Metaphysical  Melodies

... Most Valuable Philosophy of Gerardus in Short Essays ...

... About Lightness and Darkness ...

According to the Cassiopaean Channelings the ratio of Light and Dark or Good or Evil in the universe is about 50/50. I am in agreement with this. I am on the site that shares Light. My Soul determines that!  I do not choose - I only cooperate. This ratio provides the balance the universe is in and it keeps the Creative Play going. At the moment this ratio might be different in our world since we are going through a Dark Cycle (The Kali Yuga). We witness this in the world today - just about everybody is on the take! Trillions are missing I hear. So what? All one needs to do is understand that Life on Earth is a Play and we are the Actors. We learn by creating our experiences and from our involvement in the Play. This involvement could be just observing - which naturally makes us an Observer...

When we have understood what this Creative Play is all about - we quit acting or playing. We understand then that the Play is absolutely futile! Its only purpose is to let the actors have experiences and gain awareness. Awareness is the Clue - not one side winning or losing. From what I understand no one needs to be rescued either. All actors play their roles and learn "what is" in time. Once enough awareness is gained all actors become Observers and see that All is Well. This means that All is Well on the Light site as well as the Dark site. No doubt all OverSouls have Actors on both sides. All of it counts as experience and that is what it is all about. There are no Good or Bad Souls - only Good or Bad Actors. There is no need for anyone to agree with all this either. Things are as they are anyway. Every Soul in the universe is a Winner. This includes the Illuminati. Do you grok this Mary-Ann?  If so, have yourself a Banana-Split. They're on the House...

- Karma is Action is Choices -

Assume for now, that we would only live a hundred lifetimes! Also assume please, that we would be fully awake at the end of the last lifetime. Bingo - The Christ Consciousness! How do we get there? I suggest that in the first fifty lifetimes we as an incarnated Soul "create" Karma and in the last fifty lifetimes we "balance" this Karma or Action. This balancing is not a punishment or retribution. The so called "later-lifetimes" are lessons just the same. These lessons are chosen depending on our behavior of the past, or the way we treated others in our first fifty lifetimes...

In the last fifty lifetimes then, we balance our lessons by making particular choices and pick certain scenarios before we enter each next lifetime. No doubt there are several scenarios we could chose from and once we have chosen, the arrangements are made and we are given another opportunity to learn more about ourselves. Therefore - All Is Lessons...

All this does not mean necessarily, that if we would have killed someone in one of our first fifty lifetimes, that we would be killed by that same person in one of our last fifty lives. There is a range of choices that can be made and this means that we could be killed or murdered in a similar manner by another person depending on the circumstances. Naturally, our killer so to speak, must still be in the business of creating Karma. This person is still not aware of the consequences of his actions. The killer acts in ignorance...

We need to understand here that once we are on the other side of physical life, we will meet other Beings who are capable of traveling Time and Space. They will look ahead in 3D Time and will shows us the opportunities that are open to us. From what is presented to us, we select certain situations and conditions for our next lifetime. These Beings then, will make the necessary arrangements in order for us to meet our self-chosen conditions in our future life. These Beings could be called The Lords of Karma or Action. Not necessarily however, is this done directly by means of an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth in the literal sense. From where I am looking, this saying is only a matter of speech and it serves to remind us of the Law of Action. It gives us the basic concept of the rules and consequences of Human Life. Lifetimes are all about learning. What we do to others - we do to ourselves!

At all times however, we ourselves determine what actions would be sufficient to teach us the necessary lessons to awaken at the end of our One Hundredth Lifetime. Our first fifty lifetimes then, give us a certain amount of free will choices and we create Karma, while in the last fifty lifetimes we make choices and arrangement before we land on earth in order to learn about the consequences of our actions of the past. No doubt, in the last fifty lifetimes we realize that in order to progress on the Ladder of Awareness, it means that we need to learn from our mistakes and make corrections along the way to the top...

