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~ Wisdom of the Present ~

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                                          Wisdom 221

                          The Light of Consciousness expresses itself
                                    as an infinite variety
                           Interconnected and Interdependent Aspects
                         the Subatomic... to Man... to Super Galaxies.
                                             - - -
                         Each Aspect has its own particular Integrity
                                      but yet throughout
                             it is permeated by its Originality...
                                       the Virgin Light!
                                             - - -
                           All Aspects or Interceptors of this Light
                            learn... anticipate... play and direct
                         the many different Roles of Cosmic Halloween.
                                             - - -
                                All of Them... watch Each Other
                          as if they are truly strange and different
                            to finally discover in total Amazement
                                        - All of Them -
                           ! The Virgin Light watching its Shadows !

                        ! I LIKE THIS ONE VERY MUCH.... HOW ABOUT YOU ?

                                          Wisdom 223

                            ! The Matter World is not really Real !
                               ! The World is a State of Mind !
                                     The World we live in
                           is Mind... Consciousness or Cosmic Energy
                                  with Patterns of Vibrations
                            that we perceive and accept as Matter.
                               The World is Real as Mind Energy
                       but as Matter.... it is a Falsehood or Illusion.
                              All Physical Things in the Universe
                         are Forms... Vibrations or Postures of Mind.
                        ! Since it is Mind.... we change it with Mind !

                              ! IT'S A MATTER OF MIND OVER MIND !

                                          Wisdom 224

                              The Nature of Consciousness or Mind
                          - The Nature of the Morphic Energy Fields -
                                          is of a...
                               Second and/or Third Energy Order.
                                             - - -
                         These Higher Energy Orders are not detectable
                              by our present Scientific Equipment
                          since it is of the First Energy Order only.
                                             - - -
                            The Nature of Consciousness or Thought
                                  is of a Higher Energy Order
                            than our Sciences have ever dealt with.
                                             - - -
                           All... so called Paranormal Happenings...
                                cannot be studied until we know
                            how to deal with these Higher Energies.
                                             - - -
                        The Morphic Field... Aura or the Creative Force
                                is a Higher Order of Ourselves.
                                             - - -
                         ! Indeed... there is a Ghost in the Machine !

                       ! THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE IS THE CREATOR OF IT !

                                          Wisdom 226

                                 ! The Nature of God is Love !
                                             - - -
                               The Nature of Love is Compassion
                           The Nature of Compassion is Understanding
                            The Nature of Understanding is Knowing
                              The Nature of Knowing is Intuition
                                The Nature of Intuition is Soul
                                   The Nature of Soul is Man
                                   The Nature of Man is God
                                             - - -
                                 ! The Nature of God is Love !

                            > WE ARE THIS GOD... WE ARE THIS LOVE <

                                          Wisdom 227

                                     The Physical Creation
                               is a Three Dimensional Projection
                         from a Multi Dimensional Source or Projector.
                        We as Three Dimensional Entities have forgotten
                         that we come from a Multi Dimensional Source.
                             This Source is Consciousness or Mind.
                                   ! THERE IS BUT ONE MIND !
                                   ! THIS MIND IS OUR MIND !
                         We are... the Invisible Source or Projector.
                               We are Multi Dimensional Beings.
                          ! The Creator and its Creation are/is One !

                           !!! THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE  IS  OUR MIND !!!

                                          Wisdom 228

                        ! The Personality of God is your Personality !
                          The Knowingness of God is your Knowingness
                                 for God's Mind is your Mind.
                            Your Life is a Self Expression of God.
                           Your Life is perfect for God is perfect.
                                You are the Expression of Love
                               for God is Love expressed as You.
                          You are the Creative Force of the Universe
                                  expressed as a Human Being
                          in order to enjoy your Creative Abilities.
                                ! Your Life is your Creation !


                                          Wisdom 229

                        The Persistence of Perception makes us believe
                              that all Things are as we see them.
                             The World in which we live... however
                      is made of very fast vibrating Energy Force Fields
                           that give us the Impression of Solidity.
                              All Things are our Thought Energies
                          vibrating with many different Frequencies.
                       ! Our World is the Physical Reality of our Mind !
                       The World is a Multi-Complex of Energy Vibrations
                              in which all Realities take place.
                         ? Why did you choose the Reality you are in ?

                        ! THIS IS THE ONE YOU ARE LEARNING TO MASTER !

                                          Wisdom 230

                          The Pictures on your TV Screen are made up
                          of Dots of Light of three primary Colours.
                                       Most People think
                               that the Pictures on TV are real.
                             The Realness of the Pictures however
                                   is created by the Viewer.
                           ! Things are the same in ordinary Life !
                         The Realness of the World is created by You.
                        The Matter World is a Mass of Energy Vibrations
                              out of which we selectively create
                                   the World as we know it.

