! Light... Love... and Laughter... to You !

Just look at it ... Look at those beautiful words.

! . . . Thank you for dropping in . . . !

*!*   Gerardus   *!*

Guest #114  
Name:   Jim Keller
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pleasant Hill, Ca.
Time: 1997-08-31 10:24:00
Comments: Terrific Stuff. Stuff that great dough is made from...cookie dough that is...keep up your wondrous Divine maddness!     Many blessings, Jim.

Guest #113  
Name:   BrokenHalo
Website: Screaming Euphoria!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: ...the systematic decline...
Time: 1997-08-26 22:24:00
Comments: Hi there!!! I found your page thru the Poetry Webring... GREAT site!! Tres interesting you might say! If you get the chance, please check out my poetry website at the address above!! Thanks! :) Peace to yaz!

Guest #112  
Name:   Kevin Greene
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Lexington, KY
Time: 1997-08-22 16:30:00
Comments: PROTERRA97@aol.com refered me... My "old man".

Guest #111    
Name:   Richard Sedletzeck
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Terre Haute, Indiana
Time: 1997-08-18 10:58:00
Comments: I love your page. I want to meet more people that are interested in meeting more people that are in the metaphyscal stuff. I would appeciate it a lot.

Guest #110    
Name:   RAINY
Website: RAINY of course
Referred by: From Geocities
From: LOUISIANA da Bayou
Time: 1997-08-17 14:26:00

Guest #109    
Name:    Mario Finotti
Referred by: Net Search
From: Brazil
Time: 1997-08-12 08:15:00
Comments: Hi people, I work with Internet and I like a lot to meditate and control my mind and body, such a relief it cause. I would like to be in touch with people who cares about mind and body energy development. Salute

Guest #108    
Name:   :  Andrew Vallee
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada
Time: 1997-08-10 19:19:00
Comments: I'm from Canada on a planet which is a proton within a cell(universe) which contains a infinet number of other universes Possibly within a test tube in a lab which is located in a universe which is similar but to us very vast in size. I think it's great that other human's think like me about how and why were here. The big picture and the formation of religion for the sole purpose of giving meaning to those who would cause conflict rather then think of who/why/what and where we belong in the great picture of this phase or stage of being.

Guest #107    
Name:   Erin (kestrel)
Website: Poems and Feathers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Saskatchewan, Canada
Time: 1997-08-07 02:53:00
Comments: Hello, just thought I'd drop by your site and find out what its all about!

Guest #106    
Name:   Jeri Segovia
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Florida
Time: 1997-07-25 14:19:00
Comments: Private!!! -Click to View-

Guest #105    
Name:   Ole Halvorsen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Denmark
Time: 1997-07-21 14:15:00
Comments: Thank's a lot for being here - Ole Halvorsen

Guest #104    
Name:   Shanell
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Eastern Washington
Time: 1997-07-17 22:31:00
This was a private message - not anymore now! Comments: Great page! I just joined the Trilite Mailing List and found you link amongst the archives. You really have a great deal here. I'm hoping to dig through it as much as possible. Your site and SpiritWeb seem to be my favorites so far. I'm happy to have found my home in the online metaphysical/new age community. I haven't been "at this" very long--only for the better part of a year. I've been on the fringes for years, but since I took the dive into life online, I'm finding myself at ease and discovering a great deal. I'm sure that I'll be "seeing you" around on the Trilite List and I will be returning to this page most certainly. Peace, Love, & Light! Yours electronically, Shanell a.k.a. StarSands

Guest #103    
Name:   Jese
Website: The Open Circcle
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: God...where else?
Time: 1997-07-17 18:19:00
Comments: You pose some interesting quuestions. I shall return. :)

Guest #102    
Name:   jeff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: sf,ca
Time: 1997-06-29 20:57:00
Comments: Many thanks for the posting of the Wisdom!

Guest #101    
Name:   Michael Ochoa
Referred by: Net Search
From: The Universal Love of our being.
Time: 1997-06-21 08:33:00
Comments: Wow! WoW!! WOW!!! Your thoughts on our true being, and our one universal mind creates such overwhelming joy in my being to know that we are steadily ascending into our higher awareness and the once closed regions of our minds. THANK YOU, Gerardus! May LOVE bring us all together again.

