?  What is a Human Being  ?

... The long awaited time of Dec. 2012  -  the crest of change is almost Here ...

~  Happy Transition  ~

It is a Temple or an Instrument...
Human beings are what we could call a Trinity! We are a combination of three Things. We are Body, Mind and Soul. People have more than three bodies they say. Well, yes, we might have seven bodies altogether. For now however, we will be discussing the three I mentioned. First of all, we'll go over what the Body really is. It is a Temple or an Instrument. We could also see it as a vehicle or a container and we as a Soul live in this material unit!  Secondly, we deal with our Mind. Let's assume that our Mind is our Conscious Mind. We all suspect that we are our Conscious Mind, for in many ways, it determines our personality.

It's a lot bigger than we think it is...
However, our personality is also determined by the type of Soul we are. So, this is the time to discuss what we call our Soul. We could also call our Soul - our Subconsciousness. Our Soul or Subconsciousness is Big! It's a lot bigger than we think it is. Yet, it is our Conscious Mind that programs our Subconsciousness or Soul. That's why our Soul is a self-made or self-grown Entity. In our first lifetime for example, we started out with an empty slate and by now we have programmed or raised our Soul to what we have become or are. We are our Soul and have a Body. We do not have a Soul - the Soul has us! We are Soul or Consciousness and it is an indestructible Universal Energy or Beingness. IOW: it lives forever...

The Human Soul also has a Higher Self...
The Soul naturally is the only essential aspect of ourselves. It is an energy-entity that lives forever and we are it - literally! Also, we can never lose our Soul or get rid of it. All the rest of us disappears in the fog of time so to speak, meanwhile all our experiences becomes a character-aspect of our Soul. The Soul is the collector of all the Kudos and Fudos we as human beings assemble in our lifetimes. The Human Soul also has a Higher Self. This Higher Self issued the human fragment or Soul. The Higher Self is the actual Entity of which we humans are Tiny Thoughts! The Higher Self was a Tiny Thought itself at one time. It grew up to become an Issuing Entity. This means it issues other Thoughts or Souls. Many Higher Selves or Entities have issued a thousand energy-fragments of Themselves that experience life as Human Souls living in human bodies. How all this works we'll go into later...

The Soul is an infinite aspect of ourselves...
The Body is the Soul's Reflection in Matter and we live in this Temple or Instrument. The Mind is the mental facility we call our conscious mind or ego. The Soul is an infinite aspect of ourselves and it's our subconsciousness, which in turn is able to connect to our Super Consciousness. To keep things as simple as possible for now, we will assume that our subconsciousness, our super consciousness and our Soul all are the same thing - The Real Self - the Unit We Are! I will call it our Sub or Soul and it is the only real Being or Entity that is a winner in Life. It's the only surviver and its energies are projected into human beings of which many live in physical realities like we do...

It needs a physical body to do so...
Our Soul is "Universal Creative Energy" and it is an actual "Thought" of the Higher Self who issues it as a reflection of itself in matter. The purpose of the Higher Self is to experience the physical regions of the universe or creation. The Higher Self as a Spiritual Being cannot enter the physical regions just the way it is and participate in these regions. It needs a physical body to do so and human beings are but one type of body the Higher Self uses. The Higher Self is of a different frequency-substance than matter. It is an energy that is not suitable to enter a physical atmosphere. It needs to send out satellites and we call them human beings. Human bodies are space-suits for Souls...

These Beings are usually called co-creators...
So, here we are - a Trinity! We come to the question now - who or what created the Human Body? The body is a creation of very wise Universal Beings who in the far past created the bodies we live in. These Beings are usually called co-creators. We also know that the human body is capable of propagating itself as long as there are a Masculine and a Feminine model of each present. This type of propagation is a universal characteristic. There are other systems as well however. The propagation drive is an innate urge and the wise Beings or co-creators made us that way. It's an automatic response and it works in abundance...

