God, 911 and George Bush
by Don Flesher
The following article was written and compiled with the purpose of causing
you the reader to question the news coverage of the 9/11 attacks. Most of
all it's written to cause you to question how you formulate your opinions
and beliefs based the information received from your favorite news sources.
This is not just limited to television, radio, newspaper and Internet, but
includes family, friends, coworkers, etc.
The following statement is an extraordinarily bizarre and outlandish
statement concerning the 9/11 attacks. The statement is as follows: "U.S.
President George W. Bush had complete foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks and
he actively participated in them to ensure their success." The first part
of this article will delve into the how and why of how this statement can be
true without the mass population being wise to the facts. The later part
will provide you with information resources so that you can do your own
study and come to your own informed conclusion.
To those readers who dismiss the above statement as "conspiracy theory",
answer this, what does it take for a "conspiracy theory" to become a
"conspiracy fact"? Will it require CNN coverage for an entire week, will it
require firsthand knowledge or will it require a close and trusted
acquaintance with first hand knowledge? When I make the above statement to
people from all walks of life and all education levels, a common reply I get
is, "I can see the possibility of that being factual".
When massive amounts of money and power are involved, anything can happen
and does happen. Here lies a derivation of Murphy's Law, which states, "if
anything can go wrong it will go wrong" and the derivation is "if anything
can go corrupt it will go corrupt". All across America and the World people
are expanding their scope of vision to see large scale conspired corruption.
Imagine that all knowledge is placed on a large circle marked off by 360
degrees. If all we view throughout our lives are limited sectors, let's say
between 0 – 90 degrees and 180 – 270 degrees. At that rate we blank out
half of the available knowledge. Now let's say that we start to look past
each side of those sectors, then whole new views open up. When Christopher
Columbus sailed the ocean, he had to keep his compass under wraps away from
the crew. Many of them believed that it was the hand of the devil that made
the needle move.
Obviously all they lacked was the knowledge and understanding of magnetism.
In the 1890's the head of the US Patent Office said: "we should shut the
Patent Office down because everything that will be invented has been
invented". Wouldn't he be embarrassed and amazed to take a technology tour
Since 9/11 the words "God Bless America" have become extremely popular. This
article will consider the nature of God in relationship to George W. Bush
and the above statement as well as a later statement about his father George
H.W. Bush. The title of "God" can be used loosely to address anyone or
anything that a person pays close respect to. From this point here on,
"God" will refer to the compassionate creator of mankind who has endowed us
with freewill. To choose to live on a system of moral values and enjoy the
benefits or to ignore them and live a life that is lacking in the intangible
The real war is not in Afghanistan nor against terrorism, it's raging away
within the borders of America. The objective of this war is to capture the
freethinking minds of anyone willing to abandon theirs and to steal any
allegiance to God our creator that we may have left. How could God's "enemy"
(see definition below) attempt to make the boldest statement of superiority,
would God's enemy achieve superiority through forcible conquest? No, the
most damaging way to engage this war against God and all upright people is
covertly and over an extended period of time. In this fashion mankind's
allegiance is slowly handed to the enemy by consent versus being taken by
ENEMY - by definition from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary – one that is
antagonistic to another – one seeking to injure, overthrow or confound an
opponent (emphasis added) – something harmful or deadly – military adversary
– hostile unit or force. It's said that if you put a frog in a pot of water
and very slowly bring the water to a boil, the frog will stay in the pot and
ultimately boil to death.
Just before the frog goes unconscious, it's in its comfort zone, there in
its own little hot tub not aware that it's soon to be someone's dinner. Is
America the frog? Consider three basic components of relationship to God.
The first component is "freewill", secondly "do to others as you would have
them do to you" and thirdly is our "capacity to go beyond the five senses".
These are elements that are being slowly and methodically boiled out of the
American public. The result is a society of "blind followers".
We like to think of our "leaders" as devoted protectors of our Nation and
our God given rights. But what if many of these "leaders" are not as they
appear? What if these "leaders" are blind to borders, blind to compassion,
blind to everything except their own self-serving interests? Why would our
own "leaders" perpetrate such heinous crimes as the 9/11 attacks, what's the
motive? One major motive is to increasingly suppress our constitutional
rights and freedoms, which was done through the anti-terrorism bill, passed
just six weeks after the 9/11 attacks. More on that subject shortly.
Other motives are profits made from war, oil and drugs. The aspect of drugs
will be addressed later in this article. The American public picks up the
tab for the war while the groups who plan and manipulate the war share in
the profits. The second section of this paper is a separate article which
provides you with five pages of facts and history covering three generations
of the Bush family and their arming of American enemies.
The Hegelian Dialectic process provides a simple recipe to manipulate a
situation. It works by creating a problem known as the "thesis" (terrorist
attack), the next step is to provide a "solution", called the "antithesis"
(heightened security, restricted freedoms and military action – the "war on
terrorism"). The party causing the problem appears to be different from the
party providing the "solution", however behind the scenes they are one in
the same.
