! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Presidential quotes to ponder.

"If This Were A Dictatorship, It'd Be A Heck Of A Lot Easier..."
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just
so long as I'm the dictator." 
"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and
democracy - but that could change..." 
"Let me reiterate what I've told the American people and the world.
We will use whatever means are necessary to achieve our objective.'' 
"There ought to be limits to freedom!" 
"When it is all said and done, I will have made more money than I 
ever dreamed I would make." 
"People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions
and have a tremendous impact on history." 
"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the
       --GW Bush, Second presidential debate, Oct. 11, 2000 
"Anyway, after we go out and work our hearts out, after you go out
and help us turn out the vote, after we've convinced the good 
Americans to vote, and while they're at it, pull that old George W.
lever, if I'm the one, when I put my hand on the Bible, when I put 
my hand on the Bible, that day when they swear us in, when I put my
hand on the Bible, I will swear to not to uphold the laws of the 
        --GW Bush, Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 27, 2000 
"When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and you knew 
exactly who they were," he said. "It was us vs. them, and it was 
clear who them was. Today, we are not so sure who the they are, but
we know they're there."
        --GW Bush - Iowa Western Community College, Jan 21, 2000