Gerardus here: I do not understand all that is in this article - but then - there was also a lot of the material I was reading 20 years ago, and by golly often I grok some of it now. Miracle! Maybe the writing below will grow on me. Meanwhile: here it is for Others! ============================================== TIME PORTALS Joyce Murphy writes in: Let's Talk Montauk that the Montauk group became interested in programming children and then assimilating them back into society as "sleepers". This was done by a combination of Nazis, US factions and aliens who worked with them. When the secret goverment wanted to activate the sleeper agents, they were answerable on both a psychotronic/hypnotic basis or verbal command. They became highly trained assassins, assignment couriers travelling backward and forward in time via the Montauk Chair and taking their physical body with them as they walk through time portals to carry out assigments. One of the primary purposes of all is to destroy what comes through dimensional portals throughout the planet. Wherever dimensional portals seem to exist so do Navy Seals. US has access or control of the 4 prime earth gravity focus points on the planet. These are Pine Gap, Easter Island, San Diego and Brookhaven. Angela Kahealani also claims that: "U.S. and its partner the U.K. control at least 7 of the 8 vertices of the dual tetrahedron of earth, and many of the secondary points on the grid at the half-way points". B. Alan Walton wrote: There are supposed to be Grays, Reptiloids and Dracos in the lower levels of Pine Gap just as there are at Dulce. Both are tri-gate bases, that is they each have star-gates, quantum-gates, AND earth-gates [shuttle terminals]. The Antarcticans have allegedly been infiltrated by reptilian shape-shifters and are working within the hollow interior of the moon as well. The moon is alleged to be an ancient artificial construction. Scientists have found that the moon "rings" like a bell for several days when a meteor strikes it. It was supposed to be the sphere that the luciferians [or the "pan" people like the satyrs of legend, part angel, part humanoid, and part animal] used to escape the war in heaven. Sort of a refugee ship that the rebels used to make it to earth, where they hoped to make their last stand. WITHIN the moon and the earth, against the angelic forces of light". PINE GAP TIME PORTAL ANALYSED IN ANTI GRAV BOOK Men with Hill UK listening station is exactly opposite Pine Pap coincidently, and like Pine Gap is free from electromagnetic interference, which is necessary to manifest computerised time portals to Mars created by radio waves. Pine Gap is said to be able to be used as a portal to Mars. The NW Cape transmitter in Western Australia is exactly opposite the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. The book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid edited by David Hatcher Childress, has many maps on dimensional portals and on page 79 there is a map of 'earth gravity focus points'. There are vortex points all over the globe including Lop Dor, China which we will get back to shortly as it is connected to Pine Gap military base and is marked by James Hurtak as a place where the ET 'Masters of Wisdom', as termed by Theosophy will arrive on this planet along with Pine Gap, both being dimensional doorways. The map shows the vortex areas and one is at South Africa, where there is another CIA run base connected to Pine Gap. HARMONICS TO MAKE TIME PORTALS IN AUSTRALIA In the Australasian UFOlogist Vol 3 #3 there is an article by Graham Stewart called Harmonics of Wycliffe Well and the Devil's Marbles area. In he writes about evidence that there is a major covert scientific operation to create space/time portals in Australia. Harmonic positions in a triangulate shape are linked from the Devil's Marbles area in Northern territory to the Pine Gap facilty and again the Parkes Radio Telescope. Strange lights appeared stationary in the sky for several weeks in 1994, that moved in a highly erratic manner before darting off at phenomenal speeds. Phones, faxes, EFTPOS machines had trouble functioning when these objects appeared. He wrote that it may be possible to physically observe a type of "shimmer" effect at certain times during the Earth's orbital motion around the sun. The matter/anti-matter harmonic for Devil's Marbles is directly associated with matter transfer and time displacement. Graham writes that at the Devil's Marbles position, where the wave of sightings were, all the harmonics values together could produce an Interdimential Portal or Time/Matter shift. Are UFOs entering earth through these time portals? He also wrote another article in the Australasian UFOLogist Vol 4 #2 about a possible time portal in South of Cooktown, Black Mountain, Queensland, where unexplained phenomena, human disappearances, eerie sounds and UFO activity occured. Harmonics put it in sympathetic resonance with the energy grid as a whole. A particular harmonic at that position could alter the vibrational rate of the matter/energy field as the sun's position changes due to the earth's orbital position. Light may be like the aurora borealis. More information here. BRUCE CATHIE ON THE GRIDLINES Bruce Cathie in his book Harmonic 33 wrote that UFO sightings occur in a regular grid pattern of 30 nautical miles apart or 54.46 km and that they are rebuilding a world grid system from which they can draw motive power. They are possibly also using the grid for navigational purposes. He worked out that The grid pattern consisted of lines spaced at thirty-minute intervals orientated just on six degrees displacement from true north. Eventually, two similar grids were found to be interlocked with each other, creating rather a complex pattern which could be further reduced to lines with a spacing of seven-and-one-half minutes. He formulated a series of harmonic unified equations which indicated that the whole of physical reality was in fact manifested by a complex pattern of interlocking wave-forms. He found that the harmonic values could be applied to all branches of scientific research and atomic theory. 360 is the frequency number of the universe. The lines of magnetic force that make up the global grid are always 30 arc-minutes apart. Every half deg is a potential trackline for a total of 72 deg lat and long. The study of the various patterns of gridlines in relationship is called harmonics. Cathie in order to invent a system changed the day into 27 grid hours, instead of 24 hrs. This makes 97,000 grid seconds. Harmonics divides these seconds up into different numbers which express a different vibration. We can have harmonic time and the speed of light or sound can be calculated by this method using hyperdimensional physics. Deliberately place nuclear blasts on sensitive points, along with activity at ancient sites and the placing of the world's power stations on calculated key gridline areas affect "our reality" as it appears in matter. Cathie connected this grid and the energy it produces with the 'unified theory of physics'. Uniting gravity and electromagnetism can produce UFO propulsion systems. The CIA approached Cathie wanting to know more and offered him a job. English intelligence also turned up and told him they could get into 15 dimensions. He said that at certain universities selected students are secretly taught harmonics. An extensive hyperdimensional physics program is also taught at Heidelberg University in Germany. THE ILLUMINATI AND THE GRIDLINES The energy network formed by the grid was already known to a powerful group of international interests and scientists. It had many military applications, and political advantage could be gained by those with knowledge on how to manipulate the consciousness of all. A small group with this knowledge could take over control of the world. It is known that both the Sinclairs hierarchy based in Scotland and the Nazis at Montauk are manipulating the world gridlines. Cathie discovered by application of grid mathematics that an atomic bomb is a device based on the geometrics of space and time. To be successfully detonated, the bomb MUST be geometrically constructed, placed on, under, or over a geometric position in relation to the Earth's surface, and activated at a SPECIFIC TIME in relation to the geometrics of the solar system. Cathie found that it was possible to precalculate the time of various bomb tests, and the locations where it was possible to explode a bomb. The mathematical complexities of unlocking the geometric structure of the unstable material constituting a bomb creates a sudden release of energy. Only certain geometric locations and times can