! ... For Beginners ... !

... And all those who think they already Know ...

Joshiah Transcripts for General Channeling and Q&A for April 2005:
Joshiah Group is channeled by Bub Hill.

This channel has not been edited for clarity so this transcript reflects the recorded voice version verbatim. Feel free to distribute this text in non-commercial printed or electronic form, but please include this source note.

Well now, well once again it is a pleasure to be invited back into your vibrational level and to have this opportunity to interact and to share with each of you in your reality. And we would like to express our greetings and our gratitude to each of you.

Now, before we begin, we would once again suggest that there exists for you the opportunity to be involved in what we refer to as the silent communication, a telepathic exchange of information or interaction with another entity, or other entities that would be with us on this afternoon. And as always, the choice to be involved in that communication is yours.

You would find that as a result of the energy that you have created in this sacred space on this afternoon that it would be very easy for you to alter your consciousness and enter into what you might refer to as a meditative state; to express that intent and to close your eyes and you have that opportunity to have that communication, that telepathic interaction with other entities or indeed with that portion that you refer to as your Higher Self, that spark of consciousness that you are. The choice is yours. Absolutely.

Now; we have suggested so many times that there are but three truisms, if you wish, that you bring into this vibrational level when you choose to exist in this reality, that you cannot alter. Only three. The rest are all illusionary realities that are reflections of the beliefs that you hold either consciously or subconsciously.

The three truisms - you are that spark of consciousness, that God, if you wish, that you search for, that spark of consciousness that has the capacity to create. That is what you are.

So many entities existing within your vibrational level, as a result of erecting that electromagnetic type of energy that we refer to as the veil, believe that they are somehow separated from their connection with their spirituality; that there is some entity that exists outside of your vibrational level that is somehow superior to who and what you are and has the capacity not only to influence your reality but to create it for you and subject you to all types of interactions in this vibrational level and in this reality that you are not in control of, that you are somehow separated from your connection with that Piece of the One that you are.

And we would suggest that you are not separated but rather that you choose to hide from it. And that is one of the truisms that you cannot change or alter - you are that spark of consciousness, that creator, if you wish, that you search for.

The second, of course, is that you create your reality. Not just some small part of your reality, but you create it all. Absolutely. Either in a co-creation process with the other entities that exist in this vibrational level, or indeed many parts of your reality that you create solely on your own. They are a reflection of what you believe. You can make it as complicated and as difficult as you wish. And you do. You go to great lengths to make it complicated so that you don’t understand it.

You combine various beliefs in what we refer to as belief systems in order to make it look like this is a real reality that you somehow have no control over and that you cannot alter. You even bring into your particular incarnational periods certain realities and belief systems that you desire to experience so that it seems like you are not in control. But nonetheless, you do create this reality absolutely.

And the third truism that you cannot alter or change is that you are an entity who absolutely cannot fail at some time to come to the understanding of who and what you truly are. You may believe that you might be lost in some type of reality from which it is difficult for you to escape, but we assure you that you are here by choice. You are not here because you have some lesson to learn, other than those that you choose to put in place. You are not here because you have to pass some test, other than a test that you choose create.

And you certainly are not here because someone else believes that there are certain lessons or progressions or elevations that you must achieve. Absolutely not. You are here because it is your choice. Not someone else’s choice. And you absolutely cannot fail at some time - if you wish to believe in that illusion of time and space - that you will come to the understanding of who and what you truly are. You cannot fail. This is not a pass or fail test. This is not something that you must reach a certain level of achievement in before you can achieve success. Absolutely not.

You are here by choice. Your choice. And you can leave this vibrational level by choice. Your choice, not someone else’s and not some other entity’s. And you absolutely cannot fail to come to that understanding on some level of your consciousness.

All of the rest of the beliefs that you hold are the beliefs that you have the ability not only to alter but to completely eliminate and replace if you wish. They are illusions. In your creation of this reality you attempt to make it very, very complicated. You see the more complicated it is, then the more difficult it must be to change. And if it is difficult to change, then it is more real. And if it is more real, then it is beyond your control.

And if it is beyond your control, then you have the capacity to blame someone else, or indeed to experience a depth and range of feelings that is not entirely possible for you to experience if you believe and understand that you create it all. And you are here for a very simple reason and that is to have the opportunity to experience that broad range and depth of emotions and feelings.

We would challenge each of you to look at anything that you do or perceive in this particular reality that you are experiencing and to not be able to trace it back to attempting to achieve a certain feeling or an emotion. That is why you do things. For example you may be involved in a certain type of employment. For many, that employment allows them to experience types of satisfaction. For many, it is not attempt to achieve satisfaction in the employment but to achieve some type of abundance so that you can achieve satisfaction in other areas of your existence. But nonetheless, you are employed or you are involved in some type of activity for the purposes of achieving certain emotions and feelings.

And once again, we would challenge you to take any activity that you are involved in or choose to be involved in or to participate in and to trace it back to the origins of why you are doing that, and you will discover that it is so you can experience the emotions or feelings. That is why you are here. It is so simplistic that it seems impossible. And you, as individuals and as a human consciousness and as a society, go to all levels of attempting to make it complicated so that, once again, if it is complicated then it is difficult to understand and it is much easier to validate this realness, to make the illusion beyond your control. For you do exist in an illusion in your conscious state.

Now that is not to say that it is not an important illusion. It is not to say that it doesn’t have any significance. Absolutely not. But it is still an illusion nonetheless. And you, once again, go to all types of lengths and trials and tribulations in order to lend some type of validation and to prove how difficult it is to create this illusion. And yet you do create it. The irony of it is that whether you believe it or not, whether you can prove it or not, you do create your reality and it is a reflection of your beliefs. Absolutely.

Now; you have your scientists who are attempting to come up with some type of reasoning as to validate this reality in order to prove that there are certain steps in creating it and if you can follow the steps then of course you can alter the reality. If you can duplicate the creation process and get and understanding of how something is created then you should be able to alter that process and create whatever it is that you desire.

And they like to prove it. You as individuals in your conscious state like to have the proof. You like to validate it. You like to have a conscious understanding. It is like when you look at your physical body and you understand that there are certain concepts that you must adhere to in order to exist in this state, in order to maintain your existence in this incarnational period in this reality.

