!   Y O U   A R E   G O D   !

Stephen Steward

File 3 of 7

          Good idea my friend...
                     bring me the same as you're going to have.

                          And in the mean time...
                I'll just sit here and collect my thoughts.
                        Yes... thank you for asking.

                               - - - - - - -

     You're most welcome... I'll be back in a minute.
                           I hope it's not too busy in this cafeteria.

                               - - - - - - -

     Well my friend...
               you're spoiling me with all these goodies...
                           as a rule all I eat are apples and veggies.

          Anyway... I hope that we can talk with our mouth full...
                   because there is a lot to discuss yet.

     So here we go....
          You said... that you didn't know...
                           whether I was helping you or confusing you.

        Well... before I could help... in the slightest way...
              you have to be completely confused in the first place.

                     You see... you have to be lost...
                          before you can be found.

          And only when you have concluded that you are lost...
               can you start to work on being found or enlightened.

                Without being lost... no change is possible.

     I want you to think about me...
               for at least once a day for the next month...
                     and if you don't... I have failed.

            Now... I can only do that... by touching your Soul.

              You see... I know... that you are on your way...
                             to find yourself.

                It must become your very purpose of living.

        This purpose is... to learn to have fun in your creation...
                     and eventually become Enlightened.

      This means that you have to discover Who or What you really are
                     and then... do something about it.

        The purpose of life... is not... to serve some Man-Made God.
                       These Gods are a dime a dozen.

     The purpose of life is...
               to become more and more Conscious... or Aware...
                           and have fun doing it.

        And after doing that... you'll slowly begin to understand...
     that the Purpose of Life is to find out that there is no Purpose.
                      For Life itself is the Purpose.

         Also... before we go any further...
                          I should mention that Life is a Paradox.

         Life is neither Real nor Illusion...
                       Life is neither God nor Man...
                            Life is neither Good nor Bad...
                                 Life is neither Happy nor Sad... 
                                          Life is neither This nor That.

                           LIFE IS ALL OF THESE!

               Life is the Balance of All Things... Equally.

     So in a way then... there is a purpose of Life...
                            yet... the only Purpose is... Life itself.

       For we as God have nothing else to do... but live life as Man.

     To become God and Man equally balanced...
               we have to convert Unconsciousness... to Consciousness.

     In order to do that...
                     we live life in... life out...
                                          in different bodies...
                                   until we realize what we are doing.

     Once we realize this... we know...
                 that we are acting out the Dream of God...
                                          the Dream of the God We Are.

                 You see... the Dream of the God we are...
                         is the life we are living.

      To awaken from this Dream of Living is to become de-hypnotized.
                        This is a very slow process.

              It is the process... in which Unconsciousness...
                        becomes pure Consciousness.

                 It is the process in which Unawareness...
                      becomes Crystal Clear Awareness.

     This process takes what we call Time.
                 Time however is a commodity or aspect...
                               of the Consciousness of the God we are.

                             In other words...
                        Time... as well as Space...
                  is a product or an aspect of our Being.

                      Time and Space are creations...
                   that are being utilized in our dream.

     So your awakening process takes place in Time and Space...
        and according to you as a person it seems to take a long time.

        All you are aware of now... is...
                   that you were born into this world...
                          live in it somewhere...
              and became a reporter the best way you knew how.

     Also... you have been conditioned or trained...
       by your parents... schools... churches... and other people...
                     in order to live in this world...
                 without too much trouble... or suffering.

                           Because of all this...
                you have become a well adjusted personality.

     Your conditioning however... means...
                that you have adjusted to an insane world...
                     and the way you live your life...
         is the very cause of your returns to the Plane of Earth...
                         lifetime after lifetime...
              in which you continually struggle not to suffer.

                 Your very non-understanding or not knowing
                            - who you really are -
                    keeps you adjusting and adjusting...
         to keep up with the world and to win the battles of life.

     The more you adjust and learn to cope however...
          the further you remove yourself... from what Life really is.

       You try to live your life with as little suffering as possible
             but why you suffer in the first place escapes you.
                    You suffer because you are ignorant.

     The world has taught you nothing but adjustments.
           It has not taught you how to create an abundant Life.
              A life of Abundance is Peace of Mind... Grace...
                                               Joyfulness and Freedom.

     You see... in order to satisfy your Inner Feelings...
                              your adjustments are absolutely useless.

                  Adjustments are for the outside of you.