be used for nuclear blasts. Harmonic mathematics of the grid can be applied using laser research and military application is important. Crop circles created by satellites from Brookhaven National Labs can affect this too. However earth's natural energy frequencies can become distorted creating time rifts and dimensional doorways. Graham Stewart writes that during 1912- 1918, the geographic North Pole was in the center of Earth's Axis but from 1962-1969, this axis has been moving further and further from what was considered the true center. He says that the wobble at the North Pole is growing and that the Earth may be ready to do a flip, with the heavy ice sheets at the Poles ending up around the Equator. This would be very convenient for the Nazis at their home in Antarctica. THE TECHNOCALITIES OF ASCENDING A PHYSICAL BODY INTO ANOTHER FORM. David Wilcock writes that: our consciousness is the projector. The conscious "I am" part of our individuality passes from one pulse of physical matter to the next within our physical body, giving the illusion of constant reality and the passing of time. He writes that we have a twin stream of consciousness on the antimatter side of the cycle that creates a mirror image of our own individual personality. If the frequency of pulse manifeststions is altered even fractually, our awareness of reality here will shift from one spacial point to another. He says that we are constituted of wave forms which resonate within a range of frequencies which control the physical processes of our limited world. Any alteration of these frequencies would cause our consciousness to move into the anti-matter twin. We would shift or "ascend' from this reality into one comprised of anti-matter. One would have to change the radius of spiral motion of the wave form of the matter and anti-matter pulse. David Wilcock on The Cathie Grid. DO GRAVITY DISTORTION AREAS HAVE TIMES FOR OPENING PORTALS? Bruce Cathie sums it up by saying that if matter and anti matter are both formed by the same harmonically locked waves spiralling through space, in alternate pulses of positive or negative charge, then time would not be reversed during the negative part of the cycle. Both the positive and negative pulses, because they occur alternately, would form 2 similar interlocked time continuums flowing in the same direction. By altering the pulse rate of matter manifestation, time is also increased or decreased. It is said that anti matter duplicates matter in mirror like reversal and possibly time itself is reversed. In gravity distortion areas, gravity and light waves are warped. The effects pass through a 90 day cycle in an oval shaped area. Toyne Newton in the Demonic Connection writing about Guy Underwood's observations says that the ley line or gridline energy (coils of serpent power) runs in a wave motion, forming a network on the face of the earth and that it effects the growth and germination of trees and plants. It is perceived and used by animals. Stone circles have a particularly strong magnetism and the lines of magnetic current pass from power point to power point. Ancient engineering knew about these lines of current in order to build standing stones in areas in which it is harnessed. The direction of its flow varies with the phases of the moon. MASTER GRID ENGINEERS In the book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, Richard Leviton in his chapter Ley Lines and the Meaning of Adam mentions that the Master Grid Engineers were and remain Knights of the Holy Grail. He talks about the human/grid interface and how it is expressed as consciousness technology. He calls it 'spiritual engineering' and relates it to the Second Coming of Christ. A change in the polarity of the electric current flowing through the Grid communicator at Avebury introduces a new Light/Life/Consciousness spectrum for earth, a literal upgrading of ourselves by electrocuting matter and transfiguration into the 4th Dimension. He claims that nearly 2000 energy centres or time portals 1/4 to 1 mile in diameter exist as centres of light around the world linked by interwoven gold and silver lines, which emanate like cords from their crowns. These are all joined together at master energy centers. He names earth's planetary chakras, which would be the master energy emanating centres around the globes as situated here: crown - Mt Cook; NZ, brow - Lop Dor Mongolia; throat - the pyramid Egypt; heart - (inner) Avebury, (outer) Glastonbury England; solar plexus Ayer's Rock central Australia (not far from Pine Gap); sacral Machu Picchu Peru and root Mt Shasta California. Straight running lines are of 2 forms - one averaging 5-30 miles connect one portal to another and another kind make an angular light matrix around the planet. Each portal has the capacity to affiliate up to 48 smaller energy centres through a series of spiralling lines. He says potentially there are 83,808 energy centres around the world. Leviton claims the same agencies, whom he calls "the Elohim" - Adam's parents and 'God's' agents who originally engineered and installed the grid network system in accordance with Hermes' Principles have come back to reactivate it to maintain the health of both human and gaia. He claims that there are many gridlines above the earth with the final one being 2 miles above. HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS AND GRAVITY He writes that the 'Solar Logos'(a Theosophical term meaning the god who gives the sun sentience) is a component of the Galactic Logos (the god of the galaxy). This force enters the earth through the primary energy centre of the earth at Avebury and is then distributed throughout the globe as gaia's emotional life blood. He says we stand on the threshold of transcendence, of attaining in consciousness that 4th dimensional quality called anti-gravity. There is a stellar grid too where stars are connected called the crystal grid. Here restrictions can be transcended and human consciousness can depart the solar system, soaring off in a burst of light into the 4th and 5th dimensions, free from gravity. Gravity is described as only the weight of mind/body/emotions bounded by the linear time/space fishnet of the grid. So anti-gravity technology is basically a consciousness technology, to enable a transcending mastery of the grid. He says unilaterlaly, instantaneously, synchronously we will be raised out of gravity trap we're all stuck in into the realm of anti-gravity where we'll advance further. A change in the polarity of the electric current through the magnetic field motors at Avebury means we will rise into the next dimension to the realm of the gods, and then comprehend our true status in the solar paradigm. We'll be dead too! But we don't want that bad old gravity do we? It's such a hindrance to our ongoing evolution of consciousness! THE SOUL OF THE PLANET AT AGHARTI? Leviton claims the soul of the planet is at the Gobi/Lop Dor deserts of Mongolia/N China. It is situated in a quasi-physical, quasi-etheric interdimensional realm, but can be entered physically occasionally by human adepts through various geomantic doorways around the earth. At that level that encounter the Planetary Logos called Sanat Kumara (A theosophical term) who presides over earth's inner life. This Sanat Kumara supposedly imparts spiritual qualities through the grid matrix. This entity under guidance from the so called 'Elohim' can give adepts a 'transfigurarion of consciousness' from the human plane to one of angelic resonance, presumably they 'ascend' into the next dimension. He writes that the estimated figures of these geomantic tools for consciousness technology once employed by the ancient geomancers of gaia are: 1000 stone chambers, at least 30,000 barrows, 900 stone circles, 300 hillforts and countless thousands of single standing stones. He says that they are the interface between the earth's indigenous magnetic field and the cord coming out from the main electromagnetic grid which re-arranges and harnesses the magnetized earth field. Various lines reach from the magnetic south pole below Australia to the magnetic north pole in Northern Canada but the varying strengths of lines of magnetic force flowing in one direction operating as an electric current, then deviate enroute sometimes detouring horizontally in some places to meet up with the magnetic north. Resembling wavy lines en route. He further elaborates that a grid engineer can change the specific radio band of this magnetic flow from the solar radio station - he has the potential for freeing the inherent energy of this magnetic field from bondage. He claims that if the direction of the electric current passing from