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~ Truth Without Proof ~

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                                           Truth 241

                        The biggest Educational Institution of the Past
                                 was the Roman Catholic Church
                          ! Yes indeed... the Roman Catholic Church !
                               Hardly anyone could read or write
                       except for the People associated with the Church.
                                Oh yes... there were the Courts
                            but the Church was the Greatest Pioneer
                                in the Education of the Masses.
                          And look at the Church or Churches nowadays
                      most of them are Years behind their own Followers.
                              ! Times sure change... don't they ?

                                ! RELIGIONS ARE A DYING BREED !

                                           Truth 242

                          The Behaviour of all Beings in the Universe
                                    including Human Beings
                       is not some kind of chaotic or random Phenomenon.
                           All Actions in the Universe are organized
                         by the Originator or Creator of the Universe.
                               In other words... the Creator...
                        by means of all its Aspects or so called Parts
                           is the Prime Mover of the infinite Show.
                       This means naturally that you are not responsible
                            for whatever it is you do or don't do.
                                ! The Creator is responsible !

                             !! YOU HOWEVER... ARE THIS CREATOR !!

                                           Truth 243

                         The Creator-Absolute issues Creation or Being
                               as Aspects from its Non-Beingness
                      in the same Fashion as a Dreamer dreams his Dreams.
                           The Creator-Absolute and Creation are One
                               like the Dreamer and his Dreams.
                                             - - -
                        Since the Creator-Absolute and Creation are One
                            we cannot say that they are each other
                          for this would mean... that there are Two.
                       Love in the form of Self-Love is the Relationship
                          between the Creator-Absolute and Creation.
                                             - - -
                        The Relation between the Absolute and Creation
                                       - Must Be Love -
                          for any other Relationship is Destructive.
                                             - - -
                       Our Sun is a tiny Aspect of the Creator-Absolute
                         and we are Dream-Aspects of our Creator-Sun.
                      Our Existence therefore is an Illusionary Condition
                               that we accept as Real or Actual.
                                             - - -
                        We as Human Beings are the Expressions of Love
                                   of the Creator-Absolute.

                           ! WE ARE THE VERY CREATOR IN HUMAN FORM !

                                           Truth 245

                          The combined Effects of our Brain and Mind
                             create our Time and Space Awareness.
                         It can only be experienced by Physical Beings
                                 who are under the Domination
                         of their Senses... Brain and Conscious Mind.
                                  Our daily Life takes place
                         in an Illusive but entirely natural Scenario.
                            This Cosmic Scenario of Time and Space
                         is like a Private and Separate Reality System
                              with definite Boundaries and Laws.
                      ! It's a very special but deceiving State of Mind !
                                             - - -
                           Within this special Time and Space Arena
                        our Ideas and Feelings align Free Cosmic Energy
                            and literally build our Stage or World.
                        ! Our Matter World is aligned Thought or Mind !
                                             - - -
                       Cosmic Energy Patterns expressed by our Emotions
                          become the Scenery of the World we live in
                     and we perceive and accept this as our Matter World.
                           Our Feelings create our Physical Reality.
                      This has been going on since the Beginning of Time.
                                             - - -
                           When we're asleep our Brain Waves change
                         and our Time and Space Awareness cancels out.
                         At so called Death... when we leave our Body
                               Time and Space collapse entirely
                           for Brain Activity has ceased completely.
                                             - - -
                            Our Thinking Mind however continues on
                       and a more complete Reality System is experienced
                               for our Thinking Mind is free now
                       from the Domination of the Senses and the Brain.
                      We live then.... in a State of Expanded Awareness.

                          ! WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF CLEAR THINKING !

                                           Truth 248

                            The Changes in the World at the Present
                              are Symptoms of the Transformation
                             of the Third Dimensional Way of Life
                        to the New and Higher Dimensionals Way of Life.
                      It is a Transformation as well as a Transcendence.
                     This Change will be a Major Feat for the Human Race.
                            The World as we know it will disappear
                           in order to clear the way... as intended
                            for the next Phase of Human Expression.
                        The old way of living in Ignorance of ourselves
                     will be replaced by... the New Age of Understanding.
                                             - - -
                              We are becoming Fourth Dimensional
                                          which means
                        more Aware... more Psychic... most Christ like.
                              We will have Peace and Prosperity.
                         We will have Abundance and Love in the World.
                                             - - -
                       The Old Religious Belief Systems will disappear.
                                             - - -
                              Before all this comes about however
                      the World of Man will be shocked to its Foundations
                          and Billions will leave the Plane of Earth.
                                             - - -
                             All our Institutions as we know them
                          will collapse and will have to be replaced
                              by New Ways of governing ourselves.
                                             - - -
                           ! The New Age to come will be Brilliant !
                                             - - -
                                 The Transition Period however
                                     will be most Painful
                            for Third Density Oriented Individuals.
                                             - - -
                         ! The Earth will be a Fifth Density Planet !

