!  Poems by Gerardus  !

File 21 of 25


    To One and All...
    The poems in the following * POEMS21.HTM * file have been arranged
    in the order they have been written.   The depth and nature of the
    poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during
    the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the
    quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable!

    Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do
    was sit still long enough for them to come through.  At the time I
    was totally amazed where they all came from.  Often I thought that
    I had become that good all of a sudden.  This naturally is not so,
    for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul
    I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you
    are, and if so; they really come from you!

    The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course
    in metaphysics just by themselves.  It is possible therefore to go
    through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of
    books.  The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and
    with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them:
           - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours -

     Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my
     poems been realized.  Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and
     growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                         Gerardus Everardus Tros


                            WHAT DO YOU THINK?

               is God's wildest Dream.

                          The Flowers... the Loveliest.

                                  And the Animals...
                                            the most Fantastic.

                The Plants and the Trees
                     are the most Beautiful Dream.

                          And the Earth... the Sky...
                               and the Clouds...
                                    form the Scenery...
                                        for the Actions of Man.
                               Playing in the Grass.

         All in all...
              God's Dream...
                     is like a Disney Land come true.

               And Man...
                      because of his Superior Awareness
                           is the only Creature
                                able to appreciate it
                                                for what it is.
                                     Realness in Splendor.

         Somehow however...
                Man thinks that God's Dream is wrong
                          and ruins it by trying to correct it.

         Now... either God's Dream is right
                                    and Man is wrong...
                                                 or visa versa.

                          What Do You Think?


                              SINCE EVER

         At first...
              when I was only a Rock... all I did was 'rocking'.
         Later I became a Plant...
                     and all I did was 'planting'.

                     Then I became a Flower...
                                  and all I did was 'flowering'.
                     Eventually... I became an Ant...
                                     and all I did was 'anting'.

              And later somehow...
                         I was a Dog
                              and a Horse
                                  and a Whale.
                          And then I became a Dolphin.

         And at that time...
              I did a lot of 'doggone-horsing-around'
                       and had a 'whale' of a time 'dolphining'.

         Finally I became Man...
                 and all I did was 'manning'... and 'womanning'.

            Right now I am a Human Being... and think a lot.

            Sometimes I think so much...
                             that I want to be a Rock again.

         But lately...
                 I forget all about thinking.
                                For my Intuition is 'intuiting'.

         And my Intuition tells me...
                        that sooner or later... I will be a God.

                 And I also know...
                       that I was God all along.

                                            Since Ever.


                        FOR I AM... ALL OF THEM

             What's your name?
                         I have no name... I am nameless.

             Where do you live?
                          I live allover... and no-place.

             Where were you born?
                        I was never born... I always was.

             What is your age?
                           I have no age... I am ageless.

             What is your religion?
                     I have no religion... I am religion.

             Are you biased in any way?
                        No... I am indifferently neutral.

             Do you dwell in space?
                          No... not really... I am space.

             Do you keep track of time?
                              Certainly not... I am time.

             Do many people know you?
                 Very few know me but many think they do.

             Do you love anyone in particular?
                     I only love myself... for I am love.

                  Did anyone create you?
                            No... I enable creation.

             What do most people call you?
                            I listen to all names
                      and therefore I am nameless or God.

        If you are 'space'... 'time'... 'love'... and 'God'...
                                          what do you really do?

            I am Life.    And I am alive in All Universes.

            The Physical Universe you live in...
                                 is one of my Playgrounds.

                I play 'hide and seek'.
                          And sometimes I am 'people'.

                    Most people however...
                                   do not know me.

                    But I know All of them.
                          For I Am... All of Them.


                             FOR I AM ALL

           I study God...
                   I study Life...
                             I study Me...
                         I find no difference...
                                      between the Three.

                   So I am IT...
                          and Be... and Be.

                       So I am Love...
                                 that sets Me Free.

           For in this Universe
                        that I create
                                 I am the Small
                                        I am the Great.

           And neither in my Time or Space
                      nor in my Blessed Spirit Race
                                     - is there a Soul -
                              either Great or Small
                                              that is not Me.

                             For I am All.


                            WE KNEW SO WELL

              like a 'Sphere of Goodness'...
                           she makes my Glance a Silent Stare.

              And I but dream to never leave...
                                  and keep on looking...
                            into these Eyes I see right there.

         And I but wish...
              in my dreamy thinking...
                               I but wish...
                         with Thoughts that dwell...
                     within the Space I call my Being...
                           within the Space... I call my Hell.

