!   What is... IS   !

This article is an attempt to tell you what I think our planet is all about. To do this properly however, one would have to write a book. I do not feel that I am able to do this, since I have only so much time. Therefore, this article only touches upon the major aspects of human life on this planet.  I hope that it will be sufficient to give you my views. A similar and more elaborate article is right here...

? Are you ready for a tour of this World ?

In the so called past, we as individual Spirits endeavored to enter a physical creation by choice and live in a specific type of human body. There is evidence that this was a human body with greater awareness than we enjoy or endure at the present. In order to go deeper into our matter creation however, it was necessary to subject ourselves to a "fall" in awareness, in order to experience this lower plane of being. Progressively, we went deeper and deeper into our matter creation so to speak and thereby lost the connection with our Real Self or the God We Are. We lost the knowledge of who or what we really are. This meant that we became lost in matter and now think that it is the only reality there is. Our descend into matter was/is a profound and purposeful experiment and we are in the process of slowly transcending the material realm and climbing out of it...

Also, by entering this type of physical reality we were subjected to Time and Space. This was completely new to us at the beginning. I feel that we even had to learn to appreciate what Time and Space were all about. Only in the last ten thousand years or so, did we begin to master these realities. In the mean time, Time and Space became so real to us, that we accepted them as the only realities. We were completely fooled by these concepts. We accepted them as real, but in actuality they are aspects of our dream or matter illusion. Time and Space are aspects of an illusionary state of mind. Human Life in the Matter Realm is a Mind-Game that is absolutely real to the body mind or ego...
During our descend into our creation, our endeavors in this plane of illusion became more and more interesting! In the far away past, Alien Beings of a higher density changed the DNA structure of the human body and mankind on earth became subjected to our present level of awareness. Because of this, human life became a great struggle! In addition to this, our emotional energies of fear and trauma are used as food by certain negative alien beings. We live in an energy universe - not in a matter universe...

Matter is an imaginary substance or illusion! In this illusionary objective reality, we as 3D human beings eat 2D beings, like cattle and chickens. In the mean time, 4D and 5D alien negative alien beings use and abuse our emotional energies and sometimes use us as their food. We became a natural resource to them. All this is part and parcel of living in a physical environment. It's the place where all Beings live of the energies of others. The physical universe is One Big Mouth eating...
These certain alien beings are able to live off our negative emotional energies, especially the energies of fear. Wars and Religions therefore are the order of the day! These beings need to feed themselves. Wars create plenty of fear. To arrange wars is quite easy for them, for they are capable of traveling back and forth in time. By changing our past they are able to create just about as many wars and negative emotional turbulence as they want to. This also creates an enormous amount of displaced people or refugees. There is some evidence for example that entire refugee-camps, of say 40,000 refugees, disappeared overnight. No one knows where they went!  I feel that the aliens know precisely where they went. One could ask - is all this true? Who knows... Maybe so... maybe not! Meanwhile, it's something to keep in mind. There was UFO (fly-bys) evidence during the 911 affair for example. There were Japanese movies of UFOs flying about the towers just before they were hit by the planes. There were also witnesses who said that certain people just disappeared. Most likely they were taken...

The people who disappear might be used for the negative alien's purposes. Another bit of news here, many American and other Nation's children disappear yearly. Were do they go? Are they abducted or stolen by the aliens or their helpers? Did the USA Government make a pact with these aliens? Did they trade access to humans for technology? Hmmm? Naturally, the media is very quiet about all these disappearances. The media is controlled by the rulers of the world and their alien bosses. In many cases Mankind is a sitting duck. The rulers of our world are inspired (read possessed) by these negative alien beings and the masses of humanity are kept dumb on purpose...