The conscious mind or ego is a survival mechanism...
Next question - who is the creator of our conscious mind? The conscious mind, personality and ego are a specific projection of energy that is allocated to the body by the Higher Self. So, our conscious mind is a specific feature of the body and many different types of bodies have the ability to contain and maintain a specific conscious mind or ego. The conscious mind also depends on the type of genes or DNA of the body for example. This in a way means that if you are born for a dime - it is not very easy to become a quarter. Nothing is impossible however. There are many different kinds of conscious minds or egos. Some are big, some are small and many do not want to be seen or heard of. They are the shy-ones and form the audiences of the world. The conscious mind or ego is a survival mechanism and it looks after the body and makes sure it does not get into too many troubles all at once. It is capable of teaching itself by means of its experiences and by means of examples and behaviors of others...

They are called Spirit Attachments...
The conscious mind permeates the body itself as well as that it is reflected in the appearance of the body - especially the expression of the facial features. Our Body, Mind and Soul actually consist of the same universal-essence but are different kinds of vibrations of that essence. In addition to this, we sometimes find other energies within the human aura and they are called Spirit Attachments. They are actually foreign energies and not likely does the conscious mind or ego know about them. They absorb or steal energy from the body-self and sometimes become over-powering. In many cases like this - we speak of possession. They begin to live or animate the body. Sometimes they takes over completely! Many people are riddled by Spirit Attachments. This means that the body sustains more than one spiritual being. Some teachings call these energies Demons. We may assume that our Guides and Helpers hang around there as well. In the universe all our friends and enemies are created from the same kind of Essence. We are all Consciousness! We are all neighbors or aspects of God - or different colored Lights of the same Infinite White Light so to speak...

Our Soul is like a God in a temporary bottle...
Next, the Soul Aspect - who created it? Well, that is a more difficult question to answer. Our Soul is a very specific aspect of The Infinite Subconsciousness or The IS - which is the Creative Energy itself. We could see our Soul as a growing Entity and when it becomes mature and wise enough - it splits itself into many seemingly different aspects. Our Soul is like a God in a temporary bottle and our body is the bottle! Our Soul itself however, could live in a thousands bottles simultaneously. This means that it is not off the bottle yet! This bottle or body holds our Soul for a while and when the times comes it lets go of it. The following article deals with the Soul and The Infinite Subconsciousness - The IS. Click here. Human Life is a complicated manipulation of physical, mental and spiritual energies. I have found that it helps when we understand some of our own make-up and the conditions we have to deal with when we grow towards maturity and full awareness...

Slowly but surely the Soul becomes more experienced...
We are a Soul in a body and thus each body has its own Pilot! The conscious mind or ego is able to teach itself, as well as that it is able to teach the subconsciousness or the Soul. They are mirrors to each other! The conscious mind then, is a teacher and the subconsciousness is the receiver of this teaching. It learns - while in the mean time - it is also able to teach the conscious mind. The conscious mind or ego however, needs to be able to listen to its subconsciousness or Soul before it can learn anything. This means that the conscious mind needs to be still and listen to its own God or Infinite Light. By means of physical experiences the conscious mind and the Soul learn. Slowly but surely the Soul becomes more experienced with the different physical bodies and over many lifetimes it becomes wiser and wiser. Eventually it knows how to live without physical bodies and it stays on the other side of this dimension. One Kudo for your Soul - Mary-Ann...

By means of getting lucky...
All in all then, we have three different aspects of energy that belong to a Human Being. In actuality however - these three aspects function as a Trinity or as One. Do you remember the following? God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost is a Trinity - but they are One! Yeah, "Roman Catholic Question Book Stuff" - it's from a long time ago and it's about the only data is true in that religion. To go a bit further now, this human creature has been let loose on this earth and by means of getting lucky it propagate itself...

