?  Why do we live on Earth  ?

... It's all very Simple ...

! ... We live on Earth in order to become conscious Creators ... !

While you are reading this Article
Please keep the following preliminary notes in the background of your Mind.

Preliminary Notes...
Many scientists are telling us that matter is more than 99.99999% emptiness (Some scientists use even more nines than I do). Atoms are emptiness! Molecules are emptiness! Now... how could such emptiness form a world of solid objects? Impossible! The world is cosmic-energy and it is not what it looks like. Not any one thing in our world is solid or physical matter! Our so called objective reality is a self-created illusion. This illusion is created by the body we live in. We exist in a self-created subjective world. The world is a mental concept! The universe and the world is a mind-trick of Divine Order. This mind-trick is created by You. You are the Magician! Are you frowning?  Your frown eventually will change into a smile...

! ... The world is a mental concept - we live in consciousness or Mind ... !

White noise is free!
We all know how cable TV works. We plug an electrical wire into the tuner's input and because this wire is charged by 500 different frequency bands and different signals on each band, we receive 500 different channels on our TV. White noise is free! Would you believe that the Universal Mind is actually an infinite sphere of energies and contains billions and billions of frequency bands? Sure it does and each band has its own frequency and channels? Each channel is a different reality. As a matter of fact each of us is a specific energy frequency and we live or float within the energies of the Universal Mind. We are surrounded by it on all sides. Each of us is a specific frequency or reality and each of us live in the very center...

Please think-away  Time and Space...
The universe, high and low, or the cosmic mind contains an unlimited amount of energy that is divided into specific frequency bands and each band has its own signals. So, there are billions and billions of frequency bands and each band has its own specific pattern called reality. One of these frequency bands produces the physical reality we experience, and other frequency bands produce realities other beings experience. So what happens, when we think-away Time and Space and arrive in a timeless environment?

Realities are free for the picking...
In a timeless environment all possible past, present and future realities are existing within the cosmic mind and make-up the cosmic mind! All frequency bands vibrate simultaneously, and all bands or realities are infinitely active and available. All realities hang around just for the picking. Naturally, you have to have the right body equipment and awareness level in order to experience them. We do the same with our TVs. Usually we select our channels and watch them one at the time. Buy 500 TVs and you can watch all channels simultaneously. What a bore!

Our body is a lens...
When we look at our body or out of the window, we are experiencing only specific energies of the cosmic mind. Only certain atoms, molecules and cells have temporarily assumed this specific frequency pattern. This pattern is what we call physical reality. These atoms and cells depict to us what we think we experience. Meanwhile, the body or energy we live in, is a lens and it translate these specific cosmic energies into physical reality that forms our familiar objects and sceneries. This "out there" however, is our own cosmic mind in which we live in a body that has our name. The body is not what we are however! We are the cosmic mind that surrounds us, but for now, we experience a specific focal point and seem to live as human beings within this mind or energy...

Thought-energies create realities...
Atoms or molecules are consciousness-units (con-units from now on in) that have certain vibrations. Since there are billions and billions of realities out there, it follows that there are zillions and zillions of con-units that are in phase, with the realities in which they exist. They hold this pattern until it automatically fades away because of a lack of support by the thought-energies that created them. All these realities are intermingled and reverberate all throughout our cosmic mind. They are available to each and everyone able to receive them. The underlying energies out there are universal and some people call this the universal matrix. The realities we experience of this matrix depends on the level of our awareness...

The more we are aware - the higher we vibrate...
So what is happening? Certain con-units have certain phase-angles and form a certain reality. Other con-units with different phase angles form other realities. These different phase-angled con-units exist right besides each other and do not interfere with each other. Now, the trick to receive certain con-units as a reality, depends on the frequency level we have attained. The higher our awareness level, the higher our vibration, and the more realities we are able to become aware of. Our cosmic mind is an infinite bee-hive of activity, because billions and billions of frequencies form the different reality-bands and their signals. These signals are either thoughts or manifested pulses that form the universal matrix. In the mean time, our human consciousness has a specific natural property and this means that we see Three Dimensionality only! We do not see any higher dimensional realities, because we as human beings are not attuned to them. Naturally they are there anyway. We just do not notice them. They fall through the cracks of human awareness...

We all live in but One Mind and we are that Mind...
The universe or the cosmic mind is chock-full of energies with all kinds and patterns. It literally is an infinite Force-Field of Information in which all vibrations flow through each other and influence each other. It is alive and solidly packed with vibrating energies. Basically it is so solidly packed with energies that if we could drop an anvil on it - it would ring! When we look at it with human eyes however, we only see or experience the con-units that are in phase with the awareness level we enjoy or endure. So, when we look into space - it seems empty. However, this so called empty space, is burdens full of con-units with different phase-angles creating billions of realities! There are worlds within worlds within worlds! All are mental or virtual creations of mind within mind...

Each one is a specific incarnation...
The Soul We Are and our individual projections or incarnations live within this cosmic mind. Each one is a specific incarnation and it is able to become aware of what goes on at certain levels or realms only. Each human life is attuned to a different type of vibration, frequency and its phase angles. Thus each incarnation experiences a different reality! This gives us the idea that we live at different times and places. Each incarnation is an infinitely small holographic aspect of the cosmic mind...

Everything takes place within the One Mind...
What each personality becomes aware of, is in direct relation to the awareness level attained by that person. The patterns or realities we create by means of our thoughts form energy-vibrations. These energy-vibrations do not leave the one mind - they vibrate within all levels of it. As a matter of fact, it forms the one mind. These vibrations or realities can be seen or experienced by anyone who enjoys the level of awareness necessary in order to receive these energy-vibrations. Our personal mind is an aspect or feature of the one mind. We live within this one mind and we are this mind - we function however as an individual focal point. This feature or the function we play within the one mind depends on the awareness level we have attained. Our awareness level determines what we do and where we find ourselves. Awareness is the clue. It is the clue of being...

