Starbuilders: Three Worlds To Live In

   Three Worlds To Live In

   Jal Kae ( 24 Sep 1994 writes:

   We would like to share the insight that parallel worlds converge at
   specific points, and that these are "points of consciousness." It is
   thereby possible to move from one world to another by shifting the focus
   of one's consciousness. The model that we are presenting details three
   particular parallel worlds. There are, undoubtedly, many more realms,
   but for what we consider practical purposes, we'll just be exploring
   three of them. We mean "practical" in the sense that each of these three
   worlds are actively being explored by beings on this planet.  They are
   "The Material World," "The Magical World," and "The Miraculous World."

   THE MATERIAL WORLD is the dominant mode in which humanity and other
   species. The motivating or driving forces in this world are called
   "instincts." Most beings on the planet today base their actions
   predominantly on information they receive from their survival, sexual,
   heirarchical, and territorial instincts. Acting on these instructions
   makes statements to the universe about what is real to the actor. For
   the most part, these pictures of reality stem from information that is
   encoded in the DNA of the physical body. These physical-body pictures of
   reality may imply:

   1. I am mortal, ........................................................
   2. I need a mate, ......................................................
   3. I need Personal Power to rule others to some extent, ................
   4. I need to own certain things and control space. .....................

   The mental body, too, generates pictures of reality. It creates pictures
   that say things like, "I must figure it all out"; "I need to be right";
   "It's okay to lie if I have a good enough reason"; "I am better than
   they are"; "He's going to say this, and then I'll say that...." For
   various reasons, Western civilization has elevated the mental body to a
   god-like status. There are several methodologies which contend that by
   controlling the mental body, negative experiences can be transcended,
   and that we can even obtain enlightenment and Nirvana. The rationale
   goes: "I create my own reality with my thoughts. Therefore, if I
   eliminate negative thoughts and only think positive ones, then my life
   will change for the better." This implies that negative thoughts are the
   source of one's negative experiences, and the work then becomes to
   eradicate them -you become your own thought police. And, since "whatever
   you're fascinated with, you get more of," then being fascinated with
   negative thoughts just brings more of them. Plus, there is another
   aspect to consider: "The universe rearranges itself to accommodate your
   picture of reality." The "think-only-positive- thoughts" strategy
   assumes that the mental body is the sole composer of one's picture of
   reality - but it is not. The physical body has its own views and
   convictions of what is real, as does the emotional body, as well as the
   spiritual body (the I AM). Here is a simple story to illustrate this.

   There was a mighty lion, Jonro, who was born in a small zoo. As he grew,
   he made it a point to investigate, as best as he could, all of the
   aspects of the world around him. All of the other lions in this zoo had
   been born in captivity, as well. Their cages were indoors. One day,
   another lion was added to the group, but he was captured in the wild.
   When he spoke of the vast savannas, the tall, spreading trees, the birds
   in the sky, and the other wonders he knew of, Jonro and the others
   scoffed. "How could this be!" they would exclaim. We've had plenty of
   time to investigate this world. We know precisely the limits of our
   cages, what other kinds of animals there are, where we came from, and
   how we get fed. What you are telling us is preposterous! Prove it!"

   Beings who are exploring the Material world (and taking a stand for its
   validity) suffer from the illusion of separation from their spirit. This
   should be obvious - the physical senses cannot detect spirit, which is
   beyond form. (Consequently, if we are not at one with our spirit, then
   we cannot be at one with others, because Oneness is an attribute of the
   spiritual body.) They believe they must fight and struggle to exist,
   courtesy of the animal instincts. They perceive enemies. Their actions
   are a seri es of strategies being played out. They fear lack and
   condemnation, both which lurk in the background of their consciousness
   like hungry cheetahs. They need outside authorities to tell them how to
   reach God and to tell them what is real. (Today, scientists are the
   priests of "what's real.") When we find ourselves acting out and
   identifying with any of these pictures of reality and agreeing that they
   are real, you may say with confidence, "I am living in a Material
   World." Other experiences of this domain are:

   - being caught up in a stream of thought, ..............................
   - planning sexual strategies, ..........................................
   - mentally rehearsing what you're going to say when you confront someone
     (which you never end up saying, anyway, when the time comes), ........
   - being sarcastic, .....................................................
   - being obnoxious, - physically or verbally attacking someone, .........
   - proving you're right (or the other wrong). ...........................
   - defending or claiming your space .....................................

   The way that we perceive and define ourselves implies which World we are
   living in. A few identities that take a stand for the validity of The
   Material World are: ("I am a...")

   - hard worker ..........................................................
   - smart person .........................................................
   - honest person ........................................................
   - business person, (or, name a profession) .............................
   - parent/spouse/child ..................................................
   - responsible person ...................................................
   - funny person .........................................................
   - student/teacher ......................................................
   - clever/shrewd ........................................................

