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~ Wisdom of the Present ~

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                                           Wisdom 41

                              Before we lived in Bodies full time
                                  we lived in and out of them
                                   from a higher Dimension.
                                             - - -
                              We enjoyed living in Bodies so much
                       that eventually it became a full time Occupation.
                                             - - -
                        Lately however... we have become so interested
                            in the Material World and Matter Bodies
                                   that we have lost Contact
                             with our Spiritual Home and Heritage.
                                             - - -
                                   All this is but temporary
                                        for some of us
                            are starting to remember more and more.
                                             - - -
                                     Before we know it...
                               we'll be Fourth Dimensional again
                          and we'll reminisce about our Experiences.
                                             - - -
                               We'll talk about them and say...
                            Boy... oh Boy... was that ever a Trip.


                                           Wisdom 43

                        Before we lived in Bodies we lived as Godbeings
                     in a Mental World and we dreamt about Matter Bodies.
                           Our Dreams slowly became our Surroundings
                       and we looked more like Clouds than like People.
                                             - - -
                      Naturally... Physical Reproduction was impossible.
                                             - - -
                        We taught ourselves to live in Physical Bodies
                              by living in Animal Bodies at first
                                 and slowly we became familiar
                          with Physical Bodies and our Surroundings.
                                             - - -
                       Many Experimental Bodies were tried and occupied
                          and finally we settled on an Hybrid Vehicle
                            that had to learn about Time and Space.
                                             - - -
                          Slowly we are learning now how to be Human.
                            Being truly Human means... being Love.
                                             - - -
                               ! Living in Matter is a Miracle !
                                             - - -
                           ! Life in the Physical is a Celebration !

                         ! BODIES ARE THE MASKS OF GODS AND CREATORS !

                                           Wisdom 45

                       Before you had a Brain you were already thinking.
                           For Thoughts are not dependent on Brains.
                            ! Thoughts are the Creator of Brains !
                      Your Grey Cells enable you to function as a Person.
                       Your Conscious Mind... your Brain... your Senses
                         are the Translators of Second Order Energies
                              - that form the World around you -
                           and help you direct your Body within it.
                          Your Thoughts or your Soul are the Essences
                             that give Purpose to your Human Body.
                        ! Without your Soul... your Body is a Corpse !


                                           Wisdom 46

                            Churchianity always reinforces the Ego
                                     by Praise and Guilt
                           for they are the Cornerstones of the Ego.
                         Great Egos are self created Gods of Insanity.
                            The Ego Identity is False and Temporary
                                    for the Reign of the Ego
                               is a preliminary Stage to Godhood.
                      Sooner or later we'll all discover our True Identity
                          for we are the very Creator in Physical Form.
                              The Thinking and Feeling of the Ego
                        delays us from becoming the Infinite Self we are.


                                           Wisdom 47

                                         Could it be...
                          that you've built yourself a Mental Prison?
                                             - - -
                             Do you live in it... suffocate in it
                                  are you going to die in it?
                                             - - -
                                       Is all this so...
                         because you have accepted the Word of Others
                                         as the Truth?

                            ! GOD NEEDS EQUALS... NOT FOLLOWERS !

                                           Wisdom 48

                         Consciousness.... is like a vague Mental Mist
                            in which Ideas... Thoughts and Concepts
                         float around and slowly become visible Clouds
                                  that eventually materialize
                           and define the Physical World around us.
                               The Scenario... as describe above
                        took place over millions and millions of Years
                       in which Time and Space were Concepts themselves
                         within this vague Mental Mist or Dream World.
                               This vague Mist of Consciousness
                         and all the materialized Thoughts and Things
                             within it... are still Consciousness!
                                             - - -
                                  Nothing really ever changed
                         except that certain Aspects of Consciousness
                            are now perceivable by Physical Beings.
                                             - - -
                           The Physical World is the World of Dreams
                                of our Creative Consciousness.
                            The Ideas and Thoughts of Consciousness
                          temporarily materialize as Physical Beacons
                            to affirm our Greatness as the Creator.

                        ! THE WHOLE OF CREATION IS OUR MIND IN ACTION !

                                           Wisdom 50

                             Consciousness is the Creative Source.
                                 ! We are this Consciousness !
                                ! We are this Creative Source !
                           Consciousness is the Enabler of Thought.
                               Thought is the Almighty Creator.
                                      The World of Man...
                              is Thought converted into Activity.
                           The Universe is Expressed Consciousness.
                            Reality is the Expression of our Mind.
                                   What we see around us...
                            is the Mirror Image of Mankind's Mind.

                           ! WHAT WE THINK... IS... WHAT WE BECOME !

                                           Wisdom 51

                        Consciousness is the Software of the Universe.
                      It is the Invisible Essence or Feeling Information
                                 of the Universe or Creation.
                       Consciousness is the Software Information Program
                        or the Free Thought Structure that is produced
                           by all Universal Inhabitants in Concert.
                       The visible and invisible Aspects of the Universe
                       are the Products of this Free Thought Structure.
                     Each Thinking Entity.... is the Director and Creator
                                  of this Universal Software.
                             ! The God in Man is the Programmer !

