!  Poems by Gerardus  !

File 20 of 25

    To One and All...
    The poems in the following * POEMS20.HTM * file have been arranged
    in the order they have been written.   The depth and nature of the
    poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during
    the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the
    quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable!

    Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do
    was sit still long enough for them to come through.  At the time I
    was totally amazed where they all came from.  Often I thought that
    I had become that good all of a sudden.  This naturally is not so,
    for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul
    I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you
    are, and if so; they really come from you!

    The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course
    in metaphysics just by themselves.  It is possible therefore to go
    through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of
    books.  The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and
    with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them:
           - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours -

     Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my
     poems been realized.  Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and
     growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                         Gerardus Everardus Tros


                           COULD EVER START

         Am I... the Battlefield of Devils?
              Am I... the Sinning-Ground of Evil-Beasts?

                   Am I... the Producer...
                                     of Slime...
                                           for Satan's Feasts?

         Or am I God...
                   in Glorious Power?

         Am I a God...
                   embodied in but Human Flesh.
                        To pure awaken
                             to my Greatness
                        by living Life
                                  in Humanness?

         Yes... I am God...
                   in Soul and Spirit.

                             Yes... I am God
                                       in Mind and Heart.

               To tell the World
                         in Blinded Bondage
                    that God and Man
                              are but ONE Part.

                         And not one Devil
                                   or its Evil
                                        was ever there
                                             could ever start.


                             TO LOVE AND LOVE

          In the Eons and Eons... that I have been
                        I was fat and round... and seldom lean.

          I was dense and dumb... and often green
                    I was tall and short... and sometimes mean.

          I was Man and Wife... with fun and strife
                              I was Brother and Sister...
                                      with a Dame and a Mister.

               And often I was just prissy and pure
                        While many a time I was full of Manure.

               But whatever I was...
                              either Girl or Boy
                        I experienced Life...
                                      with Pain and Joy.

          And now that I have seen
                  the World and the Clean
                                   I work and work
                                         to surmount the Scene.

          To try and try
                   to leave the "I"
              To fly and fly
                        beyond the Sky.

                                 To soar above
                                        the World I love
                                 To soar above
                                              TO LOVE AND LOVE.


                                A LOVER

         Perfection is as simple
                   as a Smile upon your Face.

                                  the Heart that loves you.

                 And knows
                      that all smiles
                           come from the Light you are.

             Shining forth
                      from your Eyes
                                that look upon
                                          your Lover.

                 Trying to be himself.

                           And as Happy...
                                   as the Light...
                                          within your Eyes.

             The Light that reflects...
                                 what you are.

                              A God in Love...
                                        and loving...

                                                   A Lover.


                              YOU ARE GOD

               To find God...
                         is Impossible.

                     For how can you find...
                                    you already are.

          But to BE God... and KNOW it...
                                 there is but one thing to do.

                     Which is...
                             to Awaken
                                  to your own Godness.

          To awaken to your own Godness...
                   is but a matter of Time and Living.

               And Living...
                    is doing what you feel like.

               Doing what you feel like...
                                    is going...
                           with the Flow of the Universe.

                                          Which is you anyway.

          And to live and do
                 what you don't feel like...
                               is going against your own Flow.

                   Which retards and delays...
                               your own Enlightenment.
                   Which is...
                        the Knowing of the Fact
                                          YOU ARE GOD.


                            LET ALONE YOU

         Since the Universe is in perfect Balance
                                           at all times
                                     it is impossible for you
                                      to do something wrong.

               For if you could do wrong
                    the Universe would do wrong.
                                   And that is Impossible.

             Whatever you do...
                    you do exactly what you should do.

                              For if you didn't...
                                   the Universe is wacky.
                                            And that ain't so.

         The point is... that it is perfectly normal
                       to make mistakes while you're learning.

                 For that's the reason
                          why you live here.
                                 As part of the Universe...
                                               as part of God.

         However... in and by itself...
                       whatever you do sometimes
                                          might be wrong.

                 But to think that you do wrong...
                                            is Nonsense.

             Whatever you do
                     you do it Right.
                             The Universe is never Wrong.

                                                Let alone You.


                            LIKE JESUS DID

          Since you have been told
                          again and again
                                that you are a Sinner
                                         you think you are one.

          And in order to be forgiven
                you go and ask the ones who told you.
                        On top of all this
                                 you go... and sin again.

                And every time...
                       you feel sorry for yourself
                                             and never improve.

