! .. The Global Scenarios .. !

This article is a sincere attempt to tell you what I think our planet is all about. To do this properly however, one would have to write a book - if not a hundred books. I do not feel that I am able to do this, since I have only so much time. Therefore, this article only touches upon the most important aspects of basic human life on this planet.  I hope that it will be sufficient to give you my views including some very strange ideas...

... We are on earth in order to awaken to what is ...
... This includes awakening to the Lies we are told by our Governments ...

~  To be Spiritual is to be Practical  ~
Please be aware that I repeat a lot in my Articles.
I want to make sure that everybody gets it - especially Me.

Preliminary Notes...
The universe is the ultimate recycling bin and basically all it contains is information - in the form of Consciousness or Awareness. Our own DNA for example is information. All of Life is DNA or information. This information is used, changed and recycled again and again. All this is done by the Universal Mind that lives within the created and is Creation. This means thus, that all happenings are executed by the Created for the Universal Mind does not act in and by itself. The Universal Mind is an infinite range of vibrations. When we study Life long enough - we discover that We Are this Universal Mind!  When we look at the infinite picture, we might even come to the conclusion that the universe is a computer and that this computer has programmers. It also has a program with infinite varieties. Matter of fact, the universe is all three rolled into One - computer/programmers/programs). They create each other and therefore itself! Other people say that the universe is a Dream that dreams itself. As a matter of fact - I like that idea the best...

The universe is an infinite recycling Oneness and all energies within this Oneness are constantly changing! It is a self-activating Perpetual Movement. There never was a Big Bang - all this is scientific gobbledegook. The so called Sciences and all Governments are Brainwashing Institutions! Now... how do human beings fit into this balanced infinite recycling Oneness? We could see ourselves as a programming-aspect of the universe. While yet, we are also a creation of the Whole. Life is a multi-dimensional mirror reflecting itself infinitely. There is no One Creator As Such - we are all Co-Creators and all Beings are Equal. However, there are Beings who have greater responsibility than others. Each one of us slowly moves into these positions as a result of our conscious evolvement or level of awareness...

When we have raised our level of awareness to higher levels, we will be able to move to higher densities and take our body with us. There are people who have done that in the past for example. All things, beings, entities and creatures together are "All That Is" and we all are a form of Light and Shadows. The universe is a "Digital Phenomenon of Zeros and Ones". The universe is one energy that seemingly divides itself and it contains an infinite amount of programmers with different levels of awareness. The universe is always changing itself for the programmers have a mind of their own (they program) and this is why it changes. All this means that we as human beings are Living Aspects of TIL (The Infinite Light) and move from density to density depending on our awareness level. The more aware we are, the higher we eventually move or travel. In the mean time, all changes come from within ourselves...

... Here We Begin ...

Who are the creators of all the happenings on our Planet?
All happenings on earth are the creations of mankind. By this I mean, that any and all happenings like terrorism, wars, crusades, famine, sufferings, sicknesses, pestilence, improvements and/or changes, periods of peace and/or good times, prosperity or affluence, abundance, including the building of cities, towns, villages, churches, stadiums, pyramids or what have you - all these phenomena are created by mankind with the help of his 4D and 5D invisible counselors. Most counselors are beings with greater responsibilities than we have. Some of these counselors are friendly and some are not. Please read that again: some are friendly and some are not! All are invisible to the human eye and they communicate by mind. We are not invisible to them. Many of them control us by means of inspiration and/or mind control. The world is controlled by several different higher forces. We are here to experience what is - not necessarily create or control it. This brings up the question of Free Will naturally...

Awareness and wisdom are the result of experiences...
By means of mankind and his counselors all happenings or cycles come about in our world. Some of these cycles are thousands and thousands of years long. The cycle we are in at the moment is a negative cycle and the rumor is that it is 432,000 years long (It could be only 26,000 - I do not know). It is supposed to end on December 21, 2012 and it sure looks that way. We have come to the end of the line on this planet. Meanwhile, we all are instruments of our counselors or the entities who inspire us. They live in higher densities. Mankind on earth lives in third density. Moving up into higher densities is subject to our awareness. Awareness and wisdom are the result of experiences. We come to earth to have these experiences and we slowly but surely move into higher levels of awareness. Our awareness level determines where we find ourselves. We are on a progressive trip in becoming more and more aware. Our awareness level determines our functions and responsibilities within creation...

The universe creates by means of its inhabitants...
Please remember - God is not the creator of heaven and earth and all that's in between. Mankind and other Light Beings and their inspirers create it all. They create by means of the Light Force that lives within them and actually is them! So, the universe creates by means of its inhabitants. The masses of humanity as such are not aware of this and mankind, by means of its individual members, become aware of its functions and importance in a progressive manner. Life, God or the universe is like electricity. Electricity is not aware through what toaster or refrigerator it flows. Sometimes it flows through people and it kills them. We direct and control the power of electricity (Forget about lightning strikes at the moment).