                             ! WE CREATE OUR OWN HELL AND HEAVEN !

                                           Wisdom 52

                      Consider this... All Things in the Universe...
                                           are Appearances of the Unknown.
                      The Unknown is... All That Was...
                                      All That Is... and All That Will be.
                      Not a Thing will be anything else...
                              but the temporary Appearance of the Unknown.
                                             - - -
                         ! Which means that the Unknown will be known !
                                             - - -
                              All Things will appear and disappear
                        to be remembered by.... the Timeless Mind of Man.


                                           Wisdom 53

                        Consciousness voluntarily endeavoured to create
                                  - A Physical Environment -
                      for the Purpose of living in it in Physical Bodies.
                                  We are this Consciousness.
                          ! We are God the Creator disguised as Man !
                         Since we descended to a very low Memory Level
                                   many of us have forgotten
                         that we are the sole Cause of our Existence.
                                     In the Future however
                       many of us will reach higher Levels of Awareness.
                           Living in Matter is but a temporary Fad.

                          ! MANY A SOUL LIVES IN A THOUSAND BODIES !

                                           Wisdom 54

                              Computers would be useless Hardware
                        if it was not for the Software that runs them.
                               ? What really is this Software ?
                           ? Is it the Disks... Tapes or Programs ?
                      Software is the Information on the Disks or Tapes.
                          ! It is not the Disks or Tapes themselves !
                            Things are the same with Human Bodies.
                     The Human Body is run by Software... the Human Soul.
                         ! The same is true for the entire Universe !
                              The Software or Information is....
                        Consciousness... Life... the Creator... or God.


                                           Wisdom 55

                      ! Dreams do not take place in your Head or Brain !
                             Dreams are the Activity of your Mind
                         and they take place beyond Physical Reality.
                         In the Regions of Mind.... Concepts and Ideas
                       are as Real as Sticks and Stones in the Physical.
                       The Universe of Thought... Mind or Consciousness
                              is the Universe in which we created
                                 the Physical Reality System.
                          Physical Reality is a Construction of Mind
                     that seems more Real than the Ideas that created it.
                             ? Are we fooled by our own Creation ?

                        ! IN A PARADISE OF MIND... LIKE FOOLS WE LIVE !

                                           Wisdom 56

                      Do not see the Earth as a separate populated Planet
                            in an otherwise empty or dead Universe.
                              The Earth is a very specific School
                            that certain Beings need to experience.
                         Many Beings or Consciousnesses come to Earth
                              to learn the Lessons of Suffering.
                         Others come here to give the People of Earth
                            Spiritual and Technological Assistance.
                      And do not think that the World is out of Control.
                         Our Higher Selves... Teachers and Counselors
                           know exactly what is needed in our World.


                                           Wisdom 57

                       Do not think for one Minute that you have a Soul.
                           ! On the Contrary... your Soul has you !
                       The Human Form or Instrument is created by Spirit
                          in order to experience the Plane of Earth.
                             ! You are only visiting this Plane !
                     This Plane of Existence is an enormous Movie Theater
                         into which you are born and live for a while.
                            Since you know nothing but this Theater
                        you think that this is the only Thing there is.
                           The Movie you're watching is but a Dream.
                      ! Please wake up and discover who you really are !

                            ! YOU CAN NEVER OWN A PLACE YOU VISIT !

                                           Wisdom 58

                            Do not think... that the Present World
                              is without Guidance or Cosmic Care.
                               The Creative Sources of the World
                           are personally involved with this Planet.
                         We are not lost in a World of Gloom and Doom.
                            The Planet of Mankind is being prepared
                      for the greatest Advancement in the History of Man.
                           ! This History is Billions of Years old !
                         Don't be fooled by Immature Shortsightedness.
                               We are the Creators of this World
                         and we live here to experience its Greatness.


                                           Wisdom 59

                               - DECLARATION OF SELF KNOWLEDGE -
                           I am the Universal Creator in Human Form
                                 and I create my own Reality.
                              I create my own Reality by means of
                                my Imagination and my Attitude.
                        I am always busily engaged preparing my Future.
                             This is a big Job for I live forever.
                        I have accepted the Responsibility of creating
                                          THE NATURE
                                    MY INFINITE EXISTENCE.

                          ! MY REALITY IS THE RESULT OF MY THOUGHTS !

                                           Wisdom 60

                         Did you ever see a Computer Software Program
                                 in the Form of a Human Being?
                           ! Look in the Mirror and you'll see one !
                         The Consciousness... Mind or Soul... you are
                            is superimposed upon your matter Body.
                          As soon as you started to live in your Body
                            you superimposed your Soulness upon it.
                       ! You as a Human Being are Soul and Form in One !
                      You as a Consciousness... are physically manifested
                       in and as the Human Being you see in the Mirror.
                                  ! You are a God in Matter !

                              ! WHAT YOU SEE... IS WHAT YOU ARE !

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