          In the long run...
                you get used to being a Sinner.
                            And even might go to Hell...
                                              Wherever that is.

          Religions... my dear Lover...
                          are The Anti-Christ.

                                    Religions condition People.

               Religions make People believe or think
                                   that they are Sinners.

               And that is about as Negative...
                                          as you can get.

          Please KNOW...
               that you are a Learning Entity or Soul
                                   living in a Human Body
                              to experience the Plane of Earth.

               You are here to experience...
                             your own Creation...
                                    as part of Creation.

          The Purpose is...
               to awaken to your own Christhood...
                                                like Jesus did.


                        TO COME YET ONCE MY WAY

          Dark Eyed...
                 in Glowing Beauty...
                                 of Youth...
                                       and smiling Face...
                 I come and see...
                         and silently wonder...
                                  I see the Miracle of Space.

          For Women...
                in all their Splendor
                      I watch and stand in Awe.

                      To slowly wander homeward...
                                           not knowing...
                                                  what I saw.

          While in my Mind
                     I question
               my age and silent pain...
                              for all my Smiles
                                           and Glances
                                      are absolutely in vain.

               For through the years...
                                   of living
                            I grew but old and grey.

               To sit and wait
                            for Miracles
                                     to come yet once my way.


                         THE SHOW OF NONSENSE

         When I have lived this Life
                 and know that the Answer I am...
                                     is still within me
                               I'll die in peace... and smiling.

         For the next time I'll be with you
              I'll know that some Book... some Teacher...
                                  or some Lover... will tell me
                        that the Answer is still there.
                            Slightly less covered...
                                  and more open...
                                       to the God I am.

         I will see again then
                 the utter uselessness of Ego
                                   and the World of Man.

                         I'll continue on my Path Within Myself
                                    and deeper still.

                 To find the Secret of my Living.
                                  To lose the self I think I am.

         For by every Life...
                and by every Experience
                           I will be enriched...
                                     with Insight and Grace
                                  of the God I am
                                             discovering itself.

         By Living Life
                 among Man and his World.

                           The  'merry-go-round' of Egos.
                                            The Stage of Selves.

                                    The Show of Nonsense.


                           TO BE IN FEELING

          When a Poet... poets...
                 he touches the Vastness of his Being.
                                 The Vastness of his God within.
                      He dwells then...
                           within the Heart of Heaven.

                 The Heart that is beyond Time...
                                           beyond Space.
                      And reveals the Sacredness of the God
                                               he does not know.

          This is the Sphere...
                       to the ordinary man...
                                       hidden within the masses.

               Yet... the Poet's Dimension
                       is not even known to the Poet.
                              Who neither is himself...
                                              nor his Greatness.

          And what the Poet writes...
                    is the Universe in Words...
                                   that few but read
                              and fewer yet do understand.
                                         That's why he is alone.

               Alone with his Greatness...
                    the Vibration of the Heart of God.
                       The heart he feels... and is
                               writes about...
                                     but never can explain ever.

               The Heart that is God's Alone.
                                Yet Free to All...
                                         to be in Feeling.


                          BUT FOR THE LISTENING

         I sing out into the Universe...
                             the Language of the Spheres.
                Many have done so in the Past...
                     many do now... and many will in the Future.

         The Language of these Songs
                          is not bound by Time and Space.
                  But is of the Here and Now.
                        And yet it is the same as it always was.

               It is just... that I sing now...
                                           My Song
                                    with Words and Melody
                                 according to the Tune I am.

                     Like others did...
                            at their Time of Singing.

         And also... my Song is nothing new.
               For many have chanted the same Lyrics.

                             But so few...
                                 so very few...
                                       have understood
                              the Poetry that passed their Ears.

         That's why again and again...
                          the Singers ring out the same old Cry.

              In the Hope
                   that the Heart of Man
                             is finally in Rhythm
                         with the Music of the Spheres
                                      and the Heart of God.

              The Heart of God... the Heart of Life...
                          that always beats...
                                     but for the Listening.


                            LIKE YOU AND I

         As much as each Letter
                        belongs to each Word
              and as much as each Word
                        belongs to each Poem
                                   to make it a Song...
                        so do You and I
                             belong to the Universe
                                      to make it a Celebration.

              A Celebration of Eternal Duration.
                             With Laughter and Tears.

              Like a Play...
                    with Plays within Plays.
                                    Written by Wisdom
                                             and played by Man.

