File 5 of 12

                               CALLED POEMS

           This Man
                This Poet
                     This Center of the Universe
                                      is but like Dust
                                             compared to Stars.

           But yet...
                the Stars in all their Brilliance
                                             do not know
                                                    that He Is.

                       And compares himself
                                 to them in Greatness...
                                             and in Difference.

                            They are but Matter.
                                        But He is Mind.

           And forever.
                Stars always will be Matter...
                                     in whatever Form.

                           But the Poet...
                                    always will be...
                                                Pure Mind.

                 Alive in Forms of Stardust
                            to star in Forms Alive.

                                In Letters of but Dust...
                                                  called POEMS.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                              COMMON GODNESS

                and the intellectual juggling of them
                                   very seldom produces Wisdom.

                         The juggling of Intellectuals
                                                   excludes it.

           For Intellectualism...
                     and the Mediums used
                                 only produce
                                          profound Thinking.

                Thinking however
                     is but a Product of the Conscious Mind.

                And the Conscious Mind
                     is the Product of a linguistic arrangement
                         of Words and combinations of them.

           Words then...
                will never solve anything.

                     And neither will Intellectualism.

                           Wisdom... on the other hand
                                                will solve all.

           For Wisdom...
                is the Meaning of Experience behind Words...

                It's called...
                          Action through Knowing...
                                             or Common Godness.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                              FOR WHAT I AM

           I am the Earth.
                     And bear the Life that forms your Body.

               I am your Host.
                          And I am a Living Entity like You.

                    But You as my Guests...
                                   are sickening ME.

           For You have stolen and sold ME.
                You have befouled and polluted ME.
                       You have scorched and burnt ME.
                           You have layed ME bare...
                                               and raped ME.

           You are suffocating ME...
               with your Stench of Money.
                            And You are killing ME...
                                    with the Fruits of Hate.

                You have ripped ME open and bombarded ME...
                             and all for what?

           Yet I steadily turn...
              keep my Face to the Light and do not worry.
                                              For I will be.

                While You will suffer the Pain You are.

                For I know how to rid myself...
                                 of Bugs that bother ME.

           For in the days to come...
                      I will rumble and shake...
                                     I will rattle and spit.

           And finally...
              I will twist my Poles to wash You away...
                                        while I take a bath.

           To prepare myself anew and again...
                             to give Sustenance...
                   to the New Flowers
                             that know and respect ME...
                        as One of them... and for What I Am.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                       TO THE FEELINGS OF THE HEART

           To lose a Friend... is partly dying
                      While losing a Hand... is living more.

           And if I ever had the Choice
                                  of choosing
                          I would rather lose my Head
                                         than lose a Friend.

               For within each Person
                    that once was part of me
                              I see a Life of Living
                                           drifting away
                                        as if it was my own.

               For in all I touch
                     I touch but myself.

                     And when I do lose a Friend
                                        I do not know
                                        who is the One lost.

           And yet...
                the Friendship
                    was but a Feeling of Goodness
                                         hidden beyond
                                    some Words and Chuckles.

              Yet never Words nor Chuckles
                                 could truly hide
                           the Feelings that were there.

              For Words and Chuckles
                      are but the Products of Mind.

                      And nothing...
                               to the Feelings of the Heart.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


             The SELF I am...
                      becomes more and more aware
                                    of the SELF I am not yet.

                The SELF I am not yet...
                                    is the Unconscious ME.

                      And to become Conscious
                                 of my Unconsciousness
                                                  is my Life.

             My Unconsciousness however
                                is as much ME
                                    as that what I am.

              For if IT was not
                    - and therefore outside of ME -
                            I could never become aware of it.

          The SELF I am then...
                   and the NOT-SELF I am
                                   is ME in Total.

                the SELF I am
                      will completely join and commune
                                      with the NOT-SELF I am.

                          I will be...
                                The Nameless All.


                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                A MIRACLE

                and ALL it is...
                           is a MIRACLE.

                                     And so is everything else.

                It urges me...
                      to look for the Magician...
                                     of all these Miracles.

            My attempts to look for the Magician though
                          - hamper me -
                  in finding that what I must.

                             For that...
                                  what I am looking for...
                        is doing the Looking.

            Sooner or later however...
                        I will find that I am IT.

                 First of all...
                        nobody should be home
                                   in the House I live
                                                 and look from.

                 For as long as I am there
                            I cannot find myself
                                           for looking.

                       And neither closed...
                                      nor open Eyes
                                           help or hamper
                                      to find that what I must.

            And in the mean time...
                        all I can do... is but be... A MIRACLE.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                             FOREVER CHANGING

          God is... beyond...
                         All That Is.
                    Even beyond Humbleness.

                                         To never Speak a Word.

          Yet... God is all the Blasted Noise...
                                         in the Universe.

                For God is... All That Is.
                                Including... Screaming.

                As a matter of fact...
                          God ALONE is.
                             For All That Is... is God.

          God is EVERYTHING.
               For Everything is an Expression of God.
                    And all things... that are Physical
                         are but the Shadows of God's being.
                                    Visible to Living Darkness.

          While the Light Itself
                forever stays beyond the things that are.
                                                 Including Man.

                Yet... this very Man
                       is the very God that is.
                                       Looking at Itself.

                For this very God never shows Itself...
                                               as Itself.

                But always as some Other.
                                    Knowing not...
                                           that IT is IT.

                The very God that is... Forever Changing.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                 THEY ARE

               I am not a Man...
                         pretending to be God.

                     But I am God...
                               pretending to be a Man.

          And the more and more
                         I get to know
               the more and more
                    I know this to be so.

                            For into this World
                                  this Plane of Separation
                      into which I entered at Birth
                                       I am 'The Action'
                                                 I am as God.

                      And not the Actor...
                             trying to get to know...
                                                'The Action'.

          But for a long time... I tried.
               Now I know however
                         that my Pretentiousness
                                        of being but a Man
                                   shines forth
                              from 'The Action' I am.

               For the Games in Eternity I play
                               are the Forms of my Nature
                               with Infinite Eyes
                                       looking at each other.

                    Trying to find...
                               'The Action'...
                                          THEY ARE.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                REAL LIFE

        Life is a Game.
                  And it is played by Gods.
                            But few People know that.

        Most People think that the Universe is split in two...
              and that the two Teams are playing for and with Man.

                      The Teams are supposed to be...
                                            Gods and Devils.

        Many People have admitted to themselves
                         that they are the 'part' or 'item'
                                       the Teams play for or with.

                They consider themselves to be the 'ball'.
                                Yet they struggle to win the Game.

                     Naturally they are the Losers.

                For they are being stepped on continuously
                           by their own Mind.
                                          They call it SIN.

        In actuality...
               things are quite different.
                         Life however is still the Game...
                                    and Gods still do the Playing.

        The Gods that play... are Man themselves.
                            For 'We as God' but pretend to be Man.

        Some Gods are very good Pretenders...
               and have forgotten completely what they really are.

                      Their Forgetfulness...
                            makes Life a Real Game.

        Very... very few People know that they are God.
                                     It's supposed to be that way.

                    It makes Life the Game... it is.

                                                REAL LIFE.

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