!  The Play of Creation  !

What we make of this Spirit becomes our Soul
A Soul is a self-made indestructible infinite cosmic energy Being
In order to experience a matter or physical reality they live in human Vehicles

This article is also a part of "Thoughts that won't go Away".

This article has been written from the point of view of the co-creators or souls we are.
Not from the point of view of the humans we think we are.

Humans are hypnotized...
In the so called far away past, the OverLords or the co-creators created a specific world-mind-play and when the stage was set and the rules had been determined, souls apparently incarnated into human vehicles in order to participate in this mind-play. Presently they are experiencing how this all works out. However, this mind-play is a specific play in mind or consciousness only! IOW: souls do not leave one world and enter another. There are no other worlds - for all of this takes place in consciousness or mind. Incarnation does not exist since there is only consciousness or mind. There are no matter worlds or universes to incarnate into - it only appears that way when souls occupy specific vehicles that they experience as their bodies. These bodies, brains and their perception systems fools the soul as well as the body. Their bodies, senses and brains construct an illusionary world or dream that they as souls are subjected to. Humans are hypnotized by their senses and believe that what they experience is an actual happening. It is not! Their senses deceive them. There only appears to be a matter world and universe! For more see this...

Souls inspire the humans...
Human souls also are co-creators naturally since they are active aspects of creation. Our human vehicles or energies play the roles we as co-creators have determined for them. The mind-play or dream is real to our human representatives and they have free will within certain limits. Often they change the overall mind-play in minor ways. Major changes or implementations to the play are made by the Overlords and the souls we are, by means of inspiring our human vehicles. In general however, the original plan is followed as close as possible. This means, that many human beings think that they create their own reality, but in actuality, the reality in their world is mostly determined by the co-creators and only to a minor extent by the humans they are...

No person is really good or bad...
Changes to the mind-play are introduced by means of certain human characters, who receive specific instructions or inspirations to modify or introduce certain happenings. At the same time, there are human beings who have roles that are contrary to the roles of other human-energies. Therefore, many scenarios implemented by certain human beings, differ from what other human beings would like to see happening. This creates the so called Good Guys versus Bad Guys scenarios. Naturally, all human beings play their role as planned and no person is really good or bad. All they do is play their roles! One thing is for sure - very few human beings see through the game we as co-creators or souls play. This means that most people are not that happy about what others are doing. They become upset, if not downright hostile! All this means, that the only thing that human beings actually create are their responses or reactions to what they perceive and the attitudes they develop from these perceived experiences. The point is - they are not on earth in order to change others or the world. They are on earth in order to become more aware and change themselves accordingly. Awareness will make them see through the game we as souls play. In order to do this, they need experience, intelligence, awareness, insight and wisdom - not more rituals, religions, teachings or stories...

Their participation is essential to themselves - not to the Play...
Life, and especially Human Life, is a cosmic play that teaches the human actors and audiences the lessons they need to learn. That's why the human-soul apparently incarnates at specific times and places in the first place. Many actors play their role by participating in the play and think/feel that their participation is essential to the outcome of the play. Not so! Their participation is essential to themselves - but not necessarily to the play. The outcome of the play is a collective agreement arrived at by the souls and co-creators who participate in the mind-play. The human awareness level, that is reached during the mind-play, is the criteria that promotes the human-soul-energy to higher densities or dimensions. At a specific point in their awakening human beings will understand that their journey is a self-promoting one and depends entirely on the awareness level that has been reached by them...

Human Life is a self-created perceived reality...
Human beings are actors and they could compare themselves to Don Quixote. He fought the windmills of his mind. Physical reality is the windmill or dream of their mind and the dream becomes next to irrelevant, once they have learned to look at it from above. The dream or the play is the teaching or lesson. In a way, any dream will do - as long as the lessons are learned. In the first place, human beings create their own version of the dream or play only! They are independent creators and perceivers of an illusion that they experience as a reality that is real to them. Human Life is a self-created perceived reality! All perceivers see something different and no perceiver is really right or wrong. In addition to this, all perceivers except for a few, have a distorted view of the play for they are limited in scope according to the level of their awareness. Seeing through the play helps tremendously for those who do. It's worth a celebration of laughs and an eternal smile...

There are thousands of religions or teachings...
The play is a teaching-device for human souls. Seeing through the play is what counts - the play is the teaching or lesson!  The religions or teachings humans follow or hear about in the play are coincidental. These teachings do have their purposes and values however. There are thousands of religions or teachings! Which one is the right one? This enormous question disappears immediately when human souls see through the game we play. Also, it is not important what human souls think or feel about the play!  Whenever they have negative notions about the play - it means that they are misguided by their limitations. Human opinions are only temporary human views limited by their lack of full awareness. Once they see through the Play of Creation, the best thing to do is to become an Observer. In that position, all they need to do is share their views when asked. Views like that beat all teachings hands down...

The Mother Lode is beyond any teaching....
Certain snags develop for humans who follow a certain religion or teaching. One of them is that they find certain gems in their teaching and they keep looking for the Mother Lode! They are not aware that the Mother Lode is beyond any teaching. It is outside the Area of Belief. As long as people are following a teaching, they keep themselves within a Limited Area, protecting or defending themselves from other philosophies or so called wrong teachings or evil forces. Once they see through the games we play on earth and "insight" arrives, they shift from the Limited Area to the Laughing Area. Once they move to the Laughing Area they become invisible to the so called evil-ones from higher densities and their influences. At the same time other philosophies become available and valuable to them. This increases their knowledge and awareness...

The futility of limitation....
The majority of human souls do not arrive at this deeper insight, unless they have experienced the futility of limitation of the Third Density! This limitation is reached by trying all kinds of Teachings and Belief Systems that all turn out to be but Stories or fancy Tales. Most followers of these Stories feel that there is a need to fix the world and they work towards that goal. This creates a reality of "us" versus "them". A reality like that is a self-created duality that promotes separation! It is the result of a lack of insight of what the world is about. The world is about creating Soul-Awareness. It is not about changing others or fixing the world. It is about seeing through the nonsense of it all that functions as...

... The Play of Creation ...

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