that somehow the physical sensors have been altered.

It only takes a slight frequency shift for this to manifest. Also, since the frequencies are coming from consciousness to the physical, they can come from immediately around us. They don't have to be broadcast over distances. Right now my sense is that these frequencies are broadcast from a energy body just outside of our present one. We probably have several, and I'd guess they would extend different distances. For instance, our emotional body extends to those in the immediate vacinity. People who are sensitive can feel our presence, though this may come from the mental body as well.

Our mental body extends to all those who are touched deeply by our works or mental interaction. Similarly, it extends to all those whose works touch us deeply. In this manner minds with an affinity for similar truths work together for the benefit of all. Further, at some level the mind taps into universal consciousness, the fountain from which all ideas flow. When we become aware of being tapped in, we know that providence is on our side for the truth flows sweetly and we are constantly directed toward exactly what we need to increase our understanding and level of awareness.

Life then flows as if on automatic, with constant change occuring at an ever increasing pace and with an ever increasing significance with each change. We are floating on the river of life, allowing consciousness to take us where it will. We flow ever onward doing as directed by the dictates that come from our Self -- knowing that through doing so we will achieve our ultimate objective of union of self with Self, or realization that we are that Self afterall.

It is only our blinders that prevented us from seeing that truth all along. Life is definitely sweeter when one is living in the flow -- going with the current rather than struggling against it. Nonattachment is a major key. But, this requires letting go of our will, and finding the way to be happy regardless of what occurs. It also takes finding our way of being in the world but not of the world.

The causal body operates at a still subtler level. It ensures that our actions and decisions are balanced over the longer term. It teaches us the law of responsibility for our actions. It assures that we have experiences in accord with the law as ye sow, so shall ye reap. It does so by insuring that reality gives us what we deserve. This is not necessarily what we think we deserve. The timing does not have to be within one lifetime, however. Though, this may changing. Because we are so close to the end of the play, it appears that we may be working through several lifetimes of reaping in this one lifetime. That makes for some very challenging experiences.

Also, the need for the law was to be the default mechanism for those who are asleep to have a stimulus for learning responsibility. Once this lesson is learned, it is no longer necessary for the balance to be enacted in flesh. The law of forgiveness can take effect to wipe out the slates. Also, it is not clear that everyone on Earth has to be awakened to allow consciousness to make it to the Aquarian Age. Once a sufficient number of people reach a level of awakening, that may be sufficient to give consciousness the necessary physical patterns for getting the masses to realization of Self very quickly. I don't know if this is one year or twenty, but it will be whatever it takes.

Actually, some of what we were just talking about is spiritual body stuff. The spiritual body is the Self. Its primary function is to keep everything functioning in a manner that allows us to play our alloted role in the Play while pushing us as far as possible toward realizing who we truly are. Now that I think about it, there is not one play but an endless number of plays going on. Each of us have roles that bring us into many different smaller plays that operate within the context of the larger Play. Consciousness creates and directs the larger play. Smaller groupings of consciousness play particular dramas within the overall contect. These are interwoven in the proper manner to allow everything to work beautifully and perfectly.

The alternative to all this is that we are this single physical body, and that somehow we have the abilities to do all of these incredible things. That there is no overall plan and that we are creating reality as we go. The law of cause and effect applies, but so does the law of probability. At every decision point we are free to chose our course of action and reality is determined by the choices we make. We are the only consciousness there is. There is no maker who created us in spirit. In fact we have no spirit.

We are what we are now, no more and no less. There is no purpose in existence other than to exist. The stuggle to exist is one of survival of the fittest. Spiritual laws have no basis in reality. I could go on, but this seems sufficient. Energy fields and higher bodies are not needed because there are no higher functions that must be accomplished. This is not the world I choose to live in, though I recognize that most people live in just such a world -- at least that is the reality that they create for themselves. What you believe is up to you, but I highly recommend that you consider the alternative to this viewpoint and start accepting frameworks that support understanding your true nature as consciousness.

