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~ Wisdom of the Present ~

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                                          Wisdom 141

                           Most People wait until something happens
                                  and then complain about it.
                      ? Do People know that they can make Things happen ?
                             ! That's what creating is all about !
                     We are Life and what we do with it... is our Choice.
                          ! We have been given Unlimited Potential !
                                   We must learn to use it.
                                             - - -
                                 ! That is being the Creator !
                             We are Life... we are Consciousness.
                                 ! There is no greater Power !

                             ! ALL CREATORS ALL SELF INITIATORS !

                                          Wisdom 142

                                   My Thoughts and Ideas...
                             are the Forerunners of my Days ahead.
                                 ! I will meet what I think !
                           My Destiny is a self created Environment
                             in which I encounter my own Thoughts.
                       ! I am the Creator of my Life... of my Reality !
                                             - - -
                             ! I am the Reality... I am the Way !
                              ! I am the Law... I am the Truth !
                           I am the Universal Creator in Human Form
                              learning how to create my Kingdom.

                        ! I AM THE CHRIST-CONSCIOUSNESS... FOLLOW ME !

                                          Wisdom 143

                            My Theme is Light... bursting forth...
                                from Black Dots on white Paper.
                            Printing Symbols on flattened Trees...
                                    leaving Marks on Minds.
                         ! The Minds of Man... the Light of Creation !
                       The Light of Creation... born in Bodies of Matter
                          disguising its Greatness in its Smallness.
                            Pretending to be Man in a World created
                                     by the Light Man is.
                        The Light of Mind... the Light of Consciousness
                                     ! THE LIGHT WE ARE !


                                          Wisdom 144

                         Man's Thought is the Director of God's Power.
                      ! So... without Man... God is absolutely useless !
                            Since the Power of God becomes evident
                                    by the Thoughts of Man
                               we are responsible for our Life.
                        ! Every Human Being is an Incarnation of God !
                       The more we become aware of God's Presence within
                          the closer we come to the full Realization
                            of the Christ or Buddha Consciousness.
                                             - - -
                         ! The Light within Man is the Light of God !


                                          Wisdom 145

                          Millions upon Millions of Cells in my Body
                        have died and just as many or more have arisen
                             to sustain the House in which I live.
                              These tiny Living Bricks construct
                      a Two Eyed Building to show me the World I also am.
                         The Infinite Creator I am... fools itself...
                                by living in its own Creation.
                      The Entire Universe... including all Life within it
                           is my Infinite Consciousness on Display.
                              And I truly love to disguise myself
                        within the Finite Walls of a Two Eyed Building.

                        ! GREATNESS IS ONLY AS GREAT AS WE CAN GRASP !

                                          Wisdom 146

                              Millions upon Millions of Years ago
                         All of Us as Light Beings took a Solemn Oath.
                              The Oath was.... to create and live
                          in our own Physical World or Reality System
                              until All of Us became Enlightened.
                          Now....!!   We know that you have made it.
                            So please stay and teach the rest of us
                               that our Reality is but a Dream.
                                    Don't leave us stranded
                              in our self created Matter Miracle
                          for our Dream has become a Solid Nightmare.

                            !!! ALL DREAMS ARE ABSOLUTELY REAL !!!

                                          Wisdom 147

                       ! Nobody is from the Earth or any other Planet !
                          We all are Consciousness or Thought Beings
                       and we are born or have emerged from Inner Space.
                                   We are Inner Space Beings
                              and Outer Space is our Playground.
                            Inner as well as Outer Space... however
                          are Mental Constructions of Consciousness.
                         Mental Constructions... Concepts or Thoughts
                                 become semi Solid Substances
                            and take on their own Deceptive Reality
                                   under certain Conditions.

                           ! CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE WOMB OF CREATION !

                                          Wisdom 148

                                  Never strive to be happy...
                           for Happiness is an Illusive By-product.
                        When we lose our Mind in doing what we do best
                      we attain a State of Mind we remember as Happiness.
                         As soon as we think about this State however
                                   we have already lost it.
                                             - - -
                              Happiness is the Illusive Companion
                                of a Mind creating or thinking.
                                             - - -
                            ! Happiness is attained Unconsciously !

                         ! WHEN I WRITE I AM THE FIRST HAPPY READER !

                                          Wisdom 149

                             Our Body is the Interference Pattern
                       of the Pure Undifferentiated Holographic Reality
                         and our own Holographic Energy Field or Soul.
                             Our Soul or Holographic Energy Field
                         is the Reflection or Result of our Thoughts.
                          At the Present we have subjected ourselves
                           to a very limited and illusive Existence.
                                   This illusive Experience
                          is the Product of our own Creative Dreams.
                                  We are the Eternal Dreamer.
                         ! To awaken to our True Self is Unavoidable !


