... Important Preliminary Notes ...

I am suggesting that these Preliminary Notes need to be fully understood before you will be able to comprehend most of my articles. Please read these notes several times and refer back to them often...


The pictures of the atoms above do not convey what atoms actually are! The pictures are artistic expressions and I feel that they are grossly misleading! Atoms certainly are not little balls flying around a center or nucleus. They are holographic quantum waves as well as vibrations of the universal cosmic energy matrix in which we exist. This matrix is not understood by human beings. The universe is an illusion as well as a reality simultaneously. Our senses fool us...
When you read my articles...
Please keep the "Notes" below in mind at all times! It will help to understand that the entire universe is like a dream or illusion that is a mystery full of miracles. You live in an Energy Universe - not in a Matter Universe! You live in a holographic matrix of cosmic energy. This energy is Consciousness with its Expressions and Reflections. Consciousness is all there is...

This means that all Things and Beings exist within a Holographic Whole that is in relationship with Itself. Your dream or illusion of the universe is absolutely real while you are dreaming it! It has its own laws and characteristics...

Until you know and fully understand who you actually are - you will get nowhere but back into another human body. This will give you another opportunity to discover what your life is actually all about. It's about awakening from a temporary unconsciousness or a very long sleep. In the mean time, enjoy your dream to the utmost. It is your own creation...

Please understand that when the soul lives within a human body - the soul, the body and the body mind - become one unit. This trinity functions as one entity and in my writing I refer to it as "We" or "You" or "I"...

Now finally... here are the "Notes" to be kept in mind at all times...
Our quantum scientists tell us that matter is more than 99.999999% emptiness. Atoms are emptiness... Molecules are emptiness... Bodies, Bones and Brains are emptiness! How could such emptiness form a world of solid objects? This is impossible! Our body and its perception systems deceive us. All things in our world are specific electro magnetic force fields of a higher order that we experience as solid material. Our surroundings, sceneries and its objects are not what we think they are...

When we look at certain sceneries and the objects within our environment - our perception system "creates" these sceneries and its objects as three dimensional images in our mind or awareness. These sceneries and its objects seem to exist at the very spot we are looking at. However, they are not actually there. They only "appear" to be there! There is no Objective Reality...

Our brain generates a very specific higher order of energy and it collapses the wavefronts of the universal energy matrix that we are looking at. The result is that we create our environment and its objects in our mind or awareness on the spot! We accept this as our objective physical reality. This universal energy matrix actually is the energy of The Infinite Soul or Subconsciousness - The IS. It completely surrounds us and in a holographic manner - We ARE IT!

The collapsing of these wavefronts from which we create our reality is a Quantum Reality Process. Life is lived in mind or consciousness only and the reality we create is all our own. The whole scene is like a self-created dream that is accepted by our awareness system as our so called objective physical reality or the ordinary reality of sticks and stones we experience on planet Earth...

The sceneries and objects we think we look at - do not exist "in and by themselves" where we see them. They exist in our mind or awareness only! We create them in our head so to speak. We are living within a perfect and persistent illusion. However, do not test my words by running into a brick wall or a speeding truck...

Please remember what was said by Schopenhauer.

... All truth passes through three Stages ...
... First, it is Ridiculed ...
... Second, it is violently Opposed ...
... Third, it is accepted as Self-evident ...

~  Please watch this Video  ~