The "solution provider" achieves the intended result of enraging Americans
to support a war and further restrict the personal freedoms of Americans.
This is known as the "synthesis". In summary, create a problem, provide a
solution and achieve the desired result with the full blessings of the mass
The bottom line is an increasing police state where compliance is the easy
way out for the masses. America now has armed military guards posted in its
airports, which makes many people feel more safe and secure. Americans are
now more apt to say, "it's for the good of the country that police can
search and seize without a warrant". There goes the Constitution by consent.
Article IV of our Constitutional Bill of Rights states: The right of the
people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrant
shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation and
particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things
to be seized.
How would you feel if there were a knock at your door and when you answer
it, the official at the door says something like? "There's a suspected
terrorist, burglar, car thief, shop lifter, speeding driver, jay walker, dog
without a licensee at large in your neighborhood and we're performing a
search of each house so that we can apprehend this person/dog." This
scenario is outlandish right now but keep in mind that every practice has a
foundation and in five, ten, fifteen or twenty years what's unthinkable now
has the potential to become commonplace when draconian laws such as you will
read about next have been passed.
Congress has turned its back on the Constitution and passed anti-terrorism
bills (H.R. 2975 and S. 1510) that authorize completely unconstitutional
activities such as the "delayed notice" provision, Section 213, allowing the
government to conduct covert searches. This means that law enforcement
agencies can enter a person's home or office, search through the person's
possessions, in some cases seize physical objects or electronic information,
without the person knowing that law enforcement agents were there.
Churches frequently speak of the evil that emanates from Satan or the Devil.
The message within the average church is mostly limited to the behavioral
manifestations commonly associated with Satan such as, murder, greed,
idolatry, jealousy, envy, lust, pride, etc. In other words the branches of
evil. "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the root."
Henry David Thoreau
From here on the words EVIL and CORRUPT will be used frequently. The
following definitions are from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. Read
the definitions several times over to get a feel for the essence of them.
EVIL - something that brings sorrow, distress or calamity – morally
reprehensible – arriving from actual or imputed bad character or conduct –
causing discomfort or repulsion – offensive – disagreeable – pernicious.
- Versus -
COMPASSION – sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a
desire to alleviate it
CORRUPT – to change from good to bad in moral, manners or actions – to
degrade with unsound principles or moral values – to alter from the original
or to change form or version – to become tainted or rotten – to become
morally debased – to cause disintegration or ruin – morally degenerate and
- Versus -
INTEGRITY – an unimpaired condition: soundness – firm adherence to a code of
moral values: incorruptibility – the quality or state of being complete or
The root of physical evil is the corrupt institutions set in place by
self-serving groups. These institutions profit while continually placing
stumbling blocks in front of the unsuspecting mass population, which causes
human weaknesses (the branches of evil) to surface and multiply. The end
result is a whole society in decay. Every aspect of modern living puts us
in contact with these institutions that are involved in; banking,
healthcare, education, foods, technology, transportation, entertainment and
more. If a vital society is ever going to prevail individuals must become
knowledgeable of the institutions that suppress the full capacities of all
unaware persons.
A prime example of an evil and corrupt institution is the Federal Reserve
Bank. This is a privately owned bank, simply look underneath Federal Express
in the white page section of the yellow pages and you will find the listing
for the Federal Reserve Bank. You will not find it in the Blue
Pages/Government listings. This concoction of self-serving men (the
moneychangers) has possibly caused more pain and suffering than all the wars
of the 20th century combined. A book titled, "The Creature from Jekyll
Island" by E.G. Griffin thoroughly details the travesties of the
moneychangers. Jekyll Island, Georgia is where the Federal Reserve Act was
secretly drafted in 1910 by a group of seven men representing one-quarter of
the wealth of the world. This book also gives a detailed account of the
calculated methodical staging of wars by the moneychangers and the profits
made from wars.
The practices of the Federal Reserve Bank have turned America into a debtor
nation. The Federal Reserve has been the monetary source behind America's
easy credit, buy now pay later materialistic consumer society that has
caused us to esteem "things" above people. The easy credit atmosphere has
spawned a massive wave of irrational and unbridled spending. America is
way over it's head in personal and business debt to the point that every day
the majority of American's must wake up and hit the floor running just to
pay the bank. When working longer hours becomes mandatory to stay above
board it takes away from the joy that life has to offer.
Could the phrase "God Bless America" be interchanged with "Freemarket Bless
America?" Freemarket means commerce, commerce to keep the bills paid.
Keeping the bills paid is a fundamental responsibility. Unfortunately easy
credit has created an atmosphere of financial irresponsibility and everybody
from the street cleaner to the heart surgeon has fallen victim to over
borrowing and overspending. For many people, "FREEDOM" in America means 5
year 0.0% APR financing on a new vehicle. So how does banking relate to the
9/11 attacks? It's one of many tools that keep Americans distracted and
financially confined while idolizing commerce in order to maintain. The
collateral damage from this institution is massive! Study up on it!
