! ... Gerardus'  25,000  Posts ... !

~ My Pages and my Posts are my Legacy ~
( Do not laugh so loud - I am already doing That )

... My point here Is ...
How could I possibly have a Legacy
when I as an illusionary person know that I do not actually Exist?

For more on This
... Gerardus Speaks ...

08 - 2001

              Here follow some the posts I wrote to TriLite and other Lists.
                                ... Have fun and Enjoy ...

            ! WOW - All I can say is that I sure wrote a lot of posts - WOW !

                                     = = = = = = =


Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 16:10:18 -0800
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Gerardian Karma...

Karma AnyOne? 
Bodies are instruments or tools, by means of which, we as Souls are able to 
experience a matter creation. All in all, we as Souls or as duplicates of 
the One, are the creators and or/witnesses of a play or performance in 
matter, showing us, "what" Spiritual Beings do and experience when living in 
matter. They have this experience in order to experience living in matter. 
They do not live in matter, in order to determine, what is right or wrong, 
and what is karmatic or not... 

These Souls experience that they are influenced by the body and/or body 
mind, as well as that they discover that their brains are controlled by STS 
Alien Beings beyond their will sometimes. This only means that they are 
subjected to the human condition. This is what being human is all about in 
this Grand Illusion...

What is experienced is different for each Soul and/or Body, and the 
performance in which they play these roles, gives them different varieties 
of expressions and experiences. When the game is over they all go back into 
the same box called God or 7D. With all this, I am trying to say that while 
we are engaged with our roles in the matter world, there really is no right 
or wrong way to play the game... 

However, if one or two, or five billion players, think/believe/feel/intuit 
there is a right and wrong, they think/believe/feel/intuit that they have to 
go back into the play and experience this play from the opposite side. This 
is a personal belief or feeling which might become, or already is, an 
accepted reality by the masses of humanity... 

I am in the process of "re-thinking" this entire belief system of right and 
wrong, taken in consideration that I am a duplicate of the One in a almost 
infinitely small version. However, it just might be possible to pierce the 
veil of illusion from this infinitely small viewpoint and see Karma as an 
individual belief system, based on body brain and not on Soul or God... 


Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 11:07:33 -0800
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list cassiopaea@yahoogroups.com; 
contact cassiopaea-owner@yahoogroups.com
Delivered-To: mailing list cassiopaea@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 11:07:33 -0800
Reply-To: cassiopaea@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [cass] Re: Questions: The Wave & The Harvest

Hi Rickard... 
I have responded to this posts again, but it is possible that you and I say 
the same thing. It's different enough though that it sometimes seems to me 
that you say something different or do not answer my questions. 

So here she goes: 

Gerardus wrote: 
I realize that I am dancing on both sides of the Karma-Line. Makes 
for good thinking and learning I feel. I also had another thought in 
conjunction with the No Karma System. As you know we are influenced 
by the Predator's Mind and a person like Hitler, as the Cs said, was 
completely controlled by the STS Predator's Mind. 

Rickard here: 
Because he let it control him. If he was deceived to let this happen, 
or if he did this consciously (unlikely) doesn't really matter.

Gerardus here: 
Indeed being deceived or not consciously knowing what's happening is the 
same thing. What I am trying to say is: because of the control over Hitler 
and the control over other world leaders, the world experienced a variety of 
happenings. This is the manner by which world happenings come about and the 
STS Aliens are responsible for this. It's their job to create world 

So, this is meant to be so! Hitler therefore is "used" or plays his role on 
the stage of the world. I do not blame him, nor his Soul for anything that 
happened to the world of the millions that were killed. In one way or 
another - the world of mankind needs its negative experiences and the STS 
Aliens bring this about. I see this as the normal workings of the 
world/universe and I neither blame Hitler, nor any other world leader, nor 
the STS Aliens for the misery mankind experiened. The world and mankind are 
engaged in a play or performance. This performance creates our experiences. 
And all experiences are positive in my view... 


Gerardus here: 
Let's assume that this indeed was so - where 
does that leave the Hitler Soul? Is it responsible when it is 
completely taken over? 

Rickard here: 
Again: there are lessons to be learned. 
Until you've learned them, you repeat them.

Gerardus here: 
Yes, I already knew this. 
But what you say does not answer my question.

My point is: 
The world is a stage and somehow certain actors upon that stage need to 
implement a Play or Performance. I do not think that it is just to blame 
any actor for playing his or her part. IOW: the actors are without blame. 
All they do is play their part. They are deceived or unconsciously 
controlled by 4D forces that are able to travel time and set things up 
according to their liking. The masses of mankind are sitting ducks!
What I say here is that we need to see through this world-action and 
understand how it comes about. That to me is the lesson! And if one does 
not learn it - one will subjected to the same scenario again. By seeing 
through this - one's Soul becomes more aware and takes the possibilities of 
unconscious control as a possibility... 

Knowledge protects like the cassies say - Gerardus


Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 19:56:08 -0800
To: cassiopaea@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: [cass] The Nature of our Reality...

Hi Group...
I was reading Wave13j.htm last night 
and I ran into the following question: 
What is the nature of this reality? Meaning our reality. 
Here is what I noted down last night.

What is the Nature of our Reality?

We can never explain the true Nature of our Reality! 
Because we Are this Reality! Isness cannot be explained only experienced!

We can only speak about the true Nature of our Dream. 
Our Dream is our Creation and our Creation is an expression of our Reality. 
This means that we are able to know ourselves by our Creation. 
We ARE what we create!
I hope you don't take all this too seriously. 

I was just musing on the first Question last night - Gerardus


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:52:33 -0800
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Creating Our Own Reality...

Gerardus here: 
Creating our own reality in 3D is a matter of awareness. 
An incarnated 6D being could create anything it wants in 3D. Point is, why 
would it want to? It's kid stuff to them! In all ways, all things are 
relative and the actuality of our 3d world is an example of a reality 
created by a massive amount of Entities, high and low, who in turn and 
collectively create what happens here. On top of all this, there might be 
Lizzies and/or Greys who also have their say so... 

One thing to me is for sure, that "wherever" you put your attention - THAT 
- is the reality that is re-enforced or created. IOW: The Cs and everyone 
reading the sessions are re-enforcing what the sessions say. This is as 
much a trap as any other. Once one get used to this trap, well, one thinks, 
feels and experiences what the trap contains. No doubt some traps contain 
more truth than others, but a trap is still a trap. If we are Duplicates of 
the One - no other force can truly touch us or do anything to us. To know 
that this is so, to the utmost limit, is true protection. Knowing that we 
are the Truth for example is a good start. To come to that point - well - 
that is what 3D might be for in the first place. Know ThouSelf...

Life is what you believe it to be - Gerardus 
(Saying is from Yada)


Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 19:48:43 -0800
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 19:48:43 -0800
Subject: [4D-STO-C] Psychic Surgery...

Gerardus here: 
For as much as 40 years I have always has a loose bowel. It's easy to keep 
my weight down therefore, but on the other hand it is quite embarrassing. 
Most of my trouble is caused by the 'emotionality' of my body and also 
the harder I work - the more it acts up. So, many years ago, I believe 
it was 1978, I had read about psychic surgery and I figured, what have I 
got to lose. I found a group of Canadians who went to the Philippines for 
psychic surgery and I joined them. 

I had two purposes: 
1) I wanted to see this phenomena first hand - which is always better than 
reading about it naturally.
2) Maybe I could find some help there with my problem. (The ordinary 
doctors I had visited again and again had no solutions)

To the Philippines... 
We arrived in Bagio City after two days of air travel and the next day 
about 300 people were scheduled for psychic surgery. An enormous amount 
naturally and the entire show was a spectacle. There were people there from 
all over the world including the USA, Japan, Europe and other places.
The surgery was done by a group of four people who worked independently by 
means of going into trance and letting other Spirits work through them. 
This is the way I know it to be now, but at the time I was not sure at all 
what was going on. They did mighty funny things I figured. Often I thought 
that we were hypnotized en mass. Some doctors/surgeons meditated or prayed 
before they went into trance. 

The 'work' on the entire group of 300 people took about three to four 
hours. The surgery was done in a very small room that looked like a garage 
and the flies and dust were flying in and out of the room for the windows 
were open. It was warm there. There were four cots in this room and one by 
one we would lay down on these cots and the 'doctor' would open the body 
with moving his hands right in there and took out several pieces of fleshy 
material that presumably was the cause of the trouble for most of us. 
I remember that it took a lot of guts to lay down on these cots and I 
prayed the night before, even in the morning maybe. I forgot... 

No pain or any other sensation was noticed by me. A little blood showed up 
for some of us. Since we more or less had to wait in the room where this 
surgery spectacle was happening we had a full view of what was going on. We 
also took pictures! We were assisted by our Group Leaders who had been 
there several times before with other groups of people. No money was 
involved for the surgery but they asked for donations. I forgot what I gave 
them. Maybe 200 dollars or so. Which was peanuts for eight to nine visits 
or operations...

Indeed it was the most unbelievable spectacle I had ever seen and it 
literally blew my mind. My western mind was shaken to its foundations and 
on the second or third day it caved in. Yes, we had healings as we called 
them, many days in a row. In any case, I definitely was so upset and 
undone that I needed time to myself to recuperate from this sight. 

On one of these night I awoke and my chest area was hot inside, if not 
burning. Not sure what happened then but I think my Heart Chakra opened up. 
It was pretty scary! Since I was half asleep I did not give a hoot...
I remember speaking to others of our group and compared notes. None of us 
knew what really went on. Simple thing was that these surgeons could 
operate on us as if we were just flexible energy of some kind. Which we 
naturally just are. Clouds of Energy or Light! 

One nurse was there and she passed out looking at herself in a mirror that 
was placed on the ceiling. She could see her insides and it hit her! Out 
cold!! A medical doctor was called in and he massaged the heart area and 
she woke up again. White as a sheet! We figured she had had it...
Patient after patient would lay down and was worked on. The entire show 
for each of us took about 3 to 4 minutes. Some had their legs operated on 
others their head, many in their stomachs, eyes, lungs and what have you. 
There were all kinds of people and many were quite desperate for they were 
dying. Some were partially healed. Others were not...

The body flesh just opened up like is was a cloud or mist. (Which it is 
naturally) There were three gentlemen doctors and one lady doctor. One of 
the younger gentlemen was the lady's son. The lady operated on me most of 
the time. She usually looked the other way while her hands were doing 
things in my body. Weird!! All of them were beautiful Souls naturally - 
but at that time I knew next to nothing about Souls let alone about 
beautiful ones. During the operations the younger son would sing spiritual 
songs and his voice was out of this realm altogether. Most beautiful and 
chilling!! For hours we were in different worlds...

In any case, I was there for about ten days and on at least eight days we 
had healings. One day they cleaned my eyes. When that happens your eye 
balls float about two inches above your head. This psychic surgery 
experience was the most spiritual experience I ever had or witnessed and 
there is no way that I can convey the feelings and thoughts that went 
through my western closed mind. It broke like an eggshell under a ton of 
pressure - wow! I must have seen at least twenty five operations at close 
range. They are real - but what is real? 

In the daytime we sat in the sun, had community meetings, lectures and 
stories and we sang songs. Yes, there also was a chaplain of some kind, who 
was there to help anyone who needed it. I never went to see him 
specifically for I needed more than just one of them I figured...

Now - to sum it all up - I cannot say that I was physically healed, but no 
doubt it was the most unbelievable miraculous experience I had ever had or 
had heard of. Incredible!! I feel that this was the beginning of a 
westerner (me) opening up to the impossible. It changed my life more than 
anything else!! I came away a changed man and have been nuts ever since! 

(Family talk see)
By means of pacing myself I have finally learned to be a bit easier on my 
body and am able to gain weight when I want to and at the moment, I feel a 
lot healthier than I was thirty or twenty years ago. My trouble is that I 
have always been too purpose conscious, and somehow I cannot stop myself 
from doing something I feel to be useful. Vanity maybe?

There are books about Psychic Surgery in the New Age Book Stores. I read 
many of them after I came back home from the Philippines. The reality of 
Psychic Surgery blew my mind and nothing in the physical world has been real 
like it used to be before. It's all Illusion...

For a complete report see THIS...
~ Gerardus


February 2001

Hi R-C... 
I have responded to this posts again, but it is possible that you and I say 
the same thing. It's different enough though that it sometimes seems to me 
that you say something different or do not answer my questions. 

So here she goes: 

Gerardus wrote: 
I realize that I am dancing on both sides of the Karma-Line. Makes 
for good thinking and learning I feel. I also had another thought in 
conjunction with the No Karma System. As you know we are influenced 
by the Predator's Mind and a person like Hitler, as the Cs said, was 
completely controlled by the STS Predator's Mind. 

R-C here: 
Because he let it control him. If he was deceived to let this happen, 
or if he did this consciously (unlikely) doesn't really matter.

Gerardus here: 
Indeed being deceived or not consciously knowing what's happening is the 
same thing. What I am trying to say is: because of the control over Hitler 
and the control over other world leaders, the world experienced a variety of 
happenings. This is the manner by which world happenings come about and the 
STS Aliens are responsible for this. It's their job to create world 

So, this is meant to be so! 

Hitler therefore is "used" or plays his role on 
the stage of the world. I do not blame him, nor his Soul for anything that 
happened to the world or the millions that were killed. In one way or 
another - the world of mankind needs its negative experiences and the STS 
Aliens bring this about. I see this as the normal workings of the 
world/universe and I neither blame Hitler, nor any other world leader, nor 
the STS Aliens for the misery mankind experienced. The world and mankind are 
engaged in a play or performance. This play creates our experiences. 

And all experiences are positive in my view... 

Gerardus here: 
>>Let's assume that this indeed was so - where 
>>does that leave the Hitler Soul? Is it responsible when it is 
>>completely taken over? 

R-C here: 
>Again: there are lessons to be learned. 
>Until you've learned them, you repeat them.

Gerardus here: 
Yes, I already knew this. 
But what you say does not answer my question.

My point is: 
The world is a stage and somehow certain actors upon that stage need to 
implement a Play or Performance. I do not think that it is right to blame 
any actor for playing his or her part. IOW: the actors are without blame. 

All they do is play their part. They are deceived or unconsciously 
controlled by 4D forces that are able to travel time and set things up 
according to their liking. The masses of mankind are sitting ducks! 

What I say here is that we need to see through this world-action and 
understand how it comes about. That to me is the lesson! And if one does 
not learn it - one will subjected to the same scenario again. By seeing 
through this - one's Soul becomes more aware and takes the possibilities 
of unconscious control as a possibility... 

Knowledge protects like the cassies say - Gerardus

= = = = = = =

February 2001

Hi Group...
I was reading Wave13j.htm last night and I ran into the following question: 
What is the nature of this reality?  Meaning our reality. 

Here is what I noted down last night...

What is the Nature of our Reality?
We can never explain the true Nature of our Reality! 

Because we Are this Reality!  Isness cannot be explained only experienced!

We can only speak about the true Nature of our Dream. 
Our Dream is our Creation and our Creation is an expression of our Reality. 
This means that we are able to know ourselves by our Creation. 

We ARE what we create!
I hope you don't take all this too seriously. 

I was just musing on the first Question last night - Gerardus

= = = = = = =

February 2001

The Boiling Water Pot... 
Imagine an enormous big glass pot full of water on a stove. Turn on the 
stove and the water will boil. When the water boils watch the bubbles rise 
to the top and disappear into the air. Now, the Air is Consciousness and the 
Water is Creation. We are the Bubbles rising from the bottom of Creation to 
the Top - all the way through 1D  2D  3D  4D  5D  6D and 7D. Once at the 
top of the water we become Air/Consciousness again and are absorbed by 
the water to rise once again. Naturally this is a very simple Grand Cycle but 
it works. Do you see that tiny bubble, just below the middle of the pot, 
rising to the top? That's Mankind...

In a small way, the big bang IS the "idea of the boiling water pot". It 
repeats its process infinitely as long as you keep the air and the water 
in a closed system. The universe is a closed system for it is only one mind 
infinitely changing...

Simply bubbling - Gerardus

= = = = = = =

February 2001

Gerardus here: 
Creating our own reality in 3D is a matter of awareness. 
An incarnated 6D being could create anything it wants in 3D. Point is, why 
would it want to? It's kid stuff to them! In all ways, all things are 
relative and the actuality of our 3d world is an example of a reality 
created by a massive amount of Entities, high and low, who in turn and 
collectively create what happens here. On top of all this, there might be 
Lizzies and/or Greys who also have their say so... 

One thing to me is for sure, that "wherever" you put your attention - THAT 
- is the reality that is re-enforced or created. IOW: the Cs and everyone 
reading the sessions are re-enforcing what the sessions say. This is as 
much a trap as any other. Once one get used to this trap, well, one thinks, 
feels and experiences what the trap contains. No doubt some traps contain 
more truth than others, but a trap is still a trap. If we are Duplicates of 
the One - no other force can truly touch us or do anything to us. 

To know that this is so, to the utmost limit, is true protection. Knowing that 
we are the Truth for example is a good start. To come to that point - well - 
that is what 3D might be for in the first place. Know ThouSelf...

Life is what you believe it to be - Gerardus 
( Saying is from Yada )


March 2001

>Hi Gerardus, 
>Just read S-4's post, I am becoming more aware of the neg energies, 
certain places that I drive by seem to trigger that recognition.. I do not 
'see' with my outer eyes, but an inner knowing, manifests as wariness, 
anger.. if my attention is not turned on, it follows me home. My question 
to you, S-4, and any group members, how do I construct a protection wall 
to keep this out, are personal shields the same as say protection around 
your property. 

>Something odd is going on, actually this interference is coming from more 
than one direction. Comments, suggestions, web sites are appreciated. 
>Thanks, S-4 

Hi S-4... 
    Good point! 
    I feel that Knowledge is Protection!! 

This is reached by experience. This also means that we need to experience 
certain teachings as false. Life is the Teacher! In the mean time, many of 
us still will have to go through some of these Teachings and learn from 

In actuality, I see nothing as either false or true, for in the end, all 
things are only stories. We have been hoodwinked by some of these stories 
and they keep hanging around in our belief system and our experiences are 
created by these. Possibly by believing absolutely nothing - we will not 
be creating anything anymore and shoot right back to the Plane of Bliss and 
know that we are the Truth in the first place and that all stories are only 
ingredients to consume, digest and expel...

Wiping is not necessary - Gerardus


Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 15:48:43 -0700
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Who Am I - Gerardus

Gerardus here: 
From what Laura writes and from many other teachings I have concluded that 
the human personality is not just one being or entity. It could be a 
"collection of energies" and this is demonstrated by Multiple-Personality 
cases. I feel that I have different moods, and or resources, to draw from 
so to speak. Some joke a lot, some worry, some are serious, some are 
restless, some are nervous... 

The older I become for example, the more anxious or insecure I become. This 
does not mean that I'm shaking all the time or have the quivers. No, but I 
do have a different "feel" about, and of, myself than when I was 25 or 35 
or 45 or even 55 or 65. It creeps up on old guys maybe. Why? Getting 
older for example is not what I thought it would be! I thought that one 
would be the same guy and just do less. Not so! 

There are emotional and 
mental changes that not necessarily makes one feel older - one IS older. 
Not only that - I have thought it over and I cannot find a thing positive 
about it. Does that mean that recognizing reality is negative? I do not 
think so. All I can say is - it is an experience. Not necessarily a nice 

So these "Mood Changes" of myself and of others - where do they come from? 
I do not think that these characteristics find their source in the meat 
Gerardus is - could they be attachments in the form of Guides, Helpers and 
Hinderers? Do we live life alone? I would say certainly not! 

The dominant personality however might be my own. Whoever he is - is a riddle 
in the first place. It is Genes? DNA? Or the type of food I eat? Are my 
emotions caused by chemicals in the brain? So, to conclude - I have many 
Guardian Angels, Demons, Emotions and Feelings that make up what Gerardus 
thinks he is...

I am a multi-dimensional and multi-personal GodBeing - Gerardus 


Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 16:49:43 -0700
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: The Big Bang and More...

Hi Jennifer... 
Life is what we focus upon! 
So if there are scientists who are focussing on a Big Bang and or Splat - 
They will find it!! They will find it - for it is their creation...
In the mean time, the universe or life is neither this nor that - it is 
everything! Whatever we find it to be - is what we have created of it!

About the article: 
I have read some of the theory about and of before the Big Bang. 
The universe as known by the Sciences is a happening limited to Time and 
Space. I do not think that they have concluded yet that Time and Space is a 
certain condition of an illusionary reality we find ourselves in. IOW: what 
I am saying is, that there really is no time and space, except in our dream 
we call Human Life - it is a Dream or a Dance in Consciousness. Our 
Consciousness. Time and Space and the physical universe are only real when 
you look at it by means of a human body. The body is a lens - drop the lens 
and Time and Space disappears...

About this illusionary reality: 
Physical reality is a "Reality of Mind" in a certain form. IOW: the energy 
we call mind FORMS the actitivity and or objects that appears to look like 
the physical universe, when we live in a human body and focus upon it. It's 
a self-created illusion with the help of the body - the lens. It's an 

The physical reality is a form of mind, and what we call it, and how we 
experience it however, does not change what it is - Mind in Form. It is a 
construction in Consciousness - which is Mind. Mind is timeless and 
spaceless! However, physical reality is real - for we experience this 
Dream as Real. A Real Illusion!

So, was there a Big Bang, after a big Splat? And are there other universes 
out of which others have developed? Yes, there are other universes - but 
they are also only Mind in certain forms. Well, the big bang and all 
"splats" are only a theory and are nothing but speculation. It's not 
something we can go to and witness and say - I've seen it and it was an 
actually happening. It is a speculation...

Here is my speculation: 
The only big bang that ever happens is a personal one, and at that 
LightBulb Moment we understand that we are dreaming. Dreaming creation as 
we experience it. To awaken from this dream, is the personal big bang, all 
of us sooner or later will have it. It's a thing or happening in the Head... 

The universe is a timeless and spaceless phenomena that under certain 
conditions and with a certain body can be experienced as something 
physical. How physical is it? Not much physicality there at all when we 
take into consideration the emptiness between atoms. The same scientists 
say that the spaces between atoms and electrons are so great that an atom 
is 99.9999% emptiness. What happened to our solidness as we experience it?? 

Solidness or solidity, as well as Time and Space, as well as Big Bangs and 
Splats are part and parcel of an illusion we are subjected to - the 
Physical Dream. We created it, then went to live in it and find that it is 
real. A real Illusion... 

We have come here to experience this dream and it fools us. We say that the 
reality we live in is real, this is so because we are focussed on an 
illusion that fools us. Dreams at night are just as real! As a matter of 
fact, all realities are virtual and nothing is real except the Observer. 
The Observer is The God That Is All! We are this God in the form of Man 
and are fooling ourselves with our own Creation. As a matter of fact, we 
are lost in it, and now we are looking at other people (Scientists) to 
explain to us where and what we see and what is happening before big bangs 
and/or before splatses. 

There never was One of them - for the phyiscal 
universe is a Timeless phenomena that rebuilds itself piece by piece, atome 
by atom like the cells of our body - continuously. The physical universe is 
forever new, looking forever old or older. It is such a crafty creating 
that it fools all scientists. And they keep saying this is the way it is, 
for they are paid by the New World Order People - who would like humanity 
to believe in nonsense...

Slowly awakening - Gerardus 

I repeated myself a few time above because I had three different goes at 
it. I was interupted too many time. Also an illusion naturally...


April 2001

Hi J-4... 
Life is what we focus upon! 
So if there are scientists who are focussing on a Big Bang and or Splat - 
They will find it!!  They will find it - for it is their creation...

In the mean time, the universe or life is neither this nor that - it is 
everything! Whatever we find it to be - is what we have created of it!

About the article: 
I have read some of the theory about and of before the Big Bang. 
The universe as known by the Sciences is a happening limited to Time and 
Space. I do not think that they have concluded yet that Time and Space is a 
certain condition of an illusionary reality we find ourselves in. IOW: what 
I am saying is, that there really is no time and space, except in our dream 
we call Human Life - it is a Dream or a Dance in Consciousness. Our 
Consciousness. Time and Space and the physical universe are only real when 
you look at it by means of a human body. The body is a lens - drop the lens 
and Time and Space disappears...

About this illusionary reality: 
Physical reality is a "Reality of Mind" in a certain form. IOW: the energy 
we call mind FORMS the activity and or objects that appears to look like 
the physical universe, when we live in a human body and focus upon it. It's 
a self-created illusion with the help of the body - the lens. It's an 

The physical reality is a form of mind, and what we call it, and how we 
experience it however, does not change what it is - Mind in Form. It is a 
construction in Consciousness - which is Mind. Mind is timeless and 
spaceless! However, physical reality is real - for we experience this 
Dream as Real. A Real Illusion!

So, was there a Big Bang, after a big Splat? And are there other universes 
out of which others have developed? Yes, there are other universes - but 
they are also only Mind in certain forms. Well, the big bang and all 
"splats" are only a theory and are nothing but speculation. It's not 
something we can go to and witness and say - I've seen it and it was an 
actually happening. It is a speculation...

Here is my speculation: 
The only big bang that ever happens is a personal one, and at that 
LightBulb Moment we understand that we are dreaming. Dreaming creation as 
we experience it. To awaken from this dream, is the personal big bang, all 
of us sooner or later will have it. It's a thing or happening in the Head... 

The universe is a timeless and spaceless phenomena that under certain 
conditions and with a certain body can be experienced as something 
physical. How physical is it? Not much physicality there at all when we 
take into consideration the emptiness between atoms. The same scientists 
say that the spaces between atoms and electrons are so great that an atom 
is 99.9999% emptiness. 

What happened to our solidness as we experience it?? 

Solidness or solidity, as well as Time and Space, as well as Big Bangs and 
Splats are part and parcel of an illusion we are subjected to - the 
Physical Dream. We created it, then went to live in it and find that it is 
real. A real Illusion... 

We have come here to experience this dream and it fools us. We say that the 
reality we live in is real, this is so because we are focussed on an 
illusion that fools us. Dreams at night are just as real! As a matter of 
fact, all realities are virtual and nothing is real except the Observer. 

The Observer is The God That Is All! We are this God in the form of Man 
and are fooling ourselves with our own Creation. As a matter of fact, we 
are lost in it, and now we are looking at other people (Scientists) to 
explain to us where and what we see and what is happening before big bangs 
and/or before splatses. There never was One of them - for the physical 
universe is a Timeless phenomena that rebuilds itself piece by piece, atom 
by atom like the cells of our body - continuously. The physical universe is 
forever new, looking forever old or older. It is such a crafty creation 
that it fools all scientists. And they keep saying this is the way it is, 
for they are paid by the New World Order People - who would like humanity 
to believe in nonsense...

Slowly awakening - Gerardus 

I repeated myself a few times above because I had three different goes at 
it. I was interrupted too many times. Also an illusion naturally...


Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 11:05:11 +1200

To: <4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com>
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Subject: RE: [4D-STO-C] The Objectivity of Karma...

Gerardus here: 
Objectivity of Karma is 
the lessons we are learning and or are subjected to at present
Geeee what on earth does that mean? We can perhaps ?? learn lessons 
based on the experience that come our way BUT to assume to know the 
'why' of the lessons would imply we remember what we have been up to 
over the few thousand lives we have lived. Yes? 
what is objective about any of this?

Hi Mahrouk... 
It's been a while since I wrote that and I can't remember the mood/trance I 
was in at that time. Possibly what I meant was, that when you look at the 
present moment, things are happening to us that are the result of lessons 
we did not learn in the past. I agree that there is no Karma, but yet each 
lifetime is a complement of all other lifetimes. IOW: the Whole of Life is 
like a Mosaic (A Complete Mosaic), but in each lifetime only certain pieces 
are shown to us. So, in order to fit together the entire mosaic only 
certain lessons are learned/remembered in one lifetime in order to complete 
the Mosaic. These certain lessons I call the "objectivity" of our present 
life. Meaning they are the actual happenings that make up our present 

My dictionary says that "objective" is external to the mind. So, the way I 
use this word then, means that what's going on is not necessarily known to 
us as to why this is happening, but in order to complete the Whole of Life 
we go through it without knowing or remembering why...

You say/ask: 
........ BUT to assume to know the 'why' of the lessons would imply we 
remember what we have been up to over the few thousand lives we have lived. 

Gerardus here: 
We do or might not remember what we have been up to in all our thousands of 
lifetimes, but I feel that we have a "plan" within our subconscious mind or 
Soul for each lifetime that directs us from within. We could even call what 
directs us "urges" and we act upon them. IOW: when we live in an 
unconscious manner we get ourselves into all kinds of troubles because of 
these "urges". We do not know whether they are Soul-Urges or Body-Urges. 
They just urge! We need to learn to discern! In our so called later 
lifetimes - we have different "urges" again, as well as, that we have a 
better handle on our Body-Urges. We begin to think more and know the 
results of irresponsible actions...

This means that we are slowly become "conscious" of how to live our life 
and call it progress. Our Soul begins to shine through! This progress 
naturally has been a pre-planned "deal" so to speak, for in these so called 
later lifetimes we are older Souls now. Naturally, all lives are lived 
simultaneously, but within illusionary time frames, they seem to be at 
different times and places. Times and places are states of mind - 
locations as thoughts or thoughts as locations...
Glad you asked and I hope this helped - Gerardus

I knew that someone would come back with a question about that impulsive 
sentence. Great!!

Fiona here: 
We do not need karma because we are living all of our existences right now, 
past, present and future are all playing themselves out right now. We also 
have multiple dimensional selves who are playing and living in all the other 
dimensions all having multiple experiences. So we do not need karma to 
balance anything out because in our multidimensional experiences we are 
experiencing everything there is to experience in these realms right now. 
Awesome isn't it !


Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 19:50:04 -0700
To: cassiopaea@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
X-eGroups-Edited-By: lark2@ozline.net
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Reply-To: cassiopaea@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [cass] My name is Karma and I play my role...

Since reading C's material and joining this group, I have more 
questions, not less, and believe that's helped me learn. Because, you 
have to ask a question to get an answer. If there is no answer, at least 
you'll keep looking for one, and may be more open to learning. 
Hugh, how would you describe "what 'is'"?

[Moderator's note: In the future, please preface such posts as this with 
the note that this is your opinion or your belief. No preaching.]

Hi Margot... Hi Hugh... 
Karma is an aspect of a belief system. It is a virtual reality. If you 
believe in it - you will live or have it. Karma or belief systems are the 
impetus or actions of physical life or lifetimes. Nothing is chiseled in 
stone or steel - except for what we believe in. It creates our realities. 
We are the Creator in a mode of distortion and therefore believe in certain 
philosophies and or realities. We do all this in order to play the Game of 
The Light We Are. We express ourselves in Light and Shadows. Looking from 
the bottom, Karma looks like a real thing or actuality, looking from the 
top and therefore from a No-Time perspective - how can Karma be real? More 
or less it is a script by which we play our roles - written by our so 
called previous actions... 

What is - What 'is' ? 
All experiences of all Life are What Is. We can only experience this on an 
individual basis and Truth therefore is an individual thing. The only 
absolute Truth that exist is Individual Truth. No one being in the universe 
knows it all. Except The Infinite Light itself and it ain't talking much, 
because it is busy expressing itself in All That Is. In a sense we could 
say - What 'is" IS "All That Is" - The Infinite Light or TIL. It is the 
grass and the rose, it is the human and the enlightened Master, it is the 
Co-Creator of the Solar system creating with the infinite wisdom of the 
Infinite Light - TIL. Yet, all blades of grass, roses, human beings, 
masters and Co-Creators are equal - for all are the same Light. Keeping 
itself busy being All...

