Metaphysical Stuff 19
By Ken Page.
The other day, I was going over some notes and reread the transcripts from a
radio show interview that I had done live in Sedona, AZ, in 1994. As I
reflected on the words that I wrote seven years ago, I was amazed that what
I had felt in 1994 was the same way that I felt today. It showed me that Iım
still on my spiritual path and the feelings were deeper than ever.
I hope that you enjoy these "old" thoughts -- and consider making the
choice to truly take your own power and be "unconditional compassion." That
vibration is the key to heaven on earth.
If this is the first time that you have received this newsletter, please
read my books. They are free to access on my web site.
"The Way It Works,"
and the first section of "The Heart of Soul Healing."
The following excerpts are taken from a radio show I did in early 1994 with
Sheri Edwards, of Sedona, Arizona.
Sheri Edwards: Ken, why are we here on Earth?
Ken: We are here to learn about dualities -- all the aspects of
unconditional love -- in order to completely learn and reflect it, to
achieve the compassion that goes with true unconditional love. In order to
do this, we would have to experience every aspect of it, both negatively and
positively. Letıs say I have unconditional love for you. However, what if,
the very first thing that you did or said I didnıt like, and I pulled myself
back from full interaction with you. By doing this, pulling myself in, I
also separate myself from unconditional love. My separation from you sends
me back into linear time, to a place where I would have to look at my
original memory of where love was not safe.
It is not until we can learn and master all the different dualities of love,
acceptance and non-judgement that we can stay in the moment and be in
unconditional love. The whole process of energetic interaction and
relationship is a very interesting and complete way we can pick up all the
parts of unconditional love we need to learn and master. All we have to do
is to pick up a piece of a particular duality in our lives, or with those
around us and it sets us immediately off into our lesson. In order to
facilitate our whole process or journey, we find mates, partners, friends,
or jobs that have a similar reflection or duality. By continuously drawing
such experiences and interactions to us, we eventually understand all the
aspects of our chosen lessons.
Sheri: So this is all about the process of learning to love yourself. Over
the years we have heard so many times that we need to love ourselves. People
have a tendency to shrug this off and say, "Of course, I love myself," but
that is not always the case. Loving yourself is really an energetic thing,
rather than something that can be defined. Is this correct?
Ken: Yes it is. It is really getting in and loving every part of you. Itıs
no longer a question of saying you love yourself. It has nothing to do with
telling others. If we continue to love and accept all parts of ourselves,
what eventually happens is we get to a place where we become a being with
unconditional love as part of our presence. This is the state of being we
are all looking for. Once we achieve this level of being, we may truly own
our position as human beings. At that point, it would no longer be necessary
for us to find, for instance, a mate outside of ourselves to reflect
something so we could discover who we are. Our beingness would no longer
have anything to do with looking outside of us. It would be about looking
inside of us and at our issues.
We continue to co-create situations in our lives to reflect to ourselves
what we still need to master. The main key to understanding our lives is to
know what issues we are working on. One of the things I know I am dealing
with personally is humility, and it always seems to be in my face. So, for
example, every time I start a class, I make sure my zipper is zipped up and
my buttons buttoned -- that sort of thing. I do my best to recognize what
these situations are showing me. Each time these situations occur, it is
serving me so I can recognize how I am doing with my particular issue. I see
or feel if there is any sort of charge that occurs along with the incident
or situation. If there is, then there is something I still need to look at,
or understand. This is the true basis or starting place for co-creating love
and happiness in our lives. We need to know clearly what we are creating and
once we have identified what it is, we then have the ability to change or
modify it.
Sheri: You talk about loving yourself and having unconditional love for
yourself. Does that always mean you are going to have, or need to have,
unconditional love for everyone else around you? Sometimes there seems to be
a fine line about unconditional love and being a doormat.
Ken: What I am suggesting is to not project anything outward, not even
unconditional love. To have unconditional love for others you first must
have it for yourself. Then, it would become an automatic state of being --
without judgement. If you can stay in compassion, judgement wonıt even enter
the picture. Everyone is always perfect.
Most of us have been taught to have unconditional love for everybody. Focus
first on having unconditional love and acceptance of us. This is what we so
often get mixed up about when we are told to have unconditional love. When
we are able to have it for ourselves, we can then have true non-judgement
and compassion for others. To be truly honest with others, and ourselves we
have to first honor ourselves. This is how to avoid becoming a doormat. Our
path begins and ends within. In actuality, we can't really even be on any
path, for we are the path.
It is the concept of judgment that sets up barriers and limitations to what
we can do and to who we are or will become. We hold at bay that which we
truly desire when we put conditions on it. By putting conditions on our
creations, it limits them to manifesting through one narrow, little doorway,
when in the reality of All, there are thousands of doorways through which
our creations can manifest.
