! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

It just keeps getting deeper
by Robert Lederman http://baltech.org/lederman/

Manhattan Institute/Alliance Capital Management/Enron and the Bush

Last week I sent out an essay about GW Bush's extensive ties to the
Manhattan Institute [MI] a far right think tank founded by the CIA.  Now the
South Florida Sentinel has published a story detailing the think tanks ties
to Jeb Bush and to Alliance Capital Management, Enron's top shareholder SEE:
http://www.cnet.com/investor/news/newsitem/0-9900-1028-8663286-0.html  ALSO
see below for the Sun-Sentinel article, my previous article and many other
quotes on MI]. It turns out that ACM is run by the top board members of MI
while MI is financed by JP Morgan/Chase - the bank behind both Enron and GW

If you got my press release from 3/1/2002 [available at my website
http://baltech.org/lederman/ ] you'll note that my attorneys just subpoenaed
MI's chairman of the board, Roger Hertog. Please let me know if you get this
message and please pass it along to any media or activist contacts.

From: South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Praise for Bush policy questioned
By Tamara Lytle
and Lori Horvitz Washington Bureau
March 2, 2002

"WASHINGTON · Gov. Jeb Bush, who has staked much of his legacy on improving
education in Florida, a few weeks ago gleefully touted a study praising his
school policies. The report by the Manhattan Institute think tank "provides
further evidence that Florida is truly making a positive difference in
providing greater educational choice for Floridians and improving student
academic achievement," Bush said in a Jan. 22 statement shortly after the
study was released. What he didn't mention was that the chairman of the
Manhattan Institute also is a top executive of Alliance Capital Management,
a Wall Street investment firm that lost almost $300 million of Florida's
pension money by investing in Enron stock as it tumbled. Another Alliance
Capital executive, Lewis Sanders, also serves on the think tank's board.
That relationship has led to conflict-of-interest questions about Bush's
role in protecting Florida's pension fund, because he is one of three
trustees charged with overseeing the state's retirement system. The Florida
pension fund kept Alliance Capital on the job, earning millions in fees,
even though it had invested poorly for 18 months. Alliance Capital was fired
in December after its disastrous decision to invest more and more in Enron
stock as the price was dropping. Now critics are saying Alliance Capital
should have been fired sooner and are suspicious that Bush may have not done
enough to monitor the company connected to such a glowing report of his
education plan. The study, released Jan. 22, was one of two in the past year
by the conservative-supported Manhattan Institute praising Bush's education
reforms. It singled out Florida as one of the country's leaders of school
choice under Bush.  "When you have political oversight of things like state
pension funds, the fact the governor is getting political support from them,
it definitely raises a question of whether there was a quid pro quo there,"
said Bill Allison of the nonpartisan ethics watchdog Center for Public
Integrity. "It looks like the ulterior motive was cozying up to the governor
of Florida to keep a business arrangement beneficial to them going."...The
Manhattan Institute studies were written by Jay Greene of Fort Lauderdale, a
senior fellow of the think tank. Florida's State Department of Education
paid for part of the February study; the think tank also contributed. The
chairman of the think tank is Roger Hertog, who also is vice chairman of
Alliance Capital. Greene said he doesn't know Hertog and was not pressured
to report favorably on Bush's plan. "He may be chairman of the board of the
Manhattan Institute but he's not my boss in any real sense," Greene said.
Tamara Lytle can be reached at 202-824-8255 or tlytle@tribune.com
Copyright © 2002, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Axis of Evil: Another Manhattan Institute Slogan in Service to the NWO by
Robert Lederman

The man who coined GW's now infamous slogan, "Axis of Evil" was a senior
fellow at the Manhattan Institute (MI) before joining the Bush
administration. He's just been dropped from the Bush payroll according to
the Washington Times [see article below]. MI also coined the slogan,
"Compassionate Conservatism" for GW, who publicly claims the
Rockefeller-funded organizations' influence on his thinking is, "second only
to the Holy Bible".

What is the Manhattan Institute?

MI is a right wing think tank founded in 1978 by William Casey,
Bush/Reagan's CIA director. Following WWII Casey helped bring thousands of
former Nazis involved in eugenics and the Holocaust to the U.S. As CIA
director he later funded bin Laden and Co. with billions in arms, terrorist
training and cash and was also a key player in arming the Contras.