The Power of Life does not ask questions....
We also direct the power of the universe - the Power of Life. However, we are not fully or consciously aware of how we are doing this because most of us are still asleep. Some people are next to unconscious. We are here to become consciously aware or awaken and learn to consciously control the Power of Life. Life is energy and this energy is the movement of all things in the same way as electricity is the movement of electrons. The power of electricity and the Power of Life do not ask questions. They only act as directed. To learn to direct the Power of Life is our task. On the other hand, you do not have to learn anything. You also may just sit there and do nothing. You have free will - if you believe you have. Beliefs however are not always true. Meanwhile, there is no hurry to do anything. Life is a Play that plays itself...

What is the purpose of all this commotion?
Naturally, different people create different scenarios on this planet, and other people again, create the opposite in order to correct or improve conditions. Many people think that it is a two party system - the good guys and the bad guys. Somewhere there is a balance in this creative and worldly dysfunctional activity. In the mean time, mankind has been able to multiply himself to nearly 7 Billion individuals. Nice going! But really? What is this all for? What is the purpose of all this commotion? Why so many people? Do we live here to serve God by multiplying ourselves while millions are starving? Is this what God wants? What a weird God this is! Why would this God allow human beings to kill each other or allow so many people to suffer starvation and die? This God must be crazy. If not - we must be! We need to understand, here and now, that all this has nothing to do with God - it has to do with us. Life is about Man! Life is about Humanity and other Beings within the created spectrum. In any case, let's try to find out what's going on...

First things first...
All human beings, are not really human beings. Yes, read that again. We are not human beings! Well, to put it precisely - we are not the human body. We are spiritual beings living in human bodies. We are spiritual beings who have put on human suits. Space-Suits! We are spirits and we live in these suits. We get a new suit every time we are born. We grow up with this suit. The predictable result is that more than 99% of the people in the world think that they are the suit or the body. Then, more than 10% of this majority think that they are a human being with a bit of spirit somewhere. Then there is a very tiny percentage of people who know that all human beings are actually spiritual beings living in human bodies and that none of them IS the body. The percentages I mentioned might not be completely dead on, but let's assume that they are for now. We have lived in human suits for so long that we have forgotten that we are spiritual beings on a journey to experience human life. We are stuck in suits and we do not know who or what we are. The time has come to remember our purpose on this planet...

Our body is a temporary suit for the spiritual being we are...
Again - we are spiritual beings! The body dies and the spirit goes on. It goes on by being born again into another body-suit and it does this again and again and again. Sooner or later however, we as spiritual beings begin to ask questions about ourselves. This is what you are doing at this moment! You are in the process of discovering who or what you really are. Your soul-self is doing this - not your body! You are in the process of finding out why you live in a body. In any case, you are not the body. Your body is a temporary suit for the eternal spiritual being you are. Your body is your instrument! You as a spirit have come to a strange land and you need this instrument in order to learn what this land and its people are all about. Your body serves as a peep-hole through which you look and experience this world. Your peep-hole shows you a very tiny aspect of the whole show. You assume however that you see the whole thing. What a laugh! Needless to say that this strange land is planet earth. It's an amazing planet and you could spend millions of years here to investigate and enjoy what it contains. You could also spend millions of years sitting on your duffer and learn next to nothing (N2N). It's up to you. In the mean time, there are many strange things happening on this planet. Many of these things do not fall within the scope of your peep-hole. Your peep-hole is about as big as a pin-prick compared to a football field. Anyway, let's try to find out what makes this planet tick. Let's continue...

Why do these spiritual beings live in human bodies?
That's a good question! The purpose of living in human bodies is to experience the matter world. The purpose is to have human experiences or to experience the human condition. The experience to live in a human body and learn about the human condition is a tough one. Excuse me, it's a very tough one! What a mess it is. Absolutely horrible sometimes and very little of it seems to be necessary. Yet, it continues age in, age out, and the human condition hardly ever improves. Millions die of starvation and pretty soon our entire population is starving because we are poisoning ourselves. Pollution! Pretty soon even the air needs to be filtered in order to breathe. What a mess! And oh yes, presently we have become tremendously technologically advanced. Big deal! We are able to kill ourselves by the millions now with one bomb. Progress! When we take a good look around we see self-created horror. We are polluting the planet and we are killing our own children. Sure, we are smart enough to have personal computers and we are so technologically minded that we have no respect for the earth itself. We have no respect for the soil that feeds us. Imagine! What an enormous stupid thing to do. How come? Why is all this happening? Who is behind all this reckless living? Maybe all this is happening because we are asleep. Mental knock-outs...

Why are we behaving so stupidly?
Well simply put - because we are stupid. We must be stupid as well as asleep! Naturally, the only way to cure this situation is education. Good point! The thing is, true education is denied to mankind. The education we receive is in the way of our learning. Mankind is kept stupid and asleep on purpose! Our children are taught what to think instead of how to think. What an ridiculous situation you say. Indeed... indeed! But once you know why - you'll say AHA - now I understand! So please read further and get the total picture. What we as human beings are taught nowadays, is that we are the body and that this body must look good and get ahead in the world. Look at our advertising on TV for example. TV - the adult baby-sitter. It introduces a lot of Fear. Everybody needs protection! People come to the door and try to sell you protection nowadays. Right! Who needs it? My point is - you attract what you fear. That's a Universal Law. That's the way it works! Well, let's continue...