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As humans, we are primarily information systems. Further, most of the information we deal with is symbolic. In this chapter we'll discuss what this really means to us as individuals, and investigate how this is connected to the way we create reality.

The only direct access to the outside world that we have is through our senses. Our senses pick up information about the world as they interact with it. Our eyes pick up visual information. The eyes see this information as the various gradations of light and dark or color that the components in the our eyes can respond to.

The eyes send a pattern of electrical signals to the brain. Our brain is responsible for turning these electrical signals into the meaningful picture that we believe corresponds to the real world. I say believe here because we have no way of knowing for certain. It appears that everything is composed of patterns of frequencies. Some patterns are translated into visual information, some to aural, some to kinesthestic. Taste and smell seem to be caused by the detection of particular chemical patterns rather than vibratory ones.

Our perception systems have sufficient commonality to provide a basic agreement in how different people sense the physical world. However, there can be great difference in particular senses for different individuals. At one extreme, some people are blind, deaf, or without one or more senses. At the other extreme we have people with highly refined senses that go outside the range of frequency or beyond the level of fidelity that most people sense.

We do not appear to come with a built-in understanding of the world. This is learned as the brain responds to the patterns it experiences. For visual information, the brain cares not whether the patterns are from the real thing in the world or whether they are represented in books or movies. The brain does have to keep track of what is real versus what is imagined, however.

The brain is wonderful at abstracting information so that it understands that different images may be views of the same thing. It's as if images are filed or understood as 3-D things. Also, the brain learns to understand key elements about how things move and behave over time. This must be recorded as some abstract information about things and how they change over time. I've never studied much about what science has discovered about how the senses work. I only want to cover enough here to get the basic idea across that senses pick up raw information that is only somewhat related to the final meaning that gets assigned by the brain.

Once the sensors and brain have reached some level of maturity, they can be relied upon to perform the basic functions of sensing and doing a first level interpretation of the world. The majority of our world is the visual part. In our mind, we construct a model that says the world is three dimensional and that there are real objects or things that are creating the images that we see. The images provide information that allows us to deduce where things are within space, including where we are.

We don't appear to have a single overall organizational framework in which everything resides. We always deal with major unknowns, so we can't really come up with a complete detailed framework. Instead, we seem to favor more generalized local methods of coping with reality. This is primarily because our reality is always Here and Now, so we only need enough of a framework to deal with our immediate world as it moves through time. We can count on the world itself to maintain its consistency and present us with the immediate patterns for wherever we happen to be located.

We truly only experience knowing Here and Now. Other locations may exist in memory, but they are only real to us when we are directly experience them in reality or in our imagination. When we vividly imagine things, much of the sensation in our brains is as if we were there Now. This is because the part of the brain that experiences can be driven by either real or remembered information.

We also deal with other abstractions of information and information about information. For instance, maps provide information about the layout of a locale to a level we can not sense directly. Different types of maps provide different types of information, but all maps are symbolic representations of information about something. One thing common to most maps is names. Names are always labels that get attached to things. Sometimes the names have a meaning as well that may or may not go with the thing that the name is attached to. Names give us a handle by which we can refer to things without having to have access to the real thing.

Letters and numbers are symbols as well. We string letters together to form words which are themselves symbols with an associated meaning or set of meanings. We string words together to form sentences, which convey ideas with meanings that often transcend the meanings of the individual words that are used. The bottom line is that the meaning is not within the words, it is conveyed by the words only if the recipient is able to understand.

It's as if the words only point to the message that is being communicated. It is up to the individual receiving them to know or fill in what is being pointed to. Interesting, it is as if there is a mental landscape that is much like the physical one.

Here is another area where the symbolic nature of things is important as well. There is a basic principle operating in the universe as above, so below. It operates in many ways and at many levels. One way in which it operates is that different planes of existence function in basically the same ways. What I just realized is that the physical world that we see and its method of operating is similar to how the worlds operate at every level, physical, emotional, mental, causal, and spiritual.