          The outside of you however... is not doing your living.
              The Soul... or the God you are... is doing that.

                        To please the God within...
           cannot be done by outside conditioning or adjustments.

                        The whole world my friend...
              is suffering and hurting itself because of this.

     So.... if you feel restless... undone... funny and all screwed-up
                 I would say... congratulations my friend.

       For this is the time... to find out the Truth about yourself.
             This is the time that things are going to change.

     You have been adjusting and adjusting your Mask...
                       but what is hurting... is the Inner You.

     You have been living by the Noise in your head...
                      instead of listening to the Voice of your heart.

          To be confused then... is the start of great beginnings.

     You are going through a process of change...
              that all people in the world will go through...
         in order to progress towards an Age of Wonderment and Joy.

                    So... if I make you more confused...
                 that is exactly what you need to progress.

                   You have to get rid of your garbage...
            and start to recognize the Spirit of the Inner God.

     So... my friend... I hope that you become so confused...
             that you are forced to look into the Inner Consciousness.

           Which means... that you will look into... and study...
                       what life really is all about.

              Yes... life is for living.   But what is living?

                          Living is being Aware...
           that you become... more and more Aware... every day...
                that you are God living in its own Creation.

           To live this way is something that has to be learned.

          The more aware we are... the more conscious we become...
                  that we are the Creator of our own life.

      Since we are Life... and Life... is ... The Evolutionary Process
                Enlightenment is a sure thing for Everybody.

                               - - - - - - -

     You know... Sir... I understand most of what you say...
                           but yet... why is the world in such a mess?

                        Why do so many of us suffer?
               Why do we fight among each other... and kill?
       Why do we as God... let us as Man... live in a Bloody Hell...?

                               - - - - - - -

     All of us are God the Creator my friend...
                        but hardly anybody knows it.

                            We are suffering...
              because we are ignorant of our creative Powers.

                   We have to become aware of the fact...
          that we are the very Creator of our own Human Existence.

           Most people think... that they are but Human Beings...
     and are created by some almighty God the Creator or other Force.

     In other words... they think or feel that they are less than God.
            They consider themselves powerless sheep or puppets.

     Sheep or puppets... that are supposed to serve... admire...
         and worship... this self created Concoction of their Mind.
                    Nonsense my friend... pure Nonsense.

     The sheep... or the puppets... ARE..... the very God and Creator.

               Before these puppets find that out however...
                   they are in so much trouble already...
             that their own Godness has become a Joke to them.

                 Tell them... YOU ARE GOD...
                           and they laugh their heads off.

     any people think that God is some Being in the sky...
                       enjoying itself having a world full of puppets.

                            The purest Malarkey.

                    God is nobody... but the puppets.
            Neither God nor the puppets... however... know that.

     You see... God is not some kind of Knowing Being.
        God is an Impersonal Force... and Unconscious or not Knowing.

             God is a Force... like Electricity or Radiation.
                       God is Existence... Activity.

          God is the Original Womb out of which all Things Arise.

                         THE LOVE OF BEING ITSELF.


     So we then... as God Expressed and ignorant of our own Greatness
           live in this world in order to get to know Ourselves.

           In other words...
                      God can only get to know Itself...
                                     when It becomes and lives as Man.

        Man however... takes his own sweet time... learning about...
              the Universal Fact... that he is... God Itself.

        Until at least fifty percent of the population of the earth
            that they are God the Creator... and behave like it
                      the world will be a messy place.

                       Mankind is... God in Disguise.
              God is Mankind... as the Children of Ignorance.

     We are the creators...
            and we create... whatever happens on earth.
                  So... don't blame God... or some other Force.
                                                      We are doing it.

          Man in his ignorance... creates what he thinks about...

     He thinks Small.       He thinks Poverty.        He thinks Greed.
      He feels Fear.     He feels he is a Victim.      He feels Puny.

                 All the things Man thinks... and feels...
                      are the very things he creates.

      For Thoughts and Feelings become manifested as our Environment.
              Until Man learns that this is a Universal Law...
                        he'll have to live with it.

                 Believing in a million Gods or Deities...
                           and praying to them...
                    is absolutely useless and childish.

       Well my dear friend... I hope I have answered your questions.

          Man is God... and God is Man.    We're One and the Same.

                       You are the Greatest Being...
             and you are greater than you can possibly imagine.

     So... the God you are... for now...
                           lives in Human Form...
              and is listening to an old man who sounds crazy.