                        LOVE... UNDERSTANDING... SHARING... COOPERATION

                                           Truth 251

                                  The Death of the Human Body
                             is a necessary "out" for most People.
                         We all come to Earth to learn a certain Task.
                        Some Tasks are very small... some are bigger...
                                   and some are tremendous.
                        When the Task is completed... we leave the Body
                      and embrace what we have learned in Consciousness.
                           We are learning Consciousnesses or Souls
                        and we live forever.... in or out of the Body.
                            Once we have discovered that this is so
                         we know that Time is absolutely unimportant.

                       SOME TASKS TAKE TWO... THREE... OR FOUR LIFETIMES

                                           Truth 252

                              The Dogma that a Man called Christ
                                      was the Son of God
                           and that he was crucified to save Mankind
                                is a bit far fetched naturally.
                            Especially if you also have to believe
                      that the Sins of all Mankind were thereby forgiven
                       and that the Doors of Heaven were now open again.
                             (This is what I was told to believe)
                        If a Religion like this was instituted nowadays
                      no doubt... the Inventors of it would be prosecuted
                           for psychological Cruelty to the Masses.


                                           Truth 253

                         The Ego Consciousness or the Seat of the Ego
                              allows perception of Separateness.
                           This Consciousness has to be established
                             before we are able to enjoy or endure
                               the Physical Reality we live in.
                         Man moves from Undifferentiated Consciousness
                            to Differentiated or Ego Consciousness
                      and eventually moves toward the All-Consciousness.
                          Every Step in this Process is as important
                                    as the Process itself.
                          We are the All-Consciousness in Evolution.

                            ! THAT'S WHY ALL OF US ARE REALLY ONE !

                                           Truth 254

                         The Earth is a School with a Million Grades.
                      Grades are not always attended in sequential order.
                              We go through a Grade or Experience
                            whenever the Circumstances in the World
                         are suitable to teach us that certain Lesson.
                          One of the most difficult Lessons to learn
                                  is that we are the Creator.
                                             - - -
                        Every Time we leave our Body at so called Death
                               and we feel good about ourselves
                            we are ready for a more Mature Lesson.

                         ! OUR LIVES ARE THE MILESTONES OF PROGRESS !

                                           Truth 255

                               The Evolution of the Human Brain
                           is approximately five Billions Years old.
                      Compared to Infinity this means absolutely Nothing.
                      However... walking around without it for that long
                              might be a somewhat boring Episode.
                                             - - -
                             There is a Rumor that the Human Brain
                       has been genetically modified at least 60 times.
                          ? Well now.... who is tinkering with whom ?
                        Pssstt... are you able to think back far enough
                            to remember that we were the Dinosaurs?

                              ? IF WE WEREN'T.... WHO WERE THEY ?

                                           Truth 256

                             The Evolution of the Individual I am
                                the Unfolding of my Personality
                                 the Enlightenment of my Soul
                               and the Illumination of my Spirit
                                 can only happen to the Degree
                               that I let Life flow through me.
                                             - - -
                             Life is the very God of my Existence.
                                             - - -
                                Life of God... flow through me.
                              Light of Love... fulfill my Being.


                                           Truth 257

                       ! The Essence of the Universe is Consciousness !
                                   This Consciousness dreams
                          Quillions of Independent Personal Realities
                                             - - -
                                All these Independent Realities
                     form/are Relationships of Consciousness with itself.
                           ! Dreaming is a must in order to relate !
                                             - - -
                         Dreaming... is projecting Aspects of Yourself
                               into a certain State or Activity.
                                             - - -
                             Consciousness or Mind is so Powerful
                      that these Aspects or Realities become Actualities
                            in different Periods of Time and Space
                        as well as in Dimensions beyond Time and Space.
                                             - - -
                      These Aspects... Realities... Actualities or People
                                        find themselves
                             seemingly separated and independent.
                                             - - -
                          They adopt their own Habits and Identities
                                   for they have Free Will.
                                             - - -
                          With their limited Awareness they conclude
                             that some God or Creator created them
                        in order to be served... or to be looked up to.
                                  Sooner or later however...
                      some People become aware... that they are dreaming
                            and that all other People or Realities
                                are Parallel Dreams or Aspects
                         of the same Dreaming Consciousness they are.
                                             - - -
                          Most People find this a most hilarious Idea
                      for they are quite aware that they are wide awake.


                                           Truth 260

                              The entire Universe... High and Low
                                     Visible and Invisible
                           is a Dream that's experienced as Reality.
                                     The Dream is created
                                by the Collective Consciousness
                             of all the Participants or Dreamers.
                                 All Participants or Dreamers
                                          only exist
                          within the Reality of their enormous Dream.
                             To awaken from this fascinating Dream
                       we must transcend the Participant... the Dreamer.
                                             - - -
                           When the Participant or Ego is conquered
                       we awaken to our Original State of Consciousness.
                          The Consciousness of the Universal Creator.
                                             - - -
                               You promised yourself to discover
                                    - that all this is so -
                           when you surrendered your Glorious Sanity
                             to the Enchanted Dreamer of Insanity
                       who whispered silly Dreams into the Minds of Man
                              that hypnotized them into believing
                       that they would be Independent... Wise and Sane.


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