Only one Candle - Gerardus


To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
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Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 11:09:42 -0700
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] Interesting links: Spiritweb and Pathwork

At 05:38 PM 6/17/2001 +0200, you wrote: 
Hi All, 
Found some very interesting info: 
You might already be familiar with the Spiritweb site. I found that John 
Payne's contributions to this site are very good. One of the quotes in his 
channeled material which touches on the discussions here some months ago is: 
 So, ascension my dear friends, is truly about descension. It is bringing 
the light down - it is landing the light. It means incarnating 100% as your 

That is how paradise will be brought to earth. You are not waiting for a 
savior or a guru or a messiah or spaceships from one enlightened planet or 
another. You are waiting for the arrival of your soul. 
---end quote---

Hello Els... 
If I am not mistaking John Payne used to be on my Trilite List for a while. 
Is there anybody here who might remember? And yes, what John says is 
true. It is all about bringing "The Light" down into our physical creation 
- the locality in mind within which we think we live in physical bodies. 

This is only done bit by bit, for the Soul-Self needs to experience all the 
"fluff and stuff" before it is able to command a human vehicle in such a 
way that it will be in a continual listening mode for the Soul to shine 
through. This truly means that possible only one out of a million is able 
and ready to do such. Another thing, it is not only to bring down The 
Light, but also to be able to create a physical reality within which we all 
get lost and play the game of searching for what we really are. There is 
nothing else to do! It's a con-game naturally, for we are The Light or 
Truth in the first place. The joke is on us...

Great quote - Gerardus 
(Thank you Els)


June 2001

>Hi All, 
>Found some very interesting info: 
>You might already be familiar with the Spiritweb site. I found that John 
 Payne's contributions to this site are very good. One of the quotes in his 
 channeled material which touches on the discussions here some months ago is: 
>So, ascension my dear friends, is truly about descension. It is bringing 
 the light down - it is landing the light. It means incarnating 100% as your 

>That is how paradise will be brought to earth. You are not waiting for a 
 savior or a guru or a messiah or spaceships from one enlightened planet or 
 another. You are waiting for the arrival of your soul. 
>---end quote---

Hello E-4   Gerardus here:
If I am not mistaking John Payne used to be on my TriLite List for a while. 
Is there anybody here who might remember?  And yes, what John says is 
true. It is all about bringing "The Light" down into our physical creation 
- the locality in mind within which we think we live in physical bodies. 

This is only done bit by bit, for the Soul-Self needs to experience all the 
"fluff and stuff" before it is able to command a human vehicle in such a 
way that it will be in a continual listening mode for the Soul to shine 
through. This truly means that possible only one out of a million is able 
and ready to do such. Another thing, it is not only to bring down The 
Light, but also to be able to create a physical reality within which we all 
get lost and play the game of searching for what we really are. There is 
nothing else to do! It's a con-game naturally, for we are The Light or 
Truth in the first place. The joke is on us...

Great quote - Gerardus 

= = = = = = =

June 2001

Gerardus here: 
What difference does it make what the real story is about Jesus, or maybe 
Hesus as some people call him? What difference does it make what the real 
story is about Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Lao Tzu or any other Great One? All 
we know is that some of their words survived, and by golly by 
thinking/feeling and experiencing Life for what it is, again and again, we 
slowly learn that the real story is about ourselves!

Hello Gerardus, 
While I agree in part with your above comments, because certainly there are 
those who live a fine life without ever having even heard of these fellows, 
isn't it wiser to know as much as we can and so doing make better choices? 
Otherwise it seems as though lots more untruth could be laid at our feet. 
Which amounts to lies. 

If one does not care enough to find these answers that is okay, I guess, but 
wouldn't we then still be looking out form our caves?  What I mean is... 
isn't this wanting to know/grow all a part of the evolution?  
I think so. 

You say: 
What is our story? 
Our story is the experience of Life. Our Life! 
I say: I agree, but experience is colored by what one knows. 

Hi K-C... Gerardus here: 
Yes, even more than colored I feel. For knowing is influenced by the 
inspiration/knowing of the Soul We Are. It already knows the past. So 
again, why bother about any past. Is all this research done because our 
human body-mind finds it interesting and possibly thinks that this is 
important? I still think/feel that one can go too far in trying to uncover 
the past. It's easy to become an ego-mind thing... 

What about the past of 200,000 years ago? Does it really matter? In the 
same sense, it does not really matter what happened 2000 years ago. All is 
present within the moment. I take into consideration here however that we 
are aware of what those beings stood for and what they might have 
said. This means to me that one is not to stumble or ponder endlessly 
about who said what about them and whatever details might come up, which 
might be contradicted by other historians... 

I stick with L-C here who says that the more one thinks one knows, the 
more one knows nothing. Exactly! That is why it is more important to 
listen than to discover the details of history. After all it is only 
his-story! In the mean time - whatever works for you - follow it... 
Following mine - Gerardus 

I find that too many people think that the Truth is out there. What is out 
there is only a specific interpretation of an illusionary happening. There 
are as many interpretations as that there are people. We all have our own - 
all stories. We are the Truth! All our illusionary experiences will end 
when this is fully realized. Until that point is reached, we will all only 
experience our self-made dreams. So what needs to be done? Full 
realization of who or what we really are - The Truth. We are the One That 
Is! In the mean time, all that's "out there" is diversion...

Blessings and Smiles - Gerardus


Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2001 08:22:51 -0700
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: What's out there is diversion...

Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 16:12:29 EDT 
From: mzozz2@aol.com 
Subject: Re: A lesson to learn

<< Gerardus here: 
What difference does it make what the real story is about Jesus, or maybe 
Hesus as some people call him? What difference does it make what the real 
story is about Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Lao Tzu or any other Great One? All 
we know is that some of their words survived, and by golly by 
thinking/feeling and experiencing Life for what it is, again and again, we 
slowly learn that the real story is about ourselves!

Hello Gerardus, 
While I agree in part with your above comments, because certainly there are 
those who live a fine life without ever having even heard of these fellows, 
isn't it wiser to know as much as we can and so doing make better choices? 
Otherwise it seems as though lots more untruths could be laid at our feet. 
Which amounts to lies. 

If one does not care enough to find these answers that is okay, I guess, but 
wouldn't we then still be looking out form our caves? What I mean is... isn't 
this wanting to know/grow all a part of the evolution? 
I think so. 

You say: 
What is our story? 
Our story is the experience of Life. Our Life! 

I say: 
I agree, but experience is colored by what one knows. 

Hi Kathy - Gerardus here: 
Yes, even more than colored I feel. For knowing is influenced by the 
inspiration/knowing of the Soul We Are. It already knows the past. So 
again, why bother about any past. Is all this research done because our 
human body-mind finds it interesting and possibly thinks that this is 
important? I still think/feel that one can go too far in trying to uncover 
the past. It's easy to become an ego-mind thing... 

What about the past of 200,000 years ago? Does it really matter? In the 
same sense, it does not really matter what happened 2000 years ago. All is 
present within the moment. I take into consideration here however that we 
are aware of what those beings stood for and what they might have 
said. This means to me that one is not to stumble or ponder endlessly 
about who said what about them and whatever details might come up, which 
might be contradicted by other historians... 

I stick with Linda here who says that the more one thinks one knows, the 
more one knows nothing. Exactly! That is why it is more important to 
listen than to discover the details of history. After all it is only 
his-story! In the mean time - whatever works for you - follow it... 

Following mine - Gerardus 

I find that too many people think that the Truth is out there. What is out 
there is only a specific interpretation of an illusionary happening. There 
are as many interpretations as that there are people. We all have our own - 
all stories. We are the Truth! All our illusionary experiences will end 
when this is fully realized. Until that point is reached, we will all only 
experience our self-made dreams. So what needs to be done? Full 
realization of who or what we really are - The Truth. We are the One That 
Is! In the mean time, all that's "out there" is diversion...


To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
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Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:17:16 -0700
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] Hidden knowledge...

 All things need to be pondered about - Gerardus

Olga here: 
I agree G - the more I read and study the less I know -
Another illusion fell this week end ~ I had always believed 
that the 'still small voice' within was telling me the truth 
- but it seems not so - it seems the matrix is being 
tampered with - and definitely NOT in our best interest !

Hi Olga... 
Yes, I have my suspicions who is inspiring what. 
How did you come to these conclusions? The Cs ??
My view about the small still voice also is that it comes from other human 
individuals some people call Guardians or Helpers. Not all know necessarily 
better than we do. No doubt however, that some of us are connected to very 
good sources. In the mean time, if we are here just to experience - Truth 
of any kind is not important. What we experience is our Truth... 


Olga here: 
So now I have to rely on my own experience to find 'truth' 
for me .... 

I am a Reiki Master - and since the stroke have not used the 
energies. Last Thursday eve I got to use it in real life. I 
told my patient that I did not know how well it would work - 
my dominant hand is my right one - and the stroke affected 
my right side. Well the energies flowed the patient was 
cured - and I learned a lesson. I realized - made real to 
myself- that the physical impairment has nothing to do with 
the universal energies.

Gerardus here: 
Well, I feel that truth of any kind is an individual thing. Therefore we 
have to find it ourselves by means of our own experiences. Absolute Truth, 
Life, the Universe, The Light are all the same Force and it is a changing 
Force. If it was not changing - it would become stale. It is a Flow! We 
are this Flow - changing...

Apparently as you say, your physically impairment does not stop that Flow. 
Sounds reasonable to me since a stroke is a impairment of the brain. 
Sometimes by exercise and time it is fixable. I have seen stroke patients 
recuperate. I hope that will be the case for you too...

Smiles and Blessings - Gerardus


Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 10:18:05 -0700
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
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Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [4D-STO-C] I think my Soul is Crazy!

To all 4-Ders...
Sometimes I just fooled around with words. 
This time it as not me however but my Soul the Scientist. 
So do not blame me - and truly shove it all on my Soul. 
I think my Soul is Crazy!
I was talking to someone about the Unified Field Theory 
and I came up with my definition for it.

Here it is:
I think a Unified Field Theory is: 
A Morphogenetic Energy Field homogenized 
by the theory that in the end that is the beginning 
all things are One and Unified already by means of 
the relativity of Time and the openness of Space naturally 
coordinated by the notion that all things only exists 
when you look at them the right way because the reflected light 
that hits the eyeballs is the only thing understood by human machines. 
All the rest is guess work...

Good for a Laugh - Gerardus


Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 09:36:39 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
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Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [4D-STO-C] Swerdlow

Hi Fiona... 
I read the Swerdlow response in your other post. I noticed that he did not 
say very much, except for the acknowledgement that you know about this 
5%. Big Deal. You already knew that. As for me, asking him about Edgar - 
no deal. As I look at some of his answers, and from what you told us about 
his connections with the secret service, kind of stops me dead being 
interested in him. He says for example that he does not want to be 
anybody's Guru. Fine! 

I do not want to be anybody's disciple either. How do 
we know for example that he is not a multi-personality who speaks from his 
"Altar" and acts from his back stage? How do we know that he has not got an 
earphone in his ear and listens to his satellite to answer questions. No 
doubt he is slick. He might even be a Great Master. So what - we all are! 
We are all playing our roles in this game. No doubt he plays his very 
well. Somehow I feel that he is too popular to belong to the few private 
nameless ones...

Oscar for Swerdlow - Gerardus
Fiona here: 
Yes again to your comments - I think I said in my very first comments about 
him last week that it could be he who is still plugged into the satellite 
programme and the rest of them have connected to the real thing !! 
Therefore, it will be very intersting to see if any of his predictions 
manifest in the coming months and years.

Hi Fiona - Gerardus here: 
Yes, you are right. In a way, we are all plugged into a Satellite - The 
Infinite One. Another thing is, I do not know what he means by satellite. 
Possibly it might mean a window or orifice through which his info comes in. 
The thing is, physical reality is not something in and by itself. All we 
know is that there is Energy out there and we perceive it as something 
familiar and call it our physical reality...

Satellites for example in many ways ARE windows for they can see further or 
register different realities. Realities that are beyond our reception range. 
We could call ourselves "satellites" for we are receiving and are broad 
casting signals to our SoulSelf, who in a way is a throughput to the 
Infinite One. This SoulSelf, well, presumably it lives within us, but what is 
within us? In actuality I do not feel/think that there is a within or 
without. There is only Mind - and somehow we are aware of an infinitely tiny 
fraction of it and we think we know something. Not so... We know N2N...

Pondering again - Gerardus


To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
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Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 10:38:22 -0700
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [4D-STO-C] Alternate Worlds...

Hi Kathleen and All - Gerardus here: 
I honestly do not know what to say about this one. Except: are these 
satellites indeed put into space in order to tell us that we are Godbeings 
and basically free? That we create our own reality? Are not the Illuminati 
all about promoting the body and the one-life deal?

What I fail to see or understand is - what we are told by the New Age Light 
and Love Land Satellites (presumably) is STILL a lot better than any 
religions has ever told the masses. What gives here? It seems to me that 
telling people anything contained in channeled material (Satellite wise or 
not) is contradictory to what the Illuminati want the masses to know. What 
is the logic? Or who benefits by the educational teachings from satellites? 
The Illuminati?? I doubt that. I am lost...

And again I know N2N - Gerardus

Maybe I do know something. 
I feel that the satellite story is nonsense! Yes, I know that brain washing 
and conditioning is true - but not in the style that tells me that I am a 
Godbeing and that the Illuminati are controlling this world to create 
difficulties for us all to transcend. And not to the extent that Aliens 
eat humans and torture them to get their fix? Bogus. Is not that what 
Laura receives. Is not that what Marciniak receives? Makes no sense to 
me. Might be senseless because my microchip went haywire... who knows...

Fiona here: 
Yes Gerardus, may be your implants need upgrading ! May be they are rusting 
and losing their oomph! I still think all the channelling is accurate in so 
much as what is received is real - perhaps not "real" for this reality, but 
possibly quite valid info for the dimension from whence it came. EG. Many 
channelled sources are telling us that the planet is going 5D - I now tend 
to disagree with this - I believe it is more like our mindset or 
understanding as a race is going to jump to 5D but that our bodies and our 
habitat will still be 3D. We will be a race of awakening beings residing on 
a 3D planet.

Another interesting Swerdlow comment was that there is an alternate Earth 
living under Nazi rule, that they won the war in that particular split off 
reality. We probably all have alternate selves living in that dimension as 
well. Interesting.

Hi Fiona... 
Yes, I believe in Alternate Worlds, but only as fantasies in someone's head. 
There are billions and billions of them. (Please multiply that with another 
billion or two). All wishful thinkers. By this I mean, that we all live in 
this world, for this is the one we need to learn from and/or experience. Why 
dream of other worlds? Alternate selves to me are theoretical 
possibilities, that just do not become real and/or actual. On the other 
hand, the entire universe is mind, so to those who live in their fantasies - 
the Alternate Worlds will be real one day...

Taken into consideration that the universal mind is infinite, it is 
certainly possible that the Nazis won the war in one world or another - at 
one time or another. But then you see - who said they lost the war in THIS 
world?? The Nazi Party is going strong and is doing well as the NWO - same 
thing - different name. Maybe the winner is the loser...

I'm going for a new implant this afternoon - Gerardus 
(They are on sale at Costco)


July 2001

Hi All...  
Well, I feel that truth of any kind is an individual thing. Therefore we 
have to find it ourselves by means of our own experiences. Absolute Truth, 
Life, the Universe, The Light are all the same Force and it is a changing 
Force. If it was not changing - it would become stale. It is a Flow! We 
are this Flow - changing...

Apparently as you say, your physically impairment does not stop that Flow. 
Sounds reasonable to me since a stroke is a impairment of the brain. 
Sometimes by exercise and time it is fixable. I have seen stroke patients 
recuperate. I hope that will be the case for you too...

Smiles and Blessings - Gerardus


Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 10:55:01 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
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Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [4D-STO-C] BE STILL... For I am You and Speak.

Gerardus here: 
Maybe I do know something. 
I feel that the satellite story is nonsense! Yes, I know that brain washing 
and conditioning is true - but not in the style that tells me that I am a 
Godbeing and that the Illuminati are controlling this world to create 
difficulties for us all to transcend. And not to the extent that Aliens 
eat humans and torture them to get their fix? Bogus. Is not that what 
Laura receives. Is not that what Marciniak receives? Makes no sense to 
me. Might be senseless because my microchip went haywire... who knows... 
Kathleen here: 
Hi G, 
I wonder the same things. I think it comes down to this: All the material 
out there is a mixture, some "good" some "bad", no matter what the 
source. Yes, I think a lot of the New Age stuff is very empowering and 
positive and a good deal better than what we've had til now. 
Also, I tend to believe the stuff about HAARP and satellites, knowing 
that the technology was very advanced in the 50's and that they have 
been "fine tuning" it all these years. They can apparently "beam" 
information and voices into people's heads, without any wires or 
anything. I think it explains some of the whacko killings - I think some 
of them are experiments in this technology, the Black Ops guys want 
to see how far they can take it - experiments have been going on for 
years and years. We'll see if it's leading up to what Stewart says it is. 
I still don't accept "transcending" or "going to 5D" - at least it's just 
not realistic to me. 
If all this information is meant to confuse people, it is doing a good 
job, no? I try to stick to what is basic and important in life, and all 
>that basic stuff is really quite simple. Just not very exciting!

Hi Kathleen - Gerardus here: 
Well, you know how it is with the man with two watches. He does not know 
what time it is. Then, I agree with you that whatever goes on - all we can 
do is wonder about it and say - interesting. The German Soldier in the old 
Laughin Show knew that already. What took us so long?

The information out there is just exploding and everyone thinks this is it 
man - better pay attention! Nonsense. It even seem to work out that we 
think that the information we have not received yet - THAT is the 
truth! Nonsense again...

The entire scene has become most deluding and/or illusionary. I say: if 
you Soul wanted you to know something - it would tell you. After all that 
is what Souls are for. They impart knowledge. However, one needs to 
withdraw from all the noise out there called information. IOW: BE STILL... 
For I am You and Speak!

Nice title for a Book - Gerardus 
(Still 500 left - who wants one?)


Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 11:43:49 -0700 
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com 
From: Gerardus  
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com;  
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com 

... About Karma and Experience ...
As I see it, and I am gut-guessing here, there is no Karma from the point 
of view of the OverSoul. However, there is Karma from the point of view of 
the human being...

For example, let's say that I am an average OverSoul, and I want to have a 
thousands human instruments living on earth in a widely varying arrangement 
or proliferation. So, by means of thought, I distribute certain aspects of 
my Energies among a thousand human vehicles, who in and by themselves 
become human soul energies on their own. These human soul energies live 
what we call incarnations within a period of say 20,000 years. I as the 
OverSoul do this on earth for I want to experience the Human Condition on 

So, there they are, a thousand different human beings living over a period 
of 20,000 years and they are living and experiencing human lives. Since I 
as an OverSoul am not familiar with the Human Conditions on earth, there 
are many things and details to learn. I do this by means of my instruments 
and the Energies invested into them are called human souls. Human souls are 
learning - not human bodies. IOW: these human instruments make mistakes in 
judgement and in order to learn how to correct this, they experience their 
mistakes from the other point of view in other lifetimes. This means, each 
human soul energy, as an aspect of the OverSoul Energy, is a unit on its 
own and it is responsible for this human soul energy. Each human soul 
energy cycles back and forth from the earth to the astral after the death 
of the body and from the human point of view, they cycle and re-cycle 
according to the lessons that need to be learned. Bingo - Karma!

From the point of view of the OverSoul however, there is no Karma! There 
is only learning and experiencing. In the mean time though, because the 
OverSoul is responsible for the one thousand human beings and their 
energies, it is possible that some human energies will not be completely 
balanced in thoughts and experiences, after the set time of 20,000 years. 
Now what?

All this means is, that the OverSoul needs to pay particular attention to 
these stragglers and it needs to help these human soul energies in order to 
finish their journeys in a balanced manner. If not, the OverSoul cannot 
leave the Earth plane completely, since some of its Energies are still 
living in human instruments. It is still attached to earth. No big deal 
naturally, for the OverSoul exist beyond time and all it takes is to go 
back into time and "help" its human soul energies to complete their 
cycles. Voila, the little voice speaks louder...

Since we at present are at the end of an enormous universal cycle, it is 
clear that there is an enormous effort put forward by many many OverSouls 
to finish their learning on Earth. They all want to collect their 
energy-interests that are living on the earth. No wonder, so many people 
on earth are waking up and want to finish their 3D experiences. They know 
that it is time to move on and up. For by now the little voice is shouting...
Karma - the Laugh of the OverSoul. 
Karma - the Human Being's Dilemma.
Laughing here - Gerardus


The OverSoul at Play... 
About Karma and Experience ...

As I see it, and I am gut-guessing here, there is no Karma from the point 
of view of the OverSoul. However, there is Karma from the point of view of 
the human being...

For example, let's say that I am an average OverSoul, and I want to have a 
thousands human instruments living on earth in a widely varying arrangement 
or proliferation. So, by means of thought, I distribute certain aspects of 
my Energies among a thousand human vehicles, who in and by themselves 
become human soul energies on their own. These human soul energies live 
what we call incarnations within a period of say 20,000 years. I as the 
OverSoul do this on earth for I want to experience the Human Condition on 

So, there they are, a thousand different human beings living over a period 
of 20,000 years and they are living and experiencing human lives. Since I 
as an OverSoul am not familiar with the Human Conditions on earth, there 
are many things and details to learn. I do this by means of my instruments 
and the Energies invested into them are called human souls. Human souls are 
learning - not human bodies. IOW: these human instruments make mistakes 
in judgement and in order to learn how to correct this, they experience their 
mistakes from the other point of view in other lifetimes. This means, each 
human soul energy, as an aspect of the OverSoul Energy, is a unit on its 
own and it is responsible for this human soul energy. Each human soul 
energy cycles back and forth from the earth to the astral after the death 
of the body and from the human point of view, they cycle and re-cycle 
according to the lessons that need to be learned. Bingo - Karma!

From the point of view of the OverSoul however, there is no Karma! There 
is only learning and experiencing. In the mean time though, because the 
OverSoul is responsible for the one thousand human beings and their 
energies, it is possible that some human energies will not be completely 
balanced in thoughts and experiences, after the set time of 20,000 years. 
Now what?

All this means is, that the OverSoul needs to pay particular attention to 
these stragglers and it needs to help these human soul energies in order to 
finish their journeys in a balanced manner. If not, the OverSoul cannot 
leave the Earth plane completely, since some of its Energies are still 
living in human instruments. It is still attached to earth. No big deal 
naturally, for the OverSoul exist beyond time and all it takes is to go 
back into time and "help" its human soul energies to complete their 
cycles. Voila, the little voice speaks louder...

Since we at present are at the end of an enormous universal cycle, it is 
clear that there is an enormous effort put forward by many many OverSouls 
to finish their learning on Earth. They all want to collect their 
energy-interests that are living on the earth. No wonder, so many people 
on earth are waking up and want to finish their 3D experiences. They know 
that it is time to move on and up. For by now the little voice is shouting.

Karma - the Laugh of the OverSoul. 
Karma - the Human Being's Dilemma.

Laughing here - Gerardus


>Hey Gerardus, I like this.... makes a lot of sense.... and it makes you 
>think.. ;) 

Glad you liked it I-4... 
F-4 is right about the no Karma bit - for her that is! She lives from 
the point of view of the OverSoul. For ordinary human beings though, 
especially the masses, they live from the human level. From that level the 
idea of Karma or Balance is good! All this is set up with much thought in 
mind. And yes, by living so many lives "thinking-out" what's what, and by 
means of the different teachings, we find out that all teachings or 
religions are but stories. Some are more ridiculous than others, and it is 
up to each individual human soul to discover the lies about them. In the 
mean time, all of us are subjected to the conditioning of our parents and 
our society and/or the times we grow up in...

In the mean time, what I wrote above - is also but a story. Mine!
I am afraid that each one of us has to go by what is true for us. As I see 
it - the Truth is that there is only individual Truth!
---  ALSO - we are the Truth! We are the Reality!  ---

What we experience is what we are and is where we are at. Where we are at, 
depends upon our belief systems and/or views. What we experience depends 
upon our awareness...

Story Teller - Gerardus


Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 10:52:28 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com

Gerardus here: 
Yes, and then the self-responsibility bit. 
I wonder what happens to people who are not self-responsible? 
Do they come back and need to learn this? 
Is not this equal to Karma or being out of balance? 
Fiona here: 
No, I do not think anyone has to come back to learn anything - that is 
unless they truly want this type of experience. It does not matter how we 
experience these realms, it is the experience alone that I favour as being 
what it is all about.

Gerardus here: 
In the mean time I posted a post about this Karma Subject. Did you receive 
it? Then - YOU are right from the OverSoul's point of view. YOU live there 
- your awareness is and comes from there! For many billions of others 
there is a different rule. This rule is a self-made rule by means of belief 
systems. Karma to them is existing and real. And yes, especially so when 
anyone wants to come back and truly want that certain experience. This is 
what you mentioned above...

I think/feel the clue lies in the fact that we ARE the Universe, we ARE 
Life, we ARE the Truth! 

This means that if we would treat someone in a negative manner - we treat 
ourselves in that manner. There is no "other" - so we create a gap by means 
of the way we treated another aspect of ourselves. This needs to be 
corrected sooner or later. These treatments of others are caused by the 
fact that all of us have blinds spots in our awareness system (human 
soulness) on purpose!! This "blindspot" is the "activator" of the 3D world 
and its incarnational programs or the proliferation of the OverSoul by 
means of its Instruments and the energies invested there. IOW: all of us 
are created exactly the way our OverSoul wanted us to be! Blindspots and 
all! These blindspots are the impetus that makes the world what it is. A 
dysfunctional mess! It is the CAUSE of all our experiences...!

This entire scenery is a challenge for the OverSoul, as well as for the 
human soul. The human soul living in a human body for example, pulls off 
some dandies here and there, because it has free will. The task of the 
OverSoul is to direct the human soul in trying to see or understand what 
happened and correct what need correcting. It is at least a two way 
scenario. This is why it is important for the OverSoul to finish with its 
incarnational energies, for it cannot move on completely unless it is free 
of attachments in the lower planes...

I have attachments in cyberspace - Gerardus 
(It's 4D and the Cookie List)


July 2001

Hi All...
Karma is an aspect of a belief system. It is a virtual reality. If you
believe in it - you will live or have it. Karma or belief systems are the
impetus or actions of physical life or lifetimes. Nothing is chiseled in
stone or steel - except for what we believe in. It creates our realities.
We are the Creator in a mode of distortion and therefore believe in certain
philosophies and or realities. We do all this in order to play the Game of
The Light We Are. We express ourselves in Light and Shadows. Looking from
the bottom, Karma looks like a real thing or actuality, looking from the
top and therefore from a No-Time perspective - how can Karma be real?  More
or less it is a script by which we play our roles - written by our so
called previous actions... 

What is - What 'is' ? 
All experiences of all Life are What Is.  We can only experience this on an
individual basis and Truth therefore is an individual thing. The only
absolute Truth that exist is Individual Truth. No one being in the universe
knows it all. Except The Infinite Light itself and it ain't talking much,
because it is busy expressing itself in All That Is.  In a sense we could
say - What 'is" IS "All That Is" - The Infinite Light or TIL.  It is the
grass and the rose, it is the human and the enlightened Master, it is the
Co-Creator of the Solar system creating with the infinite wisdom of the
Infinite Light - TIL.  Yet, all blades of grass, roses, human beings,
masters and Co-Creators are equal - for all are the same Light. Keeping
itself busy being All...

Only one Candle - Gerardus
( Sometimes people say: You are preaching! )
(( Did you know that that is only their opinion?))


July 2001
Gerardus here: 
>Yes, and then the self-responsibility bit. 
>I wonder what happens to people who are not self-responsible? 
>Do they come back and need to learn this? 
>Is not this equal to Karma or being out of balance? 

>F-4 here: 
>No, I do not think anyone has to come back to learn anything - that is 
>unless they truly want this type of experience. It does not matter how we 
>experience these realms, it is the experience alone that I favour as being 
>what it is all about.

Gerardus here: 
In the mean time I posted a post about this Karma Subject. Did you receive 
it? Then - YOU are right from the OverSoul's point of view. YOU live there 
- your awareness is and comes from there! For many billions of others 
there is a different rule. This rule is a self-made rule by means of belief 
systems. Karma to them is existing and real. And yes, especially so when 
anyone wants to come back and truly want that certain experience. This is 
what you mentioned above...

I think/feel the clue lies in the fact that... 

         We ARE the Universe, we ARE Life, we ARE the Truth! 

This means that if we would treat someone in a negative manner - we treat 
ourselves in that manner. There is no "other" - so we create a gap by means 
of the way we treated another aspect of ourselves. This needs to be 
corrected sooner or later. These treatments of others are caused by the 
fact that all of us have blinds spots in our awareness system (human 
soulness) on purpose!!  This "blindspot" is the "activator" of the 3D world 
and its incarnational programs or the proliferation of the OverSoul by 
means of its Instruments and the energies invested there. 

IOW: all of us...
are created exactly the way our OverSoul wanted us to be! Blindspots and 
all! These blindspots are the impetus that makes the world what it is. A 
dysfunctional mess! It is the CAUSE of all our experiences...!

This entire scenery is a challenge for the OverSoul, as well as, for the 
human soul. The human soul living in a human body for example, pulls off 
some dandies here and there, because it has free will. The task of the 
OverSoul is to direct the human soul in trying to see or understand what 
happened and correct what needs correcting. It is at least a two way 
scenario. This is why it is important for the OverSoul to finish with its 
incarnational energies, for it cannot move on completely unless it is free 
of attachments in the lower planes...

I have attachments in cyberspace - Gerardus 
(It's 4D and the Cookie List)


July/Aug 2001
F-4 here:
>Hi Gerardus,
>Yes, I did read your discourse on the OverSoul from yesterday - I wanted to
>respond but knew I had to read it a few more times to really get it into my
>brain before commenting.  I do however agree with a lot of what you said -
>except of course anything to do with Karma !  It was overall a very
>insightful view.

Gerardus here:
Thank you for your kind words.
I know that you do not agree with the Karma bit. I respect that view. 
Possibly, as soon as one sees through the illusion or beliefs about it - it 
falls away. Then it is like passing off the Tooth Fairy. There are factors 
however that are unknown to me. More below...

F-4 here:
>Karma is real when it becomes a belief, the same as sitting
>on a cloud playing a harp will be real for the entities who truly believe
>that this is what they will do after physical death.

Gerardus here:
Yes, same thing!
We create our own reality.
But the reality we create is not necessarily the whole bottle of wax...

F-4 here:
>When you look at the big picture and see that all lives are occurring
>simultaneously there is no way we can be paying for something we did last
>life time in this one - because the last one is still viable and still
>happening to us - just in a different time line.  We do of course need
>belief systems to create a world to experience - but when we realise that
>that is what they are - merely belief systems, we can observe them as just
>that and not give them any more power.

Gerardus here:
Yes, living all lives simultaneously might seem to exclude Karma. But there 
is still the issue of the influences of one life upon another life, or upon 
many lives for that matter. There is also the factor of "no time".  Going 
back into time for example plays a great part in the activity of certain 
beings who are dependent on human food and/or human energies. They are able 
to arrange a different future for many human beings, if not for all...