Thanks to one reader who noted that this article addresses all of the people
who: "insist on keeping their heads buried in the sand of 'house payments'
and 'flag waving'. A side note about flags, it's ironic that most of those
flags are made in communist Chinese factories that went into overtime on 9/13.
Two scenarios for mankind exist; the first is under the moral principles of
God our compassionate creator. In this scenario freewill carries mutual
respect. It's the place where "do to others as you would have them do to
you" is the natural action in all aspects of life.
The alternative scenario is under the practices of the corrupt opposite of
God, commonly know as Satan or Lucifer. Whether you do or do not believe in
Satan is not the issue here.
The issue is can you believe that there are humans that group together on a
global scale who are greed driven, EVIL and CORRUPT and whose intention it
is to control the masses for their own gain? An extreme society under a
group of these people would probably be very similar to the society depicted
in George Orwell's book "1984", an absolute police state where "Big Brother"
is watching and manipulating our every move. Keep in mind that God's enemy
works secretly and slowly, working to bring a state of affairs that might
seem impossible today into the reality of the future.
A police force is necessary to enforce reasonable laws that are dictated by
basic morals such as don't lie, steal, injure or kill. What is a police
state? A police state is a society with intense restrictions and scrutiny,
where all persons are guilty until proven innocent. It's a place where all
aspects of life are made public and an arm of government is placed to
enforce volumes of manmade laws. These laws tend to be hidden and
self-serving to the corrupt groups that put them in place.
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind
the scenes." - Felix Frankfurter, an attorney for the framers of the Federal
Reserve Act and a Supreme Court Justice.
Evil and corrupt hands have a firm grip on every facet of society and one of
their key grips is the media. In the U.S. the major media is controlled by
less than a dozen corporations where corporate spin-doctors are richly
rewarded for molding the public opinion through their media outlets. When a
group can control what people perceive to be the facts, then the world is
firmly in their control.
Asked to give a toast before the prestigious New York Press Club in 1953,
John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff at the New York Times, made this
candid confession [it's worth noting that other newsmen, who admired him
greatly, called Swinton "The Dean of His Profession"]: "There is no such
thing, at this date of the world's history, as an independent press. You
know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare to write your honest
opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in
print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am
connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things,
and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be
out on the streets looking for another job.
If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before
twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the
journalist is to DESTROY the TRUTH; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify;
to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread.
You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent
press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We
are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our
possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are
intellectual PROSTITUTES."
The spin of: CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, The New York Times etc. and the opinions of
society at large are how the vast majority of America derives its way of
thinking. We watch very distinguished appearing and learned sounding media
newsmen like Bernard Shaw, Ted Koppel and MacNeil & Lehrer and most of
America believes that the reporting just doesn't get any more real and
As the sayings go "like father like son" or "where there's smoke there's
fire". George Bush, Sr. deserves mention as well. Here is another bizarre
and outlandish statement. George Bush, Sr. is the largest trafficker of
narcotics in North America and possibly the entire globe.
Let's start out with a little logic. People need to question the "War on
Drugs". If America had ever truly waged a war on drugs the war could have
been finished within the course of several years or even much less. After
all isn't America "the most powerful nation on Earth" with almost unlimited
resources? What's the motive for drug trafficking? Two major functions
are; first a facility to weaken society with the burden of drug addiction to
gain increasing control (a weaker society is much easier to manipulate) and
the second is money. Money to buy support and to finance separate agendas.
Morals have a way of disappearing fast when large sums of money are made
available to individuals, corporations and foreign governments. A major
metropolitan paper ran a story about the number of drug addicts in that city
and the amount of drugs they consume. Some of the addicts buy drugs with
money they earn but many need to steal cash and or property to sell in order
to support their habits. As an example if an addict has a $100/day habit,
the addict might need to steel $1000/day in property to raise $100. The
total collateral theft citywide is in the billions of dollars annually.