   There is nothing wrong with these identities or with exploring the
   Material World; we all do it to some degree or another; let's face it -
   we're all in human forms. It's an option that our spirits have chosen to
   explore, for whatever reason. (The important point is not what we are
   exploring, but the position that our consciousness is in, in relation to
   the action.)

   THE MAGICAL WORLD is the next step up, dimensionally speaking, from the
   Material World. When you are living in a Magical World, you are taking a
   stand for the realities and parameters of the fourth dimension (the
   astral plane). The link between the third-dimensional physical body and
   the fourth dimension is the emotional body; the emotional body peruses
   the astral plane and the mental body does its best to interpret the
   information (within the limitations of the linear-based functioning
   ability) that it receives. What follows are some principles, pictures
   of reality, and implications that are innate in the fourth dimension.
   When you are, say, standing in line (like at the grocery store) and
   begin to make psychic contact with others, you can say, "I am living in
   a Magical World." When you find yourself engaged in any of the following
   activities, you can say the same.

   - trying to use or get "luck," .........................................
   - being superstitious, - having a sexual fantasy,  .....................
   - psychically attacking someone, .......................................
   - psychically defending someone, .......................................
   - fighting for God, the Light, or any other "good" cause (or "bad"cause,
     if that's you style), ................................................
   - trying to psychically manipulate another being or situation, .........
   - astral traveling, - working out your karma, ..........................
   - trying to be worthy in the eyes of God, ..............................
   - preaching "the right way" to serve God, spirit, or the mission, ......
   - using magic, either "white" or "black." ..............................

   A few identities which take a stand for the validity of the Magical
   World are: ("I am a...")

   - magician (druid, witch, enchanter, etc.)..............................
   - psychic ..............................................................
   - healer ...............................................................
   - past-life regressionist ..............................................
   - warrior of the Light .................................................
   - devil/demon  worshipper ..............................................
   - religious person .....................................................

   The Magical World, compared to the Material World, is much more
   exciting. There are many unusual powers and phenomena to experience
   there. It has a unique and somewhat hypnotic allure. Many beings feel
   liberated as they move from the limitations of The Material World into
   the expansiveness of The Magical World. For others, however, this world
   of shifting forms, gray alliances, and non-linear logic is scary.
   Additionally, the rules of The Material don't mean much in The Magical;
   for those who need to "be in control" and "know how it really is," in a
   third-dimensional sense, this metamorphic reality with its uncharted
   territories (including purgatories and hells) are better left alone. We
   are at a time in human history in which the veils are rapidly being
   lifted between the two Worlds. This is frightening to those who want The
   Material World to be the safe, predictable place it has always (seemed
   to have) been.

   As The Magical World becomes increasingly accessible, The Material World
   becomes more destabilized. This is becoming increasingly apparent in the
   area of relationships. In many (but not all) cases, the scenario goes
   something like this: One of the partners begins to explore and
   experience the validity of the Magical World. The Material World-based
   partner, either unable or unwilling to explore The Magical probability,
   uses "scientific, common-sense logic" to explain why The Magical World
   doesn't exist, or just sarcastically dismisses the partner's interest.
   (A more clever response is this: He plays along with the Magically-
   inclined partners' "flights of fantasy and imagination."

   A wiser yet alternative: He supports the Magically-inclined partner's
   exploration.) But neither "common-sense logic" - the common logic of the
   five senses - nor sarcasm can negate another person's experiences. As
   the lure and exploration of The Magical World increases, there becomes
   less and less for the couple to talk about. And when it comes time for
   parting, the defender of the logical world finds himself alone with his
   cold facts, wondering what went wrong. Another outcome of this scenario
   is that the Magically-inclined partner halts or slows her progress so as
   not to hurt the partner, hoping that she can "bring him along." (It may
   be helpful to realize that all relationships are in the hands of spirit:
   spirit puts us together and separates us in accordance with the Divine
   Plan. This may sound harsh to the emotional body, but when grasped from
   a cosmic perspective, it is really a blessing.)

   Relationships based upon the parameters of The Magical World can be
   enchanting; all sorts of magical events may transpire. The partner's
   face can morph from their usual appearance looks to that of a completely
   different person. Astral sex is "out of this world"; plus there are
   opportunities to play out unfulfilled Material and Magical roles with
   each other, sometimes reaching into past lives.

   At this point in history, the next natural step for many beings is to
   move from the exploration of The Material World to the exploration of
   The Magical World. This requires letting go of rigid concepts which the
   linear mind holds as real. For those who have identified themselves with
   their mental and physical bodies, this, perhaps, is one of the biggest
   stumbling blocks to exploring the interesting realm of The Magical

   The probabilities of THE MIRACULOUS WORLD are just now presenting
   themselves to humanity. Dimensionally, it is the next step up from The
   Magical World. Go outside on some clear night. Look up in the sky and
   catch a glimpse of the stars. There are more stars than we can imagine,
   with even more planets racing around them. And this is only the third-
   dimensional aspect that we are seeing. Look at your hand; move your
   fingers. To make all of this exist and work takes forces and a form of
   intelligence that is not possible to imagine. And this is only the
   third-dimensional aspect of our existence. Although this may sound
   oversimplified, it does seem to point to one thing: the universe is a
   miraculous place. If it can create all of this, it can do just about any
   thing it wants. (For more detailed information on the miraculous nature
   of the universe, read the Summer '94 issue of "The Federation Flash.")