It is time to listen to your thoughts...
Again, about TV - it has become the greatest false-teacher the world has ever known. It is the perfect brainwasher! We are told that living with a lot of toys is getting ahead in the world. Is it really? I'd say it is more existing from pay-day to pay-day and we are never really getting ahead. Do we ever find peace or happiness or even just feel at ease with ourselves? We are always keyed up somehow. We always need to have some kind of diversion. We have to have the TV on, or the radio on to keep us busy. The entire world plays Simon Says. We want diversion and sensation. Give us what we want! What people are saying with that diversion is - please never let me have my own thoughts. Is that what they want? Well, they got it! We have been conned into a way of life that is stifling! We are stifled, because the majority of people live a life that is spiritually dead. It's worse than dead - it's slavery! Well, so much about our mental or spiritual life. Let's look at the physical aspects. Billions of us are breeding like crazy and millions are starving. What a world! Wake up... wake up... Buddy! You have been brainwashed and put to sleep. It is time to wake up and start thinking for yourself. It is time to listen to your thoughts or inspirations. It's time to listen to your inner voice. It is your soul that is trying to get through...

Images are borrowed from: http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles3/terrorattack3.html

We tumbled down the ladder of awareness...
So, here we are, we are spiritual beings and live in human suits called bodies. Why is this so? Well, at one time, a long time ago, we as innocent and ignorant spiritual beings were made to believe that a "Human Physical Experience" was a good thing to have. We were seduced by the thoughts of having sex for example. We were seduced by the thoughts that we would become important individual physical beings. Sure, the idea was to have a steady sex partner and then we would live happily ever after with wife and children in a land of milk and honey. And do not forget - auntie Ann would baby-sit once in a while. Beautiful! In any case, the so called "Human Physical Experience" is called the "Fall of Man" in the Bible and in many ways, that's what it is! We as spiritual beings tumbled down the ladder of awareness and we ended up existing in an unknown land. It was supposed to be a good thing. The question is, did it really turn out to be what we thought it would be? A bigger question is - what did we know about "living in physical bodies" at that time? We knew absolutely nothing about it! Aha... now you got it. Naturally! That's why we volunteered to have this experience in the first place. We wanted to know what it was all about. After all, what could happen to us? We knew that we were/are great spiritual beings and that we live forever! Why not give it a try? Anyway, the Fall of Man was a purposeful and useful undertaking. No kidding, a physical experience for spiritual beings was the thing to have. What an opportunity! Never mind that we had to be talked into it by beings of a higher density. Please keep reading and find out why... ( How are you doing auntie Ann? )

Who are these beings of higher densities?
In short, many of them are of an alien race and they live in higher densities. First of all, please remember, there are many different kinds of higher density beings. Somewhere up the line, some of them might be the co-creators of the human body for example. Yes, those are the ones! These beings are co-creators and they are experts in modifying DNA. They might have even changed the human body several times. They are like our scientists who cloned Dolly (the sheep). For example, many of our scientists are presently engaged in cloning human embryos for research and spare parts. Do we need more bodies still? I do not think so - but if there is money in it - it will be done. Man is a Money Mugger!

They changed our brain and or DNA...
In many ways, these higher density alien beings are smarter than mankind and instead of splicing genes to create sheep, they spliced human genes and created human bodies of a specific kind. You're living in one of them. They possibly made it in such a way, that once let loose, it would multiply like crazy. At the same time and most importantly, they also demoted the human awareness level to a lower level compared to what it was before. They came up with human bodies that are, let's say, only twenty percent of what they used to be in awareness. If all this is true, they lowered our awareness level drastically. They changed our brain and or DNA! Why did they do this? Why did they create this kind of body for us to live in? Well, for one thing (are you ready?) - human emotional energies are their food! They breed human bodies that create emotional energies like we breed and eat pigs, cows or chickens. Hard to believe? Definitely! Once you know what's going on your previous knowledge or beliefs will be thrown out of the window. They are useless. In this world we live in a symbiotic relationship and we all live at the cost of others. All of us are one big mouth eating...

The truth is out there...
All in all, the story of the Fall of Man and the story about Paradise, Adam and Eve, the apple and the snake, is a symbolic rendition of what actually happened. I suggest, that if you truly want to know more about this, you could read the rest of my pages and/or become a member of an excellent Educational Forum and ask questions! The truth is out there and all you need to do is find it. In the mean time, let's continue with these smart aliens who created specific human beings in order to live off their energies and sometimes eat them. Now, I say all this, but is it true? Well, what is true for you - I cannot determine. We all need to do our own investigations. In the mean time let's continue. Some specific type of alien beings feed on human energies. Most of these human energies are what we call, emotions and/or the energies of frustration, suffering, fear and/or other human miseries. For all I know, they might consume the energies of certain rituals and prayers as well. We live in an energy world - not in physical one. Certain prayers are a religious habit or ritual and the religions are partners in the game of limitations. Religions control people! Anyway, thoughts, feelings, emotions, frustration and fear are energies and these alien beings consume these energies in order to live. Not only that, they are able to control our thoughts, feelings and emotions. They control us like we control our trained animals. They also control us by means of our so called elected Leaders and Rulers. Most, if not all, are inspired by them. That's why some leaders say that God speaks to them. What a nonsense...