Guest #100  
Name:   Jim Irwin
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Hurst, TX
Time: 1997-06-21 00:52:00
Comments: Was private! - - - Where are you Gerardus? Miss you at TriLite...

Guest #99  
Name:   Rheunae
Website: The Billy Maroo
Referred by: Net Search
From: Bull Head City AZ
Time: 1997-06-08 18:12:00
Comments: I have not been on the internet for long, but you have a great web site. I find the iformation on your site most enlightening. Thanx for the info.

Guest #98  
Name:   Nikki Fabbro
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Richmond, Tx
Time: 1997-06-07 08:50:00
Comments: Gerardus, thank you for all that you are...makes the possibilities endless for me as well...!!loving you, Nikki

Guest #96  
Name:   Ryan
Website: ~Ryan's new home page~
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Seattele, Washington
Time: 1997-05-20 23:39:00
Comments: Just to say I stoped by and I will be book marking this sight! You guys got a BIG sight. I will be back. Love, Ryan.

Guest #95  
Name:   Nikki Fabbro
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Richmond, Tx
Time: 1997-06-07 08:50:00
Comments: Gerardus, thank you for all that you are...makes the possibilities endless for me as well...!! Loving you, Nikki

Guest #94  
Name:   Cynthia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Still in Arlington
Time: 1997-05-21 19:58:00
Comments: Hi Gerardus! Just checked on the new info on the list! Looks like you really know what you're doing.... Wish I had all that information so clearly stated when I subscribed. Would have saved you from receiving all that garbage! :-) Well done! Regards..with love, Cynthia

Guest #93  
Name:   Ryan
Website: ~Ryan's new home page~
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Seattele, Washington
Time: 1997-05-20 23:39:00
Comments: Just to say I stoped by and I will be book marking this sight! You guys got a BIG sight. I will be back. Love, Ryan.

Guest #92  
Name:   Cynthia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Arlington, WA
Time: 1997-05-20 21:03:00
Comments: Hi Gerardus! Just dropped by to check out the plug for the TriLite list. Great!! What else can one expect from a "saint" except perfection, eh? Grabbed a few cookies before I left. Regards...with love, Cynthia

Guest #91  
Name:   Doug Clark
Referred by: Net Search
From: USA, MIchigan
Time: 1997-04-29 20:49:00
Comments: I've been reading my daily cookie for over six months and love it. It really is my daily sip of sanity. I subscribe to the Sedona Journal, read all I can about spiritual growth and awareness. I am excited by the possibilities and find inspiration in your daily muse. Otherwise, I'm a 33 year old guy that works for a County Mental Health agency helping adults with disabilities or mental illness lead more 'normal' lives (jobs homes, fun things to do in the community. I'm married, 10 years and have two kids. I want to learn more about manifestation and would like to have a conscious encounter while in meditation. How about a visit to another realm or dimension of consciousness for a private chat with others? Wow! That would be interesting. An out of body experience would be thrilling and so would a past life visit or vivid memory. Any ideas about how to take these desires to fulfillment? Thanks again for the daily inspiration. I look forward to reading more of your home -page!

Guest #90  
Name:   Ryan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Earth, or, The Family of Light.
Time: 1997-04-29 16:59:00
Comments: Grait page. Here comes a Newage!! This is a big page, as you all ready know. Peace and Love.

Guest #89  
Name:   David Meurin
Website: lighter than air
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: heaven
Time: 1997-04-21 21:49:00
Comments: Hi Gerardus, Every time I stop by, I enjoy myself. Thanks again for the wonderful website work.

Guest #88  
Name:   Cynthia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: The planet Arlington, WA
Time: 1997-04-17 12:00:00
Comments: Hi Gerardus! Back helping myself to the cookie jar. I would like to have that disk you offer....where do I send the $7.00?
Hope your trip back to Canada was pleasant. Regards...with love, Cynthia

Guest #87
Name:   David
Website: lighter than air magazine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: heaven
Time: 1997-03-04 11:39:00
Comments: Private!!! -Click to View-

Guest #86
Name:   Michelle
Referred by: Net Search
From: This lifetime; Anderson, Indiana
Time: 1997-02-28 08:27:00
Comments: Came on over after surfing for inspirational thoughts. Haven't had the chance to read all of your pages, but will bookmark to take full advantage when I have a little more time!

