! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Dear Konformist:
By now, everyone nows that Bill Cooper was killed on November 6th. 
This deserves some commentary from someone who knew him well. And I knew him 
as well, or better, than most. First I must address some issues publicly 
stated in error by others, and then I want to talk about the Bill I knew.

Regarding: The Sierra Times

"According to the Sheriff's report, several deputies were positioned outside 
the Cooper residence to serve a warrant for Aggravated Assault and two 
counts of endangerment."

This relates to the incident in which Cooper allegedly pulled a gun and 
threatened one Dr. Scott Hamblin or Hamlin (not sure of spelling). The issue 
was over the doctor's presence on some property near Cooper's home, which 
Cooper did not own. Bill only owned two lots on that small mountain in 
Eagar, not the whole mountain itself. 
The dispute may have been a disagreement about trespassing. The incident 
occurred some time before the attempt to serve the local arrest warrants.

"No where in the report did it mention that Cooper only had one leg - the 
other lost in combat long ago."

Cooper did not lose his leg in combat. Bill lost his leg in a motorcycle 
accident, which he alleged was an act of attempted murder. 
He has talked about this incident many times... about having his motorcycle 
forced off the road, about being left there for dead, about seeing someone 
standing over him to make sure he was dead, about his struggle for recovery, 
about his near-death experience in the hospital...... Those who have known 
Bill over the years have heard in great detail what happened. But the loss 
of his leg was not the result of a combat injury. 

Bill has worn a prosthetic leg since the accident, but has never functioned 
as if disabled. He took walks, easily managed the stairs in his small 
tri-storied cabin-style home with stairs to two different living areas above 
the ground floor. I watched Bill and two other helpers unload hundreds of 
boxes containing the 5,000 copies of my book when they were delivered from 
the publisher. The boxes were heavy and bulky, but Bill had no difficulty 
with the hard labor. He may have had a prosthesis, but he was not physically 
limited by it. 
The only time I ever saw him limp slightly was after a series of long hard 
days at a conference, during which no one had had much sleep. 
Fatigue did take a toll at times. But otherwise, he was never really 
handicapped by the prosthetic leg. Those who did not know Bill very well 
would never suspect that he had been injured.

"Most who knew of Cooper all state that he was a hard man to get along with 
- if at all. His demeanor and attitude was 'unfriendly' at best."

All quite true. He was a man of many moods. A teddy bear one moment, a 
monster the next. To those whom he felt wasted his time or attempted 
deception, he was extremely "unfriendly." If he ever considered you an 
enemy, it was for life. But for all his personality flaws and moodiness, one 
can never fault the quality of his research. 
You can dislike the man -- but his work stands up under intense scrutiny. He 
was definitely a difficult man. But his research carries an integrity which 
cannot be broken.

"Although state-sponsored media called Cooper a 'national militia leader', 
no one has yet to come forward who was under his command, nor has anyone to 
this point come forward to claim his 'militia rank'. 

The state-sponsored media have never really understood what Bill was all 
about... nor have many other people, media or otherwise. 

There were two completely different organizations about which he wrote, 
taught, and spoke. One was the Second Continental Army of the Republic, 
which was/is a militia arm... very secretive, very underground, very well 
connected, very well insulated, very well trained, very professional.

About this organization you will never uncover anything. They know who they 
are, and they're not playing games. This organization has maintained its 
anonymity for almost ten years, and that is as it should be. To be truly 
effective in this role, you must be almost invisible. The SCAR has achieved 
this and I am sure they will maintain it. No one who is a part of that 
particular militia will EVER publicly admit a militia rank. It's just 
nobody's business, and such public disclosures would do nothing but negate 
the effectiveness of the group.

The other organization associated with Bill is the Intelligence Service 
(originally known as CAJI, Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence), which 
was the intel-gathering arm of the SCAR. This was purely info-centered... 
not a militia organization. There was no war-game training, no survival 
exercises in the woods. The training was specifically geared to gathering 
information, acquiring it, understanding it, finding its perspective in 
relation to other information known, determining the accuracy or bias of the 
information, determining the dependability of sources, putting it all 
together and documenting trends and activities. The training for those who 
worked at it was intensive and comprehensive.

