... A Pure Heart ... and ... Innocence ...

( 2003 )

Gerardus here:
In my travels across the Internet I ran into someone that made sense to me. So, I 
began asking questions. The first words I read from this party are just below here
and since they intrigued me I began to write this person... 

The following are emails back and forth so there is some duplication!! In the mean 
time, I began to think about this, and thought to share it with the members of TL. 
I asked the person involved and I got an affirmative answer as you will see...

Here we begin!

I call this person A:    
       Gerardus is Q:   Just so you know who is who.

A: The Cassiopean material, and especially the way it is applied by certain key 
members in the school, has nothing whatsoever to do with the path of spiritual 
liberation. It is mostly true information given to people who will only be 
disadvantaged by it due to their impurity of motive and grasping egotism. Knowledge 
in itself is no protection from the dark side. I have known black magicians whose 
knowledge makes that of those in QFS look like Walt Disney! Grasping at knowledge 
for self protection is as faithless as it is fearful. The only guaranteed protection 
from evil in the whole universe is a pure heart, innocence. 

Q: The above is what you wrote to me:
I have been wondering about this ever since. How did you come to the conclusion 
that it is a pure heart and/or innocence that will protect you from evil?

A: Experience.

Q: What about Knowledge? Is that of any importance at all? 

A: Knowledge may lead to Wisdom via experience when it is applied selflessly in 
helpfulness to others. Yet once living Wisdom has been contacted, knowledge is 
no longer required as Knowing and Pure Reason are attained.

Q: From what I read in the above, what you say is completely contradictory to what 
the C's say. Like Knowledge Protects!  YOU might very well be right and I would 
like to ponder about what you have further to say on this...

A: Purity protects from defilement, not knowledge. That which is unholy cannot touch 
that which is Holy. However, an impure heart can possess encyclopedic knowledge and 
yet still be overcome by evil. Of course, knowledge of things occult will assist 
a person in understanding and so being aware of things that threaten, but knowledge 
alone is insufficient to rise above the duality of life.

Q: How does one get a pure heart and/or become innocent again? 
   Like how can a 75 year old man become innocent again? 

A: Selfless devotion, unconditional consecration to God.


Q: I have been wondering about this ever since. How did you come to the 
conclusion that it is a pure heart and/or innocence that will protect you 
from evil?

A: Experience.

Q: Understood!


Q: Before I go any further, I would like to know whether or not you have time 
to spare to answer my inquiries.  Also, I would like to send my questions to 
you and your asnwers to my List - TriLite.  I understand that you not 
directly would like to become a member of TL - my proposal is a second best 
solution to share your insights. 

Question: Would that be all right?

Q: You say - Once living Wisdom has been contacted - what do you mean here by 
living Wisdom? Do you mean Infinite Intellegence or The Light? I often call it 
The Infinite Light - TIL.


A: Purity protects from defilement, not knowledge. That which is unholy cannot touch 
that which is Holy. However, an impure heart can possess encyclopedic knowledge and 
yet still be overcome by evil. Of course, knowledge of things occult will assist 
a person in understanding and so being aware of things that threaten, but knowledge 
alone is insufficient to rise above the duality of life.

Q: Yes, about the duality of Life. Recently I have come to the conclusion that 
the best position for a human being is to become an Observer. An Observer 
that lets Life and its disorderliness have its way "out there" and withdraw 
within the Knowing that all is nothing but lessons for all. In the mean 
time, an Observer is still in service to all, by being what it is - in 
Understanding which I call Love towards all.  Letting them be and learn...
Would you agree to this?

Q: In addition to this, the Observer's position is slightly above the duality 
of Life for one occupies the level of neutrality or Divine Indifference.  
One knows that all is well.  Would you agree to that?

Q: How does one get a pure heart and/or become innocent again? 
Like how can a 75 year old man become innocent again? 

A: Selfless devotion, unconditional consecration to God.

Q: By God I understand you to mean Mankind in general and/or following that 
what feels right...