All this comes down to free will choices in order to do our learning. Our choices however will always be within the parameters of certain limits. As we know, we do not enjoy a completely free will situation on earth in the first place. We cannot pick or chose unlimited wisdom in two minutes for example and must go the long way around by living many lifetimes as human beings. Living on earth as human beings will slowly but surely increase our level of awareness as a Soul or Universal Energy. Eventually our awareness will have reached a point by which we have learned the lesson of 3D and at that point we leave this plane of learning to enter the next one. No doubt there will be greater and more complicated situations at hand for us to learn from. There is no end to Knowledge and Learning...

? What is the Purpose of Planet Earth ?

The purpose of planet earth is to give Human Souls the opportunity to live in physical bodies and by means of this process awaken their Soul to higher levels of awareness. The ultimate state of this type of human awareness is the Christ Consciousness or Buddhahood. This is the highest state of awareness possible for human beings. To raise over 10 billions Human Souls to this level is the task of many Co-Creators or Higher Entities. They are in charge over this planet and its population. It is an enormous task and it takes a very long time. Planet earth is a classroom and we stay in this 3D classroom until we have graduated to higher densities. We are also able to incarnate from these higher densities onto earth again. This means that our education in "how to consciously create in a 3D reality" is continued. To consciously create is our ultimate goal...

All this means, that we live many lifetimes in human bodies in order to awaken the Soul or God within to the Christ Consciousness level. Meanwhile, not all Universal Life goes through this biological process of Realization however. There are other processes of gaining awareness and wisdom. I do not know much about these other processes and as a matter of fact I do not know nearly enough about our own biological path. So, watch it Mary-Ann, don't get yourself deluded by Gerardus' Articles and then think you know something. Life is a billion times a billion more than a few articles from Gerardus. Don't let them fool you into thinking that you are aware now. Anyway, let's continue... One of the crucial points of knowing is arriving at the conclusion of who or what we really are. We are the Creative Energy, or God, or TIL in human form. TIL is The Infinite Light! That's what we really are. There is no difference between us and the Infinite Light. We are It...

Once we know who or what we really are, all Teachings become Stories and all Stories become Teachings! That is the point where our true education begins. The Infinite Light is not a Lutheran, a Hindu or a Presbyterian. We are the Essence of the universe in pursuit of Christness. It means Awakening to Ourselves! This can be done without becoming a follower of a religion or teaching. We are our own Student and Teacher and always will be. In order to learn what Life in 3D is all about, we are subjected to a Game or Play upon this Earth. The Play is created by the Co-Creators, which we ourselves are at a higher level. Many of these Co-Creators are graduated Human Souls - the Masters!

This play is a performance that is an illusion or a lie that is experienced as reality. It makes no difference what this reality or play is! The purpose of the Play or Performance is to awaken Human Souls. The Play is but the method - therefore it does not have to hold truth nor water. It's just a play or Global Set-Up. It might even be possible to awaken people by means of a movie long enough to last a billion years. The earth-school reality is actually a movie anyway. Physical reality does not really exist. It's all a mentally perceived reality that is played upon our awareness for it is all subjective. So, the reality we experience is a projection upon the subjective screen of our awareness. It reflects what we perceive and this is different for all of us. We all create our own perceptions depending on our beliefs and our conditioning...

Upon planet earth this Play is facilitated by the Elite or Illuminati of this world. They are the ones who are inspired by Co-Creators in the higher densities. Some people say, that without the Illuminati or Rulers, there would be more chaos than we have with these Rulers. I do not think so! People of any country in general are not that violent except for a few bullies who run out of steam pretty fast. The way things are now - the Illuminati takes advantage of the bullies available, or creates them in the first place, in order to create the global scenarios. The task of the Co-Creators is to subject Humanity to experiences. Wisdom is the result of Experience! That's what we need.

We need experiences until they come out of our ears so to speak. So, the real Beings in control of this world are the 5D/6D "inspirers" or "scenarios creators" who work by means of the Illuminati. It's a combined effort in order to subject mankind to certain experiences so that he may awaken. He is never going to awaken just sitting there drinking tea! The entire scenario is artificial, but the play seems real to Mankind. Meanwhile, the scenario creators and the rulers of the world, can easily get away with what they create, because the masses are asleep...