Guest #85
Name:   Rebecca Sorensen
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: utah
Time: 1997-02-16 09:16:00
Comments: your poems are cool

Guest #84
Name:   Anita Landon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Florida
Time: 1997-02-13 05:15:00
Comments: I'm truly appreciative of your work. The effort and time that you willingly spent to creative this wonderful WebPage is inspiring. I wish for you all the Joy, Love and Happiness you so richly deserve. Thank you..... You have touched that inner part of me that says.... "Things shared from the soul need not be rewarded in traditional sense.... The true reward comes from sharing from the heart! :)

Guest #83
Name:   Bessie
Website: Shorepoints
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: where ever I am
Time: 1997-02-07 20:34:00
Comments: You lit up my life! May joy, love and light continue to expand in your life.

Guest #82
Name:   Ru
Website: Der Paranoide Engel
Referred by: Net Search
From: Vancouver, B.C.
Time: 1997-02-03 20:20:00
Comments: Wow, you sure are prolific!

Guest #81
Name:   David
Website: lighter than air magazine
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: the place I'm going to
Time: 1997-02-01 11:40:00
Comments: Hi Gerardus...I still love your site. Thanks again for the daily cookie.

Guest #80
Name:   Susan Douglas/AngelWolf Productions
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Maui
Time: 1996-12-25 13:52:00
Comments: Happy Birthday. I was referred by Ed Elkin. Congrats on your wonderful work. You're inspiring me to do similar.

Guest #79
Name:   RAINA
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1996-12-21 20:01:00
Comments: I LOVE YOU!

Guest #78
Name:   Amy Gutauskas
Referred by: Net Search
From: Florida
Time: 1996-12-19 05:47:00
Comments: I'm searching for answers and other people who are asking them. I'm very confused and alone...I need more spritual connections......I need to understand......help me

Guest #77
Name:   G.W.Stamps
Website: S3 Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: the darkness
Time: 1996-12-14 18:46:00
Comments: you are very close... may peace and light go with you...

Guest #76
Name:   Joseph Luis Ibern Vengoechea Cótez Vélez
Website: find out
Referred by: From Geocities
From: NJ
Time: 1996-11-29 09:59:00
Comments: It's cool

Guest #75
Name:   David Gaines
Website: "caveat lector..." (the poetry of david gaines.)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Fayetteville, NC
Time: 1996-11-27 00:31:00
Comments: Quite informative and LOTS to read!

Guest #74
Name:   John Wilson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Seattle
Time: 1996-11-24 16:30:00
Comments: I was doing a search on Itzhak Bentov, and found you. I have been searching for a long time for other people who have read "Stalking the Wild Pendulum" because it is one of the most profound books I have ever read and has effected my outlook on life, the universe, consciousness, and everything.

Guest #73
Name:   David
Website: Lighter Than Air Magazine
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: everywhere
Time: 1996-11-13 19:54:00
Comments: Hi Gerardus :o) -just stopped by for a wisdom uptake -Thanks

Guest #72  
Name : Lady Hawk
Website Lady Hawk Nest
Referred by : Word of Mouth
From : The Netherlands
Time : 1996-10-31 10:33:00
Comments : Herewith I would like to congratulate you with your great and beautifull pages. Your site has been selected as this week's UPP site. You can read the reasons for giving you this award at: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/2550/flight.html. I'll drop you another personal email to tell you the url of where to collect the UPP award ! It's an honour to have your site as this week's UPP site ! Warm Wishes, Greetje aka Lady Hawk

Guest #71
Name Doris Matchett
Website :
Referred by : Just Surfed On In!
From : Washinton DC/Suburban MD
Time : 1996-10-26 16:30:00
Comments : Guten Tag! Gerardus, I finally got this far. Your Web Site is extraordinarily good, just like you. Enjoy the warm Arizona son for me too. We Northeasterners gain an hour tonight. At least there's something we've got over you -- 1 hour extra sleep, we'll lose in the spring!

Guest #70
Name : david
Website david's page
Referred by : Word of Mouth
From : heaven
Time : 1996-10-22 20:58:00
Comments : hi Gerardus -just stopped by for a cookie :o)

Guest #69
Name Bruce Schuman
Website United Communities of Spirit
Referred by : Word of Mouth
From : Santa Barbara California U S A !
Time : 1996-09-28 11:07:00
Comments : Hey dudes and dudettes, Greetings to all in the friendly warmth of SunRiseGlow! All hail I AM THAT I AM! Yes.

