... Our world is a mind Trick ...
... Our world is an imagined Reality ...
... Our world is our Dream ...
... The entire universe is our Dream ...
... We are the Dreamer ...
... Our Life is Our Dream ...
! ... We are living in a phantom world - it does not actually exist out There ... !
... Wherever we go - we will always live - in our Awareness ...
... Human Life is a completely subjective Experience ...
.. Yeah so much for objective Reality - There is no such thing Anywhere ..
Well let's begin...
What is happening on our planet from day to day, year in year out, is the manifestation of an incredibly ingenious Divine Play. This Play is like a dream. Or is it a dream? As a matter of fact - it is more like a dream than anything else! Let's investigate this and find out. The Play is very wild and worldly. Yet, at the same time - it is very smooth and simple. It's a Mind-Play. All of it takes place in our Mind - only! Please read that again - it takes place in our mind only! No doubt these first few sentences are most confusing and they might even be contradictory. Hang on Mary-Ann - it will definitely get worse...
There is no Objective Physical Reality...
One thing is for sure - what I am writing about will become easier to understand later on. First we need to figure out what is happening and what is not happening. What is happening is: the Play takes place in our mind only. What is not happening is: that it takes place in what we call objective physical reality. It does not take place 'out there'. It only 'appears' to happen 'out there'! Appearances are only appearances and they are not actual happenings. We experience the world as a real happening but in actuality it is a falsehood, a dream, a hallucination or an illusion...
We live in an imagined world...
It's like the pictures on TV - the scenes on TV we create in our head as well. The electronic equipment paints the pictures on the TV screen line by line. A full picture is never there! Our brain and awareness system create them! It's the same for the world we live in. Our world does not actually exist the way we think it does. It only 'appears' to exist that way. It is a phantom or imagined world! It is a world we create, dream or imagine. Nothing in this world is what it 'appears' to be...
Our body deceives us...
Do you understand what all this means Mary Ann? You see my Lover - there is not one thing, object, creature, louse, mouse or being actually 'out there' in what we call objective reality. Not even you and your nicely rounded bottom. Your bottom lives and moves in people's heads only! It does not move 'out there'... nor 'down there'. There is no objective reality anywhere! There is only a simulated version of it in our head or awareness. We create it by means of our perception system. The world does not actually exist! We as human beings are continuously deluded by means of our perception system. Our perception system, brain and awareness system 'fake' it for us...
What we look at are vibrating force-fields of a higher order...
Our body and its perception system deceives us. We think that things are 'out there' but they are not! All matter objects are at least 99.999999% emptiness in the first place. That's what our scientists are telling us and they are right. Things are basically emptiness! What we look at 'out there' is emptiness - being 'something'. This 'something' consist of specific vibrating force-fields of a higher order that we see and experience as the world around us. The trouble is that we think it's 'out there'. It is not! We live in, and are surrounded by, an Infinite Holographic Spectrum of Light Energies in which we experience appearances we assume to be real or actual. We are fooled right from birth so to speak...
Pictures in our head...
In any case, what we experience is a planet full of objects, creatures, people and sceneries that become real to us by means of images in our head. That's all we have - images. Imagine! We only have pictures in our head. These individually created images give us a clue as to what we think is happening out there. But is it really happening? It only 'appears' to happen out there! No doubt all this is most confusing...
A Global Play of Mind... in Mind...
To ease the pain a bit consider this for now - our world is a Global Play of Mind - in Mind! All of us create and play in self-created dream-scenes. We create the reality or illusion of it. Our life is a dream and billions upon billions of people haven't got the slightest idea that the world is not real or actual! They are asleep and dream their world! Their life is a self-created dream. Now... that should make it a lot clearer. Doesn't it? Ha ha hah... Not really...
Our life or dream is a play in which we function as an actor...
We create and play in a universal performance with a script of our own making. We are self-initiating free-willed actors so to speak. Very few people however know that they are actors in a universal performance. They figure that Life is something that happens to them. Not so! Meanwhile, what we think we see or experience in this world is not 'out there' - it is not happening in objective reality - it is only happening in our head. A better word for 'head' is awareness. Our world is a mind-trick! Our day to day world is perfect equivalent to the objects and scenarios we experience in our dreams at night. All this is absolutely stunning but true...
The masses of Humanity are in trance...
Human beings have been conditioned (read hypnotized) to believe that the world is the way they see it. Not So! The world is a matrix of cosmic energies that could be interpreted anywhichway. Most of us agree as to what we see or experience - however, this is due to the collective conditioning or brainwashing we have received. To transcend this conditioning is the task at hand! We as The Infinite Light are able to create from our surroundings anything we prefer! The power of our imagination is the key. We are able to silence the storm so to speak. We live on planet Earth to learn to do so - that is the ultimate goal of human life. Being able to do so is being a Master of the Physical. The story goes that the man called Jesus was able to do this...
Here are a few words that will really hit you! Imagine... not only is there no actual world out there, there are no actual planets or galaxies either. The entire physical creation, including a Ka-zillion stars, including the Great Central Sun, are images in our consciousness only! We create images of them on the screen of our awareness...
Not one thing of any solid physical nature actually exists out there. As a matter of fact there is no 'out there'! Also, our bodies and our brains for example, do not exist as we see them on pictures and think of them. All things are vibrating energies...
Our Sun, like all other stars, are 'gates' or 'portals' to different levels within the universal spectrum of awareness. Please remember - that all physical things and objects are creations of our imagination and exist in our mind or consciousness only. In other words: all things are mind-things! Our world - in the so called out there - is a dream in which we think we live and have our being. We are living beings in our own dream...
