... Human Fear is Their Food ...
! This is why people are kept in Fear !
We have been on earth a lot longer than 300,000 years and no doubt during all these ages we did all kinds of things searching and fearful people do. One of them was creating Gods and Devils. I have known about our self-created Gods and Devils since 1980/81 and believe it or not, I forgot about them for a long time. Somehow, I remembered all these forces and that's why I wrote this article...
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Thinking this over now, I feel that the Gods we created are just as detrimental to us as the Devils we conjured up. Both of these Thought-Forms become Negative Forces on their own and from there on in, they reinforce our fear and limited thinking. We need to transcend this mental-immaturity as soon as possible...
Since we created these negative alien thought-forms in the past, we can un-create them in the present by means of "seeing through" the conditions we are subjected to. We are the Creator dreaming that we are Man and are able to create anything we desire, wish for, or find necessary to make this entire world a Disney Land...
... We do all things to Ourselves ...
In order to answer some very deep questions about 'who' created 'who' in creation, there are a few major things to be understood. We could ask for example, who created human beings? We could also ask, who created the alien beings that seem to bother human beings? To answer these two questions, we discover that the answers are long and complicated stories. I will try to keep them short and sweet. Please stick with me and ponder on the following...
For example, who or what are these human beings? Answer: human beings are actually two different entities. First there is the soul-entity and secondly there is the body-entity. The soul is the essence of creation and we could say that it is Thought or Consciousness. The body is a physical reality and it could have been created and co-created or changed by many other entities or alien beings. We need to remember here that there are two different kind of aliens. Negative oriented aliens and positive oriented aliens. The first kind take advantage of mankind and the second kind is trying to help us...
Back to the body.... we could say that the body basically is the physical representation of a Thought or Consciousness! Somebody 'thought' our body together so to speak. Human beings then are two Thoughts superimposed upon each other. Which means that two different energy-vibrations mix and unite during the pregnancy period before birth. These two vibrations form one unit and become that particular human being for one lifetime. Apparently we live many lifetimes but that is a different story altogether...
We could also look at the entire issue from a universal viewpoint and say that human beings are a specific 'state of mind' of the Energy the Creator is. We could call this Creator's Energy - Mind or Consciousness. Matter is a form of mind! Thus matter or flesh and bones do not really exist. All physical things are mind in form. So, human beings are specific states of mind of the Creator. I am speaking here of the 'Creator' as the collective of all 'Universal Creative Energies'. In my view, there is no One Creator in and by itself. The inhabitants of Creation - create! All of them are Co-Creators on different levels. I create articles and Cosmic Cookies for example and my friend Brian creates pictures, music and poems...
God or the Creator does not create specific beings or entities. Co-creators create specific beings and things by means of the Creator that lives within them. The Creator creates by means of them! This Creator lives in mankind as well. We are the Creator's representatives in human form. For example: we could compare the Creator to an Orchestra, the Orchestra does not create the music we are listening to. The musicians create the music! In the case of Creation - we could say that certain Beings create specific other Beings - while the Creator as such is "The Creative Energy" that is the actual force behind it all and this force lives within us...
We need to understand, that we are the Universal Creative Energies in human form and that the human environment is an illusion that is experienced as a reality. IOW: the human species in creation represent a specific state of mind of the Creator. Human beings are subjected to this state of mind, so they are the experiencers of this state of mind as well. Humanness and the illusion we live in, is a reality to the state of mind we as the Creator are subjected to! Now, here it comes - are you sitting down Mary-Ann? There actually are no human beings! There only 'appear' to be human beings...
We are this Creator and we are dreaming! Within the dream we 'appear' as figments or characters and we have called them human beings. Yes, I know, all this sounds absolutely crazy. Sooner or later you will get it! In the mean time - I hope you're having a nice dream. If not, I suggest that you change it, because you are the one dreaming your life or dream. We as souls or co-creators create our own dreams or lifetimes...
