... Gerardus' Psychic Surgery ...

May 1978 - Baguio City - Philippines

Preliminary Notes...
In May of 1978, I went to Baguio City in the Philippines in order to witness and have Psychic Surgery by Tony Agpaoa. I wanted to personally meet this person and experience what Psychic Surgery was all about. I had read about it before and it sounded quite impossible to me. Must be a Fake! What did I know?! When I had these psychic surgery experiences with Tony Agpaoa and his group of Healers - I received the shock of my life!  I was upset for weeks on end...

Presently it is almost 30 years later since the time I met Tony and his Group of Healers. I hope that this report will help many people to open up - to what in the Western World - seems impossible. In 1998, I posted some of my Psychic Surgery Experiences to my Email List called TriLite. Later, in 2002 I had a discussion with a person who lived in Baguio City at that time. The discussion is on the bottom of this writing...

Gerardus here:
From 1957 up to 1978, I had a consistent problem with my intestines - my bowel movements were too loose. The older I became the worse it was. It was beneficial to keep my weight down - but on the other hand it was quite embarrassing. I found that most of my troubles were caused by the 'emotionality' of my system. Also, the harder I worked - the more it acted up. I had consulted many Medical Doctors prior to 1978 but no Doctor came up with a solution. I think that nowadays it is called IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome...

In 1977, I had read about psychic surgery, seen it on TV, and in 1978 I asked myself - what have I got to lose - why not go there and see for yourself? Maybe they can help me. At that time I lived in Edmonton, Canada and fairly soon, I found a group of Edmontonians who were going to the Philippines for psychic surgery. In May of 1978 we departed from Edmonton via a charter flight to Vancouver, from there we flew to Hong Kong, from there to Manila and finally by bus to Baguio City. Some people flew from Manila to Baguio City. It was a very long trip...

I had two purposes for this trip:
1) I wanted to see this phenomena first hand.
2) I wanted to find out whether Psychic Surgery could help me with my problem.

We arrived in Baguio City after more than two days of traveling/flying and we stayed in double rooms in an old Monastery in the hills of Baguio City. The Monastery served as our Hotel. There was a Dining Room, a Cafeteria and naturally also a souvenir shop. My room mate's name was Bernard and he came from Prince George, B.C. Canada - not sure. He came to Baguio for the purpose of finding relief from the problems with his legs. He could hardly walk. The arteries in his legs were swollen since they were full of blood clots.

Now hear this - the day after we arrived 300 people were scheduled for psychic surgery in groups of about 50. Different groups of people were scheduled for different times. This was an enormous amount of people naturally and the entire show was a spectacle of the first order. There were people there from all over the world, including the USA, Japan, Europe and other places. We picked up more and more people along the way in every airport we landed...

The surgery was done by a group of four Healers and they worked independently of each other. Each of them would take the next patient in line so to speak. I watched them like a hawk! By means of going into trance they let certain 'Spirit Beings' work through them. Some of the four Healers were not even looking at what they were doing. They stared into space absentmindedly. At that time I did not understand that at all. I had no idea what was really going on. They did mighty funny things...

There were three gentlemen Healers and one lady Healer. One of the younger Healers was the lady's son. The lady worked on me most of the time. She usually looked the other way while her hands were doing things in my body. Weird! All of them were beautiful Souls naturally - but at that time I knew next to nothing about Souls - let alone about beautiful ones. During the healings the younger Healer would sing spiritual songs and his voice was out of this realm altogether. Most beautiful and chilling! His name was Rudy. The entire scene was absolutely unreal and beautiful beyond description. Many people bawlled their eyes out after they had been worked on. So did I...

Before a session began, the Healers prayed or meditated instead of scrubbing hands for example. I often thought that we were hypnotized en mass. I remember that I was very suspicious and most alert in order to catch them cheating. At that time I saw everything of that nature as suspicious! As I mentioned before, some Healers meditated before they went into trance. Others only prayed. At that time, my attitude and state of mind was typical for someone who had no idea of the 'reality' of Life. I was ignorant about psychism and just about everything else that pointed in that direction. I suffered from a "Closed Western Mind" syndrome. Billions of people still have the same problem. It has become a way of life in Western Countries...