pole to pole is changed to flow in another direction by a motor, the magnetic field will reverse itself. The primary electric current can be changed to a direct-current or alternating-current. So the magnetic force running from one pole to another can be stopped and made to go any direction or even changed in expression to make a pole reversal as these so called "Elohim" desire. He says possible geomagnetic field and pole reversal even the Second Coming of Christ are all within the function of these motors which are placed on the planet. Leviton leaves us with a chilling prophecy: Gaia's inner heart at Avebury is scheduled for imminemt reactivation. The grid under structural reassesment is also about to be "switched back on" full power, but at a HIGHER vibratory rate. Anti-gravity will happen. The ancient gravitation field holding us down will be transcended to a transfigured Light body high above gaia. The Elohim etc will return. VORTEX AREAS Bruce Cathie said that the gridlines are constructed to transmit gravitational frequencies, which are slightly higher than normal gravity at the earth's surface. The grid aerials which he has discovered the planetary controllers have put around the planet, may have been placed so that the transmitted waves are vertical. Gravity is grossly distorted within the confines of a vortex area. In Santa Cruz California and Oregon vortex areas light gives strangely distorted visual effects and weights will not hang vertically. A person can even walk up a wall. There are said to be 6 of these gravity distortion areas. He suggests that aerials could have been placed at far as 36 nautical miles underground. If so then a small displacement would cause gravity distortion which would be oval in shape. The anomalies pass through a 90 day cycle. He concludes that the world grid is harmoniously attuned to the great-year cycle of 25,815 years (the amount of time it takes for the earth to be pointing to the pole star by precession of the equinoxes). He divided the number of days in a great-year as found from grid values, by the number of days in one cycle of the gravity anomalies. He found it possible that the geometric cycle traced through space every 90 days does have a connection with variations in the gravity effect using harmonics. ARE WE CHANGING OUR TIMELINE BY USING CROP CIRCLES TO REROUTE LEYLINES? Many things tie in with Nazi scientific activity after the war and we find that Nazis are linked with: Developing Russian anti-grav saucers; starting the CIA; working at Montauk on time travel; working at Area 51 on back engineering crashed UFO's and Werner Von Braun the former Nazi rocket scientists developing the NASA space program. They are still in Antarctica and now number 2 million according to Branton. As Pine Gap is run by the CIA, a Nazi organization and it is connected by a time portal to Area 51 and to the Antarctica base, let's look more closely at what technology is available to do what. It has been written that Brookhaven National Laboratories in Long Island, New York was also run by former Philadelphia Experiment technician Dr John von Neuman in the book by Peter Moon - The Montauk Project. Brookhaven has been said to be responsible for creating crop circles by satellite. Some say masers are used on satellites. Could it be that they are rerouting the timelines holding the present 'reality' together by altering the flow of time that the grid/leylines uses to hold this present reality together? The energy of the gridlines flows from one vortex to another around the planet. It is said that many timelines converge at Montauk in New York. Could they be changing the reality we are presently expressing to one where the Nazis won the war? Al Bielek says that many time lines are available, containing different scenarios. The German Dr von Neumann according to Al Bielek, along with 3 scientists from the future, changed the present timeline in 1963 to avoid a midpoint collision of the forward and backward ripples of time that occurred from the time rift opening at both 1943 and 1983. These would have smashed together and done a lot of damage to this world, had not technology taken us off this 'destiny'. Is something planned again for 2,003, where time can be manipulated again apparently every 20 years? Looking at may different seemingly unconnected areas we find a common goal of world domination of the consciousness of mankind, flowing through the gridlines, by mind control technology and occult ceremonies, where different forces are brought into the consciousness of all. ARE REPTILIANS IN CRYOGENIC SUSPENSION HEADED OUR WAY? The preparations for an impending disaster and evidence of a fleet of invading hostile reptoids arriving to claim back this planet as their own has been found in other literature and will be covered further on. There are a series of articles on Steve Branton says: Then there are the allegations of the existance of NEMESIS, a huge frozen planet about the size of Jupiter which actually was a potential star which did not have quite enough mass to ignite. The Dracos have supposedly been using Nemesis for centuries, as a cryogenic freezing zone to store away reptilian warriors in suspended animation for future use. It is actually the closest neighbor to our system, and out in the direction of Orion. However it can only be detected by secret government IRIS [infra-red] satellites because the planet is only slightly above the absolute zero temperature of space. It has supposedly been seen coming towards us at a slow rate, indicating that is may be a binary companion to our own star Sol. Nearly ALL of the asteroids that have been detected in our solar system as having carried out course-changes and suspected as having been used as operational bases for alien abduction scenarios, NEARLY ALL OF THESE according to the late Phil Schnieder [aka "Creston"] originate from Nemesis... which seems to be jointly used by the reptilian forces of Alpha Draconis, Rigel Orion, and Sirius-B. SPACE SHIPS COMING AND GOING FROM PINE GAP. It has been said that Pine gap is a UFO guidance system because UFOs have been seen flying in a straight line to or from the facility. SECRET SPACE STATIONS. BEAM ME UP SCOTTY. 11 STARFLEET INTERNATIONAL According to Branton the deepest levels of the US government has an on-going 'covert space program' utilizing advanced aerospace and propulsion technologies. The clandestine and illegal funding for this has been kept secret with deadly force. He says George Andrews suspects that 'Starfleet International' consists of human-military personnel only, while the 'United Federated Planets' may somehow tie-in with the non-human entities' such as the 'Serpent Race' or the 'Greys'. UFP may involve interaction with the 'Federated' human cultures. There may be evidence that certain 'Constituted Government' officials (who are loyal to the American-Constitutional 'Republic') have secret 'alliances' with the 'Nordics'; whereas the 'Secret Government' collaborators who are loyal to the Bavarian-Roman 'Empire' tend to collaborate with the saurian Grays. In Chapter 11 of the book Secrets of the Mojave by Branton and also in Cosmic Patrot Files by Commander X it is written that in 1990 researcher Val Valerian (ex US Military Intelligence) released a document with a list of several military personnel, who are in a covert space program called "Starfleet International" and "United Federated Planets". These astronauts constantly travel back and forth through space from ultra secret bases on or below the earth, moon or Mars. UFO researcher George Andrews forwarded information to Val Valerian that a friend in a large city had woken about 3 am with an irrational urge to go to an all night photostat place. A Navy officer was just leaving and threw some papers in the trash, which she retrieved. On them was a list of 46 names of an interplanetary crew, which included females. Some names were repeated throughout e.g. Ferguson, Caskey, Taylor, Burrall, Stevens and Miller. 