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~ Truth Without Proof ~

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                                           Truth 281

                             The Lives of many People are similar
                             to the Dance of Sub-Atomic Particles.
                                Events seem to happen by Chance
                            and their Life seems to depend on Luck.
                                 ! This naturally is not so !
                           For the Ignorant as well as for the Wise
                          all Events of Life are governed by Thought.
                                             - - -
                           However if you do not have the Awareness
                                     to think for yourself
                         you will fall prey to the Thoughts of Others.


                                           Truth 282

                      The Lower Self... the Ass within...
                                    does not want to learn or experience.
                      The Lower Sensory Self is perfectly attuned...
                                to small Satisfactions or Gratifications.
                      Sooner or later however... and naturally...
                                this Lower Self is going to suffer a lot
                                        for it wants all the Ingredients
                                            that are deadly for the Body.
                      The New World Order and its Slave Drivers...
                                             are perfectly aware of this.
                      They use.... this Automatic Consumer until it dies!

                        THE LOWER MIND IS AN ASS... THE HIGHER IS A GOD

                                           Truth 283

                      The Man "Jesus Christ" never existed
                                 however there was a Man called...
                                                      "Jesus the Christ"
                      The word "Christ" is a Title...        ~~~
                                    like General... President... or King.
                                             - - -
                      Jesus the Christ was born...  The Virgin Birth.
                               This does not mean that his Mother
                                      was ignorant of sex.
                                             - - -
                             ! It means that he was born Knowing !
                                             - - -
                              The Man called Jesus The Christ...
                         descended from the higher Planes of Existence
                                   into the Plane of Earth
                        without losing his Awareness or Consciousness.

                                ! This is an enormous Feat !

                       Sooner or later we all might want to do the same.
                          ? Could he perform... so called Miracles ?
                            ! You bet your Eternal Life he could !
                      People like him have command over Energy or Matter.
                                They literally change our Dream
                                     in front of our Eyes.

                       WAS HE CRUCIFIED...?    IS THE HOST HIS BODY...?

                                           Truth 285

                           The many simultaneous Lifetimes you live
                      are like the many simultaneous Channels on your TV.
                       Your Higher Self tunes from one Life to the Other
                           like you switch from Channel to Channel.
                              Neither your Higher Self... nor you
                                 are bound by Time and Space.
                           In order to keep you in the Matter World
                             your Awareness... Wishes and Desires
                               are focussed toward the Physical.
                            You live in a Three Dimensional Theater
                       and you have been watching the Movie since Birth.
                                             - - -
                            That is why you are totally unfamiliar
                               with what is beyond this Theater.
                                             - - -
                        As long as your Wishes and Desires are focussed
                                   toward the Physical World
                           you'll stay ignorant of what's beyond it.
                                             - - -
                           You must let go of this Sensory Scenario
                                and turn your Attention within.
                               However... you will only do this
                             when you are good and ready to do so.


                                           Truth 287

                        The Moment we realize that we are Consciousness
                                   and not a Form or a Body
                            is the Moment we attain Peace of Mind.
                      Peace of Mind lowers our Frustrations and Anxieties
                          and this changes the Chemistry of our Body.
                                 Sicknesses are almost always
                         Attempts of the Psyche to get rid of the Body
                      because of Frustrations and deep rooted Anxieties.
                          ! Peace of Mind is the Saviour of Mankind !
                               To know that we are Consciousness
                       is to know that we are the Infinite Mind itself.


                                           Truth 288

                        The negative Thought Patterns of the Religions
                          - that Man is flawed and needs Salvation -
                          are responsible for the State of the World.
                                             - - -
                                     People who believe...
                              that the World is a Valley of Tears
                         and that someone else is needed to save them
                                 have two Strikes against them
                          before they start to think for themselves.
                        Yet... in order to experience a World like Ours
                      all these negative Thought Patterns are necessary.


                                           Truth 289

                        The Objective Reality we observe is the Result
                           of the Holographic Activity of our Brain.
                              Our Brain analyzes certain Aspects
                         of the Infinite Mass of Vibrations around us
                     and "sees" what we assume to be our present Reality.
                       Our present Reality however is but a small Aspect
                              of the Infinite Spectacle around us
                           which contains all Realities Universally.
                        Since Objective Reality is like a Movie on Tape
                              we can "select" any Time and Place
                                by means of our Timeless Mind.

                       ! ALL OF US ARE LEARNING... HOW TO DO JUST THAT !

                                           Truth 290

                        The Persistence of Perception makes us believe
                          that the World we live in is Solid or Real.
                                             - - -
                                Scientists have proven however
                             that Solidness is an Optical Illusion
                          and what we call Real is Energy in Motion.
                                             - - -
                            When we look from In-here.... Out-there
                      what we experience is an "Interaction of Energies"
                         and this Interaction gives us the Impression
                              that there is something Out-there.
                                             - - -
                         In actuality... the In-here... and Out-there
                            are corresponding or relating Energies.
                             This Energy is Consciousness or Mind.
                                     We perceive the World
                          the way we have been taught to perceive it
                      and our Conditioning determines what we experience.
                               The Environment in which we live
                         is a vibrating Mass of Energy of which we are
                           Living and Participating Energy Aspects.
                      Human Beings are only aware of certain Vibrations.
                                 ! The World is a Mind Trick !