The body is a suit for the Soul...
By means of living, it teaches itself the "in and outs" of human life. It goes through all kinds of so called good and bad experiences over many lifetimes and it learns to take care of itself. Good and bad experiences naturally are relative and it depends on which end of the experiences one is looking from. All are lessons! On the end of a human life - the body dies. The body is a suit for the Soul - a Soul-Suit! The question now is - what has the Human Soul learned and where does this knowledge go? Let's hope we can trace it...

They are like three instruments that play One Song...
As was said before - there are three aspects to the human being. The Body, the Mind and the Soul. All three "energies" are of the same divine essence and these three aspects only have different frequencies and or vibrations that keeps them separated as well as united with each other. They are like three instruments that play One Song - Human Life. Remember, the three different essence-vibrations function as One! Eventually, the body, as we said, dies and other human beings know what to do with it. They disposes of it according to the customs of the countries they live in. Some are planted, some are burnt and others are set afloat on the river...

The universal mind is like an ocean in which we swim...
Meanwhile, where does the knowledge go that was learned by the human being after the body dies? That is the Big Question! The conscious mind and the Soul are like mirrors and what the one knows the other is capable of knowing. The Soul at all times however knows what the conscious mind knows, but the conscious mind only has the potential of knowing what the Soul knows. So, upon death of the body, the conscious mind releases all its personality features and knowledge to the Soul-Essence. Almost immediately the Soul leaves its physical surroundings and slowly drifts towards the vibrational regions in the universe that are similar to its own vibrations. The universal mind is like an ocean in which we swim. The Soul is alone again and it is going Home to its own Mansion. There are other Souls or Beings in this Mansion and the Soul recognizes its Eternal Friends. It discovers again that it has a Soul-Family of its own. Great big re-union takes place naturally and all Souls raise their glasses with spiritual wine. Excellent stuff that spirit-wine...

We as human beings are reflections of our Soul-Self...
One member on TriLite asked what are these lessons really for and who gets the benefit of these lessons? Good question and here are some answers. The life and lessons that are experienced by human beings serve to educate ourselves. Who is this ourselves? Well, it is the Spiritual Energy We Are. Our Higher Self or Entity has expressed itself and we as Souls seem to live in human bodies or instruments. We as human beings are reflections of our Soul-Self in matter and we find ourselves living in a physical world. We as human beings or as Souls are here to learn to create consciously! In the mean time, it is also possible to learn from our unconscious creations. We experience them as our realities, our circumstances and our surroundings. Many people have so called "bad luck" in their reality and they might even feel sorry for themselves. However, all of this is their own doing. They create it unconsciously...

We are engaged in a process of slowly learning...
Another question: why would we need to learn to create consciously using 3D as our learning environment? Answer: because that is what we as a Soul set out to do. It's a Task and a Game - a universal Game! We as a Soul are doing this presently by means of the human beings we live in and are. We are engaged in a process of slowly learning what creating consciously is all about. This takes time, because it's not an easy thing to do in this dense environment. Eventually, we as a Soul will be able to prepare a human vehicle that is able to accept more and more of the full Soul-Energy We Are. At that time, we as The Infinite Soul take over the Human Instrument. We 'walk-in' so to speak! That's the time we are able to change water into wine. No doubt - that is the time to be invited to the wedding...

They do not know what they are doing...
Another question: is the earth plane the right plane to be? It seems that the earth plane is the place where unconscious creating is in full bloom. To learn how something functions wouldn't it be better to learn in world at rest so to speak? That's a good question and here are some answers. The earth plane is the plane where it needs to be accomplished. It is the right plane or reality! The world and humanity go through many different cycles or periods with all kinds of circumstances. At this moment in time, the common mass of humanity do not know that they create - they create unconsciously - that's why it is such a mess in the world. They do not know what they are doing! Their life and the world is proof of that. All this is so because the masses are controlled by "Ego Oriented Rulers" - who in turn are controlled by Negative Aliens Beings who hi-jacked this Planet. Many of mankind's negative energies are their food. This is why humanity is kept in misery and fear..

