!  Wake-up  World  Wake-up  !
~ Time to Rise and Shine ~

You have arrived at a collection of articles
about mind-control, metaphysics and other Interests.

~ Many stories proclaim that the US Government and the Media are Lying ~

~ Library No. 2 ~
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8 Lou Gehrig's Disease - Gulf War Vets
Financial Motive in Anthrax Attacks
Emperor's Clothe articles update
Humpty Dumptying  The  War
Time's Person of  The Year
The FBI's Magic Lantern
Metaphysical Stuff 10
Metaphysical Stuff 11
Trumping  NYC Charity
Common Dreams  on 911
Criteria For Thought Controls
Did America ask for Terrorists?
? The Alien Invasion of  Scotland ?
What about Somalia and Afghanistan?
Repairing Soul after a Cult Experience
More on Cults: The Scent of Cults
Fuel Tank Warning at  WTC #7
A Quantum Computer Update
Top View:  The Big Picture!
A Beast called VeriChip
Metaphysical Stuff 12

9 Crying For Argentina
Microchips Under Skin
Homeland Security's Slip
Firefighter Raps 911 Probe
George Bush Calls OBL Guilty
Bush Advisers on the Gravy Train
Was the USA Unprepared for 9 / 11 ?
Can Mobile Phones damage the brain?
Why did the WTC Towers Collapse?
Beyond The Denver Connection
What is the purpose of Life?
USA on The World Stage
The Best of Bill Hicks
Bill Blum  On 9 -11
Vatican Assassines
Mass Grave Tourism?
Diplomacy  By  Deception
Missed Signals due to Sleep
Russia Winner In Afghan War?
FEMA obstructs WTC Investigation
We Wish he was our USA President !

Stupid White Men and Other Excuses
Hague Tribunal Belongs To NATO
Can. Organic farmers sue GMO
Bush Administration Conflicts
Democracy Now - Returns
911 Nothing Urgent Here
Metaphysical Stuff 13
Metaphysical Stuff 14
The Many  Silent Bases
A  Most  Explosive  Charge
Suicides - The Werther Effect
Thoughts on the late Bill Cooper
Independence or Interdependence?
Enron's Rosenthal - Conflict of Interest
Justice opens criminal Probe of Enron
New  Rules  for  Pedophile  Priests
The Conspiracy Pipeline Plots 1
More Beldo Lone Nutter News
Lies, Lies... and more Lies
Memories of Bill Cooper
Metaphysical Stuff 15

Hell to Pay for Bush?
Chem. Warfare Agents
Enron, Bush, Baker, Rock
The Brookhaven Connection
Cheney Cashed Out - Big Time!
NY Post Attacking Artists/Vendors
Emporers Clothes Stories Update 911
Muslims Suspend - Laws of Physics!
Mayor Bloomberg Frees the Press
Congressional Inquiry of  9-11 ?
Gov. Complicity in WTC Attack
USA Flouts  World Opinion
Kill Democratic Leaders
Seeds of Fire - China
More Enron Scandall
Enron and Paul O'Neill
U. N.  Brothels in Bosnia?
About Smallpox Vaccinations
Non-Lethals  Turned On Curio
Monetary  Profit  of  Killing  People
New Investigation into Collapse WTC

T. Russert - Integrity  Is  For  Paupers !
Free Money - Ghostwritten Papers
We've got a Enron Government
Open Letter to George Bush
Enron and the Afghan War
IMF World Bank Suckers
A Tragedy is Recycled
Metaphysical Stuff 16
God  911  George Bush
Cheney - - You  are  Lying!
Cheney - - You  are  Stalling!
THE  US  WAR  in  Afghanistan
The  Fluoride  Poison -- Pushers!
! These Famous Presidential Quotes !
Conflicts Of Interest in US Congress
Is The USA Government A Crook?
More Lies on Afghan Prisoners
Is there a Divine Language?
Horowitz - Death In The Air
Guilty for 911 - Evidence
911: Letting it happen!

Metaphysical Stuff 17
John Dean on Enron #1
John Dean -- Reserved
USA  Was the ally of Al Qaeda
The U.S.A. - Afghan and Russia
China's Attack on US - Via Canada
US Freedom and Anti-Terrorism Raid
Making A Mint Of USA Defense Budgets
Should  W.T.C.  Steel  Be  Recycled ?
OIL -- Sharon And The Axis Of Evil
! Enron - J.C. Baxter - Suicide ?
Gary Condit's Panic Ph. Call
Army Owns The Weather
Metaphysical Stuff 18
Metaphysical Stuff 19
Bush, Oil & The Taliban
Enron's  BIGGER  Picture
Enron Name From Stadium
Enron's last-minute bonus orgy
Dick Cheney Made Millions Of Iraq
China Using Canada To Infiltrate USA

The  Kangaroo  Court  At  The  Hague
The Republican Layoff  Conspiracy
Slobodan Milosevic to be Free?
Mormon massacre - settlers
Terrorism as Camouflage
It keeps getting deeper
Metaphysical Stuff 20
US - A Nation Of Sheep
Watkins Feared for Her Life
Information Freedom - Drained
Enronitis – a very catchy Disease
Citizen Profiling  &  Internal Security
The Enemy Within  The Illusion Without
The Voices in your head may be Real
The American  Red Double-Cross
Alleged MI6 death plot exposed
Everything you know is wrong
What Rights Do You Have?
911  Big  Inside  Job  #1
911 Big Inside Job #2

We come to earth in order to experience life in matter. Life in matter includes the full gamut of human experiences. We call these experiences either Good or Evil. The universe does not evaluate us in the same manner. So, the trick is not to judge. Most articles on these pages speak the truth - most happenings on earth are inside jobs! Our lives on earth give us the opportunity to awaken from our sleep and indifference? A very important universal cycle is coming to an end in 2012. The happenings in our world are expected to awaken many people. The big question is - are you one of them?

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