The masses are asleep, and as a matter of fact, so are most of our leaders! Our leaders are inspired by alien beings but they have the impression that the ideas and thoughts they have are their own! Some even say that God speaks to them. God never spoke a word in the infinite history of the universe! Now this is important - we must remember, that we as Spirits came to earth in order to have the full gamut of experiences. So, the aliens and others create world scenarios that provide us with these experiences. No scenarios - No experiences. In other words - we are getting what we came for...

Images are borrowed from: http://www.davidicke.com/

In the mean time, mankind is completely brainwashed by their religions - which are creations of specific negative alien beings. Religions are stories and only contain certain universal truths! The masses are fast asleep and believe what they are told. They readily accept to fight other brainwashed human beings for example. At times of wars, the masses are manipulated by the words (read lies) of their leaders. Sure, go for it - fight and defend your country! In the mean time, the entire world of mankind becomes nothing but a feeding ground for these higher density aliens. After all, some of them are the co-creators of the human vehicles in the first place...

They changed our DNA and made us what we are - asleep and useful to them! We do the same thing to the animal world. I do not blame the aliens. They must eat and so must we. Things are as they are. Living in matter is an experience and a lesson for human Souls. The density we live in is like grade three in Elementary School. We pass through it by learning our lessons and go to the next grade. The next grade for mankind is Fourth Density. Sooner or later we will transcend 3D and move to 4D...

This entire energy and or food scenario is a dire situation - for who wants to be used or eaten? However, we entered the physical reality in order to experience it. Being used and eaten is part of it apparently. And so is being molested, insulted and or completely misunderstood or accused of being biased. It even includes being looked at - as if you are an idiot. This happens when you know something that others have never heard of. Tough Cookie!  It also includes being put to death for crimes you have never committed. It happens all the time. It also includes being tortured! As you know - truth is a lot stranger than fiction...

All this naturally is an enormously emotional issue and in short - we are subjected to hell. That is - until we catch on - and learn how to raise ourselves to higher levels of awareness and understanding. This is done by gathering knowledge. We must get to know what is going on... get to know what is! This means, that there is a lot more to know than the so called New Age Philosophies of "Creating Your Own Reality" and being "Light and Love" to your Neighbor. Indeed, there is a lot more to know than there is for sale in Love and Light Land. Knowledge makes us aware and awareness creates understanding which is love. In the mean time, love is beautiful, but knowledge is number One!  Knowledge protects. Knowledge creates Light - the Light or Knowledge of Self. Knowledge is the creator of awareness. Awareness gives us Understanding - which is Love for All...

Apparently, at the present, we have entered a period of our physical endeavor which is called the "End of Time" (See the End of the Kali Yuga).  In any case, I feel that for some of us, and possibly for many of us, there will be an end to the experiences of living in hell. For that is what we are doing. Plain Hell Man! Thousands upon thousands of years we fought thousands upon thousands of wars. We lived in misery and died in pain, ignorant of what was going on. We were and are deluded by our leaders, lied to by our religions, stolen from by our banks, exploited by our insurance companies and slowly killed by our medical systems, drug companies and chemtrails. If that is not hell - what is?

Images are borrowed from: http://www.davidicke.com/

We as human beings are being used! We are not in control of ourselves and are brainwashed by higher density beings who program us. They program and mind-control our elected leaders. Carlos Castaneda says: "These Aliens have given us their mind!" Carlos is right! Mankind is a victim unless he raises his awareness. All this may sound absurd to you, but then so many things in the past were absurd and it turns out that all these absurd things were true after all. It's time to wake up...
Naturally, we brought all this upon ourselves when we chose to become physical. We must have been completely ignorant and went for it. It has been suggested that being able to have sex in the physical was a big part of it. Before the fall of Man, we lived in the presence of our Greatness - the God We Are. We knew who or what we were! After the Fall of Man we lost conscious contact with our Higher Self and we find ourselves suffering. Ignorance create religions and religions create wars. How did we ever get sucked into this deal? Well, here it is: all this because of our curiosity and ignorance of what physical reality was all about. Indeed, all this for the sake of having physical experiences in a physical reality. However, there is an end to all things! So, to sum this up now - I feel that the end of this hell is in sight for some of us - if not many. The year 2012 seems to be a crucial time of change. It might even be earlier. My crystal ball broke a long time ago! There is no doubt in my mind, some people will be able to promote themselves to a different reality, a reality more pleasant than 3D. The trick is to be among them and wave this 3D reality goodbye. Are you ready?