Creation is the Creator's Dream. The Creator and the Dream are One! There is nothing beyond it that will ever appear on stage. Also, they are not 'two' Things - like the Creator AND the Creation - there is only One Thing: Creator/Creation! In addition to this, the following needs to be completely understood, before we will be able to grasp the past and present happenings and actualities of the conditions we were/are subjected to...
Mankind is a representative of the Creative Force some people call God or the Creator. IOW: Man is God or the Creator in Human Form. The point to remember here is, that Mankind's consciousness is the same consciousness as the Creator's Consciousness and the Creator's Consciousness is Creation. In the universe there is but One Thing or Energy - it is Consciousness or Awareness! Mankind lives within this One Essence and it lives within mankind, it dreams mankind, and it is mankind. We are this Consciousness in Action. Read this for more explanations if you like...
We know that it is possible for the human mind or consciousness to forget certain things and later on to remember them again. We can say that this is possible for the All-Consciousness as well! It forgets itself and dreams about being human. Another thing to remember is, that all dreams are real while they are experienced. So, the illusive or dreaming state of the Creator is a 'reality' to the All-Consciousness as well as to the Human-Consciousness. We are the ones dreaming! There is only One Consciousness that in its dreams forgets that it is the All. In other words, we suffer a Cosmic Case of Amnesia. It's like being hypnotized...
Human beings then, are certain aspects or events in and of the Creator's Consciousness, but when we as Souls are incarnated in human bodies we have forgotten our actual reality as the Creator. It turns out that we are just forgetful or are momentarily unconscious of our true state of being. We are the Creator but have forgotten. Cosmic Ooops here! Whether we forgot this on purpose is another question...
Forgetting a major 'Truth' like that could well be mandatory in order to become manifested in physical reality or become human. IOW: the entire physical creation, including every human being and other beings as well as all animals, insects and atoms, or smaller, are holographic distortions of the Creator's Energy and have forgotten what they really are. Shake me awake mate! Some almighty detail slipped my mind. Let's continue...
In the past, when mankind in forgetfulness of his Self-Knowledge incarnated onto the earth, he was living in an ignorant and most fearful state. Every thing and every situation was a danger to him! In this state of mind called 'fear' he became the creator of negative thought-forms that eventually became alien and creative beings on their own. Mankind is a 'creator' and his imagination ran wild. His ignorance, his fear and his thoughts projected or created other creative beings who later in their turn started to enslave mankind...
We also even created their food supply. They live on our fear and emotional energies! So, we created them and fed them! This is why ignorance and fear are our challenges. Our challenges are not to get rid of these alien beings. They will disappear by themselves when we deny them our energies. Could this be the reason why all religions preach or feel the need for people to be saved? Naturally it is! In any case: ignorance and fear are the causes of all our suffering in this world. Fear is the result of ignorance in the same sense as wisdom is the result of experience...
In the long run, these self-created thought-forms or alien beings, became more and more powerful and eventually these aliens began to control mankind. It's like being controlled by a pack of dogs we bred ourselves. Or like being controlled by cows that we assume to be Holy. It's also like electing the leaders among us who then become our Rulers and Controllers. It happens all the time all over the world...
The control by others is possible, since we all live in the same dreaming universal mind and we all mentally influence each other. In any case, these human thought-forms became powerful alien beings in and by themselves. We need to remember here that the human entity is a Creator in and by itself as well as that it is a thought-form or creation of other beings. We are all figments, characters, events or thought-forms in the Creator's dream...
We as the Creative Force are real and actual - as humans we are thought-forms of higher or more powerful beings. The same counts for the aliens beings, except that they are created by human thoughts. It makes them less powerful than human beings. We have command over them and it is not the other way around. Naturally, they do not want us to know this. That's why they keep us in the dark by means of mentally controlling the leaders or rulers of our world. Our Leaders are mind controlled by them. Good examples are Hitler and Mr Push! God spoke to him he said. Who do you think this God was? Negative Oriented Alien Beings... Bingo! Interesting world we live in...
