!   Y O U   A R E   G O D   !

Stephen Steward

File 2 of 7

           My friend... I might indeed be wise...
                        but you are not off balance.
           You are honest with yourself and that hurts sometimes.
                       I admire people like that... they have courage.

               You have the courage to speak about things...
                     that many people keep hiding away.

                   They do not want to reveal themselves.

      Most certainly...
             they do not want to speak about God or Religions.
                                                   They lack the guts.

      Somehow they'd rather stick to a lie...
                          than find out the Truth.

                 They are afraid that they will find out...
                             that they have been wrong all their life.

            They are Religious... but don't want to discuss it.
         They think... that there are more important things to do.
                           What a laugh that is.

     Anyway... I respect people who are honest with themselves.
                                                  You are one of them.

               By the way... whose Truth do you want to hear?
                               Yours or Mine?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well Sir... I don't want to hear anybody's truth.
                                     I want to hear THE Truth.
                                                    The Truth of God.

     You see... I believe that there is a God somewhere...
                                                a God who does things.

                       I want to hear about this God.
                 I want the Truth... about God the Creator.
                         I want Truth I can grasp.

     It seems to me... that the world is going insane...
                       and why doesn't this God do something about it?

         Why should the whole world have to fall apart...
                      before this God we know... does something?

                               - - - - - - -

     This God we know...?
             Which God we know...?
                             Yours or Mine?
                      I don't know any God my friend.

               The only God I know... is the God I am.
                      And even that one... I know but little.

     You say... that the world is going insane...
                                    well... was the world sane before?

     Did you ever talk to the Men of God?
                          The Ministers... the Priests... the Bishops?

           You see... I know nothing about their God.
                        Did you ever talk with these Men of God?

                               - - - - - - -

             Well... yes I did Sir...
                     but when I spoke to them...
                             they quoted scriptures and books.
                                            They knew less than I did.

     Some of them were not even sure...
                     whether there was a God or not.
                                I felt sorry for them Sir... honestly.
                                        They told me to pray.

     We live in a Valley of Tears they said...
                               accept it for what it is.
                                                 Be glad and thankful.

          Well Sir... I think that there is more to life...
                       than just sitting there and accepting it.

     As far as I'm concerned...
             the old Religions have had it... they're worn out.
                   They do not fill the Gap of Ignorance.

                  People want Answers and Understanding...
         they are fed up with Scriptures... Rituals... and Prayers.

     Well I don't blame them one bit...
                       but you know Sir... what you believe...
              that you are God... or that I am God... is plenty weird.

                         It is just too far out...
               I want to be honest Sir... you're a screwball.

     And yet... well... somehow...
          the whole thing makes me feel funny... it's bugging me.

               What can I do?   It's a problem I can't solve.

                               - - - - - - -

     My friend... your honesty is marvelous...
                       and I like you because of it.
            However... I also like you because I understand you.

     I know what you are going through...
                       for I have been looking for Solid Truth myself.
                                    I never found any.

         Solid Truth... is like a Solid Rainbow... it's Kid-Stuff.
                 It does not exist... and never will exist.

     However... in all my searching...
                     I have found something that is abundant.
                                               I call it... The Light.

                This is what I have found and experienced...
                             The Light Within.

     It is not a solid Light...
                       but it is Light...
                                and I have some of it.
                                                It is as Real as Rock.

     Now... before we go on about this Light...
             I would like to say something about Solidness.
                               Solidness is the biggest joke there is.
                                          There isn't any.

     Everything consists of...
             Atoms.. Molecules... Protons... Neutrons...
                        and innumerous other named particles...
                                 that are not really particles at all.
                                       And neither are they waves.

             I think scientists nowadays call them Wavicles.

     Anyway... these wavicles...
                    float and whirl around each other...
                           and make up the World of Sticks and Stones.

              Scientists are completely confused about matter.
                         It throws them for a Loop.

     When scientists investigate matter...
                        they come to the conclusion...
                                      that matter is Energy in Motion.