     And somehow... your opinion about me has changed a bit...
                                   and it starts to make sense to you.
                                         Is that the way it is?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well Sir... it makes more and more sense all right...
                       but in no way can I possibly understand it all.

            I have a million questions...
                       and they are all bunched up in a knot.
                                                   It's mind boggling.

     You talk about different lives Sir...
                         do we indeed live many lives?
                                                How many... and where?

                          Are there other places?
               How do we get to them... how did we get here?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well... you see my friend...
                  God as a Total... or as the only Self...
        cannot live... as a Total or Whole Self... in any one Form.

     That's why... It individualized Itself...
                               and became Everything we see around us.

             You see... the Air around the earth for example...
               cannot do... anything... as a coherent unit...
                     for it would blow the world away.

     Since the Air has divided itself...
           or individualized itself... into storms and breezes...
                      it is able to spook the seas...
            as well as blow a gentle breeze over a hot tin roof.

                    Yet... all of it... is the same Air.

     Well... it's the same with this Force we call God...
                  It became Everything... yet It is still the One God.

     Like I have said before...
                there is a Paradox here of Universal Size...
           and no Human Mind will ever be able to figure it out.

     You see... Human Life is not for figuring.... it's for Enjoyment.
              So start enjoying and celebrating... it's free.
                         Rejoice...   Rejoice...

     So we as man... are seemingly separated God Beings...
          but in actuality we are always plugged in to the One Source.
                 This One Source is available to all of us.

     The Plane of Time and Space... you see...
              is the Plane of Separation and it seems to us...
           that we are independent and self-contained creatures.
                            This is an Illusion.

               You see... God as Such... or the whole Self...
                  cannot live... or cannot be contained...
      in but one Physical Form... or in any one Form for that matter.

             You and I... and Everybody else in the Universe...
                  are doing that... for God... and as God.
              So... celebrate and enjoy it... it's a Miracle.

     Now... also... the whole Physical Creation...
                    is but a small aspect of the Totality of Creation.

       We all have other Equivalents or other Aspects of Ourselves...
                   in the Spiritual or Invisible Realms.

     These Aspects of Ourselves then...
             live in different planes or realms of existence...
                      and All of Us... are... the One and Only Source.

                In order to live in the Physical however...
                      or in the Plane of Separation...
           it is necessary to have parts... places... and times.

     Yet in actuality...
                in the Actuality of Consciousness or Mind...
                                 ALL THINGS
               all Aspects... Parts... Places... and Times...
          only exist... or have their being... in the Mind of God.
                                                 Or the Womb of Ideas.

     So... You and I...
                  are alive in the Mind or Dream of God...
                                            thinking that we are Real.

     In other words...
                 You and I... think that we are somebody...
             but in actuality... we only dream that this is so.
                        We are this God... dreaming.

               But as long as you and I... think and feel...
          that we are Independent Beings or Selves... we will be.
                       We create our own reality....

     Like I have said before...
               we are but Illusionary Selves or Thoughtforms.
                      Yet we are Real Physical Beings.

                         We Are... and We Are Not.

                     ! We are the Paradox of Creation !

     To return and become Consciously United...
                       with the God-Force we really are...
                                  and quit dreaming... is our destiny.

     So here we are... my friend...
                 stuck at the airport in a physical body...
           knowing that we have a Home or Kingdom somewhere else.

     We're sort of stuck... as Gods in Bodies... dreaming and talking.

                       How do we awake and return...?

             How do we stop cycling between Birth and Death...?

                   What do we do... and how do we do it?
        And you know... we've been around endless and endless times.

                     Knowing not where we come from...
               and but guessing where we're going to end up.

          We are fast asleep... and are dreaming the Dream of God.
                              Again and Again.

        We are the Dreamer as well as the Projections of the Dream.

     So how do we get back... how do we quit dreaming?
             It's very simple my friend... it is but a matter of time.

     You see... we are the very Force...
                 who designed the Method of our own Awakening.

                                          It's living lives... as Man.

       All the lives and experiences we have in the Plane of Earth...
                    and the experiences between lives...
       are needed in order to recognize the Greatness We Really Are.

                               - - - - - - -

     Sir... you tell me that We are God...
                        and that We are the Creator.
                                             But Who is this WE?

                                       Is this WE the people of earth?