For example you understand that you must consume in order to maintain your physical existence. Now; you have put in place all of the necessary elements in you physical body in order to facilitate that consumption and to sustain your existence in this reality. You don’t have to understand how that process works. You don’t have to understand the process of consuming and through consuming, the body takes out that which it needs and eliminates that which it doesn’t need or require or have the capacity to consume or to facilitate. You understand that process and your scientists have gone to all lengths to prove what occurs.
You also understand that when you exist in this vibrational level in this reality that you must consume air. You must take air into your lungs and your lungs have the capacity to absorb the oxygen through osmosis into your red blood cells and through that it is distributed throughout your body and it assists in the burning of energy so that you can function. You can prove all that if you wish. But ironically, you don’t have to. You just have to breathe, and it happens quite easily. And so it is when you consume the food, you don’t necessarily have to understand the process. You have already put in place the necessary elements to facilitate that interaction and it will occur whether you understand it or not. The understanding is not necessary.

Now; some of your scientists, and many entities existing in this vibrational level in this particular incarnational period, have the belief that there are certain foods and elements that you can consume that will assist and facilitate in your creating a much healthier physical existence. And if you believe that, then you had best be consuming the proper elements and the proper foods because it becomes necessary for that existence.

What is rather ironic is that there are individuals existing within your vibrational level in this particular incarnational period who don’t hold the beliefs that it is necessary to consume the same elements, but rather that you can consume other different foods and achieve the same results. And they believe it absolutely. And guess what? They have the same experiences. They achieve the same goals even though there is a difference in what elements they believe is necessary to be consumed in order to maintain and sustain the body in a healthy state.

So it begs the question - what is important? What is really important? It is it important what you consume? Or is it important what you believe about what you consume? You see, we would suggest that it is important what you believe. For your belief precedes your reality. What you believe will be reflected in the reality that you experience in your conscious state. It is that simple. You can make it more complicated. And once again, your scientists go to all lengths to make it more complicated. But that is it. In a nutshell it is really that simple.

You create this reality based upon the beliefs that you hold, either consciously or subconsciously. If you believe that certain elements are vital and necessary for you to consume in order to maintain and sustain a healthy existence then you had best be consuming those elements. And if you believe that there are other elements that will have negative effects upon you if you were to consume them into your body then you had best not be consuming them.

But understand, and it is critical to understand for it is a very important part of this reality creation process from the conscious state, understand that because you believe it does not necessarily mean that it applies to everyone existing within your vibrational level because they may not hold the same beliefs. And those are personal beliefs, well within your capacity to change either consciously or subconsciously. Absolutely.

Now; as you can consume and as that consumption can sustain your physical being without your understanding the process that is necessary to facilitate that transition from what you consume into a useable substance within your physical being, so it is that you can create this reality without necessarily understanding all of the elements that go into the creation process. The irony of it is, not only can you create this reality without understanding the elements that go into the process of creating it but you do create this reality.

You see, when a child comes into your particular incarnational period and they are born, they don't question for a minute what it is that they are consuming and how it is going to work. They just want to consume. They want to exist. They don’t question for a minute why it is that they must breathe. They simply begin to breathe. And they don’t question for a minute how it is that they create this reality. They simply begin to create.

That is the irony - you create it whether you believe it or not. And if you believe that it is not within your capacity to control it, then you will create the illusionary realities that support that belief and it will be beyond your control consciously. Absolutely within your control subconsciously because you create it all anyway whether you believe it or not. And if you desire to have particular elements come into your day to day activities to prove to you that you are not in control, you can have that. You can create that as simply as you can create the elements that prove you are in control.

You see, that portion of you that creates this reality, that spark of consciousness that you are, creates whatever you want without judgment. It does not say "that is right and that is wrong. You can have this but you can’t have that." It creates whatever you desire, whatever you imagine, whatever you wish to bring into your consciousness state, and it does so quite freely and quite willingly without judgment. And it rejoices in that creation.

It is in your conscious state that you believe and judge and determine whether or not it is right or wrong or good or bad. Your subconsciousness still creates regardless of what your consciousness thinks of it. And if you desire to believe that you are not in control, you can have that. Absolutely.

You can create whatever it is you desire. You exist in an illusion. This vibrational level that you experience in your conscious state is an illusion. Once again, not an insignificant illusion but still an illusion. And you can change it if you wish. Absolutely. The only limitations to your creation is your imagination. Absolutely.

Now; in your conscious state it becomes very difficult to get that understanding. And scientists go to all lengths to try to give some validation to reality. Your scientists would have difficulty in accepting that you can create this reality simply by altering a belief and have whatever it is that you desire. And yet it is rather ironic that your scientists almost exclusively would believe that this entire universe is made up of some type of atom. And that the atoms are very limited in the numbers that exist.

At this particular point in time you believe and your scientists believe that there are approximately a hundred and fifteen different atoms. That is it. That is it. That is all they can discover. Ironically, there could be a hundred and fifteen thousand if that is what you wish because you exist in an illusion. The number is absolutely insignificant. It is only significant because scientists accept that and believe it.

And that atom is so small that it is impossible to be validated visually. Absolutely impossible. And what is even more ironic is that while it is impossible to validate it visually, your scientists not only believe that it is that small but they believe that the components that make up your atoms are infinitely smaller. You have a nucleus, which is composed of the protons and the neutrons. And the protons being the positive charges and the neutrons having no charge and it is the number of protons and neutrons that determine the solidity or the density of the atom.

And the rest of the atom has an immense space if you compare it to the size of the nucleus. And in this so-called immense space in comparison to the nucleus, are the electrons, the negative charges that seem to be just simply floating around there in space. And your scientists have come up with this theory. And is it true? If you believe, absolutely it is true. You see, there is no right or wrong. It is not true or false, other than what you believe. That is the key. What do you believe?