In response to the rising crime from drug related activity the populous
cries out – "help protect us - give us more police"! More police arrive on
the scene and the situation can arise where some police have an interest in
keeping the drug trade going. No drugs, equals no job and no possible
Cathy O‘Brien grew up in a multi-generation incest-abused family. As a
child Cathy's father and uncle produced bestiality films featuring her and
the family dog. Federal authorities apprehended her father and uncle in the
distribution process of these films, to escape prosecution they were offered
the opportunity to enter Cathy into a CIA sponsored program called MK-Ultra
or Monarch programming. Monarch programming is trauma induced (primarily
electroshock) mind control (enslavement), the best subjects are
multi-generation incest-abused children. For nearly twenty years Cathy was
enslaved in a mind-controlled state where she served in covert operations,
drug hauling and appeasing the perverse sexual pleasures of her notable
handlers (persons trained to trigger and utilize her mind-controlled
Her first handler of notability, from her home state of Michigan was then
U.S. Representative Gerald Ford, later to become U.S. President. Cathy went
on to be a "Presidential Model" serving, Ronald Reagan and then George Bush,
Sr. In 1988 Cathy was rescued from her handlers and taken to the serenity
of Alaska where with help she was able to regain the independent use of her
mind. She wrote a book titled "TRANCE-Formation of America". Cathy names
many notable names in politics, religion, sports and entertainment as
participants in government sponsored corruption focusing on drug
trafficking. Here are a few from entertainment and sports with whom Cathy
had personal interactions: Jimmy Buffet, Kris Kristopherson, Tommy LaSorda
and Nolan Ryan. Excerpts from the book are on the following website.
Up until this point the emphasis has been to suggest to you how the mass
population is being molded, shaped and manipulated. The events of 9/11 are
a very small but very tragic part of the big picture. The mainstream news
sources noted previously will never show us the big picture, they might
obtain and show us a very small piece of it but never the whole picture. The
websites below are excellent resources that piece together the big picture
in detail. These websites also provide information covering the drug
trafficking at the highest levels of government (no pun intended).
http://www.copvcia.com http://www.copvcia.com
http://www.fourwinds10.com /corner/black-pope.htm
At this point the degree to which you agree or disagree with the content of
this article could be put on a scale ranging from plus ten to negative ten.
A plus ten highly agrees and a negative ten highly disagrees. Where are you
on the scale? Do you find any or all of the content of this article
sounding ludicrous? Is this because you're saying to yourself something
along the line of, "I'm smart, I have smart friends, if this content is
true why haven't any of us seen it openly?" How has your perception been
shaped by your family, friends, peer groups, professional associations,
religious affiliations, media, education, job, career field, social clubs,
etc? The following link provides an interesting overview of the "science"
of shaping public perception.
In the Old Testament of the Bible, the book of Proverbs says, "get wisdom
(applied knowledge) and understanding". These valuable resources put up a
shield against the granddaddy of all lies. The lie is that "our elected and
appointed public servants have no self-serving interests and are working to
elevate the citizenry to its highest potential". Obviously not every
elected and appointed official is corrupt, it's the top core that's corrupt.
Advocates for the citizenry are forced to do one of three things; 1) fight
the corruption 2) become corrupt 3) leave public service in disgust. The war
raging against us is a "softwar" against the gray matter of our brains where
lies are the bullets of the enemy. Adolph Hitler was masterful at
manipulating his countryman to support his agenda; his secret was to repeat
the lie until everyone believed it.
As president, George Bush, Sr. frequently spoke of creating a "New World
Order". Who did George Bush, Sr. take the phrase from? The first person
who spoke of creating a "New World Order", Adolph Hitler!
Sun Tsu (dominant 6th century BC Chinese general) in "The Art of War" states:
"Know yourself and know your enemy and you will win one hundred percent of
the time"
"Know yourself but do not know your enemy and you will win fifty percent of
the time"
"Know your enemy but do not know yourself and you will win fifty percent of
the time"
"Know neither yourself nor your enemy and you will lose one hundred percent
of the time"
Acknowledging a problem is the first step toward establishing a solution! It
must be noted that this writer is in no way anti-government. To the
contrary, this writer is extremely pro-government and maintains a strong
conviction that a government based on the Constitution is vital for an
upright populous to flourish. This writer is anti-corruption!
Do you believe that the corruption described above is taking place? Do you
feel helpless to do anything about it? If you feel helpless, please don't!
Build your knowledge base of the existing corruption and then share your
knowledge with others, this builds momentum which is a powerful force
against corruption. The worthy war that we have on our hands is the war for
---- Patrick Henry
Don Flesher mailto:dflesher@ttinational.net
Copyright 2001
All Rights Reserved
May be reprinted or distributed for non-profit purposes only. #2303
It's exciting to see many people opening up to the facts. On November 28,
2001 at Portland State University, Michael Ruppert the author of the
following article presented a two-hour lecture presenting evidence of
government complicity in the 9/11 attacks. Approximately 1,000 people
attended and upon the conclusion of his lecture he received a two-minute
standing ovation. If you see any value in these articles, please distribute
them to your email list.
PRIVATE The Best Enemies Money Can Buy
From Hitler To Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden – Insider Connections and
the Bush Family's Partnership with Killers of Americans Brown Brothers,
Harriman - BNL- and the Carlyle Group By
Michael C. Ruppert
P.O. Box 6061-350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 [© Copyright 2001. All Rights
Reserved, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness Publications,
May be reprinted or distributed for non-profit purposes only.] FTW, Oct. 9,
2001 - Since the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon, major media powerhouses and the increasingly influential
alternative media alike have begun to focus attention on Bush family
connections and a long history of arming and financing America's attackers
in the months and years prior to the outbreak of war. Recent stories in the
Wall Street Journal (Sept. 27 & 28, 2001), ABC News (Oct. 1, 2001), as well
as a host of reports from so-called alternative news sources have begun to
focus attention on the Bush family's profit-making role in creating and
arming our enemies.