                                          Wisdom 150

                          Our ego or conscious self is a small Aspect
                           of our Total Self out of which we emerge.
                                             - - -
                          The conscious self seemingly lives on Earth
                           and it unconsciously conveys Information
                                       to the Total Self
                            which seemingly exists somewhere else.
                                             - - -
                          We as the Total Self forward little selves
                             into different Realities of Creation
                        in order to experience different Modes of Life.
                                             - - -
                         All Planes of all Worlds of Creation however
                          are only different States of Consciousness
                                       which we perceive
                            as different Environments or Realities.
                                             - - -
                         The little self does not really go any Place
                                       for all Realities
                       are States of Awareness of the One Infinite Mind.
                                             - - -
                          ! All Things are States or Forms of Mind !


                                          Wisdom 152

                              ! Ordinary Human Life is a Movie !
                                             - - -
                               Since we are born in the Theater
                                   it is extremely difficult
                               to become aware of our Situation.
                                             - - -
                              Only when we have learned to think
                                     beyond Time and Space
                        is it possible to become aware that Human Life
                             is a Three Dimensional State of Mind
                                   to which we are subjected
                             because we live in a Magical Machine.
                                             - - -
                            This Machine is the Physical Extension
                             of the Spiritual Being we really are.
                                             - - -
                           It is well possible that we have entered
                                     - The Earth Theater -
                           many Thousands of times before we realize
                        that all Movies are the Creations of our Mind.
                          The Magical Machine... and the Matter World
                            are both products of our Consciousness.


                                          Wisdom 154

                      Our Reality depends on what we believe to be true.
                          What we believe depends on our Perception.
                          Our Perception depends on what we look for.
                           What we look for depends on our Thoughts.
                         What we think depends on our State of Wisdom.

                         Our Wisdom depends on our State of Awareness.
                              Our Awareness depends on Intuition.
                        Our Intuition depends on the Maturity of Soul.
                              The Maturity of Soul depends on...
                       the Image we represent of the One Infinite Mind.
                           ! All Images are Holograms of this Mind !

                            !! WE ARE DUPLICATES OF THE ORIGINAL !!

                                          Wisdom 155

                           Our Real Self... Higher Self or God Self
                         is a Sixth-Density-Hologram of the Universe.
                      Human Aspects of this Higher-Hologram are projected
                     into Physical Reality at different Times and Places.
                      The Adventures of these Human Aspects or Holograms
                       are experienced by the Real-Self simultaneously.
                               The more the Human Aspect evolves
                         toward Higher Density-Levels of the Universe
                                the more its Image or Hologram
                     becomes like its Sixth-Density-Hologram or God Self.
                      ! We are Images of Images of Images of the Whole !

                         ! WE ARE FINITE RAYS OF THE INFINITE LIGHT !

                                          Wisdom 156

                               Our State of Mind or Attitude...
                      determines how we react to the World outside of us.
                       We do not have to become jealous... irritated...
                      angry... violent... or pissed off by what we meet.
                          The Energies of our Thoughts form Patterns
                          in the Highways of our Mind and eventually
                       we become Prisoners of our own Negative Thoughts.
                      They cloud our Holographic Image and automatically
                     we return back to Earth until we change our Attitude.
                           Each Lifetime is an Opportunity to change
                       our Infinite Existence by means of our Thoughts.


                                          Wisdom 157

                     Our Thoughts are the Invisible Parents of our Words.
                              They also are the Invisible Source
                           that forms the entire Physical Universe.
                                             - - -
                            This Invisible Source or Cosmic Energy
                                   is Consciousness or Mind.
                                             - - -
                              ? So... what really is the World ?
                            The World and all the Things around us
                       are the Perfect Mirror of our Thoughts and Ideas.
                              ! What we think... is what we see !


                                          Wisdom 158

                         ! Praying is a relatively doubtful Activity !
                         What happens in the World is not decided upon
                             by some Father God or Cosmic Parent.
                            What happens in the World is the Result
                             of our collective Thoughts and Deeds.
                                             - - -
                            The Creative Energy is a Neutral Energy
                          and Circumstances are our Thoughts in Form.
                                             - - -
                       Praying... while the World is falling apart on us
                        is an Activity that misses the Point entirely.

                       ! YES... VISUALIZATIONS AND AFFIRMATIONS... YES !

                                          Wisdom 159

                                Physical Reality is created...
                        by your Mind... your Brain and by your Senses.
                                  What you perceive... are...
                             Energy Force Fields of Consciousness
                      that you accept as the World of Sticks and Stones.
                        The Material World.... including Time and Space
                             are Forms or States of Consciousness.
                                     The Whole of Creation
                          is the Universal Consciousness on Display.
                      This Universal Consciousness is your Consciousness.
                          ! There is but One Consciousness or Mind !

                           ! WE ALL CREATE OUR OWN REALITY SYSTEM !

                                          Wisdom 160

                      Physical Reality is not really what it looks like.
                              It is an extremely crafty Illusion
                      that is perceived and accepted as Real by Mankind.
                           By means of an illusionary State of Mind
                         we experience the Beauty of Physical Reality.
                           So... although Physicality is a Deception
                                   the Beauty of it is Real.
                          The present Human Vehicle is the Result of
                        Millions of Years of Experimentation... however
                       Time and Space are Aspects of the same Illusion.
                          ! The only Thing that is Real is our Mind !

                             ! HUMAN LIFE IS A VERY FUNNY AFFAIR !

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