... Gerardus Says ...
! ... Welcome to our Visitors ... !
... Our visitors are expected within two years Time ...

Warning... not all visitors can be trusted...
There are Controlling Negative Alien Beings around planet earth who are able to create Holographic Inserts. Holographic Inserts are artificially created virtual physical realities that are indistinguishable from our actual physical reality and they blend in perfectly. Therefore, not all visitors can be trusted. Use discernment!  Humanity is very easily deceived.  Not all we experience is the real thing...

? ... Who are the real Visitors ... ?
... and ...
? ... What do they Want ... ?

Who Are The Real Visitors?
The real visitors are the Caretakers, Custodians, Guardians, Teachers and Masters of Humanity. Planet Earth is a Garden and they are the Gardeners. They will come to earth in order to awaken those human souls who are still asleep! Our Caretakers have been with Planet Earth and Humanity from the beginning of Life on Earth. Some of them are the Creator-Engineers of the bodies we live in!  Please remember that we are not the body.  We are Universal Spirit or Souls living in human bodies.  We are Light or God Beings!  So are our visitors...

Life is all about awareness...
Our Visitors are our older Brothers and Sisters. These Brothers and Sisters have reached a higher level of awareness than humans have. Humans are but beginners in the business of awareness. Most humans are fast asleep and many are snoring! That is why they are asking: who are these visitors and what do they want? It is time to awaken for those who ask...

The Creator  - is -  Creation...
The Infinite Light we are expresses itself as Creation! The creation therefore is the multi-dimensional collective total of all universal expressions. Creation is The Ultimate Truth! There is no greater Truth! Creation and/or The Created Are The Truth.  We Are The Truth!  Truth does not come in words...

What Do These Visitors want?
They basically do not want anything!  It is time for all of us to know that they exist. They are here to visit. They are our Human Benefactors or Caretakers. They are also The Crop-Circle-Makers. They have always been with us! The greatest majority of humans do not know this. Most humans are ignorant about their own existence and about what human life is actually all about. The majority believes in the fairy tales of the religions. Most people have no clue as to Who or What they actually are and why they are alive. There are billions of these people...

How long will our visitors stay?
This is not known for sure, but usually visitors stay about 3 to 4 days. If they stay longer they will become old news. It is highly possible however, that some of them might stay longer in order to help humanity further develop Free Energy Devices and other positive developments and inventions. Meanwhile, we will be entering a long period of Peace. All wars will be the activities of the past and they will stop immediately as soon as our visitors arrive...

How many different kind of visitors are there?
There are basically two different kind of visitors. The ones who are our Benefactors and the Negative Aliens who exploit humanity. I do not know what the ratio is. The religions call them - Angels and Devils! There are persistent rumors that there are about 57 different kinds of Aliens that make regular visits to our planet. Some of these Aliens are Humanoids and others are of a completely different species or race. All are GodBeings and the positive ones as well as the negative ones are both expressions of The Infinite Light (TIL)...

Good or Bad
Right or Wrong
Human distinctions or Terms.

! ... The universe could not care less about human distinctions and their Terms ... !

Remember This...
Human Beings are The Infinite Light in human form. Yes... we are The Creator or Infinite Spirit living in human bodies. Our Soul or Spirit never dies. Only the body does. We are not our body! This is what needs to be firmly understood and realized by all human beings. This takes investigation into the "why and how" of our existences.  Life is the very Celebration of the Creator living as the Created! We all are spiritual beings - who for the purpose of experience take on different kinds of bodies. We do this again and again...

We will be joining our Galactic Family again...
No doubt the presence of our Visitors will change Humanity tremendously. Humanity will become a member of the Galactic Family again. Relatively few people know who or what our visitors are. Most human beings have not got a clue! Our visitors are our Spiritual Masters and Teachers and they have come to help us progress toward higher levels of awareness. They have solely come for humanity's benefit!  They are like parents trying to help their children...

How often do these Visitors come?
It is possible that our Visitors come to visit en mass only once every 26,000 years. The time of Ascension or Harvest is at hand. They know each and everyone of us! This naturally means a "Long Time No See" and no doubt all this is going to be an enormous Cosmic Family Celebration for Humanity. All of us are different forms of The Infinite Light in order to create or dream infinite existences into realities/illusion in and beyond Time and Space...

Life is a multi-dimensional affair with Ourselves
- within -
An unlimited amount of alternate universes or Realities.

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Gerardus Everardus Tros