Look at the way humans treat each other...
Again, the entire physical universe is one mouth eating! All so called physical beings live off the energy of others. We eat lower density beings in order to survive! Well, it is the same with certain higher density beings. Some of them need to find sustenance on earth and we as human beings supply these energies. After all they co-created our bodies! We breed our pigs and they breed human bodies. All this sounds pretty cruel naturally, but to them it is the same as that we eat cows and chickens. Pork anyone? Usually we do not think about this very often and we just eat when hungry. At most we say - well they're just animals. The higher density beings say the same thing about us. They're just humans - we own them - for we co-created them. So, in this regard there is no difference between them and us. As a matter of fact, look at the way humans treat each other. In any case, let's not blame each other for being what we are. We all are Life and Life needs its energies to sustain itself...

So, here we are... we are Food...
Man is an average piece of meat Carlos Castaneda says. Carlos is right! We as human beings are used because of our emotions and/or in some cases, they just eat us. Our bodies are food for the gods! Have you ever heard of missing children? How about missing persons? Did you ever find out how many people are missing per year? How many people are missing in war times? Aha! Ask the aliens and your answer is clear. Here is another question (are you ready?) - how many human bodies are bred in pens somewhere within the earth in order to supply their needs? Interesting! There are so many things hidden from us. We read about very weird things once in a while and then forget about them. Possibly our minds shields us from the worst. If you really want to know, you need to investigate this yourself. Do not take it from me. What do I know? Next to nothing...

They would declare you crazy and lock you up...
What other food do these alien beings eat? Well there is always the farmer's cattle - cows! Many a farmer finds certain cows laying dead on their land and the cows are drained of their blood. On top of that, certain body parts are removed with a precision tool. Do these beings have laser surgical tools? Do they remove certain parts by means of psychic surgery? What the dickens is going on? This happens all over the world. Naturally, the local farmers are way too busy to study the puzzles of life and they are lost by what's happening to their cattle. Even the local police or the newspaper people are stumped! What do they know? These people live in a state of mind so far removed from what's going on in our world that even if you would tell them the answer, they would declare you crazy and lock you up. Imagine, invisible beings stealing blood. What utter nonsense! But then - on the other hand - maybe the police and the newspaper people do know and just don't want you to know that they know. Maybe they pretend to be ignorant? Are they part of the big scheme of things? Do they know that this should be hidden from ordinary people? Aha! Good question...

They know us inside out and they possess our leaders...
Here we come to the explanation of why there are so many wars. It also explains why there is so much suffering in the world. It's easy to explain! All these wars are necessary in order to fill the bread basket of these alien higher density beings. They are hungry! So what do they do? Simply put, when they created mankind, they created us in such a way that our human body/brain/mind was completely attuned to their bidding. Carlos Castaneda says they gave us their mind! Certainly - that's what they did. They know us inside out and they "possess" our so called democratic, and not so democratic, elected leaders. The top dog politicians, yes, they are the ones! These leaders do exactly as they are told by their inspirers. They are puppets and do not know it! They think that their thoughts come from their own mind. They reason within themselves that this is the way to do things. They reason and behave like possessed fools. Somehow, it gets them elected again...

Top Leaders do not even have to be intelligent...
The media is the same! They lie in order to fill their bread basket. Meanwhile, the Real Rulers of the world form a Secret Cabal that directs the so called elected politicians of the day. Voila, a world of unrest, wars, pestilence, poverty and suffering! Our leaders are under the spell of their inspirers. They are totally possessed! All of a sudden they become great leaders for example. Sure! Very few people from the top down know what's going on and they all follow orders - especially the military. They are fighting for their country. All of them are brainwashed. Please read this again: all of them are brainwashed! Trained killers... they are the brave ones! It gives them the grandeur of power. With all this suffering going on, the Aliens who created us are laughing their heads off. What you read here is true for all the military forces in the world. All are brainwashed and ready to kill on command. The 911 affair for example is the biggest LIE the world has ever seen. It's almost bigger than the story of Jesus...

They are exactly what they should be and don't know it...
Here is a good historic example - Hitler was one of these puppets. He was completely possessed. He danced to the tune of the secret rulers - the invisible ones and the ones who are human and speak for them. Hitler's underlings thought that he was awesome. Hitler seemed to have magical powers. Naturally he had! He was possessed by higher density beings. Their power is radiated from within the humans they posses. So, all wars that are happening in our world, are created by world leaders who are possessed by aliens. Human beings like Hitler are seduced by the power it gives them. They feel extremely good about themselves! They are possessed egos and all of them have the ability to hypnotize an audience. Actually, they can't help what they are, for all they do is play a role, like all of us do. They are exactly what they should be and don't know it. In any case, all these wars and all these suffering human beings are needed in order to fill the bellies of the aliens and their helpers. There are millions of them, for no being can do anything alone! They are in control of our world and have been for a very long time. How about a duration of 300,000 years? The universe works with big numbers. Now get this one. These beings are also able to travel in time and often go back in time in order to set up the conditions necessary to keep control of their food supply. Do not under-estimate the last one! Mankind is a sitting duck...