MI is funded by JP Morgan/Chase bank (owned by David Rockefeller) and by
pharmaceutical companies (Pfizer and Lilly) directly connected to
Rockefeller, Bush senior and many of the current Bush administration
officials. Bush senior was director of Eli Lilly in the late 70's. Bush
Budget director Mitch Daniels was also a Lilly senior executive. Donald
Rumsfeld formerly headed Searle Pharmaceuticals. All of these companies
depend in large part for their products on research originally done by the
IG Farben chemical cartel in Nazi Germany.

Rockefeller's Chase bank was among Hitler's biggest U.S. supporters before
and during WWII. The Rockefeller families' Standard Oil of NJ was half owner
of IG Farben -  the industrial base of the entire Third Reich. GW Bush's
grandfather, Prescott Bush and Prescott's father-in-law George Herbert
Walker (who GW is named after) were Wall Street bankers whose fortune was
made operating and financing shipping companies, banks and steel foundries
for the Nazi regime.

MI's most famous alumni after Rudy Giuliani is Charles Murray author of "The
Bell Curve" a modern classic of eugenics. The Bell Curve popularized the
idea that Blacks are genetically inferior in intelligence to Whites as a
justification for eliminating welfare, increasing so-called quality of life
arrests, limiting parole, taking children from Black families etc. Murray
was a paid consultant on Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson's welfare program
and is a spokesman for the Federalist Society, which has direct ties to a
number of current U.S. Supreme Court judges.

Thompson's #2 man on welfare reform was Jason Turner, who Rudy Giuliani
later hired to head up NYC's welfare reform. Turner actually quoted the
motto from the gates of Auschwitz to explain Giuliani's workfare policy and
was later forced to apologize. Rudy Giuliani also claims to get all of his
ideas directly from MI. Many of his policy ideas are directly based on
Murray's books.

MI has spearheaded a decades long effort to make the goals of eugenics
respectable again. The Bush family, the Harriman family (the Wall Street
business partners of Bush in financing Hitler) and the Rockefeller family
are the elite of the American eugenics movement.

Axis of Evil. You'll find the center of that axis right here in NYC at the
Manhattan Institute.

To verify that David Frum is associated with MI see:
"Where Did the Sixties Come From?  By David Frum Senior Fellow at the
Manhattan Institute."

Or do a search at the MI website on David Frum
There are hundreds of pages of documents related to him.

Hundreds of mainstream media quotes on the Manhattan Institute, Bush,
Giuliani, the CIA, Chase Bank and the connection of them all to Nazism,
eugenics and 9/11 will be found in the articles at:
At the end of the eugenics article below are a sample of these quotes which
I've spent eight years compiling.

Excerpted from THE WASHINGTON TIMES 2/26/2002
'Axis of evil' writer leaves Bush's staff
author: Robert Stacy McCain
"David Frum, credited with authoring the headline "axis of evil" phrase in
President Bush's State of the Union address, has left the White House
speechwriting staff.
     "It has been the experience of a lifetime and it's been the honor of a
lifetime to be here during this presidency," Mr. Frum said in a telephone
interview yesterday. "I leave with nothing but the highest regard for all of
my colleagues."...Mr. Frum specifically denied commentator Robert Novak's
claim, made yesterday on CNN's "Inside Politics," that he was ousted from
the speechwriting team because the president was angered by an e-mail from
Mr. Frum's wife that became public this month.
     Author Danielle Crittenden e-mailed friends after the Jan. 29 State of
the Union address expressing "wifely pride" that her husband had contributed
the "axis of evil" phrase. Mrs. Crittenden's e-mail was published in an
Internet journal by writer Timothy Noah...As for his role in the "axis of
evil" speech, Mr. Frum said: "I contributed language to the president's
speech. That is what I was paid to do. But what matters is not the language
that is proposed to the president; what matters is the language the
president decides to use. ... The words become important only because the
president uses them."
     He praised Mr. Bush, saying, "I began [the White House job] thinking he
would be a good president, but I go thinking he's proven himself to be one
of the great presidents of American history."