The surgery was done in a small room that looked more like a garage than an operating room. There were no special lights or clean sheets for the next patient. There were four cheap cots in that room and we all laid down on the same kind of dirty mattress. No nurses, desks or medical supplies either. Then - to top all this - insects, small flies and dust particles were flying in and out of the room. The windows were open because it was warm inside. Cars were driving by and the road was some kind of gravel. The 'work' on the entire group of 300 people took about three to four hours. Incredible! What the heck was happening to me? I could not believe my eyes and I was very disturbed by what I was witnessing. How could all this be? Why is all this Magic denied in the West...

In groups of about twelve people we would enter the one healing room together and we stood in a corner until it was our turn. One by one we would lay down on these cots. The Healer would open our bodies by moving his hands right through the skin and hold the opening open with the other hand or keep one or two fingers in there. Most amazing indeed! No knives or instruments of any kind were used. The healing itself meant that the healer would take out several pieces of fatty material that presumably was the cause of our problems. The whole thing took about 3 to 4 minutes! There was a photographer who took pictures and I took some pictures as well. By golly - it took a lot of guts to lay down on these old cots and I remember that I fell on my knees the night before and prayed! I might even have prayed in the morning - I have forgotten by now...

Before we entered this room, we all felt very nervous and we were assisted by our Group Leaders who put our shaky nerves at rest so to speak. Our Group Leaders had been there several times before with many other groups of people. During the healings or operations, no pain or any other sensation was noticed by me. A little blood showed up for some of us. Since we had to wait in the corner of the room where these healings or surgeries took place - the entire spectacle took place in full view of anybody willing to watch. No money was involved for the surgery - but on the last day we were asked for donations. I forgot what I gave them - maybe 200 dollars or so. Which was peanuts for eight visits or healings as they called them...

We had healings or surgery many days in a row. It was the most unbelievable spectacle I had ever seen and it literally blew my mind. My Western Mind was shaken to its foundations. On the second or third day it caved in. I went through a period of total mental confusion. Where was I... and why was I here? I was flabbergasted, very upset and completely undone by all this! I needed lots of time to myself to recuperate from all this weirdness. Eye-balls were taken out and cleaned and tumors the size of golf balls appeared in the hands of the healers. One fellow called Mike, who was a welder by trade, had his lungs cleaned and an oozing grey puss came out of the side of his rib-cage. I saw it happening about two to three feet away. It was kind of scary...

In the afternoons I would speak with our companions or have a chat with our Group Leaders. I talked to them about these healings and somehow they became more real! The weather was beautiful and in the mornings we gathered in an open theater and sang songs. There was a young man who played his guitar and it was beautiful! On one weekend we went to the beach as a group and went for rides in a motor boat to an isolated portion of the beach about 20 minutes away. Beautiful water and beach indeed. In the afternoon, many people went into Baguio City and came back with souvenirs. I stayed close to the Monastery and tried to make sense of it all. I felt very much alone...

On one night I woke up in the middle of the night and my chest area was very hot - it seemed to be on fire. It was pretty scary! Since I was tired and half asleep I did not give a hoot. I was not sure what was happening but I think that my Heart Chakra opened up at that time. I said to myself: what will be - will be! All this took twenty minutes maybe and afterwards I fell asleep again. Out like a light...

I remember speaking to others of our group and compared notes. None of us knew what was going on. Many people did not even want to speak about it. The funny thing was, I knew that they had seen the same things I had seen, but they denied what they had seen! What we have seen is not happening one of them said. What did happen he did not know. These Healers could open up our bodies as if our bodies were some kind of plastic or flexible energy (Which they actually are - but I did not know that then). We are clouds of Energy or Light! I could not explain what was happening and how all this was possible. Years later, after I had read and studied many metaphysical books, I came to a greater understanding of these happenings. Our bodies are not what we think they are! What we see of them is not actually there! Our bodies are self-created illusions...

