!   Y O U   A R E   G O D   !

Stephen Steward

File 6 of 7

     Sir.... you must be all knowing.
                          How did you get so wise?

            Are all the things you tell me... personal opinions?

         I don't know...
                    whether I should take them seriously...
                                  or whether I should reject them.

                    What you tell me is flabbergasting.

             Are they teachings?           I really don't know.

     You keep telling me... not to accept anything... to stay neutral.

              I feel that being neutral is avoiding the issue.

          There must be something... one must be able to believe?

         The universe does not function on opinions alone does it?

     Are you silently implying...
                     that I should find my own Truth...
                                   by knowing... instead of believing?

                                           Is that what it is?

                         Where do I look for Truth?

              If I can't take you seriously...
                               I might never find the answer.

                               - - - - - - -

     My friend...
            looking for Truth or for something unknown to you...
                      and finding it is impossible...
               because you would not be able to recognize it.

     So... what do you do?
               You look for something you feel like...
                                         and by that I mean...
                                you do whatever you feel the need for.

                                          It's like a hunger.

                  It's an aching feeling... almost a must.

     And if you do whatever that is...
                       you feel good about yourself.
                You feel that you have done the right thing.
                                                         And you have.

                    You have to satisfy the inner drive.
                              Whatever it is.

     For most people however...
            it is difficult to do what they feel like.
                     Because they just don't know what they feel like.

     If you would ask them...
            they answer... well I don't know what I want or feel like.

           And then they'll ask... what do you think I should do?

          These people lack the connection with the Soul they are.

                Most of them are so bored with themselves...
                    that their inner drive is stagnated.

     The sad thing is...
             that nobody can really help them.
                       Anything that is suggested to them...
                                is either too difficult or too boring.

     What they really are looking for is Instant Satisfaction...
                                     by or from the world around them.

               Well... as you know... there is no such thing.

     Most people have lost touch with themselves...
                                because they do not know who they are.

            They are lost in world that seemingly is not theirs.

     Life does not satisfy them... it has become a bore...
         and the only thing that keeps them going... is entertainment.

     The wilder the better and the more stimulating it is...
                          the more fascinated they are for the moment.

                        Two minutes later though...
               they are the same dissatisfied emptiness again.

     It drives them insane...
                but since the majority is like themselves...
                                      they think that they are normal.

                      They blame whatever is wrong...
         on forces outside of themselves... including the weather.

     In actuality... all that happens to the world...
                                        including the weather...
                                  is the creation of the world of man.

        For the world of man is the creator of its own environment.

     And each human being is the creator...
                 of his own circumstances and happenings...
                                  including accidents and misfortunes.

     In our universe...
                  mishaps... accidents... or calamities...
                            are the result of...
            thoughts and feelings... attitudes and behaviour.

          The individual... with his own thoughts and feelings...
                    generates his own life and destiny.

          So... in the universe... each individual with his own...
            thoughts and feelings... attitudes and behaviour...
     is responsible for his own mishaps... accidents and calamities...
                             without exception.

      Don't think for a moment... that someone else is responsible...
            or... that the universe is run by luck or hardluck.

        So... what you think and feel... is what you meet or become.
            Think and feel that you are God... and you will be.

     These are the lessons every bored person in the world must learn.

              Whatever your Consciousness is focused upon...
                      is where you will find yourself.

             For example... you and I... and everybody else...
                        in a time we call the past...
      focused our Consciousness on living in a material environment.

     Very... very slowly the world as we know it...
                        became the reality in which we find ourselves.

        We created this unbelievably beautiful and splendid world...
                      by focusing our Consciousness.

                     That's why Life is a Celebration.
              Because we succeeded in fulfilling our desires.

     Our desires were...
              to create a physical environment or universe...
        with planets upon which we could exist in physical bodies...
            and express our Ideas... Thoughts... and Feelings...
                 in a manner that was unknown to us before.

     We wanted to create...
           a New Reality System with Values and Possibilities...
        of a different Nature than the Energy System we existed in.