Why am I so sure?
Well, I feel that although billions of individual spirits might have entered physical reality or subjected themselves to the fall - there are enough other individual spirits who stayed behind. They did not fall for it! They are working and working to help many of us see the Light. They are trying to assist us. These spirits are our helpers and guides. They inspire us! We need to see the Truth of Ourselves. In the mean time, there are also other spiritual beings, the aliens, who also inspire us. They do not necessarily have the best possible solutions for us in mind. They would like us to come back again and again and reincarnate until forever! We supply them with the energies they need to exist. We need to be extremely careful about all inspirations, channelings and so called tiny voices in our head. We must learn to discern. What is info and what is disinfo? What are our thoughts and what are theirs? Big questions indeed...

Bluntly put, we descended into hell in order to experience it!  Hell is a different side of ourselves than Heaven so to speak. We need the one in order to know the other. So, as I see it, in no way whatsoever are we left alone on this earth and are forgotten about. Billions of spirits and/or great masters did not enter this illusion and they are available to help us!  However, to educate ourselves is up to us. They cannot do this for us. So educate yourself - cruise the internet and learn. Life is for learning...

Bit of personal history Here
About Believing and Knowing...

Some 30 years ago, I began to look around in life and asked myself - why am I on this Earth? Who put me here? I thought and thought, but I had no answers to these questions. In any case, my whole of life was a puzzle to me. A big multi-dimensional puzzle! It seemed to me however, that all religious followers knew exactly what they were talking about. They had a firm belief they said - they seemed to know what it was all about! Some were even re-born! Yes, life was about God and the Creator and helping others, and sending Light and Love, and all kinds of other Do-Gooder's Goodies. Now, all this is fine, but it does not bring us any knowledge. Knowing is the task, not believing...

Then there was the New Age Movement. Whole new ideas about being saved. Being saved was awakening. But awakening to what? Self-awakening was self-realization and self-realization was something like standing beside Jesus and calling him your brother. Yes, that's what it was all about - moving up closer to the great masters and God. Well, what did I know? I swallowed some of that. I know now - that Jesus might have never existed. There is a lot of literature on the Internet that claims that every so many thousands of years the "Christ Story" has been told again and again. Apparently it is on continuous repeat...

Then there were these UFOs. Who were they? What do they want from us? More or less, I felt the need to commit myself and join the New Agers and became just another Soul in the Light and Love Land of Do-Gooders and Well Wishers. Send them Light and get it over with! Send them Love and Energy to heal themselves. Sure! The question is though - is there really anything to heal, or rather, is there anything wrong with the world in the first place? I thought there was. Things had to be fixed!  I am a real handy man see, and I could fix just about anything except myself or solve my puzzle...
Loving the world and mankind would solve all our problems in the long run. No doubt about it. Beautiful! But would loving the world and mankind really do it? I did not know... but began to try anyway. So, the New Age Aware People with their computers became the Light and Love Lists of the email world and I was a part of that! I was helping to save the world from behind my desk! How easy can it get?  Anyway, let's continue with my story...
So, some 32 years ago, when I was 48 years old, the world and the universe was a complete mystery to me. Bit by bit I began to study the mystery and began to see little pieces and parts here and there. I began to slowly understand. In the years following, more and more pieces fitted together. It was like a jig-saw puzzle and the more pieces I recognized, the more the picture became visible. Finally I knew what I was looking at. I recognized all the parts and pieces and they became the foundation of my Life and Knowing. The more I studied and the more I learned, the more the puzzle became understandable. So, more and more of my life became clearer and clearer. The clearer my life became the more I began to smile. I became joyful even. Life is a celebration...