Guest #68
Website: :
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1996-09-17 20:20:00

Guest #67
Name:   Karen Lustrup
Referred by: NewsGroups
Time: 1996-09-16 15:33:00
Comments: Very, very impressive site, Gerardus!! I have spent a good deal of time here tonight browsing and will certainly come back again! Love to you - and keep going strong! Your new friend from Lightworker List! Karen

Guest #66
Name:   Kathleen Lee Mendel
Website: None
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Paducah, Kentucky
Time: 1996-09-13 05:17:00
Comments: Your Web Site is awesome. Did you do this yourself? Very, very nice.

Guest #65
Name:   Henry J. Roy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Inverness, Florida
Time: 1996-09-07 20:59:00
Comments: I haven`t finished with this sight yet, i will be back for more. i haven`t been on the internet for very long maybe about a month,but this has been the most enlighting for me so far. i have friends i can`t wair to share with them what i have found ,I thank you with all my heart peace, love, and light be yours. Thanx

Guest #64
Name:   Brother David Robinson
Website: : Library of Wisdom
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Denver, CO
Time: 1996-09-02 11:44:00
Comments: What a great site. I do hope you will stop by and visit mine. -- Blessings and Light, Brother David

Guest #63
Name:   Kimberley van de Weerdt
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Holland
Time: 1996-08-31 07:08:00
Comments: I think that you most come to Holland one time. Is that a deal or not?

Guest #62
Name:   Michael Davis
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Sedona. Arizona, USA
Time: 1996-08-25 18:58:00
Comments: I was asked by SunSetGlow to see how this page looks with Internet Explorer 3.0 (Final version). It looks very good.

Guest #61
Name:   Stig Knudsen
Website: Stig Knudsens Home Page about New Age
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Roskilde, Denmark
Time: 1996-08-20 03:05:00
Comments: I know you from Lightwork-l.

Guest #60
Name:   Dick LaVigne
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Silver Spring, MD
Time: 1996-08-16 16:42:00
Comments: I like your responses to others questions about our existence and who we think God is. I haven't read any of your writings yet, but I will. I too think we are in control of our lives and really call all the shots. We have more power then we realize. Its too bad we weren't given an instruction book at birth so we could play the game better. Starting from ground zero each time isn't fair, but then whose rules are these? I'm anxious to learn more of your philosophy of life. I guess I'll start at the top of your list and read it all. Love and Light, Dick

Guest #59
Name: Lou Majors
Email: lmajors@mindspring.com
Date: Monday - 24/Jun/96 - 8:43:05
Homepage: http://NA
Referred from: Net Search
Comments: I really resonate with your truth Gerardus. We are on the same beam for sure. I teach a meditation class on immortality in Atlanta and our class is on the verge of making the quantum leap from limited to unlimited all the way including the physical manifestations (teleportation, materialization, etc). Come join us!

Guest #58
Name: mary
Email: medaily@inf.net
Date: Saturday - 22/Jun/96 - 23:09:52
Homepage: http://
Referred from: From Geocities
Comments: interesting...

Guest #57
Name: Stephen A. Fuqua
Email: stephenf@jove.acs.unt.edu
Date: Thursday - 20/Jun/96 - 15:19:50
Referred from: Word of Mouth
Comments: Hello Gerardus... you may recognize me from the Bridge, though
I have been very silent lately... I've been backed up in my mail for quite some time now, and don't want to post anything to the Bridge until I catch up and read everything... Your page is quite daunting in size... I almost don't know where to start, but I think that there is a simple solution to that problem: start at the beginning =). Beginning, or ending, or middle, I shall start there, precisely there, and no where else -- though I be everywhere at once and nowhere at all. Until a later date/time... I wish you well.

Guest #56
Name: Sash
Email: sashtia@oberon.ark.com
Date: Tuesday - 18/Jun/96 - 16:02:14
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: This is the most....`relaxing' place I have ever happened upon! It has made me smile and taught me much. It's a wonderful place and I will return again and again. Thanx Sash :)

Guest #55
Name: Barbara K Andrews
Email: andrewbk@blue.usps.gov
Date: Tuesday - 18/Jun/96 - 14:35:34
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Thank you for expanding the light.