                            ! THERE IS NO WORLD AS WE PERCEIVE IT !

                                          Wisdom 231

                              The present Political and Religious
                                     Systems of the World
                        have become Radical and Artificial Ideologies.
                      They standardize the Psychological Reactions of Man
                              into a false Cultural Conditioning.
                           Therefore.... the individual Human Being
                               and hence the whole Human Society
                            is subjected to a Mechanical Existence.
                        This can only be corrected by the Reinstatement
                                  of the Human Feeling Factor
                               as the Governing Soul of Society.


                                          Wisdom 232

                          The Personal Qualities we are endowed with
                          Aspects of the Higher Self or Soul we are.
                                             - - -
                          The Human Form we live in and its Qualities
                         the Creative Abilities our Soul has allocated
                                   to the Instrument we are
                                 for this particular Lifetime.
                                             - - -
                                  We as Human Beings are free
                          to use these Characteristics and Abilities
                                 to the best of our Knowledge
                           without worrying about our Imperfections.
                                             - - -
                                   What we make of our Life
                                on our Initiative and Maturity.
                                             - - -
                             The Earth is a School for Human Souls
                            and we are here to enjoy and celebrate
                                 our Endowments or Qualities.


                                          Wisdom 234

                         ! The Physical Universe is the Body of God !
                              This Body or Physical Manifestation
                        is the Mirror or Reflection of the Mind of God.
                           The Physical Universe changes and renews
                       its Planets... Stars and Galaxies in the same way
                     as our Body changes and renews its Cells and Organs.
                          Mind needs something different than itself
                              in order to reach Self Realization.
                                 So... only because we are Man
                          is it possible to realize that we are God.
                        ! God and Man... are each other's Reflection !

                       ! THE BIG BANG... IS A HAPPENING IN HUMAN HEADS !

                                          Wisdom 235

                          The Physical Universe with its many Aspects
                        or so called Parts... is an Abstraction created
                        by our Ability to discriminate and categorize.
                          It is an Intelligent Creation by Man's Mind
                                  while Man at the same time
                        inhabits this Extraordinary Aspect of Creation.
                       The Separateness of all so called Parts or Things
                           as Independent Realities is an Illusion.
                             All Aspects of the Physical Universe
                           are Specific and Temporary Manifestations
                                   of One Ultimate Reality.

                       ! ALL SHADOWS ARE ASPECTS OF LIGHT... NOT PARTS !

                                          Wisdom 236

                       ! The Physical World is the World of the Senses !
                                Our Lives in this Matter World
                             are Sensory or Hallucinary Conditions
                                    that we accept as real.
                         In order to arrive at a better Understanding
                            of the Conditions in this Matter World
                              we must forget from whence we came
                              and thus we are born unconsciously.
                       To realize our True Relation to this Matter World
                                   we must detach ourselves
                             from the Sensory World of Illusions.


                                          Wisdom 237

                                  To recognize or realize...
                            that you are the Creator in Human Form
                                         is up to you.
                               There are as many ways to do this
                             as there are Beings in the Universe.
                                    There is no Time Limit
                             in which you have to accomplish this.
                               You may take as long as you want
                             for you determine the Rules and Laws.
                                             - - -
                             ! After all.... You are the Creator !


                                          Wisdom 238

                       The Sphere or Energy Field of our Aura functions
                      as a Receiver/Transmitter of Second Order Energies.
                         These Second Order Energies create or produce
                               a Physical Reality or Environment
                        equivalent to the Nature of our Consciousness.
                           Our conscious as well as our subconscious
                             Thoughts... Feelings... and Attitudes
                        are radiated into our Environment via our Aura.
                         Our Aura is the Transducer between ourselves
                           and the Reality we create and experience.
                        ! We always create what we need to experience !


                                          Wisdom 239

                          The Structure of Pure Mind or Consciousness
                            The Virgin-Mind-Energy of the Universe
                                           is not...
                              A Conscious or Self-Aware Essence.
                                             - - -
                           The Awareness of this Virgin-Mind-Energy
                                 takes place in its Creations.
                                   ! It takes place in Man !
                                             - - -
                         Man seems to be created by the Infinite Mind
                                       but in actuality
                          We as Man... Universally... are the Creator
                        the entire Creation is an Image or Reflection.
                                             - - -
                       The Universe... High and Low... and all Realities
                       the Images of our Virgin-Mind-Energy or Essence.
                                             - - -
                       ! We are the Creator... Creation is our Mirror !

                          ! ALL REALITIES ... ARE ... VIRTUAL REALITIES !

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