If THEY can do this, so can any OverSoul!  Therefore - I might hit some 
Karma head on possibly.  Personally, I am not quite aware enough on being 
completely sure of what is possible by taking the 'no time" factor into 
account. I assume that this only can be learned from existing in 4D or 
beyond.  YOU may say Karma is out, but I cannot join you on this one.  At 
one time I thought I could agree, but I must leave it open for now...

I do know for sure, that OverSouls still encounter surprises from their 
human instruments when humans pull off an unexpected maneuver. Humans have 
free will!  If OverSouls were not surprised by some human maneuvers - all 
lives to them would be an open book and the universe would be a programmed 
machine that no one could change.  Things are not that simple I feel...

The human free will plays a part in the future of mankind and the universe. 
By this I do not mean that they can completely upset the apple cart. Humans 
minds have influence upon all things within the one Mind...

Then - time is a very flexible ingredient within the universal scheme of 
things. Therefore I cannot say with absolute certainty that Karma is out. 
You can do so possibly, but I personally feel that I do not know enough of 
the Time Factor and the possibilities of returning to the past and correct 
or change things.  The Cs speak about this abundantly.  Might be true - 
might not be true. I take their words with caution and in the mean time I 
leave all possibilities open. From past experiences I have learned that I 
changed my mind on things when I acquired more knowledge or information. No 
doubt I will on this one as well...
Hope so - Gerardus


Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 08:53:48 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com

Fiona here:
With regard to Karma - 
my thought of the day is that if it were not for the emotion of "guilt" we 
would not need karma !

Hi Fiona - Gerardus here:
Yeah, good thought! 

Here is another one...
Many emotions if not all, are part and parcel of life in the physical as a 
human being. Then, on top of this, what we think and or feel about this, is 
introduced into our thinking and feeling, by the body/brain/mind we 
inherited (got) from the Lizzies. I am assuming here that they are the DNA 
masters who created the human body/brain/mind...

Like Carlos Castaneda says: They have given us their mind! Meaning, we are 
set up to be the way we are. All this is an "orchestrated scenery" in order 
to "live" the human experience. We have subjected ourselves to this on a 
voluntary bases. To outgrow this "set-up" takes time and guts...

In the mean time, we were speaking of self-responsibility. You said that 
this existed for you. Well, possibly even the self-responsibility "feelings" 
and or commitments, are also part and parcel of the Lizzies' setup. Now 
what?? IOW: we as human beings are "what we are" in order to experience 
"what we are". Humanness!! Meaning - the human experience is the "thing" 
we come here for and it is set up and/or an orchestrated exercise... 

Nothing but a fake...
My question now is: Is it sufficient to know this in order to be able to 
transcend it?? Is this the criteria to go to 4D ??

What do you think? - Gerardus


Aug  2001

Fiona here: 
I totally respect your need to keep the "karma" possibility alive. This is 
what makes for good interaction and discussion !

You are right in that our other lives influence our current one. We 
definitely do get bleed thru from one life to another. We can unknowingly 
pick up on the thought patterns and possibly even the experiences of other 
selves living different lives. Unexplained fears or phobias could easily be 
bleed thru (like some peoples irrational fear or spiders or snakes - yet in 
their current life time they have never been bitten of killed by these 
creatures). This once upon a time would have been thought to be past life 
stuff - which in fact it is, but at the same time we can be influenced by 
current lifetime existences of other aspects of our beings. 

I have encountered some really neurotic "other selves" in my sleep state, 
they are a real mess, and I can understand why I have some of these 
tendencies in this life time, it is bleed thru.

I also believe it could be right that time lines and mass experiences can be 
altered or changed, that is because there are so many realities within 
realities that can split of and continue independently of the original 
reality. It is mind boggling.


Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2001 10:37:09 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
contact 4D-STO-C-owner@yahoogroups.com
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com

Fiona here: 
With regard to Karma - 
my thought of the day is that if it were not for the emotion of "guilt" we 
would not need karma ! 
Hi Fiona - Gerardus here: 
Yeah, good thought! 
 Here is another one... 
Many emotions if not all, are part and parcel of life in the physical as a 
human being. Then, on top of this, what we think and or feel about this, is 
introduced into our thinking and feeling, by the body/brain/mind we 
inherited (got) from the Lizzies. I am assuming here that they are the DNA 
masters who created the human body/brain/mind... 
Like Carlos Castaneda says: They have given us their mind! Meaning, we are 
set up to be the way we are. All this is an "orchestrated scenery" in order 
to "live" the human experience. We have subjected ourselves to this on a 
voluntary bases. To outgrow this "set-up" takes time and guts... 
In the mean time, we were speaking of self-responsibility. You said that 
this existed for you. Well, possibly even the self-responsibility "feelings" 
and or commitments, are also part and parcel of the Lizzies' setup. Now 
what?? IOW: we as human beings are "what we are" in order to experience 
"what we are". Humanness!! Meaning - the human experience is the "thing" 
we come here for and it is set up and/or an orchestrated exercise... 
Nothing but a fake... 
My question now is: Is it sufficient to know this in order to be able to 
transcend it?? Is this the criteria to go to 4D ?? 
What do you think? - Gerardus 
Fiona here: 
I think being aware of what is going on in the wings is valuable - but we do 
not need to transcend it - just being aware is sufficient. Obviously some 
part of our being knows this anyway. I do not worry about criteria to go to 
4D. I think we could do a lot better than 4D. But then again I do not see 
the whole thing as a ladder climbing from 3D to 4D to 5D etc. We just are, 
and we are already manifesting in all the other dimensions. We here in 3D 
are no better or worse than other aspects of ourselves in so called "higher" 
realms. We are all having equal experiences wherever we happen to be 
placing our consciousness for the moment.

Gerardus here: 
I agree with you that other aspects of ourselves live in all densities 
and/or dimensions. However, I see Life from an individual point of view 
now, and the individual I am is slowly learning to grasp what is going in 
the entire Universe. This individual know that it IS this Universe. By 
traveling through it, it slowly learns about itself! It wants to know the 

Fact is however, that this individual is only aware of a small aspect of 
the whole thing. To learn more to me, means slowly climbing the ladder of 
progressing in Awareness or Consciousness. From where I look and see 
things, Life is lived by individuals who slowly but surely climb and accept 
greater responsibilities within the entire Universal Structure and become 
and slowly become aware of greater aspects of themselves. It's a journey of 
recognition or realization as I see it. A Self-recognition and/or a 
Self-realization of the Whole Self...

In the mean time, this does not mean that one tiny aspect, or a big aspect 
for that matter, is either better or worse than another. As an individual 
aspect it learns and/or remembers more and more of itself. In a way it is 
a progression from "delusion" to "entertainment" to 
"enlightenment". Naturally, there are many intermediate stages within 
these three main stages. It's a journey within and through our own Mind. 
Who or what am I totally?

Traveling at full speed - Gerardus


Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 10:47:16 -0700 
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com 
From: Gerardus  

Hello 4-Ders...
For years and years Ellen and I were slanted to donate our organs upon the 
death of our bodies. We figured that this was a good thing to do for it 
possibly might help some other person in the 3D physical...
Our thinking about donating our organs has changed however. Suppose for 
example that my body would die and some of my organs would be used to 
replace the organs of a 3D person who is not destined to move to 4D when the 
time comes, while the soul-energies I am do move to 4D. This would mean that 
some of my organs (some of my energies) keep existing in 3D, while I as a 
soul-energy would move to 4D. Now what? It would mean that I would have 
"energy-ties" in 3D and possibly cannot move freely in a 4D environment 
since aspects of my energy still exist in 3D.

So, in order to prevent this situation, Ellen and I have rescinded our organ 
donations. NOW, I am wondering about this whole thing and possibly I am all 
wrong about this. Maybe I still suffer from 3D thinking. I would like to 
discuss this subject with you and your comments are welcome...

Wondering - Gerardus


Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 12:15:18 -0800
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: T R O S

Sol here: 
btw...about the syllables of 'Truth' 
 what is your take on lexigrams and the 'spiral of unfolding' that is 
supposed to reveal the so called mystery of language. Some call it a 
'spiritual thing' 

just curious what your Thought is... 

Hi Sol... 
I am a Non-English brought up Dutchman and never studied languages or 
English. I cannot be sure what you mean by "lexigrams" - the word is not in 
my dictionary. However, I assume that my dictionary (Concise Oxford) must 
have been complied by lexicography. Now, there is a good one!
Maybe you mean the words one can make from the letters of a specific word 
maybe you mean the sentences one can make from the letters one specific word.

Say, take my Sir Name for example: TROS
I can make lots of sentences/expressions from it: 
The Reality of Self 
The Recognition of Self 
The Remembrance of Self 
The Rascality of Self 
The Romance of Self 
The Radiance of Self 
The Resemblance of Self...

Reverse TROS ---> SORT 
Simple Radiant Obvious Truth 
Simple Rotten Obvious Truth
Better stop here before it hits my head - Gerardus 
There must be lots more. 
Need a computer program maybe...

I do not know much about language. I just use it and try to stick to the 
most simplest form I know how to muster in order to express what I want... 
Dig me? 


Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 10:06:48 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com;
contact 4D-STO-C-owner@yahoogroups.com
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] Organ Donations...

At 06:32 PM 8/29/2001 -0500, you wrote: 
Our thinking about donating our organs has changed however. Suppose for 
example that my body would die and some of my organs would be used to 
replace the organs of a 3D person who is not destined to move to 4D when 
the time comes, while the soul-energies I am do move to 4D. This would 
mean that some of my organs (some of my energies keep existing in 3D) 
while I as a soul-energy would move to 4D. Now what? It would mean 
that I would have "energy-ties" in 3D and possibly cannot move freely in 
a 4D environment since aspects of my energy still exist in 3D. 
So, in order to prevent this situation, Ellen and I have rescinded our 
organ donations. NOW, I am wondering about this whole thing and possibly 
I am all wrong about this

Shirl here: 
I was not even aware that organs are harvested while the donor patient is 
still alive until a friend of mine rec'd a liver transplant. They actually 
take the liver from a patient that is deemed terminal and in their last 
hours or minutes of breathing, life.

Hi Shirl - Gerardus here: 
I did not know that either. The whole scene is a touchy subject. Better not 
faint in a hospital or you might wake up less a few organs - who knows... 
Shirl here: 
So, I don't know what the implications 
are as I've heard stories (as have we all I suppose) of how the recipients 
can have 'memories' or unusual food cravings that the donor preferred..

Gerardus here: 
Yes, this is not hard to believe. 
How about pickles dipped in peanut butter? 
Shirl here: 
Hey, maybe you could be in two realms simultaneous. Wonder which one would 
be more conscious? Really, I don't think it much matters what you do, since 
the tissues remain in the "all in all and that's all" anyway. I do admire, 
tho, the implication that you are not differentiating between flesh, mind 
and soul/spirit.

Gerardus here: 
I feel that there is but one Energy and that we give this Energy our own 
signature, be this kidney, brain, mind or soul. I feel that the 
individuality of the universe is accomplished by means of its inhabitants. 
I also feel that we as "eternal-entities" have certain tendencies right from 
the start. Our Creator Soul gave us these to begin with. In future, we will 
do the same to other "eternal-energies" we create and call them our 
"living-thoughts" possibly.

I see creation and all entities within it, as a 
perpetuating creative cycle, within which certain energies from the 
top-entities are recycled, and begin as photons, electrons, atoms, minerals 
and or whatever else that is too small to be seen by the human eye. From 
there on in all things find their way to the top again by means of different 
Hello Gerardus - Robert Here:
Robert is responding here to the same Gee-Post. 
For convenience sake I responded to all responses on this post. 
Welcome back!
It is given out that the soul is in every cell of the Human body, sounds 
good. This is why some like cremating as opposed to embalming, kind of get it 
over with! But...

Hi Robert... 
Yes, I feel that our "signature" is within all our cells and organs and this 
is why we encounter the rejection of foreign organs and need to be doped up 
to overcome this rejection. After a while I suppose enough of our own blood 
supply will replenish the adopted organ and the body stops rejecting it... 
Robert here: 
This is not a concern for senior citizens. What do you or I have that 
some young stud would want? (They have no need of a brain)

Gerardus here: 
About brains: 
I have met lots who have a superior one compared to mine. 
Yet, no one ever would want to interchange anyway I figure... 
Robert here: 
In other words: We are too old to be donors, However not too old to be 
carved up like a tough Xmas turkey by some med student and flushed down 
a commode.

Gerardus here: 
Not sure whether one could be too old to be a donor. 
I have next to perfect eyes for example as long as I can find my glasses. 
And what about my finger nails? 
Christian Dior would be jealous if he saw them... 
Robert here: 
Even so how many cells does one sacrifice when donating a liver etc. 
considering the whole body?

Gerardus here: 
Enough to die if you were still alive... 
Robert here: 
I'm selfish, it's mine and I'm taking it with me!

Gerardus here: 
Don't forget your slippers...
Kate responding here: 
Anyway, Gerardus, I'm with you on the no-organ-donation thoughtline. 
I requested a donation form in 1980. Then became hesitant for just 
such reasons and followed through with my intuition to just 'not fill 
it out'. I got support 'mentally' from a different arena. I've heard 
of some 'nightmares' some survivors had. Evidently, somehow they were 
charged for the services of removing etc. etc. That was the final 'no- 
no' for me, even tho the underlying cause was what you talked about. 
Like you, I know nothing for sure............ but....

Hello Kate - Gerardus here: 
Yes, I agree with you. 
I feel that for 3D people human life is a combination of parts and chemicals 
only. Once one becomes aware of the Oneness of Life, human life takes on a 
different melody. In the mean time, choices ought to be left up to the 
individual - 3D or 4D. After all, the body is an instrument and as long as 
one is able to use it without too much discomfort, anything goes. I am not 
against Organ Donations. We are here to experience the Human Condition. At 
this particular period in time this might include a heart transplant or a 
new liver. Still, personally I would not want to leave a signature-energy 
behind if moving time would come along...

Still all in one piece - Gerardus


To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 19:16:23 -0700
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] Re: Organ Donations...

At 07:19 PM 8/31/2001 -0500, you wrote:
For years and years Ellen and I were slanted to donate our organs 
upon the death of our bodies.
Our thinking about donating our organs has changed however. Suppose 
for example that my body would die and some of my organs would be 
used to replace the organs of a 3D person who is not destined to move 
to 4D when the time comes, while the soul-energies I am do move to 
4D. This would mean that some of my organs (some of my energies keep 
existing in 3D) while I as a soul-energy would move to 4D
So, in order to prevent this situation, Ellen and I have rescinded 
our organ donations. 
Wondering - Gerardus 

JoJo here: 
In my opinion... If you donate your organs, that would have 
more of an affect on the person receiving the organ than on you in 
whatever density you go to

Shirl here: 
Seems to me if you are STO candidate, donor is appropriate eh? If you are 
thinking that your flesh holds certain frequencies that are "higher" 
than.... But to refrain from donating is a self serving idea, STS, no 
matter how you look at it.

Hi Shirl - Gerardus here: 
You have very good points here! 
However, all we can be in 3D is STS! I feel that as long as we kill to eat - 
we are STS. Fair enough! Having said that, we do have the option of being 
an STO Candidate. I am a bit fuzzy on organ donations and that's why our 
discussions might clear my mind on this one...

In the mean time, as I see it, in many ways, it is semi-interfering with the 
lives of others and feeding the Medical Society by having organs readily 
available. As things are in our society, it is the way of 3D life at 
present Whether or not we ought to agree with it all is another matter 

The entire idea changes naturally if a person offers an organ to a child, 
niece or anyone else in need, within the human family. Then it becomes STO - 
maybe. (Maybe!) It all depends on what the publicity behind it becomes. I 
feel that things are never cut and dried so that we can say: this is what it 
is! It's an individual thing. All in all, it is all a variation of 3D 
living and adds up to just another experience. One way or the other - all 
ways are right...

As I hear, we have come to the point where scientists are going to 
breed/grow test-tube-babies for spare part and other projects. Is this the 
way to do things? Do we need to grow human babies and then cut them to 
pieces in order to fulfill the need of those how make money off it for those 
who can afford it? 
Shirl here: 
I tend to think there is a reality "pattern" if you will. Even if you cross 
over with a thought form of this or that, the this or that will eventually 
wisen up, whether with help or not, to better get online in the big picture.
Gerardus here: 
What you say is true. My point is, why cross-over with something that needs 
to be wizened up on the other side. Our actions now ought to be farsighted 
enough to do it right... 
Shirl here: 
As IS what we are doing now. I still tend to think that life's deeper 
messages have to do with emptying rather than gaining., emptying what you 
think that you know, which is limiting to the ntthhhh degree.

Gerardus here: 
Emptying life's deeper meaning is what our discussions are all about I feel. 
And even if our knowledge is limiting to the ntthhhh degree, it still might 
be worthwhile to discuss and use what we do know to the maximum. I feel 
that only by discussions like this and by the experiences of Life itself do 
we gain the wisdom to continue to higher levels. Personally, as Gerardus, I 
have no idea what else my Soul would want to learn in 3D and this is why I 
would like to move on and up...

Although this 3D place is beautiful... 
it also is pretty messy and limited in scope - Gerardus


Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 20:11:39 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com

At 09:10 PM 9/4/2001 +0200, you wrote: 
O.k. Gerardus 
Here is a excerpt from one of the lectures of medium Eva Pierrakos. 
Hopefully her(his?) english is better than mine! 
Eva here: 
In your present state, a part of your innermost being is developed and 
governs your thinking, feeling, willing, and acting. Other parts, still 
in a lower state of development, also govern and influence your thinking, 
feeling, willing, and acting. Thus you find yourself divided, which 
always creates tension, pain, anxiety, and inner and outer 
difficulties. Some aspects of your personality are in truth, others in 
error and distortion. 

The resulting confusion causes grave 
disturbance. A person usually pushes one side out of the way and 
identifies with the other. This superficial denial of part of what exists 
cannot bring unification. Quite the contrary, it widens the split. What 
must be done is to bring out the deviating, conflicting side and face it - 
face the entire ambivalence. Only then will you find the ultimate reality 
of your undivided, unified self. As you know, unification and peace 
emerge to the degree that you recognize, accept, and understand the nature 
of your inner conflict and split.

Gerardus here: 
Thank you for Eva's quote Els! 
This person speaks as if my innermost being is divided! 
I do not agree with this thinking. (Sorry Eva!) My innermost being is fine 
and whole! It is just that I as Gerardus possibly might not be able to 
completely follow its directions, due to built in distortions. IOW: it's 
Gerardus and other human beings, or the bodily forms, that introduce the 
diversity and the variety of realities needed to make this world what it is 
- a enormous mixed up world, but at all times a Celebration!

To create this world from the top down would be a mistake! Distorted 
aspects of the Creative Force, like we are, also have to have their 
input. This is what makes it interesting! IOW: Gerardus and all other 
people, including their distortions are tailor made to make this all 
work. Mankind, with all its misfits, functions as the representatives of 
the Creative Force. And all is well or as it should be...

The following is what this person says: 
Part of my innermost is developed and other parts are still in a lower 
state of development. I disagree! We all are playing a role here and 
Gerardus as well as anyone else in this world has a specific role to 
fulfill. Gerardus, as a bodily being is made exactly as he should be in 
order to pay this role. This means that there are a few "openings" within 
the world's scenario, within which Gerardus exercises his free will and 
uses his personal distorted choices to express himself. This is what he is 
supposed to do - right or wrong. After all, he is the Creator in physical 
form - like all other human beings are. In the mean time, the creator in 
physical form includes ants and all other insects. Most of them are most 
ingenious and creative geniuses. They make our day so to speak...

The built in possibility of free will in creativity and free choices in 
expression make this world what it is. An interesting mixed up of 
possibilities that could possibly drive one nuts, but so be it. The 
intention is the make it varied and divers to the point of nutness...

Point is, how else could we have a world of diversity and surprises if 
every person was perfect? The scenario would be boring as hell. It is the 
diversity of the game and the sudden developments that give us, as well as 
our Innermosts, experiences that make the game worthwhile. IOW: as I see 
it - we are playing the game as it should be played and according to the 
plan as outlined by our innermost beings. All this because there is the 
introduction of free will and the personal distortions in expression that 
make it a real game. An adventure in the physical! These introduced 
variants are a must in order to make it interesting. If this was not so - 
I do not think I would be done here...

Glory to my Innermost Being - the Perfect God I Am - Gerardus 
(The perfection of Life is the allowance of imperfection) 
((Feel free to send this to Eva if you like Els))

Actually what Eva says is not much different than what I say, but she seems 
to imply that we need to smarten up in order to go somewhere. She does not 
see through the game we are playing here on Earth. I do not think there is 
any place to go. The only thing to be done is to become aware of what is 
going on where we are. The why and how of the moment is the clue...


Date: 10 Sep 2001 18:16:12 -0000
From wisdom-l-error@spiritweb.org Mon Sep 10 12:05:39 2001
Envelope-to: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
To: Wisdom List 
Subject: [wisdom-l] Some words to consider...

Some words to consider:
The world is a place where unconscious minds, called sleepers, grow up and awaken. 
Most of these sleepers are born into religious families and they automatically 
inherit the belief system of the family. Most human beings stick with their 
beliefs for the rest of their lives...

Unconscious minds, or sleepers, are aspects of the Creator's Mind and are born 
as human beings. These human beings live human lives until they have discovered 
and/or realized who or what they really are. They are the Creator awakening to 
its own Greatness. The human being, as an aspect of the unconscious Creator, 
becomes conscious by living in Creation. It slowly but surely becomes aware who 
or what it is --- the Creator in Human Form. Sons of God so to speak...

In order to awaken, the Creator in Human Form, goes through the most horrible 
lives. This is so since other awakening aspects of the Creator are of different 
beliefs and orientations. Disagreements between religions and orientations create 
the world and all its unrests. This is the way things are! AND this is the way it 
should be - for suffering awakens human beings. While they are suffering they 
begin to ask: ---- Why is all this happening? Asking questions is the beginning 
of the Awakening of the Soul. The Soul IS the Creator...

To escape from the human condition and promote oneself to a higher level of life 
(Density Four) one must start to investigate what is going on in this world and 
pierce its illusions. One must awaken! Not until then, will one be able to stay 
away from Density Three and be born as a human being again and again and again 
into all kinds of families with religions and belief systems that in the end all 
turn out to be but stories...

- Gerardus


Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 11:47:42 +1200
To: <4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com>
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)
From: "Fiona" 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [4D-STO-C] Chess ........... was - a great tragedy

At 07:11 PM 9/14/2001 +1200, you wrote:
Kate here: 
Well, I kind of see what you are saying. But methinks, it is not the 
case that we are all players. Those in the loop might be the players, 
others are the figures (or the ones being played). E.g. Chess game, 
the figures don't oversee the game, they are just being moved by the 
players. And the players don't necessarily know the outcome. Of 
course the figures could never even imagine what a game is.... they 
just thinking ............. deeply................!

Fiona here: 
Hi Kate - yes, very profound and thoughful. Yet don't you think that just 
by being here in this now we are still players in the game, or may be 
"witnesses" to the game, but players all the same one way or the other (I 
see from your terminology above that you have been reading the Matrix 
material. I am still only about half way thru Matrix 5 - must have a look 
on their site to see if they have any comments on recent events).

Kate replying, 
I'm kind of confused about your statement regarding 'my terminology and 
Matrix material'. I have read Matrix III, second volume I think... about ELF 
and mnd cntrl, that's it. What I wrote above is my own thinking and if the 
same is in any matrix books then they must have got it from the same 
think-tank as I did. Wherever or whatever that is? Eh, maybe I'm approaching 
to become a player and am in training 
Fiona here: 
They talk about being in the "loop" in the Matrix books as well as on the 
Leading Edge Trufax site. I know exactly what you mean when you use that 
word and I like the expression. I recall another channeller used the same 
word when talking about world leaders etc. those who were and were not "in 
the loop". According to this channeller (and I can't remember who it was) 
President Bush is not in "the loop" !! May be their loop and our loops are 
different loops. 

Gerardus here: 
Life on this world is like a movie. The good guys and bad guys play their 
roles and create very interesting and dramatic events. When the movie is 
finished, they all come together and have a drink in the local bar. They 
laugh a lot, have fun and joke about the roles they played. They come to 
the conclusion that the movie is really a comedy. The movie last forever 
and the players change roles as often as they want. Needless to say that 
all players get tired of the whole thing. Eventually they all move on to 
more interesting worlds. In those worlds, they slowly discover, that they 
are the Light projecting the infinite movie...

So Be It - Gerardus
Fiona here: 
Yes, I like the last line - we are the light projecting the movie as well as 
the movie itself. Being multidimensional, as we are, there could quite 
likely be other aspects of ourselves more involved in the unfolding drama. 
In which case they are having the front-line experience for us. Therefore 
we are all getting the experience one way or another.
Then we go back to the old saying "we are all one" therefore how can we not 
be involved in what is happening in all corners of our planet.


To: studycircle@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list studycircle@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list studycircle@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 20:43:01 -0700
Subject: [SC] Response to Deepak's Letter...

At 09:47 AM 9/14/2001 +0800, you wrote:
From Deepak Chopra:
The Deeper Wound
As fate would have it, I was leaving New York on a jet flight that took 
off 45 minutes before the unthinkable happened. By the time we landed in 
Detroit, chaos had broken out. When I grasped the fact that American 
security had broken down so tragically, I couldn't respond at first. My 
wife and son were also in the air on separate flights, one to Los Angeles, one 
to San Diego. My body went absolutely rigid with fear. All I could think about 
was their safety, and it took several hours before I found out that their 
flights had been diverted and both were safe.

Strangely, when the good news came, my body still felt that it had been 
hit by a truck. Of its own accord it seemed to feel a far greater trauma 
that reached out to the thousands who would not survive and the tens of 
thousands who would survive only to live through months and years of hell. And 
I asked myself, Why didn't I feel this way last week? Why didn't my body go 
stiff during the bombing of Iraq or Bosnia? 

From Gerardus Tros: 
I have attempted to respond to the questions from Deepak Chopra 
I also added additional comments to his excellent letter...

Here we go: 
Your body did not go stiff at these occasions, because it did not happen in 
the country in which you now live. I do not know how long you have lived in 
the USA, but I regard it to be your home country. IOW: bombing anywhere else 
- is just that - a happening. A happening that occurs when you sit at your 
desk or are on the phone. One would not know about it until one hears it on 
TV or Radio. Only when we have experienced something similar to bombings, or 
being shot at, can we know what it feels like. Naturaly this is why all this 
happened in the first place...

Deepak here: 
Around the world my horror and 
worry are experienced every day. Mothers weep over horrendous loss, civilians 
are bombed mercilessly, refugees are ripped from any sense of home or homeland. 
Why did I not feel their anguish enough to call a halt to it?

Gerardus here: 
Because at that time you were not directly involved like many many other 
millions of Americans. For the last 50 years or so, the USA has behaved like 
a bully all around the world. It seemed to me that they tried to force 
democracy upon others with violence. The USA is immensely powerful but not 
very wise. Is this why these towers went down? I heard via the Media a 
question asked by a ten year old girl, who said: What have we done to them 
Mommy that these people are so mad at us? The American history of the past 
five decades is the answer... 
Deepak here: 
As we hear the calls for tightened American security and a fierce 
military response to terrorism, it is obvious that none of us has any 

Gerardus here: 
The earth, a Third Density planet, is the planet of Cause and Effect. What 
we do to Others we do to Ourselves. There are no billions of people on this 
earth - there is but one Being - it is called Humanity! The answer is 
forgiveness and NO revenge whatsoever. Violence begets violence. That is why 
it has come home... 
Deepak here: 
However, we feel compelled to ask some questions. 
Everything has a cause, so we have to ask, What was the root cause of 
this evil? We must find out not superficially but at the deepest 
level. There is no doubt that such evil is alive all around the world 
and is even celebrated.

Gerardus here: 
So called evil (live spelled backwards) is alive and well in order to teach 
all of us the Laws of Cause and Effect. We all need to learn that we must 
live according to the following slogan: Behave as if you are the World and 
Everybody in it! Until we have learned to do so - we will repeat this Third 
Density - again and again... 
Deepak here: 
Does this evil grow from the suffering and anguish felt by people we 
don't know and therefore ignore? Have they lived in this condition for a 
long time?

Gerardus here: 
The human condition or human life in Third Density, contains the full gamut 
of human experiences. This is the nature of Third Density. All of us in a 
personal manner go through all of these experiences. It is like going 
through grade three of elementary school. We learn all the lessons of grade 
three before we pass on to grade four. Grade four for Humanity of the Fourth 
Density. A density of a completely different energy environment. We will 
not reach Fourth Density if we still have a mind-set of revenge or a nature 
of violence. With a mind-set like that, we will repeat Third Density for 
another universal period of a certain duration. This could be 12,500 or 
more years. I am not sure how long it takes...

In addition: 
Evil not necessarily grows from the suffering and anguish of a certain 
people. But the interference of mankind with these people in general, upsets 
the natural flow of evolution. Any imbalances will be experienced by the 
those who interfered. There are other factors involved here as well. They 
basically all come down to interference with the free will of others. We 
must learn to tolerate the way things are and not interfere without being 
asked. We all must learn this - including me. It is a hard lesson for most 
of us are hell bend to help others without being asked. Cannot be done 
without repercussion. This is the universal law of Free Will... 
Deepak here: 
One assumes that whoever did this attack feels implacable hatred for 
America. Why were we selected to be the focus of suffering around the 

Gerardus here: 
I think I have answered that above. 
In addition: 
America is top Dog in the so called Free World. 
What better way to get the dog than snipping its tail... 
Deepak here: 
All this hatred and anguish seems to have religion at its basis. Isn't 
something terribly wrong when jihads and wars develop in the name of God? 
Isn't God invoked with hatred in Ireland, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, 
Israel, Palestine, and even among the intolerant sects of America?

Gerardus here: 
God cannot be invoked for there is no God as Such! The only god that is - 
is the God that lives within all of us. It is the Light Within. There is no 
Light "out there" or "up there"! The Light Within is the One Light and it 
experiences all we experience. By means of these experiences it awakens to 
Itself (A living Christ)...

The awakening of the Light Within is the only purpose for living in matter 
bodies. Only our experiences in human bodies can do this for us! This is 
why humans go through the gamut of experiences as mentioned above. 
Apparently, these expereinces include the ones experienced by Americans and 
the world at present. In the mean time, religious fanatics are being "used" 
to teach us the lessons that are needed to awaken. Awakening means 
Understanding - Understanding is Love...

What is seen and experienced as Love in our world is mostly attachment. 
Attachment is an emotional thing. It has nothing to do with Universal Love. 
Love is Understanding! The understanding that we are One - One Humanity - 
One Human Light - or Christness - or Buddhahood. To commit more violence, 
of any kind, will mean that those who commit it or take revenge, will miss 
the boat to Fourth Density. We must become an Observer and let's others do 
as they may... 
Deepak here: 
Can any military response make the slightest difference in the 
underlying cause? Is there not a deep wound at the heart of humanity?

Gerardus here: 
Any military response will make no difference whatsoever in the workings of 
our world in Third Density. It will mean more violence - either delayed or 
immediately! The law of Cause and Effect is patient and it will come into 
effect upon the synchronicity of the proper circumstances. This could be 
10,000 years from today. The Play of Cause and Effect will complete itself...
The deep wounds of humanity are self-inflicted wounds and can only be healed 
by forgiveness. Meaning no revenge! Instead of revenge, it would be better 
to send the parties involved - Gift of Forgiveness. Send them Groceries and 
Wine instead of bombs! It is a lot less costly as well...