What we see and experience is created inside our heads or minds. We experience reality with our awareness - but what we are looking at is not actually there. We are Clouds of Light that look like human bodies and with our brains we create the images of physical reality in our mind or awareness. It is an absolutely amazing happening. There is no Objective Outside Reality... it's all an illusion! No one can understand this without studying metaphysics. Some quantum scientists however - know that what I say is so. Our normal outside reality is a virtual environment. It does not exist the way we think we see or experience it. We are fooled by our own eyes, body and mind. The World and our environment is an illusion...

There was a professional nurse there and she also had surgery. There was a mirror mounted on the ceiling above her and when the Healer opened up her body - she looked into the mirror and passed out cold! She could see her 'insides' and it hit her! She was a goner we figured... ever heard of a nurse passing out? Her fainting was quite the commotion and a medical doctor was called in from the next room (He gave people acupuncture treatments there). He massaged her heart area and she woke up again. She was white as a sheet! What a Trip she had. She could have died from shock...

Patient after patient would lay down on these cots and were worked on. The entire show for each of us was over in a jiffy. No wonder they could 'help' 300 people in just one morning. Some people had their legs operated on, others their hemorrhoids, others had 'growths' inside their skulls. Some people had stomach problems or troubles with their intestine like I had. Our bodies opened up like a zippered suitcase. Very weird indeed! There were healings on eyes, ears, brains, lungs, kidneys, legs and what have you. There were all kinds of people there and a few of them were desperately ill - I figured that they were dying. Some people who were treated showed healing signs and others did not...

The people in our group who were desperately sick were not helped by the Healers. They did not allow themselves to deal with them. I think that these people were but a few weeks away from crossing over. I had no idea how the Healers knew this - anyway they knew. After four or five days, my room-mate was able to walk easily again for the first time in years. He was elated! The Healers had moved their hands over his legs and the blood clots would appear on the outside of his legs. They just wiped them away! The flesh of our bodies just opened up like is was a cloud of energy...

On about the sixth or seventh evening when I wanted to go to my room - I could not get in. Bernard had the door bolted from the inside. I think that he had a visitor. I heard them giggling in there. I sauntered off to the Dining Room and ordered a stiff drink. I settled down listened to the piano player. I returned to my room after midnight. I remembered that I talked to the piano player for a while. I do not need healings he had said - my music heals me. I thought about that a lot. Lots of people knew a lot more than I thought I knew...

I was there for about ten days and on at least eight days we had healings. One day Tony cleaned my eyes. When that happens your eye balls float about two inches above your head. I did not even notice it. I had seen it from others who had their eyes cleaned. This psychic surgery experience was the most spiritual experience I ever had or witnessed. I call it a spiritual experience but in actuality it is an experience of magic. There is no way that I can coherently convey the feelings and thoughts that went through my Western Closed Mind at that time. It broke like an eggshell under a ton of pressure - wow! I must have seen at least twenty five operations at close range. They are real - but what is real? After all these years - I am still asking myself - what is real? I sure made progress...

In the day time, we sat in the sun, had discussions and lectures. We told each other stories and sang songs. The Chaplain was there to assist anybody who needed him. I never went to see him specifically, for I needed more than just one of them I figured. I do not think that even the Pope could have helped me. I was a mental wreck! Yet... I felt joyful because of the extra-ordinary energies that walked around in energy bodies we call human beings. These Healers are Magical People...

I cannot say that I was physically healed, but no doubt it was the most miraculous experience I had ever had. Incredible!  I feel that because of this experience my Western Mind opened up to the magical! This is important - since the universe is nothing but magic! To just even know this - is a miracle for a Westerner I feel. This psychic surgery experience changed my life more than anything else! No other happening could even possibly compare...

Back to the present...
By means of pacing myself, I have learned to be a bit easier on my body and its emotionality. Still I work too many hours sometimes, as well as that the Biorhythm Curves have quite the influence on me. In the mean time, I am able to gain weight almost at will and as a matter of fact, I feel a lot healthier than I did in the past - I am 78 years old presently. My trouble possibly was that I have always been too purposeful in a conscious manner. Did I know how to relax? Not sure - one is the way one is! I figured that whatever I did was important to the world - which naturally is actually a dumb idea! However, going to see Tony Agpaoa was mighty important to me...