Indeed, that's what I call living in an hypnotized state or illusion that is truly a trance of the first order. It's a Reallusion! It's only real in our dream! Life as a human being is the most amazing and perplexing experience one could possibly think of. How many people know about or understand this? Amazingly few! All of them are hypnotized to believe in an illusion or dream that is a falsehood from beginning to end. To awaken means to know 'what is'! Miracles are the most common things there are...
We seem to live in a perfect illusion...
Now, once you get a 'hold' of what you are reading here, your mind begins to buckle and you throw up your hands and say - all this is pure nonsense! This Gerardus is nuts. How could all this be? We seem to live in a perfect illusion that we accept and experience as real and actual. Yes, precisely... that's it! Please remember - we are living (in) our dream and all our dreams are only real while we are dreaming them! Now... did you look at your hands when you threw them up? They are not what you think you see. They truly are clouds of misty energies with different colors and densities. But what you see are long strips of skin with armpits and knuckles on the other end. Your own body deceives you and it deceives you on purpose. You are taken for a ride dear Soul...
All things are clouds of different vibrating energies...
We need to understand, that we live in an energy universe. Did you read that right? Please read it again: we live in an energy universe! We do not live in a matter universe. Matter is only real in our dream. In actuality - there is no matter! Also, there is no 'out there' or 'in here' either. We as human beings exist in an "infinite multi-dimensional holographic energy matrix" that contains an infinite amount of energy clouds of which we as a human being or soul are one of them...
It's all a State of Mind...
We as souls are infinitely tiny holographic aspects of The Whole and we swim or float within The Whole. Where we float or swim depends on the level of our awareness. However, since this Whole is infinite, there is no left nor right, no middle, no top nor bottom to this infinite Whole. It's a Holographic Spectrum and all aspects are the Whole as well as the aspect themselves simultaneously. Living like that is similar to living in the center of the universe. It's all a State of Mind or Mental Gymnastics...
An unlimited amount of planets...
After many ages souls have evolved from ignorant to wise with an almost infinite variety in between. Souls are aware energy clouds of different degrees and nature. Being a soul or a spiritual being is a progressive endeavor of Divine Order. There are an unlimited amount of degrees and natures - as well as that there are an unlimited amount of planets upon which souls are given the opportunity to learn and enjoy their experiences and satisfy their curiosity. Curiosity is mostly a soul-thing and the masses of people on earth haven't got much of it. They seem to be on repeat of the past a lot...
They cannot measure them...
The universal energy in which we exist could be thought of as an infinite misty cloud of invisible vapor. Some authors use the word Spirit. Higher dimensional beings are made of this Spirit Energy and they can walk right through our so called solid brick walls. As you know, all matter is at least 99.999999% emptiness. We live in a universe of mind energy - which contains an infinite amount of different magnetic force-fields. These higher dimensional magnetic force fields are of a different magnetic order than is known to our sciences. That is why our scientists cannot measure them! Each force-field could be a different being or entity, or specific aspects of a being or entity. All energy-force-fields together form the universe in total. The question here is: can something that is 'infinite' have a total? Good question! Yes... the total is One - The Infinite One...
They all want to live in matter bodies again...
Our soul-energy and our body-energy merged at birth or just before. Not necessarily, is our body always occupied by our own soul-energy only! Sometimes the energy of other beings also occupies or merges with our body-energy. Most people do not notice these extra attachments. In severe cases we speak of possessions. This happens when our body is completely taken over by other beings or personalities. There are many cases of these happenings documented. The religions have a field day with that one. They used to call it being possessed by the devil. This strange energy belongs to other universal beings who are desperate to live in so called matter bodies again. Many human bodies have uninvited guests. These guests are like leaches! They suck your energy and make you feel as if you are not quite 'you' anymore...
Our soul-energy leaves our body often...
There are occasions where our soul-energy leaves our body for short periods. In those cases, we speak of "Out of Body Experiences" or OBEs. This happens to many people and they find it pretty scary the first couple of times. This proves to us that our soul-energy and our body-energy are actually two different kind of energies. In our dreams at night, our soul-energy often leaves our body and it has experiences in higher levels of the universal spectrum. There are also human beings or souls who have learned to leave their bodies at will and stay fully conscious. They are able to travel to other places and report to us with whom they were meeting and what was happening there. Usually this is called Soul-Traveling...
... Notes About God ...
There are many Articles and Channelings on the Internet that speak about God and some writers seem to know precisely what this Force is all about. In my opinion however, very few of them have a clue as to what God actually is and what it does! Therefore, let's ponder on this for a minute and come up with some definite conclusive statements, questions and answers that no one has to agree with - but everyone ought to consider for the sake of interest and curiosity...
Here it comes: God is Creation and Creation consist of the Created and all the Objects within it! This includes any and all creatures, things and objects, including false teeth and other funny things. Then we ask ourselves - what is God like and what does God actually do? Answer: God is like electricity and everything in the universe runs on it! God runs all beings and creatures and makes them live and do whatever they do. God lives within them! This makes all the created either instruments, appliances or gadgets! In my opinion - these statements and answers place God in its proper relationship with the universe as a Whole...
We ought not to forget here that all events and happenings take place in the Awareness, Consciousness or Mind of God. All happenings are Mind-Things! However, this is not to say that the words Awareness, Consciousness and Mind are equal to each other or have the exact same meaning. There are differences. Another thing is: God is not a Being that is self-aware. God's self-awareness takes place in Humans and other Beings...