Simply put - the masses are always asleep - for those are the ones that need to be awakened in the first place. The masses then and everybody else is subjected to war, misery, rape, sickness and what have you for thousands of years, because conditions like these are created on purpose by those who rule the masses. Humanity goes through cycles that are millions of years long. See this if you like... Certain rulers take advantage of the sleepers sometimes and fill their own pockets. That is their test!  Most world rulers do not understand why and how things really work in the first place. Many of them, including Mr Push and his Cabal, have no clue as to what role they play. They think that they are doing a good job and no doubt they will be surprised when they get caught as Liars and Traitors. Their real lessons are to awaken to honesty instead of being selfish. Meanwhile their particular characteristics and traits are used by the higher density Co-Creators. They need people insensitive enough to play the world's bullies...

The entire world and its scenarios of wars, famine and whatever we see around us for thousands of years is a conscious creation by the Rulers or the Illuminati. Naturally they include the Religions, the World Bank and the ruling Politicians of all major countries. IOW: the entire scene on earth is a "perfect conscious creation" by the few to create a scenario that is experienced by the many. As I mentioned before, not necessarily do the local rulers see it that way. They follow what they see as their own thoughts and ideas while in actuality they are inspired or brainwashed into what they say and do. That is what 3D is all about. To awaken to what is, means to escape from the 3D conditioning, brainwashing, its prison and its tortures. All this sound pretty cruel naturally, but we need to understand that the Creator within all human beings is totally unconscious and needs to be awakened by forceful measures sometimes. This is the way things are...

Sometimes people on email lists speak about the Rulers and/or the Illuminati and call them evil or criminals. To me this means that these list-people do not quite know what they speak of. They do not know what is really going on. They judge from their own lack of awareness and this includes even those who try to expose the Illuminati or the world rulers, those who have written books about them. They are all well meaning people and most intelligent, but they do not understand what the purpose of this earth is. It is to awaken Human Souls from a very long and unconscious sleep. To awaken an animal to become human and then awaken this human to a authentic thinking human is a job that takes millions of years. Well, maybe some people do understand why the Illuminati do what they do, but I have not heard them speak like I do. There are some email-lists for example and they roast just about anybody in the world but themselves. There have judgements but no insight. For more on this see the last part of this...

! The Last Years of the Kali Yuga !

All the situations we meet in the world are created on purpose. Nothing is just by accident or coincidence. The entire world is exactly as it should be. There are no mistakes, no accidents or coincidences. There is a plan and it is ours but most of us have forgotten what's next. The entire world is like a Thousand Ring Circus and pretty soon most people think that it all just happens. Nothing happens by itself - there is a plan and it will be experienced to the minute detail. There are thousands of Ring-Masters and they work 24 hours per day in a no time zone. The best and the worst is still to come.

Some of the above I have mentioned before in other articles - but not as clearly as I have stated it here. Anyway, I have known this for a while. Seeing what is - is like Love - it is hard to tell when it began. All is done the way I suggest, because the 6D Beings and People in charge have the task of raising at least 10 billion Souls from ignorance to wisdom. The cosmic cycle or period we are in at present is called the Kali Yuga. It is the worst of periods of all four cycles. It will end very soon. See this is you like...

A great part of Humanity is on its way to reach a collective awareness. This is what the higher densities are all about. It means that we seemingly will still live in our ordinary human bodies on this world, but we will find that all of a sudden we are more aware, more psychic, more understanding, more loving and more connected to others. We discover this on our way to work so to speak. All of a sudden the Light goes on. Eventually we will have reached a Humanity-Consciousness instead of an individual human consciousness or awareness.

The higher densities therefore will settle over us as a cloud of awareness, invisible but very noticeable. Some individuals will be the leading edge, while the rest of the population still struggles with ordinary 3D awareness for a while longer. The progress we all will make is like a field of flowers. One flowers blooms today, tomorrow we see ten or twelve. The next day we arrive and the entire field is in bloom! The hundredth Flower Effect took place because the Awareness of the Light Within has become apparent...