Now the scientists also believe that in this atom there is an immense amount of energy that holds all of these particular elements together. And if they take that atom and get what they refer to as free atoms and bombard them with other atoms, they believe that they can cause that atom to explode. And it is from that explosion that they validate that theory of atoms and you come up with atomic energy - a release of energy that they believe it contained with that atom. It is an illusion! You can have whatever you desire! [Joshiah chuckles]

If you wish to believe that that is how you create it then that is valid. Absolutely. Is it real? It is as real as anything else that you experience in this reality in your conscious state. Even though your scientists can’t see it they can duplicate the experiment, and therefore if you can duplicate it then scientifically you believe that it is real. Absolutely.

The irony of it is that your scientists can hold such an overwhelming belief in the theory of atoms and atomic energy, and yet have absolutely no concrete evidence that you are the creators of this reality. You see, you can’t see that either. There are many who have become quite proficient at altering various areas of their reality, have come to understand absolutely that they create their reality and they accept that responsibility. Ironically, scientists cannot prove that theory to you. You must go within to discover that answer for yourself. And once you discover it you don’t need the proof anymore. You don’t need someone else to give you that answer. Absolutely not. It can be yours. It can be yours to have.

Now it is rather ironic that your scientists hold various theories and as you look throughout your so called past, your history - because you see you believe, once again, in a linear time and space - but if you look through your so called past you will find that scientists held all kinds of theories that were absolutes until they were proven that they were not absolutes. And it is also rather ironic that many times it was not the scientists that proved that it was not an absolute but rather an individual who was simply someone who had a vision, a dream, a belief and they did not accept that what the scientists said as being absolute. And there are many examples.

One of the most dramatic ones and perhaps one that you would be the most familiar with is that your scientists at one time suggested to you that this earth was flat. And perhaps it was. Perhaps it was. You see, it is an illusion. You can have whatever it is you desire. But then along came someone who believed that it couldn’t be flat. There is just too many variables and they believe that it must be round and they proved your scientists wrong. You see, the scientists can many times become locked into a way of thinking that limits their capacity to use their imagination to step beyond.

They perpetually like to have that belief and the belief that it can be duplicated must reflect back upon that which they already know. And if you already know that the world is flat then how can it be round? But someone proved that it was round. And it was not a scientist. And perhaps when the human consciousness agreed that it was round, it became round and it was much easier to prove. You see, it is an illusion. You can have whatever you desire.

Your scientists at one time believed that it would be impossible to take elements from your earth and to create a type of machine that had the capacity to fly. Not only were the scientists proved wrong, but you have begun to create realities where you not only fly within this particular atmosphere of the earth system that you exist in but indeed beyond that atmosphere into the other areas that are referred to as space. And some of the particular mechanisms that you are applying at this time even defy the basic understanding and concepts of what your scientists had once thought were the necessary elements to achieve flight.

You now send particular devices into space that defy past logic regarding flight. And you do it quite readily. And ironically, not only is it accepted, but it is a phenomena that is becoming quite common. And were you to, once again, suggest to someone as little as one-hundred and fifty years ago, in your so called history, that it would be possible to not only fly within your earth’s atmosphere but to visit other planets, they would have looked at you like you were absolutely ludicrous.

The only limitation to the creation that you can achieve in this vibrational level is your imagination. You believe that this particular earth that you exist on is solid. You believe that the elements that you come in contact with each and every day of your existence are solid. And yet even your scientists would suggest to you that the majority of those elements are simply a vacuum, a space. And it is rather interesting the scientists refer to the area that is in the nucleus and in the atom that surrounds the nucleus as being a vacuum. They don’t say that it has got space in there but rather that it is a vacuum.

We would suggest that there is, to facilitate your belief in an atom, not a vacuum but an energy. An energy that exists throughout each and every atom of this entire universe and that you as individuals are the creator of that energy. You as individuals are not only the creator of that energy - and this is where it becomes very difficult for you to grasp - but you are that energy. You are that energy. You are that Oneness, if you wish. Absolutely.

Now your scientists believe at this time that it is possible, by splitting certain atoms, to releases huge amounts of energy and you have learned how to contain that energy and to use it in assisting you in your creation process in your day to day activities. We have suggested in the past that it is also within your capacity to withdraw that energy, to utilize that energy, with absolutely no byproducts. It is possible for you to use that energy to create whatever it is that you desire to experience in your conscious state. You have but to believe. You see, it is an illusion.

You exist in an illusion and that is the key. And if it is an illusion and it is simply a reflection of your imagination, what you desire, what you expect based upon what you believe, then why can’t you have whatever it is that you desire? Why can’t you use that imagination to create whatever it is that you desire? You have but to believe in the possibilities as those individuals who believed that it was possible to fly, imagined, expected it, desired it, and created it and brought it into their reality so that you could have it. There is absolutely no limitations to the creation that you can achieve in this vibrational level other than your imagination. If you can imagine it, you can have it. If you can imagine it, you can put in place the beginnings of the belief system, individually, socially, and on the human conscious consensus level to create whatever it is that you desire.

You have, as a human consciousness, began to alter the very energy that makes up this vibrational level that you experience in your conscious state and you are very nearing the end of that transformation. And at that time you shall have the capacity to consciously create your reality in a manner that has not been possible in your so-called past history. We didn’t say it was impossible in your past history, but simply in a manner that was not possible in your past history. There were those in your past history who became quite adept at creating the illusionary reality and bringing into this reality that which they desired, that which they believed in. But it was a difficult process.

You have chosen, as a human consciousness once again, to alter that energy, to alter your vibrational level and to make that particular type of creation process available to you - each of you - consciously, should you so desire. Should you so desire. You see, it is not a must thing. There are not musts that you "must" do this or you "must" do that. It is a conscious choice that you can make. And it doesn’t matter whether you make the choice or not. It is not a right or wrong thing. If you choose to remain in this vibrational level and to allow others to influence the creation of your reality - seemingly - in your conscious state, then you can have that.

If you believe to exist in this particular vibrational level in this incarnational period and believe that there is an entity existing outside your vibrational level that creates your reality for you, subjects you to all type of realities that you must suffer through in order to become a better person, well you can have that too. It doesn’t really matter. It is your choice. No one is going to say it is right or wrong. Your spark of consciousness that you are, that Higher Self that you are, your subconsciousness will create whatever it is that you desire, without judgment. We have already told you that many times. But there is that possibility, should you choose, to enter into what we refer to as the new age and new energy and to have the capacity to consciously create your reality.