11 names were traced to the US military. More than half the 46 names were listed on the clan Sinclair data base at This data base of 'Grail family' names includes McDonald, Stewart, Stuart, Cameron, Campbell, Bruce and other Scottish clans. IS THERE A BABYLON 6 WITH A COMMANDER "SINCLAIR" ? ARE THE GERMANS DESCENDANTS OF NORDIC ALIENS? A book written by a German American, Reinhold Schmidt, claims that the author was taken up in a UFO on several occasions. The crew spoke German and he was taken to the South Pole. The Americans forced him into silence. The UFO matched at least 2 German designs. The crew leader claimed he was from Saturn. It could be that Germans along with the Nordic nations are descendents of Nordic ETs, as contactees have said that Pleiadians have confirmed this. There was also a story of a German woman who was getting abducted and the ETs spoke German, and they claimed that they had a space station outside our solar system and were the German gods as mentioned in German legends. Hitler, Haushoffer and Hess were all interested in the ancient myteries of the Nordic world. Blond blue eyed giants are spoken of in Nordic, Incan, Aztec and North American legends. Perhaps the Germans did originate from Agartha as the Nazis believed and before that from another planetary system. The Nordic Pleiadians are said to be blood type A- and apparently Hitler was attempting to eliminate all blood types except type A which is genetically Nordic. NAZI GEOMANCY According to the book The Messianic Legacy, Heinrich Himmler spoke of geomancy 'earth magic' and leylines and fancied Wewelsburg as an occult power centre like Stonehenge. It was described as the midpoint of the world. Articles in the Nazi associated research bureau were on these subjects. Runic inscriptions were on the uniform emblems - 2 jagged lightning flashes of the storm god Thor (or Donar/Odin/Wotan). Festivals of the Sun, of the year, of growth, of harvest and solstices were celebrated to revive ancient German paganism. They made a 20th century version of the old Sol Invictus cult. The swastika was known as the Hammer of Thor and to symbolise the ruler of the winds and rain. The Demonic Connection by Toyne Newton says the swastika is associated with the Celts, Buddhism and Japanese. As many as 1000 Tibetans in Nazi uniform were found as ritual suicides in Berlin, April 1945. Hitler was searching for occult power and its connection with the underground lost world of Agarti in central Asia. The left hand swastika as chosen by Hitler, was associated with Kali of India and the sun of the underground in its nightly course west to east. Karl Haushofer, the Nazi general believed the German people originated in central Asia and went to Japan and became initiated into a secret Buddhist society. He said it was the destiny of the German people to rule Europe and Asia, the homeland of the Aryans. He learned of a race of supermen beneath the Himalayas, Agarthi, with its capital Shamballa. He'd read Lord Bulwer Lytton's book Vril and the Coming Race. (Approx mid 19 cent) The people of Agharti had used vril power to become supermen and to control nature. Haushofer hoped to reawaken slumbering superhuman powers with vrilpower. They brought back Tibetan lamas with high occult powers. DOES LUCIFER REIGN AT AGHARTI? Trevor Ravenscroft in the Spear of Destiny wrote that Agharti was regarded as a 'Luciferic' headquarters, concerned with astral projection and thought control. Nazi emissaries made contact with their governing orders, but only the Luciferic party of Tibetans were willing to support Nazism, along with 7 members of the Green Dragon Soc of Japan. These were employed to teach occultism to the Nazi elite. A cone of searchlights were placed over Hitler and the masses, making emotion travel upwards to be directed to Hitler and then directed back to the crowd. This is called a 'cone of power' by witches. In the book The Lost World of Agharti - The Mystery of Vril Power by Alac Maclellan, there is a map of a huge worldwide underground tunnel that stretches from Tibet, Mongolia, Alaska, Vancouver, Mid West USA, Mexico, Equador, Brazil, the Atlantic where Atlantis was, to Ghana, Chad, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and back to Tibet and called the Agharti tunnel system. GROUND PENETRATING RADAR FINDS THE ATLANTEAN TUNNELS. Satellites, planes and the space shuttle can do remote sensing using radar imaging, radio waves, infrared and thermal infrared to see underground. It is believed HAARP does this too. Multispectral scanners are also used and even ice is penetrated. A tethered blimp attached to a jeep will also allow underground viewing. One can probably guess that this is a reason, the insects, frogs and birds are becoming extinct as X Rays do cause cancer. It has been used in Antarctica, Greenland, Mt Ararat, Eastern Sahara, Egypt, Guatamala tunnels and for Mayan causeways. Microwave radar has been used to penetrate Saharan sand. It can use 500 MHz. NASA (started by Nazi scientists) uses this radar. Paul White wrote the declassification of ground penetrating radar has revealed a complex and labyrinthine underground system in various parts of the world. Dr James Hurtak was involved in using this to find a 15,000 year old subterrannean complex under the pyramid at Giza, a legacy of Atlantis. It's rumored he encountered "Thoth" down there. There were massive chambers the size of our largest cathedrals. Paul White writes that hi-tech Flood survivors of the previous civilization arose "after the dust settled" to become the gods of ancient Sumer, Egypt and India. Tunnels under the Mayan pyramids extend 800 km across the country. VRIL THE ULTIMATE POWER. Alec Maclellan wrote that Hitler said the amazing force of Vril power, the people of Agharti used in possession would make certain his dream of a Thousand Year Reich. German scientist and soldiers were sent on one fruitless search after another in search of the lost world. What is Vril power? Bulwer Lytton wrote it is electricity, except that it comprehends in its manifold branches other forces of nature, such as magnetism and galvanism. The Aghartians can influence the weather through Vril conductors and exercise influence over minds and bodies, animal and vegetable. It can be used for expanding the consciousness of the mind and destroy like a flash of lightning. Again it can replenish, invigorate life, heal and preserve. The underground people used it to re-establish the due equilibrium of the natural power of the body to cure itself. It can also cut through solid rock from a rod and be destructive against enemies. Vril was seen as an enormous reservoir of universal power, some parts of which can be concentrated in the human body. Helena Blavatsky claimed that Vril was used by the Atlanteans and Indians, which may explain why cities in India were reduced to ashes by the ancients in their flying machines from ancient Indian texts. One wonders if particle beam weapons compare, with more power than a hydrogen bomb can generate. A HOLLOW EARTH? 'One who knows' writes that in 1970 the Russians destroyed a UFO base on the China/Soviet/Mongolian frontier with ground to air missiles. There were hundreds of UFOs. They had destroyed a secret UFO base of immense proportions consisting of many miles of subterranean tunnels and dozens of pyramid like structures in the northern area of Mongolia. A supersonic Soviet jet bomber had previously disappeared and almost 200 planes were searching. However they were confronted by 25 huge UFOs so high up they couldn't get near them. Admiral Byrd's diary of when he want to Antarctica in 1946? tells of an entrance to the hollow earth at the poles. It has also been said that Byrd's plane was landed artificially and that he was greeted by an ET who spoke German and that he came from the "Aryanni". If the earth is hollow, perhaps it leads to Agartha. One wonders if after the Nazis built their flying disks they went to Agartha to find the 'King of the World' as they had already tried to go by foot previously. Perhaps the Tibetan Initiates could go through a dimensional doorway to reach this Sanat Kumara as written by Richard Leviton. MEROVINGIAN HYBRIDS WHAT KIND OF ALIENS ARE AT PINE GAP AND OTHER U.S. UNDERGROUND BASES? Dr. Jean Francois Gille says that there is a rumor that a representative of the grays is found in each of the underground US bases in the southern Hemisphere. Branton also writes that according to John Lear, William Cooper, and others that the U.S. government may have made a 'pact' with a predatory non-human race as early as 1933. They later learned to their horror it was extremely malevolent in nature and were merely using the 'treaties' as a means to buy time while they methodically establish certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of an absolute domination. They are of a neo-saurian nature ie reptoid. Certain bi-ped-hominoid mutations originating from earth developed a form of intellect equal to the human but some left the planet thousands of years ago in Atlantean times and are now claiming earth back. DNA from them proves an earth saurian origin. There are also human/reptoid hybrids. They have greyish-green skin and three-digit clawed fingers with a partially-opposable 'thumb' Branton says also that it is also alleged by certain deep-level intelligence agents