                   Solidness... seems to be Nothingness.

     There is no substance to matter and all the commotion in movement
       is nothing but Cosmic Energy... engaged in the Dance of Life.
                      Forming what we call... matter.

     We have dreamed the world... they say.
              The world and the universe... is Mind in Action.
        Nothing is solid and there are only Vibrations of Dreamstuff.
                        This Dreamstuff is our Mind.

     The things discovered...
                 in the subatomic world are crazy.

                          Time in that world flows backwards...
                                    and there is no Cause and Effect.

                       Scientists are flabbergasted.
                                And so am I.

     When scientists study subatomic phenomena...
                         they do not know what is causing what.

                                   All they know is...
                         that it is impossible to observe it...
                                 without Participation.

     In other words...
             when they are investigating matter...
                     they seem to be the Creator of their discoveries.

          They find... that whatever they can imagine... happens.
                         They create what they see.

              The physical world and the physical universe...
                        are an impossible illusion.

     Yet..... when you hit your head on a cupboard it hurts like hell.

     Somehow... in some manner or fashion...
                       what scientists have discovered
                              is also happening in the world at large.

                 The world... and the physical universe...
       are nothing but atoms... molecules... protons and neutrons...
          and all the other particles... wavicles... or gismos.

              In other words... nothing is what it seems like.

                Not one thing in our universe is substance.
                        There is no Matter as such.

     So if scientists have discovered...
            that their experiments are Participatory Actions...
                the world we live in... is influenced by...
                            the Creators We are.

                   We Are The Creator... living as Man.
                        We are God... doing things.

     Now my friend... what I'm telling you...
                              is printed in books all over this world.

             And other scientists have verified the phenomena.

     Have you read anything about this...
                        you as a man of the world must know something?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well Sir... I have... you see...
                      this is part of my confusion...
            I'd like to know... what is real... and what isn't?

                         Are we really alive... or do we think we are?
                                 And who is thinking it... Me?

     These scientific discoveries...
              started my suspicions about the reality of life.
                                     What are we missing... and where?

     Sure as hell...
           there must be something that man is suffering from...
                             that we have not properly identified yet.

                We as man are missing a very important clue.
                          I don't know what it is?

          What baffles me... is... is matter real... or isn't it?
                           Nobody seems to know.

     If matter is nothingness... what the hell do we bump into?
                                                 And why does it hurt?

                         Do you know what it is...?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well... my friend...
                what you and I bump into... is the Light.
                                                     The Light of God.

     The Light of God... is Energy... Cosmic Energy.
             When this Cosmic Energy is directed by Thought...
                                                  it manifests itself.

     In other words...
            the Light of God... or Energy...
                   under the influence of thought...
                        changes into another Form of Energy...
                             and what we experience is physical matter.

     So... while you and I... are living on earth...
             we experience Cosmic Energy or the Light of God...
                         in the Objects and Environment all around us.
               Matter... is the Light of God... slowed down.

                 It is Cosmic Energy... or Consciousness...
         with a low enough vibration that our senses can detect it.
                             It is trapped Light.

     You and I then... live in a matter world...
                    of slowed down Consciousness or Mind
                                      and have our experiences there.

                   We all live in Consciousness or Mind.

                         We have our being in God.

                                 God is Us.

     So... my friend...
            that's why I say... YOU ARE GOD.

           All Things in the Universe are God in different Forms.

     The Light of God... Consciousness... Mind... Matter...
             Atoms... Molecules... Protons... Neutrons... Gismos...
                      and all Phenomena and Happenings
                   are the Same Thing in different Forms.

                              We All Are God!

     And right now...
          you and I as God... live in a Physical Reality System...
                      and have subjected ourselves...
              to severe limitations because of this System...
         and whatever we do... see... feel... experience or eat...
               is created by Ourselves... and is Ourselves.

                     We are the Original Homo or Self!

     You and I... as God then...
           live in our own created bodies... in our own creation.
                            You and I... are IT.

           We live here... in order to find out...
                                  what our creation is all about.