The following is a more comprehensive look at the documented history of
these relationships that will also open some new avenues of inquiry for the
press, Congress and the American people.
In a world now filled with biowarfare agents, backpack nuclear devices, and
chemical weapons like Sarin gas -- where there are people in many countries
with reasons to oppose the United States -- the Bush Administration is
following predictable strategies in a way that redefines the concept of
brinksmanship. Human survival may depend upon the will and the ability of
both the Congress and the press to focus on these relationships and to take
appropriate action. Moreover – and I am not the first to say this – if a
national security priority is to seize the financial assets of those who
support terrorists, then perhaps we should start right here at home.
Adolph Hitler
Meticulous research, including U.S. government records from the era, along
with contemporaneous news stories from the New York Times and other papers
is presented in the 1992 book entitled, "George Bush, The Unauthorized
Biography" by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, Published by
The Executive Intelligence Review and located at HYPERLINK
"http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm"http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm. The
following is sourced entirely from Chapter II of this essential work. [Note:
Although FTW does not always agree with conclusions reached by the Executive
Intelligence Review, or its founder Lyndon La Rouche, we have never found a
single flaw in any of their factual research. History is history, no matter
who presents it. And this history is essential to understanding our era.]
George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was the Managing Director of
the investment bank Brown Brothers, Harriman from the 1920s through the 1940s.
It was Brown Brothers, in conjunction with Averell Harriman, the Rockefeller
family, Standard Oil, the DuPonts, the Morgans and the Fords who served as
the principal funding arm in helping to finance Adolph Hitler's rise to
power starting in 1923. This included direct funding for the SS and SA
channeled through a variety of German firms. Prescott Bush, through
associations with the Hamburg-Amerika Steamship line, Nazi banker Fritz
Thyssen (pronounced Tee-sen), Standard Oil of Germany, The German Steel
Trust (founded by Dillon Read founder, Clarence Dillon), and I.G. Farben,
used the Union Bank Corporation to funnel vast quantities of money to the
Nazis and to manage their American interests.
The profits from those investments came back to Bush allies on Wall Street.
Thyssen is universally regarded as having been Hitler's private banker and
ultimate owner of the Union Bank Corporation. Early support for Hitler came
from Prescott Bush through the Hamburg-Amerika Steamship line -- also funded
by Brown Bothers -- that funneled large sums of money and weapons to
Hitler's storm troopers in the 1920s.
According to Tarpley and Chaitkin, "In May 1933, just after the Hitler
regime was consolidated, an agreement was reached in Berlin for the
coordination of all Nazi commerce with the U.S.A. The Harriman International
Company… was to head a syndicate of 150 firms and individuals, to conduct
all exports from Hitler Germany to the United States." Furthermore, a 1942
U.S. government investigative report that surfaced during 1945 Senate
hearings found that the Union Bank, with Prescott Bush on the board, was an
"interlocking concern" with the German Steel Trust that had produced:
- 50.8% of Nazi Germany's pig iron
- 41.4% of Nazi Germany's universal plate - 36% of Nazi Germany's heavy plate
- 38.5% of Nazi Germany's galvanized sheet - 45.5% of Nazi Germany's pipes
and tubes - 22.1% of Nazi Germany's wire
- 35% of Nazi Germany's explosives
The business relationships established by Bush in 1923 continued even after
the war started until they became so offensive and overt as to warrant
seizure by the U.S. government under the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1942.
In 1942, "Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over
Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien
Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares… "… all of
which shares are held for the benefit of… members of the Thyssen family,
[and] is property of nationals… of a designated enemy country." "On October
28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by
the Bush-Harriman bank: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the
Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation."
"Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by
Prescott Bush and his father in law George Herbert Walker, were seized under
the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942…" These seizures of Bush
businesses were reported in a number of American papers including The New
York Times and The Wall Street Journal.
Prescott Bush went on to become an influential Republican Senator from
Connecticut who went on to be a regular golfing partner of President Dwight
Eisenhower. His attorneys were the lawyers John Foster and Allen Dulles, the
later became the CIA Director under Eisenhower.
Saddam Hussein
After becoming President in January 1989, Prescott Bush's son, George
Herbert Walker Bush – father of our current President – authorized a series
of programs that not only armed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein but also
provided him with technology that assisted in his development of chemical
weapons like Sarin gas, and biological weapons, which he still possesses.
