Your site is a calm place in the whirlwind and vortices of the world.
Please keep it coming!!
Best regards,
Jim Arnold Thu, 01 Jan 2009

Comments on one of my articles from an old Friend...
Here is the article: "Truth is Simple" --
First of all, I must say, I am stunned that at your age you are capable of continuing the high level of writing you have done, in fact it seems to improve with age - just like good wine. Not only are the articles exquisitely written but most of all interesting and your writing style gives a personalized feeling to many who might not otherwise get "tangled" in metaphysical subjects at all. You make it a
very interesting subject for the average reader who might not even be inclined to ever pick up a book on these subjects.
The material itself I think is pretty much on the learning curve of what most people need at this time. Myself, I am getting deeper into "stuff" and am inclined to agree with some of my later studies, stating that we are not self-conscious,YET and hence, from that perspective certain deductions in your writings would change. But that is neither here nor there as I think Not only am I growing in my understanding of things but you have as well - as evident in some of the "upgrades in your thinking that I have noticed"...
So overall, I think you are doing a great service to mankind, especially for those who need to be "led by a string in their nose", those who are not capable or willing to do some searching and studying on their own. You do an outstanding job of "pre chewing"...
H.B. Jan. 2009

Awesome Article Gerardus...
You are a true Bodhisattva, and your time here is appreciated! I like the structure of this article, and the humor.
Fun and easy to digest!
See this if you like...
Chris Thu, 08 Jan 2009

Thank You Gee...
Thank you, Gee for the wonderful assist in Self-remembrance. Love, Gina Sun, 11 Jan 2009

Good work Brother...
Here's a Love Note from the index page.
I have signed your guest book and will add some links to my web sites: and Feel free to contact me if you have the time and space in the here and now! Or I'll see you in the infinite. Yours in Spirit...
Sitting Owl Sat, 10 Jan 2009

Touche' on this one Gee......
Gerardus here:
Do we need to be saved from the experience we have?
That is what we came here to have - me thinks...
I second this! My reality is that this is a planet of "experience"...and as such come here to do just that...spirits cannot experience the delicious juice of a pineapple, the taste of my 17 month grandchild's kiss upon my face, the pain of cancer, the exilaration of skiing down a mountain, the experience of bitter cold as a homeless person, the experience of rape, molestation...thus, we as the creators we are, choose these experiences perhaps subjectively, but we do choose them for the experience sake!!! Loadsa Luv...
Sydney Sat, 24 Jan 2009

Beautiful Article of Tony's Healing...
Thank you for the Beautiful Article of Tony's Healing. I am a Lover of Tony's energy and story. And I wish I was born early enough to have met him in the body. I study in the philippines with Healers and Spiritistas... I would be so happy to see some more pictures of Tony... His face fills me with warmth. Thank you so much... hope to hear reply from you...
Article here... Sun, 25 Jan 2009

Hello Gerardus...
Just wanted to let you know that your efforts are appreciated. Thanks...
Bob Bollinger Sun, 25 Jan 2009

Love Note...
Hello Gerardus...
Here's a Love Note from the index page: Gerardus, I love you... thank you so much every day! I (me, myself & I) am so glad we found you.
aki -- Sat, 07 Feb 2009

Lots of love from my light being to you! I loved the ET101 section... read it in 2 or 3 days. It gave me energy the one night! Haha... only got 45 mins sleep the one night and i felt fine the next day! Very interesting and stimulating! Sometimes I feel like I can life off of positive words! :) PEACE!
Raw Vegan Steven Tue, 10 Feb 2009 09

Hey Gerardus...
I found your page on a link from a youtube video about 'what is metaphysics'... The creator of the video said the words he was reading were yours, and I just wanted to say that I believe you speak the truth about the nature of reality... I've been through a lot of spiritually rough times within the past 10 or so years, but I feel that that's also led me to where I'm at now... I've been doing a lot of research lately on NDE's, the holographic universe and such, and it's great to know that what I've felt for a long time is being reflected in other's writings (and helping me see my own feelings clearer)...
It's useless to say that science is wrong, religion is right, (and vice versa) because the truth of the matter is 'everyone' is right in some sense, they just aren't seeing the big picture like you describe... Anyway, is there a way to download all of the pages on your website here in a single .zip file or such? Thanks, and thanks for being clear minded enough to what I'm starting to believe is the truth about reality...
--Zach Tue, 10 Feb 2009