Mankind created and still creates, the very thought-form-beings that control and take advantage of the masses of mankind. For example, followers of religions fear the Gods and Devils that were and are created by the religions. These Gods and Devils become realities in the minds of their followers. These religious people are still living in ignorance of their God-Self! The situation as it stands is - that the religious leaders, politicians and our world business leaders are mind-controlled by the Negative Aliens that were created by humans beings themselves ages ago! The whole thing is a Cosmic Catch 22 and it keeps the masses living in fear...
Just imagine Mary-Ann:
People all over the world by the billions kneeling or prostrating themselves to the 'shadow-creations' of their own creative consciousness, while they dabble-babble their beads by the billions to divert themselves. The masses live in fear and this is exactly what these alien beings want. Human fear is their food. They live on human emotional and negative thought energies. Some wise people say that this planet has been hi-jacked by these negative aliens...
No doubt they are right! However, all things in our world and universe change and for those who understand all this - the change has arrived! Welcome to your freedom and the knowledge of Who or What You Actually Are. You are The Infinite Light in Human Form! Or like a wise man people call Jesus said: I and the Father are One! Wise soul this Jesus...
The conclusion is:
Since the masses are controlled by their religions, the politicians and their bankers, they are denied true knowledge. These rulers in turn, beyond their knowledge, are controlled and inspired by the negative aliens who were created by mankind in the first place! We can say here and now: "we have seen the enemy and they are us"! We created Gods and Devils while we were in an unconscious state of mind and they have come home to haunt us...
! That is why we need to see through this and Awaken !
Please realize:
We are the Creative Force in Human Form and created all these negative alien beings in our past. In turn the Church Fathers created all these Gods and Devils in order to control the masses. All this while they themselves were mind controlled by the negative alien forces. Meanwhile, all these Gods and Devils have become the inhabitants of the Human Collective Subconsciousness. No doubt by now - you are either shocked by all this or you are laughing to beat Hell. For those who are shocked - please wake up and join me in my laughter...
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Here's a bit of a repeat on all this...
Since we were the creator of these thought-forms or alien beings, they slowly but surely took on a life and power of their own. They became a reality impinging upon our reality and they are sucking us dry! We had no idea what we were doing in the past and these negative beings now control our leaders or rulers, who in turn control the masses of mankind. We created these beings unconsciously! What's bugging us as human beings - are our self-created unconscious thought-forms that became reality...
However, since we created these negative thought-forms in the past, we can un-create them in the present by means of "seeing through" the conditions we created and now are subjected to. All we need to do is 'think' them out of existence. We need to replace these thoughts by understanding 'what is'. Which naturally means that we have lost our fear and have become free and enlightened beings...
Once again! Seeing through these conditions means that we need to awaken to "what is" - we need to awaken to the God-Self We Are! We need to awaken to The Infinite Light and Power We Are! We are the very Creator in human form! Meanwhile the Illuminati, as the Secret Rulers of our world, control the religions, the politicians and the bankers. They continually keep us in the dark about the very Creator We Are. They would lose their power over the masses immediately if the truth were told...
When we begin to understand all this, taking into account our present world conditions, we know that the masses fear the terrorists, who were created by their own governments and the religions who control them. Meanwhile, these governments take power away from the masses and give them protection instead. All this while they keep them ignorant. This has been going on for thousands of years and presently it is still rampant because of the interests of big business bribing the politicians. The alien beings live off humanity's suffering, trauma and fear. The masses of humanity are like a sitting duck...
Please remember that all of Life is only an experience! It is an experience that is supposed to awaken us. I hope my words will awaken many. No doubt, sooner or later, with or without my words, we will all awaken to "what is" and understand that...
... We do all things to Ourselves ...
... We have seen the enemy and they are Us ...
In addition to what you find in the above Article I have explained more about all this in the Following.
~ The Global Scenarios ~
! A most important article that complements this One !
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