Thus, we are the Awareness, Consciousness or Mind of God. God is and functions as The Created! All events and happenings take place in our Awareness, Consciousness or Mind - respectively. We are the local witnesses of what is happening in our world and surroundings. Meanwhile, God neither minds nor cares. God does not have a sense of self! God is like the Air - just there. More on this later...
Then, the word 'God' in and by itself is an outdated word and should be abolished as soon as possible. There are too many 'connections' between the word God and the God of the Bible and other so called holy books. The so called holy books have a God of Fear! A substitute for the word God could be the word TIL - The Infinite Light. The time has come to completely abandon the concept of God or Allah as used in these books and we need to accept a more generous idea of who runs the universe. It is no one else but - YOU!
This naturally sounds absolutely outrageous - but by the time you have read this article at least three times and all my other works at least twice - and completely understand what you have read - you will agree! It will give you an inner smile like mine - a mile wide! Please continue as if you never read these "Notes About God"...
You are a figment in your own dream...
In our universe, all is vibration energy, consciousness, mind or cosmic spirit and all the beings, creatures and things we can think of, are energy clouds of different orders and levels of awareness. Now - sit down and get this one: all these clouds of energy with their different levels of awareness form an "infinite multi-dimensional holographic energy matrix"! It is spaceless and invisible to humans. This matrix is the 'stuff' we look at and from it we create what we see or experience. Go figure Mary Ann you live in dreamstuff...
Human life is weirder than weird...
Your mind is spaceless and your body is a figment in your own dream. Holy Shift! Meanwhile, I am looking at you Mary Ann and your roundedness lives in my head. It's weird as hell. Where will it all end? Hello there Reader - are you still confused? Please be strong - the worst is yet to come. Things are next to impossible to grasp and most people do not even want to try. Never mind - just push on! Meanwhile, there is no hurry because Time is an illusion anyway...
This Awareness lives within us...
What we experience of our so called matter world and energy universe are images in our mind or awareness. The world and what's happening in it - is a mind-thing! However, it is absolutely real in our dream. Meanwhile, we live in a "universal virtual reality system" that is maintained by The Infinite Light, Consciousness or Mind. We also could call the "universal virtual reality system" - the Universal Quantum Holographic Reality Spectrum...
We are "The Works"...
This Quantum Reality or Universal Consciousness is and maintains us. This Universal Consciousness lives within us. It is Us! It is the Soul We Are. It is Us and We Are It. However, momentarily we have expressed ourselves as Puzzling Nitpiks. A Puzzling NitPik is an ego trying to figure it all out. Cannot be done! Good luck to them anyway...
We as Souls are infinitely small events of The Infinite Light Itself...
Our Soul is The Infinite Light or Awareness in miniature. We are a miniature hologram of the Whole! This Whole or Awareness creates - by means of mind - instruments or bodies to live or dream in. It does this in order to experience different viewpoints or aspects of its dream or creation. We as souls are these aspects and we are infinitely small events or happenings of The Infinite Light Itself. We are self-activating Aspects of Light or Souls. We are not our bodies or dream-figments...
We are playing Cosmic Catch 22...
We as Souls are "The Very Light" doing its thing. This is where free-will comes in... or out! Free will is subject to the level of awareness we have reached. The higher our level of awareness - the more free will we will be able to enjoy. In the mean time, higher levels of awareness recognize that we are the Whole and that free will is an illusionary activity of the lower levels of awareness. It's like playing Cosmic Catch 22! Nobody wins - nobody loses! The point is - nobody actually exist in the first place...
With or without free will...
Eventually, we grow into higher levels of awareness and let go of the idea of free will altogether, we know then that all things are as they should be, with or without free will. No doubt this is a most enlightened and enviable position. We let things be! It automatically creates an Inner Smile and brings us peace and understanding. Which is Love...
No one else creates anything...
Each of us as "The Infinite Light or Awareness in Human Form" creates our own reality and version of our world - right on the spot. What we look at we create - immediately! No one else creates anything but we ourselves. The Awareness We Are lives within all bodies and beings. It creates. It lives within all creatures and it is all creatures - simultaneously...
Creation is a Dream on Automatic Default...
Here's something important Mary Ann - our Creative Light or Awareness and its Creation or Dream 'is' One Phenomenon. It is One Thing - it is One Energy dreaming its illusionary reality! This phenomenal illusionary reality is the "universal quantum holographic energy" in which we exist and have our existence. It dreams itself into being! It is the universal manifestation of The One Infinite Light or Awareness. It is all things, objects and sceneries and they are only real in its dream. This dream is our dream for We Are It. As a human being we experience infinitely little of what is happening in this dream...
The Underlying Universal Quantum Holographic Energy Soup...
The Infinite Light and Creation is One - not Two! The entire universe is The One Creative Divine Self manifested in and as Oneness. This manifestation is Creation or Dream. This Creation or Dream is the "Universal Quantum Holographic Energy Soup" that surrounds us and it contains all things in the form of dreamstuff from which we create all our objects, things, creatures and sceneries. We create them when we look at them - not before or after! Our observations immediately create or objectify the realities we experience. It's mind boggling! We are the very Creator as a human being experiencing and realizing that this is our creation...
An active creative God and Creator...
Each human being or Soul is an active creative God and Creator so to speak. Only a few scientists out of a million have a clue as to what is happening. So much for all the other well paid modern science guys and dolls. They also create all their own realities and things on the spot. All of them speak about things they have named - but very very few of them have any idea of what they actually are and who created them. Little do they know that they are the very infinite Self doing its thing...