                    In which all Mankind
                             is but one Action.
                                        And Poetry Alive.

              With lilting Laughter...
                       and Tears that are Real.
              With Lines...
                       of neither Rhyme... nor Reason.

                               With Words that belong...
                                                like You and I.


                         BEING US... BEING GOD

         God is like Air... God is like Wind...
             God is like a Summer Breeze...
                          God is like a Storm... and Lightning.

         God is like Anything...
             and at the same time... God is Everything.
                                           God is All There Is.

         God is YOU... God is ME... GOD is Man.
                       And YOU... and ME... and Man... are God.

                God is Consciousness.
                     YOU are Consciousness.
                          Consciousness is All There Is.

         Consciousness creates.
                Consciousness created... something...
                               that is equal to Consciousness.

                         Man calls it Matter.

         Matter is trapped Consciousness.
              Matter is Consciousness of a slower Vibration.
                    When Matter awakens to itself
                        it recognizes that it is Consciousness.

         Consciousness is Energy...
              that is aware of itself... as itself...
                                      and knows it's Potential.

         In order for Consciousness in the Form of Matter
              to become free Consciousness again
                   it lives within the Planes of Matter...
                              it lives within its own Creation.

              It lives within YOU.
                   It lives within ME.
                        It lives within Man.

                                     Being US... being God.


                          YOU WERE ONCE MINE

           So Confident and Super-Fast...
                        that's how I know you...
                                       from the Past.

               For in the Times
                         that have gone by
                               we were great Lovers
                                             just You and I.

               With Movements Sweet
                              and light as Air
                         we were a Laughing...
                                        Loving Pair.

                     And lived our Life
                             with Light Divine
                                  our Hearts held high
                                         our Souls in shine.

           And now...
              that we find again
                        our Souls in Flesh...
                   I'm just too old...
                             and you're still fresh.

                        But live on...
                                  my Child Divine...
                             and please forget...
                                         You were once Mine.


                       WHAT BLINDNESS I STILL AM

         I've heard the Wind raging at Night
                        and the Sea hammering the rocky Shore.

         I've felt the Rain soaking me to the Bone
                and the Cold of Winter freezing me to shivers.

                     And in the Heat of Summer...
               the Lightning of the Storms do blind me.

         What is ALL this... I see and feel?
               What is this Power... Man calls Nature?

                   For ALL I see... and ALL I feel
                            happens in the Consciousness I am.

         Or could it be... that the Consciousness...
                              I think I am... really is God's?

               Or that I...
                    - being a Witness -
                                  am aware of it...
                                  I am the same Consciousness?

         Could it be...
                   that what I witness
                             is the Power of my Godness
                                           and do not know it?

                   Could it be...
                          that THAT Greatness
                                     is present within me
                                 to witness its own Greatness?

         What Greatness I must be...
                   What Greatness I do witness...
                                    What Blindness I still am.


                           OR SIMPLY... GOD.

           Because of all my Journeys
                    in which I lived and struggled
                                      I finally found my Path.

               Not that my Path
                    is Clear and Self-revealing
                                            far from it.
                                          But it is a Path.

                    A Path
                         which I know
                                 will lead me
                                        to The Light.

               To The Light
                    I am from and will return.
                                  Because I am the Same.

               The same Light
                         that is in all Others.
                                       Known or Unknown.

           What I will meet upon my Path...
                                 I do not know.

                      whatever it is...
                             I will surmount it.

                                           For I am The Light.

           The Light of Consciousness.
               The Light of the Infinite Soul...
                                   called... The Buddhi
                                             The Christ
                                             or simply... GOD.


                         THE WRITING IS BUT ME

         I do no Miracles...
                     I just write... and write.

               And also...
                     I do not even shine.
                                    I just live and live.

                     And while I'm living...
                                    I notice...
                                         I experience...
                                                  And I feel.

               I feel...
                     that what I do...
                                 is The Miracle.

                     For how could I...
                                  do anything
                          if it was not
                                  for The Miracle I am.

                                       Being Me...

         And to You...
                to You who read my Writing
                                         I say
                                   please forgive me
                              forgive me
                                 for the Writing I do
                                     and the Mistakes I make.

         For what I hear and feel is Perfect...
                   but put in Words... the Writing is but me.


                              A CLUE FOR YOU

         To write a Poem... I would not dare
                             for I am a Spook... and very rare.
         Yet I can think... and feel... and cry...
                          and sometimes write... but often lie.

