! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

The Brookhaven Connection
By Wade Gordon
Edited by Peter Moon

Above Top Secret:

In the wake of World War II and amidst a flurry of reported UFO's, the 
National Security Act was invoked in 1947 setting forth a policy of secrecy 
which has immersed the U.S. Government ever since in a labyrinth of security 
and intrigue. No facility has remained as cloaked in this mystery as 
Brookhaven National Laboratory, the premier nuclear research facility in the 
world. Located on Long Island near the old Nazi compound at Yaphank, 
Brookhaven was selected for clandestine research known as the Phoenix 
Project which merged the investigation from the UFO crash at Roswell with 
that of the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943 in order to probe the Unified 
Field Theory and secure practical applications of Time Travel.

The Brook Haven Connection is the real life story of Wade Gordon who as a 
young boy was tutored by the head of the Phoenix Project and introduced to a 
mysterious group known as Majestic-12, an Above Top Secret faction of the 
government said to stand on the threshold of humanity's evolution.

Pages 94-95

Arriving at BNL, we repeated our previous steps down towards the lab that 
housed "the chamber." This time, Mr. J led me across the hall to another oak 
door that was similar to and directly across the hall from the door we 
entered last time. He said that this room housed an "offshoot" of the 
chamber and was something they were not originally looking for. Mr. J 
concluded by saying that he had to tell me something before we went into the 
room and that was that "the chamber" opened the door to other applications 
that he found personally distasteful. It had to do with "mind control" 

Mr. J said they had the ability to know what certain targets were thinking 
and that this could be determined from long distances away. He said that 
this was what the lab was used for. The only reason he showed it to me was 
because it explained why he had said "they would know if I told anyone." 
They could stop me because the device in there could read my thoughts. As we 
stood there in the doorway, I just wanted to run away and hide, by the 
looked down at me and told me not to be afraid and that it was all right. 
Mr. J then told me that this device was how he knew that I had talked to Dr. 
Stevens. They had read both of our minds and gave us the suggestion not to 
talk. I found this very difficult to believe. Up to that point, I believed 
everything Mr. J had told me, but this was a lot to swallow.

After 32 years, I have realized that I had not been able to tell anyone 
about this experience until now. Since that time, I always thought that the 
reason why I had never told anyone else about this was because I had given 
my word that I would not. After talking this over with Dr. Stevens, he said 
the same thing to me. Every time he wanted to tell someone about these 
matters, he could not. All he could think of was how much he would lose if 
he did.

Entering the "mind control" chamber, it looked the same as the lab across 
the hall, and I did not notice any differences. There was a keyboard, a 
monitor, and two cabinets of meters, knobs, and switches. It was then that I 
noticed the addition of two more cabinets with gauges and knobs and a 
placard at the top with the words written: "mind-transfer-interface."

Mr. J explained that it was basically the same lab but with additional 
equipment added to meet the needs of the experiment. He went on to say that 
they had found in their research that every person has an individualized 
"mind print" and to think of it like a "finger print." He said that this 
"mind print" was the same as the "soul." With this equipment, he said they 
could track someone down in time and space and know what they were thinking 
and influence their actions. Mr. J ended by saying that this project was 
funded by "the shop" and referred to as "the Phoenix Project." I asked him 
who "the shop" was, and he said it was a part of Central Intelligence 
interested in mind control and telekinesis. "The shop" wanted to use this 
machine to spy on the U.S.S.R. They already funded a remote viewing project, 
but this was cheaper and easier because anyone could do it, and it did not 
take someone gifted or trained as a remote viewer is. Mr. J ended by saying 
that the CIA did not know of the existence of the other chamber because they 
were not interested in time travel but only mind control. Consequently, they 
were never told about it.
End excerpt.

243 pages, 5 x 8.5, soft back 
Weight: 14 oz
Price 19,95 & shipping