I think I do Sir... your Illusionary Self is still too powerful. You still think that you... and God... are more than one Being. You are semi-disengaged... from your Soul... and think that you are somebody in and by yourself. I know precisely what you're talking about... because I feel like that all the time. I didn't know that there was another way... before I met you. What you want to become is a zombie possessed by God. Not just an ordinary zombie... but one in which the ego is totally replaced by God. Sir... do you want to be a God Zombie? - - - - - - - Well my friend... you truly surprise me... and you know... you're almost right. I want my total Being to be replaced by God... not just my ego. Because I am still self conscious... and I want to be God Conscious. To be God Conscious is being the Buddha or the Christ. It means to be equal to the Father. I would discover then... that all the lives I have lived... were the lessons of my awakening and were but dreams. I would be fully Awake. I would realize then.... that God lived all these lives... as ME. But as yet... I am still a Selfness... or an Illusionary Self... struggling with the puzzle of the self. The puzzle in which... I feel that I am a thinker in a skull. Looking out. Yet I know... that all this is nonsense... for you and I do not really exist. We are God looking out of Eyes that are Mind. What we as God see... is our Creation... looking out from a myriad of eyes... seeing itself. For all Things are God... or... - Universal Consciousness - There is only God. That's what I want to be my friend... a zombie possessed by... and knowing nothing but God. The perfect way to be. All my delusions then as an Illusionary Self... will have disappeared like the figures in a dream... at awakening. Tell me my friend... how can I become a zombie like that? - - - - - - - Well really Sir... I don't think that you are asking me a fair question. How am I supposed to know? If I knew.... wait a minute... wait a minute... What the heck is going on now...? Are you alright Sir...? Your eyes are empty... are you alright? For pete's sake Sir... come back... why do you look into space like that? Boy... oh boy... you sure look strange. You suffer from too much space Sir... why don't you come back to earth? Talk to me. Hello Sir... are you there...? - - - - - - - You know my friend... you know where I was? I was nowhere... nowhere and everywhere. Why did you shout at me? I was right here all the time... right beside you. I might be goofy... but I'm not deaf. Anyway... I just lost track of myself... that's all. Don't you ever do that... lose track of your body? It feels marvelous... fearless... it's terrific. It feels like being surrounded by Love. You know... the very moment I lost track of myself... I saw you sitting there... I saw a great Soul... willynillied by dazzle. Your Light is truly bright... but powerfully obscured by a mask of nonsense. Your mask however is full of holes... and your Soul is shining through... brilliantly... you were beautiful. Yah... a brilliant consciousness... that's what you are. Someday... you will recognize your own Brilliance. Before very long... you will be Aware and Awake... I'm sure of it. Don't you ever dream like that? - - - - - - - No... I certainly don't Sir. I hardly dream at all... I just snore. I'm sorry I shouted at you... but you sure looked funny... spaced out. You looked as if you were possessed by the Devil. You scared me... are you alright now? - - - - - - - I'm alright my friend... I feel fine... I am my old self again... hypnotized. - - - - - - - What do you mean you're hypnotized...? Don't you feel normal...? Do you know where you are... are you hypnotized? - - - - - - - Naturally I'm hypnotized... to be hypnotized my friend... is being normal. Everybody is under a hypnotic spell... when they live in their physical creation. Do you think that we as God could live on earth... and be normal? That's impossible my friend... we can only live here when we have done ourselves in. Hypnotized ourselves. We as an almighty Soul... have to pretend real hard... before we come down to earth and live there. To be a Human Being has to be learned from scratch. This means naturally... that you have to forget that you are an Individual God... or an Almighty Soul... and then as a beginner you start all over again. That's what the Game of God is all about. The Game or Play... is finding yourself... finding yourself to be God. Many a Soul is in rapture... when it discovers this Astounding Truth. It's a Universal Game... and everybody plays it. It's also called the Game of Sacrifice. Naturally... nobody starts out as a human being. We all begin as the tiniest little spore of Godness... in the form of a subatomic namelessness... possessed by desires to be physical. We seed ourselves into Physical Dreamland... and are radiated upon by the rays of the stars... and eventually we land on the planet of our choice. It's like stepping through ourselves and coming out... very much alive... but unconscious. ! We as the Creator lose ourselves in our creation ! It happens all the time... did you ever play the flute and become the music? Have you ever written a story and lost track of time and space while you became the figures in the story? Well... We as the Creator do this continually. We lose track of ourselves... because