Apologists for Bush (the elder) say that, after the Iran-Iraq War of the
1980s left the region unstable, he was just trying to establish a new
balance of power. Not so. Bush directives and policies, including
relationships with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), and
the Banca Nacional del Lavoro (BNL) were directly and deliberately
responsible for creating the army the U.S. fought in 1991.
A story by Russ W. Baker, in the March/April issue the Colombia Journalism
Review (CJR), provided the most compelling overview of Iraqgate that I have
seen. "ABC News Nightline opened last June 9 with words to make the heart
stop ‘It is becoming increasingly clear,' said a grave Ted Koppel, ‘that
George Bush, operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980s,
initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military
help that built Saddam's Iraq into the aggressive power that the United
States ultimately had to destroy…
"Why, then, have some of our top papers provided so little coverage?" Baker
poignantly asks.
"The result: readers who neither grasp nor care about the facts behind
facile imagery like The Butcher of Baghdad and Operation Desert Storm. In
particular, readers who do not follow the story of the Banca Nacional del
Lavoro, which apparently served as a paymaster for Saddam's arms buildup,
and thus became a player in the largest bank-fraud case in U.S. history.
"Complex, challenging, mind-boggling stories (from Iran-Contra to the S&L
crisis to BCCI) increasingly define our times: yet we don't appear to be
getting any better at telling them…
"Much of what Saddam received from the West was not arms per se, but
so-called dual-use technology -- ultra sophisticated computers, armored
ambulances, helicopters, chemicals, and the like, with potential civilian
uses as well as military applications. We've learned that a vast network of
companies, based in the U.S. and abroad, eagerly fed the Iraqi war machine
right up until August 1990, when Saddam invaded Kuwait.
"And we've learned that the obscure Atlanta Branch of Italy's largest bank,
Banca Nacional del Lavoro, relying partly on U.S. taxpayer-guaranteed loans,
funneled $5 billion to Iraq from 1985 to 1989. Some government-backed loans
were supposed to be for agricultural purposes, but were used to facilitate
the purchase of stronger stuff than wheat. Federal Reserve and Agriculture
department memos warned of suspected abuses by Iraq, which apparently took
advantage of the loans to free up funds for munitions. U.S. taxpayers have
been left holding the bag for what looks like $2 billion in defaulted loans
to Iraq.
"… In fact, we now know that in February 1990, then Attorney General Dick
Thornburgh [appointed by George H.W. Bush] blocked U.S. investigators from
traveling to Rome and Istanbul to pursue the case… "… As New York Times
columnist William Safire argued last December 7, ‘Iraqgate is uniquely
horrendous: a scandal about the Systematic abuse of power by misguided
leaders of three democratic nations [The U.S., Britain, and Italy] to
secretly finance the arms buildup of a dictator."
While Democrat Henry Gonzales, Chairman of the House Banking Committee
during the period, stood as the lone voice from the wilderness in raising
alarms about Bush's obvious corruption, the rest of the Congress sheepishly
ignored all the signs demanding immediate action. Gonzales' voice reportedly
fell silent after his empty car was machine-gunned in a Washington suburb in
what passed for a drive-by shooting.
The CJR continues: "Meanwhile, The Village Voice published a major
investigation by free-lancer Murray Waas in its December 18, 1990 issue…
"That American troops could be killed or maimed because of a covert decision
to arm Iraq,' Waas wrote, "is the most serious consequence of a U.S. foreign
policy formulated and executed in secret, without the advice and consent of
the American public…"
The L.A. Times, on Feb 23, 1992, dug deep enough to find secret National
Security Decision Directives by the Bush Administration in 1989 ordering
closer ties with Baghdad and paving the way for $1 billion in new aid. The
Times' series, co-authored with Waas, emphasized that, "buried deep in a
1991 Washington Press piece – that Secretary of State James Baker, after
meeting with Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz in October 1989, intervened
personally to support U.S. government loans guarantees to Iraq." Baker's CJR
report also noted, "On October 3, the [Wall Street] Journal reported [BNL
official Christopher] Drogoul's assertion that the director general of
Iraq's Ministry of Industry and Military Production had told him, ‘We are
all in this together. The intelligence service of the U.S. government works
very closely with the intelligence service of the Iraqi government.'
Three weeks later, the Journal reported that [Henry] Gonzales ‘produced a
phone-book-sized packet of documents' showing the involvement of U.S.
exporting firms… The documents mentioned one… which designed parts for
Iraq's howitzers and was financed through BNL…" In the wake of highly
suspicious anthrax outbreaks in Florida, just miles from where several of
the WTC suicide pilots trained, we add one final note.
In his 1998 book "Bringing the War Home" author William Thomas writes,
"Under that same [weapons transfer] program, 19 containers of Anthrax
bacteria were supplied to Iraq in 1988 by the American Type Culture
Collection company, located near Fort Detrick, MD, the site of the US Army's
high security germ warfare labs."
The Carlyle Group, the Bushes and bin Laden The warnings about the Carlyle
Group, the nation's 11th largest defense contractor, and the Bushes came
long before the World Trade Center attacks.
