The Stargate Conspiracy
By Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince
Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact, military intelligence
and the mysteries of Ancient Egypt
The Stargate Conspiracy exposes the most insidious, disturbing - and
successful - mass manipulation of our times. Designed to bring us, hearts,
minds and souls under the total control of the conspirators, this sinister
programme has ruthlessly exploited our Millennial craving for signs and
wonders - even hijacking the predicted return of the ancient gods.
The Conspiracy...
Its central focus is the belief that the gods of the ancient world were
extraterrestrials who created and civilised the human race, that they're
back - and that, communicating through special chosen ones, they are
actively directing the way we think.
However, The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that this romantic and exciting
scenario was in fact the brainchild of the West's most powerful
intellectual agencies. Designed to become a new religion for the 21st
century, its real purpose is political - to make us easier to control.
Centered on the search for lost secrets of the pyramid builders, this
extraordinary true story reveals the links between US scientific
intelligence agencies, Mars and ancient Egypt. For almost 50 years, like
Frankenstein's monster, this conspiracy has been put together from cultish
- but astonishingly powerful - belief systems, culminating in the emergence
of a new fundamentalism that is gathering strength by feeding on Millennium
Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince reveal the secret agenda that unites
apparently independent authors and researchers - including top names with
millions of readers worldwide - and which is targeted to all of us. The
Stargate Conspiracy reveals that even the genuine mysteries of the gods
themselves have been hijacked by powerful cabals - which include top
industrialists, politicians, scientists and intelligence agencies such as
MI5 and the CIA - in order to fulfill their secret agenda. At the heart of
this conspiracy is the belief that the ancient Egyptian gods were - and are
- extra terrestrial beings, that certain key people are in contact with
them, and that they are about to return through the 'stargate' between our
world and theirs.
Are we prepared for the imminent return of the gods? And will we be
expected unquestioningly to accept the conspirators as our spokesmen? Or is
this an exercise in mass manipulation designed to make us support the
conspirators? As they calculatedly whip up Millennium fever, triumphantly
persuading us that they alone know how to talk to the gods, this book
serves as a serious warning to mankind.
The Main Points - From the Authors:
Over the last few years, the public has come to accept specific ideas about
the 'message' of ancient Egypt, largely due to the works of certain
high-profile authors. But we demonstrate that many of the principles of
this 'New Egyptology' are not only based on false-premises, but have also
been used by others as part of a secret long-term agenda.
We reveal the shadowy presence of US government agencies behind the current
interest in the Giza plateau.
An essential part of this plot is the alleged link between ancient Egypt
and a lost civilisation on Mars, based on the discovery of supposedly
artificial features on that planet. We show that this view is seriously
flawed, and that the intelligence agencies are actively encouraging the
promotion of a meaningful Egypt-Mars connection.
We show that key people in the promotion of the 'message' of Egypt and Mars
are involved in a cultish cabal who believes they are in direct contact
with extraterrestrial intelligences from Sirius who claim to be the gods of
ancient Egypt. This group, which has existed for almost fifty years, has
included many famous names, multimillionaires and cutting-edge scientists.
It has also, disturbingly, had a profound influence on the decision-making
of certain world leaders...
The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that this group was in fact cynically and
deliberately manipulated from the first by the CIA - and that this
programme is ongoing.
We trace the inspiration for the conspiracy back to the ideology of certain
extreme right-wing occult movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.
We conclude that the conspirators are deliberately harnessing the most
profound and cherished beliefs of today's society - from fundamentalist
Christianity and the 'message' of ancient civilisations to the alien
abduction scenario - to create a new, more widely acceptable religion for
the post-Millennial West. We reveal that, underlying the apparently
acceptable tenets of this religion is an insidious right-wing ideology.,
the true danger lurking inside the Trojan Horse of its New Age image.
However, even though the manipulators have abused and hijacked the ancient
Egyptian mysteries for their own ends, that does not mean that there are no
such mysteries.
We reveal the ground-breaking research that provides a plausible answer to
the most enduring questions about the ancient Egyptians' achievements and
beliefs - and, explosively, uncover the true nature of the gods themselves...
Do not forget to go here!