Articles by other Authors
!  Gerardus' Grist  !
~ Section 01 ~

The Sphinx...
As I sit down to write this I am amazed at how one post can get people from all over the world to come alive. The opening of the Hall of Records at Giza has been prophesied for many years and we are indeed very close to making this event manifest. A truely glorious happening. But as of yet there is no empherical evidence of its opening that has come my way. Since I posted the original mail I have had confirmation of parts...   30 Kb.

Here's Seth...
I come here, as an (humorously) endearing personality, with characteristics to which I hope you can relate. These characteristics are mine, and I am who I say I am, and yet the Seth you know is but a small part of my reality, the one that has been physical, and can relate to your problems...   54 Kb.

About Death...
The truth about who`s really running the show on this planet. The truth about aliens. The truth about the upcoming earth changes, cometary impacts, and the Wave. If you can name it, then chances are, they`ve suppressed something about it. Lightness is truth and knowledge, and darkness is the suppression of truth and knowledge, and what you don`t know, can hurt. So, what was one of the big realizations that I had?   30 Kb.

Crop Circles...
A very well known Crop Circle Website that connects you with what`s happening in the fields Internationally. Most amazing designs seen on this side of the Earth. There still is no conclusive idea of who makes these cropcircles, except for the near impossibility that they could be made by a few people with big shoes or boards. They are most intriguing if not perplexing. Go and have a look here and be amazed if not conked out for a while...

Yada Speaks...
More than twenty years ago, I was reading a book that contained a few pages with Yada's Words. Immediately I established contact with the people who channeled Yada. That was the most blessed move I ever made. Yada is one of the greatest Masters around and he still inspires me when I think about him or go through his lectures. Skip everything but read these Lectures! Great Stuff...

The Datre Files...
This is a special link directly to the Datre Files. I find the Datre Material excellent, however I cannot judge for you. The Datre Groups claims that Seth is an aspect of their group. The same thing has also been claimed by other channelers. The universe is full of contradictions and miracles. Maybe it is up to us to figure them all out our own way in our own time. I have done so on these pages. By the way - Datre has many many Files...

The Lion's Roar...
The Lion`s roar is the great and triumphant cry of enlightenment arising from the un-reasonable happiness of the fully awakened one. To those whose hearts have understood the fruitlessness of dualistic grasping and avoidance, whose hearts are turned towards the rising sun of radical spiritual awakening, this shout of liberation is a great source of profound delight. To those whose hearts are still bound by the...   28 Kb.

Faking Miracles...
One of the most popular files on my pages. Unimaginable how many people want to know about so called miracles. Go for it - you are in the majority! I had heard about this subject over the last few years and read a couple of examples, such as the events of the early 1900`s where the 3 young girls at Fatima Portugal saw the spinning sun and the Virgin Mary in the sky. Thousands of people experienced...   Long - 300 Kb.

About The Jinns...
One of the more curious features of the followers of the various religions is that, being so dogmatically certain that in their own particular little faith they already possess the whole Truth about all things in Heaven and Earth, it almost never occurs to any of them to look elsewhere and find out what the followers of other religions may know or may have discovered. 19 Kb.

All About Aliens...
As far as I am concerned it is time to investigate what our relationship is with Alien Beings. How many different kinds are there... and what kind is friendly and which kind is not friendly at all? Many writings suggest that our world is under Alien Control and has been for thousands of years. Do Aliens live on this very Earth for thousands and thousands of years and is Mankind unaware of this? Do we live in a prison because of them?   About 50 Files Here!

Illusion & Reality...
A perennial topic in metaphysics is What is reality? The question also interests people in many fields, from science to philosophy. Here, we will focus on the belief that the material world is not reality, but an illusion. Your everyday person does not believe this. You will find that mostly New Agers, Buddhists, and some philosophers (professional and otherwise) do. Sensitive people benefit from such a philosophy. As they grow...   16 Kb.

How To Achieve Emotional Control...
In this report, I will present some of the most powerful ways to gain control over your own emotions. For most of us, our emotions seem to take over automatically, influencing how we think and how we behave, and consequently, how we conduct our lives. You can vastly increase your personal power by imposing more and more conscious control over your emotional states. Furthermore, your personal power tends to...  100 Kb.

Today begins a very important phase for Mother Earth! Today during the solar eclipse a whole new paradigm begins. The universe has been waiting for this day with bated breath. Whenever there is an eclipse of this nature major consciousness changes take place for this is one of the ways the Universe uses to move her Beingness as a whole into the next stage of life. Movement happens as a matter of course for the Universe is built upon...   9 Kb.

Counterfeit Reality...
This article is a comprehensive overview of what the matrix is, why it exists, how it functions, and who controls it. The matrix is a metaphysical holographic web through which we experience physical reality. It coordinates, regulates, and maintains the common arena by which we, as individualized conscious beings possessing freewill, battle against the will of others and face the consequences of our actions... 75 Kb.