I wrote a piece about this some years ago when 
the Gulf War was taking place. If you want it - ask. 
Deepak here: 
If there is a deep wound, doesn't it affect everyone? 
When generations of suffering respond with bombs, suicidal attacks, and 
biological warfare, who first developed these weapons? Who sells them? Who gave 
birth to the satanic technologies now being turned against us? If all of us are 
wounded, will revenge work?

Gerardus here: 
When people respond with bombs - they will receive bombs or violence. This 
is the Law! As to who first developed the biological weapons is of no 
concern to anyone walking the non-violent path. Much can be accomplished by 
walking this path, as Gandhi has shown us in the past... 
Deepak here: 
Will punishment in any form toward anyone solve the 
wound or aggravate it? Will an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and limb 
for a limb, leave us all blind, toothless and crippled?

Gerardus here: 
It will indeed leave all those in favor of revenge blind and crippled. Not 
only will it give them a crippled body - their Soul will be crippled as 
well. Meaning, they will need to stay in Third Density for another long 
round of lifetimes in order to be healed... 
Deepak here: 
Tribal warfare has been going on for two thousand years and has now 
been magnified globally. Can tribal warfare be brought to an end? Is 
patriotism and nationalism even relevant anymore, or is this another 
form of tribalism?

Gerardus here: 
Patrioism indeed is Tribalism in a big way. It is outdated and means limited 
insight! Warfare is the very nature of the Third Density. Period! It 
possibly has been going on for millions of years. It is the nature of the 
animal body we live in. This is what needs to be mastered by the Soul. 
Reason over Emotion. Heart over Mind. Understanding over Revenge. 
Light over Darkness... 
Deepak here: 
What are you and I as persons going to do about what is happening? 
Can we afford to let the deeper wound fester any longer?

Gerardus here: 
Life in the body is an individual affair. We are only responsible for 
ourselves! This is the nature of the Plane of Separation - the Plane of 
Earth. We are not responsible for what our brother, our neighbor or our 
government does. Therefore, it is up to each one of us to do as we see fit...
Forgiveness and no revenge is my choice! Not necessarily will this be the 
choice of many others. So be it! We are all in different stages of 
evolvement or awareness. This does not mean that one person is better or 
worse than another. We are all equal but different. We all play different 
roles in what could be called the Play of God as Man, or the Manifestation 
of Life on Earth as the Creator-Individualized...

Forgiveness and no revenge does not mean that we cannot prevent future 
tragedies. However, no violence must be involved. This is difficult but can 
be done by means of the co-operation of other countries. If this is not 
possible, additional necessary security must be utilized. But no violence...

Deepak here: 
Everyone is calling this an attack on America, but is it not a rift in 
our collective soul? Isn't this an attack on civilization from without that 
is also from within?

Gerardus here: 
It is an Attack on America, but in actuality, it is an attack on the 
civilized world and its so called freedom. It is caused by a rift within our 
collective Soul, for all manifested actions are created by mankind's 
collective consciousness or awareness. It is a wake-up call to all of 
mankind, to realize again, that we live in the End of Times. It well might 
be the last opportunity to align with our Light Within. The choice is ours 
and it does not depend upon what others choose...

Deepak here: 
When we have secured our safety once more and cared for the wounded, 
after the period of shock and mourning is over, it will be time for soul 
searching. I only hope that these questions are confronted with the deepest 
spiritual intent.

Gerardus here: 
Any time of the day and/or any time of our individual Lives is the time for 
Soul searching. To do this sporadically is denying the Light within as a 
constant. This Light is always within us for we are this Light - Body, Mind 
and Soul! 
Deepak here: 
None of us will feel safe again behind the shield of military 
might and stockpiled arsenals. There can be no safety until the root cause is 

Gerardus here: 
Facing the root cause is facing ourselves! We can only do this on an 
individual basis. As the saying goes: We have seen the enemy and they are 
us! We must look within and the message is not - to turn to God as the 
religions tell us. We must turn to forgiveness! Yet, this does not mean 
that we can speak for others - others must do what they must do - Life is an 
individual Affair.

Deepak here: 
In this moment of shock I don't think anyone of us has the answers. It 
is imperative that we pray and offer solace and help to each other. But if you 
and I are having a single thought of violence or hatred against anyone in the 
world at this moment, we are contributing to the wounding of the world.

Gerardus here: 
In addition I would like to mention that God is not a Listener. God is an 
Allower! God is a Waiter and an Allower. It sees all, for we are this God, 
living within our matter body, we have accepted this body in order to awaken 
our Light or Soul to Enlightened Horizons upon all future worlds and days to 

Blessings and Smiles - Gerardus 
(Thank you Deepak)


Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:53:58 -0700
To: studycircle@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
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Subject: Re: [SC] Contemplation It's an old old story

At 08:00 PM 9/17/2001 -0500, you wrote: 
We find ourselves in an awkward position just now. We are shocked, saddened 
and outraged by the most recent acts of terrorism which killed thousands of 
innocents. At the same time, if we can lift ourselves above the red daze of 
vengeance, we are shocked, saddened and outraged by the prospect of the 
inevitable deaths of many more innocents in our equally inevitable attempt 
to "punish" the terrorists. We don't want terrorism and we don't want war, 
and one or the other or both seem inevitable. What to do!?

Hello Red - Gerardus here: 
The answer to what to do is easy - it's a personal choice! We cannot decide 
what others should or must do. We can only decide for ourselves. In the mean 
time, it might well mean that the majority is for revenge and whatever that 
entails down the line. So Be IT! Personally I forgive and am at peace... 

I have been looking at the world for 73 years now, and just about everywhere 
I have seen a continuous suffering. The conclusion I have come to is this: 
struggle, war and suffering is the NATURE of this plane of manifestation - 
it is the NATURE of Earth or living on it. It is the result of the Law of 
Cause and Effect. This is a Universal Law and cannot be broken. BUt we are 
all in a position to make a choice - a personal choice. It is enough. It is 
your Life - it is your Choice - let your Soul chose wisely... 

If you chose Violence - it will track you down. If you chose Peace you are 
Home Free. Yes, your body might die anyway - so what? No one lives forever! 
But the chances are that you will not have to come back to this plane of 
suffering and do it all over again for another batch of lifetimes... 
Red here: 
We find ourselves in much the same position as did Arjuna, the central 
figure of an ancient story, the Bhagavad Gita. He was a member of one 
branch of a royal family which was divided over who should rule the shared 
kingdom. The dispute between the opposing branches of the family had 
escalated to war. Arjuna asks Krishna, his charioteer, to take him to the 
middle of the battlefield to survey the two armies arrayed to clash. Even 
though he feels he is on the side of righteousness (and has God incarnated 
as Krishna "on his side"), he is totally dismayed at the prospect of going 
to war against his cousins, his beloved uncle, his revered teachers and 
countless other relatives. He is shocked, saddened and outraged at the evil 
that has brought things to this state, and at the carnage which will 
inevitably follow. Sound familiar? 
Arjuna is a member of the 'Kshatrya' caste in his society. This is like the 
Samurai, the warrior or military class. It is his 'dharma' or duty to fight 
for righteousness. 

Gerardus here: 
Righteousness? Was is righteousness to fight and bombs the Koreans?? Are 
we aware of how this war was started and the phoniness of it?? Were we 
deluded by the USA Government then?? Ask yourself and/or investigate. Was 
Pearl Harbour really a surprise?? You will be most ammazed once you know 
the true story. It even was shown on movie. Remember the movie JFK? Did 
Oswald kill him? Who is lying here? Who killed JFK's brother? Can't find 
his name right now...

What was the Vietnam War all about?? To fight against Communism?? What was 
accomplished by that war and all the millions of tons of bombs that were 
dropped there?? How many so called innocent people died in order to fill 
the pockets of the Weapon's Industries?? 

What was accomplished in Somalia?? What was accomplished in all the other 
places, cities and towns that were bombed in Bosnia?? What was EVER 
accomplished by any war?? Who financed WW2?? Aha! The ruling classes make 
money and gain power at the cost of the little guy. Do you want to make that 
choice again? 
Red here: 
As we read reports of the thousands fleeing Afghanistan, we see in the 
disruption of those many lives, yet another aspect of the collateral damage 
of terrorism. We know that it is right to strive to rid the world of this 
evil, yet, if we are honest, we are dismayed that we must do so by more 
killing. We may recall the words of the grief-stricken Rodney King, "Can't 
we all just get along!?"

Gerardus here: 
If and when the American People and the People of the so called Free World 
look into their Soul, they will find that they have treated the world in the 
last 50 years with unkindness and settled every dispute with violence. Well, 
the violence has come home and we are told that innocent victims were 
killed? There are no innocent victims in a Universal System of Cause and 
Effect. We all get what we deserve - it's as simple as that. The choices we 
make today - will determine what we get in the future. We all create our own 

YES! There were also many acts of kindness by the USA and the World towards 
their so called lesser brothers. But in general they do NOT outweigh the 
violent actions that took place against them. Is my scale off? Investigate 
and find out. Just stand still for a moment and ponder why these terrorist 
got into these planes in the first place. The security in the last ten years 
was a fake. A story that was believed by the masses. IOW: the entire WTC was 
a set up. It was supposed to happen. Why was this so? 
Red here: 
We may be tempted to fall into the too-easy duality of "us" and "them" and 
pretend that if we can get rid of the terrorists this time, then 
"everything will be all right" and we can go back to business as usual. 
It's not that simple, and, thankfully, most of us are not that 
simple-minded either. The "problem of violence" is not limited to a few 
"evil terrorists". It is an aspect of humanity, and that's the good news in 
this sorry scenario. We are all part of humanity, and every step we take to 
rid ourselves of the evil of violence moves all of humanity toward 

Gerardus here: 
It would move humanity toward peace!! I am not sure that it would move all 
of humanity to righteousness. We must remember here that the world and the 
universe is a balance between the so called "good" and "evil" polarities. 
That is the way things ARE and always will be! The balance between this 
polarities create the experiences we need in order to promote ourselves 
"OUT" of this plane of manifestation. Earth is a *prison* into which we 
re-incarnate again and again and again until we know how to escape. IOW: we 
all need to promote ourselves by the knowledge we gain and the choices we 
make. We must see through the illusion of it - we must see through the 
Red here: 
>At one level, we are simply spectators to the events unfolding now on the 
>world stage, and can only hope that our hired warriors will behave 
>honorably. But at a deeper more personal level, a level where we CAN make a 
>difference, we are in the chariot with Krishna, on our own battlefield.

Gerardus here: 
Yes, but our "battle field" is the very "choice" we make. Our choice IS our 
battle! It is the battle of our Soul - and a choice of non-violence is our 
Soul speaking. We may also follow the Forces of Revenge! There are no 
sidelines here! There are no spectators! We chose in mind and say - let 
things be as they are - but I have chosen. I chose to forgive...

We do not have to ride in the Chariot of Violence. The story of Krishna and 
his disciple is a story that is as old as the world so to speak. Where does 
this story come from - who wrote it and for what purpose??? Big questions 
here! Is the story written for the benefit of others?? Is that why things 
are still the same? Everyone follows it. Violence creating violence! I do 
NOT agree with the story of Krishna and his advise. Millions probably do. 
I do not! If and when I make my choices non-violent - my future lives will 
be non-violent. Again - we all create our own realities. Life is a 
self-made bed! 
Red here: 
>It may not be easy, right away, to know what is the higher ideal, but we 
>can all be easily aware of when we are acting for our own, personal 
>Let us be calm and listen to our higher guidance.

Gerardus here: 
To be calm and listen to our higher guidance is wise advise Red!
My higher guidance says: 
NO revenge and No violence... 
Just protect yourself with security measures if you like!
Is that why I am at peace and feel safe? - Gerardus


Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 12:05:42 -0700
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
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Subject: [4D-STO-C] The Truth is shining through...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Robert Sterling 
To: konformist@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 5:33 PM 
Subject: Konformist: Continuing Commentary on the WTC Attacks

Please send as far and wide as possible.
Robert Sterling 
Editor, The Konformist 
Continuing Commentary on the WTC Attacks

David McGowan 
September 16, 2001 
"Nothing just happens in politics... 
If something happens you can be sure it was planned that way." 
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 
It seems as though more people have been watching the Discovery 
Channel than the planners of the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon 
may have accounted for. A good number of people are questioning 
exactly why the collapse of the towers looked so much like a 
controlled implosion. Anyone who has seen a documentary clip of a 
building being professionally demolished using explosive charges 
couldn't help but be struck by the remarkable similarity.
One demolition and explosives expert from New Mexico has already gone 
public with his suspicions that the building was deliberately 
imploded. Architects and engineers who designed the building were at 
a loss to explain how it could react in such a manner. One expert, 
prompted by his interviewer to comment on if more steel in the 
structure could have prevented the tragedy, could only say that it 
was hard to imagine how any more steel could have been incorporated 
into any structure. 

And it was, as we all know, not just one tower that literally 
crumbled before our very eyes, but both of them in identical fashion. 
As I myself was pondering that rather curious fact, I stumbled upon 
yet another article giving a first-person report on the tragedy. This 
particular account concerned an architecture student, who viewed the 
unfolding drama from across the bay. 

Some of his first thoughts - after the buildings had been struck, but 
before they disappeared - were that it would be difficult, if not 
impossible, to fight a fire at that height, and that it would without 
question be impossible to repair the damaged building. He found 
himself pondering what would become of the imposing towers, being no 
longer fit to be occupied. And then, of course, they just sort of 

Suddenly the plan began to come into focus. The initial crashes and 
explosions, which were essential for the shock value of being so 
utterly audacious, would necessarily destroy the buildings. It would 
have therefore been necessary, at some time in the future, to implode 
the buildings. Why not then include it as part of the show? 

It seems a little odd that the period of time that elapsed between 
the suicide bombings and the implosions appears to have been just 
about the amount of time that it took to evacuate the buildings. That 
could account for why the casualty figures have been, assuming that 
they are being accurately reported, remarkably low. 

It could also account for why the first tower to crumble was not the 
first one hit. According to claims made by some avenues of the media, 
the collapses were the result of the structures being weakened by the 
fires, with the upper stories essentially pancaking down upon the 
buildings and the underlying floors giving way to the collective 
weight of the chain reaction.
But if this were true, wouldn't it be expected that the first tower 
hit, which had been burning for nearly twenty minutes longer, would 
be the first to collapse? Of course, it would also be expected that 
the second tower, having the benefit of beginning evacuation twenty 
minutes before utter chaos reigned, would be the first to be emptied 
out. Quite a lucky break then that it was the first to fall. 
To stir up as much outrage as possible, it was of course necessary to 
get footage of the crashes themselves, as well as the implosions, 
although it seems a little odd that the first crash was recorded so 
professionally, as if someone was waiting for it camera in hand. That 
footage, of course, has incalculable propaganda value.
Propaganda is certainly something that we have seen a lot of in the 
last week. The sheer volume of, and the monotony of, the media 
coverage has been astounding. Every station across the television 
dial playing the same footage and providing the same unquestioning 
commentary continuously, around the clock, from the moment the first 
plane hit the tower. 

The media barrage is unavoidable. Absurdly large headlines scream out 
from every newspaper and magazine, and every radio station seems to 
sound the same. There is no escape. And there is likely a reason for 
that. Somewhere in the halls of power, there just may be an awareness 
that the official story of the 'terrorist' attacks isn't very 
It isn't by chance that there is nothing else to be found on the 
television dial beyond images of planes crashing into buildings. It 
was reported on Saturday that the networks had been demonstrating 
what was said to be an unusually high level of cooperation during 
this crisis. They've actually been talking amongst themselves to 
decide how long the bombardment of the national consciousness should 
go on.
It has likely been deemed necessary to browbeat the country into 
accepting the unlikely scenario that is being passed off as fact. It 
is the media's job at this point to prevent the people, as much as 
possible, from actually thinking for themselves. And with such 
extensive coverage, haven't our news commentators already thought 
everything out for us anyway?
Apparently not, as people seem to be scurrying about the Internet 
like cockroaches, trying desperately to snatch up any little morsel 
of information that the media are holding back on - trying to make 
sense of a story that makes no inherent sense. 

Some additional details have been added that appear to be an attempt 
to bolster some of the more flimsy aspects of the official story. 
After reports began to air that home-made knives were the weapon of 
choice, it was quickly added that bomb threats were made on at least 
some of the flights. But does that really add to the credibility of 
the story? 

If a guy waving a "knife-like" object claims to have a bomb in a box, 
would he be believed? Would it seem credible that a someone who 
couldn't get anything more threatening than a razor blade on-board 
had somehow smuggled aboard an unseen bomb? And if pulling off such a 
bluff was so easy to do, shouldn't we have seen some other hijackings 
in the last decade? 

Some reports have claimed that cellular telephone calls coming from 
the doomed flights, allegedly caught on tape, confirm the official 
story. If true, this raises a number of interesting questions. The 
first of these is: if these tapes in fact exist, then why haven't we 
heard them? Why, with wall-to-wall coverage of this great American 
tragedy, have these harrowing tapes not been burned indelibly into 
the American psyche? 

Such tapes would obviously have considerable propaganda value in 
further inflaming the passions of the masses and promoting the 
genocidal agenda being pursued. Strange then that we haven't been 
treated to the poignant final words of some of the victims of this 
mass murder. The media certainly weren't shy about airing such gut- 
wrenching footage as the images of hapless victims leaping to their 
certain deaths. 

Why then haven't we heard the farewell messages of the passengers 
aboard the suicide flights? Strange also that some of those alleged 
calls just happened to be placed to one of the most notorious members 
of the current administration, Solicitor General Theodore Olson 
(see "A Supreme Injustice," Parts I and II). 

There is also the question of how such tapes would even exist. There 
are two possibilities here, and both of them have rather disturbing 
implications. The first is that all cellular communications are 
routinely recorded, which would speak volumes about the state 
of 'democracy' in this country. The other possibility is that calls 
coming from the hijacked aircraft were specifically monitored. That 
of course raises the obvious question of why, if the flights were 
being so closely monitored, they were nevertheless allowed to proceed 
unimpeded to their intended targets. 

It has been reliably reported that it was known fairly early on that 
the flights had been hijacked. It was also known (even though the 
transponders were disabled, by someone with a high degree of 
technical knowledge) that the planes had changed their flight path. 
It is inconceivable then that the wayward flights were not being 
tracked and monitored. 

According to the official timelines that have appeared in the New 
York and Los Angeles Times, by 8:15-8:20 AM, air traffic controllers 
had received clear indications that flight 11 out of Boston, in 
flight for just twenty minutes, had been hijacked - the aircraft's 
transponder had been shut off and the pilot was not responding to 
radio calls. 

By 8:28 AM, the aircraft had radically changed course and there was 
no question that the flight had been hijacked, a fact acknowledged by 
the FAA. By this time, flight 175 out of Boston and flight 77 out of 
Dulles were also in the air. Just two minutes later, flight 175 
deviated from its flight path as well, indicating that it had also 
been hijacked. 

It was still nearly a half-an-hour before the first plane would plow 
into the WTC, and there were already very clear indications that this 
wasn't a normal day for air traffic in America. Two civilian 
passenger planes had been hijacked simultaneously, an unprecedented 
occurrence, and yet no action was immediately taken to avert the 
tragedy that was to come. 

At 8:38 AM, the Air Defense Command was allegedly first notified of 
the hijacking of flight 11, twenty minutes after air traffic 
controllers first became aware of that fact. Reports give no 
indication that notification was given at that time that the second 
flight had changed course as well. Five more minutes passed before 
the military was informed by the FAA of the second hijacking. 
At 8:45 AM, flight 11 crashed into the north tower of the WTC. Ten 
minutes later, flight 77 abruptly turned around and turned off its 
transponder. Three flights were then known to have been hijacked, 
with two still in the air and one having already spectacularly 
crashed into a heavily occupied building. The most technologically 
advanced and militarily prepared nation on earth proceeded to sit on 
its hands. 

After ten more minutes had passed, flight 175 crashed even more 
spectacularly into the south WTC tower. There was absolutely no 
question at that point that this was a serious national emergency. 
Flight 93 out of Newark had by then radically changed course as well, 
clearly indicating that yet a fourth aircraft had been hijacked and 
was a potential guided missile. 

With New York's most visible landmark in flames and two hijacked 
flights in the air, America's formidable national security apparatus 
sat idle. By 9:10 AM, the Pentagon's radar had reportedly picked up 
flight 77, which was still a half-an-hour away from plowing into what 
is described as the military's nerve center.

At 9:25 AM, the FAA purportedly notified Air Defense that flight 77 
was heading for Washington, though radar had determined that fact 
fifteen minutes earlier and it had been known for a full half-hour 
that the plane had turned around and headed back east. At 9:35, two F- 
16 fighter jets were scrambled, at least an hour and twenty minutes 
after the first flight had been hijacked and nearly an hour after it 
had crashed.
The jets were dispatched, appropriately enough, from Langley Air 
Force Base, which isn't so much an 'Air Force' base as it is the base 
of the CIA's own private fleet of military aircraft. The Pentagon was 
struck just minutes later, some fifteen minutes before the F-16s 
arrived on the scene, but nearly an hour-and-a-half after the rash of 
hijackings began.

A steady stream of talking heads have taken to the airwaves to claim 
that no contingency plans were in place for such an attack. Despite 
decades of military planning for every possible type of attack on 
these shores, and despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent on 
air and civil defenses, no one - we are to believe - ever envisioned 
such an assault. 

We are not talking here, it should be noted, about some type of 
technologically advanced 'terrorist' tactic that should have caught 
the supposed guardians of our national security off-guard. The use of 
aircraft as guided missiles has been a technique of warfare that has 
existed since airplanes became a part of the world's military 

To no one's surprise, the first name mentioned as a suspect, before 
the first shards of glass hit the pavement from the impact of the 
first plane, was everyone's favorite bogeyman, Osama bin Laden. He 
is, as our media have been telling us for years, responsible for 
every act of barbarism committed in the last decade, so why wouldn't 
he be behind this as well? 

Though a mind-boggling amount of media coverage has been devoted to 
demonizing our all-purpose prime suspect, there seems to be a number 
of things about bin Laden that the media insist on ignoring - such as 
that he is almost entirely a creature of our own making. As any 
number of more honest journalists (as well as MSNBC) have pointed 
out, it was our very own CIA that armed, trained and funded his 
organization during our escapades in Afghanistan. 

In fact, there is certainly a possibility that we are still doing so 
today. After all, he makes such a great villain, and of course having 
a readily available villain is absolutely essential for scaring the 
American people into line and justifying obscenely high military and 
intelligence budgets. It's not like we have the 'Evil Empire' 
anymore. And Fidel is getting a little long in the face to make much 
of a credible villain.
As some reports have noted, bin Laden has very close ties to the 
Saudi royal family. What none of these reports note though is that 
the Saudi regime was installed decades ago in a coup sponsored by 
lifetime intelligence asset Allen Dulles, working with British 
intelligence asset Jack Philby.
The country, which is essentially a family-run oil conglomerate, has 
largely been an American puppet-state ever since then. So if bin 
Laden is still functioning as a covert U.S. intelligence asset, he 
likely has a lot of company in his social circles. 

It was interesting the other day to watch one of the talking heads on 
TV let slip the fact that Harvard University had just recently 
accepted a $1,000,000+ donation from Osama's brother to establish a 
scholarship chair, or some such thing. The news anchor, who I believe 
was Dan Rather nearing the end of a marathon run, stammered about for 
some suitable response to that revelation. He didn't come up with 

I like to watch Dan when I want to get the real scoop on what's going 
on in the world. I know I can trust Dan to deliver the truth. I know 
that because he was the first journalist allowed to view the Zapruder 
film, long before the public had seen it, and he dutifully reported 
to the nation that the film showed President Kennedy's head snapping 
forward when the fatal shot hit. 

Dick Cheney made his first appearance before the American people 
today. I hadn't seen him all week and I was beginning to wonder if he 
hadn't taken the opportunity to have another one of those minor 
little surgical heart procedures done. Then I realized that he was 
just laying low to give Bush a much-needed chance to try and 
look 'presidential,' as the press is fond of saying. 

Dick was on the airwaves claiming that the White House had received 
what he said was a "credible threat" that Air Force 1 was one of the 
potential targets that the 'terrorists' were aiming for. This has to 
be the most ridiculous claim that has yet been made. How could any 
such threat, even if it were actually made, ever be considered 

We are talking here, after all, about an unarmed, civilian passenger 
plane. Was there really ever any danger of it eluding Air Force 1's 
military escorts - state of the art fighter aircraft - and plowing 
broadside into the presidential plane? First of all, the 'terrorists' 
would have had to know precisely where it was. 

Unlike the World Trade Center towers, Air Force 1 isn't a stationary 
target. And it's a really big sky out there. The last time I checked, 
it wasn't standard procedure to post the coordinates and the flight 
path of AF 1 on the Internet. And even if it was, a civilian airliner 
doesn't exactly have the capability to track and hone in on those 

So this little fable of Cheney's was a rather obvious fabrication 
whose intent was clearly to create the illusion that an assassination 
attempt had been made on our president, thereby creating some kind 
of 'rally around our leader' effect - all part of the plan to herd 
the American people behind our fearless leader as he is given 
unprecedented authority to wage war anywhere in the world that suits 
the interests of corporate America. 

The U.S. military response won't be long in coming and will arrive 
with a vengeance. It's always best to strike, as they say, while the 
iron is hot. There's no sense in whipping up all this blood-lust 
among the American people if you don't use that emotion that has been 
generated. What we will likely see is a massive, multi-pronged 
military venture. 

Who it is aimed at doesn't really seem to matter. The headline above 
a column in the L.A. Daily News on Sunday read: "It's Time to Strike, 
Not Compare: We Know Well Enough Who the Perpetrators Are." Well, I 
guess if we know well enough, then by all means let the bombing 

The funny thing is, this country's military response will look for 
all the world as though it had been carefully planned and mapped-out 
over many years. But we will all know that that isn't the case, 
because no one knew these attacks were coming until a few days ago. 
The other funny thing is, even as we are showcasing for the world 
exactly what a wholesale assault on human life years of bloated 
military/intelligence budgets can buy, commentators will continue to 
talk of how we left ourselves vulnerable to this attack by neglecting 
the military and intelligence sectors for years. And the people will 
stare at their TVs and nod in agreement.

If you are interested in a free subscription to The 
Konformist Newswire, please visit:


To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 19:48:53 -0700
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [4D-STO-C] Everything is interesting these days...

Gerardus here: 
Ruppert says: all rights reserved - Fine. But if you can read it on the net 
can read it here. The background he has on his pages, makes it hard to read 
for me. So I put it on a white background and sent it to those who have the 
same trouble I have...
I hope you like it - Gerardus 

World War III - 'This Was Not An Intelligence Failure' 
By Michael C. Ruppert
From: http://www.rense.com/general14/intel.htm

>From The Wilderness 
© 2001 All Rights Reserved 

Some of us will come out of the shock sooner than others. Some of us will 
acknowledge the fear and the hurt sooner than others. Sooner or later we all 
will feel the pain. But the unfolding of events following the September 11 
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon will wait for none of us. 
I do not rely on the fifteen or so times that I have seen the term "World 
War III" used by major publications like the New York Times. I rely on my 
knowledge of how the U.S. military, intelligence and economic infrastructure 
will respond to a given set of circumstances. In this case, the relevant 
context for these tragedies had developed long before last Tuesday's events.
Only a few, as yet, grasp the dynamics already in motion that will almost 
certainly produce a long and protracted war, as well as huge economic and 
perhaps physical dislocations in the United States and around the world. 
Additional attacks on Americans are almost a certainty, even -- as I am 
about to describe -- a necessity. The rhetoric from President Bush and his 
Administration contains messages for the American people, which they do not 
yet grasp, and for terrorist organizations, which they most certainly do. 
"This is a war and it will not be a short war."
"This will not be over quickly." 
"We have a war plan that will work, over whatever period of time it 
"There will be many casualties. The military is prepared for that." 
"This is not just an effort to get bin Laden. This is a war to wipe 
out terrorism all over the world." 
"We are not thinking just in terms of a few air strikes.
Ground troops will be involved. 
And some of them will die." 
"We will go after terrorism wherever terrorism threatens the United States." 
"Americans need to be prepared for more sacrifices and more casualties." 
"Just removing bin Laden won't suffice. We are going after terrorism in all 
of the countries where it resides."
Note by Gerardus here: 
That means at home too George. There are lots of people who see through this. 
The last statement is the first great lie of this war. As the U.S. 
government has announced its partnership with the drug-financed government 
of Pakistan, which has supported terrorist groups from the Middle East to 
the Balkans, to China, to Southeast Asia, the deception begins. Indeed, 
after Afghanistan, Pakistan should have been the first great enemy in this 
war. It's long support of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan ended only as 
the Taliban destroyed most of that nation's opium crop in February of this 
year. As in every conflict since World War II, the drug trade will now see a 
new day of freedom.

And I guarantee that terrorist groups are well aware of one fact that we, as 
Americans, have not yet grasped. George W. Bush carries on his shoulder the 
political memory of a father who waged a war against Sadam Hussein and then 
left him in power. He can afford no such image in the current context and 
the military he commands must become engaged in a do or die battle. They 
too, will accept no less.

That said, the terrorist groups in or from Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, 
Syria, the Sudan, Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Somalia, Turkey, Chechnya, 
Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Germany, Ireland, France, 
Spain, Italy, Albania, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico know that they are 
now in a "use it or lose it" position. For, not knowing where and when the 
industrialized nations may strike, they now realize that almost any action 
against any political group will go unchallenged in the world press. Even 
separatist groups not posing an immediate threat can be conveniently 
eliminated in the months and perhaps years to come. As evidenced by the 
almost immediate admission of China into the World Trade Organization, after 
15 years of unsuccessful attempts, the warp drive for globalization - 
unfettered by any need to respond to public opinion - has now been engaged. 
The most cynical part of me hopes that the headline for this war will not 
be, "The G-8 Wipes Out Poverty." In this model I must say that the long 
discussed, but rarely acknowledged, alleged plans for massive global 
population reduction are no longer a "back burner" issue.

Therefore, in this context, the American people must expect additional 
attacks that may even include biological warfare or nuclear devices on 
American soil. And these attacks, already being hinted at by the 
Administration, will serve an additional purpose. Two days after the attacks 
every street and highway was a sea of American flags. Now, a week after the 
attacks - at least in Los Angeles - they are hard to find. Whether we admit 
it or not, what the vast majority of the American people really want is for 
this to go away. Only sustained attacks on the American people will provide 
George W. Bush with the political mandate to wage the war he has committed 
to fight - to the bitter end. As the economic impact sinks in, and as 
Americans feel the pain in their wallets, the willingness of American 
citizens to experience the carnage that has been raging around the world for 
decades - in the name of prosperity and for the benefit of the G-8's largest 
corporations - is, in my opinion, a big question mark.
Do not expect a quick 
recovery in the stock market based upon emotion. As we describe in this 
issue, the fundamental weaknesses in the U.S. economy were not blown up with 
these attacks. And the markets, if they can still be called that, are driven 
by one 800 pound guerilla above all others - earnings. With the exception of 
defense contractors, there is absolutely nothing hopeful to report and I, 
for one, cannot and refuse to be an advocate for investing in the 
destruction of the planet.

The United States has many enemies. It is the economic enemies that warrant 
the most scrutiny now because the perception that America is the safest 
place in the world in which to invest foreign capital has been dealt a huge 
blow. Further blows will come with further attacks and this exposes the fine 
line that the Administration must walk. Without more attacks at home, the 
bold gambit of George Bush, et al will fail for lack of political support. 
With them, the world may eventually conclude that the United States is 
economically expendable as nations look to their own interests. Too much 
economic blood in the water will start a feeding frenzy.