Guest #54
Name: Swami Gyankirti
Email: medisage@visions.net
Date: Friday - 14/Jun/96 - 10:52:45
Homepage: Swami Gyankirti - An African Medicineman in Cyberspace
Referred from: From Geocities
Comments: Gerardus, long time no contact. I reckon I was dropped from the LIGHTWORK list, and have been too busy to really investigate why. LOVE YOUR PAGES!!! LOVE ALWAYS
Swami Gyankirti

Guest #53
Name: Attila N. Abelovszky
Email: 104475.521@compuserve.com
Date: Tuesday - 11/Jun/96 - 21:09:32
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I joined The Bridge Across Consciousness recently, found your posts thought I would check out your page. I will say some days my mind can embrace your concepts sometimes it can't, and there may be some times it won't. But yours looks to be a great page to have bookmarked. Best regards.

Guest #53
Name: Shailendra Kumar
Email: sk@anand.nddb.ernet.in
Date: Monday - 10/Jun/96 - 21:50:13
Homepage: Shailu
Referred from: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I joined the bridge across conciousness a couple of days back. I read some of your posts that I found very interesting and that is how I am here. I hope that this chance association will continue. I believe that there is always a divine purpose whenever two persons meet or exchane ideas.

Guest #51
Name: David Beale
Email: dbeale@ca.com.au
Date: Monday - 10/Jun/96 - 19:03:44
Homepage: David Beale's ........
Referred from: Word of Mouth
Comments: Hi, I put your homepages on my Bookmarks. You asked for the guest-book to be signed; a pleasure! Thanks David

Guest #50
Name: Chad D. Sundberg
Email: sundberg@badlands.nodak.edu
Date: Sunday - 9/Jun/96 - 18:37:58
Homepage: http://
Referred from: From Geocities
Comments: A lot of the things that I have just read on your pages really felt right in my soul. I just needed a place to verify what I was already pondering. Yet in doing so, I have learned that I do not need to verify anything against another's ideas. I will definately be back to learn more. Thank-you from the joyous center of my soul!

Guest #49
Name: Robelinda Bajar
Email: rx.bajar@student
Date: Tuesday - 4/Jun/96 - 2:55:44
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Netscape
Comments: What can i say but you are a man with great words! You leave your readers grasping for more of your hidden beautiful thoughts that can only be seen by your own soul. I guess your right, YOUR WISDOM IS ONLY YOUR OWN WISDOM! Should we thank you for sharing you wisdom through poetry? They are sure lovely, it gives a shiver down someone's spine! If i can right like you, will i be famous, i guess not...We have different understanding on life. As you should know everyone is a poet within their hearts...In your case, you are a poet of everyone's heart...You represent the whole entity of poetry. KEEP WRITING 'COZ EVERY WORD YOU SCRIBBLE IS YOU...BEAUTIFUL YOU!
Thank You

Guest #48
Date: Thursday - 25/May/95 - 3:31:06
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!

Guest #47
Name: Frank W. van Wensveen
Email: frankvw@euronet.nl
Date: Tuesday - 21/May/96 - 3:07:08
Homepage: Homepage :-)
Referred from:Advertisment/Brochure
Comments: Nice cosmic bakery you have here, Gerardus! I'll need more time to do it justice, there's so much to read... Keep up the good work! :-)

Guest #46
Name: E McCutcheon
Email: arak@edge.net
Date: Sunday - 19/May/96 - 19:23:38
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I was looking for something on the book "What Are Lightbodies?" by [Archangel] Ariel. You popped up. Thanks!!

Guest #45
Name: Liz Beckman
Email: ebeckman@ha.osd.mil
Date: Thursday - 16/May/96 - 15:22:47
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: I "met" you on the lightwork-l list. I don't have a homepage yet. I just want to say "hi!" I want to pay you the very highest compliment: you make me laugh! Remember: ...dog is god spelled backwards...I want to fix up this body so I can live in it forever... :o)
Love, Liz

Guest #44
Name: Jeff Laymon
Email: jlaymon@ainet.com
Date: Monday - 13/May/96 - 19:00:31
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Gerardus Grist:
It's a magical and friendly place. A watering hole for this thirsty soul...