Raising the Human Consciousness is desperately being discourage by the World Powers. They do not want to lose their power over humanity. Which is to maintain a 3D type thinking. It will be their downfall naturally. Somehow they think that they can stop the universe from evolving. They see human evolvement as an age with more gadgets, like mobile phones, Palm PCs and satellite connections. No doubt all these gadgets will be outdated as soon as the Collective Human Consciousness takes hold. Welcome to the Human Being of the future - Awakened and Enlightened! Looking for more lessons and learning to eventually reach Buddhahood or the Level of Awareness called: The Christ Consciousness. No Human Soul cannot miss the mark on that one...

~ In the beginning there was the Word ~

The Word this time is war! That is what protesters have on their minds. It means that if people are protesting against a certain war, they are adding energies to that war and they are reinforcing what they are against. The Universal Consciousness affirms only! It never says NO.  This means, that the only way to manifest peace - is to be peaceful.  Our mind is an aspect of the Universal Mind. Our mind must radiate peace in order to create peace. This means we must be at peace! We can do this sitting at home or in a garden...

This also works for any other happening or thing we do not want or desire. People speak about "attacks" for example - so they stay alert against any and all attacks. The more people are alert or awake against attacks - the more they are attracting attacks - because this is what they have on their minds. Attacks therefore are created or manifested because that is what they have on their minds by being against it. What you resist persist...

This also counts for rejecting or hating someone. Some people do not like their Leaders and they hate them. They have hate on their minds. This means that they are adding energies to the atmosphere or to the persons they hate. They re-enforce their own hate so to speak. This is why many people say: Love is the answer!  Love is Understanding - which is Acceptance. Love is Understanding is Acceptance of what is...

What we are against will stick with Us.  The thing to do is to accept all Things.
We must begin to realize that we create all our experiences.
To learn to create consciously is the lesson for the whole of Humanity.
! One by One !

... What I think I Know ...

I see the entire universe as an infinite ocean of energy in which we float as energy-fields. We could imagine this infinite ocean as the universal mind or as an infinite energy-field. In our 3D matter reality this floating takes on a very specific nature. This nature obscures the fact that we float it in the first place, as well as that it obscures the many different planes or levels of existence within the universe as a whole...

Living in this 3D reality gives us the impression that we exist in an independent and separate matter body that contains our entire being. Progressively our body becomes a semi physical prison which we possibly might escape at so called death. This matter prison is an illusion naturally, for matter as such - does not actually exist! We only think it does since we experience it by means of a physical body (Matter is a specific vibration of Mind Energy). The matter body fools us into thinking that it is physically real and that it exist in a 3D environment...

Only by thinking outside the box can we become aware of our situation or predicament. When we have experienced, studied and understood the particular conditions of our 3D reality, we are automatically raised in frequency and begin to float at a different level of the One Mind in which we live. By thinking more profound even, we become aware that we are the One Mind and express ourselves into seemingly separate energy-forms within specific realities in order to experience ourselves...

... Analogy of Life ...

Life in this world is like making a movie. It's a real happening! The good guys and bad guys create very interesting and dramatic events by playing their roles. When the movie is finished, they come together at the local bar and have a drink. They have fun, laugh a lot and joke about the roles they played. They come to the conclusion that the movie is actually a comedy. Making the movie is a full time job that lasts a very long time. That's why the players change roles as often as they want. Eventually, all players get tired of making movies. They move on to more interesting worlds. In these worlds, they discover that they are The Infinite Light directing and projecting an infinite movie. Soon they quit playing roles altogether and become a director and observer. A director and observer is an Individual Expression of The Infinite Light...

... The Force of Consciousness ...

I feel that the entire universe is hooked up to a Force that is only interested in itself. This Force gives us a natural tendency to expand and grow. It is a Force that runs on curiosity and it keeps telling itself (us) what to do next. It is a universal as well as an individual thing - because the Force of Consciousness lives within all individuals. All this means that growth will happen whether we want to or not. No one can do anything against this Force because all our actions are the elevators or lessons that lift us to higher levels of awareness...