Now you can go through all types of investigations on how you create this reality if that is what you desire to do. You can make it as complicated as you want. Or, like the child that breathes in air, you can do it spontaneously and not worry about how it occurs, but accept it, accept it as yours. You don’t have to validate it. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to prove it. You simply have to believe it. When each of you were children and you began to take those first breaths of air you didn’t question "how is this going to work?" You didn’t question "do I have a right to do this?" You didn’t question "is there some other entity who is going to suddenly cut off my source of oxygen?" Absolutely not. You simply breathed. You took it as your own. You owned it and you knew it was yours to accomplish.

And so it is if you wish to create your reality consciously - you simply have to own it. You have to understand that it is yours. It is not a gift that someone else is giving you. It is yours. It is your creation. It is your creation. You can have whatever it is that you desire. You don’t have to ask for it. You don’t have to beg for it. You don’t have to do anything other than believe. Your reality is a reflection of your beliefs.

Now once again, you can if you wish, look for all types of methods or techniques to achieve this creation process. Absolutely. But what would happen if when you were a child and you took that first breath of air and you stopped and thought "now I wonder, is this what I am supposed to do? I wonder if there is a better way. Maybe I should look for some type of respirator to help me breathe better. Or maybe there should be a cleaner source of oxygen. Maybe I should quit breathing for awhile till I get out of this terrible place because there is all types of odors here that might harm my body so I am not going to breathe for a little while." Well you wouldn’t have been very successful, that’s for certain.

So it is when you are searching for this ability to create your reality consciously you can look for all types of methods and techniques, and there are many individuals who are on that quest. And it is like as we have suggested in an analogy, that you have this body of water that you wish to cross and you can’t see to the other side. It is like there is a fog bank there just offshore. But lined up along that shore are various numbers of crafts, right from a simple dug-out type canoe to the most elaborate ocean going vessel that you can imagine and everything in between. And there are individuals who spend their time running up and down the shore and checking out the craft to see if it is seaworthy.

You don’t know how far you have to go because there is a bank of fog, so you have got to be careful that you get the right one. "We don’t want to get lost out there on something and maybe starve to death because we don’t have the proper elements that we need to sustain ourselves so we are going to make sure that we get it right. We are going to get the right vessel. We are going to choose the right method or technique or we are not even going to test the waters." And so that is where they spend their time, running up and down searching.

Well ironically, it wouldn’t matter what vessel you take. Simply you have to believe that it will accomplish that which you desire, that it will get you there. If you believe, then it doesn’t matter. The vessel is not nearly as important as the belief. And as we have suggested before, the irony of it is that you could walk across the water if you desire. You don’t need a vessel at all. The method or technique is not nearly as important as your belief in the method or technique.

If you believe that meditation is the way to enter into your sub-consciousness in order to get an understanding of what it is that you truly believe and therefore have the capacity to alter it in that meditative state, then go for it. Then it will work. Absolutely it will work because you believe. If you believe that you can simply sit down and daydream and accomplish the same thing, then go for that as well. It doesn’t matter. If you believe that you can make a list and validate that list consciously, and through affirmation and various other techniques bring it into your reality, then go for it. If you believe that it will work, it will work. It is what you believe. It is not the method or the technique, but rather what you believe.

The reality that you experience in your conscious state in this vibrational level is a reflection of your beliefs. It is that simple. It is like breathing air. You can make it as complicated as you want, but it is not necessary. You have already put in place the necessary elements to facilitate bringing the air into your physical being and extracting the necessary elements in order for you to sustain your existence.

Similarly, you have already put in place the necessary elements for you to exist consciously in this vibrational level. You don’t have to worry about it. You don’t have to prove it. If you want the proof, look inside. Look inside, for that is where you will find the proof. You will not find it in a textbook. You will not find it on some television show. You will not find it by some individual telling you what it is like. You must go within and find that connection and to find that truism. And if you believe that you can alter your reality consciously, then you can. And if you don’t believe it, then you won’t. You will create the reality absolutely. That is a given. You cannot escape from that.

Similar to the belief that you must consume oxygen in order to exist in this vibrational level in order to sustain your existence consciously, so it is that you create this reality as a reflection of the beliefs that you hold. Absolutely. It is one of the truisms that you cannot alter. It doesn’t matter what the reality is. The reality is a reflection of the beliefs. It doesn’t matter what it is, you create it anyway. That is the irony. You create it. You are the Piece of the One that you search for.

And you absolutely cannot fail to come to that understanding. Those three important truisms, if you wish, are the only beliefs in this particular vibrational level - not only in this vibrational level but all of the vibrational levels throughout all of creation - that you cannot alter. The rest is illusionary and you can change it. Or you don’t have to change it. The choice is yours.

If you are absolutely satisfied with the existence you are experiencing in your conscious state then why on earth would you change anything? The choice is yours. We are not suggesting for an instant that there is a better or a worse way. Absolutely not. That is your decision. That is your choice. It is a choice that you will make in your conscious state, not in your sub-consciousness. In your sub-consciousness it will be a reflection of what you believe that is created in this reality, and it will do so spontaneously and it will do so with joy.

And you will create this reality from a position of love and you will feel success in your inner consciousness and that spark of consciousness that you are, regardless of whether or not you believe in your conscious state that it is a joyous or an unhappy situation that you are involved in. Good or bad is a conscious decision. It does not exist in your sub-consciousness. It is a judgment that you make consciously, not subconsciously.

And so there it is: you create this reality; you are a spark of consciousness that has the capacity to create, that Piece of the One that you search for; and you absolutely cannot fail. All the rest is an illusionary reality that you create based upon your belief systems and you can change those belief systems to any others that you desire to experience. And as you change them and as your societies change them and as your human consciousness changes them, then you have the capacity to change this entire reality, this entire day-to-day creation that you experience in your conscious state, this illusion. You can change it all if you wish.

