File 6 of 12

                           THE ONE WHO IS LIFE

           I am standing here...
                     looking at my Friends...
                               but I am seeing Myself.

                     And my Friends...
                               listening to Me...
                                            hear but themselves.

                                   With Ears that are mine.

           For in all we see and understand
                     we see and understand nothing else...
                                                  but Ourselves.

                        The ONE and ONLY... WHO IS.

                              For God alone IS.
                                              Being US...
                                       in the Process of Living.

                        Being lived by Life.
                                    Being lived by God.

           For we and the Life we live
                         are but the Dreamers
                                    and the Dream
                                         we are in God.

                 It is God who lives Us.
                          While we but react and think
                                          that we do the Living.

                 Our 'reaction' and 'thinking'...
                             is but a Contraction...
                                  of what we really are.

           This Contraction arises...
                          out of Godness... the ONE who is LIFE.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                             WE THINK WE LIVE

           Whatever is perceived...
                     is perceived from without... within.

                     This creates the Illusion
                                that the Perceiver lives within.

                     What does the Perceiving however
                           neither lives within or without.
                                      For LIFE is the Perceiver.

           And Life... is...
                     the All Pervading Force called God.

           The Illusion that things from without
                                    are perceived within
                              creates the idea of an Inner Self.

           This assumed Inner Self
                    is but an assumed entity or ego
                              that illusions itself to be
                              an Independent and Separate Being.

           It is but an Illusion of 'Separateness in Egoism'
                           that deludes itself...
                    in finding itself alive and thinks...
                                               to do the Living.

             What deludes itself is the Conscious Mind of Man.

           For the Conscious Mind of Man...
                  is the 'Contraction in Selfness' in God...
                          trying to find itself...
                                       either within or without.

                           Which is Impossible.

                             For God ALONE is.

                  While we are but Dreamers...
                             of the Lives we think we live.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


           I am an Instrument...
                   that's lived by an Eternal Force.

               The Way this Force lives me however
                   is determined by the Way I prepare...
                                           the Instrument I am.

                   And by listening
                                to the Tune I play
                          I learn to harmonize the Sound.

               The Force...
                   is unlimited in Strength...
                            but the Music I produce...
                                                  is but light.

           The repeat of the many Melodies of Life
                   has taught me the Secrets of the Instrument.

                   And by not playing at all myself
                            the single Instrument I am
                                 plays Symphonies
                                        in synchronism
                                 with the Music of the Spheres.

                   In Rhythm...
                        equal to the Breath of God.


                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                         TO THE AMAZEMENT OF ALL

           The Earth...
                 the Planets...
                       the Sun... the Stars...
                             and all the many Galaxies...
                                      make up a Divine Machine.

                                   For All of It...
                                          produces Gods.

           And the Earth...
                     being Part of the Total...
                                     produces its Share.

                          For it produced...
                                   a Krishna
                                       a Buddha
                                           a Christ...
                                   And many Others yet to come.

                                         Like YOU and I.

           For You and I
                  are in the Process of Evolution.
                       And we are somewhere
                                  between Man and God.
                                                  And climbing.

           This Universe...
                     this Divine Machine...
                               never makes Mistakes.
                                      For it is as sure as God.

                  And 'dead-on' every time
                                 to the Amazement of All.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



          I am God... and dream.
                    My Dream is so Powerful
                              that whatever I dream
                                          becomes Reality.

                                   In many Dimensions.

          One of my Dreams
                    creates Time and Space.
                              The Dimension of Man the Physical.

                      They live the Dream I dream...
                                                and am.

          I am God... and dream.

                          But I do not know it.

               For I only become aware of my Dream
                                    when I have become
                                               Man the Physical.

                          And most of Them
                                     do not know
                                     that they are ME...

          I am 'The Eternal Dreamer'
                               dreaming all Dreams.
                                        And I will never awaken.

                But Man the Physical
                         will awaken in ME
                                      and to ME.

                                          For I am Them.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                            FOR THEM THAT FEEL

          I am God.
               And my Hobby is Life.
                        In the Life I am... and play...
                                            I but amuse myself.

                             For I am the Eternal Amuser.

               I am the Entertainer.
                        For the Universe is my Circus.
                                 Full of Clowns and Performers.
                            Full of Glare and Light.

                                       ALL are my People.

          They play 'world'...
               In Time and Space...
                        with all that is ME.
                                    The Games they play
                                                are my Hobbies.

                My Rules are 'Conscious Evolution'.
                                        Goodness in my Referee.
                               And Happiness is my Goal.

          No Player really knows ME.
                     Yet they are the Same.

                Most use Eternities to play my Game.
                             Few use but Time to find my Rules.

          I am lost in Infinity
                     for Them that play.
                             But found in the Present
                                            for Them that Feel.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                         I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE

         There is no other God... but Man.

                            Most People however...
                                             do not know this.

         Unfortunately they believe...
                                   look up to...
                                        and expect...
                                  Miracles and Salvation
                             from a God they idolize and fear.

         And fortunately...
                   this God is but the Concoction
                                          of their Mind.
                                     It is but a Thought-Form.

               The only Force that IS...
                          is the Force out of Which
                                              all Worlds
                                         and all Things arise.

               The Worlds of Man
                     and all Things that are Physical
                     the Physical Dream of this Force.
                                     All Things Invisible
                                are other Forms of this Force.

         To Consciously Evolve in this Dream
                 and to discover the Truth about it...
                              is experiencing that God IS Man.

             One also understands then...
                            what was meant by...
                                     I and the Father are One.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                             THE MIRACLE I AM

          Every time I write
                         I create a Miracle.

                   Perplexing in Beauty
                             and silencing the Mind.

                         For I am a Miracle.

          For what I am...
               is the Infinite and Eternal Force
                                        called God
                                            living through me.

                         For God is doing the Living...
                                              and the Writing.

          For all the Words I write
                     are the Thoughts I feel
                               translated into Symbols.

                                   Conveying the Miracle I am.

                The Living God
                      in the Form of Man.

                      God in Words.
                              For You to read.
                      For You to feel.
                                   The Miracle I am.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                              TO SEE MYSELF

          I am the Force called God.
                    And I have no Rivals.
                              For I am all Rivals.

                        is in Competition with ME.
                                            For I am ALL.
                                   Seemingly divided...
                                                 among Myself.

                        But actually...
                                   united Within ME.
                                              But Few do know.

          And although Many of You
                    do not seem to be with ME...
                               Nobody is against ME.

                               For to be against ME...
                                                is IMPOSSIBLE.

                                        For I am ALL.

                And how can the Moon...
                               be against the Sun?
                      Or how can an Eye...
                                   be against its Sight?

          I am the All Pervading Force...
                         that flows through You.

                   Heals You... and Maintains You...
                                and makes You grow towards ME.

                      For I live in You...
                                     to see MYSELF.

                            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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