We as Human Beings are Awarenesses, Consciousnesses or Souls and what we look at we immediately create right on the spot. Our surroundings become objectified the very moment we as a Consciousness or Soul observe them. We instantly create them! As Souls or as Consciousnesses we are The Creator in Action...
Our Consciousness or Soul 'collapses' the Universal Quantum Holographic Energy we are looking at and one of the physical reality possibilities is immediately created from the Quantum Matrix we are observing. The reality possibility we create - forms an image in our mind or awareness. We accept however, that it exist in the so called 'out there'! This is the way we create our surroundings and the objects they contain. Human Life is a Miracle of the First Order. What a pity that so few people realize this. Is this what Enlightenment is all about? You decide - I already know...
As Human Beings or Souls we are semi-independent self-activating aware energy clouds and function as particular focal points. These focal points are able to observe and create existence anywhere. We do this by default! The Creative Self Itself however - never ever experiences or sees Itself - except by means of us! Creation can only be experienced from a specific focal point or dreaming aspect. There is no God the Creator who experiences anything! Only the 'created' experience creation. It's a Self to Self happening...
Once we understand what has been written in the above, we know that all the stories of the religions and their holy books are hopelessly misleading and false. I'm sorry Mr Pope! You yourself and all your immature thinking Cardinals are absolutely redundant once one gets the Quantum Picture of What Is! Please retire soon. The deceit and control has been going on long enough. Your God needs equals - not followers...
Since there is no Aware Self or Being in the universe that is the Whole - the Whole Itself has no means of knowing Itself by means of Itself. The Whole Itself contains all focuses, events, happenings or sceneries as the One Mind-Energy in which the entire Divine Play takes place. This One Mind-Energy or the Universal Creative Whole is actually "The Infinite Subconsciousness" or The IS...
The IS is The Infinite Soul of the Universe. The old Sages used to call this "The Void" out of which all things arose. Our soul is an infinitely tiny aspect of The IS. This infinitely tiny aspect of The IS contains - The Whole in a holographic manner. Our soul is a Hologram! For more see this...
Mary Ann is the Eye of God...
The Creative Whole or The Infinite Subconsciousness has no self-awareness to observe or witness anything. There is no sense of Self there! All events or happenings are created and observed by means of Aware Souls or Consciousnesses that function as these manifested focuses. The Creative Whole has expressed itself as Creation. The Two are One! Thus Mary Ann... You are the Eye of God! Please be careful with your make up...
I and the Father are One...
We must remember, that at any and all times We Are The Infinite Light or Creator manifested as a Human Being or Soul. However, we are the Whole Thing! We are not just a part of it or a child of it. (I and the Father are One - Jesus) Meanwhile, we as Human Beings are not always able to use all the built-in features of this Infinite Light or Awareness. We are temporarily limited on purpose...
All Holograms contain the Whole...
The fact that we cannot always use all features however, does not mean that they are not all holographically present and will be available when we are ready to enjoy them. Life is lived from different stages of evolvement. All of them include the possibility of creating our own realities or dreams and learn from them. Life is learning from our self-baked cookies, inflated omelets and other floppers. And don't you flop your bottom Mary Ann...
We all see something different...
In the mean time, no two people can see or experience exactly the same thing! What is witnessed takes place in different perception heads so to speak. However, there is a general agreement among us - of what we think we see or experience. Without this agreement the world would not be able to function. Which in and by itself is some kind of miracle in the first place since we all create our own individual realities or dreams. Living our dreams in separation from our Conscious GodSelf is an enormous challenge. It is equal to an infinite mystery continually correcting its own miracles in order to make sense to itself. All of Consciousness is in a continuous communication with itself. It is all knowing...
What we look at... we create...
What kind of scenery or energy do we look at when we see the things we create? What we look at is the quantum holographic energy field or the universal mind that surrounds us and in which we swim. The energy of our own consciousness (The Creator's Consciousness) 'collapses' quantum holographic energy fields or quantum waves into atomic-particles and we create and experience what we think we see. It's an instant manifestation of the reality at hand. Creation is an instantaneous affair! It's not something of the past or something that was created by some other creative-force. We are the very One! Do you get this Mary Ann...
Creation is a participatory happening...
What we experience or see is greatly influenced by our beliefs and imagination. In addition to this, our 'environment' is greatly influenced by humanity's collective consciousness and general understanding of the reality we live in. Thus, we do not necessarily create the things we look at just by ourselves alone! The Collective Consciousness or Mind-set of Humanity plays a very important role. This might be somewhat contradictory because there is nothing else but ourselves in the first place. Meanwhile, what we see and create is a participatory happening...
What's Positive? - what's Negative? - it all depends...
In addition to this - there are many other Creative Alien Forces involved with our world and they just might be able to affect our thoughts and creativity more than we might think possible. They possibly could control our thoughts and creativity in ways we cannot imagine. This is - as I see it - the State of Affairs of Humanity on Earth. It is well possible that the masses of humanity are 'prisoners' of superior negative forces. They are negative as far as humanity is concerned but they are positive from their own perspective! To escape these forces is done with knowledge, education and acknowledgement of our situation. Awareness protects us from being influenced. We need to know what is! This means that Education is our Savior - not religious beliefs. Knowledge and awareness sets us free from Negative Forces...