Guest #43
Name: Graham Clarke
Email: graham.clarke@dse.com.au
Date: Sunday - 12/May/96 - 6:50:28
Homepage: RSN i.e. next year probably!
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hi Gerardus. Graham from Meaning-L. Thanks for re-list those messages to meaming-l Can't wait to see your page so I'll go now... Happy computing (my sig)

Guest #42
Name: rick pittman
Email: rickp.southconn.com
Date: Saturday - 11/May/96 - 11:01:26
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: This information is really great. Answers lots of questions and makes me feel safer when i mediate and experience the things that tend too happen to me.
Thank you.
Rick Pittman

Guest #41
Name: Peter Olivier
Email: olivier@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Date: Saturday - 11/May/96 - 7:12:35
Homepage: Thesaurus Indigermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hi, Gerardus, I'm on the Lightwork-L mailing list and have so little time to consecrate to comments ... but I take this occasion to send you a big (((((hhhuugggggg))))) and thanks for your work ... The headline (from Spiritweb) looks great - I wish I had a possibility to create a "private" home page with those tools as well ... :) --- Love and Light, Peter

Guest #40
Name: Alex O'Brien Rodrigues
Email: obrien@uninet.com.br
Date: Wednesday - 8/May/96 - 12:03:22
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Yahoo!
Comments: I found your homepage because my friend said me whith you have a god chaneling from Metraton.

Guest #39
Name: Josalyn Pittard
Email: chai@title24.com
Date: Saturday - 4/May/96 - 20:28:48
Homepage: http:// chat.acmeweb.com/interconf/registry/Chai964232112.htm
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hi

Guest #38
Name: Airen Wallen
Email: airen@airen
Date: Friday - 3/May/96 - 17:31:27
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Net Search
Comments: I love your poems. They have hit my soul in a deep spot. I enjoy taking a break and kicking back to read them!

Guest #37
Name: Greg and Marja Tewsley
Email: gtewsley@tst-medhat.com
Date: Tuesday - 30/Apr/96 - 23:38:27
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Dropped in for a peek. Downloaded a bunch of your articles. Will be reading for the next few days. Greetings!

Guest #36
Name: John Mastro
Email: commreal@servtech.com
Date: Wednesday - 24/Apr/96 - 17:26:42
Homepage: Corning
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hi

Guest #35
Name: stephen "steph*" meyer
Email: meyersr@norand.com
Date: Tuesday - 23/Apr/96 - 4:19:58
Referred from:Word of Mouth
excellent useable model for spirit/soul.
many thanks!
agreed, (light ..., love ..., laughter ...)

Guest #34
Name: Tom Gross
Email: thomas@frontier.net
Date: Saturday - 20/Apr/96 - 20:09:21
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: Hello, Canadian Self, my higher latitude Self, Continue with the dream! for our soul loves the learning and the fantasy! Love you writing on CompuServe on now the Net
Tom, Shaman in Training

Guest #33
Name: David
Email: dmeurin@wimsey.com.ca
Date: Friday - 19/Apr/96 - 18:41:48
Homepage: freedom to believe
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: Hi Gerardus :O)

Guest #32
Name: Dennis Houchin
Email: dhouchin@maxinet.com
Date: Friday - 19/Apr/96 - 12:32:01
Homepage: The InterGalactic Library
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I've enjoyed your comments on Bridge-L, so I thought I'd take a look. I appreciate your efforts on the Internet.

Guest #31
Name: Michael Bonnet (WhytLyon)
Email: mlbonnet@ix.netcom.com
Date: Wednesday - 17/Apr/96 - 13:26:09
Homepage: Excuse my dust, and bear with me. I'll have it sometime...
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: Hi Gerardus, I love your cookies from Lightwork-L and Muranda's Hank. Oooh, I get to be on another list. But this won't cause junk mail, will it? Does Spirit send junk mail? I don't think so, unless we ask for it. Are you a Giraffe - G, or a Gary G? Do I use my middle initial when I sign...

Guest #30
Name: Peggy Craggette
Email: Peggy1@isisnet.com
Date: Monday - 15/Apr/96 - 4:05:10
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: I think that this is a great place...Someone told me about Secretives home page, so I decide to look around I enyoyed my visit very much and will return again and again...

Guest #29
Date: Sunday - 7/Apr/96 - 16:47:06
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!