         For how can I love... this Soul so tender
                         how can I love... this Soul so swell?

         So many Lives have past in ages...
                       as many Eons went on by...
                  and still I love
                       these Eyes so softly...
                              and still I love...
                              these Eyes that tell...
                       of Simple Love in Pure Surrender...
                              of Love and Living...
                                              we knew so well.


                              YOU'LL DO WELL

         To realize... that there is only God...
                                       makes me shiver.

               For that means...
                       that You and I are nothing...
                                              nothing but God.

               For anything more than God...
                                 does not exist.
                                           That is impossible.

               So... whatever You and I are...
                         You and I are... what we are.

         To realize this...
              to realize this to the fullest
                    is the only thing to be done.
                                      By You... by Me...
                                                 by Everybody.

         This Task... this tremendous Task...
                              is... what makes me shiver.

               Yet... there is nothing to it.
                                     For God is doing it.

         While You and I... and Everybody...
                        are but the 'shivering-means'...
                                     through which it is done.

                                             By God.
                                      For God does it all.

         To not worry about it...
              or to not even be concerned about it...
                                             that is Our Task.

                 Laugh about it... and You'll do well.


                             FOR I AM YOU

         I am the Tree
                I am the Grass

                                 I am the Kettle
                                           I am the Fire

                   I am the Cricket
                             I am the Wood

                                           I am the Stars
                                                   I am the Sky

               I am the Heart
                      I am the Soul

                                     I am the Sun
                                            I am the Moon

         I am your Father
                I am your Mother

                             I am the Flower
                                       I am the Thorn

               I am Time
                    I am Space
                         I am Eternity
                              I am Infinity

         I am the God that IS...
                        I am The ALL.

                               I am the One who's reading this.

                                        For I am You.


                            BECAUSE OF YOU

         Before You were... I was.
               But I did not know it.

               And now that You are...
                              I have come to know.

                    But many of You...
                              do not recognize Me.

                              Although I am ALL of You.

         Before I became You...
                   there was Nobody to sense Me.

                             But now that I am You so Splendidly
                                      I know who I am.

         Before You were... I was.
                   But I did not know it.

                   And now that You have become Me...
                                     it is You who recognizes Me.

              For I am the Flower within You...
                                          opening up
                                     to the Fragrance I am.

         I am the Sky...
                   reflecting within...
                                  the Dewdrop I am.

               I am the Wondering within You...
                           to marvel at the Sight...
                                of my Greatness within Smallness.

         I am the Sky in the Dewdrop...
              I am the Birds You see... in Me.

                         I am the One who wonders...
                                       and knows who I am...
                                                  because of You.



         Man is a Godseed.

                     Sown upon the Earth...
                                    by the Sower.

               And as a Spirit in Flesh
                              the Soul of Man
                                   grows and evolves
                                       in the Worlds of Matter.

               And by repeat and repeat
                         in the Forms of Flesh
                                   his Godness eventually
                               will take Flight...
                                           Above and Beyond it.

         To soar within the 'Universe of Consciousness'
                    and sprinkle Godseeds...
                             of his own Imagination
                                    within the Worlds of Birth.

               But before...
                    the Soul of Man will know
                                 that it is the Sower...
                          it will suffer the Pain of Ignorance.

               As it was...
                      As it is...
                              And as it will be.



                           YOU ARE THE ALL

         Imagine... that You are Space.
            Imagine... that You are unlimited infinite Space.

                  Everything that is happening then...
                                    and all that exists...
                                       is happening within You.

         You are then...
                   'All' that is happening...
                                    and 'All' that exists.

         But for You... now...
            to see what is happening from one Viewpoint
                         You have slipped into but one Body.

                                            That Body is Yours.

            You are 'All' then...
                       and look out from this one Body.
                                           And what do You see?

                 You see 'All' that is You...
                                   from Your Viewpoint.

         Since You however...
              have 'slipped' into this one Body...
                                      You can 'slip' out of it.

               The Trouble however is...
                    that your Attention is focussed
                           upon and from the Point that is You.

         To unfocus your Attention... and be 'All' again
                                   is but a matter of learning.

              And that is what You are doing...
                                      being here on Earth.

              For You Are... Space.
                        You are the Universe.
                                      You are the ' ALL'.


                            WE ARE THIS ONE

         I am a Son...
               of the only Father.

               While the Mother in Me...
                              makes Me his Daughter.

                   So All that is in Me...
                              is of the Father...
                                        and the Mother.

                               Making Me... a Wholesome Child.