Because we are physical beings, we only have limited perception of these other worlds. In particular, the mental world has its mountains, deserts, valleys, lakes, rivers and oceans. It also has its various lifeforms. We only see these in a linear manner as thoughts. Related thoughts build concepts that describe structures that are real in the mental world. We typically only see those that are somewhat related to the physical world.

Assuming that this analogy holds, then we should at the very least have two mental senses, one corresponding to hearing, and one to seeing. I would argue that our normal linear mode of thinking is the more limited one that corresponds to hearing. We process one word at a time, feeding our mind in the same linear manner that we feed our ears. Both speech and written words are of this manner. Images convey knowledge as well, but typically we treat these in terms of pieces that we read individually, then in relationship to others. If we don't break them up in this manner, they simply are not intelligible consciously.

Carrying this to its logical end, all the books that have been written throughout the ages, many of which now fill the libraries of the world are all linear mental recordings. As with audio tracks, some are better than others at getting us to supreme states of consciousness where we can experience a greater experience of the world. Music carries our emotions, and to some degree our minds. Words can carry our emotions also, but they mainly carry our minds. Actually, we can say the thoughts that words refer to carry our minds. Most of our intellectual history has relied on this manner of intellectual transmission of information. Occasional ecstatic or mystic states of understanding have occurred as well. They too are part of our intellectual history. In many ways, they may be the most important parts for they are times when the perception of the intellectual world went beyond the usual linear limits.

As spiritual growth occurs we increase the amount of attention we place on the higher aspects or levels of our being. We are "in the world but not of the world". Our existence occurs at a higher symbolic level. We see the mental and emotional meaning of things that we experience. We realize that our attention is always being drawn to those symbols that are most important to our awareness. We notice where our attention is drawn and engage our resources fully in interpreting those symbols that are most meaningful.

What do I really mean when I say that the world is full of symbols, or that everything in the world is symbolic? I mean that we should not see the world as this real thing that exists and we happen to wander through and interact with it. I mean that the world that we sense is a reflection of our inner self. Everything that we sense is a reflection of our belief systems back to us. Every thing, every word spoken that we hear, every event that we see, every piece of information that we take in ... everything has direct importance to us in some context.

This may not be the specific context it appeared in, however, so we have to be flexible in our interpretation. We are drawing to us the experiences we participate in. Because of this, these experiences are always highly meaningful. Our dialogues are designed to carry meaning at multiple levels. First, the words have meaning to the individuals involved in conveying information across. This level involves the transmission of the speakers meaning. At the reality creation level, another level of meaning is even more relevent. This is the meaning to the recipient. The word are stated in a particular manner because the recipient needs to get something that teaches the individual something about self.

Reality at its highest level is her to assist in getting us to know ourselves. We have only to open our eyes and see the symbols that are all around us all the time. Don't settle for the obvious meaning. Look for the hidden meaning of things. It's not meant to be difficult, but it doesn't hit you beside the head either. You have to take the initiative to look.

Dreams are another area where symbols are prominent. Many people are familiar with dreams and there are even books for interpreting dream symbolism. I've never done much with dreams and remember very few of them. However, the few I do remember have been extremely symbolic. Carl Jung has done some of the best work in this area. Symbols appear to be the way the unconscious expresses itself. Actually, this may be a hint that symbols are the way consciousness expresses itself and we need to look at more than what is directly apparent if we want to uncover the true nature of things, and the true meaning they have in our reality.

The fact that we have to go through an evaluation process to determine what things mean, by itself suggest that experience is basically symbolic. The meaning isn't in what is experienced. It's something extra that we add after processing our experience in our heads.

For those of us that live in the world of ideas, symbol processing is the major activity that we engage in. Literally, the ideas we play with are alive. They are just as active and engaging as anything in the physical world. No, more so, because in many cases they actually create the things that happen in the physical world. The choice is one of where one places attention. The universe doesn't care, this is up to the individual to decide. In general, the further one abstracts ones thoughts, the more one spends ones existence in the world of thoughts.