Anyone could apply for membership in the Intelligence Service, but not all 
who applied were accepted. When applying, you had to present credentials of 
either experience or education, and a thorough background check was 
performed on all applicants before they were accepted into service. You were 
assigned a beginning rank based on your background, accomplishments and 
capabilities, and, depending on the quality of your performance, you might 
achieve promotion. I joined this organization in late 1994. Before resigning 
my commission from the Intelligence Service in April of 1997, I earned the 
rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and coordinated the work of members in four 

Issues concerning the existence or purpose of the Intelligence Service were 
never secret -- although some of the information gathered was. Bill talked 
openly about the Intelligence Service, and asked publicly for participants 
who could be disciplined thinkers, willing to learn, willing to work, 
willing to serve. It offered a way for anyone who was accepted to 
particpate, regardless of their age or physical condition. It was a job we 
all took very seriously, and those who worked received superb leadership 
training as well.

HOWEVER -- let me be specific about this:

At NO TIME during my three years of service did I ever have contact with, or 
receive orders from, or give information directly to, anyone known to be 
involved in the militia arm of the SCAR. I reported directly to Bill, and 
never to anyone else. I never met anyone who claimed to be a member of the 
militia arm of the SCAR. And if anyone had claimed this, I would not have 
believed them. In fact, I would have had every reason to suspect an 
endangerment or an entrapment had someone made such a claim to me. The 
members of SCAR will *never* reveal their association. That's just the way 
it is. And that is the best way for it to remain.

The militia arm of SCAR and the Intelligence Service were two completely 
different things. They did not and do not intermingle. 
Bill always encouraged people to form militias in their own state of 
residence, and to operate in accordance with the laws of that state. 
But I *never* saw or heard Bill recruit anyone into the militia arm of SCAR 
... EVER. That is a private organization and those who are in it handle 
their own business in their own way under their own leadership structure.

It is silly to look for them or expect to be contacted by them for some 
publicity purpose. It just won't happen. 

So, now Bill is dead. There will undoubtedly be some shuffling and changing 
within the leadership structure of the Intelligence Service. 
Many things will change, especially without the radio show. But in a way, 
this will all lead to what Bill wanted to happen, and knew needed to happen 
within the patriot community which surrounded him -- as opposed to other 
factions of the patriot community who hang more on the fringes. There will 
be no more spoon-feeding of information. 
If you want it, you will have to dig into it yourself and work to establish 
the integrity of the research. There will be no more high- visibility -- (as 
much as there ever was on shortwave or satellite radio). And there will be 
no more leeching onto the man instead of standing on your own two feet.

During the last conversation that I had with Bill last year, we talked 
extensively about the need for the development of the underground 
resistance... and how difficult that was to do as long as people were 
seeking to "be somebody," to make a name for themselves, or to recruit 
followers by flamboyant or sensationalist means.

A high-profile, high-visibility person is a complete endangerment to others 
in a resistance group. The need to learn how to establish and maintain a 
low-profile and self-sufficient lifestyle is great. The need to accept the 
desirability and necessity of quiet and invisible service is great. The need 
to let others take credit in order to maintain invisibility, to develop 
skills useful in creating these support communities without drawing any 
attention to them... these are huge needs in the patriot community today. We 
talked about how difficult it is to establish quiet, local, small resistance 
groups when people have fallen into dependence on the least secure form of 
communication in existence today: the internet -- the form of communication 
which creates a false sense of community. Patriots have huge online 
communities, but do not know the name of their next door neighbors. 

We talked about the need for lifestyle changes to break the isolation. If 
one's friends are all on the internet, who is really standing by your 
side?...... physically, in real life, in time of trouble? If there is no one 
there, there is no support group. If there is a support group, on what basis 
have you established your mutual trust? There were many questions we 
discussed, many strategies proposed, many possibilities for the future.

But now Bill is gone. Without the Big Man at the top -- and he was a big man 
-- perhaps others will seriously take some thought and action about 
revamping their concepts of what this whole thing was all about.

Bill had two organizations deliberately. The Intelligence Service members 
received just about all of the training they would ever need to effectively 
serve in an underground resistance. The underground resistance serves as 
support for the militia on the field, providing information, food, clothing, 
safe houses, medical supplies and care, guidance through their geographic 
areas, and as couriers of messages - - they are the eyes and ears on the 
ground...... many, many needed things...... and anyone of any age or 
physical condition can do this. 
But they must never call attention to themselves, and their loyalty and 
trustworthiness must be beyond reproach.