NY Times  June 12, 2000
Bush Culls Campaign Theme From Conservative Thinkers
"Gov. George W. Bush has said his political views have been shaped by the
work of Myron Magnet of the Manhattan Institute."

NY Times 5/12/97 Manhattan Institute Has Nudged New York Rightward
"...the institute was founded as a free-market education and research
organization by William Casey, who then went off to head the Central
Intelligence Agency in the Reagan Administration."

>From The Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders, New Press [pg 132]
"The fund raising arm of the Free Europe Committee [a CIA front] was The
Crusade for Freedom for which a young actor named Ronald Reagan was a
leading spokesman and publicist. The Crusade for Freedom was used to launder
money to support a program run by Bill Casey, the future CIA director,
called the International Refugee Committee in New York  [aka International
Rescue Committee], which allegedly coordinated the exfiltration of Nazis
from Germany to the United States where they were expected to assist the
government in fighting Communism...[pg 142]...The Ford Foundation gave
$500,000 to Bill Casey's International Rescue Committee and substantial
grants to another CIA front, the World Assembly of Youth...the convergence
between the Rockefeller billions and the U.S. government  exceeded even that
of the Ford Foundation ."

NY Daily News 12/7/98 Chase Banked On Nazis - Report
"The New York-based bank controlled by the Rockefeller family closed Jewish
accounts even before the Germans ordered them to do so and did business with
the Nazis while they were sending Jews to the gas chambers, Newsweek
magazine reports in this week's edition. And while the U.S. was at war with
the Nazis, Chase also apparently helped German banks do business with their
overseas branches, the magazine reported...The relationship between Chase
and the Nazis apparently was so cozy that Carlos Niedermann, the Chase
branch chief in Paris, wrote his supervisor in Manhattan that the bank
enjoyed "very special esteem" with top German officials and "a rapid
expansion of deposits." Niedermann's letter was written in May 1942 - five
months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the U.S. also went to war
with Germany...And subsidiaries of Ford and General Motors have been accused
of forcing thousands of Jews, Poles and others to work as slave laborers."

Boston Sunday Globe 2/22/98
"The Manhattan Institute clearly has become the force, and there is no progr
essive force to counter it. There isn't even a debate.' "The mayor has a
very close working relationship with the Manhattan Institute," Giuliani's
communications director, Crystine Lategano, said...Another sign of how much
New York has changed: The most influential source of political ideas is a
conservative think tank that was founded by [William Casey] Margaret
Thatcher's mentor and Ronald Reagan's spymaster."

The Hard Heart of Poverty, 4/3/2001 Washington Post
"His name is Myron Magnet. Eight years ago he published a book called "The
Dream and the Nightmare," which George W. Bush has called the most
influential book -- aside from the Bible -- that he's ever read. The new
president's chief political strategist, Karl Rove, has declared "The Dream
and the Nightmare" a "road map" to Bush's attitudes on the role of
government. Magnet, 56, has also written columns defining compassionate
conservatism for the Wall Street Journal and for City Journal, the
provocative urban policy magazine he edits for the neoconservative Manhattan
Institute...Giuliani, who says he often has drawn on Magnet's "searching"
writings, goes further: A "tyranny of political correctness rules
intellectual life" in New York, he says. "It's like the Spanish

"Education and Welfare: Meeting the Challenge
A Message from CCI Chairman, Mayor Stephen Goldsmith
[CCI is a division of Manhattan Institute]
America is in the midst of an urban renaissance...CCI's April
conference "Next Steps in Welfare Reform" highlighted just how far we've
come. The conference brought together public officials like Wisconsin
Governor Tommy Thompson [GW Bush's Sec. of Health and Human Welfare] and
scholars like Dr. Charles Murray [author of The Bell Curve] to discuss how
governments and private groups have reduced dependency and increased
self-sufficiency...Fifteen years after the Manhattan Institute published
Charles Murray's landmark study of American welfare policy, Losing Ground,
the presentations showed that ideas once seen as radical now form the
mainstream of the welfare debate."