In the physical world, one goes to the wilderness to get back in touch with the awesome physical beauty of nature. In the mental realm, one follows the great thoughts to get to these places that reveal the awesome mental beauty of universal mind. The way is tougher, for the paths are narrow and in many cases nonexistent. There is a vast virtually unexplored territory that few have ventured to enter. Let's call them the explorers of consciousness. The time has come for the next phase, where trailblazers come to establish the paths required for others to follow. Particular talents are required for trailblazers -- but the many can follow without the same level of dedication and single-mindedness to purpose. Trailblazers may also be called wayshowers.

As with physical wilderness, some paths may only be traveled by the heartiest of beings, or with the help of experienced guides. There is a variety of experience available to match the needs and abilities of those desiring the wilderness experience. Further, some amount of risk may be involved up to and including loss of physical life. I assume the mental wilderness is just as varied, and as risky. The risk may involve losing ones mind or sense of reality for some amount of time, that may be for as much as ones life. When we venture inward into the wilderness of mind where reality is created, the grasp of physical reality may be loosened or even lost altogether. This is not a high risk, but it is not infinitesimal either.

The problem comes because we emerse ourselves so fully in symbol systems, that we forget where the consensus reality is that we must be part of to interact with others in the world. This is where the test of being in the world but not of it comes. To be in the world we must tune to its frequency, which includes some basic beliefs about the physical body and its expression, and about our role in the Play of consciousness on Earth. From the highest perspective, there is no risk. The Play is written and we are executing our role even as we observe what we do. If indeed it is within our part to voyage into the mental wilderness, we will do so regardless of any potential risk, and we will do so to the degree we are ready and capable of experiencing.

These worlds are overlapping. They exist in the same physical space. There are special places that are most conducive to mental and spiritual journeys and awakenings. Much programming happens during sleep that prepares individuals for the mental journeys that they will take. The specific program will be somewhat dependent on physical locality. Since much of this programming occurs via dreams, it is all symbolic. Further it uses a much higher bandwidth channel that works via highly complex interrelated images. The energies transmitted will be received in a manner that the individual is ready for. Conscious attunement must happen, and this can only happen to the level that an individual is prepared to experience.

Another interesting slant on things is that everything is vibration. Einstein showed that energy and matter can be equated to one another. All energy occurs at frequencies. In reality, everything that we sense is nothing but frequency.

The additional meaning that gets imposed on these frequencies is what our brain imposes in creating reality. Obviously, each of us don't create the whole world, but we do create the world en masse. To exist in this world, each individual must agree to abide by particular rules regarding how reality is created from the frequencies of energy that are used in the world. Our world exists as it does because our reality determining apparatus behaves in the manner it does. Most of this is automatic and done either subconsciously or superconsciously.

For instance, we have a common agreement that a particular range of frequencies constitute solid objects and that these have particular characteristics and properties. One way this might be implemented is via a hardwired belief about inputs of given types. Science tells us that atoms, which compose all matter, are mostly empty space. So, why should it be so difficult for two things that are each mostly open space to pass through each other.

The explanation is that some sort of force is involved that makes each unit of matter hard or impermeable. Maybe. Maybe not.

Consciousness itself is vibration. One could say that everything is consciousness. There is nothing else in the universe. Consciousness takes on various forms, and then creates entire worlds in which to allow these forms to experience themselves and come to understand their true nature. Why? For the sheer joy and pleasure of it. Also, to allow consciousness to experience its own vast creativity -- so that it too can truly understand the nature of itself.

The very vibration of our name encodes information about who and what we are. Numerology provides a way to unlock some of this information so that it is more apparent. Our date, time, and place of birth is significant as well providing information about our abilities, our nature, and our natural ways of looking at the world. Astrology helps to explain what this information means. Both of these disciplines involve deciphering the meaning of symbols.

From another standpoint, these disciplines offer further verification of the symbolic nature of the world. These disciplines attempt to bring to the conscious information that is primarily processed unconsciously. The fact that the information is encoded in these symbols lends further credence to our existence as symbol processing machines. Much of how reality works is wrapped up in how we observe and process symbols.