                   ! We did all this... by going within !

      And although the matter world is definitely existing and real...
             there is no such thing as matter in and by itself.

            For ALL is Consciousness with a specific vibration.
                  All Things are the Actions of our Mind.

     By going within ourselves as creators...
        we now seemingly find ourselves in an Outside Environment...
             that portrays to us... a three Dimensional World...
                      upon which we live and multiply.

      Having arrived in this world... we seem to have lost contact...
               with our Higher Consciousness or Cosmic Home.

     This however is not true...
        for all of us in this matter universe and its many worlds...
            are undeniably connected to the Soul or God we are.

     However... in order to go as deep into matter as we wanted to...
           we needed to semi-disengage from the Greatness we are.

                All of us however... are firmly connected...
        for we are the One Consciousness or Mind dreaming Creation.

                    We can never separate or disengage.

     So... all that exists then...
           is a Modification or Change of the Energy we call God.

            And what you and I see... eat... or throw around...
     lies within a certain vibration range or band of this God Energy.

     Your conscious mind and senses...
             are the interpreters of this range of vibration...
                          and make it appear realistic and believable.

              We live in a frequency band of sensory reality.

     Now for a moment...
         just imagine what subatomic scientists are up against.

               They are investigating material substances...
                  that do not exist in a reality system...
                      it appears to them to exist in.

              Their investigations are of a physical nature...
                      and there is no possible way...
          that they will find anything of a material structure...
       because matter does not exist in any physical reality system.
                 Matter is Consciousness in a certain form.

     As a matter of fact...
                  the deeper they search or investigate...
                         the more their investigations agree...
                                with what they think they should find.
                                         Naturally they do.

      For while they are thinking... they create what they will find.
                         They are God the Creator.

         They are God the Creator... investigating their Creation.

     Well my friend...
              I should come back to the Personal Opinion Issue.

                            And the question....
       that somewhere... there must be... the Real Thing... or Truth.

               There is my friend... there is.     It Is You!

     You are the Mysterious Unconscious Creative Power...
                            that makes Flowers Bloom... and Bees buzz.

                        You are this Creative Power.

               Awakening from Unconsciousness and Ignorance.

     Every Leaf on a tree...
              every Flower or Bee... says... I AM THIS POWER.

                 Look at Me.      Here I am.      I am It.

                   My friend... You Are This Very Power.

                        !  YOU ARE THE VERY TRUTH  !

     It's so damn simple...
            And because of the simplicity... we become mixed up.
                     We think that it all has to be explained somehow.

                   How can we possibly explain Ourselves?
                           .... and what for?

     You see... anything that can be explained cannot be felt.
               Feeling is the clue of Living... and Living is Feeling.

     Yes.. naturally... there also is Intellectual Understanding.
                                                        Sure there is.

                     But Intellectual Understanding...
                is less than half of what man is all about.

              !... We are the very Marvel of the Universe ...!
                        ! There is no greater Being !

     You see my friend...
                   when you and I look at the Universe...
                                          we are looking at Ourselves.

         We're looking at Ourselves however... from the bottom up.

     What we see is so tremendously complex... and overwhelming...
             that we conclude... this could not possibly be Ourselves.

          To find out that We Are It... is what we are working on.
                 Most of us are to dumb to understand that.

     The more you evolve my friend...
            the more you will feel the Oneness of the Universe.

                  So... if you feel alone and separated...
             the more reason you have to catch up and find out.

     The whole universe... visible and invisible...
              is an Organization of People... High and Low...
                 that keeps Everybody busy... eternally...
              with guiding... helping... and serving Others...
                  for all Others... are really Ourselves.

       All of Us... are Creators... living in a diversity of forms...
             and if there is something wrong with One of Us...
                  there is something wrong with All of Us.
                       And that is just not possible.

             The Solar System and the life upon her planets...
                        is a self-correcting system.

