The Pipeline Plots, Part 1
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Sometimes when you know a lot of the facts and details, it is difficult to
escape the idea that you are looking at a sinister scheme. Of course,
skeptics and deniers will quickly label you a "conspiracy theorist", even if
you are not, thus dismissing what you say.
What high level powers do, on a regular basis, cannot simply be a device
concocted for a one-time trick. The ultra-rich obviously "breathe together".
So, it fits the historical definition of to "conspire". What they do, day by
day, year by year, and century by century, is simply their method of
operation. Their way of enriching themselves and controlling those of the
middle income. Once in a while, their natural collusion is interrupted,
sometimes only temporarily, by an upheaval led by the better educated group,
the middle class, a Revolution.
Starting in the 1990s, even before that, two groups made their plans as to
the Caspian Sea energy area, Afghanistan, and the southern Balkans. Oil
engineers obviously knew that in a few short decades, the oil reserves of
Saudi Arabia will be played out. A growing market for oil and natural gas is
Pakistan, Red China, and points east, like Japan.
The Caspian area is there to be exploited. Oil, natural gas. One pipeline
was planned through the southern Balkans, the split-apart area formerly
called simply Yugoslavia. Standing in the way was a strongman, Slobadan
Milosevic, who took over more or less with the demise of long-time dictator
Marshal Tito who with an iron fist kept the ethnic and religious groups in
check. Milosevic was once considered charming and popular. Toppling him
started with the Henry Kissinger design of wrecking the Yugoslav banks.
Kissinger & Associates have been a nest of clever snakes fronting for Big
Oil and dictators and butchers worldwide.
So, building on the natural friction between ethnic and religious groups in
Yugoslavia, became the excuse for the U.S./British attack on the Belgrade
government. The supposed justification, trumpeted in the oil-soaked,
spy-riddled monopoly press, was the primarily fraudulent stories of
"massacres". In the Spring of 1999, that became the reason for bombing and
invading Serbia and their province of Kosovo.
If not so bloody and tragic, the whole event would be laughable. Mighty
military and economic forces of the West pulverized a once united nation
which had no air force or navy worth noting, and an army no match for the
invaders. Furthermore, Serbia was traditionally pro-U.S. if not also
pro-British. In thousands of years, Serbia never attacked or invaded any
other country.
In violation of the Geneva Convention, to which the U.S. and Britain are
signatories, U.S./British forces knowingly bombed and missile- attacked
hospitals, schools, and churches. They bombed structures on the Danube, for
months thereafter blocking river commerce for a whole section of Europe. The
Serbian Radio/Television Building in Belgrade was directly targeted and many
of those inside slaughtered
Who would rightfully dare prosecute the U.S./British leaders as war
criminals? The International tribunals, made up of yesmen and cowards, are a
dead letter.
Think about it. If Serbia had an air force and a navy like the U.S., surely
they had the right, yes, the duty, to in return, bomb and missile attack the
United States. Fair is fair. Hey, the press fakers said it was a WAR.
The attack on Serbia benefitted, some say intentionally, the Kosovo/Albanian
dope traffickers. Whether you like or dislike what he says or does on other
matters, notice something: U.S. Senator Joseph I. Lieberman (D., Conn.),
became the unregistered lobbyist for the dope-traffickers, the KLA, the
Kosovo Liberation Army. Lieberman, who also ran for Vice President in the
year 2000, made speeches fronting for the KLA. [I have rejected the strong
warning of Lieberman's cohorts, who demanded I shut up about this, yet they
know I am an independent, a loyalist for neither political party.]
The blitz against Serbia began right after President Bill Clinton, impeached
by House of Representatives resolutions, was turned loose from an
Impeachment trial by the U.S. Senate. Some contend key Senators caved in
after having been blackmailed. Head of the Senate Judiciary Committee,
Senator Orrin G.Hatch (R., Utah), reportedly was about to be caught up in
the Olympics bribery scandal. The monopoly press covered up this and
financial and other scandals implicating several U.S. Senators which would
have dirtied up Senators at the time of the Impeachment Trial. Chief Justice
William Rehnquist, conducting the Senate hearing in an imperial
gold-stripped robe, was himself subject to being blackmailed, such as with
his hushed up past as an anti-black, anti-latino bigot, such as how he in
the Justice Department covered up the army spy scandals of 1970.
[Some background to the Senate Impeachment hearings is in David Schippers
book "Sell-Out", Regnery Publishers, 1999.]
[As a warning to the House and Senate not to go beyond the sexual charges,
Clinton in November, 1998, just as the House Resolutions were in process,
ordered the CIA Inspector General to release the second report on CIA,
documenting that the spy agency WAS, IN FACT, implicated in domestic and
foreign dope trafficking. Naturally, the press whores were silent. Whatever
you think of Sludge Willy, he is a masterful blackmailer. Congressman Henry
Hyde (D., Ill.) then head of the House Judiciary Committee, got the message.