There is no judgment as to what is right or wrong other than the judgment that you put upon it. It is your reality. Make it what you want. Look within for the answers. Do not beg someone else to create for you. You see, if you beg someone else to create for you then you can create that reality absolutely and you shall have within your day-to-day activities various realities that support that belief that if you beg for someone else to create your reality then they will do and create that which you desire.

But you see, the irony with that particular type of belief system is that you must sustain a belief that you are not in control. In order to sustain a belief that you are not in control then these realities that you wish to experience don’t get created all the time, and along comes these, what you might consider in your conscious state to be, negative realities. "I didn’t want that one. That one validates my belief that I am not in control, so I best sit down and pray so I can get this different reality from some other entity." You can have that if you desire. Absolutely. It is not right or wrong.

But it does bring with it the belief that you experience consciously that you are not in control, and that you must experience negative type of realities to validate the belief that you are not in control. And again, it is not right or wrong. It is a choice you can make and we would never judge as to whether or not you should or should not do or hold any particular belief systems to create the reality that you desire to experience in your conscious state. That choice is yours. It is yours. It cannot be taken away from you. And you do it whether you believe it or not. Absolutely.

Now we would break for a moment or two and if you desire we will return and attempt to answer any questions you might have for us. And we would remind you that we are not separated by time or space but rather by a vibrational level, and should you choose to interact or to share with us you have but to express the intent and we would welcome the opportunity. We would leave you now with love and with peace.

Question and Answer Session for April 03, 2005:

Well now, well once again it is indeed a pleasure to be back into your vibrational level and to interact with you in your reality. And we would like to once again express our gratitude for your creating and allowing us this opportunity to participate and to interact with each of you.

As always there exists that opportunity for you to be involved in that silent communication, that telepathic exchange of information or interaction with other entities, or indeed with that portion that you refer to as your Higher Self or your inner consciousness, should you choose to do so. And as always, many times the information that you receive on that telepathic level is much more pertinent to your individual requests and desires than is the information that we express through our friend Elias [Bub, the channel].

And the choice is yours, as always, to participate. And as always, you will find it very easy to alter your consciousness as a result of the energy that you have created in this sacred space. And so the choice is yours. You have but to close your eyes and express the intent and you will find it very easy to enter into that meditative state, to alter your consciousness.

Now; you create your reality. That has been the topic that we have dwelt on not only this afternoon but so many times in our interactions with you. And for many that becomes a very difficult concept to grasp. For many there is this belief in a being that exists outside of your vibrational level, or outside at least of your consciousness, that not only has the capacity to create but does create all that you experience in your conscious state in your reality. An individual or an entity or a consciousness, whichever you wish to use to describe, that has the capacity to determine what your future may or may not be. An individual that looks down and judges whether or not you are doing it right or wrong on one hand and yet on the other hand, many believe, makes the reality that you experience.

It is rather a conflict of ideas that you have the free will to do it right or wrong and yet when something occurs that you are perhaps not satisfied with or a reality that you find less than desirable you suggest that it is God’s will. Well, if you had the will to do it and to experience it and to make choices and do what some entity is going to judge as whether right or wrong, then how can you have that free will to make those choices and yet on the other hand be subjected to a will that is determined by another entity? The two beliefs don’t fit. They just don’t fit. It doesn’t jive. You can’t have it both ways. And yet those who would believe in religion perpetually make those decisions to validate and to reinforce their belief in an entity that has the capacity to not only influence but to create your entire reality.

When something comes into an individual’s life and they believe in the ability for the God or the spirits to have an impact, and it is a desirable event that has occurred, then they would say "oh that indeed has been Spirit that is assisting me. Spirit wanted me to have that. Absolutely." And they are grateful and they give gratitude to Spirit. But on the other hand, if it is a less than desirable event that occurs, then they look at it and say "that is God’s will. That is the will of God and I have absolutely no choice but to accept it." And once again, if you have no choice but to accept it then how can you do right or wrong?

You do have a choice. You see, it is your creation. There is no entity existing outside of your vibrational level or within of your vibrational level that creates your reality for you. If you experience those realities, and you have that reflection that there is an entity that is controlling your reality, it is because you choose to believe so. There is no entity not only existing outside of your vibrational level that can create your reality, there is no entity existing outside your vibrational level that has any desire to create your reality!

And not only that, as a result of the electromagnetic type of energy that you have put in place through each and every atom of your entire universe, there is no entity existing outside of your vibrational level that has the capacity to have an influence upon your reality. It is your creation. You create it all. Absolutely.

Now; what we find even more intriguing is that in your conscious state you would look at other individuals who are experiencing realities as well, in a conscious state in your vibrational level, who have chosen to enter into your vibrational level and go through the same types of creation process that you go through, to have the similar experiences for the purposes of experiencing the emotions and the feelings, and you would look at those individuals and put them up as being somehow superior. And many of those individuals you not only look upon as being somehow superior but you would worship them as being a God.

And we find it rather interesting that an entity who is exactly the same in the capacity to create as you are, is no more or no less than any other spark of creation, including yourself, you would put up as being somehow superior. Not only do you put them up as being somehow superior, but it is rather interesting that you would take what they say to you as being the examples of belief systems that you should hold in order to live a reality that they somehow determine is right or wrong. A very interesting concept. Not one that you hold in your subconsciousness, we assure you, but one that you hold in your conscious state, and very interesting indeed.

That concept has two purposes. First of all, it validates the belief that there is an entity existing outside of your vibrational level that has the capacity to influence. Not only has the capacity to influence, but actually does influence and create this reality for you, and that you are less than those individuals that you put up as Gods.

You see, if you are less, than it is something that you can put in place as a belief that you must learn certain lessons in order to achieve that so-called Godly state, if at all possible even for you to choose that Godly state. For some, in your conscious state, don’t believe that that is possible. And so by holding those beliefs, by putting in place a belief in an entity who exists in your vibrational level at the same consciousness as you do as being somehow superior to you, it allows you to be inferior. It allows you to release your responsibility for the reality that you experience. It allows you to intensify this reality and therefore intensify and experience a broader and deeper range of emotions and feelings.

