Democracy Now! Returns to Pacifica Radio Monday, Jan. 7
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NEW YORK (Jan. 7) -- Democracy Now!, the award-winning national radio
show that was banned in August from the progressive Pacifica Radio
network, returns to the Pacifica airwaves on Monday, January 7.
The move comes in the wake of last month's legal settlement between
Pacifica dissidents and the Pacifica National Board that paved the way
for the restoration of democratic accountability and progressive
programming at the nation's oldest listener sponsored radio network.
Pacifica stations WBAI 99.5 FM in New York City and WPFW 89.3 FM in
Washington, D.C., are expected to air Democracy Now! at 9:00am. In
Southern California, Democracy Now! is expected to return to its time
slots of 6:00am and 9:00am on Pacifica station KPFK 90.7 FM. In
Houston, Democracy Now! will air at 9:00am on KPFT 90.1 FM.
Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman will be reunited on-air with former
co-host Juan Gonzalez for the first time in a year. Gonzalez resigned
last January to help establish the Pacifica Campaign, a national
grassroots campaign to oust the corporate clique that had illegally
seized control of the Pacifica National Board. Guests will also include
new Pacifica Board Chair Leslie Cagan, filmmaker Michael Moore, author
Noam Chomsky and activist/comedian Dick Gregory.
Democracy Now!'s host and producers were physically and verbally
harassed out of the studios of Pacifica station WBAI 99.5 FM in New
York City when dozens of producers were purged and the station was
"re-programmed" by Pacifica management. Democracy Now! was also banned
from four of the five Pacifica Radio stations -- WBAI, WPFW, KPFT, and
KPFK in Los Angeles.
Pacifica station KPFA in Berkeley and some 30 Pacifica affiliates
continued to air the program. Democracy Now! has also begun
broadcasting a daily national TV show which airs on Free Speech TV --
channel 9415 of Dish Network (Satellite TV) -- and public access cable
TV stations around the country.
Late last month, a newly reconstituted Pacifica National Board ordered
Democracy Now! back on the air at all five stations as a first step in
resolving the crises that have rocked the Pacifica network over the
last several years.