These programs are Electronic Books with short essays that might refresh your age old memory. They contain clear and concise non-religious statements about our position in creation and the great importance of our mind as an aspect of the Universal Mind.
These programs will change all your questions into gems of understanding. Questions like What is our world really all about? Who really created this marvel that circles our sun? Did we have a hand in it ourselves? Who or What are we? What is our Task in Life? These Books also reveal why things are the way they are. They are Remarkable, Powerful, yes, even Astounding!
The Electronic Books include twenty one different subjects and features like word search, filters, browser, seven indexes, twelve output formats, context sensitive help, and various tools and options to customize print, disk write and screen characteristics. Only for IBM. You may download them free of cost. On this HomePage however, no special features are maintained. The sequential numbering of the material is alphabetically arranged by the first letters of the first eight words. The content of these Books is represented in the CCS files below.
Here comes the real stuff...
Neatly packaged in batches of about 20 Cookies per file. Easy to view and print. There are two groups. "Wisdom of the Present" and "Truth Without Proof". I also have a program that contains all my Cosmic Cookies. It's called "Way Out Wisdom" - WOW and the Cookies are shown screen by screen. Most of the Cookies were written in the years 1985 to 1993. Aha! The latest Cookies are more powerful and some of them are filled with pure whiskey. Sorry, that should be wisdom!