that the Illuminati, or the 'Cult of the Serpent', is willfully working hand-in-claw with this infernal race which has promised them part of the action once the 'New World Order' is established. The Illuminati is allegedly in it for the power and 'technology' which this non-human race is supposed to give them in exchange for their cooperation. DID THE ILLUMINATI SELL OUT THE HUMAN RACE? Branton writes that according to John Lear and others, many of the deep underground bases like Dulce, New Mexico and Pine Gap, are actually 'joint' areas where the technology exchanges have been carried out, as well as battles between the humans and 'grays' sparked by disagreements. Is the Illuminati's plan for world domination backed by an 'alien' vanguard? There is an apparent connection between the Illuminati's 'Club of Rome' and the 'Grays'. There is much evidence that the 'Club of Rome' has 'sold out' the human race to such alien powers in exchange for certain promises, and that this sold-out power group is carrying out an agenda of MASS GENOCIDE against the human race as a whole, in obedience to their draconian (reptilian) masters. Dr Gille writes there are a group of about a hundred people well-placed in high finance, politics, the judiciary branch and big business called the 'Club of ROME' pledged to a consortium which controls all international finance. The ones who want to set up a world government are about 15 families. They have infiltrated the top levels of the main religious establishments, making them virtually powerless. Even Pat Roberson, coming from one of these lines is said to be promoting Merovingian agendas. THE SO CALLED 'GRAIL' FAMILIES OF REPTILIAN HYBRIDS According to an article on the net about the royal bloodlines (whom some believe are the supposed offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdelene called Merovingians) there are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today who are of this "Merovingian" lineage. This includes the Stewarts. The Stewarts and McDonalds are said to be a "Satanic' bloodline. Others say these bloodlines contain both the blood of Jesus and the devil/reptilians and yet others say they originate from Atlantis or of King David. Some say these royal Merovingians have a gene to shapeshift, and have been witnessed by multitudes of people now to transform into reptilian form during ritual bloodletting ceremonies. These families are powerful in many secret societies, including The Rosicrucians (AMORC), Freemasonry and the Grand Master of both the Knights of St John and Knights of Malta must originate from the Stewart dynasty. The book Dope Inc. by Lyndon La Rouche says that the British PM must be a descendent of Robert the Bruce. It's also been said one Irish PM, O'Neill was actually heir to the throne of Ireland. It's mandatory for any western leader now to have royal blood. The royal name Stewart appears constantly in the Club of Rome, Council of Foreign Relations and various impending one world global religious organizations and world unity organizations. Prince Michael Stewart, head of the European Council of Princes is involved with helping organize the new European gaia religion - one universal belief for all. SELF APPOINTED HEIRS TO THE WORLD ANTI-CHRIST THRONE OF POWER. In Bloodline of the Holy Grail by L Gardner it says that the Stewarts are the protectors of the Stone of Destiny, called Jacobs Pillow. It was said to have arrived in Ireland during the Babylonian captivity, taken by King Zedekiah's daughter who arrived there, with the prophet Jeremiah. She married the High King of Ireland. The stone was last reported arriving in Dalriada in Argyll when the brother of the Irish King moved there to start the Scottish Kings. It has also been reported that the 'real' Ark of the Covernent was in Scotland but has now been taken to America. Though other Arks are also claimed to be the genuine one. The Stone of Destiny is necessary to be the cornerstone of the rebuilt Solomon's Temple. Now in prefab form, able to be built in a week and paid for by Merovingian Lord Rothschild, Queen Elizabeth's advisor. So this stone and the Ark of the Covernant are essentials to herald the long awaited Jewish Messiah, when he arrives in Jerusalam. All European royals are descendents of King David now according to geneologists and many of these family lines comprise the Black Nobility of the Bilderberger Group. These Bilderbergers are said to own Pine Gap and the interstellar space fleet and interact with the alien group calling themselves The Council of Nine. The CIA also channelled information from these aliens through the contacts of CIA scientist Andrija Puharich, who was involved with many others in interacting with these ETs and they claim to be 'the' hierarchy who run the universe and are portrayed in Genesis. ARE THE ILLUMINATI GETTING GEARED UP TO GREET THE NEW MESSIAH? The Bilderberger Group make the rules to run the planet amongst themselves. Various sources say it is 13 main families and include 75 families with lesser influence. They are generally Freemason or Knights of Malta, including middle eastern leaders. As the main power brokers of the world are from King David (of the tribe of Judah and in league with powerful Jews e.g. Lord Rothschild) the coming of the 'awaited' Messiah would be of great interest, especially if they are have not accepted Jesus as Messiah. Freemasons at the 33rd degree are told Lucifer is superior to Jesus, according to former Initiates of this degree. There is evidence that the Freemasons and various pagan societies are using the Kaballa to release the 'right' energies to hasten the return of the expected "Messiah, determining scientifically the right vibrational frequencies and magnetic field levels around the planet to create the perfect conditions for him to arrive, having been told by the Council of Nine what transmitters are necessary to put around the planet, and what gridlines must be activated where, to ensure the timelines match that which supposedly puts our 'reality' to the frequency of this entity. However this interpretation of the promised Messiah has been distorted by Theosophy. What these leaders of the secret societies are promoting in their Illuminati controlled Committee of 300 newage outlets is that the name "Christ" is an office and just a title of a World Teacher for the Age. The "Messiah/Christ" expected by these secret societies and eastern religions (entwined with Freemasonry and UN) will herald in the Aquarian Age and the 6th Aryan race - the next Root Race that supposedly has the stature of supermen and psychic powers. Much of the expectation is to start a golden age where only the 'chosen race' remains in a regenerated world, with inferior races eliminated is disseminated by the groups following Alice Bailey, originally of the Theosophical Society. THE IDEAL WORLD. The Nazis were followers of Theosophical Society teachings, especially where it says that the Aryan race came from Agartha, and were previously pioneers from Atlantis. The Council of Nine ET information is channelled and promoted by the followers of Alice Bailey and also Benjamin Creme, who promotes the entity, (supposedly from Sirius according to one source), as holding the "Office of Christ" for the Aquarian Age. Dr Richard Boylan was told by one of the highest levels of informants in the US National Security Network called "Z" that the Bilderberg Council, comprised of Europen royalty, Heads of Govts., and multinational corporations are interacting with the Council of Nine, a groups of ET representatives from a council of co-ordination for many extraterrestrial super civilizations in contact with earth. Again Dr James Hurtak, who once worked for Dr Andrija Puharich, speaks of the Council of Nine in his book The Keys of Enoch and the plans they have made for the technological future of the human race, after the 'fallen' races have been killed off. What remains are the Christic people/Adamic Seed or Chosen Ones of the 12 Tribes of Israel. FOR THE LOVE OF ENOCH In 1973 Hurtak was praying and a great being appeared calling himself Enoch, and he asked him if he was ready to go into 'the Father's midst'. A great field of light was placed upon his body and he sped upwards to the stars and heaven to Arcturus, the major programming centre of the galactic council serving "the Father' on this side of the galaxy- which is under the direction of the Council of Nine, the governing body of the local universe. "Enoch" took him up to heaven to meet the "Ancient of Days" face to face. He had flowing white hair and a face of overwhelming love and joy. No doubt this entity was very pleased to locate someone with