What all of us look at, in the so called objective physical reality 'out there', are "quantum holographic energy fields" - which in and by themselves - are the forever existing surrounding "Cosmic Energy Waves" or "Matrix" which basically consists of "light waves of photons". These "light waves" are the basis for any and all possibilities of observable realities that could possibly be created. There is an endless potential there! The fact that we are looking at these light waves - changes the "Wave Matrix" into energy particles we recognize as material objects or sceneries. They portray what we think we see! We obtain 'reflections' or 'images' of all these objects and sceneries in our mind or awareness only - what we see is not out there!
What these 'reflections' or 'images' will be - depends on the collective consciousness of humanity as well as on our own imagination and/or subjective state of mind of what we expect to see. In all cases however, we are the one creating what we see at the moment we are looking at it. In this particular fashion we create our own reality and we do this because we are the direct representative of the creator or universal consciousness! We are a tiny specific individual fractal or hologram of this universal consciousness...
From the perspective of the human mind there is something very strange about the Quantum World. The Quantum World is free of the concept of Time for example. Electrons leap back and forth in Time like an inter-dimensional double clutched Yo-Yo. They do this all on their own! Do they know what they are doing? They also directly communicate with each other. Smart little guys these electrons. Meanwhile, they have no clue about Time and just do their own thing according to the need of the universe. How come they know what they are doing while almost all of us haven't got a clue? Please fill us in Mary Ann...
Meanwhile, the Timeless existence of electrons is a fact to them and semi-logical to me - because they are not living in an illusion humans take for reality. All in all, the universe is a very strange and wonderful place! I wonder if an almost sober and silly guy like me was born in the right spot? Since there actually is no right or wrong universally - I must have been born in the right and wrong spot simultaneously. Naturally I am! I Am The Infinite One functioning as Gerardus...
Miracles are perfectly natural...
There are people in the world, who are able to change our entire landscape in the blink of an eye. They are able to change our dream instantly! At will their consciousness over-rides the dream of the mass consciousness and their surroundings. In an instant our environment has changed. It's like calming the storm Jesus is supposed to have done. When this happens the masses speak of miracles. Miracles however are relatively unusual happenings but they are perfectly natural. It is just that the masses do not understand what is happening - let alone know how to create them. I am wondering here - could some of the visions or miracles we hear or read about be created by the superior negative forces? Quite likely they are and certainly possible...
In a most dysfunctional manner...
In ordinary life, the realities we create are different than the realities created by others - this creates a lot of confusion. The world functions therefore in a most dysfunctional manner and somehow - although most of us do not realize this - this dysfunctionality is partly due to the fact that we all see something different. It's also because of the fact that some of us are wiser than others. This causes a lot of questioning about ourselves and others! Meanwhile, more often than not, we all think that we have the right version of things and that others are deluded. This is not necessarily true! We must remember that Truth is an individual thing and that all great Truths have opposites that are equally true. The universe is a forever living and changing Paradox! For more see this...
It only affirms...
Can we change the world by means of our thoughts? Yes, we can, but our state of mind, including our subconscious state of mind are more important and powerful. What we are within - we create without! We also need to remember, that the collective human thought matrix (that what creates) works differently than the individual human reasoning processes. For example: the human thought matrix does not negate nor nullify what already exists. It only affirms! Praying for certain happenings to change, or sending Light and Love to the trouble spots of the world, has very little effect - if any at all! The human thought matrix does not work that way. It works by a Law of Persistence unless changed by our collective consciousness or thoughts coupled with our intentions and assisted by our imagination...
We must be the example of what we want the world to be...
In order to create change, we must approach the situations in our world from a different angle. For example, praying for peace does not work. Being peaceful does! We must love in order to see loving beings around us. We must be honest ourselves before we see honest people becoming our leaders. We must be the example! Does this give you an idea why the world is the way it is? If not - think deeper...
Very important point here... please understand that we cannot go out into the world and change it. There is no world to get into! The world exists only in people's heads. We cannot crawl into people's nuggets and change the images they have created there. Changing the world therefore is a bit of a problem - if not next to impossible! However, sooner or later it will change because people will learn to create different thoughts and images in their head. In addition to this, at certain times great leaders are born and guide humanity to higher levels of awareness. We could be at that time right now. Will the masses be able to see it? We will have to wait and see...
The thoughts of great leaders are automatically projected into the collective human mind or consciousness. More and more 'lights' go on and people understand. Our Inner becomes our Outer! The biggest trouble is to get people to think. They would rather die than think! Human beings are slow learners and most of them are fast asleep. In the mean time, thought or mind is the creator and it changes the world. We need Leaders who inspire - instead of Bullies who create reasons to invade other countries in order to bring them democracy. Democracy is the way we treat each other! It's not some kind of controlled voting system that often brings forth one 'ego-nut' after another...
How does the universe create...?
We finally are going to hit the jackpot. Are you ready? The universe doesn't create ... You Do!! You are the Creator ... You are the Thinker ... You are the Miracle of the universe. Not some God or Creator in the Pope's mind. There is no such being! You and a Ka-zillion other beings are the creators. All things are created by means of the created. Just remember - all things exist in their mind only! There is no physical universe or world out there...
The Infinite Light creates its own show...
All created beings and creatures are the manifestation of The Infinite Light. They are The Infinite Light dreaming/creating and experiencing creation. All beings and creatures in creation are The Infinite Light creating their own show that is witnessed and experienced by those who are creating it, as well as by a myriad of others. Creation is a Cosmic Performance, Play or Show for all to endure or enjoy...
The mechanical miracle of its own web...