I have always been a purposeful Doer so to speak and acted more from a Soul Level than from the way I felt physically. I was driven and could not stop myself from doing something I felt to be useful. I might have been addicted to work one could say. It gave me pleasure and I was good at it. I wonder now - did I have this loose bowel problem so that I would look for help in Psychic Surgery in order to crack my Western Mind? Was all this a Cosmic Catch 22? Did I order all this before I was born? This is well possible - if not most likely...

There are books about Psychic Surgery in the New Age Book Stores and I recommend that you read some of them before you go to Baguio City to investigate this. But whatever, books or no books - I suggest you go anyway. You will be a changed person upon your return. It will be a Spiritual and Mental Make-Over. We could see all this as a quantum leap into the understanding of what Life is really all about. After this extra-ordinary experience I was inspired (read driven) to write Metaphysical Articles and Poems - hundreds of them! Not only did my Life change - but slowly I began to understand what this world and Mankind is all about. I dare say that it promoted me to the next level of awareness...

Some Conclusions here:
Healings because of Psychic Surgery do take place! However, these healings depend a lot on the belief of the patient. Belief is just about everything! Is Psychic Surgery a higher form of Healing? Yes, it is a healing by mind over mind - thought over thought. People are healed by thought!  For example - our body is a "thought in form" that is continually influenced by our own thoughts and philosophies. We are what we think! Most Western Medical Associations and Institutions do not want to admit that. It would put them out of business...

Psychic Surgery is helpful to those who study it and follow up on what they experienced. It must be investigated and the Magic recognized. There are reports on the Internet that deny the value of Psychic Surgery. There are also articles that favor Psychic Surgery. I suggest that you look into this. Also, there is no better judge than 'being' there yourself. That is what I accomplished! I am very glad that I went and experienced a most magical happening from a 3D perspective. It radically changed my outlook on Life!  I became more informed... more profound... more aware... more real!  Until we investigate Life and its Miracles we live in an illusionary state of mind. With a state of mind like that most people become an easy victim to the brainwashings of religions and the media. The world is a Lie that most people accept as truth...

In the year 2002, I met Turiiya on an email list.
He lived in Baguio City at the time we had our discussions.  Here is our exchange...

Dear Gerardus - Turiiya here:
It was refreshing to hear a view on 'consciousness and energy' similar to mine, aired on the Science-List. I've been a member of that list for some years and don't usually find anything to respond too. As moderator of another 'closed' list called Intuition List I posted a copy of today's discussion to the bottom of this letter. The current thread is between two of Dan Winters' students (also initiated and our master's students, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ). Apparently they are discussing these letters with Dan (not directly on the list).

I never include non-initiated persons as members of the list, because having not studied our master's philosophy, and having not known the real power of Him, they usually find His writing rather assertive. I sent a copy of the "members" agreements along, by separate cover. I could make a 'new' category as "associate member" for you and place your name on the mailing list, if you feel that the line of discussions may be interesting and are willing to contribute some of your "knowledge" and background to the list discussions.
Brotherly, Turiiya

Gerardus here:
Hello Turiiya...
Thank you for your invitation. I am usually very busy. I have my own pages, my own CosmicCookies List and my TriLite discussion list. For now, I will enlist, but I am not at all sure whether or not I have anything to contribute. I might not even be able to read any additional mail. You know how it goes, before long we have too much email. As you know - Life is a lot more than emails...

Turiiya here:
Namaskar Gerardus,
I just did a quick google search and it says this Rev. Tony Agpaoa was the most famous of the Philippine psychic surgeons. You might be interested to know that he still has a book on internet.  Click Here...

Hello Turiiya...
I looked at the book I have from Tony and compared it to the book on the Internet - it must be the same book. I have a different version of it but it has the same title. Tony Agpaoa was a wonderful Healer. A Great Old Soul! In two seconds one would feel at home with him...

Turiiya here:
Rudy Jimenez was Agpaoa's handpicked successor and he has a center at: International Spiritual Center, Barrio Lugnab, Baguio City, Tel. 69-06  The telephone number seamed to be 15-20 years old so I looked in the recent phone books and no church or him listed.