They must seem to be so like everyone else as to be invisible. The kinds of 
relationships needed among people in such a small group must be solid, and 
the types of skills developed must be varied and at times specialized. 

Bill used to say, "Don't organize with anyone you haven't known your whole 
life." That was a slight exaggeration, but the point was clear. 
You don't build a dependable resistance organization -- or a militia, for 
that matter -- out of patriots that you recruit at a Saturday meeting, none 
of whom you've ever met before. It must be a much quieter, much more 
private, invisible operation. 

Yet for all of his admonitions and teachings, Bill was such a strong 
personality that many failed to rise to their full potential or to do their 
own research. They just figured Bill would do it. Or Bill would tell them. 
Or Bill would lead them. And this was a source of a lot of Bill's 
frustration and, at times, anger.

And yet Bill always said that the responsibility for EVERYTHING filtered 
down to the individual. Some people were intimidated by Bill. Others were 
pissed off by him. Others worshipped at his shrine. 
None of those things were what Bill wanted. He wanted leaders to rise up in 
their own areas of concern to take on the work that needed to be done right 
where they lived.

He wanted small, organized, invisible pockets of support to form in every 
community, waiting and preparing for the time when their service would be 
vital to the existence of our nation.

Has that happened in your family? In your neighborhood? What's the hold up?

Bill and I discussed how very difficult it is to form an effective 
underground resistance after it is needed. People and skills and supplies 
and methodologies must be in place long before the need arises. And this 
calls for great patience, and great discretion by those who are doing it.

We just don't talk about any significant details on the internet -- EVER.

And they are not discussed on the telephone. These are issues that must be 
discussed face-to-face in a secure area among only those with a need to know.

The joke Bill and I always shared about our private conversations was that 
we'd meet in the middle of a cow pasture to talk. We never actually chatted 
amidst the cows, but we did have quite a few one-on- one conversations in 
the expanse of a desert clearing, or by the side of a highway in the middle 
of nowhere, or by the side of a lake. We just never got to the cows.

Those days are over. They will never come again. It is useful at a time like 
this to spend some time reflecting on what was taught, what was learned, 
what was gained, what can be used to advantage, what can help, what can be 
taken forward into new developments and growth.

Many people have "Bill memories." He was truly a double-sided man, with more 
than an average amount of everything. When he was patient and kind, no one 
was more generous than he with his time, knowledge and compassion. When he 
was annoyed, no one was more irritating, obnoxious, loud-mouthed or grating. 
When he was paternal, no one was more loving. When he was angry, no one was 
more dangerous.

That was Bill. Multi-faceted doesn't quite express it. Whatever he was at 
any given moment, he was that characteristic to the fullest. 
There was never anything half-assed about Bill. And that may be why even the 
people who hated him were drawn to him. Even his enemies respected him.

He left his legacy of many things. Some people will cling to their memories, 
some will cling to tapes of the radio shows. Some will cling to the image 
they hold of the courageous patriot. But few will practice what he taught. 
Bill knew it would be that way. But he never gave up trying to change that 

If Bill had his way, he'd want the mental training he offered to become the 
lifestyle. His most basic and most-often stated admonition was: "Prove it to 
yourself. Prove it in your own research. And if you cannot duplicate the 
research, don't repeat it." That was a baseline requirement for all of his 
training. He wanted people to learn how to think, how to really research, 
how to get past the mere investigative- journalist mindset, how to 
understand what true intel is and how to use it, how to separate truth from 
error, how to prioritize issues, how to see the big picture, how to 
understand its little pieces and their interconnectivity, and how to 
determine the best course of action to take in light of the information 

These were principles that could be applied to any field of endeavor, to any 
project, to any process. But it is a tall order. 

