! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!



Nothing could be further from the truth! 

The Flouride Pushers are some of the richest petro-chemical producers 
in the world. They produce millions of gallons of deadly flouride 
every year. It HAS to be disposed of. It is very expensive to dispose 
of flouride, so the manufacturers came up with a scheme to dispose of 
their poison AND make a profit. All they had to do is buy a few 
advertizing agencies AND a few thousand local politicians who always 
need money for their elections!


The Flouride on your toothbrush, in your toothpaste, soft drinks, 
canned juices and in your water is POISON! Your city leaders want to 
feed your children poison.

It costs TOO much money to dispose of flouride in a safe manner, so 
the manufactureres who produce flouride as a by-product,  buy and 
bribe politicians. These less than moral politicians pass laws which 
force communities to BUY the deadly flouride and put it in your water 
for you and your children to drink!

They tell you that you NEED the flouride to keep your children's 
teeth fron decaying. They aim their lies at the poorest people in the 
communities and tell them that the rich people don't want their 
children to be healthy. 

The lie is SO see-through! Take the time to SEE the logic!

Rich people won't DRINK flouridated water. They will continue to BUY 
their water from companies who supply spring water or purified water. 
Some RICH people will even buy machines to TAKE the flouride OUT of 
the water they bathe in.

You see... most RICH people KNOW that flouride is poison...  and SOME 
rich people don't want POOR people to know it. 

Flouride causes many different health problems,  including 
osteoporosis -- weak bones -- AND some types of cancer!

While the sell-out politicians are convincing you that your poor 
children's teeth will be protected by the use of flouride... they do 
NOT tell you that poor Grandma and Grandpa's bones will be eaten away 
by flouride, leaving them vulnerable to hip fractures. 

Most old people who fall and break their hips die within a short 
time, usually from pneumonia. Their systems are not strong enough to 
handle a major injury to the body like a broken hip!

The statistics show that there is a rise in hip fractures in areas 
that have flouridated water! YOU choose -- your children's teeth or 
Grandma's life? 

If you want to poison your child by giving him flouride, you can do 
that by buying flouridated toothpaste! But... IF you work to help get 
flouride in your water, you are condeming Grandma and Grandpa to 
early graves! Who do you choose? Your child or your Grandma?

The flouride pushers won't tell you that by adding flouride to water 
you are condemning the older people in your community!

Flouride is poison. Those politicians who wrote bills ordered city 
water systems to be flouridated should be brought up on charges of 
genocide! GENOCIDE? Yes Genocide --

The people they will be damning to ill health, cancer, poor memory, 
fragile bones and a list of other health problems, are predominately 
FROM the poor communities. In other words, Hispanic and Black! If 
this isn't genocide, what is?

If you don't believe me, the following article is a great place to 
begin your research. Once you have finished reading it, use the 
google.com search engine and put in the words: "water flouridation"

The life you save may be Grandma's!


Mr. Fluoride and the Tooth Fairy: 

A fable for dentists 

George Glasser 

Fluoride, what is it? Well, it is a basic building block, a molecule, 
and in nature, like most molecules, it is always found attached to 
another molecule. Even in water it is attached to hydrogen molecules, 
the fluoride ion is never found alone. 

When someone says, they are putting fluoride in the water, that is a 
impossibility because one cannot buy a pound of pure fluoride ions at 
the local drug store. Drinking water is always fluoridated with a 
fluoride compound such as sodium fluoride or silico fluorides from 
phosphate fertilizer production. The silico fluorides are hazardous 
air pollutants that are captured in pollution scrubbers. As a matter 
of fact, the most used fluoridation agent is hydrofluosilicic acid 
that comes directly from the pollution scrubbers. 

Making phosphate fertilizer is not an environmental friendly 
operation, that is why most governments make manufacturers wash the 
fumes and vapors from the air so they will not cause health and 
environmental damage. 

To understand exactly what it is that is being used to fluoridate 
drink water, one must understand how phosphate fertilizer is made, 
what elements are in the raw phosphate rock and some of the chemicals 
used in the make the product. 

First, all phosphate rock is called fluorapatite and is a combination 
of many elements that include those that are very harmful to humans 
and the environment. Aside from the two main elements, phosphorous 
and calcium, there are fluorine, silica, radioactive elements, 
arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury and aluminum among many others. 

The raw phosphate rock is dug from the ground and dumped into an big 
pit where it is broken down to a slurry with high pressure water 
hoses. The slurry is then pumped to the plant where they add 
chemicals and fuel oil to cause the phosphate ore to float and the 
other heavy particles of sand to sink to the bottom. The soup is 
washed and sent into a big pot where they mix it with a sulfuric 
acid. A great deal of heat is created in this process. There is also 
a problem with foam (like when vinegar is added to baking soda). To 
stop the foaming, they add more antifoaming chemicals, some of which 
are known to cause cancers. 

The 'soup' becomes very hot, creating toxic fumes and vapors which 
are vented into the pollution scrubber. There, water showers wash the 
fumes and vapors from the air before it is released into the cooling 
chimneys and then into the environment. Not all of the pollution can 
be dissolved in the water. 

The way the water works on the pollution is like when you add sugar 
or salt to water. They dissolve, but if you add too much sugar or 
salt to the water, they will not dissolve any more and will sink to 
the bottom. So only so much of the pollution can be dissolved in the 
water before they have to take it out. This dirty water is then 
pumped into a big tanker truck or a railroad tank car and sent to the 
water plants where it is added to the drinking water to give us our 
fluoride. But it is not just 'fluoride' that is being added to the 
water, it is all the pollution that would have gone into the 

The problem is that when they put it in the water, they are also 
putting all the other nasty pollutants into the water with Mr. 
Fluoride, and we have to drink it. 

Although many dentists believe that the Tooth Fairy appears and 
removes all the bad chemicals in the water once Mr. Fluoride is 
there, this is not true. It would take several million tooth fairies 
to take all the bad things out of just one glass of water. It is 
wonderful that dentists still believe in the Tooth Fairy. However, 
the Tooth Fairy only leaves money under pillows for baby teeth, she 
has no magical power to remove toxic chemicals from the drinking 

The End