! Mysterious Metaphysical Melodies !
Analogy of Life...
Life in this world is like making a movie. It's a real happening! The good guys and bad guys create very interesting and dramatic events by playing their roles. When the movie has been made, they all come together and have a drink at the local bar. They have fun, laugh a lot and joke about the roles they played. They come to the conclusion that the movie is actually a comedy. To be precise, making the movie last forever. That's why the players change roles as often as they want. In the long run, all players get tired of the whole thing. Eventually they all move on to more interesting worlds. In these worlds, they discover that they are the Light projecting the infinite movie. Pretty soon after that, they quit playing roles altogether and become an observer. An observer is the Light as a personal expression...
The universe is a multi-dimensional Stage...
Shakespeare said that the world is a stage. He was almost right... the entire universe is a stage! A multi-dimensional stage upon which we play our roles. These roles include the acts of the Secret Government, as well as the acts of the 4D and 5D Forces that inspire us. We all play roles! All roles are necessary in order to create a universal performance. All in all, it's a celebration of co-creators acting out their feelings and creativity. No one is too small to perform. We all make up One Energy doing its thing. It's a spectacle of infinite proportions. In the end we all will discover that Life is a celebration of the creator living as the created...
Our Show and Puzzle...
We are the Essence within and beyond creation! As this Essence we express ourselves and issue creation. Within our creation we discover that we are actors playing roles. By means of playing our roles, we create a drama that is very confusing sometimes. This is so, because when we as actors play our roles, our lines become our personal views. Our lines or views are different on purpose in order to make it a very interesting and confusing show and a puzzle to be solved. We as the Essence of creation are the Truth! When we as actors quit playing our roles for a while - we see that our views have nothing to do with the Truth We Are. Sooner or later, we learn to see through the show creation is and solve the puzzle! When this happens, we immediately burst out laughing...
Awareness - Soulness - Wisdom - Freedom
Realities are created from the Inner to the Outer. By this I mean, that the more soul-awareness is settled in the body, the more the soul is able to create what it wants while living in the body. IOW: souls create reality and the body is an instrument as well as a witness. By means of the body, the soul checks what its creation is like and makes corrections when needed. Naturally the body-mind must be in accordance with this! Since most people are more body than soul and the soul takes second place, there is a tendency to think, that creation is accomplished by some other Force. There is but one Force, it is the Force we all are! To become aware that this Force is infinite is a process we are working on. This work is done by living lifetimes as human beings in all kinds of different world scenarios. Simultaneously we are also present in other densities as the infinite Force or Creator...
At this specific time-track in humanity's journey however, most people are not aware of their unlimited Greatness. They feel separated from their infinite Self, and behave according to the conditioning they have received. Most often humanity's conditioning is based on religious stories, selfishness, small mindedness, greed and violence. To transcend our conditioning is our task! The happenings in our world are a reality created by our collective awareness or by the creator within. Our world therefore is our mind reflected in matter. By means of these reflections, we learn how to create worlds according to our desires and ideals. Most often however we create wars and suffering - for this is still where we are at! Collectively we do not know any better. By means of our suffering - we become more and more aware and learn - how to become better creators. At this moment in time, Mankind's collective soulness or awareness, is but a beginning apprentice in the art of creating. This is why things are far from ideal...
America and the world have come full Circle...
Sixty years ago Americans and many other people of the world were busy destroying Fascism by defeating Germany. Fairly soon however, they will be in the process of defending it! The USA is in the beginning stages of becoming a Police State! Fascism will be established in due course. The Third Reich has moved locations and Americans are welcoming it. The majority is asking their Government to protect them from the terrorists. They want security! Little do they know however, that terrorism is the creation of certain USA Government Departments which are inspired by higher forces. Americans suffer from a lack of awareness and a mind-set of indifference. The lack of awareness of what the USA Government did outside its boarders for at least 50 years gave these special forces the opportunity for the destruction of the WTC. In the mean time, it does not take too long to figure out that all happenings in the world are controlled and created by the Secret Government of the World. They provide the scenarios that need to be experienced by mankind...