Gerardus here:
YES! That was his name Rudy. Wonderful young man and a beautiful singer. Maybe he sang in trance. I think he did, for he also operated on people at the same time. There is not enough time to watch four healers working at once. His mother also was a wonderful lady. She operated on me several times. Tony was the one who cleaned my eyes out. The eye-balls come right out just by him looking at them and he cleans out the eye-sockets from dust and particles that might be there. One feels absolutely nothing. No pain whatsoever. Only nervousness so to speak...

It takes guts to lay down on those cots. Lots of flies right in that room. The windows are open and the traffic dust blows right in. Tony operated on a young lady that came with us and he took a cyst from her Fallopian Tubes. These tubes floated through his hands two feet in the air as a smoky substance. He laced them through his hands and the swelling was gone. The tubes extended enough to play skip with them so to speak. Very weird and wonderful...

Another time Tony was working on some fellow I did not know and his intestine were widely exposed. Tony asked me - do you want to touch them? Go ahead he said. I did not touch them because I have seen a lot of intestines when I worked in Amsterdam at the slaughterhouse. Miles of them! I know what they look like and what they feel like. Anyway, Tony was a wonderful fellow. I also visited his wife and children at his house in Baguio. He also had a Church and hundreds of people's photographs were pinned up on a Bulletin Board. Presumably he was able to heal these people just by meditating on their pictures. In his Church there were murals depicting that Tony could light a fire with his eyes from a distance. I believe it now, but at that time I figure that he was an excellent advertiser. What did I know? Nothing... and by golly - I still do not know anything and believe even less. Life is that way...

Turiiya here:
My understanding is that psychic healers don't have a very long life span. I've never seen a study on this. Psycho-physically, they literally take on the vibrations and therefore partially the disease of their patients. Many have spiritual abilities to discharge or "burn off" the bad vibrations. But, of course, too much of a bad thing can seriously affect them. Most have no idea what they are doing psychically or spiritually. They just are "doing good" for other people. I can go into the spiritual aspects at some other time if anyone is interested.

Gerardus here:
Yes, I say fire away if you please. It is all part of Life but not necessarily part of the Western Mind-set. It helps to open this mind-set and give it a wider scope on Life and its unknown realities. The Western Mind is very limited. It is time to open it up to the actuality of Life and its magic. Naturally, no one can open up other people's mind - it's a do it yourself job. The majority of Westerners are fast asleep...

Turiiya here:
Baguio is "air conditioned" at 5000 feet in the pines. A city like Baguio is quite unexpected in a hot tropical part of the world. Healers are an integral part of every village. The locals call them "healots". They do everything (like we would call a medicine man) from setting broken bones to giving local remedies. Arthritics or misplaced veins are commonly cured by them. Many take their turn at psychic healing also. I've never been to one of the famous ones. I only read the antics in the local newspaper.

Gerardus here:
My trip and stay in Baguio was most wonderful, except for flying there. What a long trip! Most of what I saw and learned there took years to settle in and become a reality for me. I did a lot of studying and reading in order to make that experience my own. I went there because I had read about Psychic Surgery in books. I wanted to make sure for myself. It is absolutely real and some people are helped by it. Healings depend on our beliefs however. Anyway, that is my view on this for now...

The stories I told upon my return to Edmonton resulted in the estrangement of my entire family immediately. My wife had a crazy husband all of a suddenly and her children were robbed of a normal father. After almost 30 years they still look at me that way and warn others about me. I feel it when I meet them. I brought back a lot of Psychic Surgery pictures and when people looked at them they returned them as if they were contaminated. People at work even shunned me as if I was crazy. To their Western Mind I was naturally - the Western Mind is closed to Miracles...

At work, I was known as a very productive worker and a most reliable employee (No sick days much). I most often did the work of a level above me and was paid a level lower. I was a self-taught immigrant among a club of Professional Engineers. They protected each other (Sorry Engineers - it's only my experience). I usually did twice as much work as some others did. I often wondered what they received their pay-check for. To discover that I had fallen for Psychic Surgery or Fakery was an enormous puzzle to them. How could this guy be that dumb? They did not know that they were completely ignorant about these matters - like the rest of the world...