Where do these negative alien beings live?
That's a good question and there is a very simple answer. Many are invisible for they reside in a higher density. Others live in underground cities within the earth's crust. Is this were they experiment on human bodies? Is this were they breed human bodies? Well, if from all the rumors only ten percent is true - I'd say yes! This earth's crust is very thick and there are tunnels from city to city. These tunnels run all throughout the planet and they are thousands of miles long. Another thing here, possibly these alien beings were living within the earth before mankind arrived! For all we know, they have always been here. The religions used to call these beings Devils. Did you get that one? The Devils of the past are the Negative Aliens of today. The religions would point down for the Devil and point up for God. That's where they live. The religions had to have some kind of explanation. There are also alien beings on the moon and other planets. Now get this one: certain aliens and mankind have an agreed upon mutual relationship! We are dependent upon each other! Is not that a weird thing? It seems that the one party is exploiting the other - but yet both parties still have cozy agreements...

We all live off each other...
This naturally seems to be a very weird relationship and possibly even stranger than the relationship between the farmer and his cows or chickens. Is it all that weird however? We need cows and chickens like the aliens need human energies. What a strange world we live in. We see examples of strange relationship in nature as well. It's called a symbiotic relationships. It's quite normal among insects! Meanwhile, human beings have a symbiotic relationship with Alien Beings. The conclusion is that the entire matter universe is a symbiotic relationship? We live off each other! Here are some more weird things - would you like to consider the abduction scene here as well? Thousands of human beings are abducted at night and experimented upon. The abductors take or steal their sexual energies. However, not all abductions always take place in a physical sense. The mental or spiritual aspects of the abductees are taken only sometimes. Join an Abduction List and see. It's weird! Is that why people say that truth is stranger than fiction? Do not forget however - and this is important - there are also Positive Aliens who abduct humans in order to teach them about Life. Some Aliens educate us while we are asleep. Nighttime is the time for going to classes. Many of our dreams are lessons...

They intermarry to sustain their blood lines...
Naturally, the knowledge that Aliens use and sometimes eat humans, is one of the most guarded secrets in the world and anyone who blares this from TV or radio will be ridiculed and fired immediately. Or maybe they would be silenced in two seconds. One to get shot and the next one to die. Simple! This knowledge is not supposed to become common. The TAT (The Almighty Trinity - Religions, Politicians, World Bank) or the people involved with these institutions are the ruling bloodlines. There are hundreds of families all over the world who have these bloodlines or have the right genetic make up to rule. They intermarry to sustain their blood lines. They are the royals and the presidents, the governors and the prime ministers of any and all countries in the world. They are the Elite or Illuminati of the planet. This group of people are inspired by the Service to Self Aliens and these Beings rule the world by means of these Ruling Families. Many Leaders even seemed to be democratically elected. Well, that is the biggest laugh there is naturally...

Here is a very important point!
What goes on in the world is necessary in order to create the scenarios to make earth an interesting planet to visit. Spiritual beings like you and I come here because it is such a hectic place! It is part of our universal education. So remember, do not blame anyone for being what they are. Together we make up the universe and all aspects or beings in the universe are natural entities of the universe. We all belong here. The universe is a multi-level Cosmic Play or Performance. This means that the World is a Staged Event. There is a Plan! The purpose of the Plan is to awaken Human Souls...

We will all become our own walking biography...
To hide and guard all these secrets is an enormous task. It takes an army of secret police world wide! It also takes money. Is this the money that is gained from smuggling drugs and selling it big time? Who knows? In any case, the TAT has absolute control over our planet. As a matter of fact, things are getting more hectic yet! Pretty soon we all are going to have the same kind of money and a chip in the neck to identify what kind of body or animal we are. We will all become our own walking biography. Interesting! Sometimes I wonder what these rulers feel when they have someone killed in order to keep the secret? Would this be a difficult thing to do for them? Do they have feelings? Or are they beyond feelings or emotions? If so, I do not think that we could call them human in the general sense. This does not mean that I suggest that they should not be what they are. They make human life what it is! They play their role in the cosmic scheme of things like all of us do. There are also rumors of human sacrifices that are committed by the ruling elite. Do they do this in order to practise controlling their emotions? Something to think about...

Will the secret ever come out in a big way?
Well, do not expect that Brian Williams and others will announce it on TV. The entire situation is completely in control and the secret is safe! No one is going to upset the apple cart or spill the beans to the extent that it will spoil the flow of energy from mankind to the aliens. It's the biggest secret in the world David Icke says. He is right! So how come you are reading about it here? Simple, the secret is safe from the masses, it is safe from the sleeping herd of bodies. They are asleep! The fact that a few people here and there read about this and get the picture, well, so be it. It does not matter. It's probably way less than one per thousand. Big deal! The people who get to know all this, are the ones who pierced one of the secret or illusion of this world. Naturally, there are many other secrets or illusions...

The show of secrets will go on...
The secrets are guarded and protected to the maximum, for no one can hang this on a big clock. He would be taken out before he knew what time it was. Remember JFK? He is not the only one who was killed. Thousands of people are taken out and/or sacrificed to create the scenarios that are necessary. Airplanes are shot down and there are many so called suicides. Weird happenings. Whatever it takes - the status quo will be protected! The secret rulers of the world are represented in all branches of our governments, in all branches of the world banking systems and in all branches of the religions. These three entities form The Almighty Trinity (TAT) and they rule this world with absolute power from the top by means of their bloodline friends. However, do not forget the most important theme of this article - all this is necessary.  Do not denounce it! It is necessary in order for Spiritual Beings or Souls to have their human experiences. You are one of these human beings. Please read on...