We are the creators of the universe...
Since all con-units are holographic, it means that each con-unit contains in principle what all other units are or contain. This also means that there is an instant communication between all units - for the one is the other in holographic identity in principle. We, as universal beings, are the creators and/or gods that live within this mind and create whatever we desire. So, all the inhabitants of the universe live in their own cosmic mind and create. The universe is our work and our home! All inhabitants create their own environment and if they are not capable of doing this - other beings will do this for them. This naturally means that those who are unable to create - will be controlled by those who can. In almost all cases this is called brainwashing. Religions are very good at this...

They create the scenes they desire...
This entire cosmic scene is created by beings or consciousnesses who live within the one mind and are the one mind. They create the scenes they desire. The entire cosmic scene we call Creation. Creation is the creator doing its Thing! This creator however is/are individual beings or co-creators - they create by means of the underlying creative energy that lives within them. In and by itself the underlying creative energy or the creator will never be found except as creation! Which is created by all beings, entities and creatures in all densities. We as human beings are one of these co-creators and we live in what we call third density. Third density contains all the different frequencies of the humans that live there...

Once in a blue Cosmic Moon...
The universal mind is like the Internet - which is an unlimited amount of computer units inter-connected and they make-up the Internet. The universal mind is formed by all inter-connected consciousnesses or awarenesses. It never gets any bigger or smaller. It is not a physical phenomenon! It only contains more and more different vibrations when it expands. It's chuck-full of Gods and Goodies. All these different vibrations, frequency bands or realities are known to us as densities. For example: 1D  2D  3D  4D  5D  6D  7D and more if required. They all have their own level of being, reality or vibration. It is likely, that once in a blue cosmic moon, additional frequency bands or densities are needed and so they will be created. We could be at that particular occasion in 2012. Higher densities then for example, like 8D  9D or 12D to 15D are created in order to facilitate more and higher vibrational levels of creation...

The Cosmic Mind contains all things...
The universal mind does not take up any space. It is not a 3D phenomenon. The vibration-range of the physical universe exist within a specific frequency-band of the cosmic mind. It forms a specific virtual reality system that has no existence on its own. It exist in our mind or in our awareness only. Not out there! It is a creation of certain aspects of the cosmic mind. Our so called personal mind is an infinitely tiny aspect or event within this mind. Humanity as a whole therefore forms one of these aspects or events. The Zetas and/or Dracos are other aspects or events. The specific characteristics and the awareness level of a species determines what reality they create and the density they live in...

Earth is a school where we become conscious creators...
In order to create one needs to be aware! If we are not aware, our creation back-fires on us. That is the time we begin to look for scape goats. IOW: we look to blame others. We call it Bad Luck... or the Devil did it! Naturally, it is all our own doing! The fact that this is so, teaches us how to create properly. This means that we can make of our creation what we desire. Our task is to become conscious creators. Humanity as a whole with its many human frequencies fits precisely within the frequency-band of the planet we live on. In other words - the planet's frequency carrier contains all human tunes...

! . . . This is the reason why we live on Earth . . . !

Knowledge is a mode of awareness...
Earth is a school for creators. What we need to remember here is - that earth is a specific aspect of a virtual reality system that completely fools us. We are seemingly subjected to Time and Space and an environment that seems solid. In actuality, we as Spirits or Souls, exist beyond the Time and Space Continuum in a multi-dimensional fashion. In order to experience physical reality however - we created it. It is a creation of mind within mind. Again... it does not actually exist out there - it only appears to be out there when we live in a human body or space-suit! We as Souls are living in this space-suit for a certain duration of time in order to get to know our so called physical creation. However, we have been living in physical reality for such a long time that we became lost in it. We have began to think that we are the body! Sooner or later however - we will find our way out. The physical universe is like a self-created cosmic maze. The exit is found by educating ourselves. Knowledge is a mode of awareness...

Many people call this patriotism...
The universe, or our cosmic mind, is an infinite sphere of energy that virtually is as heavy as a rock. It contains an infinite amount of different spaceless and timeless con-units, which are phase-angle related according to the realities they hold. Now, think about the following - in actuality our physical universe is a living dream - it's our collective physical living dream. It takes place in our mind or awareness only! It does not take place "out there" somewhere. It dreams itself into existence by means of the thoughts that create it. Human beings create some of these thoughts. We are co-creators of "what is". Not thinking means creating unconsciously and it produces the most ridiculous and useless realities. We are living in one! For many people is it like living in hell spinning their wheels. A hell where the brainwashed fight and kill each other. Many people call this 'patriotism' and when you die for your country they give your mother a nice flag...

Knowledge is the clue...
We as Souls became lost in this physical reality many thousands of years ago. In the mean time, we are controlled by religions, politicians and the banking systems. All three organizations are mind-controlled by negative alien beings who use humanity for their own purposes. We have become mental and spiritual prisoners! This means that we automatically will reincarnate into another body again and again until we attain the knowledge of "what is". This means educating ourselves and seeing through the games we play in our physical dream that takes place within the illusionary reality in which we seem to exist. The matter world is an energy matrix or mindset that keeps us within its boundaries. Knowing "what is" will eventually promote us to a higher levels of awareness and sets us free...

Knowledge is the Clue - Awakening is our Goal

... It's all very Simple ...

We are an infinitely tiny event in consciousness
connected and intermingled
The Ultimate and Absolute Consciousness.