we hypnotize ourselves... and become a spore of namelessness possessed by curiosity. However... this hypnotic spell only lasts so long. As this spore of Godness... you grow from amoeba to plant... and from plant to animal. From animal you grow into man... and from man... you eventually become a human being. That's about the time that this spell loses its power. Many people naturally become very upset... when you start to lose your hypnotic spell... because you become absolutely weird and unusually happy. Because you know that you are waking up to your own Greatness. You become your old Self again. The Self of the Universe... the only One there is. You become graceful and loving. The end of your Illusionary Self is near... because you have almost solved the Puzzle of the Self. You can't help but smile upon the world... although times might be tough as hell... and billions of your brothers are suffering and dying. We all have our destiny to fulfill... and all of it is self-made. For God... or the Universal Mind is Neutral. The God Force.... is the Epitome of Neutrality. It is infinitely Powerful... Absolute... and Self-Made. Every Being in the Universe is learning how to master this Force. We all are equal Students. Many people however... cannot understand this. They think or feel that some people are luckier than others. This naturally is nonsense... for life and what happens to you... is a self-created path... in order to awaken to the Power and Glory you are. Forever will be... the Power We Are... in Greatness... and God helps those... who help themselves. Anyway to come back to this hypnotic state... the state we are suffering from... it is the Game of Sacrifice we have committed ourselves to. We as God have sacrificed ourselves in order to become Physical. It's called the Matter Cross... the Cross we carry... until we awaken to Christhood... and become Man the Living God on Earth. In order to be able to live in our own Creation... our Brothers in Consciousness.... the Great Ones... prepared the earth for us. The endeavors of Mankind on Earth... are endeavors that are applauded by the Great Ones. These Great ones are nobody but ourselves. For once we have attained the Level of Christhood... we can transcend Time... and are able to utilize our Creatorship... towards the preparation of our own Greatness in God. I know... all this is hard to understand... but if you are able to transcend Time and Space... and know that you are the Dreamer or Creator of Creation... you know that you are Universal Consciousness. We as Consciousness have always existed... and Mankind on Earth is a very young Thought... in the Infinite Scheme of Creation. Your trouble is... that you are not aware... that you are living in other Dimensions as well... in splendor and magnificence. Mankind is an Aspect or Thought of the Universal Consciousness. We are Infinite.... and existed before the Physical Universe... We Are the Very Power of Consciousness. Man the Almighty. So... my friend... what do you think of all this? - - - - - - - Well... I don't know Sir... something within me tells me... that you could be perfectly right. But another voice says... it's only his opinion. I need time to think about it... after I have listened to the tapes. I feel that I have been living... in a very small and clouded fish bowl. I have lived unconsciously. I must change all this... I must expand my thinking. I must widen the horizons of my consciousness. I have to awaken. But then... will I be better off... knowing more? Will it improve me? - - - - - - - Knowing things will not improve you my friend. To improve yourself... you must use what you know. You must change the attitude towards yourself and others... by understanding that all others are really you. You must practice this understanding in your daily life... which naturally means that you have to become Love Itself. However... loving others... does not mean... that you become emotionally attached... or involved. You should be loving... yet free... and not feel rejected... if you do not receive the same treatment or response. LOVE IS UNDERSTANDING. Which means that you give others the freedom... to do their own thing... whatever it is. Help others if you're asked... but don't become a busybody mingling in their affairs. You did not come into the world in order to save it... and neither did anybody else. Others are living life according to their own level of awareness. Love is Compassion... Love is Understanding. Try to become a Witness. Remember though my friend... I am only a beginner myself... and I have neither right... nor authority... nor desire... to tell you what to do... how to live... or how to improve yourself. You see... you are perfect the way you are. All you have to do... is ... accept what you are. It is the very insecurity within yourself... that keeps telling you that you should be different. What's wrong with the way you are? - - - - - - - I understand what you're trying to point out Sir. It is just that lately I feel restless and unsure. I keep asking myself questions... and I do not like the nature of my questions. I'm afraid of them. I keep avoiding my own state of inner affairs... and it gives me a feeling of dissatisfaction. Yet... look at me now... I've asked more questions than I ever knew I had. I feel that you have put me more at ease. You