At one time I travelled to Japan for "Edmonton Power Generation" where I was employed. I met with the engineers from Hitachi in Hitachi City in Japan. I also was in Tokyo and Kyoto and many other places in Japan. The Japanese people were poor then and possibly they are still poor presently - compared to the USA and Canada. When I was in Japan I had lots of grey hair already. I was also a foot taller than most Japanese. This meant that I stuck out like a sore thumb among all these blacked haired Japanese. The young girls would point at me. I would smile and wave at them. Some would waved back. Very nice people these Japanese. We in the West could learn lots from them. They work in teams - not just by individual efforts or accomplishments. I met many old Souls in Japan. I liked all of them. Meanwhile Turiiya, until next time...

I have over One Hundred photographs of my trip to Baguio City.
However, I have not put all my pictures on the Internet.

( Come and see me sometime and I'll show you the Works )

~ Tony Agpaoa and his Family at their Home in Baguio City ~

Here is our group at the morning meetings - I am sitting in the back on the left.
The Chaplin is giving us his Blessing.

The Chaplin telling his stories - he was a most jovial Fellow.

Here is Gerardus during his Psychic Surgery.
Bits of tissue are removed.

Gerardus right after the surgery and a little blood shows.
There is no pain or discomfort - the surgery takes about 3 minutes.

Here is Mike having his lungs cleaned.
Oozing grey stuff is coming out of the side of his body.

Here is Tony showing me this fellow's Inners
You want to touch it he asked - I answered in the Negative
? Do you see that another Healer is also doing Surgery ?

Tony as well as another Healer are working on one patient simultaneously.
An assistant is ready to cut off the pieces they remove.
The remainder slips back inside and stays with the Patient.

I do not know what the Healer removed.
It could have been a growth or hemorrhoids maybe.

Whatever was removed - it looked kind of ugly.

~ Tony Agpaoa performing Eye-Surgery ~

Spiritual Beings... presumably Medical Doctors of our Past or Future
manipulate Tony's Body and the operation takes place in our present 3D reality.

You're Face to Face with the Holy Trinity.
Roommate Bernard | Tony Agpaoa | Gerardus Himself.
I think the picture was taken in front of Tony's Home in Baguio.

... Who would have ever thought ...
The Chaplin and Gerardus became great Friends ~

I think the Lady selling trinkets had six children - for a while I kept sending her money.
She told me that because of the money her youngest child survived.

Some nights we were entertained by Tony's son backed up by guitars and song.
Excellent Entertainment.

The shows at night were free and definitely worthwhile to attend.
All musicians and dancers were a delight to hear and See.

Beer with friends in the afternoon and...

... dancing at night with the beautiful people of Baguio City.

The Entire Trip Was Mind Blowing.

... Paul Brunton on Healing ...

Notebooks Category 10:
Healing of the Self - Chapter 5: The Healing Power of The Overself # 132

The basis of higher healing work is the realization of man as Mind. But the latter is a dimensionless unindividuated unconditioned entity. It is not my individual mind. The field of Mind is a common one, whereas the field of consciousness is divided up into individual and separate holdings. This is a difference with vast implications, for whoever can cross from the second field to the first, crosses at the same time from an absurdly limited world into a supremely vital one. Consequently, genuine and permanent healing is carried on without one's conscious association and can be effected by dropping the ego-mind and with it all egoistic desires.

Hence the first effort should be to ignore the disease and gain the realization. Only after the latter has been won should the thoughts be allowed to descend again to the disease, with the serene trust that the bodily condition may safely be left in the hands of the World-Mind for final disposal as It decides. There should not be the slightest attempt to dictate a cure to the higher power nor the slightest attempt to introduce personal will into the treatment. Such attempts will only defeat their purpose.

The issues will partly be decided on the balance of the karmic and evolutionary factors concerned in the individual case. And yet there are cults which do not find it at all incongruous to suggest to the Infinite Mind what should thus be showered upon one, or to dictate to karma what exactly it should do! Once surrender is truly made, the desires of the self go with it and peace reigns in the inner life whether illness still reigns in the external life or not. Thus there is a false easy yielding of the will which deceives no higher power than the personal self, and there is an honest yielding which may really invoke the divine grace.