Let's introduce the religions and the belief in sin and karma...
Someone on my TriLite List called a life with a belief in karma: "a mind numbing fear inducing path". That's exactly it! They want people to think fear - and feel fear. The thing is, that karma from the human belief level is an actuality and it is the food bank for the aliens and their helpers. The human world is their food supply. Human beings believe in stories which become their religions. It becomes their reality! The reality created in our world is pulled over the eyes of the masses. They are asleep and/or blind. It makes them feel bad, it makes them feel guilty. Guilt is Fear. Fear is Emotion. And Emotion is Food! Now, here is another thing, since the many of the top world rulers are possessed by the spirits of Negative Aliens, these Aliens by means of the TAT do exactly what they want. The religions and their guilt producing rules guarantee a steady food supply. That's why there are so many religions and so many variations. Is that why people fight over who is right and who is wrong?  Naturally it is...

We do it to ourselves by means of our Beliefs...
Think about the people who initiated the religions - the Prophets or whatever you would like to call them. Some of these people were possessed by alien beings in the first place. It makes all religions only stories. Religions guarantee wars and suffering. Most wars, if not all, are caused by religions. God is on our side! There are also wars initiated for the possession of oil fields, gold and diamond mines, or whatever. Greed is trump in this world! Since we as innocent spiritual beings had no idea what the human condition would be like before we arrived on earth, and the fact that we are born into religious families, means that we are conditioned from birth by the belief systems of our parents and the societies we were born into. Our very belief in sin and karma makes them real. We create our own reality! We do it to ourselves by means of our Beliefs. We need to outgrow all Belief Systems and Religious Philosophies in order to escape to higher densities. The earth is a prison for the mentally immature. We must all grow up - one at the time. Our Beliefs are our Blinders...

The Religions, the World Bank, and the Politicians...
As mentioned before, these three are The Almighty Trinity (TAT). They are the rulers of the world and let's say that most of the top people in these three institutions are inspired (read possessed) by negative oriented 4D Service To Self Alien Forces. Needless to say, that these Alien Forces are the real rulers of the world. These forces have ruled this world for thousands upon thousands of years. I cannot see an end to it, for life in third density will always be the way it is more or less. Well, naturally there are changes and/or different times and cycles but these cycles repeat themselves (Cycles in Time). Third density is a grade to pass through like Grade Three in Elementary School. The point is, how else can we as spiritual beings get our human experiences? Our human experiences depend upon the scenarios created by the rulers of the world. They play their role, the same as you and I do. The rulers of the world are not better or worse than you or I or auntie Ann. No scenarios - no experiences - no knowledge - no enlightenment - no freedom! Without these scenarios the world would be a mixture of nothingness and boredom. All we would do is drink tea all day and gossip. We would not even want to come here as spiritual beings! There would be nothing to do or volunteer for. It would not be worthwhile to incarnate here...

Images are borrowed from: http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles3/terrorattack3.html

We as human beings are not in control of ourselves and are brainwashed by higher density beings who program us. They program and mind-control our elected leaders. Carlos Castaneda says: "These Aliens have given us their mind". Carlos is right! Mankind is a victim unless he raises his awareness. All this may sound absurd to you, but then so many things in the past were absurd and it turned out that all these absurd things were true after all. It's time to wake up...

We need to "see through" the global scenarios!
The rulers of the world instigate trouble and misery, while the other parties, the so called saviors of the world, try to help everybody and make things better. Be like Christ and save the world. Well, whatever turns you on. The world does not need saving naturally. It does not need to be saved or fixed. It is exactly what it is supposed to be - All is Well! For example, suppose for a minute that you are back in Grade Three Elementary School. Then ask yourself - am I in Grade Three to make it a better Grade Three? Or do I want to save Grade Three from the lessons that need to be learned? Same with the third density in this solar system. It's fine the way it is! What we need to do is "see through" the global scenarios. We need Awareness and Knowledge instead of Beliefs in Nonsense and Lies...

We need to see through the games...
We need to understand what we are here for and must learn how to pass through this third density. Everything is exactly as it should be. God saw that it was good so to speak. Only after we have understood what this earth is all about, is it possible for us to relax and become an observer. That does not mean that observers are without work. There is plenty of work. Like helping others when asked! In the mean time, third density life is a mixture of pleasure and misery and the only worthwhile task is - to see through the illusions of it and thereby escape from the mental prison it is. In the first place as you might know: there actually is no physical world out there! We only have images in our perception system of what we think is out there. We all have our own images only. There is no actual world...

We cannot save anyone but our own soul...
Third density is a prison within which we will keep re-incarnating until we know how to escape! Naturally, there are many beautiful aspects in this 3D reality. Millions of them so to speak. Once we have seen them however, and have done it all, why come back and do it again? Another thing is, we cannot save anyone but our own soul - seeing through 3D is a soul-thing! We cannot give that insight or wisdom to others. Seeing through this is a do it yourself job! So, as things stand, it is normal and necessary for human beings to believe in religions, sin and karma. The creators of the human bodies have made us that way. They have given us their mind! This mind is flawed on purpose. It is biased to nonsense. The aliens who created us programmed the human body and brains. They made human beings gullible. Human minds are capable to believe in and die for the greatest nonsense. To outgrow our programmed mind means letting our soul shine through. We need to listen to our inner voice. It means letting our soul take over. It will set us free...