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You've already heard this analogy several times by now. So, I guess I should explain what I really mean by it. The bottom line is that we are characters living out our roles in a play. The play was written (or is being written) by consciousness. Everything that happens is scripted prior to it being enacted. The events are all layed out to occur at particular times and in particular ways. Individual choice of action truly does not exist at the conscious level.

The play has themes at many levels, and many playwrights are busy taking care of all the details. These details determine how physical reality will occur. One of the playwrights is your higher Self who takes care of detailing the part of the play that includes you. Your Self had to audition for its role in the larger play of life, the Piscean Age.

The particular role you will play in ushering in the Age of Aquarius is determined by how far you've grown in awareness. The main role that your higher Self had was to create a vehicle for its full embodiment in flesh. Everything in your life has been orchestrated to get you to truly understand who and what you are. It was also done to ready you for the part you have to play in the next era, the Aquarian Age. The key task for the Piscean Age was to embody the Christ Consciousness in all of us.

Jesus showed that it was possible even at the Dawn of the Piscean Age. Similarly, there will be a Wayshower for the Aquarian Age that shows us what consciousness can be. What this might be is unimaginable now, but you can be sure that consciousness knows of it and is preparing in whatever way is required. Since we only experience time as NOW, the play may or may not be completed that far. Just as in a real play, the basic events are sketched out, and the dialog is written, but some of the finer details are left to the actors.

How far down does the detail go? My understanding is that every last detail is worked out prior to us enacting it. Yes, this includes every word spoken and every physical expression. Also, every thought in our head. It is not completely predestined, however, or without free will. Reality creation occurs at the moment it happens. However, we are not necessarily "realtime" creatures. Consciously we perceive that we exist all the time, but this does not necessarily have to be so. When we watch the television, the action is not continuous, but our vision is not able to detect the difference as long as there are sufficient frames per second. Similarly, whatever mechanism we have that's sensing the world as continuous only needs to catch inputs at the required reality threshold frequency to believe that the world is continuous.

As to speech and thought, the argument is simple. I do not know how I am going to finish a sentence when I begin speaking. The words flow through me, but I have no sensation that tells me from where they came. Similarly, when thoughts come into my head, I have no way to know if there is something inside my head able to generate thoughts or if there is just an antenna that receives the thoughts from outside. My awareness does not extend into the specific processing that goes on in the brain. I see the results and make conclusions about their source.

Our free will comes in how we direct our conscious mind and will, and what we realize about our own nature. What we realize comes through as thoughts and feelings that occur simultaneously with us paying attention to who and what we are. Many come as bursts of knowingness. These are stronger and different than beliefs.

Our experiences are meant to show us something about ourselves. As the conscious doer, we perceive that we have free will and make choices that result in outcomes. Further, we believe that we make these choices consciously. It is not clear that this is truly the case. The problem is with the number of potentialities that result for reality.

It is easier if the play is written prior to execution so that the intricate details can be worked out once and then enacted. Consciousness could explore all alternatives, but it seems cleaner to set the script then make the actors unaware that there is a script. From the individual perspective, if I go into a choice without knowing that the script calls for alternative A and I select alternative A after considering the other alternatives, then the fact that there was a script makes no difference to me. From a consciousness perspective, however, it makes a big difference.

If I am aware that this is a play, and I observe that choice A is made by me the actor, I now look further to see what higher level meaning experiencing the reality of that choice has on me and the others around me. The choice itself no longer means much. Further, responsibility changes as well. If choices are all made per a script than I the actor am not consciously responsible for what is specifically happening except from the larger standpoint of it reflecting my beliefs.

An important issue is to what degree we create our own reality. Answer one is that we create it completely but from an other than conscious level. We clearly do not create it completely from a conscious level. The final alternative is that we create reality from both the conscious and subconscious level. I subscribe to this last alternative but believe that the conscious control comes only from our beliefs. The only other part that is under conscious control is our interpretation of reality. This is driven by what part our consciousness focuses on and what meaning it gives to what it sees.