                  If mankind does something destructive...
        it will be automatically corrected by the Rays of the Sun...
                          and in a little while...
               the school for mankind will be alright again.

                 It's an Automatic Cosmic Feedback System.

         In addition to this... there are Guardians of the earth...
                that continually monitor and check up on us.

                        They are Brothers in God...
           who have reached very high levels of Consciousness...
                    and their task is... to ensure...
              that this little consciousness... called man...
           does not ruin or blow up his own school... the earth.

     My dear friend.... we still have so much to learn on this planet.
                     We are only in elementary school.

        Naturally... our big Brothers would intervene immediately...
           if we would do something that would destroy the earth.

       They are entrusted with the great task of looking after us...
                     similar to us looking after a zoo.

     And yes... naturally they are God the Creator also... we all are.

          They are to us... what parents are to their children...
      the Lovers and Caretakers of their own Family in Consciousness.
                We all live in the same Mind... and are One.

                  Did you ever see them fly in the sky...
          in vehicles that used to be called... Flaming Chariots?

                               - - - - - - -

     You know Sir...
         this is a very interesting afternoon...
                                    but I sure have trouble...
                            with some of the things you're telling me.

         For example... these big Brothers you're talking about...
                   are they the Beings that fly in UFO's?

         Where do they come from?       What do they want from us?

                  If they come from other Solar Systems...
            how long does it take them to get here... centuries?

                  Are they... what thousands of people...
            have seen flying in the sky at unbelievable speeds?

        Do you know any of them?
                     What kind of bodies do they have?
                                               Are they friend or foe?

     You know... I reported on a sighting once...
                and it was the weirdest experience I ever had.

                                          It made me feel very uneasy.

                               - - - - - - -

     Well now my friend...
               you sure are interested in them... aren't you.

            I'm not sure that I can answer all your questions...
                      but since you know about them...
              I'll tell you... what I have figured out so far.

     First of all... they are friendly.
                          For if they were not...
          they could have destroyed us... like we squash a fly.

     Secondly... they do not come from afar.
                       They do not travel distances.
                              but are in our environment at all times.

                  They are just not visible very often...
         and therefore they are not a part of our physical reality.

     Thirdly... they do not want anything from us.
                             They are very advanced Beings...
                                           and they are our Guardians.

             They try to stay out of sight as much as possible.

        They indeed seem to fly with incredible speeds...
                      but they do not really move like we do...
                                  they move by means of teleportation.

     Which means that they de-materialize...
                             and materialize wherever they want to be.

     Since Time and Space...
            and therefore distance... is a constructed reality...
                               they seem to move at tremendous speeds.

     You see my friend...
                   the Firmament or what we call Space...
                       is not what it seems to be...
             in actuality it is our Mind in the form of Space.
                  We experience it as Space and Distance.

                  And then... I do not know any of them...
              but it is quite well possible that they know me.
                Maybe I will get to know them in the future.

     The bodies they have... vary from occasion to occasion...
        because most of them are able to manifest a body at will...
                 depending on what kind of body they need.

            There are many different kinds of space dwellers...
        and I think that some of them... are what we call tourists.

     There are also space travelers...
         who might have a different morality system than we have...
               and their actions might be very strange to us.

            They are the ones that squash flies... so to speak.
                 It takes all kinds... to make a Universe.

     All of them have reached an advanced point of evolution...
            and they travel through space... like we travel the earth.

        Many space travelers emerge from what we call inner space...
             and therefore they seem to appear out of nothing.

     In this century we call them...
                       Unidentified Flying Objects...
           but in the past they were called... Flaming Chariots.

         They are the Creator in the form of Planetary Engineers...
             and they have been around for a very long time.

               They look after the earth and its population.

                     They love us... for they are Love.

     Also... there are people on earth... who believe...
      that when the earth passes through some of the future changes...
          and it becomes too dangerous for mankind to live here...
        these older Brothers will take many people off the earth...
               in order to assure our safety and continuity.

       They believe that mankind might become an endangered species.