Bill also stressed the necessity of having one's spiritual life in order. To 
him, it didn't matter what particular belief system a person espoused. Few 
agreed with all of Bill's religious views. But whether others agreed with 
him or not was a non-issue. What was important was that people recognize 
that regardless of their religious choice, when distress and pressure 
overtook them, they would need to have some source of inner strength, 
courage, persistence and moral rightness to inspire their believing and 
action. Bill knew from experience that those matters had to be settled 
within the human heart before the moment of turmoil came. He dealt with 
those issues within the context of his own choices. But he never waivered in 
his admonition to have one's life settled with the Almighty at every moment, 
as any moment could be one's last.

He also strongly believed that if a militia was ever to have the support of 
a grassroots underground resistance movement, that militia must at all times 
possess and hold the moral high ground. It is not just good enough to be 
armed, trained, determined and aggressive. The soldiers on the field must 
have the support -- offered in many different ways -- of noncombattant 
normal folks. And that requires standing for and representing a cause and a 
purpose that is morally right and morally defensible. And that moral 
uprightness must be manifested at all times and in all situations, or the 
grasp on the high ground is loosened and eventually lost. This is why he 
would so often lose his temper with high-profile militia groups that did 
stupid things, or that did questionable things that were blown out of 
proportion by the media... both of which hurt that cause of liberty a great 
deal. Perception is everything in this kind of situation. He was unmerciful 
when it came to militia leaders who threatened the cause for everyone by 
their ill-considered words or deeds. 

And yet at the same time, Bill had his share of ill-considered words and 
deeds. We all know that. But Bill's failure to live perfectly does not 
negate the truth of, or the need for, that high moral standard. There are no 
perfect people. We all just do the best we can. But Bill did more than most, 
and what he taught about the necessity of mental discipline, spiritual 
stability and moral righteousness is still true.

Bill was a man of wavering moods, intensities of emotion, cold clear 
decision-making, with many moments of brilliant insight. He was a historian 
of incredible depth and scope. He was an analyst of intense logic, and also 
an intuitive thinker. He was a leader of great strength and motivation. He 
was fun and full of laughter, and he was also fierce and vitriolic. He could 
drift off for an hour of reminiscences about the girl he danced with when he 
was 16, and his fine friends in high school. Or he could launch into tirades 
of fury against which nothing could stand.

He was a friend and close mentor. And he was a major pain in the butt. He 
was a loving father and husband, and he was an irritating, dogmatic, 
demanding horses' ass who drove everybody crazy. He had unshakeable 
character and integrity. And he had moments of behaving like a spoiled 

He was both the best and the worst of all that we know to be part and parcel 
of being human.

He was, quite simply, a man. And that is how I will remember him. The 
mixture of memories I have of Bill make him impossible to pin down as just 
one thing. For three years we talked on the telephone almost every day. We 
worked together, bickered and argued, laughed and told jokes, talked at 
great depth about issues, people, trends, and expectations; and we also 
talked about trivia and matters of no consequence at all. 

Bill was never just one thing. He was a man always in the process of 
becoming, and he was a man on a mission. Some people will think of Bill as a 
great hero, and in many ways he was. But whatever Bill was, in all of his 
good attributes and bad habits, he had in all things the courage of his 

I would not classify Bill as one of the world's great role models. 
Goodness knows there were things about Bill that were just downright awful. 
But you have to give him credit for the good things of his life -- the 
integrity of his work, the thoroughness of the training he provided to 
others, the courage of his stand, the clarity of his vision, his 
organizational skills, his persistence over such a long time... these are 
all admirable traits. And Bill possessed them in as great a measure as any 
man I have ever known. For all of his human frailty, for all of his human 
flaws, there is still an example of tenacity and solid adherence to the 
principles of liberty that set Bill apart from all comers.

These things I will remember.

And as we move into tomorrow, and the next day and the day after that, much 
work remains. Some will lose heart and fall by the wayside. Some will lose 
interest without the charismatic personality of Bill at the helm. But some 
will carry on, quietly and invisibly, organizing, analyzing, assessing, 
learning, preparing, praying, believing..... 

When the time comes, we'll be here. And we'll be both reliable and ready.

What greater thing could Bill leave behind than that?... for the country, 
for us, for the future. It was the structure he was building and the purpose 
that he taught. Think about the action that you might take in your own life 
to secure liberty in that little corner where you live. Pray and believe. Be 
still and be prepared. Be wise and circumspect. Be pragmatic and clear-headed.

