! ... We Are ... !
... We Are Not ...
! ... We Are All That Is ... !
... About reality and illusion and all that is already Here ...
Our world and all the things in it are cosmic energy magnetic force fields. The so called solid objects we perceive do not actually exist. They only "appear to exist" and this includes the body we live in! There are no solid objects in our world. Matter is 99.99999% emptiness. Our so called objective physical reality is a self-created illusion or dream. The entire physical universe exist in our consciousness only. Not out there...
We live in a sensory world and our realities or illusions are created by the perception and awareness systems of the body or instrument we live in. Our body is a very sophisticated instrument with a perception system that fools us completely! All things, including our own body, exist in our consciousness or awareness only! Also, each of us create our own personal version of this so called non-existing objective physical reality...
No one creates precisely the same 'reality' in their perception and awareness system as another! There is similarity but no sameness. All perception systems and brains work differently. Our reality is a collective dream that appears to be absolutely true! Our collective dream however is just that - a dream or illusion. Realities and/or illusions are the same phenomena...
All this means that the energies in which we live - depict to us an objective physical reality by means of the body or lens we live in. This objective physical reality exist in our consciousness or awareness only. Not out there! We all have our own version of this so called objective physical reality. They could be most similar but not the same...
We delude ourselves when we accept our objective matter reality as real and actual. We live in a perfect holographic virtual reality matrix or in a diversity of cosmic energy force fields. These force fields actually are our consciousness. We are immerged and embraced by this universal energy, consciousness or awareness. All of this - is what we actually are ourselves. It contains a multitude of 'realities' of which the so called objective physical reality is predominant to us at this time...
... The physical universe is a 'mind-trick' of divine Order ...
This mind trick is created by our perception and awareness systems. We are the Divine Magician. Presently, we live in a human cosmic energy form. Our human form however is not actually real - it only appears to be real. It actually is a thought! It is Cosmic Energy. This human form or thought is an infinitely tiny aspect that arose from our Infinite Subconsciousness or The IS! Human beings or thoughts emerge from The IS - like all other things and beings do. Humans actually are The IS - in human form...
We as human energy or thoughts seemingly live in a physical reality system and it gives us the opportunity to master the illusion of it. We are here in order to awaken from our matter dream or illusion. For the majority of human beings this takes a considerable amount of so called lifetimes. Each human lifetime is a cosmic event we as human beings seem to experience...
Human lifetimes are actually dreams or default hypnotic spells. To break this spell is awakening. Possibly human life, as well as awakening, is an automatic process and anything we desire to do or not do - slows it down. Maybe we are being lived a lot more than our ego cares for. So much for thinking that we create our own circumstances. Maybe we only think or imagine we do. The point here is that there actually are no human beings. There only is Consciousness dreaming. The entire Creation is a Dream in which humans are figments or dream-characters...
How could these dream characters do anything about the paradoxical dream in which they appear? On the other hand, maybe our human lifetimes are lucid dreams, in which we can do anything we like or love? These are big questions and the last one seems to be answering itself. It's the only thing that makes sense in our dream. However, since we are dreaming it is next to impossible to tell what makes sense or not...
On the other hand, since we are 'The Dreamer' it is up to us to dream anywhichway we prefer. Could it be that what we desire or believe to be so - is so - or will be so! That would mean that we create our own reality right from scratch and this includes the entire universe. Something to ponder about for sure! Gerardus votes for this last bit. How about you Mary Ann?
All universal beings have different ideas about the reality of the Universe. ! All ideas or concepts are unique and Subjective !
The actual and most primary version of the Universe
- is -
The infinite energy matrix or universal mind Itself
- in -
Which we exist and have our Being.
We are surrounded by this universal energy Matrix. This matrix is what we actually Are.
We as humans emerge from this universal Energy.
We are thoughts floating within this Matrix.
No being can observe the universal mind or matrix itself as it is Directly.
No eye can see itself without a Mirror.
We as thought-beings are the Reflections.
To become fully aware as the universal Consciousness in an intellectual ... emotional ... spiritual sense
simultaneously - is - The Epiphany of True Enlightenment or Full Awakening.
