The big Secret
The education of our Soul

~ Behave as if you are the world and everybody in it ~

The Big Secret on earth is - that mankind is not in control of itself. There are Alien and Secret Forces of a higher density that have great influence over Mankind! These Fourth Density and Fifth Density Alien Beings, in combination with certain World Governments and their Departments as well as other Organizations, make sure that certain happenings take place on earth. These Forces are in control of all major Governments and form the Actual Force in command of all major events on earth. The Forces on planet earth are represented by the NWO or the Illuminati...

They rule the world and they are behind happenings like the 911 WTC destruction and other world events. These events change the Collective Awareness Level of Humanity and in the long run all major changes are beneficial to the future of mankind. We come here to experience physical reality and this includes major happenings of which some are not necessarily very pretty. The earth is a school for Human Souls. Many people think that it is an Entertainment Park or a Battle Ground for Toy Collecting Egos. The more toys they have the better they feel for a while...

There are three types of Alien Forces:
There are those who are Neutral.
Those who are friendly towards us and help us evolve.
Those who are not friendly and try to curtail our evolution.
The Religions call the friendly forces Angels and the non-friendly forces Devils...

The Alien Beings are ancient and they are able to travel back and forth in Time. This enables them to manipulate and master the 3D world and its population very easily. We are like sitting ducks! The Negative Aliens use mankind in similar manners as that we use the animals - we live of their energies. Here are some examples of how the Negative Aliens use and abuse us - they live of our negative emotional energies - the energies of fear, suffering, trauma and other negative energies. Humans radiate these energies and the Negative Aliens use them as their food...

Also, in certain underground areas, it is well possible that these Aliens have human farms were they breed human bodies. Mankind on earth is the food supply of certain Aliens and on many occasions people are abducted and experimented upon. They need our sexual fluids and energies to keep going. We do the same to animals. Would you prefer caviar at supper tonight dear?

Humanity is not in control of its own destiny and we do not create all of the reality we experience. The reality we experience, is initiated from higher levels, by controlling our so called elected officials and the leaders of religious and financial organizations. All this is so, in order to present us with experiences that form the curriculum of the education of our Souls. We come here in order to experience the human condition. Being human is a tough undertaking. The human scenarios in all their phases are created by these higher forces and their representative on earth, as well as by our leaders and rulers. Many, if not all, of these leaders and rulers are elected in so called Democratic Elections. The masses of mankind are deceived by lies and manipulation...

The following is a modification of what Michael Moore said on the Oprah Show about Democracy in America "The present American voting system has become the selection between Twiddlely-dumb and Twiddlely-dumber, one must pick the lesser of two evils, which now has progressed to picking the evil of one lesser".

On top of all this, at the present time, the Governments of the world have gone Commercial! They are run by Big Business and promote products that harm the earth and its population. They pay no attention to the pollution of the earth for their aim is to make money. Also their actions are certainly not promoting Public health! There is more money in sickness and death than there is in health and living. To reduce the world population is one of their aims. There are too many of us they figure! Do you know about Chemtrails and what 'stuff' is in the food you eat and feed your children?

Here is another example of what's going on
( From an email I received )

Have You Had Your Plastic Today?
Research scientists found breast cancer cells growing rapidly in petri dishes. They contacted the manufacturer of the petri dishes and were able to trace the growth stimulant to a change in the petri plastic formula. A plasticizer, chemically known as phthalate also had been added. Plasticizers are used as a softening agent in plastic formulas. They alter growth hormones of adults and humans, and have been termed "endocrine disrupters". Besides sticking to our thyroid hormones in cells, they are found to alter the reproductive system's program for development. Many girls are now experiencing "precocious puberty", growing breasts and pubic hair as early as 6-7. Boys are being born with micro-penises and undescended testicles. Plasticizers are known carcinogens and mimic hormones. They are basically fertilizer for breast and prostrate cancer...

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The Commercial Big Business Bottom Line is Boss. It milks humanity dry and this causes enormous damage to the earth for the sake of power and ego-greed. The American Government under several presidents lately has been acting like school-yard bullies. In the name of Democracy they commit unprovoked military strikes for the sake of making money on weapons. The rumor is that over 200 of these unprovoked military operations have taken place in the last 50 years. Violence is promoted by TV and Computer Games. The American people have become a victim of fear and abuse by their own elected officials. All this happens naturally because of the ignorance and indifference of the masses...