Almost all human beings are distracted...
What people create in an unconscious manner - are reminders that they need to do better. The biggest trouble is that almost all human beings are distracted from their actual work of learning how to create consciously. The present Rulers of the World distract them with fancy stories and nice toys for example. The stories brainwash them and the toys take up most of their time. This means that most people are occupied with the usual worldly nonsense. Meanwhile the Rulers, in their own way, are learning how to become the Top Dogs or Gods of the world. They strive for all this consciously! All the rest of the people, except for a few, are taken for a ride and they are diverted from their real work. Which is learning how to create consciously! In this brainwashed confusion, they might gain the goodies of the world but fail to gain any knowledge about themselves. Self-knowledge is the only value for a soul when it leaves the body...

The greatest majority of mankind are beginners...
Another question: we are impressed with the ideas that there are lessons to be learned here on earth and most of us have swallowed this "hook, line and sinker". Does not attributing certain things to 'lessons' - prevent us from delving deeper into certain issues, problems, happenings and or examining them in various ways? Some answers here: the 'lesson stuff' is about becoming aware. More consciously Aware! Once this awareness reaches a certain level people will see the nonsense of the world for what it is. At that time, they will begin the work they as the representative of their Soul came to do. Let's say the work of becoming a conscious creator takes One Million Years. This estimate might be low, so feel free to multiply it by a ten or more. Eventually, in the long run, this earth will produce Conscious Creators by the thousands. At the present moment however, this is not possible since the majority of mankind are baby and younger Souls. In other words, the greatest majority of mankind are beginners...

All others are Ourselves...
We must remember - Life is "all about us" - in any which way we can think of it. We Are Life! Basically, there is no one else but us! You may substitute "us" with "you" if you like. So, there is only YOU! For a long time however, during our learning process it seems as if there are others. However, all others are Ourselves. Since we live in a reality that depicts separation to us, it seems that they are more than one Thing or Being. This is an illusion and needs to be transcended in order to progress to a higher state of awareness and understanding. We ARE all things and beings around us in all ways. We are "many" in our expression - but we are "one" behind the veil of illusion...

There really is no matter...
Now watch this Mary-Ann - we have come to the nitty gritty part. Bring your brains!  First of all - solid matter is an illusion! There really is no matter for it is more than 99.99999% emptiness. It's ten thousand times thinner than thin smoke! Read this. What we perceive "out there" is an "energy form or thought"! This thought exists within physical reality but in actuality, physical reality is a specific aspect of energy within our own Infinite Mind. What we see of this energy-form or thought is a self-created perception. We create this perception with a specific aspect of our own Infinite Mind and we call this specific aspect: our conscious human-perception-system. This perception-system seems to be separate from The Infinite Mind. Naturally it is NOT. It is all One Essence and our 'beingness-in-total' is surrounded by it or floats within it. Did you get that Mary-Ann?  It's a tough one...

Thoughts are higher dimensional energies...
Our perception is created by our senses, our brain and our conscious mind. What we are looking at "out there" is a moving-vibrating-energy-mass of so called atoms from which we create a perception. We are looking at an Energy-Field or Thought! Thoughts are higher dimensional energies or information-energy-fields. What we perceive is a self-created perception and our perception depends on what we have taught ourselves. It also greatly depends on what we have been told by others. IOW: much depends on our beliefs and other brainwashings. We learn to contemplate and mentally form our surroundings in which we as humans live. Which means that we have become accustomed to what we think is "out there".  What's "out there" is a chaotic energy field and we taught ourselves to perceive it as a Rattle, a Mother, a Breast, a Father and all kinds of other family members and their belongings...

As a baby or child we have taught ourselves how to perceive the world around us! We, as a Spiritual Energy or Soul became 'humanized' so to speak. IOW: we were taught by our parents what we perceived, by means of words. Words however - are symbols - words are not the thing itself! Other people perceive different things because they have been taught by different people. In actuality our world is a phantom world! Our world is an individual or personal "idea" that only exist in our own personal awareness or conscious mind - the world is not actually out there. There is no Objective Reality! It only exist in our mind's eye so to speak. Do you understand this Mary-Ann...