         For Truth my Friend... I have not found
                         for me it seemed... just too profound.
         But I know now... without a Doubt
                             that where You are... it is about.

         Just look around... with open Eye
                         and search for Truth in Earth and Sky.
         For while You're there... You're bound to find
                         the Truth I missed... and left behind.

             And while I sleep and dream of Earth
                       I wait and wait... for newest Birth.
             For the time before... I missed by far
                             by playing... but an Ego-Star.

         Thinking that this Body-Me...
                              was all there ever just could be.
         While in Reality my Friend...
                            I am pure God... from Start to End.

         And when I come to Earth again...
                   for Truth I'll look... right there and then.
         For right now... I'm too darn spooky...
                       because on Earth... I just played hooky.

             But the next time... I am in Flesh
                            I must correct this sorry mess.
             And just in case...
                          this Poem is True...
                          let it then be... a clue for you.


                               CANNOT STEER

         I am the Garment of my Soul
                   to be discarded of my Role
                             within the Twinkling of an Eye
                        when IT ascends to Higher Sky.

         Thus I...
               as Earth and Garment-Tool
                      am nothing but a bloody Fool.

               For I still think...
                             and feel...
                                    and cry...
                                        that I am I...
                                                that I am I.

              if it wasn't...
                   for my Pain and Vain...
                           my Soul would never...
                                          Gain or Reign.

              That's why...
                   I try and try
                          to let my I-ness die and die.

                   For as long as I
                          dwell still right here
                                     my Soul as Pilot
                                               cannot steer.


                   EAT FROM THE TREE... CALLED LOVE

         A Buddhist will never be... A Buddha.
                    And a Christian will never be... A Christ.

              Yet many strive to become
                                - that what they must -
                           by following some kind of religion.

              Nobody will ever make it by following.
                      For a Buddha or a Christ...
                                  is an Initiator and a Rebel.

         To develop the guts...
              to become an Initiator or a Rebel
                             takes the Confidence of a God
                           and the Individuality of a Creator.

              And none of these Characteristics
                                   are developed by following.

                   The only way to become ONE...
                                      is to be Yourself.

         To be yourself...
              is to live in the Moment of Nowness
                                          as a New Person
                                       in a World that is old.

              So be like an Adam or Eve
                         and eat from All Trees
                                    to your Satisfaction.

               But most of All...
                        Eat from the Tree... called Love.


                       BY DYING TO OUR SELFNESS

         The Movements of the Body...
               and the Thoughts of the Mind...
                         are only temporary Commotions.

                                            And useless to Man.

               They are like Nonsense...
                                to a Book...
                                     that contains it.

                                        Not even worth a Laugh.

         For the Movements of the Body
                       and the Thoughts of the Mind
               are but 'outer' phenomena
                                of the Consciousness
                                             that creates them.

         To find this Consciousness
               we have to go deeper than Movements
                                      deeper than Thoughts.
                                  Beyond all 'outer' phenomena.

               There where we cannot reach
                          is the Consciousness... We Are.

               Hidden beyond the 'outer'...
                     producing what we experience
                            in Movements and in Thoughts.

               Hidden beyond the 'outer'
                          is the Consciousness
                                       of the God We Are.

                  And we can only find...
                           by Dying to our Selfness.


                           AND MISS HIS WILL

         Slumbering within
                   Man and Soul
              sleeps the God
                        to grow One Whole
                   from the Burden
                              that Man but is
                        to fashion Glory and pure Bliss.

         While Bodies... Forms...
                   and a thousand Faces
              are lost in Time
                        by a Thousand Races.

                   While Lands and Seas
                             change Place and Sky
                        While Life and Death
                                       just pass on by.

               And not one Child
                         - how far on out -
                                   this Growing God
                                           will leave in Doubt.

               For not one man...
                         - how lonesome still -
                                      is left alone...
                                             and miss His Will.


                                MY WAY

          Nobody but God
                   looks out of my Eyes.
              Nobody but God
                        thinks my Thoughts.
                   Nobody but God
                                loves my Lovers.

          Thus the 'I'...
              I feel I am
                    is an Illusion
                          that stands in my way...
                               of being God the Looker
                                        God the Thinker
                                              God the Lover.

          But since God
              is busy being 'All That Is'...
                             I took the Liberty...
                                          to write all this.

              For as far as I know
                    if I would leave it up to God
                            nothing ever would get done.

              I realize...
                   that I really cannot do anything.

                                    For God does it ALL.

                                                     MY WAY.


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