People rather watch TV than think. Big Business is taking advantage of this. I do not blame or praise anyone in what's happening in the world, I only tell it like I see it. We all get what we deserve. In the mean time, you do not have to agree with my words. Things are the way they are. Our denial or confirmation does not change anything...

There are hundreds of examples in the history of mankind where certain world shaking events changed Life on earth for humanity. All these events, were not the products of the collective consciousness of mankind! Therefore, these happenings were not the collective creations of mankind. I suggest, that the idea that we all create our own reality, and that all of us collectively create the reality we experience in the world is not so! We only create our own perceptions of a collective created reality...

Wars, pestilence, floods, droughts, sicknesses, mind control by HAARP, frequency fences and all these happening are designed by 4D and 5D Aliens with the help of certain human Government Organizations. Most people working there are brainwashed and are feeling good about what they are doing. They are paid well and they are used to lying. The present TV and Radio Media is one of the worst examples of deceit. All are owned by the Business Bottom Line Bullies. Humanity is lied to and brainwashed. Meanwhile, all this gives us the opportunity to see through it. It means awakening to what is...

Mankind is an experiment! One of these experiments seem to be - how low can we lower the level of awareness within mankind, before it cannot pull itself up by it own bootstraps anymore - which is what it usually does in normal conditions. Mankind is going through difficult times, but not to worry, it will change in the future. But not necessarily because we are the ones who create our own realities. At present we live in the "end times". Changes will come about in the future by means of millions of individuals who will incarnate in those days...

This is already happening! In a way we could say that changes are created by us, but it is in an indirect manner. We do not do this by sending Love or Peace to others, or by positive creative thinking directly or indirectly. We can only change our own thoughts and even that is tough enough when we are raised on lies and deceit. Yet, we should never refuse to help those in need in the moment of nowness. Life at any moment is a multiple choice. Decide wisely and don't sit there like a dummy...

In the mean time, what we have learned from Jane Roberts/Seth and others is not to be taken too seriously. We must realize that we on earth do not create our entire reality. We might not even create our own thoughts. Not individually and not collectively! We may create our realities in a spiritual sense or from a higher level, but not necessarily from the physical level. However, we do create our personal surroundings, like the arrangement of the furniture in the house or the way we arrange our tools in our toolbox. On top of that, and most importantly, we do create our day to day attitude...

Creating our attitude and visualisations is most helpful naturally in creating our future. This is most important! At all times however, we always create our own perception of the actual energy out there. These perceptions include the perception of the Moon and Stars, but to suggest that we as human beings create these realities is going too far. They are created or have been created by our higher selves and only by including them can we use the word "we" in the following sentence: we create our own reality. Anyway, these are my thoughts on this. You are welcome to have your own...

Here is one example of creating a certain reality by those in charge. There are hundreds more! The 911 episode was not created by the collective consciousness of mankind. It was created by a handful of individuals who are in control of this world and who are staying behind the screens of anonymity. When you study these events, you will find that UFO intelligences were involved as well. During these happenings many people went missing. Where did all the bodies go for example?

Where they abducted and never died in the fires or destructions of the towers? Alien forces then, in combination with human forces, are the forces who create happenings like the 911 affair and other events that occur presently, as well as the happenings that took place in the past. These happenings are not created by so called Terrorist. The Terrorists are scapegoats created by the Governments in Power as inspired by the NWO. In the mean time, all this is done in order for us to have certain experiences. Life on earth is a well planned performance or play. We are supposed to learn from these happenings. What did you learn?

Another point here, the 911 affair would have happened even if the White House janitor would have been president. GWBush is but a tiny actor or instrument in this enormous scenario. He played a minor role! He was unaware of what precisely was going to happen. I do not think that he knew the whole story - let alone be in charge of the whole thing! More or less. he allowed it to happen - but was not aware of the entire scenario. Did Mr Cheney? Different story here...

The 911 happening was a Global Happening and these events are necessary in order for mankind to experience. There is a hidden purpose on many levels. From the 911 affair the war in Afghanistan is a follower. This war, and those that might follow, are Big Business endeavors and naturally the NWO is involved. A lot of these wars might be initiated by the inspirations of aliens forces for example. In almost all cases wars like these, are affairs created in order to feed the hungry 4D forces and the 3D rich...