Hyde, as we have pointed out in exclusive prior stories, is also head of
CIA's "black budget", funds for political assassinations and other dirty,
bloody tricks, here and overseas. Hyde, thus wearing two hats, violates the
U.S. Constitution's mandate of Separation of Powers, by sitting in the
legislative and executive department at the same time.]
Milosevic was grabbed and put in custody of a purported "International
Tribunal". In danger of his life, he has made little-noticed statements that
would incriminate the British in what went on in Serbia. So, with the
southern Balkans pipeline plan thus safely in U.S./British control, the next
item was the other pipeline plan, as a short-cut through Afghanistan.
For some years two different groups each as rivals, had their own pipeline
plan through Afghanistan, such as for natural gas from the former Soviet
province of Turkmenistan. One pipeline consortium was headed by Union Oil of
California, UNOCAL, tightly linked financially to the Bush Family.
"A senior delegation from the Taleban movment in Afghanistan is in the
United States for talks with an international energy company that wants to
construct a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to Pakistan. A
spokeman for the company, Unocal, said the Taleban were expected to spend
several days at the company's headquarters in Sugarland, Texas. Unocal says
it has agreements both with Turkmenistan to sell its gas and with Pakistan
to buy it." As published by BBC NEWS, under a headline "World: West Asia,
Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline", December 4, 1997.
And the BBC story continued: "But, despite the civil war in Afghanistan,
Unocal has been in competition with an Argentinian firm, Bridas, to actually
construct the pipeline. Last month, the Argentinian firm, Bridas, announced
that it was close to signing a two-billion dollar deal to build the
pipeline, which would carry gas 1,300 kilometres from Turkmenistan to
Pakistan, across Afghanistan. In May, Taleban-controlled radio Kabul said a
visiting delegation from an Argentinian company had announced that pipeline
construction would start 'soon'. The radio has reported several visits to
Kabul by Unocal and Bridas company officials over the past few months."
As the BBC story added about Unocal, "It has commissioned the University of
Nebraska to teach Afghan men the technical skills needed for pipeline
construction. Nearly 140 people were enrolled last month in Kandahar and
Unocal plans to hold training courses for women in administrative skills.
Although the Taleban authorities only allow women to work in the health
sector, organisers of the training say they haven't so far raised any
Top Taliban officials, on behalf of Osama bin Laden, continued to negotiate
with the George W. Bush White House right up to within a few weeks of
September 11, 2001. Basically, Osama and his cohorts were demanding a bigger
slice of the pipeline deal crossing Afghanistan than offered by the Bush
White House jointly with Unocal. Under these circumstances, it is foolish
for Bush and his underlings to claim that did not know where Osama bin Laden
was. Hey, they were negotiating with him! So the alternative stories in the
U.S. and in the foreign press of PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of the attack September 11,
2001, have to be considered.
Pertinent details of the Bush/Osama bin Laden pipeline negotiations are in a
book that is a sensation in Europe. Thoroughly-researched and
heavily-documented by two known French authors, the book, so far printed in
French, is "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth" by Jean- Charles Brisard and
Guillaume Dasquie. A few points made in the book:
1. The authors interviewed John O'Neill, originally from Chicago, Deputy
Director of FBI. O'Neill was ordered by Bush to back off terrorist-related
investigations while the oil pipeline negotiations with Osama bin Laden were
underway. O'Neill was considered the leading counter-terrorist expert in the
U.S. government. Disgruntled by the Bush order, O'Neill resigned in July,
2001, and soon thereafter became the head of security---get this---of the
World Trade Center in New York. His first day of work, September 11, 2001.
[Other sources contend he was lured into the FBI's semi-secret WTC
facilities where they kept secret paper records of pending terrorist
investigations. Some contend there was actually an explosion on one of these
lower floors and O'Neill was killed BEFORE that Tower collapsed.]
At all times George W. Bush knew where Osama was, with whom he was
negotiating, and could have at any time had him arrested.
2. Bush conveyed to Osama bin Laden that if he and the Taliban accepted the
Unocal pipeline offer [in which the Bush Family had a heavy stake], that
Osama would get "a carpet of gold" or if he refused, "a carpet of bombs".
[Notice that the U.S. bombers later carpet-bombed Afghanistan.] Some details
about the French book are in the Village Voice, week of January 2-8, 2002
[] entitled "The French Connection". According to this
story, the book points out that Bush told other countries, during the summer
of 2001, that he is planning to go to war against Afghanistan in October,
Reportedly continuing, however, after the Bush/Unocal/Osama deal went sour,
were the negotiations of Osama and Taliban with the rival consortium headed
by the Argentine firm, Bridas. Some background necessary to understand the
Argentina connection.
The International Monetary Fund, IMF, is a mostly misleading title. It is
primarily an adjunct and creature of the U.S. Treasury and the White House,
jointly with the London money center banks. In the past, numerous requests
for bail-out funds were granted by IMF, that is, by the U.S., to Brazil, to
Argentina, and to others.
