Milosevic to be Set Free?
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
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Russian Duma Calls for Milosevic to be Set Free!
[Posted 28 February 2002]
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Declaration of the State Duma concerning the necessity of establishing time
limits on the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia [ICTY].
The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation expresses
deep concern regarding the work of the ICTY.
The ICTY ignores the serious violations of international humanitarian law
committed by member states of NATO during their aggression against the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The ICTY has not made a legal assessment of
this aggression. It has refused to hold responsible those leaders of the
states, members of NATO, who took part in the aggression against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia. It is of deep concern that the ICTY's indictments
and prosecutions of individuals have the character of political processes.
The ICTY also did not make the proper judgment of the activities of Albanian
extremists and terrorists who committed in Kosovo crimes against humanity
which are under the jurisdiction of the ICTY.
The ICTY violates the rights of the accused including the right for defense.
In violation of the generally accepted principles and norms of international
law, it has, on the territories of sovereign states, continued to employ the
unacceptable practice of arresting individuals on the basis of so-called
secret lists of the accused.
Responsibility for judicial processes including those related to crimes
against humanity should be turned over to the national judicial systems of
the sovereign states formed on the territory of the former SFRY.
In relation to the above-mentioned, the state Duma of the Federal Assembly
of the Russian Federation therefore:
1. Requests from the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin,
that he consider initiating in the Security Council of the UN a discussion
of establishing the precise time frames within which the ICTY can discharge
its jurisdiction, and also of abolishing the detention of the former
President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, so that
he can properly prepare his own defense;
2. Directs this declaration to the President of the Russian Federation,
Vladimir Putin;
3. Directs this Declaration to the Parliamentary Gazette for official
4. Asserts that this Declaration shall go into effect the day of its adoption.
[Signed by]
G. N. Seleznev
Speaker of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Passed February 15, 2002
[Vote: 326 voted in favor, 6 against]
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