               A Child of the Universe...
                       searching for who I really am.

         But since I am...
                   I will find who I am.

                   For the Time...
                           that is given Me...
                                      is Life Eternal.

                                                 So I am Life.

                   The Life...
                        that is equal to the Father
                                            and to the Mother.

          For both the Father and the Mother...
                                are 'THE ONE' of the Universe.

                    THE ONE of the Universe...
                                        Nobody knows.

                                Yet All of US know...
                                              We are this One.


                                YOU ARE

         All things...
              have their good side...
                             and their bad side.

                                             But not You.

                    For you have only round sides.

                    Neither good...
                          and neither bad.
                                      But Perfect.

         And although...
              I really do not know...
                      all your Curves and Angles...
                                           I know your Inside.

              Which is Smoothness...
                               and Love.

                   And whatever you are...
                                    on the Outside...
                                         I do not really care.

         For the Radiance you are
                          from Within
                               - shines through -
                      from the Heart of God...
                                           You Are.


                        KNOWING ONE IS SILENCE

         The World is Noise...
                        and I am Silence.
               Noise however does not disturb me...
                                        for I never listen.

                        And since I do not listen...
                                              I do not hear it.

         This is done...
                   by knowing that Noise and Silence...
                                        are part of each other.

                        For the one...
                             cannot be without the other.

               So Noise is my Partner...
                                   for I am Silence.

                        To mix the two...
                                   is Confusion.
                                          It creates Denseness.

         Denseness is... being affected by Noise
                               not knowing that one is Silence.

              As long as one does not know this...
                                    one is part of Noise.

         To be part of Noise... is not obvious.
                                For it disturbs the Inner Mind.

              The Inner Mind will be restless...
                       until it finds the Silence it is.

                    This is done by being Silent.

                                   Knowing One is Silence.


                             IN WHAT I AM

         In the Morning...
                 I look towards the Sun...
                            and stretch my Arms up high.
                 Then I stand on my tippy-toes
                       and the God that lives without
                              greets me and comes within.
                 And the God that lives within...
                                             greets its Equal.

         Both Gods then unite...
                     within the Reality of my Being.
                                     And I am their Communion.

         And then I know...
                 that 'all' that is without
                     and 'all' that is within
                          in actuality takes place
                                within the Consciousness I am.

                 The Consciousness I am
                            The Gate of the Universe
                                             slightly ajar
                                         for I am still Human.

         But being Human means...
                      being unlimited.

                 For the Gods...
                      that live within and without...
                                            are alive
                                                 in what I am.


                               IN PEACE

           To assist any ONE...
                      - whoever it is -
                                that ONE is YOU.

                   to help someone...
                              don't make them stumble.

                   And to heal someone...
                                 don't make them hurt.

                   And to make someone Whole...
                                don't tear them apart.

           In order for any ONE to grow...
                                and thus for YOU...
                        we need Time and Space...
                                         to ourselves...
                                                    in Peace.


                            A HELL FOR MAN

         The Earth...
               is a Toy for Spirits.

               And when they come to play
                             they take on Bodies...
                                          like yours and mine.

               But as soon as they arrive
                             they are being taught...
                                    what Man thinks about Man.

                     Which is...
                          that the World
                               is a Place for Egos...
                                               for Work...
                                            and for Suffering.

         For Man thinks...
              that the Earth is a Place...
                               of Man against Man.

              Playing... he knows as War.
                         And Fun... he knows as being deluded.

         And only after many and many attempts...
                                in taking on Bodies...
                      all Spirits become aware...
                          of the Greatness of Man in Godness.

               While the Ignorance of Man...
                    and the Inability of Man...
                         to recognize themselves...
                         changes the Toy for Spirits...
                                               a Hell for Man.


                            THE FALL OF MAN

         The Atom... and the Universe... as they exist...
                       exist by the relationships of their parts.
         Each part of the Universe exists...
               because of its relationships with each other part.

               Relationships are...
                     the 'Dynamic Actions of Cosmic Energy'.
               Cosmic Energy is the 'inter-relation'...
                       of each part... with each other part.

         Each part... is ...
                 the relationships it has with every other part.

                           Each part then...
                  does not exist in and by itself...
             but only exists because of its relationships.

         In case... a part... or Human Being... thinks it exists
                           in and by itself...
                  this Human Being measures unto itself
                      an independent State of Being
            separate from the Actions of the Universe as a Whole.

         This means that...
              as long as you exist... or try to exist...
                      as an individual or Ego...
                         you are 'out of tune' with the Universe.