Nice game you got here...
Here is an example of what happens to us. People in a so called primitive society began to watch a hockey game for the first time. They had never heard about hockey and they had no idea what it was all about. They were watching and watching, but they could not figure out what all the excitement was about. All this because, they were not able to see the puck! To see the puck was impossible for them because they had no concept of what the game was all about. They possibly had never heard the world "puck". They thought that it was about skating and hitting each other. They did not understand what was happening until they were given a puck and were told that all these players were chasing and trying to hit the puck. Aha, they said, nice game you got here - let's have another beer - it helps to see the puck. They got one and saw. After many beers they saw too many pucks...

The "out there" and the "in here" are illusions...
Another very puzzling concept is that there actually is no "out there" and no "in here". There is only One Thing, One Energy and it is our Infinite Mind! The "out there" and the "in here" are illusions. I explain this explicitly in one of my other articles. Click here. It might even be in more than one of my articles. If you really want to understand this you need to read them all. Your choice! In the mean time, what I have discovered in my "illusive reality of being on email lists" -IS- that many people "think" they understand what's going on. In actuality they understand but a very small aspect of the illusion we live in. They form their own solutions and now they "think" they understand and know. Not so...

They only create their own surroundings...
For example, there is a lot more to it than I have ever read in any Seth Book or in any other New Age book. Many people, on my own list "think" that they create the whole world and universe. I do not think so!  They only create their own surroundings. This includes the furniture in their living room and the junk in the garage. For more see this! However, if and when they are entitled to speak as a Christed Being who is capable of consciously creating his or her physical reality instantly - as presumably Jesus did - only then can they say: I create my physical reality completely or absolutely! I feel that this is indeed possible, but people like that do not hang around on email lists very often. Christed Beings most often only belong to the ones who know and do not speak...

We Are the Creative Essence of the universe...
Here is another important point - Reality and Illusion are the same thing! We have two words for the same Phenomenon! The only Reality that is Real -IS- the Essence We Are! We Are the Creative Essence of the universe and we have endeavored to create a reality-illusion system in which we got lost. Just plain lost! We as the Creator are lost in our own Creation! Now, all this is so on purpose in order to get to know our "creations" or "ourselves" and eventually we will find our way back Home and be our Real Self again. Meanwhile, as human beings, we only have words to explain and we mostly guess at the story of creation for now. One thing is for sure - one needs to know that one is lost in order to make sense of human life. Or as the saying goes - we need to lose ourselves in order to find ourselves. Great! Every human being is working on this. We do this in our own way, our own time and at our own expenses. As you know Mary-Ann, we get ourselves in an awful mess sometimes...

Illusions and realities are interchangeable concepts...
Many people have studied Metaphysics for 30 years and what they have discovered, in addition to what I say above, is that all "Planes of Being" are illusions, However they are accepted as real by those who exist on these planes. So, human beings think that their physical reality is real and the astral people think that their astral reality is real, and so on, and so on. We do the same thing when we are dreaming at night. We have dreams and they are real while we are dreaming! All this means that illusions and realities are interchangeable concepts and all we can say is - Life continues as usual. Our ordinary human life on this earth as a matter of fact -is- just as much a dream as our dreams at night...

Each and every one of us is a co-creator...
In the day time we only dream slower, in order to learn to consciously create our reality or surroundings. Dreaming IS Creating. We are co-creators! Each and every one of us is a co-creator. The only difference is, that we are all at different stages of awakeness. That is not a big deal, for in the Universal-Now-Time-Reality of the spiritual universe we all have awakened already. IOW: we have already arrived - so please enjoy the journey! We are The One Creator in all its Infinite Glory. To learn that this is so is the reason why you are on earth in the first place reading all these Gerardus' Goodies...