Guest #28
Name: Bambang Pramana
Email: bpramana@rad.net.id
Date: Saturday - 6/Apr/96 - 22:43:08
Homepage: Scientific Spirituality
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: It's great! Congratulation for the nice work. I just found your page through the mailinglist-1 of Lightwork from Spirit-WWW. It will take me a lot of time to go through all your writings, but in the last half hour I browse through it and already found so many interesting articles. It is more interesting for me, because of the very close resonance to my own. I've just put my first Web-page, and if you got some time to visit, you are very welcome. Love & Peace.
B. Pramana

Guest #27
Name: k behnsen
Email: kbehnsen@vcn.bc.ca
Date: Tuesday - 2/Apr/96 - 22:29:19
Homepage: Ro & Pascal's Internet Cafe
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Nice use of tables

Guest #26
Name: Cynthia Sparks
Email: cmsparks@iwaynet.net
Date: Wednesday - 27/Mar/96 - 16:12:42
Homepage: http://
Referred from:NewsGroups
Comments: {{{{{{{{{infinite love & brilliant white light}}}}}}}}}}}}

aka LVL (LightVeiledLady)
found you from your hotlink from one of your Lightwork-L messages.... :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Guest #25
Name: Laurie
Email: inspirit22@aol.com
Date: Thursday - 21/Mar/96 - 11:42:41
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Creative and Inspirational!

Guest #24
Name: Juliana Bortolotti
Email: julieunip@u-netsys.com.br
Date: Wednesday - 20/Mar/96 - 19:59:55
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Netscape
Comments: You´re great!!!

Guest #23
Name: Gerard Tros
Email: mbo.arnhem@universal.nl
Date: Wednesday - 20/Mar/96 - 16:19:51
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Net Search
Comments: HAD to have a look of course . . . Will come back and read more and
write again soon: must go and get some sleep now (1:20 here) To me this is truly amazing . .

Guest #22
Name: Laurie Hebert
Email: lhebert@northstar.k12.ak.us.
Date: Wednesday - 28/Feb/96 - 1:36:54
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Yahoo!
Comments: I also have read some of your replies to things on the Lightworks list. I've often wondered about something in particular and you seem to have an idea about most things so I'll ask you. I work with severe and profoundly handicapped children. I once saw that each were attended by angels that were as different as my students. I've often wondered what their ultimate purpose was here and what awareness might truly be found within the depths of their souls. I know we choose the form we take in this lifetime, but what is the lessons they are learning? Sometimes I think their purpose here is not to learn, but to teach. From working with my students I've learned the meaning of total trust and of unconditional love, but I've also seen that they do learn fear and other emotions. What might your thoughts be on this topic? I've never been able to find anything in the literature I've read that discusses the severly handicapped in our world.

Guest #21
Name: Fernando Ruiz Braña
Email: fbrana@halcon.laguna.ual.mx
Date: Monday - 26/Feb/96 - 13:58:21
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Thank you Gerardus I'm already connected. I'll analize all the information in this location and in the other you gave me I think it will take quiet a while. I forgot I didn't just Surfed on in I've followed my deppest feelings

Guest #20
Name: Fernando Ruiz Braña
Email: fbrana@halcon.laguna.ual.mx
Date: Monday - 26/Feb/96 - 13:54:56
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Thank you Gerardus I'm already connected
I'll analize all the information in this location and in the other you gave me I think it will take quiet a while

Guest #19
Name: Granpa George
Email: heikes@tesser.com
Date: Wednesday - 14/Feb/96 - 4:52:35
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hello from Granpa George.
Nice work! I was looking for something and came across this. You do not need to answer. Others need your assistence more than I do at the present time, although who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Guest #18
Name: kari
Email: kari@olywa.net
Date: Sunday - 11/Feb/96 - 19:06:16
Homepage: http://
Referred from:Advertisment/Brochure
Comments: your sig

Guest #17
Name: Robin hatala
Email: yxqf@grove.iup.edu
Date: Sunday - 11/Feb/96 - 12:16:39
Homepage: http://
Referred from:From LPAGE.COM
Comments: I belong to the lightwork-l list. I always thought i was just crazy. it was not until i met my friend jen at iup, that i realized i was not crazy, just sensitive to alot of things like energy(especally negitive, they like to fixate on me for some reason)see a lot of pulses. Well i could ramble on forever. i think my point was, it is nice to have information avaliable for me to read for i have no clue about any of this stuff. -robin

Guest #16
Name: Herbert Brantley
Email: compuserve 74053,3562
Date: Saturday - 20/Jan/96 - 1:59:52
Referred from:NewsGroups
Comments: I have been reading your letters on Bridge-L and Wisdom forums for quite some time and find them profound. I would like to hear from you directly on your publications at 1701 Smokerise Dr.,Akron, OH 44313. Please send me a list.