( In human terms this means that the caterpillar became the Butterfly )
All semi-separated thinking beings in the universe create an unlimited amount of ideas of the universe. These images or ideas exist in their mind or consciousness only! Nothing exist outside of the universal mind or consciousness of which our mind or consciousness is an aspect or event. There is no objective physical reality anywhere except in our matter dream, illusion or imagination. The entire phenomenon in and by itself is flabbergasting, mind blowing or extremely difficult to comprehend in its totality. Take your pick...
We love our life in this reality and very few of us know it to be an illusion. The masses accept physical reality as absolutely real! Our zest for life creates its beauty and its sadness. These two characteristics expand the scope of our experiences that bring us wisdom and joy! All this make us long for the ecstasy and bliss of The Infinite Light We Actually Are. Deep down all of us would like to disappear and get lost there...
However, there is no 'here' nor 'there' anywhere to get lost in! If this ecstasy and bliss do not exist within us now - we have missed it. Mary-Ann - you need to put your life on repeat and grab it with both hands and heart when it comes along again. Which is right now! Quit fiddling with your beads and open to the fullness of the Soul You Are...
We know that We Are The Infinite Light - yet we cannot fully grasp it in a conscious manner at will or any time we want to. Somehow, we are too solidly connected to our senses and their persistent illusions. Our intuition and our deep thoughts however are able to go beyond it and give us glimpses of the ecstasy within the cosmic energies that form the underlying matrix or substance from which we create the physical reality we experience. We need to go far beyond the illusion Mary Ann...
... Infinite Being We Are ...
... Help Us To Reach and Be What We Actually Already Are ... ... Love and Understanding ...
... We are so Close and yet we are so Far ...
... We exist in an Energy Universe not in a Physical Universe ...
... So called solid objects are magnetic force energy fields of a higher Order ...
... All beings and things are thoughts floating within the Whole ...
... Our Life is our Dream ... All of it is our imagination at Work.
... Nothing is actually real in it - except the infinite Dreamer ...
... Humans Are This Infinite Dreamer ... They Are The Infinite Light Dreaming ...
... The Infinite Light dreams all happenings in all universes by means of the Created ...
! ... Life is an endless mystery full of cosmic cookies and Miracles ... !
... We live in a holographic illusion and call it our Reality ...
? Do we focus on the illusion
do we focus on the Reality ?
To focus on either alternatively would make it easier to understand Possibly.
We create whatever we focus on. When we focus on our environment, the experiences within this environment will give us a greater understanding of it. We are the Creator in human form and what we focus upon will become our reality. We are the Creator disguised as human beings. Meanwhile, this kind of thinking creates contradictory mindsets...
For example: we come to the conclusion that we as human beings do not actually exist. Humans are imaginary characters or dream figments in the dream we as the Creator dream. Now ask yourself - where are all these words and explanations coming from if Gerardus does not exist? Gerardus must be the Creator dreaming even though he exist as a cloud of energy in a dream. The dream must be real! Yes, it is - it is Creation...
It's all very simple! The Creator or Consciousness dreams its infinite dreams and in all dreams "all things only appear to be" as the dreamer dreams them to be. They are not actual! They are only appearances in the dream. However, in the dream itself, Gerardus is real and writes oodles of words about dream-worlds, illusions and realities. All his fancy words however only make sense in the dream! This means that you are reading these words in the same dream! These words are only useful if they help you to awaken...
Consider this for a minute...
Possibly, to perfect our dreams or lifetimes in this physical reality is the most important task for us in the first place? Is that what awakening is all about? On the other hand, maybe our lifetimes are perfect already! Most people just have not come to the full realization of this truth! Why shouldn't our lives be perfect already? Whose dream is this? Do you get this Mary-Ann? Naturally, things are exactly as they should be! Universal perfection is not something that just happens only once! It is a continuous happening...
Let's assume now, that the Creator in Gerardus awakens. The result is that Gerardus himself will disappear and he becomes the Dreamer or the Creator. However, Gerardus will never know this! Gerardus as an individual will have disappeared from the dream-scene for now and forever. This means that he actually never existed in the first place for the universe has no past or future. Only the dream does...