The play is intricately woven with layers upon layers of symbolic meaning. Consciousness weaves a wonderful fabric of light and shadow in which to train parts of itself. The overall theme is the growth of consciousness itself through the combined growth of its creations. Consciousness has created an environment in which it can create beings and grow them to be aware of their true nature. This is a grand work indeed, a creative labor of great love.

Only a god is able to create beings in its own image. Note, this is not equal to itself, but in the same image. Equal requires a level of understanding and awareness that is on the same level as well. We will reach a full awareness of our nature as individual creators of our reality. This is only the first step however. Then there is a whole drama of being the conscious creators that we have become. Such is what the Aquarian Age will be about. Then we too will walk the path towards creating like unto our own image. Creature to Creator to God, such is the higher evolutionary path, or at least the first stages in it.

The play unfolds always in the moment, HERE and NOW. Such is the only time that exists. Yet the play covers many millennium as well. The play has been performed by consciousness many times. But each time the specifics are a bit different to serve the needs of the audience. The audience happens on many levels as well. Groups of individual souls combine into related parts to create particular mutual experiences.

Each soul is attached to a particular body while in the play, but may observe things from the audience section when its particular character's part is finished. It may continue to help create the events in the play however by providing remembrances in other characters that it knew. I'm starting to walk on shaky ground here. The audience is allowed to view any part of the show that interests them. At another level, consciousness itself learns from every part, every action, and every realization. It uses this new knowledge to guide the most effective unfoldment of the Plan.

Awareness cannot be forced. The structures within the brain just do not allow it. Psyches are somewhat fragile and break easily. That's why it takes so long to grow self-awareness into people. Further, the opening must be made from the conscious mind to allow the maturation process to even begin. It's hard enough to get someone to turn away from the physical reality long enough to get the first hints of awareness through. The frequencies can be transmitted at any time but not necessarily received. We're only making inroads now that allow this information to come through conscious parts of the brain.

This provides a prototype that can be used to modify the physical structures of others so that awareness frequencies can be received without the laborious process of 20-30 years of growth. Further, the DNA is already being rewired to 12 strands rather than 2. This process started several years ago. The preparations required to move physical bodies to the Aquarian Age are going well and will be completed as the play unfolds. As with cars, rework of bodies takes time in the physical. The process has been communicated to all souls, but cannot be implemented until the conditions are right for it to happen. In particular, awareness is the limiting factor once again.

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This is a great question. It's about time we took a stab at answering it. We are souls creating experiences so that we can learn of our own nature. We are part of a consciousness that is readying itself for a leap of awareness due largely to our concerted efforts. We are moderately advanced as consciousness goes, more advanced than some, less advanced than others.

We are the seeds of a greater consciousness than our own that has been nurturing our development for all of our time on earth. From a physical standpoint we were seeded as slaves to work at providing raw materials for another race of beings. Nearly 12,000 years ago we had reached a level where we could begin to embark on a journey toward our own awareness. 2,000 years ago we started on our present journey towards Christ Consciousness, with the help of many great souls. Roughly 200 years ago, this country embarked on its experiment to be the prototype of a new order of humanity required for the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

As the century comes to a close we still have a long way to go, but the infrastructure is in place for an awakening on a scale that has not been experienced before. We'll have to see how it plays itself out, but the signs are very promising.

Looking out to the mass reality at the present time, we are a slumbering giant about to be awakened from a deep sleep. We've been so entranced by physical reality that we've neglected to stop for a moment and see who and what we really are. Such is the game of life, forever grabbing our attention away from the only true task that we must do -- self-awareness.

Our planet is a beautiful gem that orbits around a not-so-large sun in the outskirts of a galaxy. Some of us have had existences on other planets in other parts of the galaxy and beyond. Our return to Earth now was solely to assist in the present transformation that is underway. The Earth is about to transition into a new level of being, possibly into a Sun in and of itself. It can only do this with the help of consciousness both on the planet and in the non-physical realms. Much of the population on the planet is not yet ready for this transformation. You could say that we're in a race against time. The ending is not yet certain.