                               - - - - - - -

     Aha... my friend... you're scared are you?
                You're afraid that this We is not capable...
                                              of running the Universe.

                        It was all fine and dandy...
                 as long as God took care of the Whole Thing.

                   But now that you hear that it is Us...
               you seem to become a little unsure or anxious.

                 Your Illusionary Self is worried... is it?

          Well... I know what you mean... I've been there before.
      All together... it is a gigantic puzzle... it boggles the mind.

     How is this all possible?
                   How do we know that all is well?
                                         Are we really all on our own?

                        Are we indeed in good Hands?

     We... my friend...
                   the WE... I have been talking about...
                                              are our Brothers In God.

               ! The great Consciousnesses of the Universe !

                       The Buddhas and the Christs...
                  the You and Me... we do not know as yet.

                          The Truly Great Ones...

     These Great Ones... are... You and I... as Realized Gods.
                                              For Time does not exist.

                   We are already... our Future Selves...
             we are already... the Realized Christs or Buddhas.

     You see my friend... you and I... right now... are only dreaming.
        And our dreams are only real... as long as we are dreaming.

     While you and I... are living this life...
             or are dreaming... that we are living this life...
                            we simultaneously...
                     are the Buddhas and the Christs...
                looking after the Human Beings we also are.

                 We are both at the same time... or moment.

         Our Human Lives or Dreams... are the Plays of Creation...
         the Mental-Spiritual-Activities of Mature Cosmic Beings...
                        who by means of these Plays...
        promote themselves to the Level of Christhood or Buddhahood.

     Once they have reached this Level...
        they are able to go back and forth through Time and Space...
                          to visit us or help us.

          In other words... they can enter and change our dreams.
                    They can perform so called Miracles.

     You see... in all the lives we live on Earth...
           we slowly becomes wiser and wiser until eventually...
                                       we become the Christ or Buddha.

     All lives however... or all dreams take place in Time and Space.
             Time and Space however is an aspect of our dream.

           Time and Space... is a Creation of our Consciousness.
       It is an aspect of the Dream of God... or the Christs we are.

     So once we become Mature Cosmic Beings...
            we manage Time and Space like we manage our TV now.
               We switch to whatever channel we want to see.

                    We as the Buddhas and the Christs...
                      and all the other Great Ones...
             are Love and understanding... unconditionally...

                 Now since we are Love and Understanding...
     we try to enter the Human Dreams and help the very Humans we are.

     Many of these Humans however... are not interested...
              in receiving the Assistance that is available...
         because they are too busy... playing Immature Human Games.
     Like collecting money or possessions.... or playing games of war.

     We are still busy playing Egos and Worldly Games...
           because we have not matured to be sensitive enough...
                        to the Vibration of Love or Divine Assistance.

     You see... take me for example...
          I'm trying to lose my Ego or whatever I still am...
                        by talking... because I don't know any better.

                   I am still an Ego or Illusionary Self.

                 And the Ego or Selfness... I think I am...
                           thinks it is somebody.

           You see... although I am God... I am but the God I am.
                    Yet... I am perfect... the way I am.

     I know that what I have learned...
             is but a fraction of a fraction of what there is to know.

       I also know... that all the knowledge in the Universe...
               does not bring us any closer to the Big Self We Are.

                   In order to approach this Greatness...
               we have to surrender... what we think we are.

               We have to become the Concept of Humbleness...
     in order to sacrifice the Little we are to the Greatness that Is.

       Which means that we have to lose our Ego or Personal Mind...
                  in order to merge with the Mind of God.

                      The Ego or Personality we are...
            has to dissolve within this Universal Consciousness.
                  Because this is the Mind that lives us.

     This is what all Great Men and Women have done.
                 They became One with the Father or the Power that Is.

               This is the Power that makes flowers bloom...
          and makes all things appear... change... and disappear.

     But yet... my friend...
                the way we are now... or what we are now...
                                              we are God... perfectly.

     For how could I... or how could you...
                   manifest a body like mine or yours...
              if we were not the Universal Power we call God.

                   You see... what God creates... God Is.

                 It is the only way for God to know Itself.
         This God has to become Man... in order to know first hand.

           In every Human Being... God is getting to know Itself.

     So the Creator we are... looks out of our eyes...
                    to see Itself alive as you and I... and everybody.

                   The conditioned common man however...
                       cannot possibly understand...
             the Greatness hidden... in the Cosmic Seed he is.