Recognize that the road has turned and tactics must change. .........and in 
this discussion, by this particular medium of communication, nothing more 
should be said.

God bless!

Different Issue Below:

On November 6, 2001, Bill Cooper, author, radio host, militia leader 
and all-around hellraiser, was shot by Apache County Sheriffs, 
critically wounding a deputy in the process. Bill Cooper had long 
been a controversial anti-hero in the underground community: his 
legend will only continue to grow. Much has been said (and follows) 
about the ethics and/or wisdom of his actions on 11-6. Right or 
wrong, one thing is clear, and hopefully others can learn from this: 
being right doesn't make you any less dead.

Anyways, Bill, we salute you, wherever you are, as the folk legend 
you are.


Bill Cooper Meant Business 

Sampler Plate

Cooper Family Targeted By Feds

Public Notice and update page

Judicial notice is hereby served by affiants upon the United States 
any other interested party named within. This public notice will be 
construed to comply with provisions necessary to establish presumed 
fact under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and attending State 
rules should interested parties fail to rebut any given allegation or 
matter of law addressed herein. The position will be construed as 
adequate to meet requirements of judicial notice, thus preserving 
fundamental law. Matters addressed herein, if not rebutted, will be 
construed to have general application. This public notice includes 
all information which will be found by following the links on this 
page and by following the links found on any page that is linked from 
this page. A true and correct copy of this Public Notice is on file 
with and available for inspection at the office of VERITAS national 
newspaper and at the office of Harvest Trust. This public notice 
addresses federal jurisdiction, federal authority, jurisdiction and 
authority of federal agents, the Constitutionality and lawful 
character of the income tax and the Internal Revenue Service, and 
other agencies of the United States government including but not 
limited to the Department of the Treasury, and legal application of 
the Internal Revenue Code.

Any statements or claims made by the Affiants in this public notice, 
properly rebutted by facts of Law, or by overriding Constitution for 
the United States of America, Article Three, Supreme Court rulings, 
shall not prejudice the Lawful validity of other claims not properly 
rebutted or invalidated by facts of Law.

This public notice has been published on this WebPages for more than 
three days which fulfills the legal requirement under the law in 
accordance to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and attending rules of 
the State of Arizona. This public notice is mirrored on three 
websites in addition to this website.


New Public Notice #3 posted July 6, 1998
On July 2, 1998 Special Agent Steve Fillerup of the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation approached the bottom of the hill and honked his horn. 
He attempted to entice us to accept a document that he held in his 
hand. We refused the document and refused to enter into discussion 
with him. I told him he was out of his jurisdiction and cited the 
documentation and Supreme Court cases to that effect which we have in 
our possession. I told him to inform his traitor supervisors 
that, "Tell them they stepped on their dicks this time." Special 
Agent Fillerup replied, "I think we probably did." He got back in his 
blazer and drove away. On July 1, 1998, U. S. District Court Judge 
Irwin (ADL) unconstitutionally and unlawfully stepped outside the 
jurisdiction and authority of the United States when he issued a 
bench warrant for the arrest of William and Annie Cooper for not 
appearing in "his" court on an unconstitutional and unlawful summons 
which was NEVER served. The United States has no jurisdiction or 
venue within the territorial boundaries of the State of Arizona 
except over land that was ceded to the United States by the by the 
State Legislature.

WARNING!! Any attempt by the federal government or anyone else to 
execute the unconstitutional and unlawful arrest warrants issued by 
Judge Irwin will be met with armed resistance. Any person who 
attempts to kidnap our children will be shot upon discovery.

We are formed as the Constitutional and Lawful unorganized Militia of 
the State of Arizona and the united States of America and have made 
many public statements to that affect since 1990. All of these 
statements are on record on tapes of our lectures and broadcasts. 
These tapes are dispersed in the hands of Americans across the 
nation. By invading the Sovereign jurisdiction of the State of 
Arizona to attack the Citizens of the State of Arizona the United 
States has declared war upon the Citizens of the several States of 
the Union

Therefore a STATE OF WAR exists between the Citizens of the Union 
States and the corporate United States.

We will be Free under Constitutional Republican government guaranteed 
to us by the organic Constitution for the united States of America or 
we will be dead. This is the land of the free and the home of the 
brave. We have drawn our line in the sand.