Consciousness cannot guarantee that its creations will achieve the required levels of awareness to make these larger kinds of transitions. Some experiments fail and the physical vessels simply do not achieve the required awareness to be able to transcend or ascend in frequency.

On a more personal scale, we are individual sparks of consciousness inhabiting physical bodies. These bodies are involved in a drama that appears before our eyes. Unlike actors in movies or plays, we weren't given our lines or allowed to practice and rehearse before we came into the world. It appears as if we play our role live and many of us believe this is true all though our life. We believe we have free choice, and that we are determining the actions which we perform. We don't know how it is that we can do so, but we believe what we see, and the appearance tells us that the world and reality work in a particular way.

Few of us see through the illusion, to the greater reality that awaits us when we awaken from the dream of physical reality. Then we see that it is all light and mirrors, constructed in a manner that supports our highest growth. Before we can understand the reality outside of us, we must understand ourselves. First we are, then we create and experience. Initially, creation is primarily an other than conscious activity. We are learning to make it a conscious activity. However, we can only make it truly conscious when we have come to know ourselves. At that point, we become awake, aware, and alive.

We are beings who call ourselves "I", not fully aware in what is included in that term. Part of our journey is simply to discover and come to know ourself. In fact, it turns out that this is our highest goal so long as we exist. Being is fine, doing is fine, but knowing is supreme. However, this is not the intellectual knowing in our head, it is the experiential knowing in out Heart.

We are groups of souls who chose to play out particular dramas among ourselves in a common theater when other groups are doing the same. These local dramas enable us to experience and grow. They also occur within a larger drama that consciousness is playing to get the individual parts to collectively act in a manner that allows larger themes to be explored.

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Much of what occurs in our reality is the production of our collective self, the universal body of mankind. There is a consciousness that corresponds to this collective self that is responsible for creating the overall mass reality. It does so in line with the wishes of Consciousness itself, creating the conditions necessary for the unfoldment of the Plan.

Mankind has been on a glorious adventure. First the forms had to be developed. This occurred over aeons. Then the forms had to be evolved to handle emotions and higher level mental functioning. This took an extensive amount of time as well. Then the patterns had to be encoded to allow the spiritual body to be expressed in flesh. Finally, the processes had to be established to allow the spark of consciousness that occupied the form to become aware of its true nature as consciousness. The various yogas define these ways. Some are physical, some mental, some emotional, and some a combination of these three.

The history of the world is the record of how the play allowed consciousness to unfold over time. I don't know much about it off the top of my head so I'll only cover a few items that strike me as significant milestones. Excuse my dates if they are in error. I'll try to get the sequence right however.

----- 700 B.C -----.

Buddha achieved Self-Realization
Patanjali writes the Yoga Sutras
The Greeks begin the march of Western Philosophy (428 BC Plato)

All of these were great advances for consciousness.

----- 30 A.D. -----

Jesus achieves Christhood to become the shining example of the Piscean Age

This is the premiere event thus far in the Age. It will only be overcome by the final events of the Age.

----- 700 A.D. -----

Mohammed achieves spiritual awakening and receives the Koran

This had a great impact on much of the world's religious struggles.

----- 1400 A.D. -----

The Dark Ages and the Plagues

This was notable for how far the forces of darkness were allowed expression.

----- 1600 A.D. -----

The Renaissance and the Birth of Science [Leonardo da Vinci]

This was notable for the great creativity, and the changes in reality that occurred when painters saw the world differently, in some cases through the use of science.

----- 1776 A.D. -----

The Birth of America

The Declaration of Independence shed light on some great truths. The birth of America was the beginning of the march to a new world order, one that will be established before the current age draws to a close.

----- 1850 A.D. -----

The Industrial Age

The industrial age allowed materialism to begin to run rampant. It showed the success of science in being able to make life better.