Now ask yourself - who the heck is this Gerardus? Is he the Creator or is he a human being called Gerardus? Naturally, once he has awakened somewhat, he is both simultaneously and knows it! He is the Creator and the Created. They form The One And All - this includes You and uncle Harry the molester...
The universe is an infinite paradox! Focus on one thing and it is true - focus on its opposite and it is equally true! So what is true? Everything is true and not true simultaneously! In the mean time - you are welcome to my universe in which I do not exist. So who is welcoming you? Could this dream-figment be you? Yes it is! Creation is the Created engaged in a monologue and all happenings take place in our awareness or imagination in the moment of nowness. There is no other moment...

Did you know that when scientists search for a new sub-atomic particle for example and set out to find it - that they will eventually discover it? They discover it because they focus on a very specific reality. While they are searching and focussing on this specific reality - they are creating it! They are always very pleased by what they have discovered. None of them knows that they are the creators of it in the first place. Why don't they know this by now? We all create what we focus on...
Points to Ponder
Human life is a lucid Dream.
Life is a mystery full of Miracles.
We all are the creators of our own Reality.
We create all things in the moment of Nowness.
We create them on the spot - right in front of our Noses.
Anything will eventually become real because of our Focus.
The universe including our tiny human life is a perfect Happening.
To discover this and consciously affirm the above is awakening to what Is.
Something important here...
In order for you as the Creator to experience your physical creation you must live in some kind of physical body in order to make this possible. This is exactly what you are doing! The Awareness You Are pretends, assumes or dreams to live in a human body. The Totality You Are -is- The Infinite Awareness You Are as well as the human being...
You are The Infinite Light in all its Glory all by yourself. You are The Self in Human Form! You are the Creator and the Created. Only by being both simultaneously is it possible for you to enjoy or endure your physical reality! Without either - there is nothing! Is that why the man Jesus presumably said: I and the Father are One! Sure he did. He was an awfully smart and advanced Cookie...
What You as The Infinite Light create by means of The Divine Vehicle You Live In - is - Created right Now - Right on the Spot.
- in -
The very moment of Nowness.
Now... forget about all the artifacts that are dug up and are assumed to be thousands of years old. All these 'goodies' belong to the dream reality in which Time and Space are the center poles holding up the magic tent of the Magician. The entire dream takes place in our imagination in the first place! It becomes reality in the minds of humanity as a default hypnotic spell in which the greatest majority of human beings are trapped...
Naturally, the dream is absolutely real for those who are trapped or asleep and are possibly snoring. This snoring, as you might guess, equals the chit-chat and nonsense the entire world is engaged in. They disagree or fight to kill over words, explanations, properties, beliefs, concepts and all kind of other ideas that exist in their minds only...
No party could ever win or lose for that matter for all of them have different images in their minds compared to others. All they create is hot air and bullets so to speak. Meanwhile, they must do what they must do in order to eventually awaken to what is...
The world at large, all wars, suffering and misery, including the shock waves of the Diana and 911 affairs facilitate to help their awakening. Just love the world at large and let people be. Their infinite and almighty soul will take care of them for it is all of them! It runs the show in which all things are as they should be. The world is a play and its purpose is the awakening of human souls. They are The Infinite Light in disguise...
... Very Weird Thoughts Here ...
... Possibly the following was never expressed as clearly Before ...
The entire universe and the world are holographic phenomena. Also, they are not already existing realities that were created in the past! The universe and all solar systems including all worlds and galaxies - are created in the moment of nowness. They are created by the 'consciousness' of beings who see, observe, study or experience these worlds or phenomena...
The overwhelming majority of people in our world however - have readily accepted - that our surroundings and world are age old creations. This is not so! They are created instantly by the consciousnesses of the beings who observe them. Without them ... without us ... without you ... without consciousness ... there would be nothing! Also, remember that in universal terms there is no Time nor Space! So, how could anything have been created in the past? Sharp thinking Mary-Ann...
Time and Space are the center Poles of The physical reality dream or Illusion.