     I personally feel that our Brothers will only intervene...
             if the planet is in danger of being destroyed completely.

              I think that it is up to us to struggle along...
       with the environment and conditions we have created on earth.

               We have made our bed and have to sleep in it.

     As far as I know...
        they might have already intervened many times in the past...
                       certain writings mention this.
                Anyway... I do not exclude the possibility.

           Our older and wiser Brothers do their work for God...
                              like we do ours.
                     Who is to say... who is to judge?

       Some of these writings speak of the Gods visiting the earth...
                  and apparently they became quite cozy...
                       with the daughters of mankind.

      Well... why not... we probably needed some lessons in wisdom...
              and more advanced genes... in order to progress.

     Anyway... as far as I'm concerned...
          it is not important whether or not... there are UFO's...
                and at what speed they fly through the sky.

       I am sure that they know what they are doing... they love us.

           When the time is right... they will show themselves...
                and it's up to us to progress to that point.

       First of all we must have the wisdom to stop shooting at them.

       As long as we fear them... or think that they are superior...
            they will stay away... because we are not ready.

                 They are the same Creative Power We Are...
             but with different functions and responsibilities.

     And naturally... many of them admire us...
          like we admire an ant hill... or a hive of buzzing bees.

                To them... we are Beautiful Human Flowers...
       many of whom... are still waiting for the Spring of Awakening.

     All in all... with them or without them...
                     there is nothing to worry about...
               for we all awaken at the right time anyway...
                                                    without exception.

        The world is perfect the way it is... for we are God Alive.

                               - - - - - - -

     Well Sir... you did it again...
             you know more about UFO's than I've ever heard.

                    Where do you get all your opinions?

     Sometimes... I feel that I sit here... listening...
        to a very strange fairy tale... that is supposed to be true.

        And other times...
               I think that you have a very rich imagination.

                       I don't know... what to think.

     All your stories sound mighty interesting...
            and I sometimes get the feeling that you are joking.

                        Well Sir... are you joking?

                               - - - - - - -

     Life my friend... Life is the Joke.

                      ! The biggest Joke there is !

                                               For Life is but a Game.

                    Life is... a Universal Game or Play.
                          The Game or Play of God.

        Everybody is supposed to laugh... but lots of us are crying.

     And you know why?
            Because we just have not learned yet... how to live.
                                         And we are here to learn how.

          We are here to learn to Think... to Feel... and to Love.

                   And please don't think for a minute...
                            that I never cried.
                        I sure cried lots my friend.

            I suffered the same as any other student of life...
     lately however.... well lately... all I can do is smile or laugh.

         Life certainly... is not a serious or somber business.
                   That's what people have made of it...
                they kill each other... that's how serious.

     Killing however... might be strenuous... but it is not for real.

             For in the next life... well there they are again...
         living and laughing... and yes... sometimes killing again.

                 Anyway... life is not serious or somber...
                          for we are God at play.

     Since we are in the process of learning...
                                   that life is a play...
                      we cannot really blame ourselves for goofing up.

        All the suffering in the world... is caused by man himself.
                        Man is a Child of Ignorance.

             Life is a celebration... but I just don't know...
         how long it will take... before all of us understand that.

                On the other hand... I can't be concerned...
                         how long that will take...
              for I am not here to save the world or even try.

                   I am here to save or improve myself...
             and you know... that's hard enough the way it is.

         It is the only task... I have to complete myself.
                    That's all I am responsible for... just myself.

              You know what I find the most difficult in life?
                            It is not to cry...
           when I think of all the masses of people... suffering.

                 It's very... very sad... very sad indeed.

     And sometimes... sometimes... I cry because of that...
                      I cry like a child... for all who are suffering.

                               - - - - - - -

     Sir...?   You think we should stop talking?

             Your nose is running and your hands are trembling.

     You cry like a baby...
                 and yet you tell me that life is a Game...
                                         what then are you crying for?

             Somehow I thought that you were as hard as rock...
        and look at you now... you're a mess of tears and sniffles.