have opened doors I kept shut for years... and somehow I'm not as afraid anymore. I feel that you have touched my heart... and please tell me... why did I have to wait so long? Why did we have to meet? - - - - - - - My friend... I never ask why... not anymore. I just do what I feel like... and it always turns out right. Whatever I do... is figured out by the God I am. As a matter of fact... the more we try to figure out things ourselves... the more we louse them up. The trick is to learn to listen... act spontaneously To know things by listening to the inner voice... is being the perfect zombie. All that is left to do then... is to enjoy the journey. Questioning and doubting is the product of our conscious mind... which I sometimes call... the conditioned ass. If we could lose this conditioned ass... we would have it made. It's a big stumbling block... yet... we need it... in order to transcend it. I feel that it is an aspect of our Paradoxical Nature. You see the conscious mind is needed... in order to live... in the physical reality... in which we are trying to establish our Godness in Human Form. We can only do that by training a human body... by Thoughts... Feelings... Attitudes... Diet... and Love... to a finely tuned Instrument. Once we have done that... the Christ or Buddha Consciousness... will enlighten the vehicle we have prepared. ! In short... we have to train an animal... and produce a God ! We must do this... by Conscious Living. All this is called... the Transformation of Man into God. Well my friend... don't you ever forget... that you have been listening... to an old man full of personal opinions. Do not believe what you have on your tapes... ! OPINIONS ARE BUT OPINIONS ! KNOW THAT ALL THINGS ARE THE UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS YOUR WAY. May the Christ Light you are brighten your present life... to make you fully realize... that... YOU ARE GOD. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - These are the poems he gave me - MAKES ME FORGET That... what I am... I am Alone. In Aloneness. Yet... in that what I am... I am all Others. But in my Aloneness... I do not know that. For only when I have found... that I am not Alone... I will know that I am ALL. To do this however... will take me many Periods of Aloneness. In being just Me the Loner. Sooner or later though... within that what I am... I will find the Total. While now... the Total I am... is but dreaming... that I am Alone. For in all my Dreams... I create the Illusions of my Aloneness. The Illusions I suffer... in the Lives I live. That what I am... really... beyond my Dreams... is That... what I am all along. God... But being Man for a while... MAKES ME FORGET - - - - - - - ...AND ALL IS WELL In Man... God becomes aware of Matter. In Man... God becomes aware of Creation. In Man... God becomes aware of Itself. Reflecting upon this I ask myself... - Let the God I am step forward - I close my eyes... and look into the Mirror of my Soul. ... And behold... I AM THE GOD I AM. ... and then I look at the River... I look at the Mountains... I look at the Earth and Sky... ... and then I know. I know that I am looking at the Miracles I am. Then... I think about Man. I see the School... I see the Lessons. I see the Master... I see the Students. I see the Beauty... and the Poverty. I see the Splendor... and the Ugliness. I see the Wise... I see the Ignorant. I see that all my Children are the One I am. ... And then I know... that the Creation I am... is Learning and is Struggling... To become aware of the Divine We Are. AND ALL IS WELL - - - - - - - BY THE AUTHOR I REFLECT I am a million Covers... embracing but one Book. And the Book I am... including all my Covers... has no Middle. Neither do I have an End... nor Beginning. I have been written before Time began... Yet... I have to be read in Time yet to come. For the Pages of the Book I am... are the Lives I live as the Covers. Each Cover is but a touch-up of any other... yet all my Lives are Unique. I am so old... that the Names I carried... are but sounds I forgot. My Pages are fading... yet the Story I tell is new. For I am Life... experiencing Life. I've been around... before the World was invented. I will live until the Covers I am... have been replaced... BY THE AUTHOR I REFLECT. - - - - - - - THE LIGHT AND LOVE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Before the World ever was... my Mind was in Darkness. I wandered in Blindness... and no Thoughts of Beauty... were born from the Images of my Consciousness. And although I am... The Light of Love... I could not love... because I was unaware of my Nature. I suffered in Silence and Loneliness. Slowly... The Light of Love within me... awakened to a Dream... and my Nature created Form and Reality. And from the Images of my Reality... the World of Man was born. More and more... I awakened to Thoughts... with Worlds in Motion... full of Children in Grace and Joyfulness... transforming the very Images of my Dream... into Beauty I did not know. Divinely... the very Children of my Dream... became the very Being I am... and through them... I reflect upon our Birth... because We awakened in Consciousness. And now that I am conscious of being You... I know that I have been You all along... but did not know it. So... Be What I Am... THE LIGHT AND LOVE OF CONSCIOUSNESS - End - |