In the major media, in the alternative media, in Congress and around the 
world the context now provides the opportunity for great lights with 
courageous souls to emerge and to lead. We are walking a fine line on a 
precipice that may lead to Armageddon or, please God, something better. The 
Bush Administration is not equipped with a repertoire of responses 
sufficient to navigate the long term perils. We must dig and find something 
better within ourselves.

We are living in a whole New World. We just don't know what it looks like 
The U.S. Had Advance Warning And Could Have Acted -- This Was Not An 
Intelligence "Failure".

To grasp the meaning of the events of 9-11-01, it is critical to go past the 
widely acknowledged reports that the U.S. had general warnings of a 
terrorist attack and to look for evidence that the U.S. government had 
specific warnings of attacks on airports and aircraft. Further, the task is 
to look for any warnings that signaled the size and scope of the attack and 
went beyond the vagaries that we have become used to. These will provide the 
clues needed to understand that the devastating attacks of Sept. 11 served a 
distinct purpose for the Bush Administration and those in control of the 
U.S. economy. Given this year's revelations on The History Channel -- 
including classified documents and the on-camera testimony of intelligence 
officers -- that the U.S. knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl 
Harbor, and allowed it to happen in order to bring the country into World 
War II, we cannot be so blind as to overlook evidence that it has happened 
Gerardus here: 
I agree to that immediately! I was a set up like anything we see these days. 
Leaving aside the intelligence reports that are still secret and will likely 
remain so, and remembering the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
had undercover informants working hand in glove with those who perpetrated 
the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, a preliminary review of solid 
information showing that this attack could have been prevented is only the 
beginning of what must remain an essential line of inquiry.

It is premature to jump to conclusions about the rapidity with which the FBI 
has gathered essential information. I used the word information, instead of 
intelligence or evidence. Evidence is gathered for the court room. 
Intelligence is the results of a process done at CIA to evaluate information 
from various sources. Understanding the differences between work done by the 
FBI and the CIA is a key to understanding the US counter-terrorist work. 
Hence, use end-result thinking to interpret any counter terrorist discussion 
and effort.

Any notice of a potential or alleged terrorist act has a well established 
procedure for its handling. According to a reliable source, the United 
States government, especially the intelligence community in the early 
1980's, had established a clearly defined procedure for handling notices of 
threat. The State Department was the lead coordinator and member 
intelligence community agencies participated in evaluations. The key is that 
everyone understood that the information might be untrue. That is, the 
information was still circulated and disseminated to the community so that 
protective measures might be considered if justified. That last word 
considered was deferred to the agency involved.

However, one thing is certain, based upon what is now known. By itself, 
neither the CIA nor the FBI can claim that a lack of resources or human 
intelligence prevented them from predicting this attack. Indeed, there is 
credible but preliminary and circumstantial information, that certain 
segments of Wall Street and the U.S. financial community did know of the 
pending attack. There is also evidence that the U.S. government already had 
the technical expertise to know what was coming and was likely using it at 
the time the attacks occurred.

The Cayman Islands - MS-NBC reported on September 14 that a caller to a 
radio talk show made several warnings of an imminent attack by Osama bin 
Laden against American Airlines.

Germany - On September 14, the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine 
Zeitung (FAZ) reported that "U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received 
warning signals at least three months ago that Middle eastern terrorists 
were planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack 
important symbols of American and Israeli culture."

According to a report filed by the Post-Newsweek information service, "The 
FAZ, quoting unnamed German Intelligence sources, said that the Echelon spy 
network was being used to collect information about the terrorist threats, 
and that U.K. intelligence services apparently also had advance warning. The 
FAZ, one of Germany's most respected dailies, said that even as far back as 
six months ago, western and near-east press services were receiving 
information that such attacks were being planned.
"Within the American intelligence community, the warnings were taken 
seriously and surveillance intensified"

NOTE: Echelon is a highly secret technical intelligence gathering system 
used to monitor worldwide communications and coordinated in the U.S. by the 
National Security Agency. Participating countries, who eavesdrop on the 
citizens of the other member countries -- to avoid civil restrictions 
preventing governments from spying on their own citizens -- then pool and 
share their information. Participating countries include the U.S., 
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain and Germany. The eavesdropping 
covers both telephone and email communications.

According to a Feb 13, 2001 UPI story detailing Echelon's use against bin 
Laden and other terrorist organizations, "The targets of Echelon center on 
the penetration of the major components of most of the world's telephone and 
telecommunications systems. This could cover conversations NSA targets. Also 
included are all the telexes carried over the world's telecommunications 
networks, along with financial dealings: money transfers, airline 
destinations, stock information, data on demonstrations or international 
conferences and much more."

Germany - The German news agency "online.ie" reported on September 14, 
"German police have confirmed an Iranian man phoned U.S. police from his 
deportation cell to warn of the planned attack on the World Trade Center. 
The Lower Saxony Justice Ministry has confirmed the man warned of impending 
series of terrorist attacks, but had not been believed. Spokesman Frank 
Woesthoff said the man phoned America 'several times', but refused to give 
further details. He said the U.S. Secret Service had not told the ministry 
about the calls received from the Langehagen prison until after the attacks. 
'I cannot say anything about the man and the ministry does not know the 
content of the conversations,' he added. The Hanover daily Neue Presse 
reported the 29 year-old was dismissed as mentally unstable when he gave the 
warning of the terrorist attack to occur this week. The ministry would not 
reveal when the calls had been made."

France - On September 13, Reuters reported, "The FBI arrested an Islamic 
militant in Boston last month and received French intelligence reports 
linking him to Saudi-born dissident Osama bin Laden but apparently did not 
act on them, a French radio station said on Thursday.

"Europe 1 radio reported that U.S. police arrested a man with dual French 
and Algerian nationality who had several passports, technical information on 
Boeing aircraft and flight manuals.

"The man had been taking flying lessons, it added.
"Asked for information by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, French 
security services provided a dossier clearly identifying him as an Islamic 
militant working with bin Laden."

Russia - A former CIA officer told FTW that, according to a Russian 
newspaper article, Russian intelligence had notified the U.S. government of 
the attacks. They even stated that they were aware that 25 pilots had been 
specifically trained for the suicide missions.

Russia - On September 15, Russian president Valdimir Putin told interviewers 
on MS-NBC that the Russian government had been warning the U.S. of imminent 
attacks on airports and government buildings in the strongest possible terms 
for weeks.

The United States - A criminal case proceeding in New York courts at the 
time of the attacks contradicts the position of conservative news site 
WorldNetDaily.com which has taken the position that the Clinton 
Administration had provided bin Laden's terrorists with encryption 
technology so advanced that the National Security Agency was unable to 
penetrate bin Laden's most secure communications.

A February 13, 2001 story by UPI terrorism correspondent Richard Sale 
described Echelon's effectiveness against the bin Laden organization in an 
active case against him in the U.S. District Court in Manhattan. That case, 
wrote Sale, "is based mainly on National Security Agency intercepts of phone 
calls between bin Laden and his operatives around the world - Afghanistan to 
London, from Kenya to the United States."

The UPI story stated that the technology had been used since at least 1995 
and Ben Venzke, director of intelligence and special projects for iDefense, 
a Virginia information warfare firm, was quoted in a key paragraph of that 

"Since Bin Laden started to encrypt certain calls in 1995, why would they 
now be part of a court record? 'Codes were broken,' US officials said, and 
Venzke added that you don't use your highest levels of secure communications 
all the time. It's too burdensome and it exposes it to other types of 

The UPI story made it clear that much of the evidence in the case had been 
obtained in Echelon intercepts subsequent to the 1998 bombings of U.S. 
embassies in East Africa and were presumably still effective at the time of 
the New York attacks.

The United States - Several press reports confirm the writing of veteran 
journalists Alexander Cockburn and Jeff St. Clair in their Sept. 14 issue of 
Counterpunch. "Reports kept coming in to us of advanced warnings that an 
attack of some sort was eminent [sic]. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown was 
booked to fly from the Bay area to New York City on the morning of September 
11. But Brown says that late Monday evening, a full 8 hours prior to the 
attack, he received a call from a person brown described as his airport 
security man telling him that he should be extra cautious about air travel 
on September 11."

The Financial Markets - Cockburn and St. Clair report, "In addition to what 
we have previously reported about heightened security at the World trade 
center itself in the weeks leading to the attack and at the Picatinny 
Arsenal in Rockaway, New Jersey, Counterpunch has also learned that internal 
memo was sent around Goldman Sachs in Tokyo on September 10 advising all 
employees of a possible terrorist attack. It recommended all employees to 
avoid any American government buildings."

Morgan Stanley, the largest tenant of the WTC complex lost none of its 3500 
employees occupying some 50 floors according to The Washington Post. Neither 
did Oppenheimer Funds.

FTW has also verified that at least one Goldman Sachs Vice President had 
taken the day off to go surfing. This may or may not be a lucky coincidence.

A Word About Promis Software
In the Sept, 2000 issue of FTW (Vol III, No 7) we described recent 
developments in the decades-long saga of the legendary Promis software and 
this writer's interaction with members of the Royal Canadian Mounted 
Police's national security section over its current use by various 
intelligence agencies. Promis (Prosecutor's Management Information System) 
was specifically reengineered and mated with artificial intelligence during 
the 1980s for the purpose of tracking terrorists. One of its main strengths 
was its ability to integrate diverse pieces of data and predict the movement 
of terrorists based upon financial (e.g. credit card transactions), entries 
through various border checkpoints, car rentals and airline ticket 

This special software, refined and enhanced many times since 
then, is capable of integrating and coordinating precisely the kind of 
information described above and then setting off warning bells. We have 
confirmed many times over that Promis' unique abilities have also been 
specifically targeted at financial markets to track sudden shifts in 
currency and stock speculation as well as the laundering of money.

That being said, we find it extremely disturbing that the UPI and the 
Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet both published September 14 reports 
indicating that Osama Bin Laden had possibly engaged in large scale stock 
speculation in the U.S. and Europe just before the attacks. Both stories 
suggested that Bin Laden had bought large amounts of "shorts.' Taking a 
short position means that an investor, betting that a stock's price will go 
down, places a large number of shares up for sale at a given price usually 
just at or below the current market price. If a stock is in short supply, 
buyers will purchase the stock rapidly and the "short seller" then has a 
given period of time to produce the actual shares which he or she is not 
required to own at the time of the sale.

The future sale of the stock at a given price is a fixed contract that 
cannot be altered. The seller pockets the money before he has to go out and 
buy the shares. Therefore, if the seller agrees to sell 10,000 shares of XYZ 
company at $100 each and enters into a contract at that price, and if the 
stock price falls to $60 the following day, he can make a quick profit of 
$400,000 when he buys the stock to complete the contract.
It is inconceivable that such movements were not detected before the WTC 

Given all of the above, which is only the beginning of what will be revealed 
as time passes, only a cretin would believe that the United States 
government could not and did not know that these attacks were coming, and 
then chose to remain silent. Given these tiny bits of knowledge that are now 
public how much more was available to the intelligence community? How could 
they have apparently ignored it?
Dissenters will say, "Yes but the CIA has been hamstrung and prevented from 
taking pre-emptive action by those liberal do-gooders in Congress." Not so. 
A September 14 Reuters story reported accurately, "The CIA has been 
authorized since 1998 to use covert means to disrupt and pre-empt terror 
operations allegedly planned abroad by Saudi-born dissident Osama bin Laden, 
The Washington Post reported Friday.

"The newspaper said the directive, signed by President Clinton and 
reaffirmed by his successor, George W. Bush, adhered to a legal ban on the 
assassination of foreign leaders but sanctioned the use of lethal force in 

"Quoting government sources, the paper said the CIA had used such force 
several times to stop armed groups before they initiated attacks."
A final question: Why, in light of all the information we now know the 
government had about imminent attacks, did the Bush Administration gift the 
Taliban with $43 million in May of this year? The move by the White House, 
sorely criticized by columnist Robert Scheer in the May 22, 2001 Los Angeles 
Times, was an alleged reward by the U.S. for the Taliban's destruction of 
Afghan opium crops in February. Now, the U.S. government is rushing to mate 
with a Pakistani regime that sustains itself by, and derives liquid currency 
from, the drug trade. The result of that is that opium production will 
surely blossom again in Afghanistan - under U.S./CIA control. The obvious 
suggestion here is that the U.S., directly or indirectly, helped to fund the 
WTC attacks.

It took 60 years for The History Channel, this year, to disclose to us 
through U.S. government documents and the statements of intelligence 
personnel who participated in it, that the highest levels of both government 
and finance knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor on 
December 7, 1941. And they kept silent about it. Historically, the key fact 
that made the attack suspicious was that all five aircraft carriers of the 
Pacific Fleet were conveniently and safely out to sea when the attacks 
occurred. In 2001, it appears that the aircraft carriers of American finance 
enjoyed the same advantage, one that was not afforded to those who died in 
New York, or even to members of the U.S. Congress. That should tell us where 
the real power lies. ___

Osama bin Laden's Bush family Business Connections
Alliance With Pakistan Will Stimulate Drug Trade, Bring Revenues Under U.S. 
Control - Colombian Opium Production Will Soar
The Taliban's Biggest Economic Attack on the U.S. Came in February With The 
Destruction of Its Opium Crop

FTW - Money connections between Bush Republicans and Osama bin Laden go way 
back and the political and economic connections have remained unbroken for 
20 years. And what appears to be a "new" alliance with Pakistan is merely a 
new manifestation of a decades-long partnership in the heroin trade.

Conveniently ignored in all of the press coverage since the tragic events of 
Sept. 11 is the fact that on May 17 Secretary of State Colin Powell 
announced a gift of $43 million to the Taliban as a purported reward for its 
eradication of Afghanistan's opium crop this February. That, in effect, made 
the U.S. the Taliban's largest financial benefactor according to syndicated 
columnist Robert Scheer writing in The Los Angeles times on May 22. But -- 
as we described in FTW's March 2001 issue -- the Taliban's destruction of 
that crop was apparently the single most important act of economic warfare 
against U.S. economic interests that the Taliban had ever committed. So why 
the gift?

Critics of the Gulf War well recall how, just prior to Sadam's invasion of 
Kuwait, President Bush (Sr.) dispatched Ambassador April Glaspie to visit 
Sadam with a letter and a "wink and a nod" telling the Iraqi leader that it 
was OK to invade his smaller neighbor. The May gift from Uncle Sam could 
well have been sending the same kind of message, along with necessary funds 
to complete the attacks. Drugs and terrorism go hand in hand.
Gerardus here: 
Yes, I remember that distinctly. I knew it was a set up then! 
Until February, Afghanistan had been the world's largest producer of 
opium/heroin, claiming close to 70% of the world's total production. That 
opium, consumed largely in Western Europe and smuggled through the Balkans, 
was a direct source of cash deposits in Western financial institutions and 

I specifically commented on this at an economic crisis conference in Moscow, 
Russia on March 7. In my formal statement to the Russian conference I said,
"Just before coming to this conference I read in the Associated Press, 
Agence France Press and other reliable sources that the Taliban has recently 
eradicated most of its 3000 ton opium crop in Afghanistan. If true, I view 
this as a form of economic warfare against Russia [and the U.S.] because it 
would drive opium production more into Southeast Asia and Colombia. However, 
I now suspect that this will result in a shift of opium production to the 
Caucasus under the Kurds which will see an increase in smuggling through 
Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. I should note that both Vice President 
Richard Cheney and the designated Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage 
are members of the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. Such a move would have 
the effect of drastically shortening smuggling routes and costs into Western 
Europe and of bypassing unstable areas of the Balkans.

I have received additional reports that Uzbekistan is now awash in the opium 
poppy and, as in the US with the CIA, that Russian military and intelligence 
agencies facilitate the trade as a means of protecting access to hard 
currency. The point here is not that the US is totally evil or the only 
country doing these things. But the US is far and away the most advanced 
nation when it comes to the use of such methods to achieve superiority. As 
[Russian economist Michael] Khazin has noted, the US and Britain and Germany 
started the conflict in Kosovo in 1999 to stave off a collapse of western 
markets following the Asian collapse of 1997-8. Now Colombia is a last-ditch 
effort to protect the US markets and European opposition is jeopardizing 
that plan."

The Taliban's actions this year severed the ruling military junta in 
Pakistan from its primary source of foreign revenues and made bin Laden and 
the Taliban completely expendable in the eyes of the Pakistani government. 
It also cut off billions of dollars in revenues that had been previously 
laundered through western banks and Russian financial institutions connected 
to them.

Now as US military action will replace the Taliban government and fresh 
crops will be planted in Afghanistan, the slack in cash flow will assuredly 
be replaced by dramatically increased opium production in Colombia; the 
revenues from that effort being needed to maintain the revenue streams into 
Wall Street. Prior to the WTC attacks, credible sources, including the U.S. 
government, the IMF, Le Monde and the U.S. Senate placed the amount of drug 
cash flowing into Wall Street and U.S. banks at around $250-$300 billion a 

In that context, the real history of Osama bin Laden, as America's useful 
terrorist-du-jour reveals a long and continuous history, interwoven with the 
drug trade and the Bush family, of supporting conflicts that have benefited 
U.S. military and economic interests.

bin Laden
There are direct historical links between Osama bin Laden's business 
interests and those of the Bush family. On September 15 I received the 
following message from FTW subscriber, Professor John Metzger of Michigan 
State University:

"We should revisit the history of BCCI, a bank used by the legendary 
Palestinian terrorist known as Abu Nidal. BCCI was closely tied to American 
and Pakistan intelligence. Its clients included the Afghan rebels, and the 
father of Osama bin Laden. The father of bin Laden named Houston investment 
broker James R. Bath as his business representative in Texas, right after 
George W. Bush's father became CIA director in 1976. By 1977, Bath invested 
$50,000 into junior's first business, Arbusto Energy, while Osama bin Laden 
would soon become a CIA asset. George W. Bush's FBI director Robert Mueller 
was part of the Justice Department's questionable investigation of BCCI. (On 
BCCI, the bin Ladens, and the Bushes, see the books, The Outlaw Bank, A Full 
Service Bank, and Fortunate Son)." Further details of the business and 
financial relationships between the Bush and bin Laden family are found in 
Peter Brewton's 1992 book The Mafia, CIA and George Bush. BCCI, 
incidentally, was founded by a Pakistani.

Economics Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa has just 
completed a detailed history of bin Laden's career detailing his secret 
funding and logistical support to terrorist organizations beginning from his 
early CIA-supported roots in the 1980s as a "freedom fighter" through to the 
present day. Chossudovsky's compelling and well documented article, Who Is 
Osama Bin Laden? dated Sept 12, 2001 can be found on the Internet at: 

Bin Laden's role has not just been as a practitioner of terrorist acts but 
as a trainer and supplier of terrorist organizations around the world. 
Included in bin Laden's coterie are terrorist groups linked to the Balkans, 
Albania, the KLA (a U.S. ally), and rebel groups leading the insurrection 
against Russia in Chechnya.

As FTW described in 1998, and as confirmed by Chossudovsky, the key to 
understanding U.S. support of bin Laden is to grasp that he has always been 
controlled by a cutout, the Pakistani government and its intelligence 
service the ISI. In this manner there has been virtually no direct contact 
between bin Laden and the CIA. This has served the dual purpose of 
maintaining his apparent "purity" with his followers and providing plausible 
deniability for the CIA. The whole underlying pretext for this relationship 
evaporated with the Taliban's destruction of the opium crop in February.

Chossudovsky writes:
"The history of the drug trade in Central Asia is intimately related to the 
CIA's covert operations. Prior to the Soviet-Afghan war, opium production in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan was directed to small regional markets. There was 
no local production of heroin. In this regard [Professor] Alfred McCoy's 
study confirms that within two years of the onslaught of the CIA operation 
in Afghanistan, 'the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands became the world's top 
heroin producer, supplying 60 per sent of the U.S. demand
"With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a new surge in opium 
production has unfolded. (According to UN estimates, the production of opium 
in Afghanistan in 1998-99 -- coinciding with the build up of armed 
insurgencies in the former Soviet republics -- reached a record high of 4600 
metric tons. Powerful business syndicates in the former Soviet Union allied 
with organized crime are competing for the strategic control over the heroin 

"The ISI's extensive intelligence military-network was not dismantled in the 
wake of the Cold War. The CIA continued to support the Islamic "jihad" out 
of Pakistan"

" The Golden Crescent drug trade was also being used to finance and equip 
the Bosnian Muslim Army (starting in the early 1990s) and the Kosovo 
Liberation Army (KLA). In the last few months there is evidence that 
Mujhideen mercenaries are fighting in the ranks of the KLA-NLA terrorists in 
their assaults into Macedonia.

" With regard to Chechnya, the main rebel leaders Shamil Basayev and Al 
Khattab were trained and indoctrinated in CIA sponsored camps in Afghanistan 
and Pakistan. In this regard, the involvement of Pakistan's ISI and its 
radical Islamic proxies are actually calling the shots in this war.
"Russia's main pipeline route transits through Chechnya and Dagestan. 
Despite Washington's perfunctory condemnation of Islamic terrorism, the 
indirect beneficiaries of the Chechen war are the Anglo-American oil 
conglomerates which are vying for control over oil resources and pipeline 
corridors out of the Caspian Sea basin."

The oil and drug connections were the subject of FTW's story, The 
Bush-Cheney drug Empire in October, 2000. That story is online at 
http://www.copvcia.com/stories/previous/bush-cheney-drugs.html. Both Bush 
and Cheney are oil men.

George Bush, Sr. was Vice President and, by virtue of executive Order 12333, 
in charge of all U.S. intelligence and narcotics operations from 1981 
through 1989. As President from 1989 through 1993, he continued and expanded 
his control in these areas. Thus, it was Bush (the elder) who directly 
nourished and nurtured bin Laden's evolution.

Dramatic Confirmation From Indian Government
The web site of the Indian Embassy in Washington contains dramatic 
confirmation for these positions. On September 4, 2000, B. Raman, Director 
of India's Institute for Topical Studies wrote an open letter to the U.S. 
Congress entitled Pakistan's Noriega's. That eight-page article exposed the 
depth of Pakistani government involvement in the drug trade. It may be 
viewed at www.indianembassy.org/int_media/saag_september_04_2000.html.

The letter said, in part:
"For more than a decade, the people of India have been living in a state of 
half-war and half-peace due to the depredations of a large number of 
terrorists, outrageously called jehadists, who have been trained, armed and 
funded and infiltrated into the State of Jammu & Kashmir and other parts of 
India by Pakistan in order to make the people of India and its security 
forces bleed in the name of religion.

"More people belonging to different religions -- Hindus, Muslims, 
Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and others -- have been killed in India by 
these mercenary-terrorists sponsored by the State of Pakistan than by any 
other terrorist groups anywhere else in the world"

"Many other States have suffered and have been suffering due to the 
depredations of terrorists, made in and exported from Pakistan and the 
Taliban-controlled Afghanistan -- [these include] Algeria, Egypt, Saudi 
Arabia, the Central Asian Republics, the Chechnya and Dagestan areas of 
Russia, the Xinjiang province of China, Bangladesh, the Arakan area of Burma 
and the southern Philippines..."

"After his [1993] removal, [as official head of Pakistani intelligence, 
trusted advisor to Pakistani leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf] Lt. Gen. Nasir 
traveled to Somalia, Chechnya, Dagestan, the Central Asian Republics, China, 
and the Southern Philippines as a preacher and helped Islamic organizations, 
including the group which killed U.S. troops in Somalia."

"It was he, who, during his tenure as the DG [Director General] of the ISI 
has entered into an agreement with the LTTE of Sri Lanka [which secured] 
LTTE's assistance in smuggling Afghanistan produced heroin in its ships to 
West Europe, the USA and Canada"

"Another reason for the ISI's helping the LTTE, despite its anti-Muslim 
policies, was to use it for smuggling heroin to West Europe, the U.S. and 
Canada. During Zia-ul-Haq's regime in the 1980s, heroin had become a major 
source of extra revenue not only for the State of Pakistan, especially the 
ISI and Pakistan's nuclear and missile establishment, but also to many 
senior officers of the Pakistan Army, including [Musharraf et al]"
"The way Mr. Sharif before October 1999 and Gen. Musharraf since then have 
been using the heroin money to prevent the Pakistani economy from collapsing 
has not received due attention in the U.S. ..."

"If one goes purely by economic indicators, Pakistan's must be in as bad a 
shape as that of Russia, or even worse, since Russia has been in receipt of 
Western and IMF assistance"

"Where does the money come from? From the smuggling of heroin to West 
Europe, the U.S. and Canada. The U.S. Government might have stopped economic 
assistance from the taxpayers' money. But why should the Noriegas of 
Pakistan be worried when they get billions of dollars from the heroin sale 
in the U.S.? "

Vice President Dick Cheney's recent comment that the CIA needs to get in bed 
with "unsavory characters" is a joke. That's a bed that the CIA has never 
left. And it's a marriage vow that President Bush has just reaffirmed for 
all the world to see. ___

An Economic Conspiracy?
FTW - [Expanded from an initial report dated 9-13-01] - On Sept. 11, 2001 
the two most visible symbols of American economic and military power -- the 
World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon -- were simultaneously hit in a 
well-planned and well financed attack that will have enormous and permanent 
impact on the world economy and American culture. Just a day after the 
attacks, which brought the planet to a halt, both CNN and Reuters - after 
interviewing many financial experts - reported the likelihood of a worldwide 
recession. This prediction has apparently been confirmed with the reopening 
of U.S. markets as the Dow Jones Industrial average lost 684 points or 7% of 
its value on Monday September, 17th. Americans have not yet grasped the 
implications for their jobs, pensions plans, home equity or future income.
As major central banks have acted swiftly, with as much as $70 billion in 
instant cash infusions to stem immediate spikes in oil and gold prices, 
their subsequent actions in multilateral agreements between the Federal 
Reserve, British banks and the European Central Bank, indicate that this 
policy will continue. But it cannot last forever and its long-term 
effectiveness is in question.

Just two days before the attacks we had issued an urgent electronic bulletin 
warning that, as a result of many years of manipulation of gold prices by 
the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and major investment banks, and a $30 
trillion derivatives bubble on the verge of bursting, the U.S. economy was 
in peril of an immediate and cataclysmic crash. That crash now has a 
convenient -- if untrue -- explanation.

It is then, perhaps, coincidental that on 9-11, the day of the attack, there 
was a meeting in Basel Switzerland at the Bank for International Settlements 
(BIS). The BIS is known as the bank for world's central bankers - is also 
the world "policeman" of the gold trade. All G-10 central banks were 
represented on the day of the attack. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan 
Greenspan was there, safely out of harm's way. Another telling coincidence 
is that a critical hearing in a suit brought by the Gold Anti Trust Action 
Committee (GATA) -- which alleges BIS collusion in the rigging of gold 
prices was scheduled to be heard in U.S. District court in Boston on October 

In another coincidence, the headquarters of Comex, the precious metals 
trading exchange, was destroyed in the attacks, along with whatever records 
were kept there. The central banks of many nations also had WTC offices and 
some also had vaults in the basement. Estimates of the amount of gold stored 
in the WTC range from a low of $100 million to a high of $16 billion. The 
status of the gold is unknown at this time. What is known is that there are 
futures options on gold amounting to roughly five times the actual amount of 
physical gold in existence.

The destruction of records in the attacks was not limited to banking 
records. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) maintained 
investigative offices at the WTC. At the time of the attack the SEC was 
investigating, among others, Credit Suisse -- a major player in the gold 
trade -- for massive irregularities connected to the Wall Street Bubble. The 
Wall Street Journal on September 13 reported the destruction of the regional 
enforcement office of the SEC, located in 7 World Trade Center:
"The collapse of [building] No. 7 on Tuesday took with it documents and 
computer records focused on hundreds of investigations, as well as records 
related to broker-dealers. The New York office is well-known for handling 
numerous insider-trading cases, as well as small-company stock manipulation 
cases involving organized-crime families."

"According to an unnamed Journal source, there are off-site copies of some 
of these records, but 'other material is lost forever, including many raw 
notes taken by SEC lawyers during their investigations and audiotaped 
evidence that was not shared with the U.S. Attorney's office or other 
government investigators.' The SEC believes all staff was evacuated, but the 
regional director said, 'It's going to be a monumental task getting back in 

bin Laden, et al
In a number of media appearances beginning on the evening of September 11, 
former CIA Director James Woolsey has now begun pointing the finger at 
"state sponsorship," - the prime suspect being Iraq. FTW strongly suspects 
eventual finger pointing and military action at the one Arab country known 
to sponsor terrorism that has not been mentioned in any press reports - 
Libya. Militarily, it is an easily conquered enemy with shores on the 
Mediterranean and its oil reserves would quickly lower pressures on the U.S. 

Continuing revelations as to the complexity of the attacks continues to 
suggest logistical, intelligence and financial resources beyond bin Laden's 
known abilities. In addition, bin Laden's lineage, as a protégé of the CIA 
from the Afghan conflict of the 1980s, threatens to raise serious questions 
which the American government might not want answered.

As some American news outlets, including MS-NBC and the Houston Chronicle 
demonstrate great courage by looking into bin Laden's past links to CIA and 
the Bushes, the most compelling leads are the flight training schools 
attended by many of the pilots involved in the attacks. FTW has begun a 
major investigation into links between these schools and U.S. interests and 
even Newsweek has issued a report on Sept. 14 showing that some of the 
pilots may have received training at U.S. military installations.

Dispelling One Rumor
As speculation ran rampant in the first hours after the attacks, reports 
that explosives had been placed in the World Trade Center spread rapidly. We 
quickly concluded, based upon expert opinions and a BBC report, that this 
was not a plausible theory. Jet fuel, burning at 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, 
some 400 degree hotter than the temperature required to melt steel, cascaded 
quickly down elevator shafts and engulfed critical support pillars placed in 
the center of the building. A BBC diagram of the building showed that the 
main elevator banks and air shafts were centrally located. This would 
explain why the building seemed to collapse inward as the interior columns 
Gerardus here: 
Naturally I have no proof of anything, but I do not agree with the above. 
This opinion was shared by retired Air Force General Ben Partin who has 
spent his career studying the destruction of various structures by military 
attack. Additionally, the placement of explosives in the building could only 
have been carried out before the air attacks and that would have run counter 
to known procedures for covert operations. WTC employees had experienced a 
bomb in 1993 and were conditioned to look for explosives. So many explosives 
would have been required that the likelihood of discovery before the plane 
crashes would have increased. And evacuation of the buildings before the 
attack would have greatly diminished their symbolic victory.
Quo Vadis?

World confidence in the security of US markets and the economy has been 
shattered. FTW correspondents in Moscow report a divergence between public 
and official government reaction. Three people reported from Moscow on 
Wednesday, an immediate move by Russian citizens to sell US dollars - the 
most common form of savings in the economically battered country - resulting 
in a dramatic plunge in public exchange rates from 29:1 to as low as 15:1 
overnight. However a Russian government source told FTW on Thursday that 
rates on MICEX (The Moscow International Currency Exchange) have remained 
stable. In early trading the Russian stock exchange lost 5% of its value.
Of a certainty, consumer confidence -- recently touted as the savior of the 
US economy -- has been demolished around the globe. Asian economies, already 
venturing deeper into recession, had been looking for increased US orders, 
based upon consumer confidence, to boost exports as a life preserver. That 
life preserver has evaporated. A CNN story today quoted Asian financial 
expert Andy Xie of Morgan Stanley as saying that consumer confidence had 
"tipped over."