                               - - - - - - -

     Don't you mind me... my friend...
                          I cry because I like it.

                     It makes me feel that I'm alive...
              crying to me is living... it tells me that I am.

     Yes... emotions... sometimes I cry... sometimes I laugh.
                  It's the up and down of life that keeps me balanced.
                        Anyway... I'll be all right in a minute.

     I always feel refreshed... after I have shed some tears...
                           for one tear... is worth a thousand laughs.

             Years ago... I thought that it was crazy to cry...
                  but now I know... that it keeps me sane.

                  Crying to me... is the height of living.
                       Crying is Feeling at its best.

     Anyway... I'm all right now... you see...
                       all my tears have disappeared.
                                                It really did me good.

     The progression of the Human Consciousness...
                     is very contradictory sometimes...
            because we think or feel that the people on earth...
                 should be different... or better somehow.

         We feel that there should be no hunger... no suffering...
                     and least of all to the children.

     However... my friend...
                       we just haven't learned yet...
                how to progress without pain and suffering.

              That is what we have to work on... desperately.

     I am looking forward to the times ahead...
         in which all human beings will have attained the wisdom...
               to progress and grow in pleasure and comfort.

                 Right now... we are doing it the hard way.

     You see... in the future...
                 mankind will have the conscious knowledge...
                                     that we are Gods living on earth.

               Right now... man is but a Child in Godness...
                    and we still have a long way to go.

          The New Age ahead will be a great challenge for mankind.

     Yet... I know that we have already arrived.

                Because the past... present... and future...
        is one simultaneous moment... in the Mind of God in Ecstasy.

      To realize this completely... will project us into this moment.

                       It's the moment of knowing...
          that all is well... and that all is... as it should be.

                    It is the moment in which we arrive.

     So... let's live in this moment of arrival...
            and all that's left to do then... is to enjoy the journey.

                      Smile and feel good my friend...
         for we are the very Power of God... playing Hide and Seek.

                    To find ourselves again and again...
             smiling in bodies that are but relatively real...
                  living on a planet of our own making...
                        and looking at each other...
            knowing that all we see is the Activity of our Mind.

     While the world as we know it now...
                 does not really exist... but yet exists...
          because we can experience it... in our Consciousness...
                         and think that it is real.

        My dear friend... do you understand what I'm talking about?

                              Do you grasp...
           that all Beings and Things are but really fixtures...
                       of the dream we are dreaming?

           Do you really understand... that...
                          The Only Infinite Thing That Exists...
                                The Consciousness We Are?

        And that all other Things in the Universe... High and Low...
             are but finite and changing fixtures of a dream...
                 into which we enter and find ourselves...
                        in beautiful human bodies...
                             and live a life...
          in a Time and Space Reality that seems absolutely real?

        And that the infinite variety of other Beings and Things...
                   we meet and experience in this life...
                       The Same Consciousness We Are...
          expressed in different... but equal... Cosmic Miracles?

     To me my friend... to know...
                      that I am this Consciousness...
                                 ... is ...
                           ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING.

     Sometimes... I get lost in this Consciousness...
        and the thoughts and feelings in my heart need to be shared.

           To find someone... to share my mind and heart with...
                          is almost impossible...
                 for all my equals are living in a world...
                     that is not mine... and yet it is.

          In moments like these... I turn within and find my Soul.

     And the closer I am to my Soul...
           the closer I am... to the Perfect Realization of God.

     To live as this Realization...
        is to act and behave like God day and night automatically...
               without any doubt... or self consciousness...
         with the enjoyment and grace of being You to the fullest.

                    That's where I want to be my friend.
                That's where I want to be in Consciousness.

         But in the moments I cry... I am too Human to be my Soul.

                             Souls never cry...
                         for they are God in Bliss.

     You see my friend...
                     I still have a selfness problem...
                I still think and feel that I am somebody...
                           and that's my trouble.

                 Do you understand what I am talking about?

                               - - - - - - -

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