Question the beliefs in another entity existing within your vibrational level that you somehow hold up as being a God as to whether or not they have the same capacity to experience emotion that you do. You see, if you are a God then how can you experience the emotions of anger? The emotions of jealousy? If you are a God, how can you experience those so-called negative emotions? If you are not a God, if you are mere mortal, ahh, then it is much easier to accept that you are not in control. It is much easier to accept that other entities are having an effect upon this reality that you experience in your conscious state, and therefore it is okay for you to feel the emotions of anger and of fear and of jealousy, and the so-called negative emotions.

You see, negative emotions only exist in your conscious state. The only emotion that is what in your subconscious would refer to as a negative emotion is one that you don’t express. You see, if you take love in your conscious state and you hold it within and you don’t express it, eventually it can become a negative emotion. It is an emotion that is not expressed that becomes negative in terms of what you experience in your conscious state. And if you can experience love in your conscious state and you don’t express it, then it can indeed have all kinds of effects upon your conscious mind and lead to experience what you might refer to as less than desirable realities, and therefore from your conscious state it becomes a negative emotion.

So the only negative emotions are those that you do not express, that you contain within. If you believe that they are negative or positive, that is a conscious decision, not one that is made at any other level. And so if you believe that you are not this godly person and in fact could not achieve that type of advancement, then it is much easier for you to accept that you are not responsible and as a result, experience the negative emotions. It is much easier to look at your so-called past life incarnations and say "well that is the reason I am experiencing certain activities in this lifetime." Well we would beg the question of what happened back in that lifetime? Who made that choice? Was that God’s choice or was that your choice? Or perhaps if it was the lifetime before that, who made that choice?

You see, at some point someone made a choice and we would suggest that you made the choice, not some other God. And if you choose to believe that the choice that you made yesterday or the day before or the lifetime before or five lifetimes before is having an effect upon what you experience today, that is your choice. It is not necessary. But it is your choice and you can have it. It is not right or wrong. It is your choice and you can have it if you desire it.

But once again, if you want to look at if from a logical point of view, which is what you desire to do in your conscious state in order to prove or validate things, it begs the question that at some point you must have made the decision or someone made that decision for you. And if you made that decision or someone made that decision for you, then you should be able to reverse the decision absolutely, or have someone reverse it for you. To feel that you are subjected to an absolute reality that you must experience is to limit your capacity to create whatever it is that you desire in your conscious state.

To believe that a past life can have an influence over you is to believe as well that what you do today is going to have a direct influence upon your future. And, if you hold that belief, then it means that the future is always and absolutely predetermined by your past events. And if that is the case, you don’t have free will. And we would suggest it is not that way at all.

You exist in the ‘now’. The present and the past and the future all exist simultaneously. And it is a very difficult concept to grasp because it doesn’t matter what type of phrases we use in your vocabulary it still infers that there is time and space. Even to say ‘now’ infers that there is a past and there is a future and we are in between, we are in the ‘now’, and it is not that way. It is that it is an entire existence of all of your realities at once - [Joshiah chuckles] and even ‘at once’ infers that there is a time and a space, and there isn’t. But if that is the case and it all exists in the ‘now’, then you have the capacity to change not only the present and the future but also the past as well. And that becomes a difficult concept to grasp because if you can change the past then so much for time and space - it means absolutely nothing. It is an illusion.

Well we have news for you, this entire vibrational level that you experience in your conscious state is an illusion. The reality that you experience is a reflection of your beliefs and if you don’t like the reality, change the belief and you will eventually reflect that belief into the reality that you experience and you will change your reality. That is a given. That is not a maybe. That is not something that you can scientifically prove but we assure you that if you were to look within you would get that truism. You could contact that portion of your Higher Self that has the capacity to create and you get glimpses of the true existence in the ‘now’, the unlimited power that you have at your capacity, at the limitless amounts of realities that are available for you to create.

You see you have, once again, these beliefs that you hold as a human consciousness and indeed as a society and as individuals. You believe that there are possibilities, and the more possibilities that there are then the greater the chances for you to create some type of reality. And if there is a whole list of possibilities, then somewhere in that list there has got to be the probabilities. The longer the list of possibilities is, then the greater the list of probabilities. And from the list of probabilities there are those that you will experience. You believe that. You believe that as a human consciousness.

And so you can apply that particular logic to many things that you do in your day-to-day existence. There are individuals who are addicted to gambling and they understand absolutely that there are the limitless possibilities and there are probabilities, and if there are enough possibilities then the probabilities sit there as well and sometimes it is going to occur that the probability will come into reality and they will win this huge amount of abundance.

However, the irony of it is that when you are involved in that type of a situation you also understand that there is this limitless possibility that you will not win. And in fact, the possibility that you not win is superior to the possibility that you will win, for most individuals. Absolutely. And it is called ‘odds’. And it is set so that the odds are against the individual winning. And so what is about to happen? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out.

You believe that. And if you believe it, that is what occurs. There are, however, individuals who don’t believe that. They believe that it is possible for them to be involved and beat the odds. They own that. And for them it is possible and probable that they will win against all odds. And you could apply, once again, that particular logic to anything that occurs in your reality. The irony of it is that it is an illusion. You create it all and you can have whatever it is that you desire.

Those individuals that you put up as seemingly gods, who are individuals existing within your vibrational level that give to you all of this information and these rules and regulations that you must live by, are no more and no less than what you are. That is the irony. Each spark of consciousness existing, not only within your vibrational level but in all of the vibrational levels throughout all of creation, are no more than what you are and no less than what you are. If you feel that you are somehow inferior to other individuals existing within your conscious state, that is your choice based upon a belief that you hold in your consciousness. It does not exist in your subconsciousness.

It does not exist at that level of understanding of who and what you truly are. You simply choose to limit your connection, if you wish, or your understanding in your conscious state, of who and what you truly are in order to validate this reality. You can make it as complicated as you wish but that is the bottom line. You are the spark of consciousness. You create your reality. And you cannot fail. The rest is illusionary. Complicate it or simplify it, it doesn’t matter. It is like the child breathing air. Complicate it or simplify it, it doesn’t really matter. The choice is yours.