scientific ability to arrange a technological takeover of the planet, by activating the gridlines controlling the consciousness/reality of all, to the exact specifications of the ET scientists. The timelines of this planet are changed by activating specific gridlines, depending on which route they take. They converge at various places including Montauk, the Pyramid and various power points, flowing in and out of vortexes and back out through the universe. Hurtak was praised to death and told not to let his seed marry with the fallen spiritual races of earth and 'the time was at hand' for the "Externalization of the Heirarchy". ( An Alice Bailey term), so "his kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven". BANG GOES CHRISTIANITY! This Ancient of Days, as it were, obviously not too fussy about truth, said ALL religions/spiritual traditions had to unite for this. Hurtak then claimed to have been Jacob. He claims 'The Office of the Christ" was established to overcome the creations of the 'Ur" which fell out of the Father's grace through a glorious Prince of Light - Lucifer - the Ur , whose creation extended itself to the regions of the outer universe. The glossary says that the "Priesthood of Ur" will dematerialize/transform the sciences at the end of the present time cycle. He claims there are 12 'Ur" centres throughout the earth using electro-medicine. As the Freemasons are said to be in touch with the same aliens from Sirius as the Theosophists, there may be a connection, especially if the Freemasons follow Lucifer at the 33rd degree initiation. (Are they too going through timeportals/dimensional doorways in their initiations to meet the King of the World at Agartha? They would be wanting to meet Lucifer no doubt, if he is top dog in Freemasonry) Hurtak gave a very detailed explanation in his book about how the universe operates and the preparation for the arrival en masse of the "Brotherhood of Light". He very disturbingly forgot to mention any female ever existed. The book has badly drawn pictures of slightly effeminate men with vacant looks in their faces. COLLECTIVE MESSIAHSHIP AND ONE CHRIST FITS ALL. Hurtak claims that Jesus is said to have demonstrated the 'Collective Messiahship". The 'Christ Overself' is the spiritual Garment of Light, one puts on the behold the mysteries of God's kingdom. We could dismiss this as another channeled book, which has smatterings of the other esoteric works available in 1973 e.g. The Urantia Book, Theosophy and Alice Bailey, but when the Dali Lama calls it the book of the century and writes similar type stuff in his book we have to ask if the Illuminati/Merovingian religious bigwigs are actually following these technological plans to enact the "Second Coming". There is evidence that the Illuminati are following the plan for the 'Externalization of the Heirarchy', by technologically creating time portals where they will arrive to take over the planet, from reversing matter and anti-matter, and the creation of timerifts by burning through the physical world with nuclear bombs and HAARP's high frequency radio waves. Hurtak claims his trip up to heaven was a Kabbalistic type of higher consciousness experience. There is much evidence that the Illuminati/Freemasons/Theosophists are using the Kaballa to bring about the patterns of development they require for the stages of consciousness induced to herald and accept the Messiah. Pine Gap is one such example of a dimensional doorway, where communication with ETs does take place as mentioned in the Fortress Australia articles. HURTAK'S ARTIFICIAL TIME WARP AREAS In summary Hurtak's Keys of Enoch ( outlines how and where the 'Great White Brotherhood' will 'Externalize' and appear as our 'Masters'. 12 specially created artificial time portals have been created by aliens and human hyperdimensional physicists to enable the chosen few to escape the wrath coming to earth which will kill the masses, which will be according to him solar flares and diseases. The chosen ones will escape through the time portals and then act as 'planetary adams' to repopulate other planets. 12 time warp areas have been created as a twin force of matter and anti-matter, creating a mirror like image there to alter our physical reality. One of the time warp areas on Hurtak's map is central Australia. It is not known if he means Ayer's Rock or Pine Gap though. Though as he has Lop Nor in N China and it has a base connected to a Pine Gap it's possibly there. The others are Britain, Egypt or Israel , Mexico/Central America, 2 in Sth America, Turkey, Tibet/N.China, Russia by the Arctic and 3 in Nth America. The map was too badly drawn to pinpoint exact places. Hurtak writes the higher intelligences will return to the Takla Makan basin (Tibet), The Ural-Caspian Sea, the basin of the Sahara, the Kahalari basin, the Dead Sea basin, withing the pyramidal area of the Bermuda Triangle, the ocean area near Mazatlan and the Salt Lake basin area. He claims that Melchizadek (a favourite priesthood for new age channelers and Mormon initiates) has reigned at Stonehenge and Woodhenge. He also claims 12 other energy grids for 'spacetime transcription' and 'protocommunication' established by the conversion of each tribe of Israel are the areas of Lop Nor (N China), the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, Hawaii, Vancouver Island, from Pueblo Colorado to the Mescalero reservation in New Mexico, from Lexington Kentucky to Tennessee, Nova Scotia connecting with the bermuda Islands, the Azores, Lourdes in France and these are all connected by gridlines to the pyramids of Egypt. It has been said that Hurtak was under the pyramid talking to one of the Egyptian 'gods' using Hebrew. THE ACTIVATED GRIDLINE 'RAPTURE'. 'Enoch' explained how the Great White Brotherhood govern the 'people of God' in the 12 time warp places which allow the magnetic fields in the meridians of the earth to be activated. These ETs activate the earth's magnetic spectrum and electromagnetic fields. The new crystalline field of Light Codes will establish itself over the remnant seed who still remain in the flesh, (presumably after the world is zapped when HAARP and all the strategically placed transmitters are turned full blast) but if dead NO PROBLEM, one can still resurrect! They'll experience the changing of the magnetic patterns of incarnation and recreation. Perhaps the Applewhite flock were trial run? The 'chosen ones' will be gathered into the magnetic fields for 'deliverance'. Here the Merkabah spiritual body will be loosed in the 12 geophysical time warps, to spiral directly with the earth into another orbital frequency. He also claims the Bible is just a rehash of older texts. 'God's' alien scientists gave him all the technical data to 'ascend' using bilocation - a remodulation into the same physical form. Teleportation can be done at Montauk with technology anyway. Apparently after people dematerialised and materialised after the Philadelphia Experiment, they managed to duplicate this using portable briefcase sized dematerialization machines. They could disppear and park in another universe as they wished. THE HUMAN ASCENSION 'EXPERIMENT'. Hurtak goes on to say that the Council of Nine is in control of this "human experiment"! It has been said that God does not play dice, but Hurtak and Pleidians, that people have channeled, have stated that the hoped for 'ascension' is actually an experiment. One wonders if they have done this before on other planets, but there are people who believe that they are going into the next dimension because it is the end of the age and the Mayan calendar says this is the end of the physical world. It has been written in various places that we will be relieved of the Fall of Man syndrome, where we fell into the physical world through some errors in Atlantean times and came off the right timeline, but this ascension will put us back where we belong as divine spiritual beings and with technological help we can get the 'right' timeline back again and all will be perfect again. Famous last words! Hurtak claims that biosatellite energy will come down into the earth's field and synchronise with the 12 time warps throughout the planet. Let's hope the Russian jumbo cosmospheres arrive to spoil the Master's of Wisdom's appearance plan with their particle beam weapons! The 'chosen ones' who understand the visitations of Higher Intelligence will be moved into these safe areas and 'delivered' through an 'Arc of Light' thrown upon the face of the earth and through to the space/time continuum. Presumably Pine Gap will be one of these place with the Bilderbergers there awaiting their beloved Council of Nine. TIME GATES