We literally need to "awaken" our brain cells in order to comprehend...
Meanwhile all our reading and the discussions we have on email lists help people to understand in what kind of game we became lost in order to find ourselves. For those interested in what I have discovered and written about - go and read my articles. However, I am not trying to tell you what to do - all this is up to you. It's your Life, it's your Game! Oh yes, I have also discovered - that few people can understand very much at one sitting or reading. We literally need to "awaken" our brain cells in order to comprehend. More than ninety percent of our braincells are asleep! To conclude - Matter and Consciousness are a Continuum! They are forms of each other and dance together in a Dance we call Eternal Life in which all our lives are dreams or awakening processes...

You cannot miss...
So, what is a Human Being? A Human Being is a God in the making! A Human Being or rather its Soul-Self, is a preliminary Conscious Creator who eventually will go out into Creation at Large and create Solar Systems, Planets, Galaxies and all the varieties and diversities of Life these places can contain. This is already in progress naturally, but from where we are looking presently, all we are able to see is that every human being is working on increasing its awareness and eventually will reach higher functions than the Village Butcher or the City's Mayor. There in no limit but our own lack of imagination. Know, Mary-Ann - what a Human Being is - the Human Being is an Unlimited Conscious Creator in the Making. Congratulations! You cannot miss...

Our 3D world is a place where we learn our lessons...
In the mean time, the entire world is taken for a ride because the reality of the world is pulled over the eyes of humanity! The masses are blinded by it and confused. It does not have to be this way! Their indifference maintains the status quo however. Presently our 3D world is a place where we learn our lessons. It is a very tough place and it will even be tougher in the next few years. No doubt there will be changes within certain time periods - but 3D will always be 3D! These changes are measured in the thousands of years. Our world is a tough place into which to incarnate...

We are not here to save the world or anyone...
While we are here we see that there is a lot of stuff going on. Many people try to correct some of what they see as wrong. It's of no use. The point is - we are not here to correct. We are not here to save the world or anyone. We are here to become aware and get out! Meanwhile, here is something that explains the different periods humanity as a whole goes through on this earth. There are so called good and bad periods. Right now we are finishing a so called bad one. Here it is...

The Universe is our Home...
Once we get off this world for good, we have reached higher levels or awareness. Possibly we might desire to come back to earth now and then, to practise creating consciously in this dense environment. This also means that we would be able to help certain earth people and be an example to them and say: what I can do - You will do better!  In the mean time, we will be an inhabitant of another planet and we will have learned there as well. The Universe is our Home and planets are the stages upon which we learn and perform...

Our awareness is directly related to our evolvement...
Finally we come to - the Crest of Change. In the year 2012 there will be an end to many simultaneous cycles humanity has been subjected to on this earth. Around this time, an enormous change will take place for many human beings. Not for all - but for many. To be able to flow with this change and be promoted to the higher densities of 4D or 5D will depend directly on the level of our awareness. Our awareness is directly related to our evolvement that has been reached in the thousands of lifetimes we have lived in the last 300,000 years or so. Or was it a million? It is different for everybody! The question is - are we ready to leave 3D for good? What is it that holds us to this illusive physical reality in the first place? Naturally, they are our limitations and our attachments? We must let go of them completely...

... The long awaited time of Dec. 2012  -  the crest of change is almost Here ...
! ... Something phenomenal to happen Soon ... !

...   2012/12/21   ...   11.11   ...   2012/12/21   ...

Records from Mayan Timekeepers indicate that the date of 2012/12/21/11.11 marks the close of several large universal cycles of time: a 26,000 year Mayan Calendar cycle, a 78,000 year Earth cycle, a 26 million year Earth cycle and the 225 million Galactic Year. The simultaneous closing of these four cycles in 2012/12/21/11.11 is like the odometer turning over for the entire history of our galaxy, and perhaps the whole cosmos. It is a moment when humanity, Planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy and perhaps all of creation is expected to take a simultaneous leap in evolution...  
( Look here and see how much time you have to buy a sturdy seat belt )

~  Happy Transition  ~