The Carlyle Group is a closely held corporation, exempt, for that reason,
from reporting its affairs to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Little
is known of what it actually does except that it buys and sells defense
contractors. As of October 4, 2001, it has removed its corporate web site
from the World Wide Web making further investigation through that channel
impossible. Its Directors include Frank Curlicue, former Reagan Secretary of
Defense; James Baker, former Bush Secretary of State; and Richard Barman, a
former White House aide to Ronald Reagan and Republican Party operative.
On March 3, 2001, just weeks after George W Bush's inauguration, the
conservative Washington lobbying group Judicial Watch issued a press
It said:
"(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that
investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, called on
former President George Herbert Walker Bush to resign immediately from the
Carlyle Group, a private investment firm, while his son President George W.
Bush is in office. Today's New York Times reported that the elder Bush is an
"ambassador" for the $12 billion private investment firm and last year
traveled to the Middle East on its behalf. The former president also helped
the firm in South Korea.
"The New York Times reported that as compensation, the elder Bush is allowed
to buy a stake in the Carlyle Group's investments, which include ownership
in at least 164 companies throughout the world (thereby by giving the
current president an indirect benefit). James Baker, the former Secretary of
State, who served as President George W. Bush's point man in Florida's
election dispute, is a partner in the firm.
The firm also gave George W. Bush help in the early 1990's when it placed
him on one of its subsidiary's board of directors. "This is simply
inappropriate. Former President Bush should immediately resign from the
Carlyle Group because it is an obvious conflict of interest.
Any foreign government or foreign investor trying to curry favor with the
current Bush Administration is sure to throw business to the Carlyle Group.
And with the former President Bush promoting the firm's investments abroad,
foreign nationals could understandably confuse the Carlyle Group's interests
with the interests of the United States government," stated Larry Klayman,
Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel.
"Questions are now bound to be raised if the recent Bush Administration
change in policy towards Iraq has the fingerprints of the Carlyle Group,
which is trying to gain investments from other Arab countries who [sic]
would presumably benefit from the new policy," stated Judicial Watch
President Tom Fitton."
Judicial Watch noted that "even the Clinton Administration called on the
Rodham brothers to stop their business dealings in [The former Soviet
Republic of] Georgia because those dealings started to destabilize that
Since the WTC attacks the Wall Street Journal has reported (Sept. 28, 2001)
that, "George H.W. Bush, the father of President Bush, works for the bin
Laden family business in Saudi Arabia through the Carlyle Group, an
international consulting firm." The senior Bush had met with the bin Laden
family at least twice in the last three years – 1998 and 2000 -- as a
representative of Carlyle, seeking to expand business dealings with one of
the wealthiest Saudi families, which some experts argue, has never fully
severed its ties with black sheep Osama in spite of current reports in a
mainstream press that is afraid of offending the current administration.
The Nation, on March 27, 2000 – in a story co-authored by David Corn and
Paul Lashmar – wrote, "In January former President George Bush and former
British Prime Minister John Major paid a social call on Saudi Arabian Crown
Prince Abdullah…" This story confirms at least one meeting between the elder
Bush and Saudi leaders, including the bin Ladens. That the bin Ladens
attended this meeting was confirmed in a subsequent September 27, 2001 Wall
Street Journal (WSJ) story. The January 2000 meeting with the bin Ladens was
also later confirmed by Bush (the elder's) Chief of Staff Jean Becker, only
after the WSJ presented her with a thank you note sent by Bush to the bin
Ladens after that meeting.
James Baker visited the bin Ladens in 1998 and 1999 with Carlyle CEO Frank
The WSJ story went on to note, "A Carlyle executive said that the bin Laden
family committed $2 million through a London investment arm in 1995 in
Carlyle Partners II Fund, which raised $1.3 billion overall. The fund has
purchased several aerospace companies among 29 deals. So far, the family has
received $1.3 million back in completed investments and should ultimately
realize a 40% annualized rate of return, the Carlyle executive said.
"But a foreign financier with ties to the bin Laden family says the family's
overall investment with Carlyle is considerably larger…" In other words,
Osama bin Laden's attacks on the WTC and Pentagon, with the resulting
massive increase in the U.S. defense budget have just made his family a
great big pile of money.
More Bush connections appear in relation to the bin Ladens. The WSJ story
also notes that, "During the past several years, the [bin Laden] family's
close ties to the Saudi royal family prompted executives and staff from
closely held New York publisher Forbes, Inc. to make two trips to the family
headquarters, according to Forbes Chairman Caspar Weinberger, a former U.S.
Secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration. ‘We would call on them to
get their view of the country and what would be of interest to investors.'"
President G.H.W. Bush pardoned Weinberger for his criminal conduct in the
Iran-Contra scandal in 1989.