We Are Gods...
Hi!! My name is jose i totaly agree with you and your articles, i just started to read them, one thing is for sure we are lost in this material wold and people dont want to asept it because they have been raised like that all their life to belive this, i tell my friends know thy self we are infinite, we are gods, and they look at me like crazy so i stoped telling.. one thing is for sure i will keep surching for the truth and i thank you for this web site i will read all your articles, thanks for everithing (sorry for my spelling)!!! :) Tue, 10 Feb 2009

Many wonderful ways...
Hello Gerardus...
The human group of souls has many wonderful ways of assisting the children of our kind through the puzzle of life. It is my humble wish to thank you for your contribution in solving this puzzle. A puzzle is always difficult to start with, but as you continue the pieces often seem to fall in place as if by magic. Some pieces just don't seem to fit at first, but as we continue with our search suddenly the pieces become more clear and we find ourselves heading like mad to wittness the completed puzzle. The puzzle of life...
My Love to you...
Ray Wed, 25 Feb 2009

I am on over load...
My spiritual guides lead me down the proverbial garden path and I seem to have come to your door on my way. I am on over load from just looking at the voluminus outpouring of your generous sharing of knowledge. It may take me years to wade through it all but I wanted you to know that I am indeed a fan. I too have been in constant exploration of the mysteries for the past 40 years....egad now I have admitted that I am over the hill but realizing how third dimensional time is running out I just wanted to stop and say hello and a big thank you for generous nature. I love universal truth and reality. Sending you lots of cosmic sisterly love...
Mary Rouzer Sun, 19 Apr 2009

The troops are rallying...
Gerardus here:
When I was in the process of 'deleting' TriLite my 12 year old email list - the following came in from a TriLite Member from way back!
Cass here:
The troops are rallying! I think your comment on boring probably stirred up an emotional response. You owe no explanation for your decision to move on in your soul's journey - in the meantime I have learned much from your spiritual odyssey and for that I thank you...
Cass Silva Fri, 24 Apr 2009

I have told you this many times...
Hi Gee Mahroukie here:
I have told you this many times and I repeat :) it is because of you that my eyes were opened to the world as it is today. Through you I met walking encyclopedias like Sam, Fred and others. You brought knowledge, a wee bits of wisdom and humour to my 3D world and for this I shall always be grateful. I think you are right about having gone beyond words. Maybe it IS a good idea to shut down TriLite but hopefully that does not mean you delete your pages?? Stay well Gee and don't laugh too loud I can hear you all the way here and it's deafening...
Mahrouk Vevaina Mon, 27 Apr 2009

They make me smile inside and out...
I have no commentds to add. Except that your articles are amazing. They make me smile inside and out. Best regards,
James Doody Wed, 29 Apr 2009

Let it be known...
In just a FEW short years, discussions such as we have enjoyed here on TriLite will be of historical interest -- IF they could ever be
resurrected. I salute you Gerardus and wish you many, MANY years of good health and the prosperity that will make your enjoyment of the coming years above your highest hopes and expectations.
Hopefully, I will hear from you now and then in personal mails so "I" can
be happy in the knowledge that your treading on planet earth is still blessing those about you.
John Granath Fri,01 May 09
(Gerardus here: John was a member of TriLite from its very begining or shortly there after. Life is about changes. Many Blessings and Smiles to You John!)

Another Reader writes but left no email address...
"Your writings seem very similar to hinduism to me. I find your concepts very interesting but... I've died before, from a seizure (completely unable to be explained by medical science) at 2 different intervals in this singular human life, the first time I still had a slight concept of myself and I was able to understand the concept of apathy and nothing; the second time I was able to sense absolute nothingness, (or absolutely nothing, depending on how you look at it) there was no greater consciousness, there was... absolute nothingness and yet I still came back, and I came back to the same body and place from where I left (almost the same time, a few minutes within this world passed while I was gone but of course I had no sense of this until I was back in this reality) If what you believe is true... shouldn't I have become part of one cosmic soup and connected with our self? Shouldn't I have come back as a new person when I was ready?"
Unknown Reader Possibly this was late in 2008

Quiknote from the aboutgee.htm Page...
I have to tell you that I adored E.T. 101, and went searching for more, and found This one will rock my world for hours to come. Thank you for responding to the draw of this work. I really enjoy your sensibilities! Sat, 02 May 2009