"We are going down to the bottom," Xie said. "no one knows where that is."
Reuters quoted a Chief Economist at Wells Fargo as saying, "A full-blown 
global recession is highly likely."

It is interesting to note that the plan for globalization of the world's 
economy has been greatly aided by recent events. On September 17, 2001 the 
World Trade Organization (WTO) announced that China would be immediately 
admitted as a member country. If announced at any other time this move would 
have drawn widespread criticism and perhaps large scale demonstration's.
A fine line is called for in the walk between panic and precaution, 
especially in a New World that has not been defined and needs to be explored 
even as it reveals itself to us. The very real possibility of a global 
conflict that will claim millions of lives, perhaps more, is before us. At 
the moment my best recommendation is buying physical gold - even in the form 
of jewelry - and keeping extremely vigilant. And we can pray that a free 
press will find its strength and purpose, and that people all over the globe 
will find the will to keep the madmen from driving the planet off a cliff.
Gerardus here: 
I do not believe in 3D safety. IOW: what will be will be... 
FTW's Warning - Two Days Before The Attack
On September 9, just two days before the World Trade Center attack FTW 
issued an electronic subscriber bulletin, warning of an imminent economic 
collapse. That collapse was to have been triggered by a huge bubble on Wall 
Street that was already bursting, a huge manipulation in world gold prices 
and the overselling of gold by central banks, and an estimated $20-30 
trillion derivatives bubble that was also on the verge of an immediate 
implosion. We attached a shocking economic expose with that bulletin which 
had been published on the website www.lemetropolecafe.com. We regret that 
space limitations prevent us from placing that article here. To obtain a 
better understand of the gold issue, previously covered in FTW we also 
strongly recommend that you visit www.gata.org .

[As published on Sept. 9, 2001] I cannot overstate the importance of this 
post in helping to understand the economic precipice on which we are all 
perched. More importantly, there is also a huge socio-political precipice 
that is just as dangerous because of the fact that trust in government 
institutions is at an all time low. Every time there is a police shooting 
these days, whether as corrupt as those revealed in Miami recently; as 
indicative of bad judgement and poor training as the one in Santa Clarita; 
or as justified as those in Indiana; the "automatic" reaction of many now is 
that the cops are always wrong. This "barometer" of public trust indicates 
that average people are beginning to have a first reaction that government 
and major institutions are "the enemy" rather than that they should be 
trusted. Right or wrong, the implications for society as a whole are ominous 
when emotion overrides reason.

"Let them eat cake."
It is this mix of economic and socio/political nitroglycerin that scares me. 
I am joined by many "thinkers" now in sensing the possibility of a "Reign of 
Terror," or mindless bloodletting. It would have nothing to do with justice, 
good and evil, right or wrong and it would not subside until the fear and 
revenge quotients just below the surface of the collective consciousness 
have spent themselves. This is especially true for the nations of the world 
whose populations have suffered under US economic bullying and globalization 
for many decades.

The sooner corrective action is taken the better. The more it is postponed, 
the more certain is the bloody abyss, as emotional and rational "account 
balancings" occur at the same time as the economic ones.

Read this posting carefully and then consider two points: Since the 1998 
Russian economic collapse was triggered by the "looting" by Harvard and 
Goldman Sachs and THAT in turn triggered the collapse of LTCM [Long Term 
Capital Management], were we looking at a system of greed out of control 
where competing pyramids fight each other for diminishing capital streams? 

Would Goldman and Harvard wage war against LTCM or JPMorganChase knowing 
that it could destroy the world economy and create a global depression? If 
true, that implies a pending financial and economic donnybrook, that could 
"Hiroshima" the economy of the entire planet. The lunatics are officially 
running the asylum now. As the DOW plummets - and I expect that it may be in 
the 8,000s or below by the end of October - I have now come to the 
conclusion that it is POSSIBLE, IF NOT LIKELY - that the Bowers shootdown in 
Peru this Spring was an intentional move. 

Reason: the immediate and total 
suspension of drug interdiction flights -- an apparent easy capitulation by 
the CIA -- that has since allowed drug smuggling to multiply in the 
intervening months. I have read some estimates indicating that cocaine 
smuggling to the US is up 30% this year as a result. Add to that the fact 
that the eradication efforts in Colombia have not reduced coca production 
but have instead, increased it by 15-20% or more. What better way to pour 
additional billions in drug money into markets on the brink of collapse 
while trying to maintain a public image that fewer and fewer people are 
buying anyway?

There's a reason why people in this country no longer get motivated by 
individual cries for justice or any single human interest story, whether the 
victim lost a house or $250 million. In the panic of a fire in a crowded 
movie theater, no one gives a shit. We're all going to burn.

Mike Ruppert
"From The Wilderness" www.copvcia.com

Gerardus here: 
Well, that was a long read! I feel that if only ten percent is true, that 
there is enough evidence to proof that he entire world is run by greed and 
deceit. I say - so what! That does not mean that we have to chose sides or 
be concerned about it. We can still create our own reality - which is a 
subjective thing anyway - and say: It's only an experience so let's watch it 
and become a perfect Observer...
Are you with me? - Gerardus


Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 12:20:40 -0700
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [4D-STO-C] Our Show and Puzzle...

To and for all Listers... 
Not sure whether you have seen this or not. 
I changed the whole thing a bit and I think it's better.
Enjoy - Gerardus 
Please consider the following:

Our show and puzzle... 
We are the Essence behind or beyond creation! As this Essence we express 
ourselves and issue Creation. Within our creation we find ourselves 
individual actors playing roles. By means of playing our roles, the actors 
we are, create a drama that is also a comedy. The show is very confusing 
sometimes, because when we as actors play our roles, our lines become our 
personal views. Our lines or views are different in order to make it a very 
interesting show and a puzzle to be solved. We as the Essence of creation 
are the Truth! When we as actors quit playing our roles for a while - we see 
that our views have nothing to do with the Truth We Are. Sooner or later, we 
learn to see through the show creation is and solve the puzzle! When this 
happens, we immediately burst out laughing... 
(; Gerardus ;)


Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 08:52:33 -0700
From gerardus@otvcablelan.net Fri Oct 05 09:22:53 2001
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Play the Game and play it well...

Gerardus here: 
About Jesus by whatever name, Buddha, Krishna, Lao-Tzu, Yada or any other 
member of the human family of Enlightened Beings - I suggest that - taken 
into consideration the illusion of time - we are equal. I said all equal! 
No one is an orphan or crippled. Nor is anyone either less or more than 
another. The universe is not like Wall Street - where values are counted in 
monetary possessions, or how much influence one has on the president, or on 
how much money we are going to make as a demolition contractor. The entire 
universal scene is a field of equals, projection their personalities playing 
their roles upon many an earth simultaneously. The more we get stuck praying 
in our role, the more roles we need to play in order to awaken...
All we need to remember is, that we as role-players suffer from amnesia and 
have lost our perspectives of the Absolute Reality We Are. Think it 
through, and we will not be concerned in the least who did what to whom or 
whom to pray to - yes or no. We as equals play our roles in a endless 
drama/comedy, dressed up in space suits we call bodies and change our roles 
infinitely often...
After all, what else is there to do in an infinite mind manifesting solar 
systems and planets ad infinitum, which function as stages to be performed 
upon - acting out whatever crazy self-created script we might have come up 
with. The trick is to play the game and play it well! After all, we play 
the "Play of God playing as Man". Finish the game and no difference will be 
noticed in either color or size between Souls or Energies - for all of us 
will be laughing in delight when the box is closed. Voila, another Grand 
Cycle... and Now What?

Pray if you want to, I feel that we need to remember that any personality 
can make itself useful to itself only, by praying. The Infinite Soul or God 
does not change its attitude because one of its infinite and tiny puppets 
got caught in a spiel of unawareness and feels hurt now and is praying like 
hell. Life is for learning that all of us are the One - individually! No 
one is greater than we already are - just the way we are... 
Jessinavarah Ben Marnouk Osama Bin Gerardus 
the Infinitely Tiny - prays by smiling.


Date: Sat, 06 Oct 2001 15:13:46 -0700
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Something interesting NUMBER 3 ISSUE

Gerardus here: 
Here is a small portion of the C-channelings. 
Put this together with the pictures of the UFOs from the Japanese website 
and it might make more sense. Here is what I sent before, revised a bit... 
In the following URLs there are many interesting pictures (Animated as well) 
You can see the second tower being hit by the airplane while something 
else flies by AT THE SAME TIME - and then continues. Just when the plane hits 
the tower - the "whatitsname" flies BY the tower. There even seems to be a 
bit of a hesitation (or stopping) when the object flies by the tower. 
Add to this that these beings exist beyond time. So anything can happen in 
a split second or less. It loks to me that something is going on that 
could be as described by the Cs. 

Q: (L) OK, now, you said a moment ago that some of these bodies were 
used as receptacles, soul receptacles. When you say soul receptacles, 
do you mean soul receptacles for whom? 
A: Replacements for dead bodies, i.e. duplicated. 

Q: (L) So, in other words, they make replacements for dead people and 
put their souls in a replacement body, so that they can continue 
living on, is that it? 
A: Yes. 

Q: (L) Do they ever use dead bodies and reanimate them and 
then put other souls in them? 
A: No. For example: a soldier is KIA, his body is duplicated, his 
soul is replaced into new body, then he is "reprogrammed for service" 
to aliens and S.G. [Secret Government] 

Q: (L) Where does the new body coming from? 
A: It is duplicate of old body. TDARM. [TDARM is Trans Dimensional 
Atomic ReMolecularization] 

Q: (T) Otherwise known in Star Trek as a 'Replicator'. (TK) Does 
somebody have to die in a certain way before they can do this? 
A: No. 

Q: (TK): Is there a time limit on how long they can be dead? 
A: No. Zero time. 

Q: (L) They use the frequency vibration of the soul pattern, they 
take it into another density, use their TDARM technology to cause a 
molecular re-assembly; in other words, the atoms begin to assemble 
around it in the pattern that it had before, and then it is a full- 
fledged body, and then they insert it back through the time doorway 
into 3D again. Is that correct? 
A: Close. 

Q: (T): OK, you said... let's use Vietnam. You said there were 23,000 
KIA's of the 60,000 that actually were not killed in action. True? 
A: Were killed, then reanimated. 

Q: (L) We're not talking about physical bodies here, are we? 
A: Yes. 
Q: (L) OK, there are some that were killed in action that the actual 
bodies were reanimated? (J) As long as they weren't blown up in a 
land mine, yeah. (L) There were actually bodies that were actually 
reanimated, is that correct? 

A: Some, but most were duplicated. War makes covert actions so easy. 
Q: (T) It's just that the cover of a war, is easier to take the 
bodies. (TK) They're not wanting people to realize ... They're not 
wanting to just take them out of the graves, because if you did, it 
would be more noticed. (L) Were some of these bodies taken... were 
the bodies picked up, taken into another density for this 
ReMolecularization patterning? 
A: Yes. 

Q: (L) OK, so they had to have an actual body for the pattern. Were 
the original bodies returned once the duplication was done? 
A: More than one type of situation. 

Q: (L) So, in other words, it could be sometimes, yeah, they were, 
and sometimes, no, they weren't. (T) Were some of these 
supposed "killed in action's" actually not killed? Were they still 
alive when they were removed? 
A: All possibilities. 

Q: (L) So this is in a sense a "crime of opportunity." (J) War is a 
supermarket of opportunities! (T) Some were just taken by the secret 
government when they were alive, some were dead and brought back in 
new bodies to continue on, and they were considered dead, but they're 
all considered dead. 
A: Taken by aliens, not SG. Secret Government is aware to some 
extent, but not in control of operation. 

Here are the UFO Sites again:
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/%7Ekiti/Ufo/wtc/wtc.htm <--- Original 
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/%7Ekiti/Ufo/fs/fs.htm <--- Added !
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~kiti/Ufo/rd.htm <--- Added !
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~kiti/Ufo/sc.htm <--- Added !
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~kiti/Ufo/as12/as12.htm <--- Added !
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~kiti/Ufo/fs/ Go here and click on Files Names.
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~kiti/Ufo/magic/moonufo.htm ??? ???
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~kiti/Ufo/taiken/kiti/kititaiken.htm <-- Added !
http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~kiti/Ufo/ <--- Added !

None of them work any more...



Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 15:03:14 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus gerardus@otvcablelan.net
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 20:01:14 -0700
Reply-To: matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [matrioshka] fellow Russian dolls

At 07:51 PM 10/11/2001 -0700, you wrote: 
Hello Brian... 
Yes, you are right. "There is no final doll, there is just nothing". 
This might be so, because there is only the Dreamer dreaming dreams.
Or is the fact that there is no final doll - because there is ALL in the 
final analysis?

Gerardus here: 
There is no final anything anywhere anytime anyplane anydensity 
anydimension. There is only the journey. Better enjoy it now - if not - one 
never will! We could call our journey our destination, but in a way, there 
is nowhere to go so no destination. We are just here and move presumably 
closer to higher enjoyment by means of higher levels of awareness, gained 
by traveling... 
How does one separate the dream from the dreamer ? Or the figment from the 
whole ?

Gerardus here: 
The Dance and the Dancer are the same. The Dream and the Dreamer are the 
same! Manyness is an illusion. God IS One IS Creation. We play games by 
acting in a show that never ends. It does not even have chapters, except 
for the illusions that we are born into different bodies. They are figments 
of our Dream. Why do we dream all this? It is our Nature. Our Nature is 
being a creative Dreamer. There are Dreams within Dreams within Dreams. All 
virtually real. The only realness that is - is the Dreamer/Dream. 

We are 
creative by dreaming Creation and its seemingly manyness. Once we think we 
live there - we are thrown for a loop and think that it is real and that it 
is a reality in and by itself. There is but one thing: The Dreamer and its 
Dream. Trouble is, when it is expressed in words - there seem to be two. 
Not so... 
>I have used the matrioshka dolls as an illustration in my textbook on 
>Spirituality [in the process of writing for the last 4 years]. They are 
>well suited in explaining the different bodies of man - the Spirit within 
>the center - and an ever more visible [dense] bodies in layers over it..... 
>emotional, mental, et cetera, physical on the outside.

Gerardus here: 
Yes, that is right. It is a perfect illustration of how the human is put 
together. In the mean time, it took an enormous time (so to speak - as if 
there was time) to make this human live in a reality that is a fake. Trick 
is to enjoy it - I feel that it is one prerequisite of getting into 
different dream reality. Like into higher planes of dreaming that I have 
assumed will be available when we are ready. Knowledge is the ticket... 
>But it could just as well go the other way also -- Spirit enfolding within 
>itself the other bodies, with the physical being the last, or innermost or 
>smallest doll.

Gerardus here 
Yes, one could go either way. In actuality there is no time and space, so 
where is that body? Where is this physical reality? It's an aspect of our 
dream. It ain't real! Awakening is the end of the Dream - but why awaken 
so to speak? One never should. We can only be aware of what we really are 
- and call that awakening. In the mean time, we possibly might awaken to 
different levels within the total dream. It will be different for it is 
dreamt by awarenesses that have learned to dream consciously. At the moment 
people on earth dream unconsciously. Many do not even know that they are 
dreaming! In the mean time, certain religions call for waky waky. By a 
load of luck they got that one right...

Mankind is but in the beginning stage of what is humanly possible. In the 
mean time, billions will have a hard time in days to come for the masses 
dream or live unconsciously. Suffering is a sure thing to awaken them - 
that's why things are the way the are... 
>Within the spiritual/metaphysical community things are separated and 
>labeled - ONLY for ease of understanding each part. But they ARE NOT 
>separate, or at least not as long as there are people in the physical.

Gerardus here: 
Yeah, there are no parts or portions, or Souls for that matter. Only for 
human convenience sake do we split One Whole - One Energy - in into pieces. 
The human mind cannot fathom One Reality or Oneness as Diversity. We are 
The Infinite Light dispersed through lenses that are our bodies and they 
fool us... 
Within this dream, each dream-figment becomes real to itself. The trouble 
starts when figments begin to take themselves too seriously.
Taking yourself too seriously [or seriously at all] is a sign of too much 
ego. :) I know - I spent many years taking myself seriously ...... and it 
did NOT work ... all it did is make me unhappy.......

Gerardus here: 
Yes, it comes from a true lack of understanding or Cosmic Insight - maybe 
we could call this wisdom - whatever. Seriousness and ambition are mankind 
enemies. Caused by the limited ego thinking that it is important. That is 
what the trouble is with many channelers. They begin to think that they are 
special and more than someone else. Especially so if they happen to be 
brilliant. Who created them? - who dreamt them up? - but the One Light or 
a specific aspect of that Light - teaching other aspects of itself to 
shine. Most become arrogant, fanatic or self-righteous. Goes to their 
heads. Nothing new... it's a human trap... 

>>They possibly start to accuse each other of things that they themselves 
>>have allowed to happen. 
>or fueled the fire ? I know this story all too well. Again years spent in 
>doing this - and then wondered why everyone attacked me .... woe is me 
>.... poor me ... what a victim I am

Gerardus here: 
Yes, that's the way it goes. 
We all do it to ourselves and that's the way it should be. It is our 
ignorance of what is, that gets us into trouble. In the mean time, the 
more trouble we are in - the more we can learn. The lesson however is not 
always seen as our own doing. Some blame our mother or our upbringing or 
whatever. The very upbringing or parent was needed to give the soul the 
opportunity to get it straight this time. Well, and if not - no harm done. 
There are more illusions than realizations... 
>But I am now waking up - and deciding the Matrix sucks... 
>Blessings. Olga
Yes, Life is on our side - Gerardus


To: matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
X-Yahoo-Profile: imualso
Mailing-List: list matrioshka@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 09:47:12 -0700
Reply-To: matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [matrioshka] Still not sweating it...

Michael here: 
So I don't 
think it's pompous to say that I am an agent of "God" and so are you 
and everyone else. Indeed, you cannot not be an agent of God. And 
agents DO things. So just what are our abilities and where do my 
List buddies think we should apply them? 

Gerardus here: 
I almost agree with everything you said! Except for minor details not worth 
discussing. This is what I think/feel: the very fact that we (you and I) 
think differently than the NewWorldOrderPeople and a lot of other people 
means that we are doing something already without even lifting a finger. 
----- Our thoughts penetrate all people and planes of existences. 
It's there for them to receive. Our very presence is doing something...

Another thing is, that as I see the world, it is nothing but a classroom - 
say Grade 3. All human beings end up in this classroom and pass through it 
by learning their lessons. These lessons include being manipulated by their 
leaders and/or religions and becoming a slave. One cannot free a slave who 
does not know that he is a slave. He is asleep. They would rather kill us 
then listen to us for we speak nonsense. Going through grade 3 wakes him up 
and eventually he is in our place...

So what is the situation? 
People in grade 4 - say you and I, and a few other people, cannot wake up 
Grade 3 people by telling them something they are not interested in. They 
will reject it! In the first place because they do not have the brains to 
understand it and secondly it is interfering with their free will. If they 
need to be told something, it will have to come from within! This could be 
their Guides or Soul itself. If they are not capable of waking up these guys 
- we will not be either... 

Basically we cannot skip classes. Like why did 
you go to elementary school? Why didn't you go to high school right away? 
Would have saved you a lot of time. People in grade 3 wake up by themselves 
and sooner or later they think that they can help the stragglers by forcing 
them into understanding something they are not ready for. When the student 
is ready - the teacher will appear. Email forums are teachers. There are 
more people lurking than there are people posting. That is doing something!

Beside all my words above, it just comes down to the following: we all come 
here to experience the Human Condition! This includes the full gamut of 
being human. Being killed, molested, falsely accused, stolen from, murdered 
and being a murderer, being a politician, being a banker and being a 
religious leader, having power over others, or seeing the whole thing like 
you and I do and pondering on what to do about it...

Having said all that and the possibility that you might not agree with it 
all - I am interest to hear what YOU propose to do about the situation in 
this world. One never knows - I might have overlooked something. Have you 
read the following article? http://www.soulwise.net/25a-tgs.htm

Michael here: 
What is the point of knowledge if it is not applied? And what about your 
metaphysical knowledge? Just what is it good for? 

Gerardus here: 
My metaphysical knowledge is used very well. I am the one using it and 
having the benefit of it. Knowledge like wisdom cannot be passed around like 
money of gifts. It's a personal thing or development/evolvement.
 Life is a do it yourself thing...

Still not sweating it - Gerardus


Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 22:02:12 -0700
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
X-Yahoo-Profile: imualso
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] Re: If you think that...

At 04:11 AM 10/18/2001 -0000, you wrote: 
--- In 4D-STO-C@y..., "Fiona"  wrote: 
To all 4-Ders... 
If you think that... there is something wrong with this world and that it 
should not be the way it is, or that you feel that something should be done 
about it - you are trying to save the world. It means that you still have 
attachments to this world and that you are not ready to go to 4D! 

Any comments are welcome - Gerardus 

Fiona here: 
Well done Gerardus, never short of a few curly ones to drop into the 
conversation. Of course I agree with your thinking. We do not need to 
anyone or anything. Nothing needs to be done - it will do very well all my 
itself. I am losing interest in this world day by day - I long for out 
sometimes - but I know that I have something to DO before I depart. Who 
 knows what that something is - I just hope it gives me a good buzz !! 

TRIAKA HERE: I have a different perspective. I am ready for 4-5D and at 
the same time justify my current incarnation to (hopefully) serve others in 
making the transition from 3D. I, therefore, have attempted to show my 
fellow humans the disharmonious baggage they co-created in 3D and the 
release of which may help "open" them to make the transition. Triaka 

Hi Triaka... 
That is Great! 
What do you think my attempt is? Our very thoughts, our very discussions 
reverberate as thought-energy throughout the entire universe hitting 
mankind from all sides. What do think this wave is, or this quantum leap? 

It is our own thought bouncing around and off each other? It multiplies 
and multiplies until each and every human eventually sees the light. All 
mankind needs to do is recognize itself. We are the light lost in the dark 
hallways of our own mind in order to experience the infinite scope of 
duality. No doubt we will all return to the brilliance of our own 
Greatness. Possibly not all at once, but each in his own time...

Your perspective is my perspective - Gerardus


At 09:44 AM 10/22/2001 EDT, you wrote:

Hi Guys, Ally here,

I've read your posts with great interest and find myself observing the 
bizarre happenings in the world somewhat from afar. 

Hi Ally - Gerardus here:
I'll take your post sentence by sentence maybe, and see what comes out. 
First of all, thank you for your kind words. Watching the bizarre happening 
from afar, as you say, well that's an excellent way to take them in.  

Although life has changed for many of us, the changes that took place, do 
not all have the same effect on all of us. For example, my  personal life 
has not changed one bit!  Except that I write and discuss different things 
now. The only changes as far as I am concerned are, that I have become more 
and more convinced that the World is being brainwashed to the limit of 
laughter. One could burst out doing so, if it was not so sad. In the mean 
time, this is where the mass-mind is at...  What else is new?

Ally here:
>I don't care to keep up 
>with the frenzy I see on mainstream media as so much of it invokes fear. What 
>exactly is it that's happening? Why is this happening and why do you say it 
>will get worse? 

Gerardus here:
I feel that the fear factor is something to overcome by reasoning it out. 
Thousands of people die everyday by means of all kinds of causes and no one 
worries or is concerned about it. Most people do not even know how many 
people die per day. The anthrax cases are so few and far in between at the 
moment, that I do not think it is worth being concerned about. This does not 
mean that we should not take precautionary measures when we open our mail. 

Life teaches us to live with awareness. This is what life is all about - 
live consciously. Phil McGraw on the Oprah show calls it - Living by design. 
He is right...

Will it get worse?  Not sure what you mean here.  In general I feel that the 
war and killing we see right now, is nothing compared to what it might be in 
the future. We live in the "end of time" as the bible calls it. That's the 
way I see it as well. It is a time within which we will be tested so to 
speak by the circumstances in our world. We will be tested by our own 
creations. The only hope there is I feel - is this: the American people, and 
the people of the world, must ban together and protest in enormous 
proportions against this war and killing mentality of the USA and English 
Governments. In the mean time, they are not the only Governments involved 
and unless the people of the world awaken - many many millions might be 
killed. Either violently or by sinister means of anthrax and/or other 
pollution or poisoning. Chemtrails for example is one of them.  As I see it 
the anthrax scare comes from the same people who fly the Chemtrails planes... 

Now, is this all scary and does it cause fear?  That's up to each and every 
individual who either reads this or becomes aware of what is. Personally I 
feel that it is a lot better to be aware of what could happen - than wander 
about in a daze of ignorance...

Ally here
>I've read so much on so many wonderful websites with regard 
>to our transition to the 4th dimension/vibration but I really don't 
>understand why there needs to be such negativity in the process. 

Gerardus here:
This wonderful transition to the 4th dimension/vibration is Great!  
Questions are: What do we need to do in order to transcend?  What is the 
criteria?  Who and who is going?  Could it be possible that all this talk is 
but wishful thinking and the criteria is "Knowledge" or knowing what is 
going on - and still not be fearful?  Could it be that the criteria is 

Could this means that we live as before and have no concern for the future?  
Do we trust the process Life is? Is that what living in the moment is all 
about?  Is all the commotion of the world at large just to be known about 
and then say - I am looking at it from afar, like you do, and continue 
taking care of our family or do whatever it was before we did before 911 ??

Negativity and positivity are a continuum.  One cannot be without the other. 
Life is both. It always has been this way!  Most Americans however, in their 
blind search for instant gratification and sensation, did not have a clue 
what their Government was doing to others for the last 50 years. Is this why 
the USA has so many enemies?  Is this why some people became terrorists? 

In the last 50 years the International Policies of the USA were of the same 
barbaric behavior as what is called terrorism. Interference with all kinds 
of Government in other countries to suit their own bank accounts and power!  
How come so few Americans knows about this?  Is this because they are kept 
asleep by their own leaders?  Is this why so called terrorists had to awaken 
them?  In the mean time - negativity is not of the last few weeks. This 
planet is about duality - it has contained both since ever...

Ally here:
>being of course the disasters and bio-terrorism we are all seeing at the 
>present time. Perhaps someone could enlighten me with their thoughts on the 

Gerardus here:
I think I answered that above. 

So what do we do?  We must awaken to the fact what this world is really for. 
It is a planet where we as Souls come to have our human experiences. The 
souls we are, come here to awaken, by means of these experiences. Naturally 
these experiences need to be of a positive as well as of a negative 

Life is Everything - Gerardus


Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 09:39:33 -0700
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [4D-STO-C] What would you bet on?

Note from somewhere: 
In all, about 800 people have been rounded up since 
the attacks, most of whom are expected to be found to 
be innocent. Investigators believe there could be 
hundreds of people linked to al-Qaeda living in the 
US, and the Bush Administration has issued a warning 
that more attacks are probably being planned. 
Gerardus here: 
If 800 suspects are in custody - who is spreading this anthrax around? 
Another thought - the entire scene is very suspicious if you ask me. One has 
to be pretty knowledgeable of who is who and where they work to get all the 
addresses just right...

Look at these four points: 
1) Hijackers not on Passengers Lists. 
2) Possibility of remote controlled planes. 
3) Rumors of some of the hijackers showing up. 
4) The precise timing and numbers of the planes and dates 
all focusing on the number Eleven. http://www.soulwise.net/numbers.htm
All this from a cave in Afghanistan? Could this entire show be an inside 
job from beginning to end? What would you bet on??

Right! Here's another one: 
Is the whole anthrax-idea to create wide spread fear so that people begin to 
ask for this "Police State" they want to establish anyway - asked for or 
not? Ah well, forget it...

I have always been a dreamer - Gerardus


Date 24 10 2001

TO: matrioshka@yahoogroups.com

Andrew here in part of your Chapter Seven:
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to solve the most difficult 
paradox ever known to the minds of the world's greatest physicists, let's 
give it a try and see how easy this is. Scientists cannot figure out whether 
a particle is a particle or a wave.  As far as they are concerned, it cannot 
be both.

It is both, however. But, the real question is: What is a particle?  Is it 
a billiard ball or do we need a more holistic explanation that says that 
every particle is part of something much bigger?

That insight would actually help solve the paradox and stop silly 
physicists from saying that particles are telepathic. There is little danger 
that scientists---who are trained reductionists---will make that connection, 
though. Particles really emerge like notes out of the endlessly playing 
chaotic symphony.

Hi Andrew - Gerardus here:
I just finished reading up to Chapter Seven of your files at M-List. I agree 
with you that atoms do not exist as individual things or vibrations. They 
are what I call "nodes" of a universal energy that exposes itself to us as 
specific aspects. We call these exposed aspects atoms. Atoms are like fishes 
in the ocean and are sustained by that ocean...  

IOW: what we think we see as an atom is a reflection of a specific 
characteristic of the universal energy as a Whole.  It is the energy we swim 
in so to speak.  It "IS" us, while we, when we live in a human body, have 
shifted a specific aspect of our awareness through a lens the body is.  It 
fools us, for we think that there is something outside our ourselves. Cannot 
be - we are the Whole! 


Date: 30 Oct 2001 18:46:59 -0000
From wisdom-l-error@spiritweb.org Tue 
Envelope-to: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
To: Wisdom List 
Reply-to: Wisdom List 
Subject: [wisdom-l] Re: P.B.Quote for the Day

At 05:44 PM 10/30/2001 -0000, you wrote: 
"Those who look for some swift miraculous renaissance of peace and goodwill 
in the Occident look in vain, for such miracles do not happen. The world is 
making its own destiny, and nobody can neutralize it. Nobody can abrogate 
the past. A grim Justice rules all worlds, from the strange and weird 
places where ghosts foregather to the more matter-of-fact haunts of earthly 
cities. Only the psychically blind and the spiritually sightless ever hope 
to evade this Justice or to escape the final accounting which tracks down 
individuals and nations alike with mathematical accuracy."(9-3.342)

Gerardus here: 
Yes, very true! 
We as Souls are here in order to experience human life. This includes all 
kinds of experiences - positive as well as negative. There are certain 
cycles and pathways that function as created destinies for Humanity. Within 
these pathways, we as human beings have some leeway to move left or right 
somewhat - but in no way can we escape what's coming to us... 

I feel that we create our reality from the Soul Level and we as the 
instruments of our Soul experience the created realities. The only thing we 
as human beings create are the attitudes we have towards what's happening to 
us. In the long run, we will find that the more we evolve - the more we 
become our Soul - the more influence we have in creating the reality we 
desire. This means naturally, that we need to escape the mass-mind and 
slowly but sure awaken to the Force we Are - The God That Is All. Reaching 
the Christ-Consciousness is a Process...

It's a long journey and there are no shortcuts - Gerardus


To: <4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 10:22:53 -0500
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] WhatReallyHappened.com

This is an excellent article, which I have just carefully read a 
second time, since Gerardus posted it several days ago. 
If anyone hasn't yet taken the time to read it (I know - there's SO 
much to read these days!) please take the time. This is one 
of the best I've seen lately, and I'm forwarding it to my personal 
contacts as well.

Robert Sterling 
Editor, The Konformist 
Dubya Dubya Three - Are Americans The Victims Of A Hoax? 

"Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even 
in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen 
aknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and 
corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. 

To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of 
harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender 
one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have 
the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not 
designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards 
an excuse not to think at all." - Michael Rivero

The time has come to stop using the flag as a blindfold, to stop 
waving our guns and our gods at each other, to take a close look at 
the facts which have emerged from the attacks on the World Trade 
Towers and to recognize the very real possibility, indeed 
probability, that We The People are the victims of a gigantic and 
deadly hoax.