~ The universe is a multi-dimensional Stage ~

Shakespeare said that the world is a stage. He was almost right... the entire universe is a stage! A multi-dimensional stage upon which we play our roles. These roles include the acts of the Secret Government, as well as the acts of the 4D and 5D Forces that inspire us. We all play roles! All roles are necessary in order to create a universal performance. All in all, it's a celebration of co-creators acting out their feelings and creativity. No one is too small to perform. We all make up One Energy doing its thing. It's a spectacle of infinite proportions. In the end we all will discover that Life is a celebration of the creator living as the created...

... Our Show and Our Puzzle ...

We are the Essence of Creation! As this Essence we express ourselves and issue creation. Within our creation we discover that we are individual actors playing roles. By means of playing our roles as the actors, we create a drama that is also a comedy. The show is very confusing sometimes, because when we as actors play our roles, our lines become our personal views. Our lines or views for each individual are different on purpose in order to make it a very interesting and confusing show and therefore a puzzle to be solved. We as the Essence of creation are the Truth! When we as actors quit playing our roles for a while - we see that our views have nothing to do with the Truth We Are. Sooner or later, we learn to see through the show creation is, and solve the puzzle!  When this happens, we immediately burst out laughing...

Eventually the laughing subsides. That's the time we realize that there is work to be done. Work on ourselves that is! It means we realize that although we have solved an enormous puzzle - we are still only living in Third Density. There are many more Densities or Dimensions beyond us. We need to become aware of these Regions. In order to do so we need to learn more about them. The Clue of Life is - to become more and more aware - there is no end to knowledge or awareness. The level of our awareness determines the Level or Density we find ourselves. There is always more! Solving the puzzle was a great accomplishment - but no doubt there are greater accomplishments ahead. When we realize this, the first lesson has announced itself. Lesson are like teachers, they show up when the student is ready...

~ Awareness - Soulness - Wisdom - Freedom ~

Realities are created from the Inner to the Outer. By this I mean, that the more soul-awareness is settled in the body, the more the soul is able to create what it wants while living in the body. IOW: souls create reality and the body is an instrument as well as a witness. By means of the body, the soul checks what its creation is like and makes corrections when needed. Naturally the body-mind must be in accordance with this! Since most people are more body than soul and the soul takes second place, there is a tendency to think that creation is accomplished by some other Force. There is but one Force - it is the Force we all are! This Force lives Within! To become aware that this Force is infinite is a process we are working on. This work is done by living lifetimes as human beings in all kinds of different world scenarios. Simultaneously we are also present in other densities as the Infinite Force or Creative Energy...

At this specific time-track in humanity's journey however, most people are not aware of their unlimited Greatness. They feel separated from their infinite Self and behave according to the conditioning they have received. Most often humanity's conditioning is based on religious stories, selfishness, small mindedness, greed and violence. To transcend our conditioning is our task! The happenings in our world are a reality created by our collective awareness or by the creator within...

Our world therefore is our mind reflected in matter. By means of these reflections, we learn how to create worlds according to our desires and ideals. Most often however we create wars and suffering - for this is still where we are at! Collectively we do not know any better. By means of our suffering - we become more and more aware and learn how to become better creators. At this moment in time, Mankind's collective soulness or awareness, is but a beginning apprentice in the art of creating. This is why things are far from ideal...

... Coming Full Circle ...

Sixty years ago Americans and many other people of the world were busy destroying Fascism by defeating Germany. Fairly soon however, they will be in the process of defending Fascism! The USA is in the beginning stages of becoming a Police State! Fascism will be established in due course. The Third Reich has moved locations and Americans are welcoming it. The majority of them are asking their Government to protect them from the terrorists. They want security! Little do they know, that terrorism is the creation of certain USA Government Departments which are inspired by higher forces. Americans suffer from a lack of awareness and a mind-set of indifference...

One example of this lack of awareness is what the USA Government did outside its boarders for at least 50 years, this gave the special forces the opportunity to destroy the WTC by means of so called terrorists. From where I am looking - all terrorists are chosen and trained by the Secret Government. In the mean time, it does not take too long to figure out that all happenings in the world are controlled and created by the Secret Government. They provide the scenarios that need to be experienced by mankind. These scenarios are supposed to awaken the ordinary mass mind. Will it happen? Some will and some will be snoring for a while longer. Life is that way...