Listen to this - humanity lives in a prison. Its jailers have the ability to manipulate time! They can change the very history of mankind to suit their own purposes. They move back and forth in time and there we are - we fight wars, kill each other and suffer. We do this over and over and again and again! We live in poverty, sickness and suffering. Why is this so? Well, we are milked dry of energy and kept ignorant by the forces that control us. The world of man is suffering and always was suffering. Our jailers like this fine, for we provide their food by our suffering! They like energies of suffering and emotional trauma, they like our anxiety and frustration. We are controlled and ruled by forces we cannot see. We are kept like pigs in a pen. In addition to this, people might be bred in places we have never been! There are places underground we know very little about. Not only that, these negative aliens have great influence over our mind. This means that our systems of belief or religions are instituted and controlled by these aliens! They are able to holographically produce so called miracles. Hundreds and hundreds of them... (See Faking Miracles on my pages...

Now - please remember - I am not speaking here only from the point of view of a human being living in the Western World. Most of them are fine! Although all are lied to! I am mostly speaking here for the billions of people living in countries and provinces you and I have never heard of. They are exploited and deceived by the rulers and religions of the world. It's happening, but all this is conveniently suppressed by the media. The news on TV is 99% lies in my view, especially at times of war!  In any case, most Westerners do not live in hell - but billions of others do!
These aliens live in higher densities and they have it all over us. Also, they have given us their mind, which has become our mind (Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda). IOW: we are not even sure whether or not our thoughts are our own. Think about that one. We are mind controlled!  Mind controlled by aliens and by those who are in cahoots with them, the people who rule our world - The One World Order Consortium. We are their puppets and kept dumb on purpose. We are deceived by them. We do not determine our own destiny! We incarnate thousands upon thousands of times and we can be as nice as possible to each other, but all we do is make our prison easier to live in. It does not set us free. In order to free ourselves, we need to know what is! We need to gain the knowledge of the conditions we are subjected to. For example, our religions keep us busy sending Light and Love to someone else or pray for them, while our sons and daughters are fighting wars or are getting killed by the attacks from so called terrorists. Who hired them? Who controls their minds?? Were there really 911 Terrorists flying these planes into the WTC in the first place? How about using remote controlled airplanes? Where was the 100 Billion Dollar USA Air Force? That is a question that never was answered. Read this about the Dancing Iraelis...

Some of our children are abducted and/or kidnapped for sinister purposes and never return. We put their pictures on milk-cartons. What happens to them? Naturally not all of them are taken from one city - our jailers are smart enough to spread the mystery. They mutilate our cattle. Everybody is quiet about that one as well! The media keeps the key to our prison - they keep the masses dumb! However - once again (I say once again) I would like to mention here, that we came to earth in order to experience human life. Human experiences are created by the scenarios that are created by the world rulers. Our rulers have complete control! This is what human life is all about at present. Naturally - it does not have to be this way! One by one we need to escape from this prison. We are sitting ducks until we do...

Remember, these 4D aliens consume our negative emotional energies, our pain and our suffering. Aha! That is why there are always so many wars fought on our planet. Time and time again! Age in age out we fight and kill each other. Somewhere people are always suffering. These aliens need food, like you and I do! Our suffering provides their dinner. Pretty sinister stuff, isn't it? Certainly!  Now... I do not blame these aliens for what they do. It is a universal and natural state of affairs. The universe, nature or whatever you want to call it - works that way. We live in a symbiotic relationship with all other universal beings! Mankind is used, like we use and eat chickens and cattle. We keep them in pens and fatten them up. We eat our animals and these aliens use and eat some of us. In the past the religions used to call these aliens, devils. There are many different kinds of them. As mentioned before - the universe is a symbiotic relationship and we all need each other in order to live. It is one big mouth eating...
The big question is - how can we become free of all that? We become free of that, by promoting ourselves to the next higher density, where we will be on equal footings with our jailers. That means we will be able to see through their purposes and have a fighting chance. As it is right now, we are at a big disadvantage. We are kept like cattle. We cannot see them, but they can see us!  Learning about all this, or gaining knowledge, gives us the opportunity to leave this planet for good. A big chance is coming up very soon! The universe in all its knowing and teaching purposes, is sending us a Wave of Energy, or a Wave of Awareness that will wake the dead so to speak. It's exactly what we need. The year 2012 is Wake-Up Time...