              This is what we experience...
                        by living as an Individual or Ego.

         For our State of Being or State of Mind separates us
                      from our True Relationship with all things.

         This means that we are out of Harmony...
              with the Reality or Truth of the Universal Oneness.

          We experience this State in our existence
               as 'individuality'... being THAT Individual.
                                        It is... The Fall of Man.


                            SENSE OF BEING

         In and by itself...
                   or in complete isolation...
                             not one thing can be defined.

               In and by itself...
                           - any thing -
                                    is nothing.

               We can only define things...
                       by the relationships they have...
                                              with other things.

         This is also true for People.

               People are only People
                   because of the relationships they have
                                with other People and/or things.

         People only exist then...
                        because of their 'relationships'.
               The only things existing then...
                          are 'relationships' of a certain kind.

         Since Time and Space...
                       are but aspects of our Conscious Mind
                                 - relationships -
                    do not really exist in either Time or Space.

                      are a mental or spiritual phenomena.

         The more relationships we have with other People
             as well as with other things
                   and the more Beautiful they are
                          the more Beautiful our Existence
                                              or Sense of Being.


                    YOU ARE GOD ASLEEP... DREAMING

         Life is a Play.
               The Play of God.
                           Played by Man.
                                    Man is Insane.

               Life is...
                    Nonsense and Meaningless.
                           Until you discover this...
                                         you are still asleep.

               The more you are asleep...
                           the more you think
                                      that Life is Purposeful.

               Life's only Purpose is...
                                - to awaken -
                           to what Life really is.

         Life is a Miracle.   Yet... it is Nonsense.
                           Life is the Miracle of God at Play.

                 Man is the Miracle and the Player.
                           Man is Insane.

         Man's Insanity is caused by Ignorance and Fear.
                         Man is ignorant of what he really is.

                  Man fears... because he exists.

                                           Man IS God.
                                     Man's Plays are Nonsense.

         All this Nonsense however...
              is unnecessary but unavoidable...
                                       in order to awaken.

               Life... or rather each Lifetime...
                                          is a Dream.
                                      You are the Dreamer.
                                   You are God asleep...


                         BORN OUT OF NONSENSE

         The older I grow in Soulness...
                    the more and more People I understand

                            And the less People understand me.

              when there is only one Person left...
                                      who understands me...
                             that Person will be ME.

         It will be sufficient...
                   and exactly as it should be.

               For then I will live and be...
                                the Universe of Understanding.

                         And of a Greatness...
                                   that includes...
                                             the World of Man.

               To understand...
                         the World of Man...
                         is 'being' the World of Man.

                            I will not be 'of' it.

               At that Point of Understanding...
                                      I will know...
                                 the World for what it is.
                                                Pure Nonsense.

               Then I will embrace...
                             the Love I am...
                             within the World of Nonsense
                             that brings forth
                                         born out of Nonsense.


                            THE OPPORTUNITY

         The Body...
              is the Mask of the Soul.

                   The Soul talks in it...
                        the Soul cries in it...
                             the Soul has sex in it.

         Most Souls have become so used to the Body
                             that they think they are the Body.

                   The Soul is a Fool...
                               until it wakes up.

               Just before the Soul wakes up...
                                    the Body it lives in...
                                is torn to pieces by Confusion.

         By and through this Confusion...
              the Body sees itself as the Mask and Skin...
                                  containing a God in Learning.

              From there on in...
                         the Days of Darkness...
                                       Lives of Light.

                     And Time is welcomed...
                               as the Opportunity.


                         IT WILL JUST HANG OUT

         Every Human Being suffers from inferiority.
              Inferiority is a State of Mind...
                        that compels you to make sure...
                                  your ass in not hanging out.

         Children however are above inferiority.
              But as soon as they become self-conscious...
                            the feeling of inferiority starts.

         To get rid of inferiority...
              you have to become a Child again.

              For Adults to become a Child again...
                         can only be done...
                                 by becoming Enlightened.

              To become Enlightened means...
                  attaining the State of Christ-Consciousness.

             Another Method is to become just plain drunk.

             To become just plain drunk...
                                   is what most People do.

             Drunk with Wine... drunk with Beer.
                 Drunk with Drugs... drunk with Work.
                                   Or drunk with Ambition.

         All these however are but temporary measures.
                                              And Substitutes.

             The feeling of inferiority...
                         is enhanced by all Substitutes.
                   And the more they are used...
                                  the more your ass hangs out.