----- 1880 A.D. -----

The Transcendentalists [Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman]

The transcendentalists saw a preview of the Age of Aquarius and were able to capture what they saw in their writings. Some of the quotes from the transcendentalists are among the best expression of spiritual truth that we have on the planet.

----- 1900 A.D. -----

The Theory of Relativity [Einstein]

Science thought that it had solved nearly all problems and was just about complete. Relativity changed all that and gave us a new picture of the world that was much less clear than before. It took away all sense of there being an absolute reality.

----- 1915 A.D. -----

Krishnamurti achieves Self-Realization

Krishnamurti's realization resulted in the termination of the Order of the Star, an outgrowth of the Theosophical movement. Krishnamurti spent a lifetime trying to impart the beyond mind state to others.

----- 1930 A.D. -----

The Great Depression

This forced the country to start thinking in terms of needs and helping one another to get through the hard times.

----- 1940 A.D. -----

The Atomic Bomb and the Computer

This ushered in a whole era of exploring issues of power and security and was the start of an arms race that dominated the world power struggle. Computers were primarily used to support military needs.

----- 1965 A.D. -----

The Flower Children

The flower children ushered in ideas about love, peace, the environment and alternative lifestyles. Some of the songs of the time specifically addressed the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

----- 1972 A.D. -----

Jane Roberts and the Seth Books begin

This material was some of the first channeled information that provided insight into the nature of consciousness. It opened doors in many peoples minds that would be the seeds for later breakthroughs and awakenings.

----- 1981 A.D. -----

The Personal Computer and Information Age

We're still exploring this era. The growth of information explodes faster than we can deal with it. Between word processors and desktop publishing, it is becoming easier and easier to get high quality output produced cheaply and quickly. Information is rapidly becoming the key to power.

There are no coincidences and no accidents. All of these events were deliberate acts in the Play. Each revealed information that propelled the great march of consciousness onward. Were I a better student of history I might be able to identify what each decade and century meant. At this point, however, I don't believe it matters a lot.

What we needed to learn, we learned to the best of our abilities at the time. Perhaps when the education system is revamped, the history part will be reworked along these lines. I believe that our histories could stretch even further and embrace our starry heritage. For the seeds of the races of beings on Earth did not originate here but came from other beings from other planets, some near and some far. But that is another chapter of history that I'll leave for others more knowledgeable to tell.

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The above was generated during a ten day period from 26 Dec 93 through 4 Jan 94. For some reason it was important that the book be brought through in its entirety during that particular time when one year transitioned into another. There's a higher level message here, but I haven't quite figured it out. Perhaps the meaning is that knowledge of reality creation is required for one's self to transition into another as well. Hmm, I like that.

Further, the year transition marks just such a transition for me. It will be interesting to see what the new year brings.

Hopefully you found my analogies to be useful. At the very least, you should be starting to consider the nature of reality and the process of reality creation differently. Allow your mind to think about things for awhile and see where your own thoughts lead. Find examples in your own experience to check some of the theories against. Explore the area as long as you can stay focused and interested. If you'll do this, you are sure to have some awakenings of your own.

One key is to find the observer within you, and become as familiar with that part of yourself as you can. It is the part that can lead you to higher spiritual awareness. Allow it to lead you and pay attention to where it takes you.

Remember, know thyself is the only directive. It is what the reality creation process is all about. Everything supports this one objective that has been known by the wise for ages on end. Make sure you do what you can to abide by this directive in your life!

I'll close with something that I wrote a couple of years ago,

You are here to experience the joy, the wonder,

and the exhilaration of living life as spirit in flesh.

You are gods incarnate, here to learn of your own creative nature.

You are free to use your talents and abilities in any way you desire.

Your life is your creation ----- if you don't like it,

then it is up to you to change it through your own

desires, beliefs, and actions.

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Be Happy and Create Well! In Peace, Love and Light, Wayne



Copyright © 1996, Wayne Hartman, Revised -- (25 Mar 96)