                       Our Creation is All About Us.
               It is the Relationship we have with Ourselves.

              So... my friend... do you still think I'm crazy?

                               - - - - - - -

     I don't know Sir...
             this discussion puzzles me.

             And yes... sometimes I think that you are crazy...
                        and other times... I don't know what to think.

                 How come nobody else knows about all this?

     What about all these Religions... Ministers... Bishops...
                            Cardinals... Popes... and other Preachers?

              Subatomics Science makes them look like Fools...
                   in a circus with meaningless rituals.

     As far as I can see now...
                either you are crazy and the world is right
                 you are right and the whole world is nuts.

     To think that the whole world.... misses the Clues of Creation...
                   is absolutely unthinkable... or is it?

                 Well... are you crazy... or is the world?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well my friend... all I know is...
             that many of us... yes very many... are ignorant.

            The billions and billions of people on this earth...
                  are totally unaware of their Greatness.

              They just do not know.... they just do not know.

     The ignorance about ourselves...
                         creates fear... war... insecurity and misery.

             All of this however... is normal in a Race of Man
        that is as young and inexperienced as we are at this moment.

                     We are the Babies of the Universe.

     Remember though... knowing something about all this...
                     makes me a little wiser than others maybe...
                         but it certainly does not make me any better.
                                       We are all One.

     Now... I used the word ignorance.
                  By that word I mean... that all of us...
                        do not know... and are in a State of Learning.

                 And while we are in a State of Learning...
                        none of us is wise enough...
           to promote or push any knowledge or truth upon others.

     This is what the world of Man does not know...
                 everybody wants to be everybody's Saviour.
                             This is what is detrimental to all of us.

                       The Universe and the world...
                  work by.... The Law of Non-interference.
         Which means that everybody should do what they feel like...
                     without interfering with others.

     And this is not the way most people behave...
          because... some people push Policy and others push Religion.

                  And all of it makes the world... what it is...
                                              kind of messy sometimes.

     So... my friend... the race of man...
                   the race that you and I are part of...
                           is a race of people...
              that are in the beginning stages of development.
                                              We are still Baby Souls.

     However... there is nothing to worry about...
                       because we are in good hands.
                    We are in the Hands of our God Self.

           The Race of Man then... is a Race of Gods on Earth...
                 and we all are in a process of evolution.

     Sooner or later... many of us will understand...
                that this process is a voluntary process...
           and that all of us are the Teachers and the Students.
                        We are both... at all times.

     We learn by living lives in our creation...
                and the bodies we live in... are our creation as well.

                   The God we are... cannot be killed...
              but the bodies we have... only last for a while.
      We come to earth again and again until the lessons are learned.

            In short... the lessons are to recognize our Self...
                        and to master our creation.

     Sir... you're completely out of my league.
                  It all sounds like a dream I once had...
            it seems as if I have heard the whole thing before.

                                 Is that the way one recognizes Truth?

     Well... I don't know... it still is pretty weird.
                         Imagine the whole world is ignorant...
                                              is this really possible?

                Sir.... could my dream have been the Truth?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well... you see... you already know all this...
                                 you have only forgotten it...
                                                    You will remember.

          Remember you see... means re-member... or re-join again.

     You and I my friend... we are God...
                     and know whatever there is to know.
          Most of it however is still part of our Unconsciousness.

                To get to know Consciously... is the trick.

     So... you and I then... and everybody else...
                    are here to become consciously aware...
                                                of what we really are.

     We are on earth to become consciously aware...
                   of what life... and God... and we... are all about.
                             All of it... is Self Knowledge.

            All of us are the Self...
                       and to get to know this Self is our Task.

     So deep within us... there is this Self or Something...
                                       that we are really looking for.

                And as long as we do not know what it is...
        we feel restless and incomplete... and sometimes miserable.

     To find our Self... or Godness...
             is done by us in a special location or realm...
                            which we call the World of Time and Space.

        The World of Time and Space is an aspect of our creation...
              and as a matter of fact it is quite illusionary.