         Oh yes... Respectability also is a Substitute.
                                     It's very subtle however.
                                           And covered up.

         But after all... ass  is  ass.
                     Sooner or later... it will just hang out.


                           TO SAVE YOUR FACE

           Knowledge does not come in Measurements.
                                    It only comes in Quality.

              It is not how much you know.
                                    But 'what' you know.

           The most important thing to know is...
                                     'who' or 'what' you are.

                        You are not your Name.
                        You are not your Face.
                        You are not your Body.

                      The Soul You Are...
                                 is the Real You.

                  Your Soul is...
                            God in the Form that's You.

                      You are God then...
                                        Your Way.

                          You are God...
                                 with a Personal Slant.

                  To get rid of this 'slant'...
                            is your Task on this Earth.
                  It's the Reason...
                               for being where you are.

                  Your Soul... Your God...
                                       is the Real You.

           Is there any realness of the Real You...
                                             shining through?

                   Or do you still live...
                                  to save your Face?


                          WITHIN THEIR HEART

         God was born...

              Yes indeed...
                   God was born unconsciously...
                                   in his own Creation.

         Time and time again...
                   God had to return again and again...
                         in order to recognize...
                                        and realize...
                                             that this was so.

         And when God finally...
               was absolutely sure...
                             he wrote this Poem...
                                         to tell his Brothers.

               Very few but listened...
                             and many thought...
                                       that God was crazy.

               But lately...
                    a few of them...
                        have recognized and realized...
                             that indeed...
                                  they were told...
                                                The Truth.

               For they have heard...
                         the Echo of God's Voice...
                                       within their Heart.


                          AND WHY DO I CHOOSE

         And then I tell my Friends...
                          You fell in Love?
                                        So what?
                                            Who cares?

        Fall out of it... for Love is but a State of Mind.
                      It's pure Illusion...
                                      think yourself out of it.

               Yes... that's what I tell them.
                                Think yourself out of it.

         And then you know... it's my turn.
                            My turn to fall in Love... and how.

               What agonizing suffering.
                            Day and Night...
                                 She's on my Mind...
                                          never leaving.

         It's not even a State of Mind...
                        it's a State of Being... Being in Love.

                Beautiful?   ...Yes...
                                      But what suffering.

                  Some State of Mind.
                                      A Mind in Terror.

                  A Mind suffering the Lack of Godness.

                    A Mind suffering itself.

                       It's Hell...
                                 Hell by Choice.

                          And why do I choose?


                             AND I KNOW IT

              I am Man.
                    I am Man and know...
                         that Man is a lost God.

              I am a Man...
                    and a lost God...
                         who is not really lost...
                                     but just not awakened.

              And when I awaken...
                    to the Eternal Light...
                             the Christ Within...
                                 I will have awakened...
                                         to the Light I am.

              My Body is the Temple...
                    of the Living God Within.
                                   The Christ Within.

               I am what I am.
                         A God in Hiding.
                                   Greatness beyond Limits.

                            And I know it.


   (Not recorded on tape.)

                               AS GOD ALIVE

       When You land on Earth... You are given a Doll.
           Sometimes You get a Barby... and sometimes a Ken.

                  Very seldom do You get a Doll that is in between.

                         To raise this Doll is your Project.

                    The Doll You get has certain Characteristics.

      These Characteristics depend on...
                the nature of the Channels your Doll comes through.

                           Your Doll has Free Will.

       Raising this Doll is such a fascinating Task...
                  that all your Attention is needed to do it right.

       After a while... You forget who You are...
                                 and You think... You are the Doll.

       Like many Dolls... your Doll is engaged
                             in the World of Dolls... and likes it.

       Your Doll grows up and becomes a Doll of the World.
                                          It becomes 'one' with it.

       Most of your Doll's time is spent...
                    making Money... dressing up...
                                  and looking at other Dolls.

             Sometimes it plays with Computer Toys...
                                and other fascinating things.

       In the mean time your Doll becomes
                    completely 'conditioned' by the World of Dolls.

       In order to make Money to live...
               your Doll is put to work and pretends to be a Slave.

               While at work... your Doll meets other Dolls
                    who also pretend to be but Slaves.

             Pretty soon all Dolls think to be Slaves indeed.

       All Slaves complain about their System of Slavery
                  and start to compare their System of Slavery
                     with the System of Slavery in other Countries.

       They come to the Conclusion...
                     that their System of Slavery is better...
               and they start to push their System...
                                    upon Slaves in other Countries.