So we can say that the Secret Government is the force behind all wars and terrorism. Also, in order to continue with the scenario of a Police State, random acts of terrorism will be happening in order to maintain the levels of fear of the population. Possibly, in a short while, Chinese soldiers might keep order in the USA and American soldiers will keep order somewhere else. Soldiers very seldom shoot to kill their own people in their own country. Believe it or not, even concentration camps in the USA have already been prepared... (Look Here) The sad thing is, that all this is necessary, for the population of the USA and the world require it. People need to awaken from their indifference and their sleep...

The world is an enormous classroom, it is like grade three in Elementary School. We go through grade three and when all the lessons of grade three have been learned, we move to grade four. In the mean time, while we pass through grade three we do not change the curriculum of grade three. It's fine the way it is! It is the same with the world - changing the world for the sake of making it "better" would make it impossible for anybody to graduate from Third Density to Fourth Density. The world does not need to be fixed! All we need to do is learn its lessons. One lesson is to see through what is happening in the world and smile. All in all, this means that the universe knows what it is doing. The aggressive nature of Mankind needs to be replaced by knowledge. Knowledge and wisdom are the result of experience. Spiritual beings or souls incarnate here in order to have experiences and become aware. Human bodies are the instruments by which this awareness is gained. Human life is a tough cookie...

... Please Consider This ...

My view is that all happenings in our world - from the past to the present and into the future - are happenings that are part of a scheduled, but flexible scenario. Cycle in, cycle out, what happens in our world is following a certain curriculum. These plans or schedules are indeed flexible, for not all scenarios work out exactly the way they have been planned. We as human beings have free will and sometimes, because of our free will, we change the original plan. Naturally there are backup plans within backup plans and in the end, mankind as a species, will experience the necessary realities.

The planned but flexible scenarios are implemented, by what I call TAT (The Almighty Trinity). This Trinity is not God, but consists of beings and people who are in charge of our world. The very top rulers of this Trinity have their existence in higher densities. It is their responsibility to do whatever is necessary to awaken as many people as possible. These beings in these higher densities play their role in the same manner as that we on earth play our roles as human beings. The universe is an infinite stage and there are only actors playing roles. The higher or greater the role - the greater the responsibility...

The beings or people who are planning and direct the scenarios to be played in our world, do not have a good or bad orientation. All of them are inspired by higher forces and we all act according to our inspirations. Many results of these actions might even seem evil to many people. I do not agree with that. Good or bad is a human acknowledgement and this includes what some people call evil. We, the people of the world are souls living in human bodies and we are here to experience what it is like to be human. This includes the full gamut of human experiences! We all play our roles and by means of Insight, Knowledge and Understanding which is Love, we slowly but surely pass through Life from density to density. Human life is an awakening process that slowly brings us to higher levels of awareness. As a matter of fact, all of us are existing in all levels of awareness already - we are multi-density beings...

This special note is meant to assure the reader, that there are no beings or persons who we can blame for what is happening, all things happen according to the plan of the collective consciousness of all involved. We are engaged in an awakening curriculum of our own choosing. We as human beings are instruments of our soul and only a few of us are the main players on this worldly stage. We all follow the lines of our inspirations and act upon them. The collective reality we create is manifested from within. This reality is based upon the level of our awareness and understanding. For most people human life is an enormous puzzle. Only a few see through the many scenarios and illusions. In the end - All happenings are for the best for All...

... Truth is Simple ...

Closing Note:
We must come to the conclusion that the Universal Consciousness in all its Wisdom does not differentiate between the human words "for" and "against". Example - protests against the war in Iraq, or any other war, has no influence on eliminating war or make it go away. Universal Mind does not differentiate between the words "for" and "against"...

When people walk in protest of a certain war - the word war sticks in their mind. They are against something and the Universal Mind does not recognize a negative or an action against something. It only knows how to affirm! It only recognizes what people have on their minds. What people have on their mind is war.  What they have on their mind is created or manifested, so war energies are reinforced.  The Universe pushes what we think about...

... If You want Peace be Peaceful ...

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