In the mean time, with respect to the 911 affair and many other happenings in our history, the Secret Government and their Alien input is the instrument of God so to speak. Now, this might sound ridiculous, but only until you get used to it! Sooner or later we will find that this is the way things work. In actuality, God or some Single Top Commander does not exist - there are only other Beings. These Souls are co-creators in a universal sense...

Let's say that each Galaxy has a board of co-creators as the top executives. They answer to higher Souls yet! The reason for us to be on earth is to experience a variation of realities. We come here to awaken to the Christ Consciousness - One by One! Awareness is the Clue - Knowledge is the Tool - Love is the Answer. We do not come to earth to become Holy, to become a Saint or to become perfect. All that is nonsense...

We also do not come here to change the 3D world. We are here to experience it, understand it, accept it, and move on. Life is an infinite cycle. Also, all of us are a member of a Company of Actors and our Earth-Show is being played and witnessed by ourselves and others. In the mean time - there are no Good or Bad Actors or Souls - we all act according to our scripts. Our scripts form our opinions and they have nothing to do with the Truth We Are. We Are Life, We Are The Universe, We Are TIL - The Infinite Light - We Are The Living Truth. Our opinions are formed from the lines in our script. Next time around we have a different script and opinions again...

Let's go back thousands of years in our history for a moment and what we find are happenings the Collective Consciousness of Mankind did not order. Sicknesses, plagues, disasters and all kinds of terrible happenings. Who created them? They were created by those in control of earth and look after affairs like this. These Souls or co-creators, as well as the 4D/5D entities are neither good nor bad. They are natural beings or phenomena of the universe and they have their place and function. All the happenings we experience are the curriculum of earth. To awaken is the only way to get out of here for good and leave the world of 3D to the sleepers. Did you wake up?

All experiences are specifically designed to awaken human beings in the long run. Did you make it? You do not have to stay and save this 3D world and/or anybody in it. There is nothing to be saved. It is supposed to be this way. The only differences that will cause changes in the 3D world are the result of different Yugas or time periods. These Yugas are universal cycles and they could lasts thousands of years. Maybe it is millions of years - I am not sure. See this if you like...

So, with respect and gratitude to all those who are trying to help others, when asked or not asked, I suggest that our help in trying to change or save the world is "less than next to nothing" compared to what the friendly and unfriendly forces do for the education of mankind. There is a Higher Density Team that is in charge. They solely work for our benefit! Our helping or trying to save others or save the world is not necessary and it could even hamper those in command in certain situations. From where I am looking, I can see that those who make any judgment against those who play certain roles in this 3D drama, do not know what they are speaking of. Their judgment is the result of a lack of full awareness...

So knowing this, all we really need to do is to allow things to happen. We are here to experience our world and we are not here to change it or judge it! By experiencing what happens we become more and more aware! When we have reached a certain awareness level, we understand "what is" and can proclaim there is nothing to be saved. All is exactly as it should be! All things will fall into place by allowing things to happen. By coming to this realization - we become the observer and rest in peace. What I say here reminds me of what Ramesh S. Balsekar, Anthony De Mello and many other small and great masters have said a long time ago. All is taken care of by God. Well, this God is kind of tired and instead there are co-creators who take care of things. These co-creators are Infinite Souls...

?  How do I become enlightened  ?
Eat your food, do the dishes, move your bowels, take a pee and have a nap.
... All is Well ...

Life is what it is and we are here to experience it. Our experiences are not necessarily all created by ourselves. We as students are subjected to a Global Curriculum. It is created by 'others' - as well as by ourselves! Many of these 'others' are Alien Forces of which some are friendly and some are not. Human beings are Souls in Bodies (SIBs). We as Souls are born and reborn until we get the message and move on. The message is Knowledge, Acceptance, Awareness - it creates Love - which is Understanding. Thus we are not here to save the world or anyone. We are here to become Aware! The level of our awareness places us in the environment we find ourselves in! The universe works by means of Feelings and Awareness...

God is Energy is Creation
There is no God as such - there are only Others
In time they will be us and on that day we will be Them
We change places and functions depending on the level of our awareness.

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