In a normal terrorist event, the terrorists cannot wait to take 
credit, in order to link the violence to the socio-political intent 
of the terrorist organization. Yet the prime suspect in the New York 
Towers case, ex(?) CIA asset Osama Bin Laden (whose brother is one of 
George W. Bush's Texas business partners), has issued only two 
statements regarding the September 11th attacks, and both of those 
are denials of any involvement.

Huge problems are emerging in the official view of events. It's known 
that the United States was planning an invasion of Afghanistan long 
before the attacks on the World Trade Towers. Indeed the attacks on 
the World Trade Towers perfectly fit the timetable of an invasion by 
October stated by US officials just last summer.

The 19 names of suspected hijackers released by the FBI don't point 
to Afghanistan. They come from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab 
Emirates; all across the middle east without a focus in any one 
region. Indeed, even as the FBI was admitting that its list of 19 
names was based solely on identifications thought to have been 
forged, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saudi Al-Faisal 
insisted that an investigation in Saudi Arabia showed that the 5 
Saudi men were not aboard the four jetliners that crashed in New 
York, Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 11.

It was proved that 
five of the names included in the FBI list had nothing to do with 
what happened, Al-Faisal told the Arabic Press in Washington after 
meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House. A 
sixth identified hijacker is also reported to still be alive in 
Tunisia, while a 7th named man died two years ago!

In a recent development, the BBC is reporting that the transcript of 
a phone call made by Flight Attendant Madeline Amy Sweeney to Boston 
air traffic controls shows that the flight attendant gave the seat 
numbers occupied by the hijackers, seat numbers which were NOT the 
seats of the men the FBI claimed were responsible for the hijacking!
FBI Chief Robert Mueller admitted on September 20 and on September 27 
that at this time the FBI has no legal proof to prove the true 
identities of the suicidal hijackers. Yet in the haste to move 
forward on the already planned war in Afghanistan, our government and 
the FBI (which does not have the best record for honesty in 
investigations to begin with, having been caught rigging lab tests, 
manufacturing testimony in the Vincent Foster affair, and illegally 
withholding/destroying evidence in the Oklahoma Bombing case) are not 
taking too close a look at evidence that points away from the 
designated suspect, ex(?) CIA asset Osama Bin Laden.

In particular, the FBI, too busy harassing political dissenters to 
find spies in its midst, the long rumored mole inside the White 
House, or plug leaks in high-tech flowing to foreign nations, has 
willfully and criminally ignored the implications of some vital 
pieces of information the FBI is itself waving around at the public.
We are being told that this crack team of terrorists, able to breeze 
past airport security as if it wasn't there, wound up leaving so much 
evidence in its wake that the bumbling Inspector Clouseau (or the 
FBI) could not fail to stumble over it. The locations where the 
terrorists supposedly stayed are so overloaded with damning materials 
that they resemble less a crimes scene, and more a "B" detective 
movie set, with vital clues always on prominent display for the 

Yet another problem lies with the described actions of the hijackers 
themselves. We are being told on the one hand that these men were 
such fanatical devotees of their faith that they willingly crashed 
the jets they were flying into buildings. Yet on the other hand, we 
are being told that these same men spent the night before their 
planned visit to Allah drinking in strip bars, committing not just 
one, but two mortal sins which would keep them out of Paradise no 
matter what else they did. Truly devout Muslims would spend the day 
before a suicide attack fasting and praying. Not only does the 
drinking in strip bars not fit the profile of a fanatically religious 
Muslim willing to die for his cause, but the witness reports of the 
men in the bars are of men going out of their way to be noticed and 
remembered, while waving around phony identifications.

Because of the facts of the phony identifications, we don't really 
know who was on those planes. What we do know is that the men on 
those planes went to a great deal of trouble to steal the identities 
of Muslims, and to make sure those identities were seen and 
remembered, then to leave a plethora of planted clues around, such as 
crop dusting manuals, and letters in checked baggage (why does a 
terrorist about to die need to check baggage?) that "somehow" didn't 
get on the final, fatal, flight.

Fake terror is nothing new. According to recently released files, our 
government planned Operation NORTHWOODS to stage phony terror attacks 
against American citizens in the wake of the Bay Of Pigs, to anger 
Americans into support for a second invasion of Cuba. The plan was 
spiked by JFK. If our government has ever actually carried out such 
plans to stage phony terror attacks, the documents have remained 
classified. But given the reality of Operation NORTHWOODS, or the 
manner in which FDR maneuvered Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor, one 
cannot rule out the possibility that, once again, the people of the 
United States are being lied to by their own government, to 
manufacture consent for a war of invasion already being discussed 
with other nations the previous summer.

It is also quite possible, indeed likely, that the United States is 
being spoofed by a third party to trigger a war. It has happened 
before. According to Victor Ostrovsky, a defector from Israel's 
secret service, Mossad, Israel decided to mount a false flag 
operation designed to further discredit Libya, and provoke the US to 
attack an Arab nation. A transmitter loaded with pre-recorded 
messages was planted in Tripoli, Libya, by a Mossad team.

The `Trojan Horse' beamed out fake messages about Libyan-authorized 
bombings and planned attacks that were immediately intercepted by US 
electronic monitoring. Convinced by this disinformation that Libya 
was behind the 1986 bombing of a Berlin disco in which a US soldier 
died, President Ronald Reagan ordered massive air attacks on Libya, 
including an obvious- and illegal (under US law) attempt to 
assassinate Qadaffi himself. Some 100 Libyan civilians were killed, 
including Qadaffi's two year old daughter. Libyan officials had no 
idea why they were attacked.
It is worth remembering the motto of the Mossad is, "By way of 
deception, thou shalt do war."
Whether they were involved in the attacks or not, it cannot be 
doubted that Israel has benefited from the attacks in New York. While 
world attention is focused on what the US will do in Afghanistan, 
Israel has escalated its attacks against Palestinians towns. Israel 
has repeatedly tried to claim that Palestinians were involved in the 
New York attacks, hoping to bury the Palestinian cause under the 
rubble of the World Trade Towers.

Because of the faked IDs and stolen identities, we don't really know 
who planned the World Trade Towers attacks. We only know who they 
wanted us to blame.

And we know that the United States has been tricked in the past into 
bombing someone who did not deserve the attack, and that those who 
were bombed then embarked on what from their point of view was 
justified retaliation that culminated over Lockerbie. And while bombs 
were falling and planes were crashing, Israel was laughing at us that 
we had been so easily fooled into bombing Israel's targets for them.
Are we being hoaxed again, by Israel, or by our own government, or by 
both? It's impossible to rule that out. Right now there are a lot of 
people who want war. Oil companies want Afghanistan's petroleum 
products. Our corporations want "friendlier" markets. The CIA wants 
all that opium. And all those war-mongers, with all their greed and 
agendas, will not hesitate in the least to pour your tax dollars and 
your children's blood all over Afghanistan, to get those "friendlier" 
markets, oil, and opium.

Because of the vested interests at work here, American citizens must, 
more than at any other time in recent history, rely on themselves to 
decide what is happening in our nation. Too many of those who purport 
to report the "truth" to us are eager to grab more tax money and more 
children to pour into a war of invasion, poised at a region which has 
swallowed up every army that has tried to conquer it since the time 
of Alexander The Great.

And one more thing. Take a good look at the map of Eurasia and plot 
out where the United States has military deployments. They march in a 
straight line through the middle of Eurasia, Macedonia, Bosnia, 
Kosovo, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan.
The United States is prepared to cut the Russian Federation off from 
the oil rich middle east, and to control transportation routes from 
China and India into the Middle East. When Russia realizes that this 
is the real agenda, that's when "Dubya Dubya Three" will really get 


Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2001 21:30:55 -0800
To: matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
X-Yahoo-Profile: imualso
Mailing-List: list matrioshka@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
Reply-To: matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [matrioshka] Re: Dialysis

At 04:28 AM 11/2/2001 -0000, you wrote: 
--- In matrioshka@y..., "Rush"  wrote: 
Interesting. Now it seems that the dialysis story WAS NOT an 
United Press International piece, someone changed the sourcing and 
sent it out that way. That certainly undermines it's credibility, 
along with the fact that none of the other outlets are carrying 
the "story"... 

Gerardus here: 
What difference does it really make what's wrong or right with Bin? The 
killing will go on with or without him. The entire idea of fighting, war 
and killing is so retarded and without a solution, that indeed a president 
with the mentality of a grade three student is needed to begin it and keep 
it going blindly. BUT just a minute!! Hold everything!! Pardon me - I 
forgot for a moment there - that wars are started and fought to benefit big 
business. How could I forget that Greed is God?? Shame on me...

In the mean time, I see the entire world as a scenario for Souls to have 
experiences in human bodies. I can also see that it might be useful to 
experience the full gamut of human experiences. How ignorant do we need to 
become however in order to experience a gamut so horrible that it puts us 
into state of indifference? The older I become and the more I think I have 
become aware of what is - the more I know that I know nothing, and the more 
I shake my head and have trouble not to judge anyone. The more we have 
separated from the God We Are - the more insane we have become...

How deep is Insanity? - Gerardus 
(Hello to you Jeff Norg)


Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 07:42:00 -0800
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Subject: [4D-STO-C] The Astral Realms and Higher...

Hello 4-Ders...
The following might be true, might be nonsense, or it might be in between. 
In the mean time, I thought I should share this with you and see what happens.
Now, all this is mostly for beginners so you big Souls be patient please. 
The big stuff I have to think of yet...
Feel free to comments or just sit there. Twiddle something maybe... 
There are Seven Densities. 

Some people call them wrongfully "Dimensions".

1) Atoms and Minerals exist there.

2) Plants and Animals exist (live) there.

3) Human beings live or exist there.

4) The UFO People and the Dracos or Reptilians live or exist there. 
The religions call them Satan or Devils. Others we call Angels! 
They are able to travel Time...

5) The place you call Heaven. (Dead people go there) 
In actuality it is a region with certain frequency ranges in the universal 
mind we could call the "Place of Contemplation". We have thoughts there of 
our last lifetime and prepare ourselves for the next lifetime...

6) The region where very wise Beings live who could be called Co-Creators. 
They look after worlds and their species. Genetic Engineers live there. 
They create new Beings and Species...

7) The Region of the Universal Mind that is strictly Mental and Spiritual 
and looks after the Creation of new Galaxies and Planets. (I think) 
It knows all things. It is in Bliss so to speak. This is the realm 
where every Soul ends up eventually and then aspects of these Souls start 
allover again in Density #1. The universe is in the Recycling Business! 
Nothing is thrown away for there is no place to throw it...

The Universe recycles within itself the same way as the cells of our body 
renew themselves and maintain the body we live in. When we learn how to 
raise our level of Awareness to higher levels like Jesus did - we will be 
able to ascend and take our body with us. There are other people who have 
done that! Sometimes we are picked up by so called UFOs and they take us for 
a ride or they take us to our next place of being. Ezekiel went for a ride 
with the Gods as you know. He spoke to higher beings. All things and 
Beings together ARE --> ***All That Is*** (Or God if you like). 

Looking for Density Four - Gerardus 
(Have you seen it some place?)


Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 08:54:48 -0800
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
Delivered-To: mailing list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [4D-STO-C] Get a load of this !

At 03:50 PM 11/7/2001 +1300, you wrote: 
I guess you remember the student asking the master what is real? The 
master hummed and hawed a bit and then hit the student over the head with 
his cane. Bong! There the master said: now you know what real is... 
Ouch - Gerardus 
Your mini revelation is a revelation from a 3D perspective. 
Not bad at all as far as it goes. 
3D perspectives are all illusionary self-created realities... 
Fiona here: 
Yeah, I could have explained it better probably - I know what the picture 
looks like but find it hard to put into words -

Gerardus here: 
I thought that it came through quite clearly, no trouble grokking it. 
Lifetimes are like Movie-Video-Tapes. Once you seen them all, you can play 
each one again, out of time-order so to speak and every time you play it, 
you can understand the lives in all the other tapes better. They become 
clearer yet for you have learned more after you have seen the last 
lifetime. You could this forever so to speak. All you need is more 

Also, we spoke about this before I think, bodies stay in time/space and 
possibly YOU could live MY life by using my body - since all bodies are 
approached from the timeless region. Naturally it would become your life 
then for you would do different things with my body. As a matter of fact, 
one could live everybody's life first before one could live one's own. 


That last sentence is kind of puzzling maybe, but not really, for if we 
live lives in each other's bodies, just in order to have experiences - 
which is your or my life? None really - we just live them both. Or 
possibly millions could live in the same body and live that life 
differently. It's all illusion anyway. No wonder I got so many voices in 
my head. All these people want to speak to the list all it once. I think 
next time I am going to look for a virgin body - brand new and never been 
fooled around with. All this we could call parallel souls from the body's 
point of view. Could this be the multi-personality syndrome...?

Funny thoughts - Gerardus


Dated as Above!

Gerardus here: 
I do think that the sequential time frames in which we live lifetimes in 3D 
makes it a lot easier to understand how incarnation works. Also, it gives us 
the idea that we are not the body - but that we just wear a body in order to 
be on earth. When we later on begin to grasp the illusionary nature of 3D - 
the entire theory of re-incarnation begins to change. Then we can see that 
in a no-time frame we live all lifetimes simultaneously and then we must 
begin to look from the Soul's point of view. This in itself is a quantum 
leap in thinking for most of us... I want the next leap - Gerardus

Fiona here:
Brilliant !! I have tried to look at things from the souls point of view 
also. I find this an easier platform than trying to do it from here in 3D. 
From that angle I can just float around the whole creation thing and view it 
from the outside. Works for me. 


Date: 11 Nov 2001 18:48:50 -0000
From science-l-error@spiritweb.org Sun Nov 11 10:47:44 2001
Envelope-to: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
To: Science & Spirituality List 
Reply-to: Gerardus 
Subject: [science-l] Re: Fw: testing the effects of the global 11/11

At 08:10 AM 11/11/2001 -0000, you wrote: 
Princeton University scientist Roger Nelson of THE GLOBAL 
CONSCIOUSNESS PROJECT, http://noosphere.princeton.edu/, 
is interested in testing the effects of the world coming together 
on November 11, 11 a.m-11:15 a.m. Please join the world for 
this important event. 
Those who wish to use sound, please do so. Information here: 

Gerardus wondering here:
Could it be that the world is exactly what it is supposed to be? 
We as Souls come here to have experiences of all kinds. If Peace ever 
broke out (what a funny thought) we would all sit around drinking tea and 
gossip (roddle) about nothing, for there would be absolutely nothing to 
talk about. There would be nothing new any time any place. The entire world 
would be an enormous bore. Most of us would not even want to re-incarnate 
to this earth. There would be no lessons to learn, nothing to create and 
nothing to destroy either...

Is not God the Creator and the Destroyer? 
And is not this done by means of Mankind?

America and the world have come full circle:
Sixty years ago Americans and many other people of the world were busy 
destroying Fascism by defeating Germany. Pretty soon they will be in the 
process of defending it! The USA is in the beginning stages of becoming a 
Police State and Fascism will be established in due course. The Third Reich 
has moved locations and Americans are welcoming it. They are asking for 
protection! In the mean time - it does not take too long to figure out that 
all happenings are created by the Secret Government of the World (NWO) for 
this is the "force" behind all happenings... 

The next scenario to expect will be, more random acts of terrorism anywhere 
in the world, where it will have the most effect upon the fear levels of 
the world population. Then possibly, Chinese Soldiers will come to keep 
order in the USA and American soldiers will keep order somewhere else. 
Soldiers very seldom shoot to kill their own people. I have read about and 
seen pictures of concentration camps in the USA already. The sad thing is 
that all this is needed for the population of the world requires it. It 
needs to be awakened from its sleep... 

The world is like Third Grade in Elementary School. We pass through it when 
all the lessons are learned. While we pass through Grade Three we do not 
change the curriculum of Grade Three. It's fine the way it is! It is the 
same with the world - changing it for the sake of making it "better" would 
make it impossible for anybody to graduate to Grade Four or Fourth Density...
The trick is to see through what is happening in the world and smile. All 
in all - this means that the universe knows what it is doing. The 
aggressive nature of Mankind needs to be dissipated with knowledge. 
Knowledge is the result of Experience...

For more: http://www.soulwise.net/25a-tgs.htm
The ignorant need to be made aware by whatever it takes - Gerardus 


Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 23:32:06 -0800
To: matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
Delivered-To: mailing list matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [matrioshka] Re: Thinking out loud Part Deux

At 05:46 PM 11/15/2001 -0000, you wrote: 
Someone mentioned Nirvana and the One earlier. 
I confess, it was me. but read carefully. 
It is another of my pet peeves. 
Why would I want to dissolve into blissful nothingness? 
indeed. being tumbled into the eagle's beak isn't desirable? :) 
has anyone ever wondered, that one-ness and return to it can at least 
psychologically be interpreted as a desire for recollectivization and 
the end of self-conscious existence?

Gerardus here: 
Looking into my mud - I see that one does not have to return to anything. 
If we in the higher densities are able to travel time - we can always go 
back in time and change things around. IOW: the entire scenario looks like 
a Kaleidoscope and all we do is change the pattern to enjoy a different 
view. This means that there is no first or last lifetime - there are only 
endless amounts of them, for at any one time, we could enter into each and 
every function, body or scenario we desire...

Simple - Gerardus


Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 22:22:00 -0800
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: [4D-STO-C] What is Spirit - what is Soul?

Gerardus here: 
People send me questions and here follows one of these notes. 
I answered and I figured, I might as well send this to 4D as well...
Naturally the answers are only my opinions - Gerardus 

Hello Gerardus, 
Now, all I need to find out for sure what a soul, an oversoul, 
an ensouled container, a soulless container etc. etc. is. Everybody talks, 
but no one seems to say anything. You tell me - what is the spirit and 
what is the soul. What's their purpose? Are they connected? 
Hello Asker... 
What is Spirit - what is Soul? 
All Energy in the Universe is Spirit in some form or another. 
We could even call it Consciousness (aware and unaware)

Spirit becomes Soul when Spirit/Energy has become individualized or 
personalized by means of living human or other lives. So, we could say that 
a tiger has Soul - a Tiger Soul. For a canary this would be a Canary-Soul. 
Spirit then becomes special or soul by living specific lives in specific 
bodies or forms...

Soul we also could call "a program". 
A specific program lives in human bodies and is called a human Soul. It 
experiences human lives until it knows how to stay away from human physical 
planets. Same thing with Tiger Souls and Canary Souls - they might have to 
go through the human stages yet in order to promote themselves to a realm 
that does not incarnate into the physical anymore - unless it specifically 

Oversouls are very Aware Energies that run more than one Program or Soul. 
Some overSouls might have thousands of program or other souls "working" for 
them in all kinds of different times and places and/or planets. There 
really is no end to what can be expereinced since the universe is an 
infinite back yeard.

Ensouled containers: 
Bodily form that are aware that they are more than the body. They could be 
say as little as 1% soul and 99% body. They have some inkling though that 
they are more than meat...

Soulless container: 
This is a bodily form that is not aware that it is anything else but what it 
sees. (Meat) In the human realm we could call them human robots and they 
believe/think that when their body dies - they have had it! Result: they 
might not be aware on the other side - since their "belief" creates their 
reality - on this side AND the other side. We could call them "Unaware 

Soulless containers are specific energies but not aware or awake enough even 
to pick their next life so to speak. Helpers and Guides send them some place 
to be born and eventually they become aware Souls. They are born 
unconsciously! Reincarnation and Experience will do the trick. 

We could also 
see a "Soulless Container" as a robot/computer without a program. It runs 
by whatever it is told or typed (talked) into. It can contain programs 
that could be erased easily and replaced with another program in order to fit 
the occasion. Usually we call these people mind controlled...

Spirit and Soul: 
They are connected naturally for Soul is a Spirit that has a specific 
orientation or fitness to live certain lifetimes in certain bodies or 

The purpose of Life - ALL LIFE: 
The purpose of Life is to become more and more consciously aware. This 
means, that there is a natural progression to Life and this is why we move 
from density to density - forever climbing to the Top. At the moment mankind 
is in third density and many of us will soon be moving to fourth density. 
Those who will not move will repeat the cycle of third density. In many 
ways, we all repeat certain cycles for learning is work! Most people just 
sit there and are either controlled or enslaved, while they think they are 
free. The real work is to break free from the conditioning of the world. 

This control is unobtrusively imposed by the Religions, the Politicians and 
the Bankers. In many ways, the world is a "prison" to which we return and 
return, until we have learned all our lessons. Naturally you do not have to 
believe this for belief is useless in the first place. Life is about 
knowing! This means conscious awareness through knowledge and experience, 
lifetime by lifetime, world by world, universe by universe... 

Soul - Gerardus


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 22:31:25 -0800
To: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: The reality we create...

Gerardus here: 
I thought some of you might like the following:
The reality we experience in the world is a happening created by the 
combined creative abilities of many people and beings. No one person or 
being, creates something all but her/himself - except maybe the arrangement 
of the furniture. In general, I feel that the more evolved we are, the more 
we are able to create our own realities or versions thereof... 

This also means that a full-fledged master is able to create anything s/he 
wants to. Whatever is created is an illusion in the first place for it is 
mind in form. The whole of creation is a mind thing! We live in Mind - not 
in Matter! No one lives in physical reality - it is mind in a certain form, 
or density, and we happen to call it physicality or matter. Matter does not 
really exist - except for those who are still caught fully in the illusion. 
They call matter REAL. 

I call matter an illusion for my senses/brain and conscious mind are fooled 
by the energy-field matter projects or is. Matter is an 
"electromagnetic-energy-field" of a certain kind. Our scientists have not 
been able to measure this field for example. However they are coming pretty 
close. Matter is a standing wave of a "specific-mind-pattern-and-frequency". 
Matter is 99.9999% empty! 

Consciousness or Mind has "command" over these energy fields. All things or 
people are energy-fields. This is why we (as another energy-field) are able 
to sense or feel others...

To learn how to create our own realities completely, is the purpose of our 
existence on this earth. It does not mean that everyone has to agree on this, 
for we all have our own reasons for being here, and all of us are able to 
call it quits any time, after we have learned how to stay away from this 
matter plane. Most of us are not able to do this for we are born 
automatically and unconsciously.

Awakening to "what is" is the task. This is done with 
Knowledge and Practise. To love doing this is loving the world. It means we 
love our work...

One day and life at the time - SoulGerardus


Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 14:45:42 -0800
X-Sender: gerardus@mail.otvcablelan.net
To: matrioshka@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: [matrioshka] Conversation with God

At 04:12 PM 11/22/2001 -0800, you wrote: 
I got this from a friend this morning in e-mail and wanted to pass it on... 
Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it 
Subject: Dialogue with God 
Am I YOU, God? 
No... but, yes... 
I'm just a PART of you, right? Like an offspring... 
Not exactly... 
C'mon, God! Give it up! Tell me! 
Okay... see if you can understand. YOU are ME! 
That's what I just asked and you said no! 
Listen carefully... 
There is NO you... there is ONLY me...

-------- snipped ------------

Thank you Olga!  Very Good Indeed!! 
That little piece is true from God's point of view.

Here is mine: 
The Creator to me, is an infinite underlying universal energy. This energy 
is of an unconscious nature. It is unconscious or unaware because it is 
completely absorbed in creating creation. It is so absorbed that it has 
become, or is - its creation. It has no self-awareness! It has lost itself 
within creation. This is why the Creator is unconscious.

This means to me, that when we as the created have reach a certain level of 
awareness, we are capable of become self-aware. Our self-awareness can expand 
and expand, until we eventually become totally aware. At that moment, we 
discover that Creation is a Self-Expression! 

Since the Creator is not self-aware IS the reason that we are able to reach 
a level of awareness by which we recognize that We and Creation are One. It 
means naturally, that we are the Creator and the Created simultaneously! 
This is why Life is a Celebration...

Pondering my creation above - Gerardus


Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 09:10:22 -0800
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [4D-STO-C] The Creator to me...

Gerardus here: 
The Creator to me, is an infinite underlying universal energy. This energy 
is of an unconscious nature. It is unconscious or unaware because it is 
completely absorbed in creating creation. It is so absorbed that it has 
become, or is - its creation. It has no self-awareness! It has lost itself 
within creation. This is why the Creator is unconscious. 
This means to me, that when we as the created have reach a certain level of 
awareness, we are capable of become self-aware. Our self-awareness can 
and expand, until we eventually become totally aware. At that moment, we 
discover that Creation is a Self-Expression! 
Since the Creator is not self-aware IS the reason that we are able to reach 
a level of awareness by which we recognize that We and Creation are One. It 
means naturally, that we are the Creator and the Created simultaneously! 
This is why Life is a Celebration... 

Pondering my creation above - Gerardus 
(Comments are Welcome) 
Fiona here: 
Yes, I agree with that. We are all creators. We created the world we live 
in, we created the belief systems that we adhere to, we put it all together 
in consciousness then watched it manifest and came out to play in it. We 
did such a good job that we lost ourselves in it also - but then maybe the 
getting lost was all part of the game plan. 

I cannot answer as to whether creator is self aware or not - that one is a 
mystery still.

Gerardus here: 
I sometimes compare the Universal Energy to Electricity, the stuff that 
flows through your toaster and TV. The power of Electricity has no clue as 
to what it flows through. It is not a "being" as such. It is also like air. 
Does air know, or is it aware, it keeps your tires round? I see the 
Universal Energy or God the same way. It IS! That's all! And it is up to 
us to learn to use it to our advantage... 

In the mean time, the universe is a DUALITY - meaning half of it is used for 
so called good work and the other half is used for bad work. Their has to be 
something to apply our energies to. If all Universal Energy was one-way, the 
universe would be impossible. This is why I say the Creator (or Universal 
Energy) is unconscious of what it is doing, as well as that it is not 

This does not mean that there are not very aware Co-Creators in 
the universe who create worlds and or galaxies when they are not too busy. 
Naturally there are! We are also a co-creator, like you said Fiona, we 
create all the time and it maintains the world with all its happenings. 
Sometimes there are happenings that are necessary and some of them we do not 

However - what I say is not always so - Gerardus


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 16:33:16 +1300
To: <4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com>
From: "Fiona" 
Mailing-List: list 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com; 
contact 4D-STO-C-owner@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [4D-STO-C] Re: To Change Prophesy

Hi Triaka... 
I do not think that anything happening in the world, of whatever nature, is 
not in harmony with cosmic laws. The way things are is BECAUSE of cosmic 
laws. I do not see that the world is a place that need to be fixed.  Yes, 
we go through different times, different periods, and all this gives us 
different experiences. Life is a duality. Love or understanding to me 
means - we understand why the world is what it is and say - God saw that it 
was Good. I agree with this. That does not mean that I like wars or 
killing. The thing is, that others need to have their lessons. How can we 
deny them to have their lessons of experiencing war or misery? 
 Beats me - Gerardus 
Hi Gerardus - Triaka here: 
Are humans not "gods" with godlike powers of "mind over matter"? Isn't it 
possible to create heaven on earth if we align ourselves with cosmic laws 
(as we do with gravity)? Aren't we supporting human misery with our taxes 
and allegiances to warring governments? I choose to create a new paradigm 
and not acquiesce to the old one.

Hello Triaka - Gerardus here: 
God or the Creative Universal Energy is all of us. And indeed, by living 
lives we come to the conclusion, ONE by ONE, that the Power Within is the 
Universal Power. This is a personal or individual conclusion and truth and 
is not understood by the masses. They are still believing in stories and 
many are waiting to be saved. I am not sure by what or what for...

In your case, you do have godlike powers of "mind over matter" - so use 
them. Step out and create your own heaven on Earth. To create heavens for 
others is interfering with their free will. We all have to create our own. 
THIS IS WHY we entered this world, to eventually, one by one, enter the 
Buddha or Christ Consciousness. That as I see it - is heaven on earth. We 
cannot create this en mass against the will of billions. They would kill 
you if you told them what you want to do (They killed Jesus according to 
the stories we hear). We all live our own life in which we act in 
agreement to the level of our awareness or evolvement. The masses are 
lagging a bit...

Do not wait for them - Gerardus

In the mean time - do you know what heaven is like? 
Maybe we have been in it all along and do not recognize it. 
People tell me it is within - who knows - they might be right!

Fiona here:
As always I agree with Gerardus, yawn !

We have to live in allowance of others and whatever it is they want to 
create/manifest. Anyway, what would we do with a Heaven on Earth? To me 
that would be a complete bore. It may suit some, but then what... We need 
friction otherwise everything becomes stiff and boring. To have a heavenly 
existence we really should be incarnating into places where this is the 
norm. We have come here because we wanted to experience the whole play, we 
didn't come to fix any of it, merely to experience it.


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 16:35:35 +1300
Envelope-to: gerardus@otvcablelan.net
To: <4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com>
From: "Fiona" 
Subject: RE: [4D-STO-C] We are all Actors with a script...

Gerardus here: 
Sometimes the world changes for the worse or worst. We think that this is 
crazy or that we are going backwards. Why? Sometimes the world changes for 
the worse or worst, because the people incarnated on this planet, at this 
time, have a certain program/script to complete. Put many of them together 
and the world becomes very weird. I am not a bible freak, but the book might 
be right in this case - "There are Seasons for all Things". So, I suggest, 
not to be concerned about changing the world. It will change when the Season 

Another point I am thinking about here. 
All human beings are actors upon the stage of the world. We all arrive with 
our lines, script or program. This script or program is so powerful that 
many of it accept it as the truth. This might be fine for them, but it 
becomes a great hinder when we look at others and judge them by using our 
own script or truth...

The point here is, that we can only see others by means of, and through, 
our own script or program. No wonder they do not fit! They do not fit 
because they have their own script or program. In the mean time, all this 
should be so, for how else can we create a world upon which we receive our 
lessons in order to expand our mind or awareness?

All in all this means naturally - do not judge! That's also from the book I 
think. We can only change ourselves! Finally -- I think I used to be a 
preacher and it's hard to get rid of my program. It kind of lingers...
I am trying - Gerardus

Fiona here:
Yes, it is all about self. We are here for US, not anybody else.


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:33:34 -0800
To: 4d-sto-c@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [4D-STO-C] We are Actors with a sript...

Gerardus here:
The universe is an automatic re-cycling semi-evolutionary phenomenon, that 
has its participants start at the bottom and they slowly climb up to higher 
levels. As soon as they are at the top (Say three billion years in and out 
of time), individual aspects of the Whole begin at the bottom again as 
elements or simple atoms. All along the way up, they are guided/raised by 
those ahead of them, into individual entities who eventually graduate at the 
top of which aspects start at bottom level once again... 

As I see things, the universe in and by itself never had a big bang for 
example. They are redundant! It renews itself as our body does - cell by 
cell. So, there are only local changes and these include renewals of 
galaxies in the long run, by means of changes to solar systems and whatever 
else swirls around. These local changes naturally include changes to 
planets, and/or people or beings, and/or email lists and/or so called new 
members (Some just re-appear with different names but the same IP Server). 
All Things and beings are the same Essence or Energy. Call it what you 
like, God, the Creator, Consciousness, All That Is, or Stuff. 
WE are IT... Simple!

There is nothing else to do - Gerardus 


Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 11:39:25 -0800
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] The Creator and the Created...