This is why a tiny spider can create the mechanical miracle of its own web. How does it know how to do that? It's simple - the tiny spider is The Infinite Light in the form of a tiny spider. It is The Infinite Light doing it by means of the spider. In the same way does The Infinite Light work through you, through me and through all others in creation. The Infinite Light is in control! Not you, nor me, nor some other creature...
The endless questions about re-incarnation...
Re-incarnation is the concept of the Soul returning for additional lifetimes and learning. Fine and dandy. This is a human concept of what is seemingly happening! We need to understand that human beings, as well as all the rest of the created beings are figments in the dream of the Creative Whole. Think about this and then tell me - who re-incarnates? Not a louse, nor a mouse, nor a Klaus incarnates or re-incarnates. Re-incarnation is a concept in human minds only. From what I have experienced - human minds do not think too well and their thoughts are not very reliable. Often they completely reverse themselves. In addition to this - most thoughts or opinions are fantasy or far out speculative wishful thinking. Human minds work with the fallacies of fantasy - not with to the tenets of truth...
Creation is a Pop-up...
Once again Mary Ann, please be reminded that there actually are no human beings. All we can say is that The Creative Whole or The Infinite Subconsciousness - The IS - incarnates or appears to exist in what humans have called our 3D reality. The question is - is there a 3D or objective reality? More on that later. Creation, as known to humans, is a '3D-Pop-up' or manifestation of The IS - which appears on earth as Itself! Not as clever Klaus, nor as fancy Nancy, nor as goofy Gerardus, nor as anyone else. People do not actually exist - they only 'appear' to exist! They are dream-figments in an infinite dream. In the illusion or dream, a name is given to these so called people for the human reason of keeping track of them in their dream. Keeping track of things is a typical human ego need and characteristic. It makes them feel that they are in control...
They are like conditioned Robots...
In their dream, people name things and then they think that they know what they are talking about. What nonsense! Human beings and things are not their names. Meanwhile, the masses are fast asleep and do whatever they do - all in their sleep. They fight and kill in their sleep. They multiply in their sleep, they laugh in their sleep, they get married in their sleep and many of them feel trapped in their sleep. No doubt many are living a nightmare. The masses are next to unconscious! They are like programmed Robots on repeat! The trouble is that they think that they are awake. Not by a long shot! The greatest majority of them are asleep and lost in an illusion of universal proportions. No one can help them but they themselves. Their souls know their own time of awakening. Love them - by letting them be...
There is only The Nameless...
The universe itself as incarnated energies has no need for names. The universe is an infinitely changing energy and it seemingly evolves by entering into its Creation or Dream by means of semi-self-contained units of energy - aware or not aware. It does this for the sake of continuation, diversity and entertainment. The continuation, diversity and entertainment of the dream are the clue - there is nothing else to do for Infinite Beingness. Incarnation of these infinitely changing energies keeps every souled-being 'hopping' with the useful thoughts of being valuable. It's an infinitely ingeniously scheme of keeping things in a progressive mode. Who is progressing? No one and every one...
It inspires us to act...
Created beings, or semi-self-contained units of energy, create according to their feelings, emotions, ability and innate attained creativity. All creating is done however - by means of The Infinite Subconsciousness - The IS. This Infinite Subconsciousness contains the tiny bubble we call our so called subconsciousness or soul. It is an aspect of The IS. It inspires us to act... or not to act. Human beings are instruments of their subconsciousness or soul. For reasons of variety and diversity, all created beings only enjoy specific aspects of The IS. Not any one created being has the full amount! Whenever that happens the being disappears into Cosmic Consciousness. Eventually - Cosmic Consciousness is a one way journey... For more see this...
Some people are wondering how not to get lost in the illusion again and again during their day to day life. Well, I am not sure of all the right answers but here are some of them. Try to enjoy the illusion to the utmost and know that it is an illusion. Then - get lost in the enjoyment of it. This means create only enjoyment or joy. However, this might be hard to do on this planet presently...
Another answer is, in the long run we all rise beyond this plane of being by means of increasing our level of awareness. We do this by living and learning here. Although slowly - we cannot help but learn. Life is the Teacher! Also, and most importantly, we need to learn to live in the NOW! There is 'No Other Way' to live. This automatically will promote us to be born into higher levels of realities than the so called 3D spectrum...
Another answer might be, to enjoy our 3D life as a soul so tremendously that it makes no difference on what level we exist. Joy is Joy! This naturally includes living in the illusion and understanding that whether or not it is an illusion - Pain is Pain and Joy is Joy. Whether it is real or imagined - Pain is still Pain and Joy is still Joy. Whatever it is you want soul - create it...
Vibrations... vibrations... vibrations...
All things in the universe are vibrations. Vibrations of a medium we have called Consciousness. These vibrations create the forms of all creatures, objects and concepts in the Dream we call Creation. These vibrations include feeling fine, feeling joyful and feeling sexy. Naturally, these vibrations also include feelings of sadness and suffering. All the different kinds of vibrations we encounter are our experiences. It's what we call 'Living Life'. In the long run, this teaches us who or what we are...
The atom - the perpetual motion...
About the purpose of living life - most people miss the mark completely! Never mind - we all live forever and there is always next time. All things in the universe, animate or inanimate are alive! All objects, things, creatures and concepts are 'vibrating and living' their existence. Atoms and their so called particles never stop moving. They are The Infinite Light doing its thing! There is no Death in this universe. So called 'Death' is a fiction of an immature human mind...
Matter... the stuff that is... and isn't...