A lot of people are fast asleep and the trick is to awaken them to the story you are reading. It is really your story and you are the one to see through the game that is played on Earth. We are being manipulated! We promote ourselves by understanding the predicament we are in. Once we know, half the battle is won. The clue to promote ourselves is Knowledge. Knowledge of What Is. It's available for free! Right on your Screen. Knowledge is Protection. It forms a shield around us that keeps us safe. Knowledge is Power... Knowledge is Light...
Some years ago, I found the last pieces of my puzzle. And by golly, the picture I saw, burst into a 3D/4D reality! It became the world and sky around me. It became my Life. I solved my puzzle!  However, this does not mean that I know everything! So, now that I know that I solved my puzzle - do you think that I can make myself believe that I do not know the solution to my puzzle and start searching all over again? Naturally Not! Well, that is the difference between Believing and Knowing! I cannot possibly make myself believe that I do not know the solution. I have realized my predicament. The predicament that is kept secret by the rulers of the world. These rulers are the Religions, the Politicians, and the World's Banking Systems...

Once one knows the solution to the multi-dimensional puzzle - all beliefs or religions become nonsense! That is why I say: I believe nothing and know next to nothing. In the mean time, I am smiling all the way through my existence. No more puzzles to be solved for now. I have found the solution. I know enough of this world to know how it is ruled. It's ruled by Lies!  I am able to say - I have learned the lessons presented here! So, I am moving on and try to help others. Not by sending them Light and Love, but by providing the "words" they need to let them make up their own minds. This is helping a different way. A self-help way. Now - there is one more thing here - do not just believe what I write or say. You need to do you own investigations. You must see through the illusion human life is by means of your own discoveries...

Oh Yes, here is another story that is important! Maybe it is the key to the solution of your puzzle. Here it is: we as Mankind are the Universal Creator in manifestation. We are the very One in human form. We are the very Self as Mankind! We are not just a little aspect of this Creator, we are the whole works just by ourselves. We will slowly awaken to this Status as well. This will take time and learning! If you are interested why and how this all works - read my pages. They are full of universal secrets. Secrets the religions would never tell you. It would put them out of business immediately...
So to sum this up: once you know that you know, you can not make yourself believe that you do not know. Again - that is the difference between Knowing and Believing. Thus, here I am - working for you personally - I am giving you my words. Self-Help-Words! Just ask... and I'll point my finger where to look. However, I need your help just as much as you need mine. Learning is a we-thing...
As a last point...
I would like to state again that the aliens, wherever they live and whoever they are - are not our enemy. This might sound really weird after all this. They are natural Universal Beings like we are! They are other aspects of ourselves and live in the same Mind we do. We live in a reality we must see through and understand. This is what 3D life on earth is all about. It's real and at the same time it is an holographic illusion! Seeing through this illusion is part of the lesson of this density...

In closing this article...
What about Prayer? Well, I feel that it makes a difference how we pray. Meanwhile, asking God for favors is nonsense. Asking God for saving us from certain experiences is nonsense as well. We came to earth in order to experience the human condition. We are in the midst of it. Projecting our thoughts and visualizing situations for the good of mankind - well that's a different issue. Also, in order to create Peace - we must have Inner Peace within ourselves first! Thoughts are things that are just as real as bullets...

All human beings are actors on a universal stage
- including -
your president and your mother-in-law.

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