Guest #15
Name: Kate Dennis - Kas'u
Email: katie@tscnet.com
Date: Thursday - 11/Jan/96 - 10:30:33
Homepage: welcome to TSCNet's own Virtual Mamma's Page
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: nope.. I didn't just surf in .. but you didn't list Lightwork-L ... :) Thank you for your postings.. and bright joy! and mind if I've taken them to my peotry zone in my profile? Also ... may I add a link here to your pages? I ask first as a general rule...
Huggs and Love ..

Guest #14
Name: Roger Earnshaw
Email: earnro@dove.mtx.net.au
Date: Monday - 8/Jan/96 - 19:33:06
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hello Geradus,
I've been watching lightwork-l for a week or so, and your comments appear to be coming from a person who has been where I am trying to go. Keep up the good work, as I am learning more each day.

Guest #13      
Name: Stacey Nelson
Email: slnelson@terminus.com
Date: Sunday - 7/Jan/96 - 23:20:12
Homepage: I do not have one yet!
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!

Guest #12
Name: Kenneth Broom
Email: kenbroom@ix.netcom.com
Date: Sunday - 24/Dec/95 - 1:08:22
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!

Guest #11
Name: Kenneth Broom
Email: kenbroom@ix.netcom.com
Date: Sunday - 24/Dec/95 - 1:08:17
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!

Guest #10
Name: Goran Sjoberg
Email: Goran@communique.se
Date: Saturday - 16/Dec/95 - 4:21:35
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Linked up from Gawain's homepage, nice to see it!

Guest #9
Name: Chelsea Fischer
Email: caf0001@jove.acs.unt.edu
Date: Sunday - 10/Dec/95 - 17:25:59
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: Hey!! This is the Chelsea from lightwork-l.... this is the first time I've ever gotten onto this thing... otherwise, I would have visited your page a long time ago!
See you on lightwork---

Guest #8
Name: Don Berry
Email: berry@eskimo.com
Date: Friday - 8/Dec/95 - 23:39:20
Homepage: BerryWorks
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Very enjoyable -- look forward to coming back for more.

Guest #7
Name: Daniel Orion Davis
Email: oriond@jove.acs.unt.edu
Date: Wednesday - 6/Dec/95 - 14:18:10
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: I wanted to check this out, because a friend of mine is on lightwork, and forwards to me some of your cosmic cookie things, and I really like them, so I thought i asked her to get me the web page addres so I could check it out...

Guest #6
Name: David
Email: dmeurin@wimsey.com.ca
Date: Saturday - 2/Dec/95 - 14:06:46
Homepage: David's Place
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: Hi Gerardus, I got your message. Yes, please feel free to put my humble url on your page.
Thanks :-)

Guest #5
Name: Georgette Vachon Carlson
Email: gcarlson@holycross.edu
Date: Friday - 1/Dec/95 - 7:03:38
Homepage: Siobyhan's Page
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hello lover!
Just wanted to check out the changes you'd made to your pages! Looks good! Speak to you soon. In peace, joy, and love! Georgette

Guest #4
Name: David Meurin
Email: dmeurin@wimsey.com.ca
Date: Sunday - 26/Nov/95 - 9:07:54
Homepage: David's Place
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: -just stopped by to see what's new. Great pages, Gerardus. Thanks,

Guest #3
Name: Brent Rotar
Email: brotar@island.net
Date: Tuesday - 21/Nov/95 - 19:03:50
Referred from:NewsGroups
Comments: Just stopped by to say hi! Good words, keep it flowing.

Guest #2
Name: Ray Parnell
Date: Tuesday - 14/Nov/95 - 6:03:24
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hi Gerarduss! Just dropped by to say hello and keep up the good
work! It's always a pleasure to read your work and talk with you.

Guest #1
Name: Melissa Ortiz
Email: mortiz@rides.raynet.com
Date: Wednesday - 8/Nov/95 - 16:29:53
Referred from:Netscape
Comments: I am happy to be here.