The following has been added - just for the hell of it - you are here now anyway.
... Our OverSoul and its Proliferations ...

There is no karma from the point of view of the OverSoul. However, there is Karma (Better named as Action) from the point of view of the human being. For example, let's say that I am an average OverSoul and I want to have a thousands human instruments living on earth in a widely varying arrangement. This is called the OverSoul's Proliferation. So, by means of thought, I (the Oversoul) distribute certain aspects of my own energies among a thousand different human vehicles, who in and by themselves become human soul energies on their own. Human soul-minds. These human soul-minds live as aspects-incarnations of the OverSoul within a period of say 300,000 years. I as the OverSoul do this on earth, for I want to experience the human condition on earth, because I have never been on planet earth before...

Human souls are learning - human bodies are not...
So, there they are, a thousand different human beings living over a period of 300,000 years and they are living and experiencing human lives. Since I as an OverSoul am not familiar with the human conditions on earth, there are many things to learn for my human soul-minds. I learn by means of them! Human souls are learning - human bodies are not. These human soul-minds or instruments make mistakes in judgement and in order to learn how to correct this, they experience their mistakes from the other points of view in other incarnations. This means, each human soul-mind, as an aspect of the OverSoul energy, is a unit on its own and it is responsible for this human soul-mind or energy. Each human soul-mind cycles back and forth from the earth to the astral after the death and before the birth of the body. From the human point of view, they cycle and re-cycle according to the lessons that need to be learned. Bingo! There you have it - some teachings call this Karma! A better description is Action...

From the point of view of the OverSoul however there is no karma...
For the OverSoul, there is only learning and experiencing. In the mean time, since the OverSoul has extended itself into one thousand human beings or soul-minds, it is possible that some human soul-minds will not be completely balanced in thoughts and experiences within the set time of 300,000 years. Now what? In such cases, the OverSoul needs to pay particular attention to these human soul energies, and if needed, help them in order to finish their journey in a balanced manner. If this is not possible, the OverSoul is held back, for it would not be able to leave the Earth plane completely. It would mean that some of its energies are still living in human instruments. It would still be attached to earth. No big deal naturally, for the OverSoul exist beyond time and all it takes is to go back in time and help its human soul-minds to complete their cycles. Voila, the little voice speaks louder. Another point here is, in actuality all lives are lived simultaneously from the point of view of the OverSoul. This is difficult to understand - so for now - don't break your noodle over it...

By now the little voice is shouting...
Since we presently are at the end of some very long universal cycles, it is clear that there are enormous efforts put forward by many OverSouls to collect their human soul-minds or energies who are still learning on Earth. No wonder then, that so many people on earth are waking up and want to investigate their belief systems. They become restless and start to ask questions. They want answers! There is a lot more to God so to speak than people are told in Church! Religions groups cannot provide these answers for they are bogged down in the pages of the Bible or other books. Besides, the majority of priests, ministers and rabbis are caught in their own deluded belief systems. They teach words and think that they are valuable. In any case, many people know that it is time to move on and up. By now the little voice is shouting. This is why there are so many people in New Age Groups who are trying to get to know the truth about themselves. What they need to remember is that Love is an answer - but Knowledge is the clue! Knowledge leads to Awareness - which leads to Understanding - which is Love...

Indeed - Knowledge is the Clue...
Within these New Age Groups, there are also many people who feel that they are here to save others and try to fix or save the world. These people have not quite understood that there is nothing to be fixed or saved. We need to fix our own soul by means of education - know "what is". The world does not need to be fixed. The truth will set us free! This is done by collecting knowledge by means of experiences, including reading and understanding. Understanding is Love for it creates it!

This means compassion for others...
We must have understanding about the predicament all of us are in. This means compassion for others. We must become aware of the mental prison we live in. The walls of our prison have been built by our own thoughts and beliefs! Knowledge is the clue, for as certain channelled entities say: Knowledge Protects! This is a wise philosophy and I agree with it. Knowledge protects us from falling back into the 3D world and be subjected to the nonsense and suffering of this world. It's time to promote ourselves to higher levels of Life. Knowledge is the Clue...

. . . . . . . Conclusion or Summation . . . . . . .

We as spiritual beings live in human bodies in order to learn what our world is all about. Living on this planet is an aspect of our universal education. So, in order to assure that the experiences on earth are diversified, there are forces who co-create these conditions. These forces are the rulers of the world and they manipulate the population by means of scenarios set up with hidden agendas. At the moment, since we live in a Negative Cycle, many of these scenarios are most unpleasant to say the least and some are horrible. It takes many trips in order to experience the full gamut of experiences and thereby gain maturity and wisdom. Wisdom and maturity give us the insight to see through the games we play and this eventually promotes us to higher densities...

In the mean time, human life in third density provides sustenance for beings in higher densities. The universe and all its different levels are like a multi-dimensional holographic symbiotic matrix that makes up one unbroken Whole. There are no seams or rough edges in this unbroken Whole. However, each aspect of this symbiotic matrix or mosaic contains trials and tribulations. These trials and tribulations need to be transcended in order to understand the Whole in all its Glory. When this is seen or understood in total, we will be Whole as well and will exclaim:

I am the Rainbow
I am the Light behind your Eyes
I am the One ... I am You ... I am your Home

The World is a Duality Planet.
No amount of Love or Good will cancel the amount of Hate or Evil.
By means of living here we will discover that all is exactly as it should be!