                 While we live in this illusionary realm...
         we have completely forgotten... Who or What we really are.

     We as God have descended and have become Man...
             and now that we are Man... we have to ascend back to God.

      We are in the process then... of exchanging our Unconsciousness
                    for the Consciousness of being God.
              It's the best exchange we can possibly think of.

     The only thing we have to do...
                  is to Consciously Self-Develop the God Being we are.

                 This is done by living lives consciously.

       Lives as a carpenter... a baker... a doctor... a politician...
            a priest... a minister... or even a Bishop or Pope.

          We have to be just about everybody and anybody...
                    in order to discover that we are none of them.

                        We are God... living as them.
                    In order to find our Self... in them.

             By the way my friend... you're very quiet somehow.
                            Are you speechless?
                    Did I say something you don't like?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well... what you tell me... blows my mind.
                              I feel as if I'm spaced out... and numb.

                 It's just too much to swallow all at once.
                         I think I've blown a fuse.

     Somehow... compared to you... I'm thick as hell...
                        Sir.... are you a normal Human Being...
                                              are you from this world?

               You see... if you are right...
                          the whole world is crazy.
                                 You know... I just cannot accept that.

             Am I one of the billions Sir... am I a Baby Soul?

                               - - - - - - -

     My dear friend... we are Gods living in Bodies.
              And until we reach the State of Enlightenment...
         we all are... in a way... Children of God going to school.

               The school we attend... is the school of Life.
                         Life as Man... being God.

              To know that we are God...  and live like it...
                    is something that has to be learned.

     To grow or gain Awareness and Understanding...
       and to fully realize that we are God is done by living lives.
                             Many of them.

     At this particular phase of evolution...
                   the majority of people in the world...
              are still in the beginning stages of learning...
       and they cannot help but hurt themselves because of ignorance.
                        We are a race of beginners.

      For these people to understand...
                      that they are God in Learning...
          indeed sounds crazy.... ridiculous.... and preposterous.

            That's why there are Religions to guide them along.

     And that I sound crazy or weird to you... is very normal...
                                     for I sound crazy to most people.

                This does not mean however that I am crazy.

            It only means that many people do not understand...
                          what Life is all about.

     You see my friend... we are having this discussion...
              because you are ready to understand that life...
                                    is a Progression in Consciousness.

                   Most of it is difficult to understand.

       The fact however that I understand...
                          some of these things...
           does not make me any better than you or anybody else.

                There are thousands of things... you know...
                         and I know nothing about.

        We are both Equal... for we both are God... different ways.

                     The Universe knows no Inequality.

     And remember my friend... it is only possible...
                                     to learn something new...
                              when the old foundations of knowledge...
                                     are shattered to bits.

                    Whatever is shattering within you...
                 causes you to feel funny... or spaced out.

             You have received a Mental or Intellectual blast.

     You see... just by having a friendly chat...
            without any shocking revelations in philosophies...
                     we could have talked for hours...
                but nobody would have learned a darn thing.

                   That's what I call a waste of Energy.
        Only by kind of shocking you... can we both learn something.

                       I'm sorry if I have upset you.
               I hope that I haven't spaced you out too much?

         If you would like to call it quits... that's fine with me.

                               - - - - - - -

     No... no... Sir... I would like to continue...
                 I find it most interesting and engaging...
       as a matter of fact... I've never enjoyed a discussion better.

             No... let's not call it quits...
                     I still have lots of time to listen.

     I respect and enjoy your straight forwardness...
               your fine art of explaining the impossible...
                              and especially... your patience with me.

         I agree that the puzzle within becomes bigger and bigger.
                   But you see... I've got you on tape...
           and this will help me to solve some of these puzzles.

     I'm wondering whether you are helping me or confusing me...
                 but I'm truly enjoying this... please let's continue.

                           And by the way Sir....
               I still have to wait four hours for my plane.

      However... I am getting hungry... and thirsty... how about you?
                         Could I get you something?

                               - - - - - - -

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