Our current President, George W. Bush has also had -- at minimum -- indirect
dealings with Carlyle and the bin Ladens. In 1976 his firm Arbusto Energy
was funded with $50,000 from Texas investment banker James R. Bath who was
also the U.S. investment counselor for the bin Laden family. In his
watershed 1992 book, "The Mafia, The CIA and George Bush," award winning
Texas investigative journalist Pete Brewton dug deeply into Bath's
background, revealing connections with the CIA and major fraudulent
activities connected with the Savings & Loan scandal that took $500 billion
out of the pockets of American taxpayers. A long-time friend of George W.
Bush, Bath was connected to a number of covert financing operations in the
Iran-Contra scandal, which also linked to bin Laden friend Adnan Khashoggi.
One of the richest men in the world, Khashoggi was the arms merchant at the
center of the whole Iran-Contra scandal. Khashoggi, whose connections to the
bin Ladens is more than superficial, got his first business break by acting
as middle-man for a large truck purchase by Osama bin Laden's older brother,
Another key player in the Bush Administration, Deputy Secretary of Defense
Richard Armitage, left his post as an Assistant Secretary of Defense in the
Reagan Administration after a series of scandals connected to CIA operatives
Ed Wilson, Ted Shackley, Richard Secord and Tom Clines placed him at the
brink of criminal indictment and jail. Shackley and Secord are veterans of
Vietnam operations and have long been linked to opium/heroin smuggling. The
Armitage scandals all focused on the illegal provision of weapons and war
materiel to potential or actual enemies of the U.S. and to the Contras in
Central America.
Armitage, a former Navy SEAL, who reportedly enjoyed combat missions and
killing during covert operations in Laos during the Vietnam War, has never
been far from the Bush family's side. Throughout his career, both in and out
of government, he has been perpetually connected to CIA drug smuggling
operations. Secretary of State Colin Powell, in a 1995 Washington Post
story, called Armitage, "my white son." In 1990, then President Bush
dispatched Armitage to Russia to aid in its "transition" to capitalism.
Armitage's Russian work for Bush has been frequently connected to the
explosion of drug trafficking under the Russian Mafias, which became virtual
rulers of the nation afterwards. In the early 1990s Armitage had extensive
involvement in Albania at the same time that the Albanian ally, Kosovo
Liberation Army was coming to power and consolidating its grip, according to
The Christian Science Monitor, on 70% of the heroin entering western Europe.
[See FTW Vol. II, No 2 – April 24, 1999] Armitage and Carlucci are both
Board Members of the influential Washington think tank, the Middle East
Policy Council.
The connections continue with Vice President Dick Cheney. Amongst the
multitude of oil pipeline construction running through the new war zone is
one project – according to a Sept. 19, 2001 Wall Street Journal story – a
joint venture in which the bin Laden family joined with the construction
firm H.C. Price. A researcher named "Phoenix," writing for the Internet news
site Rumor Mills News Agency located at HYPERLINK
"http://www.rumormillnews.com/"http://www.rumormillnews.com/, reported that
Price subsequently changed its name to Bredero Shaw, Inc. and is now owned
by a subsidiary of the Halliburton Corporation, Dresser Industries.
It was Dresser industries that gave George H.W. Bush his first post war job
in 1948. A check of the relevant corporate web sites has confirmed this.
Vice President Dick Cheney, who served as Secretary of Defense during Desert
Storm, directing the campaign against Saddam Hussein, was Halliburton's CEO
until last year's election. And, according to a 2000 story from Harper's
Magazine, in 1990 our current President, through a position as a corporate
director of Caterair, owned by the Carlyle Group – at a time when the bin
Laden's were invested in Carlyle – had additional connections to the bin
Laden family.
In addition, on March 1, 1995, when George W. Bush was Texas governor and a
senior Trustee of the university, the University of Texas Endowment voted to
place $10 million in investments with the Carlyle Group. As to how much of
that money went to the bin Ladens we can only guess. But we do know that
there is a long tradition in the Bush family of giving money to those who
kill Americans.
Now, as the people of America are beginning to awaken to what is really
being unleashed upon them, as a few brave souls are asking who's going to
get all the money the Bush Administration is "borrowing" from government
coffers and who's going to pay for it - the above history is more than
Considering that during the 1980s, under the pretext of fighting a
Sandinista regime in Nicaragua that never once launched an attack on the
U.S., these same people oversaw an explosion in U.S. cocaine consumption
that went from 80 metric tons in 1979 to 600 metric tons in 1989 -
considering that the CIA trained and equipped death squads that tortured and
murdered hundreds of thousands of people from Guatemala to Panama –
considering that these same people have brutalized Iraq, leaving portions of
it radioactively contaminated by depleted uranium for the next 4 billion
years and causing a fivefold increase in the number of childhood leukemia
cases amidst a starving population, one can only wonder what they will
produce for the world now given the context of the World Trade Center attacks.