What most people have been told and believe in is very misleading. All sentient beings of any kind literally 'instantly' create what is seen, observed or experienced - at all times. This instant creation, appears to be the same to all vehicles or instruments "We as the Creator" live in. This is not quite true. There are differences...
All souls or consciousnesses create images of all things or happenings in their own perception system or awareness. This is accepted by them as the actual precise thing. However, all perception systems and awarenesses are different and the differences partially depend on the already existing inner belief systems and the perception systems or awarenesses of the observers...
All sentient beings, vehicles or instruments, create their own unique version of what they see, observe or experience. They all create their own unique images or pictures in their minds or imaginations. Also, all the sceneries or objects sentient beings observe are mental phenomena. They are not physical sceneries, objects or realities! All these mental phenomena or mental-realities could be similar - but most likely all are slightly different. Comparing or judging what these separate realities are cannot be done...
For most human beings, the majority of mental-realities or images fit within the collective agreements of what human beings experience. However, for a few people their self-created mental-realities do not fit within the collective human agreements. These people are frowned upon and often they are locked up or put on drugs to fix them. They seem to live in a different world. Different heads and/or minds produce different images...
Once again - our so called surroundings and the objects we observe are depicted as images in our awareness. They seem to appear at the spot we are looking at. However, the sceneries or objects we observe do not actually exist at that spot! They exist as images in our awareness only and are created by the very Creator or Consciousness We Are. They are constructed or created from the "quantum reality matrix" which is the surrounding "cosmic energy" in which we have our being. In the mean time, this "quantum reality matrix" is what we actually are also...
I am suggesting here and now, that the "holographic quantum reality matrix" -is- the surrounding universal mind or The Infinite Subconsciousness - The IS. We swim or float within it! The IS was known by the sages of old as The Void! Now... please pay attention Mary-Ann! Any and All things are already present within The Infinite Subconsciousness or The IS. All things are present and waiting for a human creator, or any other kind, to come along and create 'realities' or 'illusions' according to their free choice. In other words - we manifest what we see...
At all times we exist at two different levels of being. We exist as The Infinite Light, as well as, an ordinary human being.
The IS - is an all inclusive underlying structure of cosmic energy from which 'anything' can be created by means of focussed minds or thoughts. It is like the alphabet from which we can create any kind of word and its meaning. Or it is like a dough from which we can bake any kind of cookie. It is the perfect magical, infinite and invisible cosmic source of creation...
All of us, including saints and radicals, come from that source and are that source. We are the reality of the source - or to put it in different words - we are the Reality of God manifested. We are The Truth and the Reality... (Smart Soul Jesus said that)
The "holographic quantum reality matrix" or The IS -is- the underlying structure of our surroundings and it is composed of an infinite amount of subatomic wavicles vibrating within an unlimited frequency range. What we see or experience from this surrounding "quantum cosmic matrix" depends entirely on the nature and vibration of our DNA and/or our brain the receiver...
This nature and vibration is slightly different for all human beings and quite different for other types of beings, entities or creatures. What is experienced by each individual being depends on the nature and level of the individual vibrations for all beings universally. We float or swim in wavicles or wave forms and when we look at them they become particles...
Our DNA and brain are holographic energy receivers that recognize and collapse specific potential realities existing within the "holographic quantum reality matrix" or The IS - into the so called sceneries and objects we think we experience or look at. The collapsing of the "holographic quantum reality matrix" creates the image of what we are looking at in our perception system or awareness. It follows then, that if and when we are able to raise our DNA and brain to higher vibrations we will be able to receive and partake of higher levels of our surrounding realities...
These higher surrounding realities belong to the fourth, fifth and all other higher densities of our universe. This means that we already live in the very midst of "All That Is"! We do not have to go anywhere in order to experience the entire show. In the future, we will adjust our DNA and brain to higher levels of vibration and we will expand our surroundings and realities accordingly! Presently, we are not able to experience the totality of "All That Is". The vibrations of our DNA and brain are too low to recognize the entire spectrum. The clue is - to raise our vibrations and thereby expand the sensitivity of our awareness...
... Welcome to my words Creator ...
? Please let me know what you feel about Them ?
~ Here's a most important Video ~