AND TIME LOCKS. Hurtak claims that time gates can be measured with high precision. These conscious grids can be modulated and they control the realities of the 3rd and 4th dimensions. The Brotherhood can reprogram and educate the consciousness of man through the pineal area of the 3rd eye using gravity and light waves. It's true that sunlight influences the pineal gland and our consciousness, so they may be able to simulate this. He say 'we' have to create a spacial network for spacial provisions, so time locks in the mind are thrown open. We have to break through the mechanistic functions of the visual world and see the material world as HOUSING only. (Has Hurtak been having magic mushrooms? - his former employer Andrija Puharich, who worked for the CIA wrote a book on magic mushrooms, in the 70's in his eternal quest to raise the consciousness artificially. He also pioneered radio wave mind control and had mediums channeling info for him from the Council of Nine. Hurtak says we must see the reality behind the illusions with our expanding minds. The cycles of natural phenomena become faster or slower as we extend our minds into non physical realms and it will be impossible to observe with our unaided senses. Our minds will connect with the projected imagery of the messages and guides observing and calculating our spiritual evolution. Would this perhaps be NASA's Blue Beam holographic image of the Messiah sent by satellite? Complete with HAARP voice of 'God' able to use the language of any country it beams into. So in receiving the projected imagery from the Brothers of Light, we can turn from the affairs of the world and arouse feelings of joy, because of our salvation over the material body of form. The Maitreya newsletters of Benjamin Creme have been saying do not be afraid of death, when the Day of Declaration comes when the Externalization of the Heirarchy and the ET holding the Office of Christ - Maitreya occurs because it is wonderful awakening into another realm of light etc. Then presumably our physical bodies and the whole physical world isn't valued as much as the next world? Looks like they are all in this together. STUNNED INTO PACIFICATION WHEN THE BROTHERHOOD ARRIVES. Benjamin Creme says that the Masters of Wisdom/Brotherhood of Light during the Externalization process, (as described in the Alice Bailey teachings) will stun us electromagnetically to be pacified when they appear en masse in the sky! 'The Christ' will then appear, though he's been saying that for 20 years. Creme also promotes the Council of Nine. He does mention holographic images in the sky, as does the Council of Nine in earlier writings. Though 20 years ago it was 'The Christ will appear on everyone's TVs simultaneously". He's graduated to holograms in the sky now, thanks to satellites. The Maitreya entity holding the 'Office of Christ' will assume the role of World Teacher and bring peace, unity and a wonderful surveillance system according to Creme that displaces the need for law enforcement. Would this be the implant Mark of the Beast? Now may be a good time to join any friendly reptoids in the underground bases, until this blows over. This could be why HAARP is sending electromagnetic waves to change the secretions in our pineal glands, to daze us into an altered state and to go headfirst mentally. We are supposed to feel good about losing our grip on the 'worthless' material world? One wonders if the chemtrails have anything to do with this, they've been said to be altering our DNA, activating the junk DNA to raise the body's vibratory rate. There are plenty of viruses in the chemtrails including race specific biological warface and AIDS. It has been said that Aryans won't die from having AIDS only other races. THE ANTI-CHRIST USES THE GRIDLINES TO TAKE OVER OUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Will the entity holding the 'Office of the Christ' be using the gridlines to send his energy into everyone's consciousness, like Hitler built a cone of power to take over people's minds? This when the world's gridlines are reset to change our reality/timeline and operating fully. He would need to do this to keep the 'new reality' in place. Certainly if Lucifer's scientists have been operating their technology on the outer parts of the universe, they may know a thing or two about changing time lines and getting everyone's brainwaves in 'sync' to respond to a predetermined cycle. The microwave phone towers and GWEN towers already do this to set people's brain rhythms artificially high. Nuclear and power stations are strategically positioned on gridlines, perhaps to change our reality to make us in a dazed enough state to accept the so called Messiah. Certainly some of the Sinclair and Stewart clan Grail family members are keen to herald the "Messiah" (for the Age of course!) after all they are the royally self - appointed welcoming committee for the alien host using deceptive Biblical names. However the Nazi's did have in mind the King of the World Underground at Agartha so there may some opposition. THE BATTLE OF THE GRIDLINE CONTROLLERS The book Pyramids of Montauk by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon describes Montauk as a conduit or gateway to the vortex of creation itself. There appears to be 2 factions at work trying to manipulate the gridlines to being about a desired timeline or state of reality to change our future existence. We have the Nazis at Montauk, whom William Buehler claims are an abominable prime example of how not to mechanically activate the timelines that unite at Montauk, for all the wrong reasons. Instead he says that they must be actived only for spiritual reasons by highly motivated people, namely the Sinclair (Templar/Freemason)clan scientists - Knights of the Grail which would result in the implementing of Universal Accord to reinact the old Atlantean timeline continuum, across the Fallen present timeline and back to home port by reactivating the Atlantean gridline matrix which is the 'proper'one. Once all the links are activated from strategic places this state of reality, which occurs when certain energies flow through the consciousness of mankind will open time gates of unusual power and intensity supporting the second coming of the 'Christ'. According to William - Lucifer's fall and the Montauk abominations generated a primary time implosion that had a ripple effect with lessor time implosions mostly generated by the Montauk Project's terrible abominations. They will fix this and the return back the right time frame, by activating all the right places on the gridline they call the Ranna Time Wave and then the one holding the "Office" of the "Christ" for this 'Age' will manifest. They are shooting for a target figure of 40% human transition/ascension minimum. This 40% will be sent into the new time continuum, having a unique opportunity for a major evolutionary jump and the other 60% back to a near basic starting point. TESLA'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVES. Stan Deyo also says that Pine Gap may be an electric power broadcast facility. The Australian Department of Transport lists Pine Gap as a restricted area for space research with a no fly zone of 5 nautical miles radius. In 1899 Dr Nikola Tesla invented a process of sending wireless currents through the globe, by transmitting energy in the form of standing waves in the earth's crust and upper atmosphere. He could transmit almost unlimited amounts of energy to any place on the globe. Stan continues saying that US has a very low-frequency transmitter at the South Pole which is similar to Tesla's process, except that it can be tuned to a fequency of 7 Hz. Super harmonics of this frequency have been used by both the U.S. Navy in Northwest Cape in Australia and at Pine Gap. The Northwest cape transmitter's antipode is in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle and Pine Gap's antipode is very near the Tropic of Capricorn in the centre of the Atlantic Ocean's great dividing range. Tesla's observation was that sending a ball of electric fluid around the planet results in splash rings meeting at the antipode of the initial thrust, then istead of meeting head on, they produce a wavefront which spirals back to the source like a spinning smoke ring of energy. Stan says this returning wavefront only partially interacts with the next oncoming wave from the source. Certainly if one wanted to activate particular gridlines they would need to put transmitters at strategic locations to make sure the energy met and ran in the direction they wanted. Omega Towers. 