"The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich." -John Loftus, former US
Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes investigator and President of the Florida
Holocaust Museum quoted in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000

Philadelphia Inquirer 9/10/98 David Lee Preston, "Fired Bush backer one of
several with possible Nazi  links," 9/10/98

>From an announcement on the MI website in 1999
Center for Civic Innovation Welfare Conference Held at the Manhattan
Institute Topic: "Next Steps in Welfare Reform."
Participants: [a partial list]
Charles Murray (Author of Losing Ground; American Enterprise Institute),
Jason Turner (Commissioner, NYC Human Resources Administration) April 14,
1999 New York

From: The Manhattan Institute website
 Summer 2000
 Book review: "The Journal That Saved the City"
"The City Journal [MI's quarterly magazine] is important not only because it
has played a key role in the urban renaissance of recent years. It is
important, too, for the lessons it provides other think-tanks. These
institutions, some of them based in Washington and focused on one aspect or
another of national domestic and foreign policy, others concentrating on
regional affairs or, as with the Manhattan Institute, on policy at the state
and local level, are rapidly replacing our universities as homes for
scholars who seek to escape the stultifying politically correct atmosphere
of campus life. In the case of the Manhattan Institute, we have it to thank
not only for the City Journal but for supporting the research of such
leading scholars as Charles Murray, whose Losing Ground has gone from a
shockingly radical prescription for welfare reform to mainstream public
policy in a few short years...To read, or in this reviewer's case, to reread
the 35 articles reproduced here is to be reminded of why the City Journal
has become the bible of New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, whose annual "State of
the City Speeches" so closely follow City Journal articles that Magnet could
easily win a plagiarism suit. "

>From the Manhattan Institute website
M.I. people and ideas in the Bush Administration . . .
"John DiIulio has been named Director of the newly created White House
Office of Faith-based and Community Initiatives.
Stephen Goldsmith has been named Special Advisor to the President for
Faith-based and Community Initiatives and the board of the Corporation for
National Services.
David Frum has been named Special Assistant to the President for Economic
Speech Writing. He is the author of How We Got Here: The 70's.
Abigail Thernstrom, Senior Fellow since 1993, appointed to the U.S.
Commission on Civil Rights | PRESS RELEASE. She is co-author of the highly
acclaimed book, America in Black and White: One Nation, Indivisible. (Simon
& Schuster, 1997)
Myron Magnet's The Dream and the Nightmare: The Sixties' Legacy to the
Underclass is "The book that helped shape Bush's message"
Walter Olson, MI Senior Fellow since 1986, appointed to the U.S. Justice
Department Transition Advisory Committee
Karl Rove Read about Karl Rove and litigation reform on Overlawyered.com.
He is the author of two influential books, The Litigation Explosion and The
Excuse Factory.
Lawrence Lindsey, President Bush's chief economic adviser Lawrence Lindsey,
while a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, wrote The Growth
Experiment: How the New Tax Policy is Transforming the U. S. Economy (Basic
Books, 1990)."

Village Voice 8/8/2000 Uncle Shrub's Cabin
"Absent in the sticky Philadelphia heat was the drumbeat of the
fire-breathing, nay-saying Christian Right. In its place, singing the
praises of the Jesus-influenced candidate and following a script laid out by
the Manhattan Institute, were Reverend Herbert H. Lusk II, the former
"Praying Tailback" for the Philadelphia Eagles, whose Greater Exodus Baptist
Church had been transformed into a Republican revivalist stomping ground,
and Stephen Goldsmith, the ex-mayor of Indianapolis, who is Dubya's main
domestic-policy adviser. In June, Reverend Lusk told a GOP platform-drafting
committee in Billings, Montana, that private, faith-based groups, such as
his People for People, are better purveyors of social-welfare services than
government welfare agencies. "The fact is, we are there we do it better, and
we do it cheaper," Reverend Lusk said. In the background on Sunday,
thundering the gospel of the black church, was a mass choir. After an
inspiring musical opening, the social scientists from the Manhattan
Institute rolled out their charts and reported that kids who go to church in
poor neighborhoods do fewer drugs and thus, churches, mosques, and
synagogues "should be supported as uniquely qualified agencies of social
control that matter a great deal in the lives of adolescents in America's
most disorganized and impoverished communities."