At 09:08 AM 11/30/2001 -0800, you wrote: 
Dear Gerardus , 
Well...hm...I always seem to resort to the good ol' Hermetic basis of 
correspondences when there is an "unknown" - ie) is Creation conscious or 
unconscious. My guess is conscious, yours is unconscious...here are 2 
analogies, one for each side

Hello Patricia... 
Before you begin your analogies, I would like to say here that I do not see 
"Creation" and the "Created" as the same thing or things. Do you? 
Creation is like an Audience, while the Created makes up the Audience. An 
audience is not conscious of anything - the people in it could be, and will 
be - each to their own level of awareness. This is also the way I see 
Creation with the Created in it. From worm, to mouse, to human, to genius. 
All the created are aware to a certain extend, so each member from low to 
high is aware of its own measure, of its own level in order to be what they 
need to be. While "creation" like an "audience" is not aware of anything. 
In the mean time - still - God is Creation... 

From the created arise the Great Awarenesses who each in their turn reach 
God-Awareness or the Creator's Awareness - illumination or whatever one 
might want to call it. This could be a temporary state, it also could be a 
permanent state - the Master State or the Buddha or Christ Consciousness 
State. Let's say that only one individual reaches this state in a thousand 
years. And almost 7 billion people are standing in line... 
Patricia here: 
Creation as Conscious: When we are mature (conscious) we tend to have 
offspring who, in the beginning (and up to Grade 3...) are not conscious, 
but have the full potential of becoming so. The people of the Earth seem to 
be only on the brink of becoming conscious. So it MAY be that God is 
simply looking at God, by reproducing Itself ...and that we, as 
personalities are little gods and goddesses in training, ultimately becoming 
co-creators. (Very Ultimately!)

Gerardus here: 
YES! Except for the first three words here. ""Creation as Conscious"" - I 
do not agree with this. God IS Creation "or" the Creator IS Creation. They 
ARE the same thing! A Collective, an Audience or Creation is not conscious. 
Yet, we could say that we live in a conscious creation - meaning we live 
among beings of which some are aware or conscious...

Creation as such is a group word. I am not sure how words like these are 
called in English. It is like an audience or like a chess club - the 
audience or the chess-club are/is not conscious - while the people or the 
different "members" who make up the group or collective - the "members" 
might have potential to become conscious or aware. Depends on what group 
they are in...

Mankind or Humanity is an aspect of creation but as a collective it has no 
self-identity and cannot be conscious or aware. Not of itself or of 
anything! Members of these groups however, have all the potential in the 
universe to become aware, and self-aware, and eventually they will realize. 
Members, one by one, have individuality or a self and this self is growing 
toward more knowledge and enlightenment by means of experiences. Nothing 
much happens to the group or the masses - they stay down there somewhere - 
eating and multiplying. They are the soil out of which the individual 

More or less this is what the entire purpose of Creation is all about - to 
bring forth individual Souls who are capable to eventually become 
Individual Gods or Creators. In the mean time - the Group of the Masses 
create nothing. They only consume so to speak. So, the purpose of Creation 
is Quality, not Quantity...

So, to the last part under which you state "Creation as Conscious:" I 
agree. But I do not agree that Creation as Conscious or is Conscious. 
Creation is the group name... 
Patricia here: 
Creation as Unconscious: When we dream, the creations in our dreams 
(thinking of the people here) are not conscious that they are in a dream. 
But the dreamer upon waking is conscious of having dreamed those people. 
(Aside from Lucid dreaming that is, which is a Nother Matter) So this would 
support your side...that the Creator is asleep (unconscious) while all the 
dreaming is going on (Creation).

Gerardus here: 
YES!!! Now we are getting somewhere. I see the entire Creation and the 
Created as a DREAM. A Dream of the Creator. So, this Force, or Self is 
dreaming the entire thing and it becomes real to the dream-figments of the 
Dreamer. No wonder it does! Now, here come my point ---> Who is this 
WE ARE THIS DREAMER - we are the Creator dreaming. We are the Creator and 
the Created simultaneously! The trouble is that we are unconscious of our 
dream - we are not aware that we are dreaming. We even think that we are 
awake! Not so!! We call the masses sleepers, but we are sleepers just the 
same! Just a different level of sleep or level of awareness...

Note here: 
The Creator or God or Creation ARE the same thing, the same phenomenon. 
These names are group-names. No ID so to speak. So how could they be aware 
of self? Or even aware of anything? They just are! (God is! no more no 
less) God or the Creator are like Electricity - they do their thing but 
they are not aware of what they are doing - unconscious...

We think/feel that the Dreamer is something or someone else. Not so! We 
are IT, we are the Dreamer dreaming! To awaken from this dream is what we 
are working on. In the mean time, the Creator (or We) is/are unconscious of 
creating creation in its/our dream OR we are unconscious of creating 
creation in our dream and yet we do create. We need to become conscious of 
what we create! Become conscious Creators. Needless to say that our 
ordinary life is the dream! 

Here is the last big point ---- The Creator, or We, can only become aware 
of what it is doing, by means of the figments or people in the dream - one 
at the time. So, the Creator we are, can only become aware of itself by 
means of its dream-figments. By means of the You and I - the you and I who 
are slowly awakening to THE BIG WHAT IS... 
Patricia here: 
But then...who knows, maybe the Creator (or the Creative Energy) is a Lucid 
dreamer lol!

Gerardus here:
Precisely!!! The thing is that the Dream is so interesting that the 
dreamer does not want to awaken for it would miss the dream - the action. 
NOW, only when one comes to the conclusion that the dream or action is 
nonsense anyway, is there a chance that we might want to forego it and work 
on awakening to the Infinite Giant within...

Nice Chat or Dream Patricia - Gerardus


Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 18:58:51 -0800
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] We are One, are we not?
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com

At 04:59 PM 12/12/2001 -0500, you wrote: 
If we are all as one, or "The One," we should know, when choosing a 
physical body that we are going to experience this type of illusion. 
But if we are separate souls, then I think the idea of not having a clue 
is a valid one.

Hello Phyllis... 
The following is what I think/feel/intuit. However, many, if not most 
people, would not agree with me. So, if you belong to those - 
congratulations to them and you! If you do not belong to them, you do not 
need congratulations - for you have your inner smile to take care 
of things...

Here we go: 
We are all One alright - for there is but one Energy. This Energy we could 
call God... or the Light... or the Truth... or the One Mind... or The 
Biggest Bronckle. In my view, the One-Energy projects unconscious aspects 
of itself into its creation - into its dream. Within this creation/dream 
these unconscious aspects take their chances (and changes) and slowly but 
surely become consciously aware of who or what they are. It means they 
become - Conscious Energy... 

So, aspects of this unconscious Energy attain conscious awareness, by means 
of their experiences in the manifested Side of Creation. These unconscious 
aspects of the One-Energy, do not BEGIN as members of mankind. These 
aspects begin as infinitely small atoms, or life-cells, within the body of 
creation. After billions of years say, they reach the stage of being a 
conscious and/or self-aware member of Mankind. Yet, at all times, they are 
one with the One-Energy, but this knowledge is hidden from them. Slowly but 
surely by traveling through the different densities of creation they reach 
the top Level - The Biggest Bronckle! 
Phyllis here: 
I believe that we are part of the One God One Universe and that we 
simply live to learn and grow and "Experience" (or experiment, if you 
will), so that God can know himself!! I don't think God knows 
"everything" yet, because we haven't done "everything" yet. We and God 
are still "experiencing" and "learning" what happens if........, Or 
wonder if I did thus instead of so, if..........?

Gerardus here: 
Yes, we simply live and learn so that God can know itself. Question is - 
Who is the God or Bronckle?? Answer - we are IT! You are IT! 

Only because of 
our journey are we able to become fully aware of our infinite Greatness. 
Life is an Awakening. Yes, it is also an experience, and by means of 
experiences we awaken. When we have awakened enough to make conscious 
choices - life becomes our conscious creation. Not to may people have 
reached that stage... 
Phyllis here: 
So how's that for a person who always thought of herself as a rather 
conservative Jew?

Gerardus here: 
Yes, that is very Good! 
It is an enormous accomplishment to get far enough to understand what you 
say. Especially for a Jew - for most of them are still waiting for their 
Saviour to appear. Earth is their waiting-room. In the mean time - we all 
know that the only Saviour is the One We Are... 

No one else is needed - Gerardus

Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 12:24:14 -0800
To: davidicke-networking2000@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: [davidicke-networking2000] Waiting For Some Replys...
Reply-To: davidicke-networking2000@yahoogroups.com

At 05:39 PM 12/14/2001 -0000, you wrote: 
I would like to have your ideas on a very crucial 
point of science, which I describe briefly below. I am 
working on this subject as a project and will be 
privileged to hear your interpretations on the 
following questions:

Hi Greg - Gerardus here: 
I will try to respond and answer some of you excellent points 
and questions. I usually speak nonsense but one never knows... 

Greg here: 
1. The light coming from an object is transformed into 
electrical signals by the cells in the eye and then 
transmitted to the center of vision in 
the brain. And the electrical signals there are turned 
into an image. For example you actually see this 
message in your brain. Then who is the 
one that sees and perceives the image of this message 
in the brain? How do you define the consciousness that 
can see this image in the brain without 
the need of an eye?

Gerardus here: 
All things and beings in the universe are "energies". We as human beings 
are "aware-energies"! This means that we are organized energies. The energy 
we are - has arranged itself in such a way that it is possibly to sense or 
"feel" other energies. Superimposed upon our "aware-energy", is another 
Energy and this Energy is what could be called a Unit of Universal Energy or 

The Soul then, as an aspect of the Universe is "seeing" or sensing the light 
coming from an object by means of the eye/brain/mind we usually call the 
body. The thing we live in! We are not the body! We are the Soul or Unit 
of Universal Energy. The Soul or Spirit we are then, is able to "sense" the 
pictures seen by the body. The body with it senses, brains and body-mind 
"thinks" it is doing the living, but in actuality the Soul is the one who 
animates it and feels what's going on in the Physical. It needs to live in a 
body in order to do that... 
Greg here: 
2. Brain is a piece of flesh composed of lipids, 
proteins and other various molecules. Could the 
consciousness that sees this image be this piece 
of flesh? Or could the brain cells make up a 
consciousness that sees these electrical signals as a 
sea view or an e-mail message?

Gerardus here: 
The Consciousness or Soul is not really this piece of flesh - but it might 
as well be - for when it lives in the body, it is not aware that it is not 
the body. This knowing or awareness is reached by studying Metaphysics or 
whatever it takes to understand that there are Two Things that have merged 
into one. The Soul-Mind and the Body-Mind. I wrote an article about that 
some time ago and here it is: http://www.soulwise.net/14tsmat.htm 
At so called death, the Soul-Mind separates again from the body and it takes 
with it a condensed version of the experiences it had in the body. The 
Consciousness or Soul's purpose is to live in bodies and have experiences in 
it. It does this until it knows how to stay away from the matter world. 
There are better places so to speak... 
Greg here: 
3. No light penetrates the skull, which means the 
brain is entirely in darkness. Then how does such an 
illuminated, clear image is formed in 
this pitch-dark place? For instance how are the rays 
of the sun seen over the unlit brain cortex?

Gerardus here: 
The body is not a solid thing! It is 99.999999% emptiness. We only experience 
the body or the matter world as solid. The world as we know it is an 
illusion. It is universal energy in a certain form. We call this form ---> 
matter. Since the Soul lives in matter and thinks it is matter - all things 
seem to be solid. Like meets like! In actuality things and bodies in this 
world have approximately the same frequency and they experience each other 
as solid. In actuality, there is no matter in and by itself. When we live 
in a body, we live in a filter or lens that only lets matter-frequencies 
through. Most of what exists "out there" is filtered out and we do not 
experience it. We are severely limited by the body. It fools us... 

Greg here: 
4. Also no sound enters the brain. This means there is 
deep muteness where the brain exists. However, people 
listen to all different sounds 
inside the brain. The sound waves are turned into 
electrical signals inside of the ear and then 
transmitted to the center of hearing. And the 
consciousness inside the brain listens to these for 
instance as a melody. Then who is it that listens to 
the loud music aired from powerful loudspeakers and 

Gerardus here: 
Well, I think I have explained above, but the same Consciousness or Soul 
senses sound or light or anything else - for all things are vibrations or 
frequencies of energy. There is only energy that vibrates. These vibrations 
have all kinds of different frequencies and the higher frequencies belong to 
the higher planes of being so to speak. In actuality, there is but one 
Force experiencing all things. This Force is what we are! At present 
however, we have limited ourselves, so that we do not experience all things 
all at once - for it would blow our mind. Our human mind that is. Our human 
mind is a very limited instrument. Filtered to a crack of next to 
nothing... (N2N) 
Greg here: 
5. The image is formed inside a miniature spot in the 
brain. Then how is the three-dimensional image with 
depth is formed on this diminutive screen? For 
instance when I look at the horizon or the sky, how is 
such an image with vast depth is formed at this tiny 
spot of center of vision just as identical to its 
original with the same depth and sense of distance? 
What is it that gives me the feeling of distance and 

Gerardus here: 
What you are speaking of here - comes down to the nitty-gritty of how it 
works. I have not got a clue how it works. The body is such an amazing 
instrument and does such next to impossible things that I am lost to explain 
it. More or less we are like people turning on Computers or TVs but we have 
not got a clue how they work. All we are able to do is turn them on! We're 
pretty dumb see... 
Greg here: 
6. When a person sees a glass of water, in fact he 
does not see its real form but only a copy of it in 
his brain. The coldness that he feels when touching 
the glass surface is not the real coldness of the 
glass but only a copy of it. This means nobody is ever 
able to feel that he touches the real glass. Since it 
is not his fingers that feel the sense of touch, but 
merely the sense of touch in the brain. Should we not 
in this case conclude that people are never able to 
reach the reality of objects and can never 
touch the reality of a glass? But not every person 
knows this fact. Everyone thinks they touch and see 
real objects. Is it not strange that people 
are not aware of this and they never think about this?

Gerardus here: 
You are right! People are fooled by their body. They are also fooled by what 
they have been taught! They have been taught nonsense! Then, most of what 
the body-brain sees or senses is what we have been taught to see or 
experience. In the mean time, we never really touch anything. What we do is 
press one energy-field (us) close to another energy-field and somehow we get 
an impression of what the other energy-field is like. We are able to do 
this, because on a different level we are BOTH energy-fields! There is only 
ONE Mind or Consciousness and we are ALL of it. When we sense another then 
- we really sense ourselves in a different form. There really is no other! 
Living in a matter-illusion however - makes us believe that there are many 
others and things. Not so! Trick is to understand that there really is but 
One Thing! Energy. We are it! All of it! 
Greg here: 
7. Nothing changes when a person is hit by a bus or 
comes across a lion. Since, just like the image of the 
bus, the sense of collision or the fear while running 
away from a lion, all form in the brain. When I see a 
bus, I see it at the center of vision inside my brain. 
If I go and hold the door of the bus, I feel the 
coldness of the metal inside my brain. Then I 
cannot discriminate from this fact what happens when I 
feel pain if a bus hits or a lion bites. Then is it 
not very illogical when people say 'it shows I 
am in contact with the bus or the lion because I feel 
pain when the bus hits or the lion bites'?

Gerardus here: 
From our experiences of living lifetimes in a matter world, we eventually 
learn and know what to expect, for we have imagination. This imagination is 
really our subconsciousness speaking up and projecting what could happen if 
we do certain things. Our subconsciousness is our unit of universal energy 
or our Soul. This is the Universal Student so to speak. It comes here to 
learn, and eventually KNOW! It is an "Individual Energy" and we are it. We 
are a lot more, but for now - we are our Soul - and live in a body. The body 
is our instrument and only because of this body are we as Souls able to live 
in a matter world. The matter world is like grade three. We learn our 
lessons and go to grade four. From 3D to 4D... 
Greg here: 
8. We live the entire period of our lives inside our 
brains. In a similar way, we also have dreams in our 
brain. For instance when we touch a piece of ice in 
our dream, we feel it is wet and cold. Or, when we 
smell a rose, we get the wonderful scent of it. We 
again sense the feelings of fear, pain, anxiety and 
panic in a similar fashion. Then are the dreams and 
the real life the same in this sense?

Gerardus here: 
In a sense they are different dreams - yes! The one we call "being awake" 
and the other "dreaming". In the mean time, our actual physical life is a 
dream - for we are not the body and we are not living in a solid. Our life 
then is equal to a dream or illusion. Yet, it is reality! Actually, 
Realities and Illusions are the same things!! There are only illusions and 
we live in a virtual world or landscape. So - What is Real? The Spirit or 
Soul living in this illusion is the Real Thing. It is an infinitely small 
aspect of the Creator... or the One! Please note that I do not use part or 
portion here. There are no such things in the universe. There is but One 
Thing - Energy! Our Life as a human being is a dream and that is why we can 
change it. If it was real or solid or whatever - we would not be able to 
change anything. We are mind - living in Mind. We are like a soap-bubble 
and live within this bubble - and see the reflections of the world on the 
outside of ourselves. When the bubble burst we fall back into the soap 
water so to speak. We fall back into another aspect of Ourselves. Another 
aspect of Mind or Consciousness... 
Greg here: 
9. The person's own body is also included in the 
images a person see. So, a person only sees the copy 
of his own body. This means every person all 
through his life lives in the cave in his skull where 
he never knows what is outside, including his own body 
and other objects. Now think over this 
happening once more: Right now are you inside of the 
room you are present or is the room inside of you? 
Isn't the second alternative the right answer 

Gerardus here: 
I do not know what the scientific answer is. I do not think there is one. 
Can an eye or brain investigate itself? Not easy to do. What would it 
learn? As soon as it learns or sees something it has changed. More to 
investigate etc... etc... 
Also, we do not really live inside our heads or brains either! Our brain is 
not just only in our skull. Our whole body is a brain and all of it is 
occupied by the Soul We Are. It feels by means of our body, by means of our 
nervous system. It IS our nervous system so to speak. The body is the 
reflection of our Soul in matter. Our Soul is the Creator of it - and in 
many cases it has been created for a specific task. IOW: some are custom 
made and have a specific purpose... 
To fulfill this purpose means that our Soul is able to do what it came to 
do. Not too many people know or have a purpose in life besides feeding 
their body and keeping it warm. Mankind has been kept dumb on purpose. The 
rulers of the world do not want educated people. They cannot maintain their 
power over them. So the entire world is a prison where the inmates are kept 
dumb and busy. In the mean time, they all think that they are free and have 
free will. Not so! 
For more on this see here: http://www.soulwise.net/14tsmat.htm Do not let 
this article scare you - it's only my opinion. However it goes pretty deep...
Greg here: 
10. Let us imagine 5 different people who look at a 
garden of roses. Since every one of these people see 
the rose garden in his own brain, then aren't 
there 5 different rose gardens in the brains of every 
one of the 5 people? 
Is the color red that each one sees the same with the 
other's perception of red? Would there be any 
possibility to compare these?

Gerardus here: 
We cannot compare. Only agree on what we think we see or experience. Nobody 
sees the same thing! Anywhere. No-one smells the same thing! We all create 
our own sight and smell and whatever we experience. In that sense, we all 
create our own reality. We all have different senses, brains and body minds. 
They create different scenarios. Sometimes they do not agree... 
Greg here: 
11. We say that the original objects we see the copies 
of in our brain exist outside, but what if nothing exists 
outside? Because we never have the ability to test this or 
observe this. Then is it not dubious that the 
original objects are outside? At least there is a 
50-50 percent possibility. Then how can we be sure 
that the original objects are outside? If 
there is no original object outside, then what is the 
entity that makes the images and the senses in our 

Gerardus here: 
When you study things enough, like you have, you will discover that the 
inside and the outside do not really exist. It is an illusion!! There is no 
objective reality out there! In order for anything to exist - OUR 
consciousness is needed in order to experience it and we experience it by 
creating it in the first place. For at all times - on some higher level - 
we are both the Observed and the Observer. They are One thing - one Energy 
looking at itself! Note: I have not met too many people who clued in on 
this - but you have! Great! Congratulations!! 

Greg here: 
12. If we are living an illusion that has the 
possibility of not having any reality outside, then we may be existing in 
a very different place. 

Gerardus here: 
Yes, we do not live on a Planet called Earth and see things out there. We 
live in MIND and we create what we think we see out there. IOW: Creation is 
going on at all times and we are the One who's creating it. No wonder! 
Because we are The Creator living in Human Form and what this Creator does - 
is what it normally does - it Creates. It creates the world in which it 
lives and it experiences it at the same time. Most people however ONLY 
experience the world and have not got a clue that they are the one creating 
it. They live fully in the illusion as I call it. You have touched the 
Heart of your Soul and she is Smiling! You have seen through the illusion 
the world really is. It is there, but it is not! What else is new? 
Greg here: 
For instance is it not possible for the entire 
humanity to exist right over a piece of crystal? Or is 
it not possible that the complete history of 
humanity has been experienced in a place not bigger 
than the head of a pin? 

Gerardus here: 
The entire world, the entire universe, high and low, exist in the Mind We 
Are. Whatever exist... and all that exist... IS... our Mind or Consciousness 
at work... and it is being itself. Experimenting with itself and "placing" 
itself in human bodies being subjected to illusions thinking that they are 
lost and must believe in some Savior to be saved or rescued. Not so! We are 
the Universe! We are the Creator... and in order to get to know ourselves, 
we travel through our creation by means of being all things and beings in 
it! The Creator and Creation is One Thing. The Same Thing! God IS 
Creation so to speak and we are it! 
Greg here: 
Would there be anything to 
stop us thinking in such a broad extent?

Gerardus here: 
Yes -- You! 
However you overcame it!! This means there is nothing that can stop you 
from doing AnyThing - for you are the Power and the Light That Is ALL. 
TIL - The Infinite Light! 
Greg here: 
13. Some people are incredibly afraid when these 
topics are discussed? What do you think the reason for 
this may be?

Gerardus here: 
Not sure why, but it could be that their imagination rich enough to venture 
out there and think or imagine. Most often this might be so, because they 
are not quite ready to do so. Their leash is not long enough and they are 
afraid to get lost. All those who know who or what they are - have been 
there. Nothing to worry about, they will all grow up...

Life is that way - Gerardus


Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 09:38:35 -0800
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: [4D-STO-C] NO mistakes allowed...
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com

Fiona here: 
And I do believe that probably 90%+ of what is really happening we know 
nothing about. Yet, with regard to these WTC flights being auto-piloted, 
that means either no-one in the cockpit at all, or the regular pilots being 
hijacked in their own cock pit right from the start. My query here is if 
there were no pilots on board from the beginning wouldn't the air hostesses 
or stewards notice ? If the planes were in fact carrying passengers there 
would have been stewards on board who would have to get the pilots OK to 
close the doors for take off etc. etc. The stewards usually takes drinks 
and things into the cockpit. I can't imagine there being an empty cockpit. 
But, obviously it still could have happened this way with everyone including 
the stewards being fooled into thinking there were pilots on board. 
You're right about the airline companies being owned by Big Brother, so I 
guess they would not care at that level whether they had a good rep or not.

Hi Fiona... 
This is the scenario as I see it: 
The flight takes off in the morning and everything is normal. There is a 
Pilot and Co-Pilot and possibly a Navigator (Don't know). Then there is the 
Crew to serve people and then there are the Passengers. Among the passenger 
are the hijackers. The plane takes off on time by normal Pilot-Control... 
Once in the air and on their way, the hijackers take over the plane and 
let's say at about the same time (or later) the "remote-control" takes over 
the plane. This means that neither any pilot and/or hijacker can do 
anything to change the flight plan and/or about controlling the plane. The 
plane is on remote control and no pilot or hijacker can change this. 
Remote-Control is in command! So no-one on the plane knew what was going 
to happen. Everybody is surprised to the max. especially the pilots and 
co-pilot - let alone the hijackers...

In order to fly these kind of planes on remote control, a special computer 
and other control-systems need to be installed in the plane. This was done 
weeks before. Also, this was well tested and proven to work for "no 
mistakes were allowed". This means the air companies gave them the planes 
that would be used on that day, that time, to that destination... 

No one had the faintest idea that they were going to hit one of the towers 
or the pentagon OR whatever. The fourth plane might have been taken over by 
the passengers, and the phone calls to their families might have been 
legit, but then who knows. They also could be faked. Possibly, the plane 
was meant to hit the White House - the occupant was away milking goats - 
and/or, the whole thing was executed as planned exactly, including plunging 
to the ground... 

A plane taken over by passengers puts attention on hijackers and not on 
remote control! THEN - possibly, it was shot down in the first place and 
they did not want to admit it. I figure that no one in the American 
Administration knew before hand "HOW" things would be done. They only knew 
that something was going to happen. They allowed it to happen. What was 
going to happen and how it was done no-one knew...

In the mean time, the towers were wired with explosives and they went off 
at about the right time. So, there could have been 
three/four/five/six/seven/eight different "crews" setting up the whole 
thing, but no crew knew the existence of other crews and/or what was up. 
They did what they were told and got paid...

That's the way I would plan it - Gerardus

Fiona here: 
That is all perfectly sensible and well planned. 
Looking at it that way is totally feasible.


Gerardus here: 
I have been pondering on this for a while... 
The story of/about Jesus and his Virgin Birth for example, and that he died 
on a cross to save mankind, is a story that is also told about persons who 
lived before Jesus did. IOW: the Jesus Story is a warmed-up tale that goes 
around every 2 or 3 thousand years or so - or whenever it is needed. It is a 
sucker-story! We should remember here, that to raise a planet of people, 
who are close to the animal level of instinct or mind-set - extra ordinary 
stories need to be told! This is why there are so many religions. Religions 
are Stories and they include all kinds of scenarios and possibilities, 
including wars. In the mean time, people need to have something to believe 
in or they go nuts. All in all - the Jesus story is for so called grow-ups, 
what Santa Claus is for children. Somehow all of them grow out of it...

The people in charge of this world, and part of this group are the 
Illuminati, are responsible for this planet and its People/Souls. The 
Beings or Entities involved, in 3D as well as in 4D, play their role in the 
Grand Scheme of things, the same way we play our role. The purpose of these 
roles is to "awake" all of us --> to what we really Are! This apparently 
needs to be done by suffering and shocking people to higher levels of 
awareness. For one thing, it brings people together as we can see happening 
all around us! 

What I am try to say and sum up here is - that the Illuminati and those who 
rule the world, including GWBush and his Staff, are but actors playing their 
roles. They are not necessarily bad or evil people. They are oriented toward 
what they do on purpose from higher levels! They are actors and do not know 
it. They are not bad People or Souls so to speak. They play a role or 
perform a function. Life is like a movie with good and bad guys. After the 
movie/game has been played, we all go back into the same box... 

To see through this "role-playing" makes one the Observer. I feel that 
people like GWBush and his Staff, including Bin Laden and his people AND 
billions of others DO NOT see through this "play" and are naturally 
emotionally effected by it. True Peace is an Inner Thing, while war and 
peace in the world, is an emotional roller-coaster. We all need to get out 
of that state of mind...

Comments Anyone? - Gerardus


Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 10:26:29 -0800
To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: [4D-STO-C] The Jesus Story...
Reply-To: 4D-STO-C@yahoogroups.com

At 10:47 AM 12/28/2001 -0500, you wrote: 
Gerardus here: 
are Stories and they include all kinds of scenarios and possibilities, 
including wars. In the mean time, people need to have something to believe 
in or they go nuts. All in all - the Jesus story is for so called grow-ups, 
what Santa Claus is for children. Somehow all of them grow out of it... 
Hi Gerardus, 
I've been pondering these lines for awhile. Why is it, do you think, 
that people need to have something to believe in or go nuts? 

Hi Kathleen... 
Yeah, good questions... 
Basically the answer is -- that Man cannot possibly imagine that he is the 
Cause of it all! His mental capacities or his grokker does not have the 
volume to gather that concept. In the mean time, I will expand on my answer 
here and now:

Suppose we find ourselves in/on a world with only twenty people. Pretty 
soon we have set up some kind of order among ourselves and start raising 
wild chickens and domesticate them. Same with cows, horses and all kind of 
animals. We breed many animals, and the human as well as the animals become 
more and more in number. Somehow all this gives us the idea that we are in 
control of the farm, because we allocate certain animals to certain areas 
of the farm. All this gives us the idea that we are the boss in our world 
and we put animals where we want them...

This fact gives us the idea that someone higher than ourselves, has put US 
where we found ourselves on this earth. As soon as this thought sinks in, 
we have created a God or Creator who controls us! Before long, we try to 
please this God with sacrifices and what have you. The belief in this God 
is a self-created philosophy and pretty soon we cannot do without it for it 
relieves us of the responsibilities of things gone right or wrong. Our 
philosophy has become a need and a habit! That means that experts are 
needed in order to keep track of the philosophy and pretty soon it has 
become a religion with all kinds of laws and rules...

>From there on in, we might meet other groups of people with different 
philosophies or religions and before you know it, we fight them guys see. 
Lots of experiences right now! Naturally all this is but a simple example 
but basically when you multiply this example and its complexities by a 
billion - you have created the world at full speed...

Here is another factor in our existence as a human being: 
The body we live in, is a genetic engineered machine let's say, that has 
been "made" according to specific qualities and defaults. The body we live 
in MUST HAVE a built in program that throws the soul at a loss when 
entering it for the first hundred times say. The body-mind and the 
soul-mind become one mind, until we learn how to separate the man from the 
God that lives in the body so to speak. This takes time... 

The specific genetic creation of the human body is done by, well let's call 
them the 4D to 6D Body-Bakers of the universe, and they supply the human 
soul with an instrument that needs to change from an animal into a God. If 
this was an easy thing to do - it would not be worthwhile for a soul to 
undertake this journey. All in all - I feel that all pieces of the puzzle 
fit perfectly, but I have not been able to grok all the meanings and 
purposes of all the pieces in the entire show. In the mean time, it is MY 
show, and I am working on its completion. I must do this at my need and my 
Gerardus here: 

The following is left of your question and statement and here it is:
I think there's truth to that, but I'm wondering why. The only answer 
I come up with is that IF it takes belief to create reality, if you no 
longer believe in anything, you don't get to experience very much. 
What do you think is the reason?

Gerardus here: 
Once you no longer believe in anything and therefore KNOW - the trouble is 
that the people around you begin to regard you as an odd ball and you do 
not fit anymore in their belief system. Usually people like that are 
shunned, if not killed, for they are regarded as nuts. And yes, the so 
called experiences might become less, but the observations and 
understanding become more. More true learning can take place, for the idea 
also is to go within and start to observe whatever goes on there. 

So again 
- our stay on this earth is a mental journey and we are left to our own 
subjective judgments only. By means of this we must come up with 
conclusions that make sense to ourselves. I figure that this mental journey 
might well take one million years. So what? We as the soul live all lives 
simultaneously. Meaning that, when you take you last breath - the others 
do as well and Bingo - Full Card! 

Kathleen here: 
You see people happily believing in the stories of religion, and 
going along quite well, until their belief system gets challenged 
one day (and it always does) and the bottom falls out. But up until 
that time at least, they seem blissfully happy in their beliefs. 
Whereas people who have no beliefs seem cynical or bored 
much of the time, nothing to get excited about or hope for.

Gerardus here: 
Life is not just working for a living to maintain the body, but it is even 
more a mental-journey. Along this journey we have different needs and 
experiences that enrich our understanding and before we know it, we "pitch" 
our self-made religions and/or the one we are born into. In the long run, 
we pass from self-awareness to God-awareness and from there on in we become 
the observer. All this waffles on us, for it takes time and experience to 
get used to our "insights" and make them a daily practise. Some call this 
working on oneself. I call it grokking the dough...

I hope this story helps - Gerardus