It is your reality. You can have whatever it is that you desire based upon your imagination, based upon what it is that you desire, based upon what it is that you expect to bring into your reality, based upon a reflection of the beliefs and attitudes that are portrayed and the choices and decisions that you make and the thoughts and feelings that you hold. Absolutely. That is how you create it all. You create it all. Not some other entity. Not even other entities that you interact with from day-today and you feel are influencing your reality.

They are influencing your reality because you put in place the agreements and the contracts to allow that to happen so that you can experience that activity, that creation in your day-to-day activities in your conscious state. You have chosen to be involved at some level of your consciousness and you can choose to alter that reality as well. That choice is yours. Absolutely.

Now if you have any questions we would be willing to attempt to answer them for you.

QUESTION: I don’t think I created any [word unclear] or thinking to make myself, or my family sick, but they are very sick. Are there any spirits which take over some bodies, and they can influence your physical body?

ANSWER: A very interesting question.
Now; what do you believe? You see once again, it comes back to "what do you believe?" If you do not believe that there is the capacity for an entity to take over an individual’s physical body then we assure you it cannot happen. However, if you desire to hold that belief you can have whatever it is that you desire in your conscious state.

Now; in your conscious state entities existing in your vibrational level believe in this passage of time and space. And you believe that there are so-called past incarnational periods that influence the next incarnational period that influence the next incarnational period. Absolutely. And you can hold that belief if you desire. It is not a right or wrong thing, it is simply a belief.

Now; when you exist in the so-called in between incarnational periods - when you die, if you wish, or exist in that what some would refer to as the other side - many times and in particularly in your so called old age and old energy you put in place various belief systems that you would have the capacity to experience in your next incarnational period. And you bring in those belief systems.

Now; many illnesses that an individual experiences in a particular incarnational period are set in place as possibilities - and we spoke about possibilities and probabilities - in your between incarnational state. And it is recorded, if you wish, in what your scientists refer to as your DNA. You see, your scientists only believe that there is a small portion of your DNA that is active, that has an influence upon your reality. And in a sense that is quite accurate but the other portions of that DNA, which seem to be simply garbage or waste, are not garbage or waste. Absolutely not.

There are potential realities that you can experience in your conscious state in this incarnational period that are programmed in your DNA. And if you change the energy that surrounds that DNA you can activate or deactivate that particular element of your DNA in order to experience that reality, that disease or that illness or that sickness, if you wish, in this incarnational period.

And so it is a belief that you brought in from another incarnational period, put in place in the between incarnational period, established in your DNA, surrounded it with an energy that you have the capacity to change based upon the beliefs that you hold, and allowed that experience to be fulfilled in this incarnational period. A choice. Not another entity or another spirit that has chosen to enter a particular physical body in order to wreak havoc, but rather a choice that has been made to create an experience that validates the belief that it is possible for another entity to enter the body, the physical body, and create that experience.

This is an illusion. That is the key to understanding and altering the illusion, is that it is an illusion. And many of the elements that individuals experience in a particular incarnational period are definitely influenced by choices that are made and beliefs that are held from other incarnational periods and from in between incarnational periods and they are registered in the DNA.

Now; if you could hold that belief, and many do - indeed it is a human consciousness belief, it is something that you put in place in order to validate this reality and make it real - if you could hold that belief that it is possible to change the energy that activates the DNA that allows for a particular occurrence within this particular incarnational period, then it should follow to reason, if you wish to use the logic, that you can also alter that energy and reverse the activities of that DNA and end the sickness or the disease.

And many times when that occurs individuals would look upon that as a miracle cure. Doctors have no explanation for that. Your scientists can’t give you any explanation and they call it a miracle. It is not a miracle at all. It is an alteration of a belief system that alters the energy that surrounds the DNA - the DNA that exists in every particular atom and every cell of your entire being - it alters it and allows you to alter the reality.

The key is to understand and to accept the responsibility for the creation of your reality and thereby understand that if you create it all then you can also alter it. It becomes difficult to accept that because you see when you accept that, you can no longer blame someone for what you are experiencing. It is much easier to sit back and say "well there is a spirit that is affecting me. It has inhabited my body and I am subject to whatever it decides to do to me." That is a much easier belief to hold because you don’t have to be responsible. If the reality that you are experiencing is a negative reality - that you believe is negative in your conscious state - then you don’t have to accept responsibility for it.

You see, when you accept responsibility for it in your conscious state, and you don’t alter the belief that it is within your capacity to change that reality, then you begin to feel that consciously you are a failure. And if you begin to feel that consciously you are a failure, and you begin to believe that, then you create circumstances in your conscious state to validate the belief, and you lose respect for who you are.

You lose that capacity to believe that you are a deserving individual. You lose that capacity to love yourself, not only to love yourself consciously, but to like yourself consciously. And when you lose that capacity to love and like yourself consciously you begin to discover that others don’t like and love you consciously as well, for it is reflected back. And so it becomes a vicious circle.

So, when you don’t accept the responsibility for the reality that you are experiencing, and you are not in a frame of mind to believe that it is your right to create whatever it is that you desire, then you will set up the circumstances that allow you to experience the feelings and the emotions that are associated with believing consciously that you are a failure. And it becomes a vicious circle. And if you are a failure because you can’t alter the reality, then it intensifies the belief that it is beyond your control and you just may become sicker. A very difficult concept to grasp.

One must begin by understanding and accepting the responsibility for the creation. One must begin by liking who you are consciously. By putting in place the necessary alterations of the image that you portray. By establishing and reinforcing a character that you would like to be so that you can express that to others so that you can begin to like yourself consciously. To portray that to others so that you can begin to love yourself.

And then when you begin to love yourself you will begin to experience consciously the reality that you desire to put in place because you will begin to experience consciously as well that feeling of deservability, that feeling that it is yours. You don’t have to ask for it. It is yours for the taking. Does that answer your question?

QUESTION: I am a little bit confused right now but I will try to get it to sink in. But I do love myself and others very, very sincerely and people love me back but I don’t see any [word unclear] reasoning for our family suffering with a lot of serious diseases. My husband just had a heart attack six weeks back.

ANSWER: Many times, once again, individuals put those beliefs in place in between incarnational periods and in this incarnational period activate the energy surrounds the DNA to have that particular experience. It is not right or wrong. It is not a good or bad, only that you believe in your conscious state. In your subconsciousness you create whatever it is that you desire.