Our Great DNA Changes...
Everyone has one double helix of DNA. What we are finding is that there are other helixes that are being formed. In the double helix there are two strands of DNA coiled into a spiral. It is my understanding that we will be developing twelve helixes. During this time, which seems to have started maybe 5 to 20 years ago, we have been mutating. This is the scientific explanation. It is a mutation of our species into something for...   29 Kb.

Robert Morning Sky...
Robert Morning Sky is a native American Indian with a interesting story, this story is supposedly the hidden history of Earth and man. Robert has connected Babylonian and Greek mythological legend to extraterrestrial intervention that is still part of our planet today. I met Robert after his presentation at a UFO convention a few years ago. His presentation was very entertaining he danced in full Native American...   9 Kb.

David Icke Articles...
All this was told to me on March 29th 1990 and on the second visit about a week later. At the time, I was a BBC television presenter and national spokesman for the Green Party and had no idea what this was all about. Yet ten years later, most of it has happened or is happening. Even down to the five books in three years, which I wrote to the month. I had remembered reading in her book that this can happen when spirits are trying...   16 Kb.

Reality Manipulation...
This article details the workings of synchronicity, time travel, reality creation, and explains the motivation of negatively polarized beings as the alpha draconians. It further shows why the New Age belief that *there are no victims* is incorrect, explains what emotion is and how it is used to manipulate reality, reveals why some beings lack emotion and what they are unable to do as a consequence... 21 Kb.

Drugs, Money, Lies...
One night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying: There is no such thing, at this date of the world`s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.   45 Kb.

Chemtrails Explained...
If you haven't realized it until now . . this whole war that has been raging in this corner of the Universe for eons is over the issue of control-- the power to control the lives and energy of those beings who reside, not only on this planet, but also on all the other planets in this vicinity, and even into the other dimensions. As always, the best allegory I can find for this situation is in the book A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle...   47 Kb.

Live a Miraculous Life......
Once you know everything, you're as good as dead - conceptually speaking. You can't grow. Additionally, knowing How It Is, is tainted with conceit. You understand; the uninformed don't. You can correct and direct them. For example, someone may experience something, and they will interpret it through their reality filters. Because you *know*, however, you can put their experience into a more valuable context...   51 Kb.

The Immortal Overself...
By Paul Brunton -- It has already been learnt that personality is a changing series of thoughts, a moving cycle of states of consciousness and not a permanent fixed self. Just as the body is a complex of component parts, so is the I a complex of interconnected thoughts, sensations, perceptions, and memories. So long as these thoughts stream after each other in a series, so long can the personality endure but when the...   67 Kb.

The Cosmic Hierarchy...
In order for you, the readership, to better understand the process of attaining the State of the Christ, we have asked our channel to give a detailed account of the process known as Cosmic Ascension. The process known as Cosmic Ascension is the road-map of energetic changes that, when complete, allows an embodiment to resonate at the vibration of unconditional love...   Thank you Karen - Thank you Carol...   82 Kb.

Ascension - Life of Joy...
An article channeled by Laurie Gilmore on the Ascension as explained by Metatron. There are many speculations about our Ascension. This version is a most valuable addition to the many possible realities of our graduation. I am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension. Excellent article...   58 Kb

Message From Michael Teachings...
Humanity on planet Earth is divided into five different Soul Levels. There are different functions and responsibilities within these five levels. The schematic below indicates these levels and we all begin our first incarnation at the Baby Soul Level. Slowly we move up to the next level when we are ready. The progress people make in their lifetimes is an individual effort and most people are not even aware that there are different levels...   9 Kb.

The Battle for your Mind...
I'm Dick Sutphen and this tape is a studio-recorded, expanded version of a talk I delivered at Las Vegas World Congress of Professional Hypnotists Convention. Although the tape carries a copyright to protect it from unlawful duplication for sale by other companies, in this case, I invite individuals to make copies and give them to friends or anyone in a position to communicate this information. Although I've been interviewed...   64 Kb.

Global Visionary Material...
The Mayans also believed that humanity would be moving into a higher dimension around this time period. They called the end of this calendar cycle the End of Time, stating that humanity would no longer need a calendar depicting linear time, for we would be moving into a higher dimension. This is confirmed by many other teachings and the great rumors are that many of us will be moving into a higher density. Great...   67 Kb.

Don Allen - Star Warriors...
On December 21, 1991, a fragmented video tape would trigger a series of events that would permit these papers to come to life. On the video tape were bits and pieces of information that confirmed what some American Indians have known for some time ... that Alien Life Forms exist and walk amongst us. Due to the release of information on that tape, it is now possible to reveal further information that could not be spoken of before...   69 Kb.

The Farsight Institute Letter...
To the Government of the United States, The information contained in this posting has two purposes. The first is to supply information which is needed immediately to the government of the United States and to international anti terrorist governmental organizations. Information that we have collected indicate that a highly destructive terrorist attack against the United States is imminent. We include all of the information that is available...   15 Kb.