       They do this...
          by means of the most diplomatic Slaves they can muster
                  and back them up with gadgets and gismos...
                                               of an atomic nature.

       Pretty soon all Slaves the World over...
          completely forget about the 'Doll-Raising-Project'...
                                          and evern scorn the Idea.

              They would rather fight other Slaves...
                                 than raise their own Doll.

       These Fights are very serious and most Slaves are killed.
              All Slaves however do not care one bit...
                              for all Slaves are but Slaves anyway.

       All they really wanted to prove is...
              that their System of Slavery was better...
                                and that it produces better Slaves.

       During these Battles all Toys are destroyed...
            and all pleasurable things become 'hot' with radiation.

       They could not care less however...
            for their 'conditioning' is perfect for it is based
                        upon their belief in God...
                                                  Who told them so.


           Are You a Slave...?   Are You a Doll...?
                   Or are You a Living Soul... as God Alive...?


                       THE GREATNESS OF YOUR BEING

           The Greatest Human Being on Earth...
                                            is YOU.

               As a matter of fact...
                    YOU are the Greatest Human Being...
                                           in the Universe.

               And all YOU have to do...
                         is come to the REALIZATION  of it.

               For to realize...
                         what YOU are...
                                   can only be done...
                                                    by YOU.

               Nobody else...
                    in whatever Plane of Being...
                         can REALIZE...
                             what YOU are all about.

           The Greatness of Your Being...
                                  is in hiding...
                             behind the Realization...
                                      of how Great YOU Are.

               YOU are the only God...
                             to realize YOUR Greatness.

           The Realization of Your Greatness...
                 determines... The Greatness of Your Being.


                              GOD AT WORK

                   is God at Work.

               When You are imagining...
                         You are the only One...
                                 knowing what God does.

          Your Imagination...
                   is God at work...
                             through You.

                   You however...
                             are the One working.
                                             Being God.

          To learn to use your Imagination...
                             is to learn to become God...
                                               more and more.

               Use it often...
                         for Practice makes Perfect.

          The Force that enables You...
                              to imagine...
                                     is the Force called God.

          The Force...
               in and by itself...
                          is the Miracle...
                                    that lets You...
                                             be what You are.

                                        God at Work.


                           BY GOD'S EMBRACE

            Another Face...
                      another Place...
                               another Race...
                      for me to learn...
                               that I am God...
                                       that I am Grace.

            And every time...
                      I come around...
                 I look aghast...
                           I look astound.

                      For every time...
                           I come through Birth...
                                I enter by...
                                     the Door called Earth.

            To finally...
                 by my Path and Pace...
                             become a Christ...
                                      through Love-Embrace.

                 To say at last...
                          I am no Face...
                                I am no Place...
                                          I am no Race.

                  For I am Time...
                              for I am Space...
                          for I am Love...
                                      by God's Embrace.


                         TO FIND THE TRUTH WE ARE

           I am a Space-Being.
                      And I appear in the Skin of Man.
                 Sometimes I am Male...
                            and sometimes I am Female.

           I have been on Earth many times.
                      Yet... every time I come here...
                                      the Place is different.

                      Things keep changing around...
                                 yet all things are the same.

           Man still fights his Brothers...
                                because he fears them.

                  He still believes in Saviours.
                              Churches are abundant...
                                     but Peace I cannot find.

           My Brother Space-Beings...
                            that they are but Man.

                  They fear their Gods...
                          and pray to be delivered...
                                                   from Evil.

           I love them all.
                      But few of them know...
                              that they are like me.

                              A Guest of the Universe...
                                    to find the Truth we are.


                       THE POWER BEHIND THOUGHT

       The Free... Undetermined... and Unpredictable...
          Nature of the Universe and the Vital Essence of Life
                 the Freedom for ALL Possibilities to be possible.

       This Freedom is inherent in the Manifestation
                       of the Physical Universe and its Realities.

                  Without it the Physical Universe...
                              would be a 'rigid' framework...
                                          and impossible to exist.

       The Possibility then...
              of ALL things to be possible...
                   means... that NOTHING is Impossible.

                   The Physical Universe...
                             is a Manifestation of...
                                    the Universe of Consciousness.

      The Universe of Consciousness...
                  is the Universe of Mind or Thought.

                                        ALL Thoughts are possible.

       Therefore then...
                   whatever can be thought of...
                        can be manifested...
                                     in the Physical Universe.

                                   Or any other Place or No-Place.

                    For THOUGHT...
                              creates ALL Realities.

                    God is...
                           The Power Behind Thought.


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