               And while this common man is... what he is...
       he fights wars...  he quibbles... because he is full of fear.

        Fear of death... fear of being less than another...
               and some of them even fear... their self created God.

            This self created God... is as illusionary and false
                          as the Illusionary Self.

               How sad... my friend...     How utterly sad...
                    Nobody can help them but themselves.

                               - - - - - - -

     What can I say Sir...
             you silence my mind...
                      you make me feel sad as well.

                                              What can I possibly say?

                      Your sadness... is contagious...
                I feel touched by the Feelings you portray.

                                                What can I do to help?

                               - - - - - - -

             Love them my friend... Love them.   Love them All.
                    For all of them are Us... suffering.

                 They are Us... or God in different forms.

        And although... they might spit on you... love them anyway.

     It is the fear within them...
                that despises anything they do not know or understand.
                   They are scared... and their reaction is defense.

     The common man my friend...
          has built a shell of steel around the Illusionary Self.

     He is an armored Ego... he is a macho with shining toys...
                  defending a credit castle with cards of hollow gold.

     He is pretending to be laughing.... but he is crying deep within.
                     He is blind... lead by the Blind.
                               He is insane.
                   He is the Victim of his own Ignorance.

     And then you ask me... do I blame him?

             Certainly not my friend... certainly not.
                           Man is learning... learning until he knows.

                                I only tell you... the way it is.

     Until Man learns... who or what he really is...
            he will be stumbling and falling... again and again.

                 To return and try again... until he knows.

      While Time... is of no importance... for Time is but his Dream.
            Man is Time itself... Man is Eternal... Man is God.
                         Learning to find himself.

                               - - - - - - -

     Sir... will man ever find himself?

             Will Man ever understand what he really is?

       Every time he comes back to earth... he is a different person.

                       How can he possibly remember?

                               - - - - - - -

     Well now... first of all...
                        all human bodies on earth...
            are spacesuits for the human minds that live inside.

               The minds within these spacesuits or forms...
        are the Cosmic Entities who experience life in the Physical.

                      By living in a physical body...
         the mind or entity... gains the benefits of living there.

     The minds or entities living on earth then...
                         are the Souls you have met many times before.

       The Mind or Soul is the one that is reborn... again and again.
            The bodies are but the suits the minds are wearing.

                       So every time you are born...
               you have different conditions to content with.

     Not only is the environment entirely different...
                          also your own body and family are different.

             You encounter conditions and environments then...
      that are entirely new to you... every time you return to earth.

                    By every trip or return to earth...
        another aspect of your Soul or Total Self is in the making.

     And depending upon the religious belief of your family...
       you might even have been told that this is the first time...
                                       you have appeared on the scene.

           Well... all in all... it's like a big Halloween Party.

       And some people never find out that everybody is an old friend.
                             But yet they are.

     Also... few people are appreciated for what they are...
              for almost everybody looks at the halloween suit...
                                      and not at the Maturity of Soul.

     In any case... all of us have been here many times.
             A few of us have been here... almost too many times.
                     These are the so called old Souls.

      The more often you come here... the better your memory becomes.

                         Sooner or later though...
              we will all discover the myth of reincarnation.

          That is what it is my friend... completely illusionary.
                       Life on earth is but a dream.

     A dream of the Personal Self... who seems to be alive...
                 in the Physical Plane of the Universal Consciousness.

     The Personal Self dreams the Physical Dream again and again...
         and this dream is absolutely real... for all dreams are real.

     In these dreams...
               the Personal Self or Conscious Mind... fights...
      the battles of Egotism and gets lost in the Puzzle of the Self.

     Which means... naturally...
               that we suffer feelings of inferiority... and...
      the forever returning feelings of discontentment or uneasiness.

     Anyway.... sometimes I ramble along... and forget your questions.

              You asked me whether man will ever find himself.

         Well my friend... man certainly will... but not en masse.

            Each individual Soul or Selfness will find itself...
                      and by the time you and I do...
     there will be billions upon billions still looking and searching.

                For man is a creature that lives forever...
            upon the many worlds in the Universal Consciousness.

      Man does this because he is God dreaming the Dream of Creation.

                               - - - - - - -

     Sir... you talk and talk...
                and the more you talk... the more I get lost.

         You speak about the Myth of Re-incarnation...
                and yet you tell me that we live many lives.
                                                 You speak in riddles.

                  Don't we live one life after the other?

                               - - - - - - -

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