The perfect lyrical cumulitude...
Hi Gerardus...
About your poem "From Beginning to End" -- This is the perfect lyrical cumulitude of all I have learned over the last 7 months from,, and It's such fun being a leafy fragment here with you (again, I'm sure ;). Thank goodness you're still sharing for the growing numbers of us yearning for spice beyond the simple relish of our must-hard's and catch-ups, lol. Pure love of light's life...
Christopher LeBlanc Sun, 24 May 2009
Hi Chris...
Thank you for the Note!
That poem has been doing the Cookie List rounds for at least three times in the last 12 years. Members have never made any comments about it until today. Three people have sent me a note today - so far. Great! It must be a very special day today - Gee

I wish you were my next door neighbor...
Hello Gerardus...
I am another grateful "aspect" of you learning along with you for many years now... so many times I have wished you were my next door neighbor. I am steven dinklage ... 47 yrs old and live in Prescott, Arizona...
Steven Dinklage Wed, 01 Jul 2009

Can't stop reading...
Hello Gerardus...
I better say thank you to you 1st - before I start reading some more... (can't stop reading it) tons of info. Is there any article about finding/communicate with your higher self? Finally find here... woo...
Email: = Thu, 02 Jul 2009

Thank you Gerardus so much...
Hello Gerardus...
I'm amazed, dumbfounded and more than mute to the inept ability of human word in expressing my eternal gratitude and thanks for giving to me your voice of guidance and reasoning, when I so desperately needed it most. Thank you Gerardus so much, I know you know what it means to me. I wanted to ask you about something, that in all truth I know ultimately I will resolve to understand and learn from myself in time. But I know you must be an extremely busy man and I truly don't want to add to that considering the amount of correspondence and writing expected from you. I thought perhaps I'd write this brief note first to thank you and politefully request your precious consideration about the possibility of my seeking your guidance on this matter.
As I mentioned earlier, I know the truth is that eventually I will resolve to understand and get past this point, but a funny thing happened that I never saw coming, never thought possible, my human and selfish greed swapped sides and turned all positive on me. I've never seen the like, before it was all me me me me, all for me and hurry up about it. Now, it's all ME ME ME ME and,,, so say all of 'I' as well lol. It's mad to 'me' as I know it's the same being, greed! And yet, I know it's now the most abstract and puny pathetic opposite that I've ever had the pleasure to meet. I've simply had a true and tiny minute miracle of taste that is me, that is not 'me, that is my God my creator inside and I. And I've never been so greedy for more in all of my life.
Extremely scared and frustrated too but always hopeful. I'd love the opportunity Gerardus to correspond with you but I truly do appreciate your human time restrictions and demands should you feel unable to. Whatever, I thank you from the core of my soul and human ego for your undescribably amazing word. I know my soul knew that you were here and that I was ready to listen. Thank you, to us both lol.
James Roy. Fri, 16 Mar 2007

Love and gratitude...
Hi Gerardus!
Last wrote you when I was in Alaska about 10 years ago. Get cosmic cookies daily and save the ones that resonate the most with this story. Still have a couple of books of your poetry and thank you for the cosmic cookies. Love and gratitude...
Dennis Alston Sat, 18 Jul 2009

It has helped me a lot...
Dear dear Gerardus...
Thank you from my heart, very much! The truth is always simple! It has helped me a lot, just by reading it! May you always shine through the beauty of divine wisdom! May we all shine it every moment!!! Love and blessings,
Aleksandra Fri, 31 Jul 2009

Keep them coming... CC 090801
Hi Gerardus...
... and yet another great one... keep them coming...
August Alonzo Sat, 01 Aug 2009

Your work empowers me...
Hello Gerardus...
I appreciate all what you do for the mankind! Your work empowers me and I just wanna say: Thank You! For all! Thank you!
Just Kwalay Sat, 08 Aug 2009

Very reasuring info...
Hi, thank you for maintaining the site + providing this information. Very reasuring info of what was once dormant or forgot.
(No Name) Aug 15 2009

I love every word of truth you say...
Here's a "Love Note" from the index page:
Dearest, dearest Gerardus,
You have been more than inspiration to me.I go to sleep thinking that out there there is a fenomenal spirit that touches so many counsciousnesses.I love every word of truth you say.You have helped in so many ways that i can't even describe.Thank you for being there,may you always shine the truth for all of us in the way of our awakeness. I love your souls,may be it blesses by the light of it's divinity. Blessings and love, Always...
Aleksandra Sat, 29 Aug 2009