Matter or physical stuff is the most deluding thing we could possibly encounter. It appears to be solid and real - but none of it is actual! Matter is a vibration or a pattern of fluctuations, of what we know as Consciousness, The Universal Mind, Spirit or the Quantum Energy Spectrum that surrounds us. One of these fluctuations is called - air. The masses of humanity think that they live in it in the day time and go to sleep in it at night. The masses do not realize that life is an infinite mystery full of miracles. They assume that matter is the stuff the world is made from... and God is their Hero. Very nice story but it is not true! Matter does not exist, Life is a Mind-Thing and their world is created by themselves...
You must get ahead in the world...
Planet earth is a Soul-Trap! Life in life out, soul energies merge with brand new baby bodies and before they realize it, they are taught that they are the body. That's when they begin to pamper it. See this... Their soul is 'something' they are supposed to have some place. They do not realize that they Are The Soul and have taken on human-space-suits. The masses learn all kinds of things about their bodies and they are taught that they must get ahead in the world. Most of them become collectors of things. Sadly, no one can teach them anything about the Soul They Are - unless they are beginning to awaken. If God knew about all this - She would cry for the rest of eternity...
Religions are the Anti-Christ...
Religions are the saddest joke there is in this world and basically they are the enemy of humanity! They are "The Anti-Christ"! They are killing "The Living Christ Energies" or "The Infinite Light" within humanity - with their nonsense and lies! Because of this, planet earth 'traps' billions of souls for thousands of lifetimes. Souls learn next to nothing about themselves in most lifetimes and almost all of them are 'stuck' on a dysfunctional and nearly soulless planet...
A bit of knowledge mixed with a tinge of wisdom...
However, we can only change that for the Soul We Are - not for other souls. Welcome to the eager investigators and explorers of what human life is all about! It's about the education of the Soul We Are. Meanwhile, the only qualities that we can take with us when we leave our present body for good, are a bit of knowledge, mixed with a tinge of wisdom. Miraculously they accumulate on our Cosmic Hard Drive. Which naturally is our subconsciousness or our soul...
Humanity is an Experiment...
Have you ever wondered why there are so many different races of people on this planet? Well, there are so many different races on this planet because the combination of them all - generally called humanity - is an Experiment! The Great Guardians and Caretakers of our earth and humanity 'imported' different races of people from other planets and spread them out on this planet at different times and places in order to discover, whether or not, all these different people eventually would be able to get along with each other. It's a Cosmic Experiment in Understanding... which is Love...
An Experiment as well as an Experience...
Possibly mixing all these different races together on one planet had never been tried before, but the word 'never' might be a bit much here. Thus, if you ask me (nobody ever does), I would say that eventually we will see that all these different people of different races will reach the level of awareness, that will give them the insight, that all of them are actually the same Divine Energy expressed in different colors and types of people. When that happens - we could definitely say: the experiment has been an experience as well as an enormous success...
Beautiful and brilliant days ahead...
There is more progress to be made yet on this planetary experiment! Results will be noticed, when all these immature religions have been abandoned - because humanity as a whole is able to realize the nonsense of them - the world is ready to unite! We will love each other outrageously. What a beautiful and brilliant day that will be! All we need is more Awareness. Awareness generates Understanding... Understanding generates Love... Love is all there is...
... This is why I wrote the following some 15 years Ago ...
This Consciousness envisions a world in which every Human Being has awakened to the knowledge that we are the Creative Force in Human Form. When this is realized by all of us, understanding is the result. Understanding is Love! Every Human Being will know then that we are One Family, One Being and have One Purpose. Which is to share our abundance among ourselves and love the Self We Are in Human Form...
And then you ask... will this really happen?
Absolutely Mary-Ann! The awakening of Earth's Humanity cannot be stopped or abandoned. Humanity's Level of Awareness will grow by leaps and bounds until we have reached the level of understanding that all of us are One and the Same. We Are The Infinite Light of Creation - living within the Brilliance of our own Divine Consciousness as an Expression of Love for Ourselves or Creation...
When will that be you ask?
That I cannot say my Friend for Time is a subjective aspect of our imagination - the reality of it already has been established. All races are One already! We never left The One in the first place. All our lives, our pains and our joys, our failures and our successes, are individually imagined "trips in mind" in order to entertain ourselves and occupy 'infinity' with Experiments and Experiences. There is nothing else to do! So rejoice and smile...
Hang on for this Mary Ann...
Just about any scientist or any other 'sleeper' who thinks that he knows something about Creation and its evolvement, speaks about the Beginning of Creation by means of the Big Bang and the split seconds afterwards! Their wishful thinking is endless. Now, are you ready? Ask yourself... what the dickens could have been exploding in a three dimensional objective physical reality that does not actually exist? Now, this is really a good one Mary-Ann! Many scientists have a glorious field day with that one. It's pure fantasy! It's nonsense to the seventh degree. Wake up dear Folks - you're betting on the wrong Big Bang...
It's an individual explosion of awareness...
Big Bangs are phenomena that happen in people's heads! It happens every time their Light comes on. It's when they understand that the Three Dimensional Reality is a perfect illusion. Nothing whatsoever actually happens within this so called objective reality - how could it? It does not exist! It only appears to exist. The Big Bang is an individual personal head-thing and it occurs every time another human soul understands what is... or is not. It's an individual explosion of awareness! It's an individual 'grok' many people choke on and ask themselves - how could so many scientists be still asleep? What does it take to awaken them? Never mind dear soul - just carry on as if nothing happened. The matter world is the biggest falsehood there is and you do not live there anymore...
... News for some readers Here ...