12 ALIENS AT PINE GAP - ARE THEY CONTROLLING US? ARE PEOPLE BEING ABDUCTED AND TAKEN TO PINE GAP? Keith Basterfield wrote that (possibly 1988) in Adelaide a man reported that he was in 2 way communications with aliens via an implant in his ear. He revealed that he'd undergone 2 apparent out-of-body experiences where he was sucked out of his body, while he was onboard a UFO. Bill Chalker also writes that in 1992 a woman called him to say that her 22 year old husband "Greg" had seen 2 strange looking men standing in her NSW front yard about 8.45 pm. They were wearing long dark coats like rain coats. They suddenly disappeared. They were 'Men in Black' and watching him. At age 5 he had MIB imaginary friends, who looked like friendly normal human beings. They appeared eg in his room at night, in the park to play or at a pool. Later in the late 70's they gave Greg something like a hand held computer device, that showed moving coloured scenes, like a TV. When he was about 12 he started having the experience of finding himself in a strange room, on board a craft a number of times. Normal looking humans escorted him, yet he didn't know how he got there or returned home. Then things changed MIB would approach him and ask him to come somewhere and he would be driven to a bush setting and enter a craft on the ground. He would be taken on rides and shown things. At about 14 he sensed little aliens on board, apart from humans. It seemed he was being groomed for some sort of 'service'. The craft then started going to secret bases. He'd had their trust but realised he'd made a mistake and wanted out. He became aware of others participating in these 'cultivated relationships'. He claims abductions were going on at secret bases and people being subjected to cruel procedures in the bases. The beings were ultimately cruel and ruthless. He began to fear for his own safety and he thought he was being evolved into a "men in black" type role. WHAT GREG SAW AT PINE GAP Greg's first visit to Pine Gap underground facility onboard a UFO showed what was ahead as an image on a computer screen, not through windows. The screems would automatically switch off and a thing took over and guided them through the actual opening. It was a big opening that split into 2 pieces which slid open. Like travelling through a tube for about 15 to 30 seconds before coming to the base itself. The actual complex had ships there almost the height of telegraph poles. The roofing system was much higher. At the base there were men working on repairs, laboratories, glass houses, food storage areas and other facilities. The MIB presence stepped up. On Christmas day in 1992 Greg and his wife saw 3 men in the adjacent paddock. They disappeared suddenly. On Dec 28 Greg had gone into the backyard and as he returned his wife saw what seemed to be a flash and explosion which knocked Greg off his feet and left behind a burning hole. He thought they were intimidating him into compliance and submission. Greg intended not to continue with the alien liason relationship, but Bill has not heard from them since 1993. There was no evidence to prove this, only Greg's word. Australia is now doing preparatory military exercises called Tandem Thrust for an emergency threat in league with neighboring countries. This involves planning for MAJOR disastor which involves martial law, by a seeming threat from outer space. 27,000 US and Australian troops have done joint military exercises in 2001. William Hamilton says a cover-up was initiated soon after the Roswell NM UFO crash and it became a matter of national security to find out who the aliens were, why they were here and how their technology worked. It involved secret organizations within the US government, MJ-12, PI-40, MAJI, Delta, the Jason Scholars, Naval Intelligence, Air Force Office of Special Investigation, the Defense Investigative Service, the CIA, NSA and more. It also involved think tanks such as RAND, the Ford Foundation, the Aspen Institute, & Brookings Institute and corporations such as Bechtel, GE, ITT, Amoco, Northrup, Lockheed and many others. It involved secret societies, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Knights of Malta, etc. The whole of this conspiracy forms an INTERLOCKING NEXUS. The goal is said to be a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT dictatorship. Branton writes that according to some, is that perhaps SOME groups within the secret government have allegedly - in the face of 'superior alien technology' - 'surrendered' to a malevolent alien race and have become their 'agents' on earth. 18 THE SECOND COMING AND EVACUATION OF THE PLANET SCOTTISH RITE AND SIRIUS Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth by Branton ISBN: 1892062127 Branton writes that the 33rd (Illuminized) degree of Scottish Rite Masonry has its headquarters within this "Temple" allegedly built over ancient tunnels that tied-in with the SIRIUS empire. Sirius has been identified with the "Men In Black" allegedly allied with certain Masonic-Wiccan groups, largely controlled by the Reptilians. Val Valerian ( comments: (synopsis) the Hubble is being used for surveillance of deep space in terms of detecting approaching alien species. Far out in space, in the general direction of Sirius, a monstrous cloud of vessels is moving through space. All information has been subjected to computer analysis. The indications are that this is a space flotilla that will intercept Earth shortly after the turn of the century. (Sirius, being 8.7 light years distant from earth. This flotilla would be traveling just under the speed of light - Branton) They are up to 500 miles long, assumed to be military in nature, and therefore likely hostile. If this space fleet from Sirius does in fact have some connection with the pact between the "Men In Black" and the "Serpent Race", then there may be a connection between this invasion force and MIB - Reptilians working here on earth, especially in the underground bases, whose job might be to sabotage things on our end so that resistance will be minimal when the fleet finally arrives. The Dulce, New Mexico Base may be the headquarters of this type of "serpent cult" activity. SAUROID EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONVERGENCES - ..include ..ALPHA DRACONIS (an alleged major "Reptoid" stronghold); EPSILON BOOTES (another alleged Sauroid- Reptoid center of activity).. and ZETA 1 - ZETA 2 RETICULI ... an alleged Reptoid-Saurian Gray center or convergence with some "possible" human-MIB or synthetic "MIB" activity)... within MOUNT ARCHULETA ... New Mexico (deep levels of which are allegedly utilized by several different types of Sauroid Reptilians..etc ).. and ...PINE GAP ..(which holds a base similar to the one at Dulce, New Mexico, with deep-level control by saurian-gray and other Reptoid beings, as well as implanted-controlled human worker-slaves tied-in with the Illuminati's "Club Of Rome".). ..... another apparent convergence of deep subterranean Reptilian activity seems to be.. the 4-corners states, Nevada and southern California.....Reptilian and 'joint' laboratories largely controlled by saurian infiltrators-invaders such as the saurian grays, chameleons, naga-reptoids or lizards... This area seems to be the major area in the world for human - sauroid conflicts, human and animal mutilations, serpent cult activity and genetic experimentation involving so-called "hybrids" - some with human soul-matrix's--"humans"--and some without human soul-matrix's--"sauroids")... There are three more "areas" (of) convergences of "joint" human - saurian INTERACTION, or "Serpent Cult" activity involving human and reptilian "cult members"... The Club of ROME - Illuminati - Knights of Malta and the human-reptilian bases they jointly control, such as the 'joint' base beneath Pine Gap... the Babylonian or Jesuit-Masonic serpent cult, or "Club Of Rome"/"Illuminati", is largely based in Rome and apparently has present associations with "joint" human-reptilian serpent cults beyond and beneath the earth, namely connections with the "MIB" cult within the "NOD" complex beneath Washington D.C. and the "Sirius" colony. This excerpt was from File no 4 of the CRIM RAM files by Branton. CRIM RAM/ COS CON FILES avail zip HOWARD GRIDLINES SINCLAIR GRIDLINES HE WHO CONTROLS THE GRIDLINES CONTROLS THE WORLD END ISBN 1-892062-00-3 Evil Agenda of the Secret Government - Exposing Project Paperclip and the Underground UFO Bases of Hitler's Elite Scientific Corps by Tim Swartz and in Secret Black Projects of the NWO: Anti-Gravity UFOs, Black Helicopters and Mysterious Flying Triangles ISBN 0-938294-80-6 by Tim Swartz available at Global Communications, Box 753, New Bunswick, NJ 08903 Secrets of the Mojave by Branton ISBN 1-881808-44-0 |