So we can say that the Secret Government is the force behind all wars and terrorism. Also, in order to continue with the scenario of a Police State, random acts of terrorism will be happening in order to maintain the levels of fear of the population. Possibly, in a short while, Chinese soldiers might keep order in the USA and American soldiers will keep order somewhere else. Soldiers very seldom shoot to kill their own people in their own country. Believe it or not, even concentration camps in the USA have already been prepared...
(Look Here) The sad thing is, that all this is necessary, for the population of the USA and the world requires it. It needs to be awakened from its indifference and its sleep...
The world is an enormous classroom, it is like grade three in Elementary School. We go through grade three and when all the lessons of grade three have been learned, we move to grade four. In the mean time, while we pass through grade three we do not change the curriculum of grade three. It's fine the way it is! It is the same with the world - changing the world for the sake of making it "better" would make it impossible for anybody to graduate from Third Density to Fourth Density. The world does not need to be fixed! All we need to do is learn our lessons with what is presented. One lesson is to see through what is happening in the world and smile. All in all, this means that the universe knows what it is doing. The aggressive nature of Mankind needs to be replaced by knowledge. Knowledge and wisdom are the result of experience. Spiritual beings or souls incarnate here in order to have experiences and become aware. Human bodies are the instruments by which this awareness is gained. Human life is a tough cookie...
Please consider This...
My view is that all happenings in our world - from the past to the present and into the future - are happenings that are part of a scheduled, but flexible scenario. Cycle in, cycle out, what happens in our world is following a certain curriculum. These plans or schedules are indeed flexible, for not all scenarios work out exactly the way they have been planned. We as human beings have so called free will and sometimes, because of our so called free will, we change the original plan. Naturally there are backup plans within backup plans and in the end, mankind as a species, will experience the necessary realities. The planned but flexible scenarios are implemented, by what I call TAT (The Almighty Trinity). This Trinity is not God, but consists of beings and people who are in charge of our world. The very top rulers of this Trinity have their existence in higher densities. It is their task and responsibility to do whatever is necessary. These beings play their roles in these higher densities in the same manner as that we play our roles as human beings. The universe is an infinite stage and there are only actors playing roles. The higher or greater the role - the greater the responsibility...
The beings or people who are planning and direct the scenarios to be played in our world, do not have a good or bad orientation. All of them are inspired by higher forces and we all act according to our inspirations. Many results of these actions might even seem evil to many people. I do not agree with that. Good or bad is a human acknowledgement and this includes what some people call evil. We, the people of the world are souls living in human bodies and we are here to experience what it is like to be human. This includes the full gamut of human experiences! We all play our roles and by means of Insight, Knowledge and Understanding which is Love, we slowly but surely pass through Life from density to density. Human life is an awakening process that slowly brings us to higher levels of awareness. As a matter of fact, all of us are existing in all levels of awareness already - we are multi-density beings...
This last special note is meant to assure the reader, that there are no beings or persons who we can blame for what is happening, all things happen according to the planned scenarios and collective consciousness of all involved. We are engaged in an awakening curriculum of our own choosing. We as human beings are instruments of our soul and only a few of us are the main players on this worldly stage. We all follow the lines of our inspirations and act upon them. The collective reality we create is manifested from within. This reality is based upon the level of our awareness and understanding. For most people human life is an enormous puzzle. Only a few see through the many scenarios and illusions. In the end - all things are for the best of All...
... Truth is Simple ...
We must come to the conclusion that the Universal Consciousness in all its Wisdom does not differentiate between the human concepts "for" and/or "against". Here is an example: protests against the war in Iraq, or any other war, has no influence on eliminating war or make it go away. The Universal Mind does not differentiate between the words "for" and "against"...
When people walk in protest of a certain war - the word war sticks in their mind. They are against something and the Universal Mind does not recognize a negative or an action against something. It only knows how to affirm. It only recognizes what people have on their minds. What people have on their mind is war. What they have on their mind is created or manifested, so war energies are reinforced. The Universe pushes what we think about...
... If You want Peace be Peaceful ...
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A Universe full of Illusions -
The Observer's Position
The Cosmic Awareness Levels -
End of the Kali Yuga -
Ask and you will be Given -
Metaphysical Melodies