Humanity or Mankind is not on the top of the Food Chain. As I mentioned in some of my other articles, there are beings in higher densities that feed themselves with the energies of the human emotional spectrum and other human energies. Human emotions, especially trauma, fear, frustration and all other negative emotions are food for these beings...
That is why there are so many Hockey Teams these days. Screaming and yelling fans create bundles of food for these guys! These beings also inspire the 3D world leaders to do certain things. Few world leaders are aware of this and many think that God speaks to them. They do not know that their thoughts are not their own...
These higher density beings also are the initiators of the religions. They inspired the so called holy books! They made sure that there were enough differences between all world religions as well as discrepancies within the religions themselves. It creates arguments about words and interpretations. The result is confusion and friction! That is exactly what they need...
The religions and/or all ideologies are the basic cause for unrest, war and the slaughter on the battle fields or genocides. An enormous amount of food for these beings. Our world is controlled from levels of life that is higher than the 3D level upon which the masses exist. The world is a controlled scenario to feed others. We live in a universal symbiotic relationship with all the rest of Life...
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Questions about the above...
Consider this - if the world and the universe do not exist 'out there' - what is 'out there' if anything? I suggest that there is absolutely nothing 'out there' from a Three Dimensional Perspective! We Are Consciousness "dreaming" that there "appears" to be a world and a universe 'out there'. Then ask yourself: what is Consciousness actually? What is its nature? Is it being occupied by the concepts or ideas that there is a 3D reality. Yes, it is! Naturally it is imagination only. There is no actual 3D reality anywhere! All this is pure imagination or thoughts in play...
More questions still...
If this Consciousness is infinitely occupied by its Creation or Dream - it must be "The Infinite Dreamer". See Brian's Poem! Where could this Consciousness or Dreamer be? Is it here and are we it? Are we ever going to stop dreaming? Suppose Time is an illusion - as it seems to be - then what? Did we begin to dream in timelessness and now dream in a Time and Space reality? Have we forgotten what it is like to be awake? What is 'awakeness' in the first place? Is it knowing that we are Dreaming? Is it knowing that we are The One and Only Consciousness or The Divine Self? Contemplate on this...
Final question for now...
After reading all the above - you might ask yourself: Is my life real? Answer: Yes, it is real and it is happening in the dream you are dreaming! In a universal sense however or in universal timelessness - it never happened to you! It also did not happen to an infinitely tiny aspect of The Infinite Light which you think/feel you are. Not so! There is only The Infinite One - dreaming. I do not think that there are aspects - except in the dream. Thus, where do you and I come in as aspects of TIL? What aspects? There are not any!! Except in the dream naturally. We are "The Infinite Light dreaming!" And then... there are words in the background whispering... never mind when and where you come in - just enjoy what you are doing and love others like you love yourself! Good advice I figure...
I am so far out - I'm all alone...
Please click here if you have other answers to the above questions. If you do not know any answers click anyway and say hello. I'm so far out that I'm all alone! Biting nails that do not actually exist. Then... and this is very important... please do not believe what I say - figure it out for yourself! After that - write your QuikNote and tell me. Wake me up! I am busy staring at a white screen of emptiness upon which I create my reality. Words and words... and more of them. All of them are the Expressions of Love - the Love of being Gerardus - an aspect of the Divine Consciousness of The One I Am... The Infinite One...
All happenings and events in existence are illusions - the only quality that is real or actual is Awareness.
We are that Awareness - experiencing All That Is.
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... Thoughts about the future of Humanity ...
What will it be like to live in the Fourth and/or Fifth Dimension or Density? Here are my thoughts on this: we will have 'through' vision instead of surface vision. IOW: all 3D things will be transparent! In addition to this, we will be able to see "The Light" out of which we are made. We will become Light-Beings! The amount of Light we project, or are, will be directly related to the level of our awareness. We will be more intuitively aware of what other beings are like. We will know them from a more direct angle. Lastly, all 4D/5D people will be totally invisible to 3D people. Like they are now! In due time we will have to teach ourselves how to travel time. Which truly is traveling in mind. Then... not to forget... we will be able to create anything we desire by means of our infinite Consciousness...
The Time of the great transformation in 2012/12/21 is approaching rapidly. There will be many changes because of happenings on our Sun! I do feel that millions of people, all in their own time before and after this date - will raise their level of awareness to unknown heights and many will fully awaken! They will feel directly connected to The Infinite Self They Actually Are. Once that is realized our world will change tremendously for the better. Does Barack Obama have something to do with this? I think well, maybe. More importantly - we all do! Meanwhile, because of the financial situations, there will be enormous protests and unrests world wide. This is the mildest way I can describe it. Humanity as a whole is going through an unprecedented crisis that will bring many of us to a more spiritual understanding of the world and the universe...
Humanity is a Soul-Group of Cosmic Adventurers and eventually we will look back upon our 3D experiences with an inner smile and the thoughts of: How did we ever pull it off? What else will happen in Humanity's Future is not really important. The Human Play and what's going on in our world is designed from higher levels. It is designed in such a way that it will awaken the maximum amount of sleeping souls. The wilder it gets - the more souls will awaken. They will eventually understand that it is up to them to turn things around. The Lies and Dishonesty of our 3D Leaders will be exposed by the Light of Truth! In the mean time, be at Peace with YourSelf and know that Human Life is a Divine and Miraculous Experience. As a soul we live forever! We Are The Infinite Light disguised as Human Beings. All of us are the Instruments of The One Infinite Soul We Actually Are...
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