Remember. At one time England had an armlock on the infrastructure and
finances of Argentina, such as in their capital, Buenos Aires. The subway
there, the waterworks, the public utilities, originally were owned and
exploited by British absentee owners. Then came 1982. Argentina seized the
Falkland Islands, which they called the Malvinas, contending they belonged
historically to Argentina. Between Argentina and the Falklands were
discovered great sources of offshore oil, claimed by Argentina.
Expecting a war, the Vatican Bank had given billions of dollars to
Argentina, disguised as from Banco Ambrosiano, a major Italian bank. The
purpose was for Argentina to purchase, as they did, from France and
elsewhere, Exocet missiles and other exotic weapons with which the
Argentines later attacked the few major warships that the British still had.
A certain area in and around the Falklands was designated by both sides as
the "war zone". In violation of designated NEUTRAL territory, the British,
using U.S. satellite imagery, had one of their submarines (maybe actually a
U.S. submarine) torpedo and sink the major ship of the Argentine fleet in
the NEUTRAL ZONE, the cruiser "Belgrano". Over eight hundred unsuspecting
Argentine sailors were thus killed.
In violation of the Geneva Convention, to which Great Britain is a
signatory, the British tortured and slaughtered numerous Argentine
Prisoners-of-War on the re-taken Falklands.
The head of Banco Ambrosiano, blamed for not keeping the Vatican Bank-
Argentine funds adequately secret, was found murdered, hanging under
Blackfriars' Bridge, London. In the U.S., network television reporter,
Jessica Savitch, did a documentary on the murder and related matters of the
Italian banker. Later, she herself was murdered along with her boyfriend, a
top media executive. The press whores explained it away as a supposed
accident, as if their car somehow fell into a canal and they drowned. One
problem. The canal was dry. [Some details are in the book "Golden Girl: The
Story of Jessica Savitch" by Alanna K. Nash, paperback edition.]
By December, 2001, here was the situation. As to Argentina, "Most major
utilities in the country are Spanish-owned...The largest oil company in
Argentina is Spanish-owned. In all, Spanish companies have some $39 Billion
invested in Argentina, more than those of any other country." New York
Times, January 8, 2001, under a headline "Argentina Devalues, and the
Spanish Feel the Loss".
So, to damage the OTHER pipeline consortium headed by the Argentine firm
Bridas, George W. Bush was adamant. Argentina would get no help from the IMF.
The rivalry between the Vatican/Spain/Catholic business interests and Great
Britain has been going on for centuries. So, when Argentina needed to be
bailed out, as in the past, by the IMF, well, Unocal/Bush decided to
withhold IMF help from Argentina which went into default of about 132
Billion Dollars of foreign debt.
[Visit our website series "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush", attached to
which are the secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, under the
authorization code of Greenspan, showing the 25 secret worldwide accounts of
the Bush Family. Included is an account through which has been laundered
HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS in illicit dealings, a joint account of the Bush Family
and the Queen of England in her PRIVATE bank, Coutts Bank London. Note also,
the World Trade Center, where several thousand died, had principally
financial firms operated by Irish Catholics and Jews, such as Cantor
Fitzgerald, way up toward the top of one of the towers; not a single person
of some 700 in those offices survived.
Others have documented the Nazi business links of the Bush Family. Such as
"The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" by Webster Tarpley. So, did
George W. Bush really give a damn for what happened to Irish Catholics and
Jews in those collapsed WTC buildings? Do we have to re-invent history that
the Queen of England, with a joint account with the Bush Family, hates Irish
The Argentine firm, Bridas, heading up the consortium competing with
Unocal/Bush, was still ready to go ahead with their Afghanistan pipeline
plan AFTER the Unocal/Bush plan with Osama bin Laden and Taliban went sour
just prior to September 11, 2001.
How do you wreck a pipeline deal for Afghanistan of a competitor group?
Simple. You wreck Argentina/Vatican Bank/Spain/Catholic Business Interests.
Call it a natural happening. Call it sinister.
The new Afghan interim strongman selected by the U.S. and Great Britain is
Hamid Karzai. Should it surprise savvy sorts that HE has been a consultant
to Unocal. Referred to in the major French newspaper LeMonde, just before
Christmas, 2001, as translated as they said of Karzai, " the USA, where
he acted, for a while, as a consultant for the American oil company Unocal,
at the time it was considering building a pipeline in Afghanistan...."
Hey, are the U.S. and Great Britain so stupid to think the
Vatican/Argentina/Spain/Catholic Business Interests are not capable of
Also to be mentioned. Richard Cheney and his firm Halliburton are reportedly
implicated in the Afghanitan pipeline dirty business. Remember, he was CEO
of Halliburton up to August, 2000. Halliburton is big in oil patch machinery
and such. Also reportedly implicated George W. Bush/Richard Cheney/Enron.
More coming.
Stay tuned.