                                           Truth 292

                              Television Pictures on your Screen
                                  are Dots of Coloured Light.
                                             - - -
                          Most People think that the Picture is Real.
                        The Realness however is made up by the Viewer.
                                             - - -
                           ! Things are the same in ordinary Life !
                                             - - -
                      What is out there is an Infinite Mass of Vibrations
                            out of which you create your own World.
                                  You only create your View.

                         ! WHAT I SEE IS DIFFERENT THAN WHAT YOU SEE !

                                           Truth 293

                              The Physical World is for learning
                                it is a School for Human Souls.
                           It is more difficult to learn about Life
                               on the other Side of the Curtain
                       for our Mind needs to be able to focus or center.
                             If this has not been learned on Earth
                          you're bound to jump all over Hell's Acres
                                    in the Life hereafter.
                              On the other hand... if you believe
                       that you truly will die when you loose your Body
                        you will.... and sleep until you're born again.

                        ! ONE LIFE... MANY BODIES... INFINITE LESSONS !

                                           Truth 294

                            The Reward of Life... is in the Moment.
                            There is no Heaven... there is no Hell.
                               ! There are only States of Mind !
                           Even in the Infinite Ages of the Universe
                                 there is only... the Moment.
                                             - - -
                                    By living in the Moment
                                      Moment after Moment
                                we learn to raise our Awareness
                              to the height of Cosmic Communion.
                        This is the Level of the Christ Consciousness.


                                           Truth 295

                      To renounce the World because it is Vain and Sinful
                          or to renounce it because it is an Illusion
                                    is a Sign of Ignorance.
                      The World is a Mass-Thought-Construction of Mankind
                          and it is a Valid Reality in Consciousness.
                             It is a Mass-Mind-Image of Ourselves.
                       All Beings... Things or Realities in the Universe
                      are different Mind or Consciousness Constructions.
                           ! All of them are only Relatively Real !
                        The One... and Only... Absolute in the Universe
                                   is Consciousness itself.

                        ! WE ARE ALL IT... AND LIVE IN IT... FOREVER !

                                           Truth 296

                                   The Story of Adam and Eve
                               is the Story of Spirit descending
                             into the Material Realm of Creation.
                                             - - -
                                     We as Consciousnesses
                          left the Edenic or Perfectly Balanced State
                          and lost the Awareness of our Divine Nature
                        in order to become what we are at the Present.
                                             - - -
                              We traded in our Divine Knowingness
                         for the Privilege of living in our Creation.

                         !...WE CAN NEVER LOOSE WHAT WE REALLY ARE...!

                                           Truth 297

                        ! The Saviour was born... when you were born !
                               For there is Nobody in the World
                                      or any other Place
                                   that is able to save You.
                                             - - -
                         ? What do you want to be saved from anyway ?
                          ? Or... what do you want to be saved for ?
                                             - - -
                                        You are here...
                           in order to experience your own Creation.
                                 ! You are the Creator of it !

                          !! THE ONLY SALVATION IS SELF ELEVATION !!

                                           Truth 298

                                     Trying to understand
                         what the Creator and/or Creation is all about
                                     is about as difficult
                                as a Rock understanding Poetry.
                                             - - -
                                 However... this does not mean
                         that we should just sit there and do nothing.
                      Our only Obligation to the Creator or to Ourselves
                            is... to do what we like or love best.
                       That is why some of us like Metaphysical Malarkey
                                    and others play Hockey.

                        ! THE ONE THING IS NOT BETTER THAN THE OTHER !

                                           Truth 299

                                  The Trouble with Man is...
                                that he is continually reminded
                          of what he is supposed to do... and to be.
                                             - - -
                            Most of what Man is told.... he follows
                                 and it puts him in a Position
                       that is outdated... old fashioned... and useless
                              for Life is a Spontaneous Activity.
                                             - - -
                              Before this is understood by Man...
                             he is well on his way toward Godhood.


                                           Truth 300

                             The Universe as an Unbroken Wholeness
                        can never become aware of itself... by itself.
                                             - - -
                             In order to become aware of anything
                            the Unbroken Wholeness radiates itself
                       Centers of Consciousness... Mind Units or Souls.
                                             - - -
                                   These Mind Units or Souls
                             become all Beings and Forms necessary
                      to form or produce a Universe of Infinite Variety.
                                             - - -
                                 Each Soul or Co-Consciousness
                          has the Identity of the Unbroken Wholeness.
                                             - - -
                                     Each Soul or Godbeing
                         creates its own Role in the Play of Creation.
                                             - - -
                       All Centers of Consciousness relate to all others
                                         for all Forms
                                   - unknown to themselves -
                      are Participating Aspects of the One Universal Mind
                               that loves all Aspects as itself.
                                             - - -
                                We are Self-Expressions of Love
                           in an Eternal and Universal Relationship.
                                             - - -
                         All Mind Units... Co-Consciousnesses or Souls
                                        - eventually -
                         will realize their unique participatory Role
                                  within the Play of Creation
                           and will rejoice in the Knowledge that...
                                         The Universe
                                            - is -
                                    ! Self Expressed Love !

                       ! KNOWING THAT WE ARE LOVE... IS LIVING IN GRACE

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