   In The Miraculous World, linear or "horizontal" logic (which uses past
   experience and one's beliefs to determine what is real), is not what
   directs one's actions; nor are one's feelings, regardless of how
   powerful they are. Instead, "vertical" logic (information received
   directly from one's spirit), provides the data from which to act. This
   is spontaneous revelation and is the key to consciously living in the
   Eternal Now. (You are, in essence, channelling your spirit.)

   When we find ourselves acting out and identifying with the following,
   you can say, "I am living in A Miraculous World."

   - you experience the awesome reality of living in the faith that you are
     in the hands of your spirit,

   - you perceive everything as "okay" - even if it's sometimes unpleasant
     because you know that spirit is directing your course,

   - you see your identity as a Divine being unfold, - your reliance on
     Material and Magical perceptions is superseded by your reliance on
     Miraculous perceptions,

   - you perceive other's pictures of reality as just that - their pictures
     and do not take their projections personally,

   - you realize that, in many areas of your life and especially your
     mission, the walls of time/space are not a limitation,

   - you live with the understanding that by remaining open and empty, the
     universe can manifest miracles through you,

   - you love everyone and know that they are part of the Divine Whole,

   - you are grateful to be alive,

   - you see your Vision of Heaven on Earth manifesting,

   - you share your Vision, cosmic identity, and insights freely and

   - miracles are a given.

   A few identities (or ways to function) which take a stand for the
   validity of The Miraculous World are: ("I am a...")

   - angelic/extraterrestrial/other-dimensional master

   - divine/cosmic/holy being

   - code master

   - grid/template master

   - energy-flow director

   - receiver/transmitter for your off-planet/other-dimensional team,

   - transdimensional trail blazer

   - divine fool

   Moving from The Magical World to The Miraculous World is similar to
   moving from The Material to The Magical. There is a barrier that
   separates these Worlds; the fear of the unknown, inherent in the human
   form (and reinforced by the Dark Forces), makes beings hesitate to
   explore new worlds. On the other hand, many beings don't explore other
   worlds because they are just plain ignorant of their existence: Spirit
   has dictated that the veils in their consciousness remain in place -they
   can do no more. It is interesting to note that in The Miraculous World,
   the mental, emotional, and physical bodies are used by the universe to
   achieve its ends. In The Material World, the universe is used by these
   bodies to achieve their ends.

   The World in which we perceive ourselves, along with our identity, are
   major components of our picture of reality. And the universe rearranges
   itself to accommodate our picture of reality. If we're using Material
   World criteria for the basis of our discernment, it will look as if
   everyone is living in The Material World. If we use The Magical World as
   our criteria, it will appear as if everyone is living in either The
   Material World or The Magical World (or probably some combination of the
   two). If we use the criteria of The Miraculous World, it will appear as
   if everyone is living in The Material, Magical, or Miraculous World (or
   probably some combination of the three). This is because beings who are
   intensely exploring the Material World cannot include The Magical World
   in their picture of reality; yet, those who are exploring The Magical
   can include The Material. Similarly, those who are intensely exploring
   The Magical World cannot include The Miraculous World in their picture
   of reality; yet, those who are exploring The Miraculous can include The
   Magical. This suggests a hierarchical order based on 1. our ability to
   accept ever-expanding probabilities, and 2. our capacity to love.

   In our version of the Ascension scenario, the Planetary Consciousness
   (and many other cosmic forces) is preparing a new, energetic environment
   for its inhabitants to live in. The foundations are already being laid.
   Its frequency will sustain only Miraculous World experiences. Once
   fully in place and operational, the option of exploring The Material and
   Magical Worlds will no longer be available, at least on this planetary
   body. Living in The Miraculous World will no longer be debated as to
   whether it is "possible" or "impossible"; it will just be "the way that
   it is."

   We would like to conclude with an insight to the adage, "Seek and ye
   shall find." In The Material World, one seeks retirement and grows old;
   in The Magical World, one seeks enlightenment and grows wiser; in The
   Miraculous World, one seeks nothing and grows Lighter. As we all tread
   the homeward path, we will explore many realms. And one day, we will all
   realize that all experiences are simply different ways in which the All-
   That-Is perceives itself.

   Other e-publications by Starbuilders:

   1. The periodical/catalogue, "The Federation Flash,"

   2. The paper, "Integrity Tools,"

   3. The book (available as "Lightware"), "Live the Impossible!"