Q: You spoke about "reading energy" - is there a way that one can learn to do 
this better. How would one go about this?  Last of all - what do you read in 
the entity called Gerardus and his SoulSelf?
Trying to serve - Gerardus


Q: What about Knowledge?  Is that of any importance at all?
A Knowledge may lead to Wisdom via experience when it is applied selflessly 
in helpfulness to others. Yet once living Wisdom has been contacted, 
knowledge is no longer required as Knowing and Pure Reason are attained.
Q: Before I go any further, I would like to know whether or not you have 
time to answer my inquiries?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you have a List I could join?

A: No.

Q: Also, I would like to send my questions (to you and your answers) to my 
List - TriLite.  I understand that you would not directly like to become a 
member of TL - my proposal is a second best solution to share your insights...
Question Would that be all right?
A: Yes.

Q: You speak about "once living Wisdom has been contacted" - what do you 
mean here by living Wisdom?  Do you mean Infinite Intelligence or The Light? 
I often call it The Infinite Light - TIL.

A: There are various gradations of living Wisdom, from that of the 
consciousness of a rock to that of a Deity and beyond.

But there is a certain quality or nature in true Wisdom that is the same 
throughout. And it is not of this world.

The living Wisdom cannot be possessed by the self, but like sunshine it may 
be basked in.

Upon the evolutionary level of the unit of consciousness - whether a mouse 
or a man, an insect or a deva - depends the brilliance or degree of Wisdom 
accessible. And even a child can be wise, as I am sure you know.

Knowledge-seekers often try to fill the mind, the intellect with facts - 
esoteric or otherwise - in order to attain something valuable. However, our 
attachment to knowledge constitutes an impediment to the realization of 
living Wisdom.

Wisdom - like Perfection - already exists. Therefore it cannot be cultivated 
by way of knowledge or any self-grasping; it must just be realized.

Q: From what I read in the above, what you say is completely contradictory to 
what the C's say. Like Knowledge Protects!  YOU might very well be right and 
I would like to ponder about what you have further to say on this...

A: Purity protects from defilement, not knowledge. That which is unholy cannot 
touch that which is Holy. However, an impure heart can possess encyclopedic 
knowledge and yet still be overcome by evil. Of course, knowledge of things 
occult will assist a person in understanding and so being aware of things 
that threaten, but knowledge alone is insufficient to rise above the duality 
of life.

Q: Yes, about the duality of Life. Recently I have come to the conclusion that 
the best position for a human being is to become an Observer. An Observer 
that lets Life and its disorderliness have its way "out there" and withdraw 
within the Knowing that all is but lessons for all. In the mean time, an 
Observer is still in service to all, by being what it is - in Understanding 
which I call Love towards all...  Letting them be and learn...
Would you agree to this?

A: Yes I would. And the Observer is far more likely (than the doing person) to 
behold certain 'magic' impulses from beyond the mind moving his hand or legs 
or tongue at certain times in spontaneous service to those whom living Love 
deems are able to receive and so benefit.


Q: In addition to this, the Observer's position is slightly above the duality 
of Life for one occupies the level of neutrality or Divine Indifference.  
One knows that all is well. Would you agree to that?

A: Yes. "My kingdom is not of this world."


Q: How does one get a pure heart and/or become innocent again? 
   Like how can a 75 year old man become innocent again?

A: Selfless devotion, unconditional consecration to God.

Q: By God I understand you to mean Mankind in general and/or following that 
what feels right...

A: Consecration to do what the Will of the Universal Logos wills, to help as 
the Universal Love seeks to help. To listen intently to the whispers of 
Reality and to obey.


Q: You spoke about "reading energy" - is there a way that one can 
learn to do this better. How would one go about this?

A: Put others first. Truly care for the wellbeing of others.

Q: Last of all - what do you read in the entity called Gerardus and his SoulSelf?

A: Illusions.

Q: Trying to serve - Gerardus

A: It can become tense to try.

Most 'teachers' in the world today are not spiritual-initiate teachers at 
all, but doctors and therapists. For mankind is fundamentally, spiritually, 
mentally, emotionally and physically - ill.

Yet the Day of the Great Purification is now at hand...