Not much has been said about the paralyzing effect that judgement can have
on our lives and our creations. Something very interesting happens when we
judge something. In that moment of judging, all the creative and
transformative energy involved is frozen. A piece of our reality becomes
locked into place. Any aspect we judge, whether it be in another, or
ourselves becomes locked into a freeze frame of reality until it can be
located and released. It is as if we are carrying around thousands of
snapshots and movie clips, compiling albums that grow heavier and larger by
the day. Eventually those albums will smother us and we will not be able to
see through them because they surround us, cutting us off from our true
The particular aspect, trait, or person being judged is psychically welded
to our lives just where we donıt want it. If we look back at the people and
things we have judged, our very acts of judgement have stopped time right in
those moments. Twenty years may have gone by and if we thought someone was
stupid then, we will probably think they are stupid now. This is because our
conscious mind, when asked to picture someone we know, will usually go back
to the last time we interacted with him or her.
Once we have a judgement about a particular personality trait frozen in our
time banks that behavior will keep appearing, usually in people around us,
time after time. The same aspect or vibration will take many different forms
until we realize, "Oh! There it is again." It keeps coming back, over and
over in the relationships we have or the people we work with. The way to
release a judgement is to simply realize we donıt prefer that particular
thing in our lives. In doing so, we are able to fully allow anyone and
everything else to embrace any particular view of life they wish to.
To accept something in others does not mean it is a true reflection of what
we wish to bring into our own lives. The Bible even says, "Judge not, lest ye
be judged." The act of true preference, unlike judgement, will set up a
vibration field from which we can create those things we chose or prefer for
Unconditional self-love allows us to find calmness and serenity within our
own being. It is only this peace of mind within us that will ultimately
allow us to express true compassion for others. Peace of mind is possible
when we hold unconditional love for all parts of ourselves, without
self-judgement. Judging ourselves will also cause us to freeze frame aspects
of ourselves that might change.
True serenity, which is an expression of compassion, is the absolute
allowance of all without judgement. True serenity reflects a knowingness
that everything is equal. In order to learn to meet other people exactly
where they are, there has to be a complete absence of judgement and a
complete presence of ultimate compassion.
If we learn to integrate and express this quality of compassion in our
interactions with others, all intolerance and prejudice will dissolve.
Intolerance exists only because we have forgotten every individual is an
aspect of the Infinite. No matter how different someone or something may
appear, if it exists, it fits. Everything belongs exactly where it is, for
there is nothing extraneous in all of creation.
Most metaphysical people are taught and continually asked to project energy,
light, and love to those around them. We all live with many different
polarities in our third-dimensional world. From a very young age, we are
trained to interact in certain ways with others. Most of us in the
metaphysical world are taught to project our thoughts, ideas, and who we are
outward, so that other people will know who we are and what we are about.
When we are in love, when we seek a job, when we wish to create, help or
heal, we send our energy out to energetically engage with others. No matter
how innocent or well meaning our intentions, an interesting phenomenon
occurs when we project energy to anyone.
By projection, I mean sending thoughts or feeling out to influence others,
physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. For instance, if I were
to project love to you, the energy I send you would immediately cause some
type of energetic response within you and result in an energetic interaction
taking place between us. Even if I believed I was projecting something
positive to you, a part of you may subconsciously feel some type of psychic
intrusion, or feel that I made a personal judgement about you. Even if our
energetic interaction was only perceived and felt on a subconscious level,
the two of us would engage and remain in an energetic exchange. Because of
the ways most of us interact with each other, many of us end up feeling
psychically roughed up, judged, pushed around, or intruded upon without
knowing that projections are the reasons why.
The majority of us are doing well just to clearly understand and know our
own lessons and challenges. Sending love, for example, to someone else, is
complicated because we donıt know for absolute certainty what he or she is
here to learn. There are literally thousands, or even millions of different
combinations of polarities that a person may have chosen to experience in
this life. Whatever you have chosen to master and learn serves to help you
find unconditional love within yourself. Even though you and I may be
learning different aspects of the same lesson, you may need to learn things
in a very different way than I might choose for myself.
As we live our lives focused on certain lessons, we operate within our own
perspective of love. Each of us has experienced different ways of loving and
being loved and our experiences shape our perceptions of what love is. For
this reason no two people could ever have the exact same interpretation of
Perhaps we only experience love to the degree that we have been loved and
accepted ourselves. How many of us have ever felt one hundred percent loved
and accepted -- even by our parents? As we project our version of love to
others, our version of love energetically meets their version of love.
Through our dynamics we are drawn into energetic exchanges, colored by the
polarities and distortions we have about a specific feeling, idea, or emotion.
Please consider not projecting at all. Refrain from sending light, love, or
anything. As we interact with others, simply be in a state of unconditional
compassion. In most cases there is no polarity attached to being in a state
of compassion. As we become more and more unconditional with ourselves, the
essence of our beingness automatically radiates out through our compassion
and is felt by those around us.
Very few of us are present one hundred percent of the time. Almost without
exception our fields are out anywhere from one block to many miles around
where we live or work. Bringing ourselves back into our space benefits us on
every level of our lives: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Until we accept responsibility for our creations, thoughts, words, and
deeds, we remain in a reactive, victim-savior consciousness. Once we accept
personal responsibility, we create a space where we have more choices in our
lives. We can accomplish this easily by staying in our own space and not
projecting energy outward.
By owning up to the fact that we have created everything around us, the
lessons we have come to learn become clearly defined and understandable. Our
Higher Selves no longer have to resort to extreme physical measures to get
our attention. Once we become our own witnesses, experiencing and owning
events around us as our creations, we can create heaven on earth.