Now individuals believe that they love themselves and they love other, absolutely. But you see, individuals can be involved in what you refer to as abusive or in what you might refer to as a less than desirable situation, where it is a victim situation where they are dominated by another individual, and still believe that that is love. Well that is love that you might believe in your conscious state as being love, but love is a state of being and a state of doing. Love is unconditional.

You see, when individuals are involved in a relationship and they put in place agreements that "if you will agree to do certain things then I will do other things for you" and you call that love, that is not love. That is a contract. That is an agreement. There is nothing wrong with it. It is necessary in your society to have agreements, to have contacts in order to function. But it is not love. To believe that that is love is to limit your capacity not only to love yourself but to love others. If you put in place agreements and contracts in order to sustain love for yourself, if you agree that "well if I don’t do ‘this’ then I will reward myself by giving myself some type of gift" you have created a contract for yourself. You have not done something out of an expression of love.

To give as an expression of love is to give unconditionally. And when you give a gift in love you don’t put in place contracts. You do it so the other person has the capacity to experience a sense of loyalty, to experience a sense of joy, to experience a sense of security and intimacy without, without any contracts or conditions.

And so love is a state of being and a state of doing. It is not something that individuals readily learn in their conscious state. And so individuals in their conscious state believe that what they are doing is love, and really many times it is not love at all. It is putting in place contracts and agreements in order to function. And when they apply that inwardly and believe that it is self-love, they become disappointed because they don’t achieve the emotions and the feelings, the true emotions and feelings, that come with unconditional love.

When you go within and you use whatever technique you wish, be it meditation or altered consciousness - whatever you desire to call it - and you stop the consciousness, you stop that interaction, and you connect with that portion that you call your Higher Self, you will have the capacity to become overwhelmed with unconditional love. You see, it exists within each and every individual, not only in your vibrational level but all of the vibrational levels throughout all of creation.

All of the creations that you experience in your conscious state can only be created from a position of love. Even the negative sickness that you believe exists within your family only comes from a position of love that exists at a level that is within. And if you wish to have that experience then you put aside the consciousness and you go within and you will become overwhelmed with that emotion of love, of unconditional and absolute love. And then you can have the capacity to attempt to duplicate it in your conscious state.

And it is a series of doing certain things in order to allow not only yourself to experience love in self-love but to allow others to experience love as well when expressed by yourself or other individuals. And it is a state of doing certain things to allow another to feel and experience certain emotions. You don’t have to experience all the emotions and you don’t have to do all the things at one time but you do one specific thing perhaps to allow another to feel one or two or three of the emotions that are involved with love. And you don’t do it because you expect to receive love in return.

When you do it in that instance then you are putting in place a contract and it is no longer unconditional. Unconditional means exactly that. There are no conditions. And when you put in conditions it is not love, it is a contract. And it is not that contracts are not necessary in order to facilitate particular relationships but many individuals confuse the relationship and the contracts and the agreements as being an act of love. And they are not. They are an act of forming a contract.

Does that answer your question?

QUESTION: I was wondering for the record if you could talk about the nature of evil and how not to be a victim on a personal and a society level?

ANSWER: Evil is a human consciousness concept. It does not exist at the subconscious level, at the level from which you create this reality.

Once again, your subconsciousness, if you wish, or Higher Self - whatever terminology you desire to use to express that Piece of the One that you are - creates the reality that you desire based upon the beliefs that you hold and it does so without judgment and it does so quite cheerfully, and it does so with a feeling of being very successful at giving you what it is that you desire. It is only when you have the experience in your conscious state that you believe that it is evil or good, if you wish to use the two opposing terminologies.

Evil only exists in your conscious state. It does not exist in the subconscious state. It is a human consciousness concept. It is an illusion. Now that is difficult to grasp when you feel you are a victim. But nonetheless, it is an illusion. When an individual believes that they are victim, many times it is because they believe that they are not worthy. They believe that there are others who are superior. That, once again, is a human consciousness belief system. It does not exist at the subconscious level.

And the key, as we suggested in our last answer, is to begin to understand who and what you are; to go within and experience that absolute and unconditional love that exists at that portion of your consciousness that creates the reality that you experience, and then bring that memory back into your conscious state and begin to like who you are and begin to love who you are.

You see ironically when individuals are involved in a victim and an aggressor situation it is the victim that is in control. Now that goes against what all of what you might believe and have been taught in your conscious state, but nonetheless it is the victim that is in control. If the victim chooses to no longer be victim the situation ends instantly. That is it. If you choose not to be a victim, no one can make you a victim. It is your choice to be a victim.

Now it is difficult to make the choice not to be a victim when you don’t like who you are, when you don’t love yourself consciously. You do love yourself at some level, absolutely, but to have that capacity to love yourself consciously can be a difficult task. And once again you begin by understanding that it is the image that you portray, not only to others but also to yourself, that gives you the capacity to like who you are. If you don’t like who you are then change your image, then change the character that you portray to others.

Put in place certain principles that you would like to adhere to and that you would like to have others see in you, and express the principles on a regular basis to the best of your ability. And as you adhere to the principles you strengthen the character and you begin to like the image that you are and you begin to portray that image to others and others begin to like you as well, and you begin to have that capacity to begin to love yourself consciously. And it is much easier to make the choice and the decision to end being the victim and to get a grasp of the understanding that evil only exists in the conscious state. It does not exist in the subconscious state.

Does that answer your question?

[end of questions]

Well now, once again it has been a very interesting interaction and we would like to express our gratitude for your inviting us back into your vibrational level and for the opportunity to interact and to share and indeed to learn from each of you. For once again, the information you share with us is information that we are only accessible to with your permission. To believe that we somehow hold a capacity for knowledge that is beyond your capacity is ludicrous. You have within of you all of the information that you need or desire. You have but to access it and you can have it consciously. That choice is yours. Absolutely.

And now we would remind you once again that we are not separated by time or space but rather by a vibrational level, and should you choose to interact with us at any time you have but to express the intent and we would be with you always and we would offer to you our unending support and our unconditional love. And we would bid each of you farewell with love and with peace.

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