In addition to what you find in this article
I have explained more about all this in the following.

~ We created our own Spooks ~

!  A most important article that complements this One  !

. . . . . . . End of the Conclusion or Summation . . . . . . .

Now that you have made it to the end - please consider the following...
My view is that all happenings in our world - from the past to the present and into the future - are happenings that are part of a scheduled, but flexible scenario. Cycle in, cycle out, what happens in our world is following a certain curriculum. These plans or schedules are indeed flexible, for not all scenarios work out exactly the way they have been planned. We as human beings have (relative) free will and sometimes, because of our free will, we change the original plan. Naturally there are backup plans within backup plans and in the end, mankind as a species, will experience the necessary realities. The planned but flexible scenarios are implemented, by what I call TAT (The Almighty Trinity). This Trinity is not God, but consists of beings and people who are in charge of our world...

The very top rulers of this Trinity have their existence in higher densities. It is their responsibility to do whatever is necessary. These beings play their roles in these higher densities in the same manner as that we on earth play our roles as human beings. The universe is an infinite stage and there are only actors playing roles. The higher or the more important the role - the greater the responsibility. What kind of role we play is not important. We are all equals among equals within an Unbroken Whole of Oneness in Spirit...

The beings or people, who are planning and allowing the scenarios to be played on our world, do not have a good or bad orientation (The idea is to awaken human souls). All of the World Leaders, as well as human beings themselves, are inspired by higher forces and we all act according to our inspirations. Many results of these actions might even seem negative or evil to many people, but I do not agree with that. Good or bad is a human connotation and this includes what some people call evil. We, the people of the world are souls living in human bodies and we are here to experience what it is like to be human. This includes the full gamut of human experiences! We all play our roles and by means of Insight, Knowledge and Understanding which is Love, we slowly but surely pass through Life from density to density. Human life is an awakening process that slowly brings us to higher levels of awareness. As a matter of fact, all of us are existing in all levels of awareness simultaneously already - we are multi-density beings...

During the end of the present cycle of Life on earth, the system of ruling the earth has become a matter of power and greed. This is unavoidable in a "Global Commercial Governing System" for the rulers go for the bottom line only. Those in charge are not necessarily spiritually aware and the result is deceit and lies. On top of that, the rulers are convinced that there are too many of us. Therefore, all kinds of plans are made to eliminate a great portion of the human population. Whether this will happen or not is not for sure. There might be extra-ordinary circumstances that will change the way the earth is ruled. People just might wake up by the millions and demand to rule for the people by the people. We live in very interesting times...

This special note is meant to assure the reader, that there are no beings or persons who we can blame for what happens, all things happen according to the collective consciousness of all involved. We are engaged in an awakening curriculum of our own choosing. We as human beings are instruments of our soul and only a few of us are the main players on this worldly stage. We all follow the lines of our inspirations and act upon them. The collective reality we create is manifested from within. This reality is based upon the level of our awareness and understanding. For most people human life is an enormous puzzle. Only a few see through the many scenarios and illusions. All things are for the best of All...

All human beings are actors
on a universal stage
including your president and your mother-in-law

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Here is a layout of the different densities or levels of the Universe.
( Click to see the Picture )

Density 7  (The Highest Level)
The Region of Spirit, pure Consciousness or let's say - The Universal Mind. This Mind is an infinite amount of different vibrations and IS creation! It is in bliss and knows all things in a subconscious manner. This does not mean that it is self-aware. This is the realm where all Souls end up! Eventually, aspects of The Universal Mind start all over again in Density #1. The universe is a Recycling Phenomenon. Nothing is thrown away for there is no place to throw it...

Density 6
The region where the Co-Creators and the Masters exist. These Beings are very wise and look after Galaxies, Solar systems, Planets and their Species. Genetic co-creative engineers also live here - they create new Beings and Species and take care of their proliferation throughout the universe...

Density 5
This is the Plane of Reflection or Contemplation. It is the place called Heaven by the religions (All sentient life goes here when the body has died). It is a realm within the universe with a specific frequency range. We contemplate here upon our last lifetime and prepare ourselves for the next one. No doubt it is a nice place to be...

Density 4
When human being are finished with the lesson of the 3D world they move into to 4D. The UFO People, the Greys and the Reptilians also have their existence here. The religions used to call them Satan or Devils. Other 4D Beings also live there, we call them Angels. All 4D Beings are able to learn to travel Time. Many 4D Beings are beneficial to us, others are not. There are also 4D planets with Beings similar to human beings as we know them. The 4D realm is still a Realm of Duality...

Density 3
Human Beings live or exist here - on many planets. Human Beings are Souls or Spirits in bodies. We are not our body! 3D is a Duality Realm containing so called Good and Evil. Humans learn their lessons here and eventually move towards 4D. Massive movements to 4D take place on the end of enormous universal cycles...

Density 2
Plants and Animals exist (live) here.

Density 1
Atoms and Minerals exist here.

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